Remarks | fascicles 1-16, 1882-1897; 1: 1-48. Jan-Mar 1882; 2: 49-56, 1-18. Jan-May 1883; 3: 57-72. 1884; 4: 73-88. Jun 1885; 5: 89-104. Jun-Aug 1886; 6: 105-120. 1887; 7: 121-136. 1888; 8: 137-155. 1889; 9: 156-176. 1890; 10: 177-196. Apr 1891; list of species: 197-228. 1891?; 11: 229-262. 1892; 12: 263-297. 1893; 13: 298-335. 1894; 14: 336-363. 1895; 15: 364-383. 1896; 16: 384-400. 1897.Contains the schedae for the series of exsiccata Flora selecta. Fasc. 1 is a lithographic reproduction of a manuscript text; the other fasc. are printed. |