Title | The American Midland Naturalist; devoted to natural history, primarily that of the prairie states |
Abbreviation | Amer. Midl. Naturalist |
Publication Dates | Vo. 1(5)+, 1909+ |
Place of publication | Notre Dame, IN |
BPH | 83.14 |
Preceded By | Midl. Naturalist (Notre Dame) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 248 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Berberis pinifolia var. coahuilensis C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 485Cordia belizensis Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29 (2): 488-489
Arabis ×divaricarpa var. hemicylindrica B. Boivin [Isotype] 1955, 54: 510
Lesquerella multiceps Maguire [Isotype] 1942, 27: 465
Nemacladus rubescens var. tenuis McVaugh [Isotype] 1939, 22: 236
Nemacladus rubescens var. tenuis McVaugh [Isotype] 1939, 22: 236
Arenaria douglasii var. emarginata H. Sharsmith [Isotype] 1945, 34: 337
Arenaria congesta var. glandulifera Maguire [Isotype] 1951, 46: 501
Forsellesia planitierum Ensign [Isotype] 1942, 27: 509
Forsellesia planitierum Ensign [Type] 1942, 27: 509
Forsellesia clokeyi Ensign [Isotype] 1942, 27: 504
Forsellesia clokeyi Ensign [Isotype] 1942, 27: 504
Forsellesia spinescens var. mexicana Ensign [Isotype] 1942, 27: 510
Scleria areolata Lundell [Type] 1943, 29: 471
Carex interior var. keweenawensis F. J. Hermann [Holotype] 1941, 25: 19
Scirpus solispicatus Lunell [TypeMaterial] 1915, 4: 230
Pleuridium holdridgei H. A. Crum & Steere [Isotype] 1958, 60: 7
Sciaromium bartlettii H. A. Crum & Steere [Isotype] 1958, 60: 40
Arctostaphylos glutinosa B. Schreiber [Isosyntype] 1940, 23: 620
Arctostaphylos glutinosa B. Schreiber [Isotype] 1940, 23: 620
Malea pilosa Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 484
Erythroxylum multiflorum Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 474
Manihot tomatophylla Standley ex Leavenworth [Isotype] 1946, 36: 178
Manihot tomatophylla Standley ex Leavenworth [Isotype] 1946, 36: 178
Manihot mobilis Standley ex Leavenworth [Isotype] 1946, 36: 177
Amanoa potamophila Croizat [Isotype] 1943, 29: 475
Amanoa potamophila Croizat [Holotype] 1943, 29: 475
Sapium schippii Croizat [Isotype] 1943, 29: 477
Sapium schippii Croizat [Holotype] 1943, 29: 477
Euphorbia lundelliana Croizat [Holotype] 1943, 29: 476
Crotalaria belizensis Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 473
Indigofera matudai Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 19: 428
Astragalus ventorum A. Gray ex S. Watson [Holotype] 1874, 8: 212
Astragalus microcymbus Barneby [Isotype] 1949, 41: 499
Astragalus gypsodes Barneby [Isotype] 1956, 55: 499
Astragalus scutaneus Barneby [Isotype] 1956, 55: 502
Astragalus casteniformis var. consobrinus Barneby [Isotype] 1949, 41: 496
Trifolium fistulosum A. E. Vaughan [Holotype] 1939, 22: 575
Trifolium ortegae f. pumilum A. E. Vaughan [Holotype] 1939, 22: 578
Quercus trinidadensis C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 481
Quercus sentenelensis C. H. Müller [Isolectotype] 1937, 18: 849
Quercus filiformis C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 473
Quercus pannosifolia C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 855
Quercus pannosifolia C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 855
Quercus carmenensis C. H. Müller [Isolectotype] 1937, 18: 847
Quercus hemipteroides C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 853
Quercus hemipteroides C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 853
Quercus oglethorpensis W. H. Duncan [Isotype] 1940, 24(3): 755
Quercus livermorensis C. H. Müller [Type] 1938, 19: 586
Quercus endemica C. H. Müller [Isolectotype] 1937, 18: 846
Quercus tinkhamii C. H. Müller [Holotype] 1942, 27: 481
Quercus knoblochii C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 17: 475
Quercus houstoniana C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 28: 743
Quercus marshii C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 848
Quercus gentryi C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 474
