Title | Vega-Expeditionens Vetenskapliga Iakttagelser bearbetade af deltagare i resan och andra forskare ... |
Abbreviation | Vega-Exped. Vetensk. Iakttag. |
Authors | A. E. Nordenskiöld |
Publication Dates | vols. 1-5, 1882-87 |
Place of publication | Stockholm |
Publisher | F. & G. Beijers förlag |
HOLLIS | 005283668 |
Remarks | Description: illus., plates (part fold., part double, part col.) fold. maps, fold. tables, diagrs. (part fold., part double, part col.). Nordenskiöld was the leader of the Vega-Expedition (1878-80). Plants were mostly collected by: Sven Berggren (1837-1917), Frans Reinhold Kjellmann (1846-1907). |