Aspidiaceae A: 02506037 Polystichum lineare (C. Christensen) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes S of Lake Pinde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7213 1966-5-26
Asteraceae A: 02249572 Anaphalioides mariae (F. Mueller) Glenny Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Valley floor east of Lake Aunde. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7009 1966-5-16
A: 02250275 Euchiton breviscapus (Mattf.) Anderb. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Slopes east of Lake Aunde. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7062 1966-5-17
A: 02251507 Papuacalia dindondl (P.Royen) Veldkamp Papua New Guinea: Chimbu South shore of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7138 1966-5-20
A: 02249460 Tetramolopium alinae (F.Muell.) Mattf. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Slopes east of Lake Aunde. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7027 1966-5-17
A: 02249524 Tetramolopium macrum (F. Mueller) Mattfeld Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Valley floor east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm... D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7042 1966-5-17
Cyperaceae A: 02428851 Carex breviculmis perciliata Kükenthal Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Pinde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7160 1966-5-24
A: 02428886 Carex capillacea Boott Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes of field station, Lake Aunde, Mt. Wil... D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7002 1966-5-16
A: 02428913 Carex celebica Kükenthal Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7011 1966-5-16
A: 02428905 Carex celebica Kükenthal Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Pinde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7173 1966-5-24
A: 02428949 Carex echinata Murray Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl-Pindaunde trail, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7134 1966-5-20
A: 02428948 Carex echinata Murray Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes north of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7101 1966-5-19
A: 02428984 Carex filicina Nees Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm area. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7251 1966-5
A: 02428979 Carex filicina Nees Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7008 1966-5-16
A: 02429076 Carex graeffeana Boeck Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7250 1966-6-7
A: 02429236 Carex sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Pinde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7161 1966-5-24
A: 02429374 Carpha alpina R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7054 1966-5-17
A: 02431232 Oreobolus ambiguus G. Kükenthal & C. G. G. J. van Steenis Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7174 1966-5
A: 02431255 Oreobolus pumilio R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Brass Tarn, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7284 1966-6-8
A: 02431797 Scirpus crassiusculus (Hooker f.) Bentham Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Slopes north of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7116 1966-5-19
A: 02431796 Scirpus crassiusculus (Hooker f.) Bentham Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7177 1966-5
A: 02431920 Scirpus sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Valley floor east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm... D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7065 1966-5-17
A: 02431873 Scirpus subtilissimus (Boeck) S. T. Blake Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Pindaunde Valley, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7133 1966-5-20
A: 02429236 Uncinia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Pinde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7161 1966-5-24
Elaeocarpaceae A: 02466113 Sericolea calophylla grossiserrata Coode Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7069 1966-5-18
Equisetaceae A: 02580064 Equisetum ramosissimum debile (Roxburgh ex Vaucher) Hauke Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands West end of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7140 1966-5-23
Ericaceae A: 01819691 Dimorphanthera keysseri (Diels) P. F. Stevens Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7078 1966-5-18
A: 01819742 Dimorphanthera microphylla Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands East shore of Lake Pinde, Mt. Wilhelm; Kombu... D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7159 1966-5-24
A: 02540037 Rhododendron atropurpureum Sleumer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes north of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7256 1966-5-31
A: 02540338 Rhododendron culminicola F. Mueller Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7048 1966-5-17
A: 02540463 Rhododendron gaultheriifolium J. J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes north of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7050 1966-5-17
A: 02420397 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl-Pindaunde trail, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7154 1966-5-23
A: 02420427 Riedelia sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl-Pindaunde trail, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7153 1966-5-23
A: 02545738 Styphelia suaveolens (Hooker f.) Warburg ex P. B. Sarasin & K. F. Sarasin Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes north of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7107 1966-5-19
A: 02545824 Trochocarpa dekockii (J. J. Smith) H. J. Lam Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Observatory ridge, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7235 1966-5-28
Gleicheniaceae A: 02552879 Gleichenia vulcanica Blume Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Valley floor east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7275 1966-6-5
Grammitidaceae A: 02221736 [None] Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands 1/2 mile past trig. point, Mt. Wilhelm track D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7288 1966-6-10
