Title | Flora Brasiliensis; enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas / Martius |
Abbreviation | Fl. Bras. [Martius] |
Authors | C. F. P. Martius |
Publication Dates | 1840-1906, 15 volumes: 1(1): 1-268. 1 Apr 1906; 1(2): 1-136. 1840; 141-304: 15 Jul 1859; 305-624. 1 May 1870; 629-644. 1 Jul 1872; 645-712. 1 Apr 1884; 2(1): 1-226. 1 Apr 1842; 2(2): 1-32. 1 Feb 1871; 33-358. 1 Mar 1877; 2(3): 1-160. 1 Sep 1878; 161-242. 1 Dec 1880; 245-342. 1 Jul 1883; 3(1): 1-48. 1 Apr 1842; 49-164. 1 Jun 1847; 165-270. 15 Sep 1855; 273-508. 10 Jul 1863; 509-566. 1 Jul 1871; 3(2): 1-224. 1 Feb 1878; 225-460. 1 Nov 1881; 461-610. 1 May 1882; 3(3): 1-172. 1 Jan 1890; 173-286. 1 Nov 1891; 281-430. 15 May 1892; 425-634. 1 Feb 1894; 635-816. 15 Apr 1894; 3(4): 1-160. 15 Jul 1893; 157-322. 15 Jan 1895; 317-494. 15 Jun 1896; 493-672. 1 Nov 1896; 3(5): 1-188, tt. 1-49. 1 Jun 1898; 181-384, tt. 50-81. 15 May 1901; 381-664, tt. 82-119. 15 Dec 1902. 3(6): 1-202. 15 Feb 1904; 197-390. 1 Mar 1905; 381-604. 1 Apr 1906; 4(1): 1-76. 15 Aug 1852; 77-222. 1 Dec 1853; 225-276. 1 Jan 1855; 277-328. 28 Feb 1857; 329-396. 15 Feb 1861; 397-472. 10 Jul 1863; 4(2): 1-74. 1 May 1869; 77-114. 1 Feb 1875; 117-184. 1 Jun 1878; 185-334. 1 Sep 1890; 5(1): 1-100. 1 Jan 1855; 101-136. 30 Jul 1860; 137-160. 1 Dec 1864; 161-264. 1 Mar 1875; 5(2): 1-136. 15 Jul 1868; 137-308. 15 May 1866; 309-336. 15 Jul 1868; 6(1): 1-180. 30 Jul 1860; 181-248. 1 Dec 1865; 249-328. 1 Aug 1868; 329-340. 1 Jul 1871; 6(2): 1-180. 1 Jun 1873; 181-398. 1 Feb 1876; 6(3): 1-134. 1 Jul 1882; 137-442. 1 May 1884; 6(4): 1-126. 1 Aug 1878; 129-176. 1 Dec 1878; 177-378. 1 Jun 1885; 6(5): 1-470. 1 Jul 1881; 471-486. 15 Feb 1888; 6(6): 1-124. 15 Feb 1888; 125-466. 15 Jun 1889; 397-656. Aug 1888; 7: 1-36. 15 Mar 1856; 37-118. 15 Jan 1863; 119-182. 10 Jul 1863; 183-198. 1 Aug 1868; 199-362. 1 Aug 1869; 363-424. 1 Mar 1871; 8(1): 1-64. 28 Feb 1857; 65-226. Jul 1858; 229-340. Jan 1862; 341-428. Dec 1864; 429-448. May 1896; 8(2): 1-230. May 1896; 229-452. Feb 1897; 9: 1-164. 1 Jun 1847; 169-308. 1 Oct 1851; 309-322. 1 Jul 1871; 10: 1-228. 1 Jul 1846; 233-256. 1 Jun 1847; 257-324. 15 Mar 1856; 325-338. 1 Jul 1871; 11(1): 1-124. Feb 1861; 125-258. Feb 1878; 261-370. Dec 1879; 11(2): 1-292. 1 Feb 1873; 293-752. May 1874; 12(1): 1-124. 1 Jun 1858; 125-258. Dec 1878; 261-380. Apr 1886; 381-486. Apr 1888; 487-522. Aug 1889; 12(2): 1-74. 1 Dec 1872; 77-294. Sep 1874; 297-432. Sep 1876; 433-548. Dec 1877; 12(3): 1-114. 1 Mar 1886; 117-250. Nov 1886; 251-456. Jul 1891; 457-624. Apr 1892; 13(1): 1-64. 1 Jan 1841; 65-120. Jan 1863; 121-236. Dec 1864; 237-344. Dec 1865; 345-526. Oct 1871; 529-654. Mar 1872; 13(2): 1-182. Mar 1875; 185-370. Oct 1877; 373-396. May 1882; 13(3): 1-82. 1 Apr 1874; 85-170. Aug 1883; 173-224. Aug 1889; 225-346. Jul 1892; 345-466. Sep 1897; 465-680. Apr 1900; 14(1): 1-468. May 1857; 469-528. Feb 1858; 529-656. Jan 1859; 14(2): 1-76. Apr 1867; 77-128. Apr 1867; 129-218. Jul 1871; 221-324. Feb 1872; 325-418. May 1872; 14(3): 1-204. Mar 1883; 205-510. May 1885; 14(4): 1-212. Dec 1886 205-398. Nov 1887; 397-656. Aug 1888; 15(1): 1-216. Jul 1859; 217-350. Jan 1862; 15(2): 1-254. Dec 1870; 257-528. Jul 1876; |
URL | http://www.botanicus.org/title/b12002070 |
TL2 | 5.538 |
Remarks | Description: 15 v. in 40. plates (part col. and fold.) 48 x 31; issued in 130 fasc.; each volume and part has both general and special t.-p. with the exception of vol. XV, pt. I, which has the general and special t.-p. combined. "Vitae itineraque collectorum botanicorum, Notae collaboratorum biographicae. Florae brasiliensis ratio edendi chronologica, Systema, Index familiarum": vol. I, pt. I, col. [1]-268. 2 v. of supplementum, 1919. The various divisions by separate authors. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 1130 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Memora involucrata Bureau & K. Schumann [Isotype] 1897, 8(2): 271Arrabidaea lenticellosa Bureau & K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1896, 8(2): 64
Arrabidaea lenticellosa Bureau & K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1896, 8(2): 64
Cordia acutifolia Fresenius [Type] 1857, 8: 11
Cordia glandulosa Fresenius [Isotype] 1857, 8: 19
Tournefortia pohlii Fresenius [Isotype] 1857, 8(1): 52
Tournefortia pyrrhotricha Fresenius [Type] 1847, 8(1): 53
Heliophytum crispulum Fresenius [Syntype] 1857, 8: 45
Schleidenia ovalifolia Fresenius [Isotype] 1857, 8(1): 41
Schleidenia ovalifolia Fresenius [Isotype] 1857, 8(1): 41
Schleidenia fumana Fresenius [Isotype] 1857, 8(1): 40
Schleidenia leptostachya Fresenius [Isosyntype] 1857, 8(1): 43
Schleidenia leptostachya Fresenius [Isolectotype] 1857, 8(1): 43
Schleidenia dasycarpa Fresenius [Type] 1857, 8: 37
Schleidenia gardneri Fresenius [Isotype] 1857, 8(1): 35
Schleidenia macrantha Fresenius [Isotype] 1857, 8(1): 40
Bromelia (do not use) regnellii Mez [Type] 1891, 3(3): 194
Vriesea thyrsoidea Mez [Type] 1894, 3(3): 556
Byttneria filipes Martius & K. Schumann [Isotype] 1886, 12(3): 95
Byttneria uaupensis Spruce ex K. Schumann [Type] 1886, 12(3): 93
Bauhinia nitida Bentham [Isosyntype] , 15(2): 184
Bauhinia platypetala Burchell ex Bentham [Type] 1870, 15(2): 198
Bauhinia pulchella Bentham [Isosyntype] , 15(2): 190
Bauhinia heterandra Bentham [Isosyntype] , 15(2): 196
Bauhinia subclavata Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 188
Bauhinia tarapotensis Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 198
Bauhinia sprucei Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 205
Bauhinia sprucei var. acuminata Bentham [Type] 1870, 15(2): 206
Bauhinia rutilans Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 206
Bauhinia breviloba Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 197
Bauhinia tenella Bentham [Isosyntype] , 15(2): 195
Bauhinia smilacifolia Burchell ex Bentham [Type] 1870, 15(2): 183
Aldina heterophylla Bentham [Type] , 15(2): 13
Aldina latifolia Bentham [Type] , 15(2): 12
Aldina latifolia Bentham [Type] , 15(2): 12
Peltogyne amplissima Spruce ex Bentham [Isosyntype] , 15(2): 232
Cassia sagotiana Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 93
Cassia vauthieri Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 138
Cassia leiandra Bentham [Isosyntype] 1870, 15(2): 94, t.
