Title | American Naturalist; a Popular Illustrated Magazine of Natural History. Boston, MA |
Abbreviation | Amer. Naturalist |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1867+ |
BPH | 83.30 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 107 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Thelypodium neglectum M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1883, 17: 875Capsella bursa-pastoris f. arachnoidea Hus [Isotype] 1914, 48: 196, 225
Lepidium integrifolium var. heterophyllum S. Watson [Type] 1875, 9: 268
Stanleya tomentosa Parry [Type] 1874, 8: 212
Draba ventosa A. Gray [Holotype] 1874, 8: 212
Convolvulus longipes S. Watson [Type] 1873, 7: 302
Cuscuta denticulata Engelmann [Isotype] 1875, 9: 348
Rhynchospora capillacea var. laeviseta E. J. Hill ex A. Gray [Holotype] 1876, 10: 370
Shepherdia rotundifolia Parry [Type] 1875, 9: 350
Kalmia latifolia var. coronata A. Gray [Type] 1868, 2: 324
Euphorbia parryi Engelmann [Isotype] 1875, 9: 350
Psoralea mephitica S. Watson [Holotype] 1878, 12: 601
Psoralea castorea S. Watson [Isotype] 1878, 12: 601
Dalea amoena S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 300
Petalostemon flavescens S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 299
Peteria thompsoniae S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 300
Astragalus ampullarius S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 300
Astragalus grayi Parry ex S. Watson [Holotype] 1874, 8: 212
Garrya flavescens S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 301
Garrya flavescens S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 301
Notholaena parryi D. C. Eaton [Type] 1875, 9: 351
Notholaena parryi D. C. Eaton [Type] 1875, 9: 351
Notholaena parryi D. C. Eaton [Isotype] 1875, 9: 351
Notholaena parryi D. C. Eaton [Type] 1875, 9: 351
Androstephium breviflorum S. Watson [Type] 1873, 7: 303
Acnida australis A. Gray [Syntype] 1876, 10: 489
Acnida australis A. Gray [Lectotype] 1876, 10: 489
Peucedanum newberryi S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 301
Peucedanum newberryi S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 301
Cymopterus purpureus S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 300
Cymopterus purpureus S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 300
Angelica wheeleri S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 301
Astephanus utahensis Engelmann [Isotype] 1875, 9: 349
Asclepias leucophylla Engelmann [Isotype] 1875, 9: 348
Brickellia longifolia S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 301
Brickellia longifolia S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 301
Brickellia longifolia S. Watson [NotType] 1873, 7: 301
Brickellia longifolia S. Watson [Lectotype] 1873, 7: 301
Aster parryi A. Gray [Holotype] 1874, 8: 212
Aster parryi A. Gray [Holotype] 1874, 8: 212
Viguiera reticulata S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 301
Platyschkuhria integrifolia A. Gray [Holotype] 1874, 8: 213
Haplopappus cervinus S. Watson [Lectotype] 1873, 7: 301
Arnica foliosa var. incana A. Gray [Holotype] 1874, 8: 213
Arnica parryi A. Gray [Holotype] 1874, 8: 213
Iva nevadensis M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1883, 17: 973
Chaetadelpha wheeleri A. Gray ex S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 301
Laphamia megalocephala S. Watson [Isotype] 1873, 7: 301
Townsendia condensata D. C. Eaton [Isotype] 1874, 8: 213
Townsendia parryi D. C. Eaton [Type] 1874, 8: 212
Townsendia parryi D. C. Eaton [Type] 1874, 8: 212
Abronia villosa S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 302
Oxybaphus glaber S. Watson [Isolectotype] 1873, 7: 301
Fraxinus coriacea S. Watson [Lectotype] 1873, 7: 302
Fraxinus coriacea S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 302
Oenothera johnsoni Parry [Holotype] 1875, 9: 270
Oenothera parryi S. Watson [Isotype] 1875, 9: 19, 270
Oenothera parryi S. Watson [Isotype] 1875, 9: 19, 270
Oenothera multijuga S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 300
Oenothera brevipes var. parviflora S. Watson [Type] 1875, 9: 271
Pedicularis parryi var. purpurea Parry [Lectotype] 1874, 8: 214
Phelypaea lutea Parry [Holotype] 1874, 8: 214
Gilia debilis S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 302
Polygala subspinosa S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 199
Polygala subspinosa S. Watson [Lectotype] 1873, 7: 199
Polygonum torreyi S. Watson [Type] 1873, 7: 664
Polygonum imbricatum Nuttall ex S. Watson [Type] 1873, 7: 665
Eriogonum thompsoniae S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 302
Aquilegia jonesii Parry [Type] 1874, 8: 211
Salix nevadensis S. Watson [Lectotype] 1873, 7: 302
Salix nevadensis S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 302
Ribes wolfii Rothrock [Lectotype] 1874, 8: 358(-359)
Ribes wolfii Rothrock [Isosyntype] 1874, 8: 358(-359)
Orthocarpus parryi A. Gray [Holotype] 1874, 8: 214
Cordylanthus parryi S. Watson ex Parry [Isotype] 1875, 9: 346
Cordylanthus parryi S. Watson ex Parry [Holotype] 1875, 9: 346
Vitis aestivalis var. canescens Engelmann [Holotype] 1869, 2: 321
Whipplea utahensis S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 300
Isoetes bolanderi var. parryi Engelmann [Isotype] 1874, 8: 214
Erythronium propullans A. Gray [Type] 1871, 5: 300
Erythronium propullans A. Gray [Type] 1871, 5: 300
Calochortus aureus S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 303
Calochortus flexuosus S. Watson [Syntype] 1873, 7: 303
Schoenolirion elliottii A. Gray [Syntype] 1876, 10: 427
Petalonyx nitidus S. Watson [Holotype] 1873, 7: 300
Mentzelia tricuspis A. Gray [Type] 1875, 9: 271
Sidalcea calycosa M. E. Jones [Isotype] 1883, 17: 875
Ribes lobbii A. Gray [Syntype] 1876, 10: 274
Ribes lobbii A. Gray [Syntype] 1876, 10: 274
Peniophora globifera Ellis & Everhart [Type] 1897, 31: 340
Poria subviolacea Ellis & Everhart [Type] 1897, 31: 339
Polyporus subluteus Ellis & Everhart [Type] 1897, 31: 339
Aecidium sclerothecioides Ellis & Everhart [Type] 1897, 31: 428
Cercospora asclepiadis Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 810
Cercospora cercidicola Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 810
Cercospora cercidicola Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 810
Cercospora cercidicola Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 810
Cercospora euonymi Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 810
Cercospora euonymi Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 810
Cercospora euonymi Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 810
Gilia latifolia S. Watson [Holotype] 1875, 9: 347
Gilia latifolia S. Watson [Holotype] 1875, 9: 347
Cercospora canescens Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 1003
Cercospora canescens Ellis [Type] 1882, 16: 1003
Cercospora flagellaris Ellis & G. Martin [Type] 1882, 16: 1003
Campanula rotundifolia var. canescens E. J. Hill [Isotype] 1878, 12: 818
Campanula rotundifolia var. canescens E. J. Hill [Isotype] 1878, 12: 818