Title | Sweet's Hortus Britannicus: or a catalogue of plants cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain, arranged in natural orders ... / by Robert Sweet |
Abbreviation | Hort. Brit. [Sweet] |
Authors | R. Sweet |
Publication Dates | Ed. 1, part 1: i-iv, 1-240. Aug-Sep 1826; part 2: i-iv, 241-524. Sep-Oct 1826 |
Place of publication | London |
Publisher | James Ridgeway |
URL | http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.FIG:007343291 |
HOLLIS | 007343291 |
TL2 | 13.547 |
Remarks | Ed. 1 reissued in 1827. Description: 2pt. (492, [32] p.) |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 1 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Babiana angustifolia Ecklon [
Isotype] 1826, 396; Eckl. Verz. 31