Title | Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden |
Abbreviation | Bull. New York Bot. Gard. |
Publication Dates | Vols. 1-14, 1896/1900-1929/1932 |
BPH | 267.03 |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 377 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Berberis paucidentata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 321Tournefortia ovalifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 414
Heliotropium inaguense Britton [Isotype] 1905, 4: 122
Heliotropium inaguense Britton [Isotype] 1905, 4: 122
Heliotropium diffusum Britton [Isotype] 1905, 4: 122
Heliotropium horizontale Small [Isotype] 1905, 3: 435
Heliotropium bangii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 414
Oxyrrhynchium distantifolium R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 375
Pleuropus appressifolium R. S. Williams [Isotype] 1914, 8(31): 373
Pleuropus appressifolium R. S. Williams [Isosyntype] 1914, 8(31): 373
Mathewsia diffusa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 322
Pitcairnia biattenuata Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 457
Catopsis gracilis Rusby [Type] 1910, 6: 489
Brunellia rhoides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 310
Brunellia rhoides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 310
Pseudopohlia bulbifera R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 346
Bryum atenense R. S. Williams [Type] 1910, 6: 231
Bryum abditum R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8: 348
Pohlia saxensis R. S. Williams [Isotype] 1914, 8(31): 347
Guazuma coriacea Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 332
Helicteres guanaiensis Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 310
Helicteres guanaiensis Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 310
Helicteres guanaiensis Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 310
Cassia acinacicarpa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 311
Cassia acinacicarpa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 311
Syrrhopodon luzonensis R. S. Williams [Isotype] 1914, 8(31): 338
Syrrhopodon luzonensis R. S. Williams [Holotype] 1914, 8(31): 338
Carica boliviana Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 364
Dondia conferta Small [Isotype] 1899, 1: 280
Havetiopsis glauca Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 309
Havetiopsis glauca Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 309
Havetiopsis glauca Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 309
Gormania hallii Britton [Isotype] 1903, 3: 29
Sedum oxycoccoides Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 40
Sedum naviculare Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 42
Sedum calcaratum Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 40
Sedum longipes Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 43
Echeveria platyphylla Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 7
Echeveria humilis Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 8
Echeveria montana Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 6
Echeveria heterosepala Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 8
Echeveria obtusifolia Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 8
Villadia pringlei Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 4
Villadia ramosissima Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 5
Villadia cucullata Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 4
Dudleya angustiflora Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 14
Dudleya bernardina Britton [Isotype] 1903, 3: 19
Dudleya anthonyi Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 13
Dudleya abramsii Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 14
Dudleya delicata Rose [Type] 1903, 3: 24
Dudleya elongata Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 28
Dudleya rigidiflora Rose [Isotype] 1903, 3: 18
Weinmannia sessilifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1910, 6: 509
Weinmannia rhoifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 353
Weinmannia rhoifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 353
Dicranodontium subaspermum R. S. Williams [Isotype] 1914, 8(31): 337
Dicranodontium subaspermum R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 337
Campylopus subcubitus R. S. Williams [Type] 1903, 3: 111
Campylopus ingeniensis R. S. Williams [Syntype] 1903, 3: 109
Campylopus subericoides R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8: 336
Dicranella insularis R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8: 332
Dioscorea glauca Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4(14): 459
Dioscorea glauca Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4(14): 459
Dioscorea arcuata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4(14): 460
Dioscorea orthogeneura Uline ex Hochreutiner [Isosyntype] 1910, 6: 267
Gaultheria barosmoides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 313
Gaultheria barosmoides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 313
Ceratostema spectabilis Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 404
Croton williamsii Rusby [Isotype] 1912, 8: 100
Tragia bangii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 445
