Title | Flora of Ecuador. Goteborg, Stockholm |
Abbreviation | Fl. Ecuador |
Authors | G. W. Harling: B. L. Andersson |
Publication Dates | Vol. 1+, 1973+ |
ISBN | 8788702685 |
ISSN | 0347-8742 |
Remarks | Editors: Harling, Gunnar Wilhelm & Andersson, Bengt Lennart. Published by Department of Systematic Botany, University of Goteborg and the Section for Botany, Riksmuseum, Stockholm |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 80 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Cyathea heliophila R. M. Tryon [Holotype] 1986, 47: 23Cyathea heliophila R. M. Tryon [Holotype] 1986, 47: 23
Cyathea assurgens R. M. Tryon [Type] 1986, 27: 43
Macleania maldonadensis Luteyn [Isotype] 1996, 54: 133
Gentianella polyantha J. S. Pringle [Isotype] 1995, 53(159A): 64
Chionanthus apertus B. Ståhl [Isotype] 1991, 43: 55
Chionanthus wurdackii B. Ståhl [Type] 1991, 43: 53
Monophyllorchis maculata Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 43
Ligeophila jamesonii Garay [Type] 1978, 9: 274.
Erythrodes sprucei Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 284
Erythrodes sparreorum Garay [Type] 1978, 9: 283.
Erythrodes callophylloides Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 279.
Erythrodes ecuadorensis Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 279
Myrosmodes cochleare Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 169
Myrosmodes cochleare Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 169
Elleanthus vernicosus Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 105
Elleanthus vernicosus Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 105
Elleanthus vernicosus Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 105
Elleanthus phorcophyllus Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 94
Elleanthus bifarius Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 69
Elleanthus bifarius Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 69
Elleanthus vitellinus Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 108
Elleanthus blatteus Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 71
Elleanthus lateralis Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 86
Elleanthus amethystinoides Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 61
Elleanthus amethystinoides Garay [NotType] 1978, 9: 61
Elleanthus zamorensis Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 109
Elleanthus rhizomatosus Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 95
Elleanthus auriculatus Garay [Type] 1978, 9: 68
Ponthieva pseudoracemosa Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 221
Ponthieva pseudoracemosa Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 221
Ponthieva pseudoracemosa Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 221
Ponthieva pseudoracemosa Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 221
Ponthieva crinita Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 214
Ponthieva crinita Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 214
Ponthieva crinita Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 214
Ponthieva curvilabia Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 216
Ponthieva curvilabia Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 216
Baskervilla auriculata Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 208
Baskervilla pastasae Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 210
Aa hartwegii Garay [PhotoOfType] 1978, 9: 161
Aa hartwegii Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 161
Buchtienia ecuadorensis Garay [Type] 1978, 9: 234
Sobralia persimilis Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 127
Sobralia persimilis Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 127
Sobralia persimilis Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 127
Sobralia pulcherrima Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 128
Psilochilus mollis Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 47
Psilochilus mollis Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 47
Altensteinia citrina Garay [Holotype] 1979, 9: 155
Altensteinia citrina Garay [TypeMaterial] 1979, 9: 155
Kreodanthus ecuadorensis Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 288
Kreodanthus ecuadorensis Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 288
Kreodanthus crispifolius Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 288
Kreodanthus crispifolius Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 288
Kreodanthus crispifolius Garay [Isotype] 1978, 9: 288
Kreodanthus crispifolius Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 288
Gomphichis crassilabia Garay [Type] 1978, 9: 147
Cranichis pulvinifera Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 204
Cranichis werffii Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 207
Cranichis werffii Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 207
Cranichis callifera Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 191
Cranichis sparrei Garay [Type] 1978, 9: 206
Beadlea elliptica Garay [Type] 1978, 9: 266
Habenaria sceptrophora Garay [Holotype] 1978, 9: 38
Monnina pichinchensis B. Eriksen [Isotype] 2000, 65: 70
Cinchona capuli L. Andersson [Holotype] 1994, 50
Cinchona capuli L. Andersson [Isotype] 1994, 50
Stilpnophyllum oellgaardii L. Andersson [Isotype] 1994, 50: 78
Faramea verticillata C. M. Taylor [Isotype] 1999, 62 (162:3): 313
Psittacanthus barlowii Kuijt [Isotype] 1986, 24: 185
Huperzia espinosana B. Øllgaard [Holotype] 1988, 33: 47
Huperzia talpiphila B. Øllgaard [Holotype] 1988, 33: 44, f. 9A
Sobralia pardalina Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 126.
Epistephium lobulosum Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 56.
Selenipedium aequinoctiale Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 13
Symplocos fuliginosa B. Ståhl [Isotype] 1991, 43: 9
Symplocos subandina B. Ståhl [Isotype] 1991, 43: 11, f. 4
Huperzia llanganatensis B. Ollgaard [Isotype] 1988, 33: 35
Phragmipedium ecuadorense Garay [TypeMaterial] 1978, 9: 15
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 13 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Macleania farinosa Mansfeld [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1996,Weinmannia lamprophylla Diels [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1999, 61: 62
Myristica cuspidata Bentham [Isolectotype] 2004, 72: 71
Virola calophylla Warburg [Isolectotype ((step 2))] 2004, 72: 63
Sertifera parviflora Schlechter [Neotype (Neotype designation)] 1979, 9: 136
Virola elongata var. subcordata Warburg [Isolectotype ((step 2))] 2004, 72: 73
Juncus brevifolius var. quitensis Buchenau [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1980, SER. B, 11: 40
Cinchona rufinervis Weddell [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1994, 50: 55
Elleanthus brenesii Schlechter [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1978, 9: 109
Cranichis polyantha Schlechter [Lectotype] 1978, 9:203
Cranichis nigrescens Schlechter [Lectotype] 1978, 192
Cranichis picta H. G. Reichenbach [Lectotype] 1978, 192
Cranichis antioquensis Schlechter [Lectotype] 1978, 189