Title | Anales de la Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana. Revista científica |
Abbreviation | Anales Acad. Ci. Med. Habana |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+ 1864+ |
Place of publication | Habana |
Publisher | Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales de la Habana |
URL | http://fig.lib.harvard.edu/fig/?bib=002010898 |
BPH | 90.20 |
TL2 | 10.371 |
HOLLIS | 002010898 |
Remarks | vols. 5-8 (published in 1868-1873) = Flora Cubana, by Sauvalle |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 212 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Tecoma hypoleuca C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 318Tillandsia lescaillei C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 53
Tillandsia lescaillei C. Wright [Type] 1871, 8: 53
Tillandsia haplostachya C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 73
Tillandsia dissitiflora C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 54
Burmannia flavula C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 51
Cereus nudiflorus Engelmann [Isotype] 1869, 6: 98
Cereus nudiflorus Engelmann [Type] 1869, 6: 98
Myginda pungens C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 294
Cleome macrorhiza C. Wright [Lectotype] 1868, 5: 199
Rheedia elliptica C. Wright [Type] 1868, 8: 152
Marila dissitiflora C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 237
Scleria foliosa C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 154
Scleria debilis C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 154
Scleria debilis C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 154
Scleria lacustris C. Wright [Isolectotype] 1871, 8: 152
Scirpus dictyospermus C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 79
Scirpus corymbifer C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 80
Scirpus anisochaetus C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 78
Rhynchospora brachychaeta C. Wright [Lectotype] 1871, 8: 85
Rhynchospora brachychaeta C. Wright [Isolectotype] 1871, 8: 85
Fuirena schizophylla C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 82
Dioscorea scorpioides C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 74
Andromeda lacustris C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, 6: 250
Croton bispinosus C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, 7: 152
Leucocroton revolutus C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 154
Phyllanthus minimus C. Wright [Type] 1870, 7: 108
Phyllanthus squamatus C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, 7: 109
Phyllanthus aquaticus C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, 7: 110
Lonchocarpus blainii C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 338
Phaseolus trichocarpus C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 337
Pictetia marginata Sauvalle [Isotype] 1873, 10: 97
Aeschynomene evenia C. Wright [Isotype] 1868, 5: 334
Pentaraphia duchartraeoides C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 316
Pentaraphia ferruginea C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 317
Echinodorus ovalis C. Wright [Isolectotype] 1871, 7: 564
Gastrococos armentalis Morales [Isotype] 1865,
Gastrococos armentalis Morales [Isotype] 1865,
Metastelma fusculum C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 105
Elephantopus pratensis C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 177
Mikania reticulosa C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 180
Proustia vanillosma C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 212
Calycogonium ellipticum C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 72
Calycogonium microphyllum C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 72
Sagraea macrandra C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 435
Tetrazygia ancistrophora C. Wright [Syntype] 1868, 5: 465
Miconia chlorophylla C. Wright [Syntype] 1868, 5: 464
Miconia praecox C. Wright [NotType] 1868, 5: 436
Ossaea neurotricha C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 435
Ossaea trichopetala C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 434
Pleroma squamatum C. Wright [Syntype] 1869, 6: 73
Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright [Lectotype] 1869, 5: 405
Ficus membranacea C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 514
Myrtus elliptica C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 410
Eugenia retivenia C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 433
Eugenia retinadenia C. Wright [Type] 1869, 5: 432
Eugenia camarioca C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 431
Eugenia scaphephylla C. Wright [Type] 1869, 5: 430
Eugenia vitis-idaea C. Wright [Type] 1869, 5: 431
Psidium nitidum C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 433
Calyptranthes enneantha C. Wright [Type] 1869, 5: 429
Calyptranthes gracilipes C. Wright [Type] 1869, 5: 428
Schoepfia obovata C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 289
Xyris conocephala C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 610
Piper mananthum C. Wright [TypeMaterial] 1870, 7: 460
Piper mananthum C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, 7: 460
Piper mananthum C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 460
Rottboellia filifolia C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 209
Panicum amphistemon C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 207
Panicum mayarense C. Wright [Lectotype] 1871, 8: 206
Panicum mayarense C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 206
Perotis cubana C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 288
Paspalum hemicryptum C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 204
Paspalum caudicatum C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 205
Paspalum clavuliferum C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 203
Paspalum rottboellioides C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 204
Bouteloua porphyrantha C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 201
Bouteloua porphyrantha C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 201
Bouteloua porphyrantha C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 201
Marathrum cubanum C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 561
Coccoloba costata C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 343
Coccoloba costata C. Wright [Lectotype] 1870, 7: 343
Quiina ternatiflora C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 204
Rubus durus C. Wright [Syntype] 1868, 5: 408
Catesbaea macracantha C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 99
Spermacoce pygmaea C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 150
Spermacoce rubricaulis C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 149
Rondeletia camarioca C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 102
Rondeletia pedicellaris C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 102, 121
Rondeletia avenia C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 121
Margaritopsis acuifolia C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 147
Guettarda zygophlebia C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 124
Guettarda echinodendron C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 125
Guettarda echinodendron C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 125
Guettarda holocarpa C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 123
Mitracarpus laeteviridis C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 175
Randia ciliolata C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 100
Serjania atrolineata C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 292
Serjania atrolineata C. Wright [Type] 1868, 5: 292
Thouinia rotundata C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 293
Bumelia tortuosa C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 6: 288
Micranthemum tetrandrum C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, 7: 41
