Title | Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Edinburgh |
Abbreviation | Edinburgh New Philos. J. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-57, 1826-1854; ser. 2, vols. 1-9, 1855-1859 |
BPH | 354.37 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 7 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Macromeria longiflorum Sessé & Moçiño ex D. Don [Holotype] 1932, 13: 239Elephantopus martii Graham [Isotype] 1830, 378
Millingtonia dilleniifolia Wallich ex Wight & Arnott [Isotype] 1833, 15: 179
Lobelia kraussii Graham [Isotype] 1830, 8: 379
Malesherbia humilis D. Don [Isotype] 1831, 12: 111
Malesherbia humilis D. Don [Type] 1831, 12: 111
Malesherbia coronata D. Don [Isotype] 1831, 112