Quercus lesueurii C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 476
Quercus pablillensis C. H. Müller [Holotype] 1942, 27: 477
Quercus tamiapensis C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 480
Quercus pilicaulis f. exserta C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 852
Quercus pilicaulis f. elongata C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 851
Quercus chichavacana f. sublobata C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 852
Quercus chichavacana f. sublobata C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 852
Quercus chichavacana f. oblanceolata C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 852
Quercus chichavacana f. undulata C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 852
Quercus chichavacana f. undulata C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 852
Quercus chimaltenanga f. gemmata C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 855
Quercus chimaltenanga f. gemmata C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 855
Swertia watsonii H. St. John [Holotype] 1941, 26: 21
Swertia idahoensis H. St. John [Type] 1941, 26: 24
Swertia californica H. St. John [Type] 1941, 26: 20
Swertia sierrae H. St. John [Type] 1941, 26: 16
Swertia columbiana H. St. John [Type] 1941, 26: 22
Ruellia muelleri Tharp & F. A. Barkley [Isotype] 1949, 42: 21
Ruellia occidentalis var. ferrisae Tharp & F. A. Barkley [Type] 1949, 42: 31
Ruellia nudiflora var. mirandae Tharp & F. A. Barkley [Type] 1949, 42: 49
Acer glabrum var. greenei A. C. Keller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 500
Acer glabrum var. greenei A. C. Keller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 500
Notholaena sinuata var. pinnatifida Farwell [Isotype] 1931, 12: 283
Triteleia versicolor Hoover [Isotype] 1941, 25: 91
Mosquitoxylum jamaicense var. panamense F. A. Barkley & M. Reed [Isotype] 1940, 24: 677
Rhus allophylloides var. mexiae F. A. Barkley & M. J. Reed [Isotype] 1939, 22(1): 209
Rhus angustiarum Lunell [Syntype] 1913, 3: 144
Rhus angustiarum Lunell [Syntype] 1913, 3: 144
Uraspermum barbatum Farwell [Isotype] 1930, 12: 70
Uraspermum dulce var. laevicaule Farwell [Isotype] 1925, 8: 273
Thevetia peruviana var. pinifolia Standley & Steyermark [Isotype] 1946, 36: 185
Euthamia fastigiata Bush [Isotype] 1918, 5: 164
Euthamia camporum var. tricostata Lunell [Type] 1911, 2: 59
Aster ericoides f. gramsii Benke [Isotype] 1932, 13: 328
Aster ericoides f. gramsii Benke [Isotype] 1932, 13: 328
Aster azureus f. incarnatus Farwell [Isotype] 1925, 9: 278
Aster azureus f. incarnatus Farwell [Type] 1925, 9: 278
Helianthus giganteus var. oppositifolius Farwell [Isotype] 1917, 17: 180
Helianthus giganteus var. resiniferus Farwell [Isotype] 1927, 10: 218
Helianthus giganteus var. verticillatus Farwell [Isotype] 1927, 10: 219
Hymenopappus nudipes Maguire [Isotype] 1947, 37: 143
Lacinaria scariosa var. petiolata Lunell [TypeMaterial] 1912, 2: 172, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. petiolata Lunell [TypeMaterial] 1912, 2: 172, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. petiolata Lunell [TypeMaterial] 1912, 2: 172, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. petiolata Lunell [TypeMaterial] 1912, 2: 172, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. petiolata Lunell [TypeMaterial] 1912, 2: 172, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. porrecta Lunell [Type] 1912, 2: 162
Lacinaria scariosa var. superscandens Lunell [Type] 1912, 2: 161
Lacinaria scariosa var. propinqua Lunell [Type] 1912, 2: 162
Lacinaria scariosa var. versicolor Lunell [Syntype] 1912, 2: 171, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. versicolor Lunell [Syntype] 1912, 2: 171, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. versicolor Lunell [TypeMaterial] 1912, 2: 171, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. versicolor Lunell [Syntype] 1912, 2: 171, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. versicolor Lunell [Syntype] 1912, 2: 171, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. versicolor Lunell [Syntype] 1912, 2: 171, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. versicolor Lunell [Syntype] 1912, 2: 171, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. chandonnetii Lunell [Type] 1912, 2: 162
