Next page > FH: 00259223 Ricasolia wrightii (Tuckerman) Nylander Germany: Bavaria Berchtesgaden, Bixen-Alpe [see remarks] 1864-8
Acanthaceae GH: 02452801 Blepharis procumbens Persoon South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452800 Blepharis procumbens Persoon South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452824 Dicliptera cernua (Nees) J. C. Manning & Goldblatt South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452803 Dyschoriste serpyllifolia (Nees) Benoist South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 109 [Uitenhage, Winterhoeksbergen, 1-3000’... [see remarks]
A: 02237923 Flemingia congesta Roxburgh ex W. T. Aiton Philippines: Quezon Balara Rd.[?], Quezon City [see remarks] 67 1952-2-10
A: 02237926 Flemingia congesta Roxburgh ex W. T. Aiton Philippines: Bulacan [data not captured] [see remarks] 230 1853-5
GH: 02452807 Hypoestes aristata (Vahl) Roemer & Schultes South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 39 [Albany, Assegaaibosch, 1-2000’... [see remarks]
GH: 02452823 Hypoestes sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 3 [Uitenhage, Krakakamma (Kraggakamma, 3325 ... [see remarks]
GH: 02452806 Justicia capensis Thunberg South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 23 [Albany, Bothasberg (Botha’s Hi... [see remarks]
GH: 02452799 Justicia prostrata (Roxburgh ex C. B. Clarke) Gamble South Africa: 29 [Ceded Territory, Konapshoogde (Koonap He... [see remarks]
A: 02527410 Mackaya bella Harvey South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Ngoya, Zululand [see remarks] 1451
A: 02527409 Mackaya bella Harvey South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Tongaat River Natal [see remarks]
GH: 02452803 Monechma ciliatum (Jacquin) Milne-Redhead South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 109 [Uitenhage, Winterhoeksbergen, 1-3000’... [see remarks]
A: 02527560 Petalidium englerianum C. B. Clarke Botswana: Bechuanaland Prot. Van Lyl's[?] Cutting [see remarks] 28676a
GH: 02527802 [None] South Africa: South Africa Gold-field [see remarks] 1870
GH: [None] South Africa: South Africa Gold-field [see remarks] 1870
Adiantaceae GH: 02231521 Astrolepis cochisensis (Goodding) D. M. Benham & M. D. Windham Mexico: Sonora Sierra Ser vicinity [see remarks] 18136 1969-2-2
A: 02529733 Pityrogramma calomelanos (Linnaeus) Link Indonesia: Sungai Katibas, Song. [see remarks] S 66524 1993-6-30
A: 02528613 Syngramma alismifolia (C. Presl) J. Smith Malaysia: Sabah Gunong Rara. Tongod [see remarks] SAN 134654 1992-7-26
Aizoaceae GH: 02452787 Aizoon galenioides Fenzl ex Harv. & Sond. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452789 Galenia africana Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02452788 Galenia africana Linnaeus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452790 Galenia sp. South Africa: 130 [Bushmanland, Kamos (Kamas, 3018 DB), Ko... [see remarks]
GH: 02452788 Galenia sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452792 Galenia spathulata Fenzl ex Sonder South Africa: 31 [Ceded Territory, Fort Beaufort,1-2000’... [see remarks]
GH: 02452794 Mesembryanthemum echinatum Lamarck South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452795 Mesembryanthemum micranthum Haworth South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452796 Mestoklema tuberosum (Linnaeus) N. E. Brown ex Glen South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452795 Psilocaulon micranthum L. Bolus South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452793 Psilocaulon sp. South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
Anacardiaceae A: 02278610 Bouea burmanica Griff. Indonesia: Lampung Lampung utara, Negara Ratu [see remarks] 21 1971-4-6