Cassia hymeniifolia Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 130
Cassia spruceana Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 92
Cassia jacobinea Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 132
Cassia parvistipula Bentham [Isolectotype] 1870, 15(2): 170
Cassia adiantifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 130
Cassia dalbergiifolia Bentham [Isolectotype] 1870, 15(2): 149
Cassia dalbergiifolia Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 149
Cassia tenuisepala Bentham [Isolectotype] 1870, 15(2): 164
Cassia ericifolia Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 145
Cassia acuruensis Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 122
Cassia rotundifolia var. grandiflora Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 162
Cassia barbata var. mollis Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 133
Cassia curvifolia var. mollissima Bentham [Isolectotype] 1870, 15(2): 160
Dimorphandra parviflora Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 251
Campsiandra angustifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 55
Campsiandra angustifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 55
Sclerolobium odoratissimum Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 48
Cynometra spruceana Bentham [Isotype] 1970, 15(2): 247
Tachigali ptychophysca Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 229
Tachigali paniculata var. cavipes Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 229
Eperua leucantha Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 225
Crudia amazonica Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 238
Dicorynia spruceana Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 81
Dicorynia uaupensis Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 81
Dicorynia floribunda Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 82
Heterostemon conjugatus Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 216
Heterostemon simplicifolius Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 215
Steriphoma peruviana Spruce ex Eichler [Type] , 13(1): 267
Capparis tarapotensis Eichler [Isotype] , 13(1): 284
Capparis cyanophallophora f. microphylla Eichler [Isotype] 1865, 13(1): 283
Anthodiscus obovatus Bentham ex Wittmack [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 358
Caryocar gracile Wittmack [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 350
Caryocar coriaceum Wittmack [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 352
Caryocar coriaceum Wittmack [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 352
Caryocar glabrum var. pilosum Wittmack [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 349
Maytenus opaca Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 28
Maytenus impressa Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 29
Maytenus impressa Reissek [Type] 1861, 11(1): 29
Maytenus impressa Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 29
Maytenus impressa Reissek [Type] 1861, 11(1): 29
Maytenus pseudocasearia Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 11
Maytenus myrsinoides Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 21
Hirtella martiana Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 29
Hirtella martiana Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 29
Hirtella subscandens Spruce ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 32
Hirtella sprucei Bentham ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 31
Hirtella brachystachya Spruce ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 34
Moquilea gardneri Hooker f. [Isolectotype] 1867, 14: 21
Moquilea gardneri Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1867, 14: 21
Moquilea sprucei Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 22
Moquilea longistyla Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 24
Licania microcarpa Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 15
Licania spicata Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 16
Licania polita Spruce ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 17
Licania prismatocarpa Spruce ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 19
Licania triandra Martius ex Hooker f. [Isolectotype] 1867, 14: 18
Licania urceolaris Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 15
Licania obovata Bentham ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 11
Licania kunthiana Hooker f. [Isolectotype] 1867, 14: 16
Licania benthamii Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 12
Licania emarginata Spruce ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 15
Parinari sprucei Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 53
Couepia leptostachya Bentham ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 44
Couepia racemosa Bentham ex Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1867, 14: 43
Couepia glaucescens Spruce ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 49
Couepia myrtifolia Bentham ex Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1867, 14: 44
Couepia eriantha Spruce ex Hooker f. [Isosyntype] 1867, 14: 45
Couepia thyrsiflora Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 45
Couepia magnoliifolia Bentham ex Hooker f. [Isotype] 1867, 14: 43
Clusia pulcherrima Engler [Type] 1888, 12(1): 414
Clusia penduliflora Engler [Type] 1888, 12(1): 412
Clusia viscida Engler [Type] 1888, 12(1): 422
Clusia axillaris Engler [Isosyntype] 1888, 12(1): 413
Clusia grandifolia Engler [Type] 1888, 12(1): 429
Clusia grandifolia Engler [Type] 1888, 12(1): 429
Clusia burchellii Engler [Isotype] 1888, 12(1): 416
Caraipa richardiana var. distorta Wawra [Type] 1886, 12(1): 318
Rheedia spruceana Engler [Isotype] 1888, 12(1): 463
Rheedia tenuifolia Engler [Type] 1888, 12(1): 463
Tovomitopsis spruceana Engler [Isotype] 1888, 12(1): 458
Combretum nitidum Spruce ex Eichler [Isotype] , 14(2): 118
Combretum mellifluum Eichler [Isotype] , 14(2): 113
Combretum assimile Eichler [Isotype] , 14(2): 109
Combretum blanchetii Eichler [Type] , 14(2): 114
Ramatuela virens Spruce ex Eichler [Isotype] , 14(2): 100
Terminalia guyanensis Eichler [Isotype] , 14(2): 88
Terminalia phaeocarpa Eichler [Isosyntype] , 14(2): 89
Terminalia riedelii Eichler [Type] , 14(2): 92
Terminalia biscutella Eichler [Isosyntype] , 14(2): 88
Rourea cuspidata Bentham ex Baker [Syntype] 1871, 14(2): 181
Rourea cuspidata var. pedicellata Baker [Isotype] 1871, 14(2): 181
Rourea ligulata Baker [Syntype] 1871, 14(2): 181
Rourea glabra var. parviflora Baker [Isotype] 1871, 14(2): 182
Connarus erianthus Bentham ex Baker [Isotype] , 14(2): 191
Connarus erianthus Bentham ex Baker [Isotype] , 14(2): 191
Connarus sprucei Baker [Isotype] 1871, 14(2): 187
Connarus incomptus var. subcordatus Baker [Syntype] 1871, 14(2): 193
Ipomoea martii C. F. W. Meissner [Syntype] 1869, 7: 258
Ipomoea stachyoides Meisner [Isotype] 1869, 7: 240
Ipomoea filipes Bentham ex C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1869, 7: 274
Maripa passifloroides Spruce ex Meisner [Isotype] 1869, 7: 207
Jacquemontia evolvuloides var. longepedunculata Meisner [Syntype] 1869, 7: 307
Evolvulus anagalloides C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1869, 7: 348
Cayaponia villosissima Cogniaux [Isosyntype] , 6(4): 81, t. 24
Cayaponia villosissima Cogniaux [Isolectotype] , 6(4): 81, t. 24
Cucurbitella duriaei Cogniaux [Type] , 6(4): 70
Trianosperma diversifolia Cogniaux [Type] , 6(4): 92
Trianosperma gracillima Cogniaux [Isotype] 1878, 6 (4): 91
Wilbrandia verticillata Cogniaux [Type] , 6(4): 30
Wilbrandia linearis Cogniaux [Type] , 6(4): 34
Wilbrandia villosa Cogniaux [Type] , 6(4): 34
Cyperus gardneri Nees [Type] 1842, 2(1): 34
Cephalocarpus dracaenula Nees [Type] 1842, 2(1): 162
Dichapetalum odoratum Baillon [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 371
Dichapetalum odoratum Baillon [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 371
Dichapetalum vestitum var. scandens Baillon [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 372
Dichapetalum vestitum var. scandens Baillon [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 372
Psammisia leucostoma Bentham ex C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1863, 7: 127
Leucothoë ambigua var. tomentella Meisner [Isotype] 1863, 7: 156
Leucothoë ambigua var. peduncularis Meisner [Isotype] 1863, 7: 156
Leucothoë ambigua var. glabra Meisner [Isotype] 1863, 7: 156
Leucothoë crassifolia var. subevenia C. F. W. Meissner [Syntype] 1863, 7: 158
Leucothoë multiflora var. petiolaris Meisner [Isotype] 1863, 7: 155
Gaultheria odorata var. leiocalyx Meisner [Isolectotype] 1863, 7: 153
Befaria sprucei Meisner [Isolectotype] 1863, 7: 171
Eriocaulon spruceanum Körnicke [Isotype] 1863, 3(1): 488
Eriocaulon angustifolium Körnicke [Type] 1863, 3(1): 495
Eriocaulon linearifolium Körnicke [Isotype] 1863, 3(1): 498
Eriocaulon linearifolium Körnicke [Isotype] 1863, 3(1): 498
Eriocaulon ehrenbergianum Klotzsch [Syntype] 1863, 3(1): 491
Eriocaulon tenuifolium Klotzsch ex Körnicke [Isosyntype] 1863, 3(1): 496
Eriocaulon brevifolium Klotzsch ex Körnicke [Isotype] 1863, 3(1): 496
Paepalanthus spathulatus Körnicke [Isotype] , 3(1): 389
Paepalanthus angustifolius Körnicke [Isotype] , 3: 424
Paepalanthus dubius Körnicke [Isotype] 1863, 3(1): 342
Paepalanthus densus Körnicke [Syntype] , 3(1): 464
Paepalanthus densus Körnicke [Syntype] , 3(1): 464
Erythroxylum amazonicum Peyritsch [Isosyntype] 1878, 12(1): 167
Erythroxylum amazonicum Peyritsch [Isosyntype] 1878, 12(1): 167
Erythroxylum petiolatum Peyritsch [Isosyntype] 1878, 12(1): 153
Erythroxylum intermedium Peyritsch [Isosyntype] 1878, 12(1): 151
Erythroxylum martii Peyritsch [Type] 1878, 12(1): 160
Erythroxylum ovalifolium Peyritsch [Syntype] 1878, 12(1): 135
Erythroxylum ellipticum Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 12(1): 145
Erythroxylum paraense Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 12(1): 164
Erythroxylum spruceanum Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 12(1): 160
Erythroxylum spruceanum Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 12(1): 160
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 12(1): 149
Erythroxylum cataractarum Spruce ex Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 12(1): 149
Erythroxylum exaltatum Bongard ex Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 12(1): 151
Croton tartonraira Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 129
Croton tartonraira Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 129
Croton hemiargyreus var. gymnodiscus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 88
Croton tamberlikii Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1873, 11(2): 265
Croton agrophilus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 175
Croton agrophilus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 175
Croton alagoensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 121
Croton burchellii Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 11(2): 139
Croton sublepidotus Müller Argoviensis [NotType] 1873, 11(2): 260
Croton medians Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1873, 11(2): 169
Croton glyptospermus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 11(2): 117
