Title | De Genere Byrsonima, pars prior [et] pars posterior |
Abbreviation | Byrsonima |
Authors | F. J. Niedenzu |
Publication Dates | 1897-1901; pars prior: 1-8, 9-12. 1 Jan-31 Mar 1897; pars posterior: 1-45, 46-48. 20 Jun 1901. |
Place of publication | Braunsberg |
Publisher | Heyne’s buchdr. (G. Reibensahm) |
HOLLIS | 006561667 |
TL2 | 6.800 |
Remarks | Series: Index lectionum in Lyceo Regio Hosiano Brunsbergensi per aestatem a die 15. apr. anni 1897. Niedenzu was professor at the Lyceum Hosianum in Braunsberg. Several of¹his revisions of genera of Mapighiaceae appeared in publications of the¹Lyceum. See TL-2 for details. |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 3 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Byrsonima tenuifolia Urban & Niedenzu [Type] 1901, pt. 2, 19Byrsonima wrightiana Urban & Niedenzu [Isotype] 1901, pt. 2, 19
Byrsonima uvulifera Spruce ex Niedenzu [Isotype] 1901, pt. 2, 37