Tragia aurea Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 444
Euphorbia boerhaavioides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 441
Euphorbia boerhaavioides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 441
Euphorbia boerhaavioides Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 441
Euphorbia longipila Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 442
Acalypha eugeniifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 443
Acalypha eugeniifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 443
Acalypha foliosa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 443
Acalypha foliosa Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 443
Acalypha lucida Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 444
Acalypha lucida Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 444
Acalypha lucida Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 444
Lupinus macrostachys Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 342
Lupinus brittonii Abrams [Isotype] 1910, 6: 391
Phaseolus vignoides Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 345
Dolicholus ovatus Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 346
Dolicholus ovatus Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 346
Eriosema canescens Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 346
Eriosema canescens Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 346
Machaerium bangii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 347
Machaerium bangii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 347
Meibomia variegata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 344
Meibomia variegata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 344
Amorpha occidentalis Abrams [Isotype] 1910, 6: 394
Amorpha occidentalis Abrams [Isotype] 1910, 6: 394
Helicodontium spicatinervium R. S. Williams [Type] 1909, 6(21): 244
Quercus eastwoodiae Rydberg [Type] 1901, 2: 210
Quercus wilcoxii Rydberg [Isotype] 1901, 2: 227
Moenkemeyera obtusifolia R. S. Williams [Syntype] 1903, 3(9): 113
Moenkemeyera obtusifolia R. S. Williams [Syntype] 1903, 3(9): 113
Moenkemeyera obtusifolia R. S. Williams [Syntype] 1903, 3(9): 113
Casearia obtusifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 362
Xylosma ovatum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 323
Limnanthemum aureum Britton [Isotype] 1906, 4: 142
Ruellia succulenta Small [Isotype] 1905, 3: 437
Psilocybe californica Earle [Isotype] 1904, 3(11): 301
Hippeastrum soratense Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 319
Guatteria oblongifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 320
Dendropanax oblongifolium Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 366
Oreopanax grosseserratum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 367
Aristolochia yungasensis Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 437
Aristolochia yungasensis Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 437
Ditassa apiculata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 412
Ditassa apiculata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 412
Amphistelma pearcei Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 411
Amphistelma pearcei Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 411
Elephantopus dilatatus Gleason [Type] 1906, 4: 240
Elephantopus dilatatus Gleason [Holotype] 1906, 4: 240
Mikania baccharoidea Rusby [Holotype] 1912, 8: 127
Stevia filipes Rusby [Holotype] 1912, 8: 126
Stevia bridgesii Rusby [Holotype] 1907, 4: 377
Stevia reclinata Rusby [Holotype] 1912, 8: 127
Stevia reclinata Rusby [Holotype] 1912, 8: 127
Helianthus matthewsii Hochreutiner [Isolectotype] 1910, 6: 296
Helianthus matthewsii Hochreutiner [Isotype] 1910, 6: 296
Baccharis syncephala Schultz Bipontinus ex Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 386
Baccharis syncephala Schultz Bipontinus ex Rusby [Isolectotype] 1907, 4: 386
Baccharis syncephala Schultz Bipontinus ex Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 386
Baccharis syncephala Schultz Bipontinus ex Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 386
Baccharis saliens Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 387
Baccharis saliens Rusby [Isolectotype] 1907, 4: 387
Thymopsis brittonii Greenman [Isotype] 1905, 3: 453
Thymopsis brittonii Greenman [Isotype] 1905, 3: 453
Thymopsis brittonii Greenman [Isotype] 1905, 3: 453
Senecio tabacifolius Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 396
Senecio tabacifolius Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 396
Senecio coroicensis Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 395
Senecio prunioides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 396
Senecio biacuminatus Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 394
Moquinia boliviana Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 399
Encelia pilocarpa Rusby [Isotype] 1912, 8: 131
Achyrocline polycephala Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 388
Achyrocline tomentosa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 388
Achyrocline tomentosa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 388
Viguiera brittonii Hochreutiner [Syntype] 1910, 6: 294
