Title | A Sketch of the Botany of South-Carolina and Georgia |
Abbreviation | Sketch Bot. S. Carolina [Elliott] |
Authors | S. Elliott |
Publication Dates | vols. 1-2; v. 1, 1816-1821; v. 2, (late ?) 1821-1824 |
Place of publication | Charleston, S.C. |
Publisher | J. R. Schenck |
HOLLIS | 006416984 |
HOLLIS | 006417000 |
TL2 | 1.659 |
Remarks | see TL-2 for details of dates. Description: 2 vols. issued in pts.; 12 plates |
The Harvard University Herbaria hold 18 type specimens of taxa described in this publication
Rhynchospora caduca Elliott [Type] 1816, 1: 62Rhynchospora caduca Elliott [Type] 1816, 1: 62
Euphorbia paniculata Elliott [Type] 1824, 2: 660
Hedysarum ciliare var. oblongifolium Elliot [Isotype] 1824, 2: 212
Ammi costatum Elliott [PhotoOfType] 1817, 1(4): 350
Aster discoideus Elliott [Isotype] 1823, 2: 358
Solidago angustifolia Elliott [Type] 1823, 2: 388
Silphium dentatum Elliott [Type] 1824, 2: 468
Eupatorium ×pinnatifidum Elliott [Holotype] 1823, 2: 295
Eupatorium glaucescens Elliott [Type] 1823, 2: 297
Panicum gymnocarpum Elliott [Type] 1816, 1: 117
Ranunculus palmatus Elliott [Type] 1821, 2: 61
Juncus biflorus Elliott [Type] 1821, 1: 407
Collinsonia verticillata W. Baldwin ex Elliott [Isotype] 1817, 1: 36
Collinsonia verticillata W. Baldwin ex Elliott [Isotype] 1817, 1: 36
Solidago salicina Elliot [Neotype] 1823, 2(4): 389
Villarsia cordata Elliott [Isosyntype] 1817, 1: 230
Robinia nana Elliott [Type] 1823, 2(3): 243