Croton squamulosus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 244
Croton warmingii Müller Argoviensis [Syntype] 1873, 11(2): 105
Croton warmingii Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 105
Croton cerino-dentatus var. martii Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 186
Croton cerino-dentatus var. martii Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 186
Croton chapadensis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 262
Croton eichleri Müller Arg. [Isotype] 1 Feb 1873, 11(2): 272
Croton eriocladoides Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 223
Croton josephinus Müller Arg. [Isotype] 1 Feb 1873, 11(2): 195
Croton lagoensis Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 99
Croton longinervius var. minor Müller Arg. [Isotype] 1 Feb 1873, 11(2): 216
Croton adamantinus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 115
Croton atrorufus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 194
Croton novi-friburgi Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 97
Croton paraensis Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 116
Croton peraffinis Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 166
Croton piptocalyx Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 103
Croton leptobotryus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 155
Croton puncticulatus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 249
Croton pycnadenius Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 216
Croton regelianus Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1873, 11(2): 133
Croton sclerocalyx var. intermedius Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 226
Croton petraeus Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1873, 11(2): 172
Excoecaria marginata var. conjugens Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1874, 11: 617
Excoecaria biglandulosa var. sublanceolata Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1874, 11(2): 621
Excoecaria biglandulosa var. leptadenia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 620
Argythamnia anisotricha Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 314
Senefeldera inclinata Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 530
Manihot glaziovii Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 446
Manihot speciosa Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 11(2): 470
Manihot inflata Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 450
Manihot acuminatissima Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 455
Manihot hemitrichandra Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 454
Julocroton gardneri Müller Argoviensis [Type] , 11(2): 276
Julocroton gardneri Müller Argoviensis [Type] , 11(2): 276
Bernardia scabra Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1874, 11(2): 396
Bernardia scabra Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1874, 11(2): 396
Bernardia crassifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 394
Bernardia spartioides var. pubescens Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1874, 11(2): 401
Caperonia stenophylla Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 326
Mabea speciosa Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 520
Mabea angustifolia var. major Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 520
Euphorbia zonosperma Müller Arg. [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 696
Euphorbia zonosperma Müller Arg. [Isotype] 1874, 11(2): 696
Euphorbia prunifolia var. angustifolia Martius [Syntype] 1874, 11: 695
Jatropha isabellei Müller Argoviensis [Type] , 11(2): 489
Clitoria cajanifolia f. glabrior Bentham [Isolectotype] 1862, 15(1): 121
Sweetia dasycarpa var. glabrata Bentham [Lectotype] 1870, 15(2): 6
Coursetia rostrata Bentham [Isolectotype] 1859, 15(1): 44
Swartzia microcarpa Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 35
Swartzia floribunda Spruce ex Bentham [Isosyntype] , 15(2): 21
Swartzia cardiosperma Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 33
Swartzia sprucei Bentham [Isosyntype] , 15(2): 37
Swartzia sprucei Bentham [Isolectotype] , 15(2): 37
Swartzia conferta Spruce ex Bentham [Isolectotype] , 15(2): 20
Swartzia panamensis Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 38
Swartzia cuspidata Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 36
Swartzia pendula Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 19
Swartzia hostmannii Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 18
Desmodium albiflorum Salzmann ex Bentham [Isosyntype] 1859, 15(1): 99
Dicymbe corymbosa Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 60
Crotalaria brachycarpa Bentham [Isotype] 1859, 15(1A): 29
Ecastaphyllum tomentosum Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1862, 15(1): 229
Drepanocarpus crista-castrensis var. latifolius Bentham [Isotype] 1862, 15(1): 258
Monopteryx angustifolia Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1862, 15(1): 307
Indigofera sabulicola Bentham [Type] 1859, 15(1): 40
Dioclea rostrata var. nitida Bentham [Type] 1859, 15(1B): 165
Aeschynomene marginata Bentham [Isosyntype] 1859, 15(1): 66
Aeschynomene marginata Bentham [Isosyntype] 1859, 15(1): 66
Aeschynomene marginata var. grandiflora Bentham [Isotype] 1859, 15(1): 67
Aeschynomene marginata var. grandiflora Bentham [Isotype] 1859, 15(1): 67
Dibrachion riparium Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1862, 15(1): 321
Ormosia discolor Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(1): 318
Ormosia excelsa Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(1): 318
Macrolobium punctatum Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 219
Macrolobium gracile Spruce ex Bentham [Isosyntype] 1870, 15(2): 223
Macrolobium gracile Spruce ex Bentham [Isolectotype] 1870, 15(2): 223
Macrolobium flexuosum Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 223
Macrolobium flexuosum var. molle Bentham [Isosyntype] 1870, 15(2): 223
Macrolobium flexuosum var. molle Bentham [Isosyntype] 1870, 15(2): 223
Macrolobium flexuosum var. molle Bentham [Isolectotype] 1870, 15(2): 223
Macrolobium suaveolens Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 219
Macrolobium canaliculatum Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 219
Macrolobium taxifolium Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 224
Macrolobium venulosum Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 223
Macrolobium limbatum Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(2): 218
Bowdichia nitida Spruce ex Bentham [Isotype] 1862, 15(1): 313
Machaerium acaciaefolium Martius ex Bentham [Isotype] , 15(1): 236
Casearia resinifera Spruce ex Eichler [Isotype] , 13(1): 466
Casearia melliodora Eichler [Isolectotype] 1871, 13(1): 469
Casearia obovata Poeppig ex Endlicher [Isotype] 1872, 13(1): 472
Casearia microphylla Eichler [Isotype] , 13(1): 474
Casearia grandiflora var. obtusifolia Eichler [Isolectotype] 1871, 13(1): 479
Xylosma calophyllum Grisebach ex Eichler [Isotype] 1871, 13(1): 446
Ryania riedeliana Eichler [Isotype] , 13(1): 491
Ryania sagotiana Eichler [Isotype] , 13(1): 491
Lisianthius albus Spruce ex Progel [Isosyntype] 1865, 6(1): 237
Lisianthius arboreus Spruce ex Progel [Isosyntype] 1865, 6(1): 240
Schuebleria tenuifolia var. gracilis Progel [Syntype] 1865, 6(1): 218
Schuebleria patula var. selloana Progel [Syntype] 1865, 6(1): 217
Schuebleria patula var. selloana Progel [Syntype] 1865, 6(1): 217
Octopleura loeselioides Spruce ex Progel [Isosyntype] 1865, 6(1): 212
Voyria sulphurea Progel [Isotype] 1865, 6(1): 221
Beloperone diclipteroides Nees [Type] 1847, 9: 136
Ebermaiera vautheriana Nees [Type] , 9: 15
Stemonacanthus angustior var. microphyllus Nees [Type] 1847, 9: 54
Leptostachya poeppigiana Nees [Isotype] 1847, 9: 150
Echinodorus pubescens var. claussenii Seubert [Isotype] 1847, 3: 107
Telanthera minutiflora Seubert [Isotype] , 5(1): 177
Gomphrena riedelii Seubert [Type] , 5(1): 212
Anacardium giganteum Hancock ex Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12(2): 409
Anacardium spruceanum Bentham ex Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12(2): 410
Schinopsis peruviana Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12(2): 405
Schinopsis peruviana Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12(2): 405
Schinus dependens var. crenata Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12(2): 388
Schinus latifolius var. tomentosa Fenzl ex Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12(2): 389
Schinus latifolius var. tomentosa Fenzl ex Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12(2): 389
Schinus terebinthifolia var. raddiana Engler [Syntype] 1876, 12(2): 384
Schinus terebinthifolia var. raddiana Engler [Syntype] 1876, 12(2): 384
Schinus terebinthifolia var. raddiana Engler [Syntype] 1876, 12(2): 384
Schinus terebinthifolia var. raddiana Engler [Syntype] 1876, 12(2): 384
Guatteria oligocarpa Martius [Isotype] 1841, 13(1): 33
Duguetia bracteosa Martius [Isotype] 1937, 13: 23
Xylopia barbata Martius [NotType] 1841, 13(1): 43
Eryngium nudicaule var. peruvianum Urban [Isotype] 1879, 11, pt. 1: 304
Condylocarpon pubiflorum Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 67
Malouetia nitida Spruce ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 95
Malouetia lanceolata Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 93
Malouetia amplexicaulis Spruce ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 91
Malouetia furfuracea Spruce ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 93
Malouetia furfuracea Spruce ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 93
Malouetia furfuracea Spruce ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 93
Malouetia virescens Spruce ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 92
Malouetia tamaquarina var. brasiliensis Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 92
Zschokkea gracilis Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 21
Zschokkea ramosissima Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 21
Zschokkea arborescens Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 22
Zschokkea monosperma Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 22, t. 6, f. 2
Aspidosperma spruceanum Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 52
Aspidosperma anomalum Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 61
Aspidosperma pachypterum Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1860, 6(1): 51
Aspidosperma desmanthum Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1860, 6(1): 51
Aspidosperma riedelii Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 56
Aspidosperma polyneuron Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 57
Aspidosperma verruculosum Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 51
Aspidosperma dispermum Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 60
Aspidosperma nitidum Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 59
Aspidosperma subincanum var. tomentosum Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 50
Rauvolfia sprucei Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 6, pt. 1: 34
Rauvolfia polyphylla var. divergens Bentham [Isotype] 1860, 6, pt. 1: 31