Lacinaria scariosa var. gracillima Lunell [TypeMaterial] 1912, 2: 171, 176
Lacinaria scariosa var. virginiana Lunell [Isotype] 1912, 2: 172, 177
Lacinaria spicata var. foliacea Farwell [Type] 1925, 9: 260
Tragopogon ×neohybridus Farwell [Isotype] 1930, 12: 133
Solidago inornata Lunell [Syntype] 1911, 2: 145
Solidago rugosa var. laevicaulis Farwell [Isotype] 1925, 9: 277
Solidago rugosa var. glabrata Farwell [Isotype] 1925, 9: 277
Haplopappus nuttallii var. depressus Maguire [Isotype] 1947, 37: 144
Arnica chamissonis var. jepsoniana Maguire [Isotype] 1947, 37: 140
Liatris provincialis R. K. Godfrey [Isotype] 1961, 66: 466
Liatris provincialis R. K. Godfrey [Holotype] 1961, 66: 466
Liatris novae-angliae f. albiflora Shinners [Holotype] 1943, 29: 29
Wyethia scabra var. canescens W. A. Weber [Isotype] 1946, 35: 425
Tibouchina belizensis Lundell [Type] 1943, 29: 483
Papillaria haitensis H. A. Crum & Steere [Type] 1958, 60: 28
Pithecellobium matudai Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 19: 429
Parathesis matudai Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 19: 431
Ardisia amanuensis Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 485
Ardisia glomerata Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 486
Eugenia ardisioides Lundell [Type] 1943, 29: 479
Eugenia flavoviridis Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 479
Eugenia oblanceifolia Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 480
Eugenia mouririoides Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 480
Eugenia siltepecana Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 19: 430
Myrcia schippii Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 482
Psidium gentlei Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 483
Calyptranthes cuneifolia Lundell [Type] 1943, 29: 478
Porotrichum leavenworthii E. B. Bartram [Type] 1946, 36: 157
Allionia gladewitzii Farwell [Type] 1923, 8: 108
Allionia gladewitzia Farwell [Isotype] 1923, 8: 268
Hauya matudai Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 19: 431
Calopogon tuberosus var. nanum Nieuwland [Isosyntype] 1913, 3: 130
Calopogon tuberosus var. nanum Nieuwland [Isosyntype] 1913, 3: 130
Calopogon tuberosus var. nanum Nieuwland [Isosyntype] 1913, 3: 130
Abies tacanensis Lundell [Isotype] 1940, 23: 175
Aristida dichotoma f. major Shinners [Holotype] 1940, 23: 634
Panicum euchlamydeum Shinners [Type] 1944, 32: 170
Polemonium stenocalyx Standley [Isotype] 1937, 18: 684
Phlox mcallisteri Whitehouse [Type] 1945, 34: 393
Phlox goldsmithii Whitehouse [Isotype] 1945, 34: 395
Phlox tharpii Whitehouse [Isotype] 1945, 34: 399
Eriogonum inerme var. hispidulum Goodman [Isotype] 1948, 39: 502
Hymenostomum castaneum H. A. Crum & Steere [Type] 1958, 60: 12
Barbula fidelis H. A. Crum & Steere [Type] 1958, 60: 15
Douglasia laevigata var. ciliolata Constance [Isotype] 1938, 19: 254
Roupala repanda Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 472
Pireella guatemalensis var. mexicana Arzeni [Holotype] 1954, 52: 27
Thalictrum nortonii Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 292
Thalictrum nortonii Greene [Type] 1912, 2: 292
Thalictrum nortonii Greene [Isotype] 1912, 2: 292
Ranunculus arizonicus var. chihuahuanus L. D. Benson [Type] 1948, 40: 147
Ranunculus gentryanus L. D. Benson [Type] 1948, 40: 145
Ranunculus gentryanus var. palmeri L. D. Benson [Isotype] 1948, 40: 146
Ranunculus aquatilis var. harrisii L. D. Benson [Holotype] 1948, 40: 236
Ranunculus petiolaris var. mexiae L. D. Benson [Type] 1948, 40: 91
Ranunculus macranthus var. arsenei L. D. Benson [Isotype] 1948, 40: 106
Aquilegia formosa var. communis B. Boivin [Isotype] 1953, 50: 510
Rosa polyanthema Lunell [Isotype] 1913, 3: 138
Amelanchier leptodendron Lunell [Isosyntype] 1919, 5: 237
Amelanchier leptodendron Lunell [Isosyntype] 1919, 5: 237