Lipochaeta lifuana Hochreutiner [Isotype] 1910, 6: 297
Willoughbya longiflora Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 382
Willoughbya hieronymi Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 383
Willoughbya trifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 382
Willoughbya trifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 382
Willoughbya leucophylla Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 382
Diplostephium mandonii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 383
Diplostephium mandonii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 383
Diplostephium mandonii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 383
Chevreulia elegans Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 389
Chevreulia elegans Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 389
Liabum giganteum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 391
Gynoxys discolor Rusby [Isosyntype] 1907, 4: 398
Gynoxys megacephala Rusby [Isosyntype] 1907, 4: 398
Barnadesia inermis Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 399
Eupatorium latipaniculatum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 380
Eupatorium gynoxioides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 380
Eupatorium capitatum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 380
Eupatorium jugipaniculatum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 379
Eupatorium triosteifolium Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 379
Vernonia deflexa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 376
Vernonia capreaefolia Schultz Bipontinus ex Gleason [Holotype] 1906, 4: 200
Vernonia capreaefolia Schultz Bipontinus ex Gleason [Holotype] 1906, 4: 200
Vernonia reverchonii Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 208
Vernonia jaliscana Gleason [Holotype] 1906, 4: 198
Vernonia jaliscana Gleason [Holotype] 1906, 4: 198
Vernonia recurva Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 222
Vernonia ×concinna Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 225
Vernonia crassinervia C. Wright ex Gleason [Holotype] 1906, 4: 180
Vernonia patuliflora Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 376
Vernonia yunquensis Gleason [Holotype] 1906, 4: 191
Vernonia dictyophlebia Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 203
Vernonia dictyophlebia Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 203
Conyza evacioides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 385
Conyza lignescens Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 385
Conyza lignescens Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 385
Eremosis melanocarpa Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 232
Eremosis melanocarpa Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 232
Eremosis melanocarpa Gleason [Type] 1906, 4: 232
Eremosis leiophylla Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 231
Eremosis leiophylla Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 231
Eremosis leiophylla Gleason [Isotype] 1906, 4: 231
Eremosis leiophylla Gleason [Type] 1906, 4: 231
Anastraphia cuneifolia Greenman ex Britton [Syntype] 1906, 4: 126
Bidens pallida Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 389
Bidens pallida Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 389
Trichilia harmsiana Standley [Type] 1907, 4: 338
Barbella elongata R. S. Williams [Isotype] 1914, 8: 356
Squamidium diversifolium R. S. Williams [Isolectotype] 1909, 6(21): 239
Pithecellobium coripatense Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 349
Pithecellobium coripatense Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 349
Morongia latidens Small [Isotype] 1901, 2: 98
Inga rugosa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 350
Inga rugosa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 350
Inga hirsutissima Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 349
Inga hirsutissima Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 349
Acacia boliviana Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 348
Cecropia elongata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 446
Myrcia coroicensis Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 354
Syzygium schlechterianum Hochreutiner [Type] 1910, 6: 279
Syzygium schlechterianum Hochreutiner [Type] 1910, 6: 279
Neckera luzonensis R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 358
Himantocladium nanum R. S. Williams [Isotype] 1914, 8(31): 359
Neea bangii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 435
Neea bangii Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 435
Mayepea implicata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 314
Gaura simulans Small [Isotype] 1905, 3: 432
Epidendrum bangii Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 451
Epidendrum bangii Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 451
Octomeria boliviensis Rolfe [DrawingOfType] 1907, 4: 452
Octomeria boliviensis Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 452
Octomeria boliviensis Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 452
Octomeria boliviensis Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 452
Oncidium boliviense Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 452