Micranthemum ciliolatum C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 41
Bonnaya alterniflora C. Wright [Type] 1870, 7: 40
Turnera hirsutisssima C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 55
Turnera hirsutisssima C. Wright [Isotype] 1869, 6: 55
Pilea lurida C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 513
Myriophyllum sparsiflorum C. Wright [Syntype] 1868, 5: 409
Genlisea luteo-viridis C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 314
Dendrophthora amoebandra C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 345
Dendrophthora amoebandra C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 345
Dendrophthora arcuata C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 346
Dendrophthora arcuata C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 346
Stigmaphyllon faustinum C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 244
Stigmaphyllon faustinum C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 244
Stigmaphyllon rhombifolium C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 244
Stigmaphyllon rhombifolium C. Wright [Isotype] 1868, 5: 244
Stigmaphyllon rhombifolium C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 244
Stigmaphyllon rhombifolium C. Wright [Isotype] 1868, 5: 244
Hibiscus neglectus C. Wright [Isotype] 1868, 5: 240
Pavonia hispida C. Wright [Lectotype] 1868, 5: 239
Croton spinosus C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, vii. 151
Croton spinosus C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, vii. 151
Croton spinosus C. Wright [Isotype] 1870, vii. 151
Pectis pratensis C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 6: 210
Pectis pratensis C. Wright [Type] 1870, 6: 210
Jatropha peltata C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 155
Tecoma dubia C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 6: 319
Tecoma sanguinea C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 6: 320
Cordia intricata C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 48
Commelina hamipila C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 608
Sauvallea blainii C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 608
Callisia meiandra C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 610
Spironema robbinsii C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 609
Ipomoea punctata C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 44
Ipomoea praecox C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 46
Cyperus productus C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 77
Scirpus camptotrichus C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 78
Scirpus chirigota C. H. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 81
Scirpus pachystylus C. Wright [NotType] 1871, 82: 79
Scirpus pachystylus C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 82: 79
Rhynchospora racemosa C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 86
Rhynchospora racemosa C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 86
Rhynchospora tenuiseta C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 83
Rhynchospora leptorhyncha C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 84
Rhynchospora oxycephala C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 152
Rhynchospora oxycephala C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 152
Rhynchospora podosperma C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 87
Rhynchospora lamprosperma C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 87
Fuirena camptotricha C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 82
Eriocaulon echinospermum C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 716
Eriocaulon trichosepalum C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 715
Eriocaulon sigmoideum C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 48
Paepalanthus alsinoides C. Wright [Isolectotype] 1871, 8: 49
Paepalanthus alsinoides C. Wright [Isolectotype] 1871, 8: 49
Paepalanthus retusus C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 50
Phyllanthus echinospermus C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 108
Phyllanthus procerus C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 149
Corynella immarginata C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 5: 333
Erythrina cubensis C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 5: 336
Ruellia simplex C. Wright [Type] 1870, 6: 321
Ruellia simplex C. Wright [Type] 1870, 6: 321
Mollugo enneandra C. Wright [Syntype] 1868, 5: 202
Hydrocotyle pygmaea C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 97
Tabernaemontana apoda C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 102
Philodendron scaberulum C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 565
Mikania crispiflora C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 179
Chaptalia obovata C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 6: 212
Eupatorium grandiceps C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 178
Vernonia stictophylla C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 176
Calliandra prehensilis C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 5: 406
Pisonia monotaxadenia C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 199
Pisonia monotaxadenia C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 199
Pisonia monotaxadenia C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 199
Pisonia monotaxadenia C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 199
Pisonia monotaxadenia C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 199
Pisonia monotaxadenia C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 199
Xyris rhombipetala C. Wright [Lectotype] 1871, 7: 611
Xyris rhombipetala C. Wright [Isolectotype] 1871, 7: 611
Stemodia ageratifolia C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 38
Salvia speirematoides C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 53
Utricularia simplex C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 6: 315
Utricularia sclerocarpa C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 6: 315
Spigelia ambigua C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 7: 102
Spigelia sphagnicola C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 176
Ammannia longipes C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 75
Tetrapterys aequalis C. Wright [Holotype] 1868, 5: 286
Melochia manducata C. Wright [Isolectotype] 1868, 5: 241
Calycogonium productum C. Wright [Type] 1869, 6: 71
Acisanthera adscendens C. Wright [Holotype] 1869, 6: 74
Scolosanthus crucifer C. Wright [Syntype] 1869, 6: 126
Stenostomum pauciflorum C. Wright [Syntype] 1869, 6: 125
Sideroxylon confertum C. Wright [Holotype] 1870, 6: 251
Coccoloba rufescens C. Wright [Lectotype] 1870, 7: 343
Coccoloba rufescens C. Wright [Lectotype] 1870, 7: 343
Coccoloba rufescens C. Wright [Lectotype] 1870, 7: 343
Coccoloba rufescens C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 343
Coccoloba rufescens C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 343
Coccoloba rufescens C. Wright [Syntype] 1870, 7: 343
Eriocaulon sphaerospermum C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 7: 716
Cyperus corticatus C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 75
Rhynchospora gracillima C. Wright [Syntype (non Thwaites, 1864)] 1871, 8: 85
Rhynchospora gracillima C. Wright [Syntype (non Thwaites, 1864)] 1871, 8: 85
Rhynchospora intermixta C. Wright [Type] 1871, 8: 87
Rhynchospora intermixta C. Wright [NotType] 1871, 8: 87
Scleria elata C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 153
Scleria luzuliformis C. Wright [Holotype] 1871, 8: 156
Scleria porphyrorhiza C. Wright [Syntype] 1871, 8: 155
Chloris brevigluma C. Wright [Lectotype] 1871, 8: 200
Paspalum leucocheilum C. Wright [Type] 1871, 8: 203
Scirpus submersus C. Wright [Isotype] 15 Jul 1871, 8: 79 (-80)
Scirpus submersus C. Wright [Isotype] 15 Jul 1871, 8: 79 (-80)