Title | Plantæ Heermannianæ. Descriptions of new plants, collected in south California by A. L. Heermann; with remarks on other plants heretofore described and belonging to the same collection. Philadelphia |
Abbreviation | Pl. Heermann. |
Authors | E. M. Durand: T. C. Hilgard |
Publication Dates | Nov 1854 |
TL2 | 32.034 |
Remarks | preprinted from: Journal of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, n.s., 3: 37-46. May 1855; A. Gray received a reprint with a letter dt. Dec 4, 1854, from Durand; according to TL2 Supplement, this is a reprint. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 5 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Linosyris ceruminosa Durand & Hilgard [Type] 1854, 40Linosyris teretifolius Durand & Hilgard [Isotype] 1854, 41
Mimulus exilis Durand & Hilgard [Isotype] 1854, 43
Sambucus velutina Durand & Hilgard [Type] 1854, 39
Hosackia heermannii Durand & Hilgard [Type] 1854, 39