Title | Catologue of the Plants Collected in the Years 1871, 1872 and 1873, with Descriptions of New Species |
Abbreviation | Cat. Pl. [Wheeler] |
Authors | J. T. Rothrock: S. Watson |
Publication Dates | Jul-Dec 1874 |
Place of publication | Washington, DC |
Publisher | G. P. O. |
URL | http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:1463792 |
HOLLIS | 003506066 |
TL2 | 9.657 |
Remarks | At head of title: Engineer Department, U.S. Army. Description: 62 p.; Notes: "First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler , Corps of Engineers, in charge." "I have the honor to forward herewith reports made ... by Mr. Sereno Watson, and Dr. J. T. Rothrock"--Letter of transmittal, p. [3]. "Botanical Report" (pp. 9-19) by S. Watson. "Prelimnary Report on the Botany of Central Colorado" (pp. 23-62, errata) by J. T. Rothrock [Coniferae (p. 50) by J. Hoopes; Carices (pp. 52-54) by S. T. Olney; Gramineae (pp. 54-57) by G. Vasey; Musci (pp. 58-62) by T. P. James] |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 3 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Menodora scabra var. glabrescens A. Gray ex S. Watson [Lectotype] 1874, 15. [Jul-Dec 1874]Festuca thurberi Vasey [Isotype] 1874, 56
Poa wheeleri Vasey [Isotype] 1874, 55