Anisolobus sprucei Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1860, 6(1): 114
Forsteronia benthamiana Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 106
Couma rigida Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 20
Ambelania cuneata Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 17
Tabernaemontana ternstroemiacea Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 88
Tabernaemontana rubrostriolata Martius ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 71, t. 21, f.1
Tabernaemontana submollis Martius ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 70
Tabernaemontana olivacea Müller Argoviensis [Isolectotype] 1860, 6(1): 75
Tabernaemontana sprucei Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 86
Tabernaemontana affinis Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 83
Tabernaemontana pauciflora Spruce ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 87
Tabernaemontana macrophylla Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 75
Tabernaemontana laeta var. pubiflora Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 80
Echites hebecarpa Bentham ex Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1860, 6(1): 112
Plumeria sucuuba Spruce ex Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 40
Ilex diospyroides Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11: 47
Ilex diospyroides Reissek [Type] 1861, 11: 47
Ilex spruceana Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 59
Ilex loranthoides Martius ex Reissek [Type] 1861, 11(1): 47
Ilex vismiifolia Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 59
Ilex angustissima Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 74
Hedera resinosa Spruce [Isosyntype] , 11(1): 249
Hedera resinosa Spruce [Isosyntype] , 11(1): 249
Hedera resinosa Spruce [Isosyntype] , 11(1): 249
Diplothemium campestre var. orbignyi Drude [Isosyntype] 1881, 3(2): 432
Cocos oleracea var. platyphylla Drude [Isotype] 1881, 2: 417
Ditassa hemipogonoides E. Fournier [Isotype] 1885, 6(4): 238
Ditassa aristata Bentham ex E. Fournier [Isotype] 1878, 6(4): 47
Ditassa reflexa E. Fournier [Isotype] 1885, 6(4): 225
Orthosia multiflora E. Fournier [Isotype] 1885, 6(4): 222
Orthosia urceolata E. Fournier [Isosyntype] 1885, 6(4): 223
Amphistelma riedelii E. Fournier [Isotype] 1885, 6: 225
Roulinia sprucei E. Fournier [Isosyntype] 1885, 6(4): 216
Roulinia riedelii E. Fournier [Isosyntype] 1885, 6(4)217
Roulinia selloana E. Fournier [Syntype] 1885, 6(4): 216
Fischeria riedelii E. Fournier [Type] 1885, 6(4): 299
Marsdenia rubrofusca E. Fournier [Isotype] 1885, 6(4): 321
Marsdenia mollissima E. Fournier [Type] 1885, 6(4): 322
Sattadia burchellii E. Fournier [Isotype] 1885, 6(4): 232
Tassadia selloana E. Fournier [Isosyntype] 1885, 6(4): 321
Kanimia gracilis Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 371
Kanimia gracilis Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 371
Kanimia pohlii Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 370
Kanimia pohlii Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 370
Verbesina guianensis Baker [Isosyntype] 1884, 6(3): 211
Verbesina clausseni Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1884, 6(3): 212
Verbesina semiserrata Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 214
Mikania myriocephala var. brevipetiolata Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 230
Mikania myriocephala var. brevipetiolata Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 230
Mikania lindbergii Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 232
Mikania lindbergii Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 232
Mikania lindbergii Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 232
Mikania lindbergii var. collina Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 233
Mikania lindbergii var. collina Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 233
Mikania estrellensis Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 231
Mikania pilosa Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 234
Mikania retifolia Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 242
Mikania leptotricha Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 234
Mikania leptotricha Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 234
Mikania microlepis Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 259
Mikania microlepis Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 259
Mikania setigera Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 259
Mikania glauca Martius ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 224
Mikania banisteriae var. umbrosa Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 257
Mikania parvifolia Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 226
Mikania rufescens Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 238
Mikania thyrsoidea Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 267
Mikania gabrieli Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 235
Mikania scandens var. rhodotricha Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 250
Mikania cordifolia var. umbrosa Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 254
Stevia leptophylla Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 205
Stevia riedelii Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1876, 6(2): 204
Stevia riedelii Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1876, 6(2): 204
Porophyllum arenosum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1884, 6(3): 285
Isostigma speciosum var. riedelii Baker [PhotoOfType] 1884, 6, pt. 3: 240
Isostigma speciosum var. riedelii Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6, pt. 3: 240
Oyedaea vestita Baker [Syntype] 1884, 6(3): 207
Oyedaea vestita Baker [Syntype] 1884, 6(3): 207
Oyedaea lippioides Baker [Syntype] 1884, 6(3): 208
Baccharis sebastianopolitana Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 65
Baccharis sebastianopolitana Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 65
Baccharis vulneraria Baker [Type] 1882, 6(3): 75
Baccharis refracta Burchell ex Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3); 64
Baccharis arenaria Baker [Type] 1882, 6(3): 62
Baccharis weirii Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 67
Baccharis weirii Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 67
Baccharis patens Baker [Type] 1882, 6(3): 52
Baccharis lateralis Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 100
Baccharis vincifolia Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 83
Baccharis cultrata Baker [Type] 1882, 6(3): 93
Baccharis bahiensis Baker [Type] 1882, 6(3): 88
Baccharis stenocephala Baker [Isotype] 1882, 6(3): 39
Baccharis humilis Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 92
Baccharis burchellii Baker [Isotype] 1882, 6(3): 44
Baccharis selloi Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 68
Baccharis selloi Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 68
Baccharis squarrosa Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 50
Baccharis micropoda Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6(3): 88
Baccharis deltoidea Baker [Isotype] , 6 (3): 90.
Baccharis minutiflora Martius ex Baker [Syntype] , 6 (3): 69.
Baccharis minutiflora Martius ex Baker [Syntype] , 6 (3): 69.
Baccharis minutiflora Martius ex Baker [Syntype] , 6 (3): 69.
Baccharis serrula Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1882, 6 (3): 70.
Baccharis hypericifolia Baker [Syntype] , 6 (3): 69.
Baccharis pentziifolia Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6 (3): 96.
Baccharis pentziifolia Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1882, 6 (3): 96.
Hypochaeris variegata Baker [NotType] , 6(3): 333
Perezia kingii Baker [Isosyntype] 1884, 6(3): 380
Piptocarpha polycephala Baker [Isotype] 1873, 6(2): 125
Piptocarpha sprucei Baker [Isolectotype] 1873, 6(2): 129
Piptocarpha sprucei Baker [Isolectotype] 1873, 6(2): 129
Piptocarpha oblonga var. oligocephala Baker [Lectotype] 1873, 6(2): 122
Piptocarpha oblonga var. oligocephala Baker [Lectotype] 1873, 6(2): 122
Wedelia alagoensis Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 187
Moquinia gardneri Baker [Isolectotype] 1884, 6(3): 348
Aspilia podophylla Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 200
Viguiera hispida Baker [Type] 1884, 6(3): 220
Viguiera retifolia Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] , 6(3): 223
Viguiera imbricata Baker [Type] 1884, 6(3): 220
Viguiera radula Baker [Type] 1884, 6(3): 223
Viguiera radula Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 223
Viguiera arenaria Baker [Type] 1887, 6(3): 226
Viguiera arenaria Baker [Isotype] 1887, 6(3): 226
Viguiera filifolia Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] , 6(3): 219
Viguiera pilosa Baker [Syntype] 1884, 6(3): 223
Viguiera obtusifolia Baker [Type] 1884, 6(3): 226
Viguiera obtusifolia Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 226
Viguiera densifolia Baker [Type] 1884, 6(3): 219
Viguiera densifolia Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 219
Viguiera macrorhiza Baker [Syntype] 1884, 6(3): 225
Viguiera gardneri Baker [Type] 1884, 6(3): 224
Chuquiraga spinescens Baker [Isosyntype] ,
Chuquiraga spinescens Baker [Isosyntype] ,
Chuquiraga cryptocephala Baker [Isotype] , 6(3): 355
Chuquiraga sprengeliana Baker [Isotype] , 6(3): 357
Stilpnopappus pohlii Baker [TypeMaterial] 1873, 6(2): 139
Stilpnopappus pohlii Baker [Isotype] 1873, 6(2): 139
Gochnatia discolor Baker [Type] 1884, 6(3): 350
Gochnatia discolor Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 350
Serpaea rotundifolium Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isolectotype] 1884, 6(3): 208
Serpaea rotundifolium Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isolectotype] 1884, 6(3): 208
Trichogonia salviaefolia var. calva Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 217
Trichocline arenaria Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 374
Alomia pohlii Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 190
Alomia polyphylla Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 191
Vanillosmopsis pohlii Baker [Isotype] 1873, 6(2): 18
Ageratum micropappum Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 198
Ageratum micropappum Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 198
Ageratum heterolepis Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 198
Ageratum heterolepis Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 198
Lucilia jamesonii Baker [Isolectotype] 1882, 6(3): 113
Lucilia jamesonii Baker [Isolectotype] 1882, 6(3): 113
Symphyopappus polystachyus var. microcephala Baker [Syntype] 1876, 6(2): 368
Symphyopappus reticulatus var. vernicosus Baker [TypeMaterial] 1876, 6(2): 368
Symphyopappus reticulatus var. vernicosus Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 368
Leucopsis harveyi Baker [Type] 1882, 6(3): 7
Eupatorium burchellii Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 356
Eupatorium burchellii Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 356
Eupatorium cylindrocephalum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 283
Eupatorium cylindrocephalum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 283
