Name | Bock, Irene |
First date flourished | 1980 |
Last date flourished | 1989 |
Remarks | [author note: Orchidaceae] [collector note: HAL; Dr.-Hoefling-Weg 2, D-34311 Naumburg 1] |
ASA Botanist ID | 107482 botanist |
GUID | |
Variant name | Irene Bock |
Author name | I. Bock |
B & P Author Abbrev. | I. Bock |
Standard/Label Name | I. Bock |
Full Name | Bock, Irene |
Geography Author | Germany |
Geography Collector | Germany |
Specialty Author | Spermatophytes |
Specialty Collector | Phanerogams |
Citation as Author | Die Orchidee 43: 216. 1992 |
Citation as Author | Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew |
Citation as Collector | Beih. Orchidee (Hamburg) 3: 6. 1996. |
Member of teams/groups | |
Collector Teams: | I. Bock & K.-H. Bock |