Oncidium boliviense Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 452
Oncidium boliviense Rolfe [TypeMaterial] 1907, 4: 452
Stenoptera longifolia Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 449
Stenoptera longifolia Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 449
Stenoptera longifolia Rolfe [TypeMaterial] 1907, 4: 449
Masdevallia scandens Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 453
Masdevallia scandens Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 453
Ibidium lucayanum Britton [Isotype] 1909, 5: 312
Ibidium lucayanum Britton [PhotoOfType] 1909, 5: 312
Ibidium lucayanum Britton [TypeMaterial] 1909, 5: 312
Pterichis bangii Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 448
Pterichis bangii Rolfe [TypeMaterial] 1907, 4: 448
Pleurothallis brittoni Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 449
Pleurothallis brittoni Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 449
Pleurothallis brittoni Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 449
Stelis boliviensis Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 450
Stelis boliviensis Rolfe [TypeMaterial] 1907, 4: 450
Stelis scandens Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 451
Stelis scandens Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 451
Stelis scandens Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 451
Stelis scandens Rolfe [TypeMaterial] 1907, 4: 451
Stelis macrantha Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 450
Stelis macrantha Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 450
Stelis macrantha Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 450
Stelis macrantha Rolfe [TypeMaterial] 1907, 4: 450
Liparis rusbyi Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 454
Liparis rusbyi Rolfe [Isotype] 1907, 4: 454
Aganisia boliviana Rolfe ex Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 448
Aganisia boliviana Rolfe ex Rusby [TypeMaterial] 1907, 4: 448
Macromitrium benguetense R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 343
Macromitrium robinsonii R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 344
Passiflora bigelovii Small [Syntype] 1899, 1: 283
Passiflora bigelovii Small [Syntype] 1899, 1: 283
Passiflora bangii Masters [Isotype] 1907, 4: 363
Passiflora bangii Masters [Isotype] 1907, 4: 363
Passiflora erosa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 363
Oxystelma vailiae Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 315
Oxystelma vailiae Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 315
Plagiothecium mollicaule R. S. Williams [Type] 1909, 6(21): 256
Diplachne halei Nash [Isosyntype] 1889, 1: 292
Aristida mohrii Nash [Isotype] 1900, 1: 436
Paspalum geminum Nash [Isotype] , 1: 434
Paspalum longipilum Nash [Type] 1900, 1: 435
Paspalum rigidifolium Nash [Type] 1899, 1: 292
Polygala flagellaris Small [Type] 1905, 3: 427
Polygala spectabilis var. minor Chodat [Syntype] 1907, 4: 323
Polygala spectabilis var. minor Chodat [Syntype] 1907, 4: 323
Hyophila rosea R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 341
Hyophila rosea R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 341
Panopsis pearcey Rusby [Isosyntype] 1907, 4: 439
Panopsis pearcei Rusby [Isosyntype] 1907, 4: 439
Jaegerinopsis luzonensis R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 354
Garovaglia luzonensis R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 353
Garovaglia punctidens R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8: 352
Garovaglia punctidens R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8: 352
Ranunculus yukonensis Britton [Isotype] 1901, 2: 169
Rhamnus citrifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 340
Rhamnus citrifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 340
Potentilla lignipes Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 352
Rubus bullatus Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 351
Crataegus brownii Britton [Type] 1900, 1: 447
Crataegus porteri Britton [Type] 1900, 1: 448
Cephaëlis conephoroides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 372
Cephaëlis conephoroides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 372
Tournefortiopsis reticulata Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 369
Relbunium bangii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 374
Randia boliviana Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 368
Randia boliviana Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 368
Randia boliviana Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 368
Randia boliviana Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 368
Salix waghornei Rydberg [Syntype] 1899, 1: 271
Salix dodgeana Rydberg [Type] 1899, 1: 277
Salix palaeoneura Rydberg [Holotype] 1899, 1: 267
Salix petrophila Rydberg [Type] 1899, 1: 268
Chrysophyllum ilicioides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 406
Sideroxylon bangii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 407
Sematophyllum tenuicarpum R. S. Williams [Isotype] 1909, 6(21): 253
Sematophyllum tenuicarpum R. S. Williams [Type] 1909, 6(21): 253
Trichosteleum petrophilum R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 370
