Title | New Names in Grevillea (Proteaceae) |
Abbreviation | New Names Grevillea |
Variant title: | Grevillea (Proteaceae) |
Authors | D. J. McGillivray |
Publication Dates | 1986 |
Place of publication | Castle Hill, N.S.W. |
Publisher | By the author |
ISBN | 0731628977, 9780731628971 |
Remarks | Description: 16 p. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 4 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Grevillea linsmithii McGillivray [Isotype] 1986, 8Grevillea didymobotrya subsp. involuta McGillivray [Isolectotype] 1986, 4
Grevillea didymobotrya subsp. involuta McGillivray [Isolectotype] 1986, 4
Grevillea barklyana subsp. macleayana McGillivray [Isotype] 1986, 2