Amelanchier leptodendron Lunell [Isosyntype] 1919, 5: 237
Amelanchier leptodendron Lunell [Isosyntype] 1919, 5: 237
Chiococca belizensis Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 492
Thamnosma aldrichii Tharp [Isotype] 1945, 33: 667
Zanthoxylum atoyacanum Lundell [Type] 1938, 9: 429
Zanthoxylum suaveolens Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 20: 237
Zanthoxylum matudai Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 20: 236
Choisya neglecta C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1940, 24: 734
Salix laevigata Bebb [Type] 1874, 8: 202
Russelia pubescens Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 491
Penstemon spectabilis subsp. subintegris D. D. Keck [Isotype] 1937, 18: 817
Penstemon eximius D. D. Keck [Isotype] 1937, 18: 798
Penstemon rubicundus D. D. Keck [Isotype] 1937, 18: 802
Penstemon amphorellae Crosswhite [Isotype] 1970, 84: 241
Penstemon cinereus subsp. foliatus D. D. Keck [Isotype] 1945, 33: 188
Aureolaria purpurea var. intermedia Farwell [Isosyntype] 1925, 9: 276
Solanum ovandense Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 490
Solanum tacanense Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 490
Symplocos flavifolia Lundell [Type] 1938, 20: 240
Symplocos flavifolia Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 20: 240
Symplocos matudae Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 20: 241
Symplocos chiapensis Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 20: 240
Deherainia matudae Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 20: 239
Deherainia matudae Lundell [Isotype] 1938, 20: 239
Tilia ambigua Sargent ex Bush [Isotype] 1929, 11: 551
Tilia ambigua Sargent ex Bush [Isotype] 1929, 11: 551
Tilia patzcuaroana Bush [Type] 1929, 11: 557
Tilia patzcuaroana Bush [Type] 1929, 11: 557
Tilia rotunda Bush [Type] 1929, 11: 552
Tilia rotunda Bush [Type] 1929, 11: 552
Tilia coahuilensis Bush [Type] 1929, 11: 552
Tilia coahuilensis Bush [Type] 1929, 11: 552
Tilia pertomentosa Bush [Isotype] 1929, 11: 559
Tilia arsenei Bush [Isotype] 1929, 11: 560
Tilia arsenei Bush [Type] 1929, 11: 560
Tilia sargentiana Bush [Isotype] 1929, 11: 552
Tilia nelsoni Bush [Isotype] 1929, 11: 553
Tilia longipes Bush [Isotype] 1929, 11: 554
Tilia pringlei Rose ex Bush [Type] 1929, 11: 550
Ulmus monterreyensis C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 483
Ulmus monterreyensis C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 483
Ulmus multinervosa C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18: 842
Adicea deamii Lunell [Syntype] 1913, 3: 10
Verbena demareei Moldenke [Type] 1940, 24: 752
Phacelia greenei J. T. Howell [Type] 1943, 30: 17
Hypericum aphyllum Lundell [Type] 1943, 29: 477
Hypoxis humilis Tharp [Isotype] 1945, 33: 671
Sisyrinchium albidum f. coeruleum Farwell [Isotype] 1926, 10: 27
Satureja ganderi Epling [Isotype] 1940, 24: 748
Physostegia virginiana f. candida Benke [Isotype] 1935, 16: 423
Phoebe mayana Lundell [Isotype] 1943, 29: 473
Pinguicula ionantha R. K. Godfrey [Holotype] 1961, 66: 405
Disporum cahnae Farwell [Isotype] 1923, 8: 267
Camassia quamash subsp. linearis Gould [Isotype] 1942, 28: 736
Camassia quamash subsp. maxima Gould [Isotype] 1942, 28: 732
Camassia quamash subsp. breviflora Gould [Isotype] 1942, 28: 737
Brodiaea elegans Hoover [Isotype] 1939, 22: 555
Eucnide xylinea C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1942, 27: 487
Lobelia jaliscensis McVaugh [Isotype] 1940, 24: 697
Lobelia irasuensis var. fucata McVaugh [Holotype] 1940, 24: 697
Lobelia gruina var. peduncularis McVaugh [Holotype] 1940, 24: 687
Lythrum cordifolium Nieuwland [Isotype] 1914, 3: 265
Aster oblongifolius var. angustatus Shinners [Isotype] 1941, 26: 418
Peltigera membranacea f. prolifera J. W. Thomson [Holotype] 1950, 44: 65
Tylopilus cellulosus Singer [Type] 1947, 37: 105
Phlebopus viperinus Singer [Holotype] 1947, 37: 5
Phlebopus viperinus Singer [Type] 1947, 37: 5
Pulveroboletus subacidus Murrill ex Singer [Type] 1947, 37: 12
Leccinum albellum f. epiphaeum Singer [Type] 1947, 37: 120