Solanum brevipedunculatum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 421
Solanum dianthum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 420
Solanum bolivianum Britton ex Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 416
Solanum carnosipes Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 420
Bassovia phytolaccoides Rusby [Isolectotype] 1907, 4: 317
Bassovia phytolaccoides Rusby [Isolectotype] 1907, 4: 317
Bassovia phytolaccoides Rusby [Isolectotype] 1907, 4: 317
Poecilochroma macrophylla Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 423
Taonabo subserrata Rusby [Type] 1912, 8: 322
Thuidium kiasense R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 363
Thuidium kiasense R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 363
Luehea tomentella Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 332
Luehea tomentella Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 332
Trigonia echiteifolia Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 324
Trigonia echiteifolia Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 324
Trigonia floccosa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 325
Trigonia floccosa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 325
Urtica trianae Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 319
Urtica trianae Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 319
Myriocarpa filiformis Rusby [Type] 1910, 6: 500
Bouchea incisa Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 432
Citharexylum bahamense Millspaugh [Isotype] 1905, 3: 450
Lantana foetida Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 431
Salacia rotundifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 339
Salacia rotundifolia Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 339
Hypericum stylosum Rusby [Isolectotype] 1907, 4: 326
Isopterygium saxense R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 369
Ctenidium mindanense R. S. Williams [Isotype] 1914, 8: 365
Stereodontopsis flagellifera R. S. Williams [Type] 1914, 8(31): 368`
Hedeoma sanctum Small [Isolectotype] 1899, 1: 287
Hedeoma sanctum Small [Isotype] 1899, 1: 287
Hedeoma sanctum Small [Isotype] 1899, 1: 287
Hedeoma serpyllifolium Small [Isotype] 1896, 1: 287
Hedeoma serpyllifolium Small [Isotype] 1896, 1: 287
Teucrium depressum Small [Isolectotype] 1899, 1: 288
Teucrium depressum Small [Syntype] 1899, 1: 288
Teucrium depressum Small [Isosyntype] 1899, 1: 288
Physostegia leptophylla Small [Isolectotype] 1899, 1: 286
Mesosphaerum pallidum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 433
Mesosphaerum pallidum Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 433
Alguelagum lancifolium Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 434
Alguelagum lancifolium Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 434
Ocotea proboscoidea Rusby [Type] 1907, 4: 318
Buddleja coroicense Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 412
Banisteria cinerea Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 335
Banisteria cinerea Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 335
Banisteria sanguinea Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 335
Malacothamnus nuttallii Abrams [Isotype] 1910, 6: 417-418
Abutilon bakeri Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 329
Monnina nigrescens Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 324
Monnina nigrescens Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 324
Monnina nigrescens Rusby [Syntype] 1907, 4: 324
Hirtella lightioides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 350
Hirtella lightioides Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 350
Tubaria eucalypti Earle [Type] 1904, 3: 300
Calea umbellulata Hochreutiner [Isotype] 1910, 6: 298
Russula cremoricolor Earle [Type] 1902, 2: 340
Boletus flaviporus Earle [Type] 1905 ["1904"], 3: 297
Boletus tomentipes Earle [Isotype] 1905 ["1904"], 3: 298
Collybia fimicola Earle [Isotype] 1905, 3: 298
Cortinarius radians Earle [Isotype] 1902, 2: 343
Flammula californica Earle [Isotype] 1902, 2: 342
Locellina californica Earle [Isotype] 1904, 3: 299
Russula paxilloides Earle [Type] 1902, 2: 341
Pectis substriata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 390
Pectis substriata Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 390
Pholiota ventricosa Earle [Type] 1902, 2: 341
Psathyrella fragilis Earle [Isotype] 1902, 2: 344
Schistocarpha triangularis Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 392
Chaetochlamys lindauii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 429
Llagunoa mandonii Rusby [Isotype] 1907, 4: 341
Psychotria pseudocollina Hochreutiner [Isosyntype] 1910, 6: 288
Cercospora conspicua Earle [Type] 1905, 3: 312
Cercospora conspicua Earle [Type] 1905, 3: 312
Cercospora thermopsidis Earle [Type] 1902, 2: 348
Hiraea platytriphylla Hochreutiner [Isolectotype] 1910, 6: 276
Racomitrium sublanuginosum Schimper ex R. S. Williams [Syntype] 1903, 3(9): 126
Zamia lucayana Britton [Isotype] 1907, 5: 311
Zamia lucayana Britton [Isotype] 1907, 5: 311
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 2 type specimens of taxa cited in this publication
Bigelowia paniculata A. Gray [Lectotype] 1910, 6: 472Bigelowia paniculata A. Gray [Lectotype] 1910, 6: 472