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands 1/2 mile past trig. point, Mt. Wilhelm track D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7288 1966-6-10
Hymenophyllaceae A: 02552099 Hymenophyllum ooides F. Muell. & Baker Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes north of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7184 1966-5-25
Iridaceae A: 02258762 Libertia pulchella Sprengel Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands [data not captured] D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade 1966-5-25
Myrsinaceae A: 02443774 Myrsine cacuminum (Mez) Pipoly Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands South shore of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7149 1966-5-23
A: 02600062 Myrsine velutina (Knoester, Wijn & Sleumer) Pipoly Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands valley floor east of Lake Aunde, Mt Wi[?] D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7274 1966-6-5
Orchidaceae A: 02338300 Ceratostylis sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kegsugl-Pindaunde Mt [Wilhelm] D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade 7123 1966-5-20
A: 02339289 Glossorhyncha fransseniana (J. J. Smith) P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl-Pindaunde track, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7218 1966-5-27
A: 02339400 Glossorhyncha subalpina P. Royen Papua New Guinea: east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7086 1966-5-18
A: 02095975 Liparis werneri Schlechter Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Keglsugl-Pindaunde trail; Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7220 1966-5-27
A: 02384720 Octarrhena filiformis (L. O. Williams) P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Kegsugl-Pindaunde trail D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7124 1966-5-20
Poaceae A: 02473749 Agrostis rigidula remota (Buse) Hoynck & J. M. Linden ex P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm area. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7249 1966-5
A: 02473698 Agrostis rigidula remota (Buse) Hoynck & J. M. Linden ex P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Near Lake Aunde. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7058 1966-5
A: 02473697 Agrostis rigidula remota (Buse) Hoynck & J. M. Linden ex P. Royen Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7247 1966-5
A: 02473796 Anthoxanthum sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm area. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7239 1966-5
A: 02473847 Calamagrostis brassii Hitchcock Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm area. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7241 1966-5
A: 02473382 Chimaerochloa archboldii (Hitchc.) Pirie & H.P.Linder Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7168 1966-5
A: 02473954 Deschampsia klossii Ridl. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm area. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7248 1966-5
A: 02473953 Deschampsia klossii Ridl. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7292A 1966-6
A: 02243019 Festuca crispatopilosa Bor Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm area. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7241 1966-5
A: 02243055 Festuca papuana Stapf Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7203 1966-5-26
A: 02243050 Festuca papuana Stapf Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm area. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7245 1966-5
A: 02243078 Hierochloë redolens R.Br. ex Hook.f. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7292 1966-6
A: 02243158 Poa crassicaulis Pilger Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Slopes north of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7111 1966-5-19
A: 02243306 Poa sp. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Near Lake Aunde, Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7088 1966-5
A: 02243305 Poa sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7246 1966-5
A: 02243296 Poa sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7204 1966-5-26
A: 02473503 Rytidosperma penicillatum (Labillardiere) Connor & Edgar Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt Wilhelm area. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7238 1966-5
A: 02473568 Rytidosperma vestitum (Pilger) Connor & Edgar Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes south of Lake Aunde, Mt Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7007 1966-5-16
A: 02244902 [None] Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7285 1966-6
A: [None] Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Mt. Wilhelm. D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7285 1966-6
Polyosmaceae A: 02502309 Polyosma sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands South shore of Lake Aunde D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7148 1966-5-23
Polypodiaceae A: 02218078 Lepisorus sp. Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7010 1966-5-16
A: 02218368 Loxogramme subselliguea (Baker) Alston Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes east of field station, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7085 1966-5-18
A: 02220378 Selliguea plantaginea Brackenridge Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Valley floor east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7051 1966-5-17
Santalaceae A: 02295436 Cladomyza angustifolia Stauffer Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Slopes north-east of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade 7254 1966-5-31
Symplocaceae A: 02602082 Symplocos cochinchinensis orbicularis (Hemsley) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Observatory Ridge D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7235A 1966-5-28
A: 02602079 Symplocos cochinchinensis orbicularis (Hemsley) Nooteboom Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands North shore of Lake Aunde, Mt. Wilhelm D. N. McVean & L. K. Wade ANU 7046 1966-5-17