Eupatorium cylindrocephalum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 283
Eupatorium cylindrocephalum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 283
Eupatorium cylindrocephalum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 283
Eupatorium warmingii Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 339
Eupatorium warmingii Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 339
Eupatorium warmingii Baker [Syntype] 1876, 6(2): 339
Eupatorium sphaerocephalum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isolectotype] 1876, 6: 317
Eupatorium nitidulum Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 351
Eupatorium hirsutissimum Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 311
Eupatorium asperrimum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1876, 6(2): 292
Eupatorium asperrimum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1876, 6(2): 292
Eupatorium asperrimum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [PhotoOfType] 1876, 6(2): 292
Eupatorium asperrimum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [PhotoOfType] 1876, 6(2): 292
Eupatorium asperrimum var. gardneri Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 293
Eupatorium asperrimum var. gardneri Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 293
Eupatorium angulicaule Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 287
Eupatorium angulicaule Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 287
Eupatorium angulicaule Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [PhotoOfType] 1876, 6(2): 287
Eupatorium cerasifolium Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 308
Eupatorium cerasifolium Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 308
Eupatorium riedelii Baker [Syntype] 1876, 6(2): 355
Eupatorium vernoniopsis Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 334
Eupatorium vernoniopsis Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 334
Eupatorium mollissimum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 331
Eupatorium angustissimum Sprengel ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 325
Eupatorium angustissimum Sprengel ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 325
Eupatorium angustissimum Sprengel ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 325
Eupatorium angustissimum Sprengel ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 325
Eupatorium angustissimum Sprengel ex Baker [PhotoOfType] 1876, 6(2): 325
Eupatorium arnottii Baker [Holotype] 1876, 6(2): 323
Eupatorium ascendens Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 296
Eupatorium decipiens Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 347
Eupatorium decipiens Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 347
Eupatorium cryptanthum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 296
Eupatorium cryptanthum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 296
Eupatorium cryptanthum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 296
Eupatorium asperulaceum Baker [Syntype] 1876, 6(2): 342
Eupatorium dimorpholepis Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 331
Eupatorium porphyrolepis Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 280
Eupatorium alternifolium Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 333
Eupatorium alternifolium var. burchelii Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 334
Eupatorium alternifolium var. burchelii Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 334
Eupatorium cinereo-viride Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 294
Eupatorium xylorhizum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 292
Eupatorium xylorhizum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 292
Eupatorium megacephalum Martius ex Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 354
Eupatorium pedale var. dissitiflora Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 296
Eupatorium conyzoides var. foliatum Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 278
Eupatorium conyzoides var. foliatum Baker [PhotoOfType] 1876, 6(2): 278
Eupatorium conyzoides var. foliatum Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 278
Eupatorium laevigatum var. claussenii Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 287
Eupatorium laevigatum var. tomentosa Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 287
Eupatorium laevigatum var. tomentosa Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 287
Eupatorium ivaefolium var. extrorsum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 290
Eupatorium ivaefolium var. extrorsum Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1876, 6(2): 290
Eupatorium trichobasis Baker [Isotype] 1876, 6(2): 364
Vernonia octantha Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Type] 1873, 6(2): 87
Vernonia octantha Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1873, 6(2): 87
Vernonia subverticillata Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1873, 6(2): 99
Vernonia subverticillata Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1873, 6(2): 99
Vernonia subverticillata Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1873, 6(2): 99
Vernonia grisea Baker [Isotype] 1873, 6(2): 61
Vernonia oxylepis Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1873, 6(2): 70
Vernonia araneosa Baker [Holotype] 1873, 6(2): 32
Vernonia coulonii Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1873, 6(2): 93
Vernonia carduoides Baker [Syntype] 1873, 6(2): 34
Vernonia brevipetiolata Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Syntype] 1873, 6(2): 85
Vernonia argyrotrichia Schultz Bipontinus [Syntype] 1873, 6(2): 96
Vernonia saxicola Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker [Isotype] 1873, 6(2): 81
Erigeron blanchetii Baker [Isotype] 1882, 6(3): 36
Erigeron blanchetii Baker [Isotype] 1882, 6(3): 36
Stenocline gardneri Baker [Isotype] 1882, 6(3): 127
Bidens riedelii Baker [Isotype] 1884, 6(3): 246
Bidens glycinaefolila Schultz Bipontinus [PhotoOfType] , 6(3): 247
Clidemia capituliflora Cogniaux [Type] 1888, 14(4): 1021
Clidemia ampla Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 1023
Rhynchanthera latifolia Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1883, 14(3): 167
Pterolepis buraeavi Cogniaux [Isotype] 1885, 14(3): 268
Pterolepis trianaei Cogniaux [Isotype] 1885, 14(3): 269
Pterolepis alpestris var. imbricata Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1885, 14(3): 285
Pterolepis glomerata var. martiana Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1885, 14(3): 275
Pterolepis striphnocalyx var. grandiflora Cogniaux [Isotype] 1885, 14(3): 287
Pterolepis pauciflora var. hirsutissima Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1885, 14(3): 266
Pterolepis pauciflora var. hirsutissima Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1885, 14(3): 266
Microlicia virgata Cogniaux [Isotype] , 14(3): 44
Loreya minor Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 522
Leandra niangaeformis Cogniaux [Isotype] 1886, 14(4): 93
Myrmidone lanceolata Martius [Isotype] 1888, 14: 468
Lavoisiera francavillana Cogniaux [Isotype] , 14(3): 158
Comolia tetraquetra Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 603
Comolia tetraquetra Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 603
Aciotis purpurascens var. alata Cogniaux [Lectotype] 1885, 14: 474
Miconia scrobiculata Cogniaux [Type] 1887, 14(4): 334
Miconia aureoides Cogniaux [Isotype] 1887, 14(4): 260
Miconia traillii Cogniaux [Type] 1887, 14(4): 242
Miconia subglabra Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 412
Miconia impetiolaris var. spruceana Cogniaux [Type] 1887, 14(4): 272
Blakea spruceana Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 560
Ossaea humilis Urban & Ekman [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 552
Macairea adenostemon var. martiana Cogniaux [Isotype] 1885, 14(3): 245
Pterogastra major var. angustifolia Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1885, 14(3): 259
Huberia peruviana Cogniaux [Isotype] 1886, 14(4): 10
Tibouchina gardneri Cogniaux [Isotype] , 14(3): 334
Mouriri pauciflora Spruce ex Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 581
Mouriri chamissoana Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 573
Mouriri chamissoana Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 573
Meriania excelsa Cogniaux [Isotype] 1886, 14(4): 28
Trembleya parviflora var. martii Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1883, 14(3): 129
Trembleya parviflora var. valtheri Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1883, 14(3): 128
Trembleya parviflora var. valtheri Cogniaux [Isolectotype] 1883, 14(3): 128
Trembleya laniflora var. intermedia Cogniaux [Isotype] 1883, 14(3): 130
Trembleya laniflora var. grandifolia Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1883, 14(3): 131
Tococa longisepala Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 449
Tococa subglabrata Cogniaux [Type] 1888, 14(4): 438
Marcetia gardneri Cogniaux [Isotype] , 14(3): 448
Trichilia corcovadensis C. de Candolle [Type] 1878, 11(1): 215
Trichilia riedelii C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1878, 11(1): 202
Trichilia gardneri C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1878, 11(1): 221
Trichilia weddellii var. stylosa C. de Candolle [Type] 1878, 11(1): 201
Guarea pedicellata C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1878, 11(1): 196
Guarea gardneri C. de Candolle [Isotype] 1878, 11(1): 193
Mimosa desmodioides Bentham [Isotype] 1876, 15(2): 309
Mimosa calodendron var. leprosa Bongard ex Bentham [Isolectotype] 1876, 15(2): 352
Mimosa calodendron var. leprosa Bongard ex Bentham [Isolectotype] 1876, 15(2): 352
Mimosa cinerea var. pubescens Bentham [Isotype] 1876, 15: 383
Mimosa malacocentra var. angustifolia Bentham [Isolectotype] 1876, 15(2): 360
Mimosa barbigera var. erecta Bentham [Isotype] 1876, 15(2): 322
Pithecellobium floribundum Bentham [Isotype] 1876, 15(2): 437
Pithecellobium adiantifolium var. multipinnum Bentham [Isolectotype] 1876, 15(2): 445
Pithecellobium saman var. acutifolium Bentham [Isosyntype] 1876, 15(2): 442
Pithecellobium saman var. acutifolium Bentham [Isosyntype] 1876, 15(2): 442
Stryphnodendron polyphyllum var. villosum Bentham [Isosyntype] 1876, 15(2): 285
Calliandra umbellifera Bentham [Isotype] 1876, 15(2): 413
Inga edulis var. parviflora Bentham [Isolectotype] 1876, 15(2): 498
Inga scabriuscula var. villosior Bentham [Isotype] 1876, 15(2): 497
Inga piliuscula var. panurensis Bentham [Isotype] 1876, 15, pt. 2: 481
Urostigma subapiulatum Miquel [Isotype] , iv: I 101
Pourouma tomentosa Martius ex Miquel [Isotype] 1853, 4: 128
Cecropia leucocoma Miquel [Isotype] 1853, 4(1): 142
Coussapoa cuneata Miquel [Isotype] 1853, 4(1): 138
Sorocea muriculata Miquel [Syntype] 1853, 4(1): 113
Weigeltia longifolia Bentham ex Miquel [Isotype] , 10: 299.
Ardisia adenanthera Miquel [Isotype] 1856, 10: 285
Ardisia surinamensis Miquel [Isotype] 1856, 10: 288
Conomorpha reticulata Bentham ex Miquel [Syntype] 1856, 10: 303
Conomorpha laxiflora var. longifolia Miquel [Syntype] 1856, 10: 302
Conomorpha heterantha Miquel [Syntype] 1856, 10: 304.
Conomorpha heterantha Miquel [Syntype] 1856, 10: 304.