Leccinum albellum f. epiphaeum Singer [Type] 1947, 37: 120
Pectis imitans Standley [Isotype] 1946, 36: 194
Pectis leavenworthii Standley [Isotype] 1946, 36: 194
Polemonium occidentale subsp. lacustre Wherry [Isotype] 1945, 34: 376
Aster finkii var. moratus Shinners [Isotype] 1941, 26: 407
Neptunia lutea var. multipinnata B. L. Turner [Isotype] 1951, 46 (1): 88
Quercus pilicaulis f. concava C. H. Müller [Isotype] 1937, 18(5): 851
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 39 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Mimosa borealis A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation 7-67)] 1971, 85: 416Aster cusickii A. Gray [Lectotype] 5 Apr 1943, 29(2): 443-444
Obione hymenelytra Torrey [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1956, 55: 203
Sisymbrium incisum Engelmann [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 22: 494
Glossopetalon spinescens A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1942, 27: 510
Glossopetalon spinescens A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1942, 27: 510
Mimosa fragrans A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1971, 85: 416
Mimosa berlandieri A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1971, 85: 420
Mimosa malacophylla A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1971, 85: 419
Ranunculus arizonicus Lemmon ex A. Gray [Lectotype] 1948, 40(1): 147
Mimosa lindheimeri A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1971, 85: 415
Astrophyllum dumosum Torrey [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1940, 24: 737
Penstemon virgatus A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1967, 77: 29
Nemacladus longiflorus A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 22: 525
Nemacladus montanus Greene [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 22: 544
Atriplex linearis S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1956, 55(1): 210
Glossopetalon spinescens A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1942, 27: 510
Eragrostis fendleriana Steudel [Isolectotype] 1952, 47: 231
Mimosa borealis A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1971, 85: 416
Mimosa borealis var. texana A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1971, 85: 416
Mimosa borealis var. texana A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation: Wright 159 in 1849)] 1971, 85: 416
Mimosa borealis var. texana A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1971, 85: 416
Ruellia tuberosa var. occidentalis A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation clarification/refinement)] , 42: 27
Pseudosmodingium multifolium Rose [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1940, 24(3): 673-674
Ximenesia encelioides var. cana de Candolle [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1966, 76: 477
Verbesina encelioides var. exauriculata B. L. Robinson & Greenman [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1966, 76: 478
Ranunculus adoneus A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1954, 52: 352
Atriplex breweri S. Watson [Lectotype (Lectotype designation clarification/refinement)] , 55: 207
Nemacladus montanus Greene [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1939, 22: 544
Nemacladus longiflorus A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation)] 1939, 22: 525
Mimosa lindheimeri A. Gray [Isolectotype (Isolectotype designation)] 1971, 85: 415
Ranunculus triternatus A. Gray [Lectotype (Lectotype designation clarification/refinement)] , 40: 170
Ranunculus cooleyae Vasey & Rose [Isolectotype (step 2)] 1948, 40: 221
Aster foliaceus var. eatoni A. Gray [Lectotype] 1943, 29(2): 455
Trifolium decodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1966, 76(2): 469
Trifolium decodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1966, 76(2): 469
Trifolium decodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1966, 76(2): 469
Trifolium anodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1966, 76(2): 469
Trifolium anodon Greene [Isolectotype] 1966, 76(2): 469