Title | Phytoneuron. Digital Publications in Plant Biology |
Abbreviation | Phytoneuron |
Publication Dates | 2010+ ( Issued irregularly) |
Place of publication | Fort Worth, Texas |
Publisher | Guy L. Nesom |
URL | http://www.phytoneuron.net |
ISSN | 2153-733X |
HOLLIS | 012504043 |
Remarks | "A venue for digital publication of miscellaneous reports on taxonomy, floristics, and geographical distribution of vascular plants." Articles are published online but hard copies are lodged with 10 libraries to fulfil terms of ICBN with regard to publication of new botanical names. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 42 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Linum allredii R. B. Sivinski & M. O. Howard [Isotype] 28 Jun 2011, 2011-33: 1 (-7; figs. 1-3)Hexastylis sorriei Gaddy [Type] [14 Sep 2011], 2011-47: 2 (1-5; figs.)
Crataegus oreophila Lance [Isotype] 2013, 2013-98: 3
Crataegus oreophila Lance [Isotype] 2013, 2013-98: 3
Omphalodes australis G. L. Nesom [Holotype] 2013, 64: 19
Diplacus deschutesensis G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 2013, 2013-65: 8
Erythranthe charlstonensis G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 2012, 2012-40: 80
Erythranthe charlstonensis G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 2012, 2012-40: 80
Hechtia pueblensis Burt-Utley, Utley & García-Mendoza [Isotype] 2011, 2011-59: 9
Hechtia pueblensis Burt-Utley, Utley & García-Mendoza [Isotype] 2011, 2011-59: 9
Hechtia michoacana Burt-Utley, Utley & García-Mendoza [Isotype] 2011, 2011-59: 5
Hechtia michoacana Burt-Utley, Utley & García-Mendoza [Isotype] 2011, 2011-59: 5
Hechtia isthmusiana Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 10
Hechtia isthmusiana Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 10
Hechtia isthmusiana Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 10
Sidalcea hickmanii subsp. petraea S. R. Hill & Halse [Isotype] 2014, 2014-113: 2
Begonia motozintlensis Burt-Utley & Utley [Isotype] 2014, 2014-5: 1
Begonia tlapensis Burt-Utley & Utley [Isotype] 2014, 2014-6: 4
Hechtia complanata Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 6
Hechtia complanata Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 6
Hechtia complanata Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 6
Hechtia complanata Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 6
Hechtia ixtlanensis Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 1
Hechtia ixtlanensis Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 1
Hechtia ixtlanensis Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 1
Hechtia ixtlanensis Burt-Utley [Isotype] 2012, 2012-69: 1
Hechtia oaxacana Burt-Utley, Utley & García-Mendoza [Isotype] 2011, 2011-59: 7
Hechtia oaxacana Burt-Utley, Utley & García-Mendoza [Isotype] 2011, 2011-59: 7
Couepia osaensis Aguilar & D. Santam. [Isotype] 1 July 2014, 2014-64: 2
Castilleja ambigua var. meadii J. M. Egger & Ruygt [Isotype] 2012, 2012–68: 2
Castilleja kerryana J. M. Egger [Isotype] 2013, 2013–21: 2
Castilleja collegiorum J. M. Egger & Malaby [Isotype] 2015, 2015-33: 1
Hirtella crusa Aguilar & D. Santamaria [Isotype] 2017, 2017-74: 2
Monarda austroappalachiana Floden [Isotype] 2015, 2015-28: 2
Orobanche robbinsii Heckard ex Colwell & Yatskievych [Isotype] 17 Aug 2016, 2016-58: 2-10
Omphalodes alienoides G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 2013, 2013-64: 10
Erythranthe montioides (A. Gray) N. S. Fraga [Lectotype] 2012, 2012-39: 35
Erythranthe suksdorfii (A. Gray) N. S. Fraga [Lectotype] 2012, 2012-39: 35
Chorizanthe minutiflora Rand. Morgan, Styer & Reveal [Isotype] 2014, 2014-63: 1
Trifolium hickeyi T. K. Ahlq. & Vincent [Isotype] 2020, 2020-19: 1
Lobelia batsonii A. B. Pittman & B. A. Sorrie [Isotype] 2020, 2020-79: 1
Hypserion minor G. L. Nesom [Isotype] 2024, 2024-37: 14
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 13 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Juglans californica S. Watson [Lectotype] 2012, 2012-7: 4Convallaria majuscula Greene [Neotype] 2012, 2012–17: 3
Apiastrum angustifolium Torrey & A. Gray [Isolectotype] 2012, 2012-89: 3
Solidago salicina Elliot [Neotype] 2012, 55: 1–6
Verbena neomexicana Small [Neotype] 2010, 35: 15
Verbena neomexicana Small [Isoneotype] 2010, 35: 15
Juglans microcarpa Berlandier [Isolectotype] 2012, 2012-7: 6
Juglans nana Engelmann [Isolectotype] 2012, 2102-7: 6
Juglans nana Engelmann [Isolectotype] 2012, 2012-7: 6
Cyclanthera naudiniana Cogniaux [Isolectotype (step 2)] 2014, 2014-11: 9
Mimulus bakeri Gandoger [Isolectotype] 2012, 2012-40: 62
Linanthus parviflorus var. croceus Milliken [Isolectotype] 2016, 2016-21: 1-2
Philadelphus texensis S. Y. Hu [Lectotype] 2016, 2016-8: 5