Myrciaria involucrata O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 375
Campomanesia synchrona O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 444
Campomanesia caerulea O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 455
Rubachia obumbrans O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 28
Gomidesia clausseniana O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 23
Gomidesia fenzliana O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 20
Gomidesia blanchetiana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 14
Abbevillea langsdorfii O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 608
Abbevillea gardneriana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 436
Calycorectes riedelianus O. Berg [Type] , 14(1): 596
Marlierea parvifolia O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 537
Myrtus blanchetiana O. Berg [Type] 1857, 14(1): 418
Eugenia acuminatissima O. Berg [Type] 1857, 14(1): 315
Eugenia ferreiraeana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 285
Eugenia lingua O. Berg [Type] 1857, 14(1): 266
Eugenia schlechtendaliana O. Berg [Type] 1857, 14(1): 321
Eugenia gardneriana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 316
Eugenia gardneriana var. depauperata O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 317
Eugenia membranacea O. Berg [Type] 1859, 14(1): 589
Eugenia cachoeirensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 265
Eugenia regnelliana O. Berg [Type] 1857, 14(1): 245
Eugenia prasina O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 225
Eugenia ciarensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 235
Eugenia feijoi O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 283
Eugenia diantha var. glabra O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 240
Myrcia vautheriana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 154
Myrcia ochroides O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 208
Myrcia ochroides O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 208
Myrcia guajavaefolia O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 160
Myrcia guajavaefolia O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 160
Myrcia ciarensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 178
Myrcia negrensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 187
Myrcia perforata O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 197
Myrcia gemmiflora O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 190
Myrcia acutiloba O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 189
Myrcia acutiloba O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 189
Myrcia kegeliana var. latifolia O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 168
Myrcia gracilis var. sessiliflora O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 564
Myrcia gracilis var. opaca O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 175
Myrcia bergiana var. angustifolia O. Berg [Type] 1859, 14(1): 567
Myrcia costata var. bahiensis O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 157
Psidium gardnerianum O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 389
Psidium gardnerianum O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 389
Psidium macahense O. Berg [Type] 1859, 14(1): 605
Psidium ooideum O. Berg [Type] 1857, 14(1): 398
Eugeniopsis gardneriana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 145
Pseudocaryophyllus velutinus O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 607
Calyptranthes langsdorffii O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1859, 14(1): 539
Calyptranthes strigipes O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 540
Calyptranthes grandiflora O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 542
Calyptranthes mutabilis O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 540
Calyptranthes blanchetiana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 40
Calyptranthes fastigiata O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 50
Calyptranthes rufa O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 541
Calyptranthes multiflora Poeppig ex Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 42
Calyptranthes obscura var. fluminensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 542
Aulomyrcia velhensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 560
Aulomyrcia caerulescens O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 80
Aulomyrcia paraensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 76
Aulomyrcia sonderiana O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 110
Aulomyrcia cymosa O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 552
Aulomyrcia stricta O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 548
Aulomyrcia riedeliana O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 551
Aulomyrcia spruceana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 76
Aulomyrcia laricina O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 61
Aulomyrcia rorida O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 552
Aulomyrcia gardneriana O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 129
Aulomyrcia gardneriana var. virescens O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 130
Aulomyrcia orthophylla O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 549
Aulomyrcia longipes var. spathulata O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 94
Aulomyrcia longipes var. obovata O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 94
Aulomyrcia sphaerocarpa var. pauciflora O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 86
Aulomyrcia sphaerocarpa var. complicata O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 86
Aulomyrcia sphaerocarpa var. ovata O. Berg [Type] 1857, 14(1): 86
Aulomyrcia insularis var. punctata O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 98
Aulomyrcia glandulosa var. elliptica O. Berg [Type] 1857, 14(1): 139
Aulomyrcia prunifolia var. longipes O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 96
Britoa dichotoma O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 463
Britoa psidioides O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 462
Britoa triflora var. iluensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 613
Najas marina var. angustissima K. Schumann [Isotype] 1894, 3(3): 725
Neea constricta Spruce ex J. A. Schmidt [Isotype] 1872, 14(2): 368
Neea ovalifolia Spruce ex J. A. Schmidt [Isotype] 1872, 14(2): 368
Neea mollis Spruce ex J. A. Schmidt [Isotype] 1872, 14(2): 367
Ouratea inundata Engler [Type] , 12(2): 335
Ouratea inundata var. erythrocalyx Engler [Type] 1876, 12, pt. 2: 336
Ouratea hexasperma var. planchonii Engler [Isotype] 1 Sep 1876, 12(2): 321
Ouratea hexasperma var. planchonii Engler [Syntype] 1 Sep 1876, 12(2): 321
Gomphia coccinea Martius ex Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12(2): 311
Liriosma micrantha Spruce ex Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 28
Liriosma grandiflora Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 25
Liriosma adhaerens Spruce ex Engler [Type] 1872, 12(2): 26
Rhaptostylum pentandra Bentham ex Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 77
Heisteria kappleri Sagot ex Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 14
Heisteria laxiflora Engler [Type] 1872, 12(2): 19
Heisteria laxiflora Engler [Isosyntype] 1872, 12(2): 19
Heisteria longifolia Spruce ex Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 14
Heisteria spruceana Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 15
Heisteria pallida Spruce ex Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 16
Heisteria nitida Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 18
Heisteria microcarpa Spruce ex Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 21
Heisteria brasiliensis var. blanchetiana Engler [Isotype] 1872, 12(2): 19
Linociera arborea Eichler [Isosyntype] 1868, 6(1): 308
Jussiaea octonervia f. sessiliflora Micheli [Isolectotype] 1875, 13(2): 171
Jussiaea nervosa var. pubescens Micheli [Isolectotype] 1875, 13(2): 155
Epidendrum faustum H. G. Reichenbach ex Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1901, 3, 5: 80
Epidendrum gratrosum var. linoarifolium Cogniaux [DrawingOfType] 1898, 3,5: 166
Epidendrum weddelii var. longifolium Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1898, 3: 169
Spiranthes subfiliformes Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1906, 3, 6: 544
Campylocentrum ulaei Cogniaux [Isotype] 1906, 3, pt. 6: 514
Ponthieva sprucei Cogniaux [Type] 1895, 3,pt.4: 274,pl.66,fig.3
Pogoniopsis schenckii Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1893, 3(4): 136
Pleurothallis purpureo-violaceo Cogniaux [NotType] 1893, 2(4): 405
Pleurothallis purpureo-violaceo Cogniaux [NotType] 1893, 2(4): 405
Pleurothallis serpentula var. major Cogniaux [Isotype] 1896, 3,4: 474
Stelis lindleyana Cogniaux [DrawingOfType] 1896, 3(4): 346
Stelis lindleyana Cogniaux [Isosyntype] 1896, 3(4): 346
Stelis lindleyana Cogniaux [DrawingOfType] 1896, 3(4): 346
Ponera australis Cogniaux [Type] 1858, 3(5): 9
Physurus peterianus Cogniaux [Isotype] 1895, 3(4): 227 (t.52)
Habenaria sprucei Cogniaux [Isotype] 1893, 3,pt. 4: 40
Habenaria glaucophylla var. brevifolia Cogniaux [Type] 1893, 3(4): 49.
Oxalis spruceana Progel [Isotype] , 12(2): 481
Passiflora cornuta Masters [Type] 1872, 13(1): 566
Passiflora exoperculata Masters [Isotype] 1872, 13(1): 556
Tacsonia mandonii Masters [Type] 1872, 13(1): 538
Tacsonia jamesonii Masters [Isotype] 1872, 13(1): 537
Tacsonia jamesonii Masters [Isotype] 1872, 13(1): 537
Costus uniflorus Poeppig ex Petersen [Neotype] 1890, 3(3): 58
Renealmia pauciflora Grisebach ex Petersen [Syntype] 1890, 3(3): 47
Renealmia pauciflora Grisebach ex Petersen [Syntype] 1890, 3(3): 47
Leptochloa burchellii Munro ex Döll [Type] 1878, 2(3): 94
Leptochloa floribunda Döll [Isotype] 1878, 2(3): 89
Pariana intermedia Doellinger [Isotype] 1877, 2(2): 337
Gynerium modestum Döll [Isotype] 1880, 2(3): 240
Eragrostis acuminata Döll [Isotype] 1878, 2: 153
Panicum neurophyllum Spruce [Type] 1877, 2(2): 254
Paspalum longispica Döll [Isotype] 1877, 2(2): 105
Luziola spruceana Bentham ex Döll [Isotype] 1871, 2(2): 18
Ichnanthus oplismenoides Munro ex Döll [Isotype] 1877, 2(2): 288
Olyra flaccida Döll [Type] 1877, 2(2): 326
Securidaca parvifolia Spruce ex A. W. Bennett [Type] 1874, 13(3): 65
Polygala martiana A. W. Bennett [Syntype] 1874, 13(3): 13
Polygonum acuminatum var. glabrescens Meisner [Isosyntype] 1855, 5(1): 15
Ruprechtia amentacea Meisner [Isotype] 1855, 5(1): 56
Ruprechtia apetala var. sprucei Meisner [Isotype] 1855, 5(1): 57
Coccoloba strobilulifera Meisner [Type] 1855, 5(1): 25
Coccoloba gardneri Meisner [Isotype] 1855, 5(1): 36
Coccoloba densifrons Martius ex Meisner [Type] 1855, 5(1): 26
Coccoloba rosea Meisner [Holotype] 1855, 5(1): 33
Coccoloba racemulosa Meisner [Holotype] 1855, 5(1): 30
Coccoloba candolleana Meisner [Type] 1855, 5: 41
Portulaca sedoides Spruce ex Rohrbach [Type] 1872, 14(2): 304
Portulaca sedoides Spruce ex Rohrbach [Isotype] 1872, 14(2): 304
Roupala chrysogenia Martius ex C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1855, 5(1): 93
Roupala gardneri var. dentata Meisner [Isotype] 1855, 5(1): 83
Roupala gardneri var. integrifolia Meisner [Isotype] 1855, 5(1): 83
Adenostephanus laxiflorus C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1855, 5(1): 94
Pteris lomariacea var. actinophylla Baker [Isotype] 1870, 1(2): 406
Clematis millefoliata Eichler [Type] 1864, 13(1): 150
Ziziphus cotinifolia Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 87
Ziziphus undulata Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 88
Ziziphus undulata Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 88
Frangula chrysophylla Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11: 91
Cephalanthus breviflorus Spruce ex K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 129
Cephalanthus peruvianus Spruce ex K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 129
Mapouria subsessilis var. angustifolia Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6(5): 411
Mapouria remota var. angustifolia Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1881, 6(5): 408
Chimarrhis hookeri K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 259
Rustia gracilis K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 263
Ladenbergia discolor K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 146
Ladenbergia graciliflora K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 145
Retiniphyllum truncatum Müller Argoviensis [Type] , 6(5): 11
Rondeletia rupicola Spruce ex K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 222
Bathysa gymnocarpa K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 238
Hippotis brevipes Spruce ex K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 298
Hippotis tubiflora Spruce ex K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 298
Psychotria clavipes Müller Argoviensis [Type] , 6(5): 464
Psychotria gardneriana Müller Argoviensis [Type] , 6(5): 379
Psychotria glabrescens Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] , 6(5): 363
Psychotria sororiella Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6(5): 375
Psychotria paraensis Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1881, 6(5): 245
Psychotria corymbifera Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1881, 6(6): 247
Psychotria corymbifera Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1881, 6(6): 247
Psychotria stipulosa Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6(5): 334
Psychotria megalocalyx Müller Argoviensis [Type] , 6(5): 268
Psychotria iodotricha Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6(5): 375
Psychotria trichoneura Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6(5): 368
Psychotria campyloneura Müller Argoviensis [Isotype] 1881, 6(5): 302
Psychotria bracteata var. tenuifolia Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6(5): 313
Psychotria humboldtiana var. caudata Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6(5): 334
Psychotria humboldtiana var. ornata Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1881, 6, pt. 5: 334
Psychotria humboldtiana var. ornata Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1881, 6, pt. 5: 334
Chiococca brachiata var. biformis Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6, pt. 5: 52
Chiococca brachiata var. biformis Müller Argoviensis [Isosyntype] 1881, 6, pt. 5: 52
Chiococca nitida var. amazonica Müller Argoviensis [Type] 1881, 6, pt. 5: 50
Ferdinandusa uaupensis K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1889, 6(6): 211
Ferdinandusa sprucei K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1889, 6(6): 210
Ferdinandusa guainiae Spruce [Isosyntype] 1889, 6(6): 208
Condaminea corymbosa var. pubescens de Candolle [Isotype] 1889, 6(6): 258
Gonzalagunia mollis Spruce [Type] 1889, 6(6): 290
Staelia aurea K. Schumann [Type] 1888, 6(6): 77
Duroia petiolaris Hooker f. [Syntype] 1889, 6(6): 364
Warszewiczia cordata Spruce ex K. Schumann [Isotype] 1889, 6(6): 217
Warszewiczia longistaminea K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 218
Warszewiczia schwackei K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1889, 6(6): 219
Sphinctanthus maculatus Spruce [Isotype] 1889, 6(6): 356
Manettia canescens K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 178
Manettia lygistum var. glabrata K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1889, 6(6): 181
Alibertia bertierifolia K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 384
Alibertia myrciifolia Spruce ex K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1889, 6: 393
Alibertia latifolia var. parvifolia K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 386
Remijia hispida Spruce ex K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 150
Remijia physophora Bentham ex K. Schumann [Type] 1889, 6(6): 151
Hortia coccinea Bentham [Type] 1874, 12(2): 183
Hortia coccinea Bentham [Isotype] 1874, 12(2): 183
Hortia longifolia Spruce ex Engler [Isotype] 1814, 12(2): 184
Cusparia toxicaria Spruce ex Engler [Type] 1874, 12(2): 114
Galipea grandifolia Engler [Isotype] 1874, 12(2): 98
Zanthoxylum stipitatum Engler [Isotype] 1874, 12(2): 161
Decagonocarpus oppositifolia Spruce ex Engler [Isotype] 1874, 12(2): 105
Allophylus melanophloeus Radlkofer [Type] 1900, 13(3): 478
Averrhoidium gardnerianum Baillon [Type] 1872, 13: 650
Matayba macrolepis Radlkofer [Type] 1900, 13(3): 605
Mimusops rufula Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 44
Chrysophyllum inophyllum Martius [Isotype] 1863, 7: 105
Chrysophyllum inophyllum Martius [Isotype] 1863, 7: 105
Chrysophyllum auratum Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 97
Chrysophyllum gardneri Martius & Miquel [Type] 1863, 7: 102
Chrysophyllum revolutum Martius & Eichler [Isotype] 1863, 7: 104
Chrysophyllum ebenaceum var. tomentosum Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 100
Chrysophyllum oleafolium Spruce ex Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 101
Lucuma lucens Martius & Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 78
Lucuma gomphiifolia Martius ex Miquel [Type] 1863, 7: 78
Lucuma gomphiifolia var. blepharantha Martius [Isotype] 1863, 7: 78
Lucuma lateriflora Bentham ex Miquel [Type] 1863, 7: 83
Lucuma retusa Spruce ex Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 70
Lucuma venulosa Martius & Eichler [Isotype] 1863, 7: 52
Oxythece leptocarpa Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 106
Passaveria lancifolia Martius & Eichler [Isotype] 1863, 7: 85
Sideroxylon robustum Martius & Eichler [Isotype] 1863, 7: 56
Sideroxylon spruceanum Martius & Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 53
Sideroxylon cyrtobotryum Martius ex Miquel [Isotype] 1863, 7: 57
Schizaea fluminensis Miers ex J. W. Sturm [Isotype] 1859, 1(2): 184
Herpestis arenaria J. A. Schmidt [Type] 1862, 8: 313
Stemodia microphylla C. F. Schmidt [Isosyntype] 1864, 8: 298
Simaba suffuticosa Engler [Isotype] 1874, 12(2): 213
Simaba salubris Engler [Isotype] 1874, 12(2): 219
Simaba glabra Engler [Isotype] 1874, 12(2): 217
Solanum floribundum Sendtner [Isotype] 1846, 10: 63
Solanum oocarpum Sendtner [Isosyntype] 1846, 10: 106
Solanum pycnanthemum var. lobatum Sendtner [Isotype] 1846, 10: 89
Solanum leucodendron Sendtner [Syntype] 1846, 10: 43
Solanum grandiflorum var. setosum Sendtner [Syntype] 1846, 10: 87
Solanum adscendens Sendtner [PhotoOfType] 1846, 10: 17 (-18; ta. 1)
Brunfelsia cuneifolia J. A. Schmidt [Isosyntype] 1864, 8(1): 259
Brunfelsia ramosissima f. laxiflora J. A. Schmidt [Isotype] 1862, 8(1): 260
Cestrum gardneri Sendtner [Isotype] 1846, 10: 208
Cestrum schottii Sendtner [Isosyntype] 1846, 10: 213
Cestrum lycioides Sendtner [Isotype] 1846, 10: 208
Cestrum subpulverulentum Martius [Isotype] 1838, 21(2): 65
Cestrum sendtnerianum Martius ex Sendtner [Isosyntype] 1846, 10: 215
Cestrum obovatum Sendtner [Isosyntype] 1846, 10: 209
Cestrum polyanthum Sendtner [Isotype] 1846, 10: 216
Cestrum laevigatum var. puberulum Sendtner [Isosyntype] 1846, 10: 216
Sterculia speciosa Schumann [Isosyntype] 1886, 12(3): 7
Freziera boliviensis Wawra [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 284
Freziera boliviensis Wawra [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 284
Freziera ferruginea Wawra [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 284
Ternstroemia candolleana Wawra [Isosyntype] 1886, 12(1): 273
Ternstroemia candolleana Wawra [Isosyntype] 1886, 12(1): 273
Ternstroemia candolleana Wawra [Isosyntype] 1886, 12(1): 273
Ternstroemia candolleana Wawra [Isolectotype] 1886, 12(1): 273
Ternstroemia candolleana var. rotundata Wawra [Isotype] 1886, 12(1): 274
Ternstroemia candolleana var. rotundata Wawra [Isolectotype] 1886, 12(1): 274
Clavija integrifolia Martius ex Miquel [Isotype] 1856, 10: 277
Trigonia spruceana Bentham [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 130
Trigonia microcarpa Sagot [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 131
Trigonia candida Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 139
Trigonia candida Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 139
Gaylussacia brasiliensis Meisner [Syntype] 1863, 7: 129
Gaylussacia brasiliensis var. pubescens Meisner [Syntype] 1863, 7: 131
Gaylussacia ledifolia Martius ex C. F. W. Meissner [Isotype] 1863, 7: 145
Gaylussacia vauthieri Meisner [Type] 1863, 7: 138
Gaylussacia gardneri Meisner [Type] 1863, 7: 137
Gaylussacia virgata Martius [Syntype] 1863, 7: 141
Thibaudia panurensis Bentham ex C. F. W. Meissner [Type] 1863, 7: 125
Valeriana scandens var. angustiloba Müller Stuttgart [Isotype] 1855, 6(4): 344
Barbacenia gardneri Seubert [Isotype] 1842, 3(1): 70
Vellozia cryptantha Seubert [Isotype] 1842, 3(1): 80
Alsodeia sprucei Eichler [Isolectotype] 1871, 13(1): 385
Amphirrhox latifolia Martius ex Eichler [Type] , 13(1): 376
Cissus sicyoides f. lobata Baker [Isosyntype] 1871, 14(2): 203
Qualea retusa Spruce ex Warming [Type] 1875, 13(2): 34
Qualea retusa Spruce ex Warming [Type] 1875, 13(2): 34
Qualea trichanthera Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 35
Qualea densiflora Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 50
Qualea acuminata Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 40
Qualea elongata Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 48
Qualea ingens Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 40
Qualea cassiquiarensis Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 34
Qualea schomburgkiana Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 39
Qualea sprucei Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 38
Qualea psidiifolia Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 46
Qualea pulcherrima Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 37
Qualea gardneriana Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 35
Qualea macropetala Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 41
Callisthene mollissima Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 26
Callisthene major var. pilosa Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 26
Lightia liconoides Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 122
Vochysia magnifica Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 85
Vochysia sprucei Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 99
Vochysia vismiifolia Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 99
Vochysia splendens Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 101
Vochysia oblongifolia Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 84
Vochysia obscura Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 73
Vochysia parviflora Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 75
Vochysia dasyantha Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 95
Vochysia densiflora Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 101
Vochysia glaberrima Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 78
Vochysia punctata Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 102
Vochysia discolor Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 81
Vochysia calophylla Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 98
Vochysia grandis var. uaupensis Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 75
Erisma micranthum Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 112
Erisma japura Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 109
Erisma laurifolium Spruce ex Warming [Isotype] 1875, 13(2): 109
Salacia miersii Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 11(1): 147
Salacia fluminensis Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 11(1): 149
Salacia amygdalina Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 11(1): 159
Salacia micrantha var. lancifolia Peyritsch [Syntype] 1878, 11(1): 148
Salacia elliptica var. apiculata Peyritsch [Isotype] 1878, 11(1): 157
Humiria floribunda var. subsessilis Urban [Isotype] 1877, 12(2): 439
Trichomanes filiforme J. W. Sturm [Isotype] 1859, 1(2): 270
Vismia obtusa Spruce ex Reichenbach [Isotype] 1878, 12(1): 207
Isoetes martii A. Brown ex Kuhn [Isosyntype] 1884, 1(1): 82
Lacistema intermedium Schnizlein [Isotype] 1857, 4(1): 281
Lacistema polystachyum Schnizlein [Isotype] 1857, 4(1): 284
Lacistema grandifolium Schnizlein [Syntype] 1857, 4(1): 284
Hyptis salicina Schmidt [Isotype] 1858, 8: 124
Hyptis crenata var. hirsuta Schmidt [Isotype] 1848, 8: 106
Cryptocarya laevis Martius [Isotype] 1837, 144
Lecythis rorida Spruce ex O. Berg [Isotype] 1858, 14(1): 488
Lecythis paniculata O. Berg [Isotype] 1858, 14(1): 501
Lecythis spruceana O. Berg [Isolectotype] 1858, 14(1): 487
Lecythis rosea Spruce ex O. Berg [Isotype] 1858, 14(1): 488
Lecythis retusa Spruce ex O. Berg [Isotype] 1858, 14(1): 487
Lecythis pachysepala Martius ex O. Berg [Isotype] 1858, 14(1): 494
Couratari uaupensis Spruce ex O. Berg [Isotype] , 14(1): 508
Phthirusa stenophylla Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5(2): 60
Phoradendron fendlerianum Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5(2): 129
Phoradendron strongyloclados Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5(2): 109
Phoradendron grisebachianum Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5(2): 127
Phoradendron dipterum Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5(2): 109
Phoradendron hexastichum var. longispica Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5(2): 129
Phoradendron cearense var. minor Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5(2): 118
Psittacanthus collum-cygni Eichler [Type] 1868, 5: 25, 35
Psittacanthus decipiens Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5: 25, 35
Cuphea tenuissima Koehne [Isosyntype] 1877, 13(2): 254
Cuphea tenuissima Koehne [Type] 1877, 13(2): 254
Cuphea ianthina Koehne [Isotype] 1877, 13(2): 238
Cuphea ianthina Koehne [Holotype] 1877, 13(2): 238
Cuphea laricoides Koehne [Isolectotype] 1877, 13(2): 292
Cuphea laricoides Koehne [Isosyntype] 1877, 13(2): 292
Cuphea cataractarum Spruce ex Koehne [Isotype] , 13(2): 226
Cuphea grisebachiana Koehne [Type] 1877, 13(2): 225
Cuphea glossostoma Koehne [Isotype] , 13(2): 234
Cuphea spruceana Koehne [Type] 1877, 13(2): 226
Cuphea flava var. pseudobrachiata Koehne [Syntype] 1877, 13(2): 294
Cuphea flava var. pseudobrachiata Koehne [Syntype] 1877, 13(2): 294
Cuphea sessilifolia f. major Koehne [Type] 1877, 13(2): 290
Burdachia prismatocarpa var. spruceana Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 23
Diacidia galphimioides Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 120
Mascagnia cynanchifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 95
Glandonia macrocarpa Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 23
Banisteria spruceana Grisebach [Type] 1858, 12(3): 45
Banisteria spruceana Grisebach [Type] 1858, 12(3): 45
Banisteria caapi Spruce ex Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 43
Banisteria grata Grisebach [Type] 1858, 12(3): 49
Banisteria constricta Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(3): 46
Tetrapterys benthamiana Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 88
Tetrapterys benthamiana Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 88
Tetrapterys calophylla var. glabrifolia Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 77
Heteropterys helicina Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 67
Clonodia verrucosa Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1858, 12(1): 26
Clonodia verrucosa Grisebach [Isolectotype] 1858, 12(1): 26
Byrsonima cuprea Grisebach [Isotype] 1858, 12(1): 19
Gaya gurkeana K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1891, 12(3): 354
Pavonia aschersoniana Gürke [Syntype] 1892, 12(3): 518
Pavonia aschersoniana Gürke [Syntype] 1892, 12(3): 518
Pavonia montana Gürke ex Gürke [Type] 1892, 12(3): 522
Pavonia argentina Gürke [Type] 1892, 12(3): 508
Pavonia sessiliflora var. acutifolia Gürke [Isosyntype] 1892, 12(3): 493
Pavonia sessiliflora var. obtusifolia Gürke [Syntype] 1892, 12(3): 493
Pavonia kunthii var. pohlii Gürke [Syntype] 1892, 12(3): 512
Pavonia cancellata var. crassivenosa Gürke [Type] 1892, 12(3): 516
Pavonia cancellata var. crassivenosa Gürke [Syntype] 1892, 12(3): 516
Pavonia hastata f. longifolia Gürke [Type] 1892, 12(3): 500
Episcia hirtiflora Spruce ex Hanstein [Isolectotype] 1864, 8(1): 402
Sabicea aspera var. scandens K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1889, 6(6): 307
Solanum viscosissimum Sendtner [Isoneotype] 1846, 10: 14
Leandra blanchetiana Cogniaux [Syntype] 1886, 14(4): 122
Leandra refracta Cogniaux [Syntype] 1886, 14(4): 186
Leandra pulchra Cogniaux [Syntype] 1886, 14, pt. 4: 163
Leandra gardneriana var. setulosa Cogniaux [Syntype] 1886, 14(4): 96
Leandra confusa Cogniaux [Syntype] 1886, 14(4): 119
Leandra confusa Cogniaux [Syntype] 1886, 14(4): 119
Alibertia claviflora K. Schumann [Isotype] 1889, 6(6): 387
Randia formosa var. nitida K. Schumann [Isolectotype] 1889, 6(6): 343
Monnina insignis A. W. Bennett [Isosyntype] 1874, 13(3): 56
Eperua purpurea Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 226
Forsteronia floribunda Müller Arg. [Isotype] 1860, 6(1): 96
Ouratea odora Poeppig ex Engler [Syntype] 1876, 12(2): 334
Ouratea parvifolia var. glabrescens Engler [Isotype] 1876, 12, pt. 2: 333
Ouratea thyrsoidea Engler [Type] 1876 (1 Sep 1876), 12(2): 313
Ouratea coccinia (Martius) Engler [Type] 1876 (1 Sep 1876) , 12(2): 310
Ouratea spectabilis (Martius ex Engler) Engler [Type] 1876, 12(2): 330
Doliocarpus brevipedicellatus var. densiflorus Eichler [Isotype] 1863, 13(1): 81
Ouratea vasivae Engler [Isotype] 1886, 12(2): 336
Gouania colurnifolia Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 107
Gouania velutina Reissek [Isotype] 1861, 11(1): 105
Tococa lasiostyla Cogniaux [Isotype] 1888, 14(4): 455
Dendrophthora grisebachii Eichler [Isotype] 1868, 5(2): 104
Tetracera breyniana var. plumbea Moricand ex Eichler [Isotype] 1863, 13(1): 89
Coussarea grandis Müller Arg. [Isosyntype] 1881, 6(5): 100
Ferdinandusa lanceolata K. Schumann [Isolectotype] 1889, 6(6): 209
Stenocalyx alagoensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 350
Linostoma calophylloides Meisner [Isotype] 1855, 5(1): 72
Eugenia pachnantha O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 585
Eugenia plicatocostata O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 575
Ionidium sprucei Eichler [Isotype] 1871, 13(1): 367
Ilex chamaedryfolia Reissek [Type] 1861, 11(1): 73
Ilex chamaedryfolia Reissek [Type] 1861, 11(1): 73
Ilex daphnogenea Reissek [Type] 1861, 11(1): 46
Ilex inundata Poeppig ex Reissek [Isolectotype] 1861, 11(1): 43
Ilex pseudothea Reissek [Type] 1861, 11(1): 64
Calea senecioides Baker [Syntype] 1884, 6(3): 258
Pectis rubiacea Baker [Isosyntype] 1884, 6(3): 287
Pectis rubiacea Baker [Isosyntype] 1884, 6(3): 287
Croton albellus Müller Arg. [Type] 1873, 11(2): 180
Croton velame Müller Arg. [Type] 1873, 11(2): 181
Ichnanthus ruprechtii var. glabratus Döll [Isolectotype] 1877, 2(2): 294
Ichnanthus ruprechtii var. glabratus Döll [Syntype] 1877, 2(2): 294
Myrciaria prasina O. Berg [Isotype] 1857, 14(1): 373
Ichnanthus candicans var. velutinus Döll [Isolectotype] 1877, 2(2): 293
Ichnanthus candicans var. velutinus Döll [Syntype] 1877, 2(2): 293
Ichnanthus leptophyllus Doell [Isolectotype] 1877, 2(2): 287
Ichnanthus leptophyllus Doell [Isolectotype] 1877, 2(2): 287
Ichnanthus leiocarpus var. glabrescens Döll [Isotype] 1877, 2(2): 282
Ichnanthus riedelii (Trinius) Döll [Isotype] 1877, 2(2): 277
Ichnanthus calvescens var. glabrescens Döll [Isolectotype] 1877, 2(2): 286
Ichnanthus calvescens var. pilosus Döll [Isolectotype] 1877, 2(2): 286
Chusquea anelytroides Ruprecht ex Döll [Syntype] 1880, 2(3): 206
Arrabidaea divaricata Bureau & K. Schumann [Isotype] 1896, 8(2): 33
Petastoma cuneifolia Bureau & K. Schumann [Isotype] 1896, 8(2): 80
Acrostichum apodum var. sprucei Baker [Isolectotype] 1870, 1(2): 578
Marlierea uaupensis O. Berg [Isotype] 1859, 14(1): 516
Aulomyrcia subverticillaris var. angustifolia O. Berg [Isosyntype] 1857, 14(1): 124
Lucuma glabrescens Martius & Eichler [Isotype] 1863, 7: 72-73, t. 46, f. 1
Nephradenia linearis Bentham ex E. Fournier [Isosyntype] 1885, 6(4): 329
Polypodium incanum var. burchellii Baker [Isotype] 1870, 1(2): 526
Borreria hispida Spruce ex K. Schumann [Isotype] 1888, 6(6): 62
Borreria hispida Spruce ex K. Schumann [Isotype] 1888, 6(6): 62
Borreria hispida var. glabrescens K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1888, 6(6): 62
Mitracarpus minutiflorus K. Schumann [Isotype] 1888, 6(6): 80
Staelia vestita K. Schumann [Isosyntype] 1889, 6(6): 78
Ophryosporus burchellii Baker [Isosyntype] 1876, 6(2): 187
Moldenhawera mollis Bentham [Isotype] 1870, 15(2): 77
Psychotria trichoclada Müller Arg. [Isosyntype] 1881, 6(5): 368
Symplocos lanceolata f. cricophloea Martius ex Miquel [Syntype] 1856, 7:30
Maripa axilliflora Martius ex Meisner [Isolectotype] 1869, 7: 208
Vriesea pastuchoffiana Mez ex Glaziou [Type] 1894, 3(3): 564