A: 02279127 Buchanania amboinensis Miquel Papua New Guinea: Morobe Yalu area [see remarks] NGF 230 1944-6-26
A: 02279206 Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume Papua New Guinea: Central Brown River [see remarks] NGF 2760 1947-7
A: 02278998 Buchanania sessifolia Blume Malaysia: Selangor Bkt. Lagong, F.R.I. [see remarks] KEP 98260 1961-5-2
A: 02279059 Buchanania sessifolia Blume Malaysia: Sabah F.D. Elopura, Sandakan. Kabili F.R. Compartm... [see remarks] A 593 1947-11-16
A: 02279545 Campnosperma auriculatum (Blume) Hook.fil. Malaysia: Selangor Ulu Gombak F.R. [see remarks] KEP 94300 1960-11-3
A: 02279598 Campnosperma coriaceum H. Hallier Malaysia: Johor NBt. Naning, Ayer Hitam, Muar [see remarks] 1953-1-22
A: 02279775 Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merrill & Rolfe Brunei: Belait Sungai Labi [see remarks] 1966-11-12
A: 02280463 Mangifera caesia Jack Malaysia: Sabah Kabili Forest Reserve. Elopura, Sandakan For... [see remarks] A 606 1947-11-17
A: 02280686 Mangifera quadrifida Jack Indonesia: Bengkulu Sessei, Sukabusei [?] [see remarks] 90 1922-10-22
A: 02280778 Mangifera sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pontianak, Sei Mendawir [see remarks] 176 1969-9-20
A: 02280888 Melanochyla angustifolia Hook.fil. Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Bukit Lagong F. Res. [see remarks] KEP 85227
A: 02281171 Parishia sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pontianak, Sei Farendoe kubu [?] [see remarks] 82 1969-9-13
A: 02281307 Pseudospondias microcarpa Engler Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Botanic Gardens, Bogor XI.I.3 [see remarks] 1959-2-19
A: 02281345 Semecarpus albescens Kurz Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pontianak, Sei Haur [see remarks] 157 1969-9-19
Angiopteridaceae GH: 02578600 Angiopteris evecta (G. Forster) Hoffmann Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Anisophylleaceae A: 02305277 Anisophyllea disticha Baillon Brunei: Belait [data not captured] [see remarks] B 72 2016-8-25
A: 02305341 Anisophyllea disticha Baillon Malaysia: Sabah [data not captured] [see remarks] 1936-9-20
Annonaceae A: 02420876 Alphonsea javanica Scheffer Indonesia: Kepulauan Maluku: Molukken, Soela Eilanden (... [see remarks] bb. 1939-9-23
A: 02420874 Alphonsea javanica Scheffer Indonesia: Maluku Seram: Archipel. Jud [Ceram] [see remarks]
A: 02420872 Alphonsea javanica Scheffer Indonesia: Sulawesi: Celebes en Ond. Malili, Kawata [see remarks] Cel./V-229 1934-12-20
A: 02420941 Anaxagorea borneensis (Becc.) J.Sinclair Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Kabupaten Sintang. Areal Plasma Nutfah Tegua... [see remarks] Priyono and Mujianto 2280 2000-10-20
A: 02236923 Anaxagorea javanica Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Belaban, Sungai Air Merah, Gunung Palung Nat... [see remarks] gp-305 2009-7-18
A: 02612003 Anaxagorea javanica tripetala Corner Malaysia: Sabah Pangie [see remarks] 2477 1932
A: 02236924 Artabotrys hexapetalus (Linnaeus f.) Bhandari Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Belaban, Sungai Air Merah, Gunung Palung Nat... [see remarks] gp-290 2009-7-16
A: 02236925 Artabotrys hexapetalus (Linnaeus f.) Bhandari Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pangkal Tapang area, Gunung Palung Nat. Park... [see remarks] gp-565 2010-1-23
A: 02612136 Artabotrys macranthus Holthuis Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Talaud (between Celebes and Mindanao) [see remarks] Lam. 3003
A: 02612158 Artabotrys roseus Boerlage Malaysia: Sabah Tenom: Lumaku F. Res. [see remarks] 132949 1991
A: 02612245 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Sg. Tibou, Sepulut Forest Reserve [see remarks] 103632 1984
A: 02612244 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Kanipir [see remarks] 121609 1988-7-15
A: 02612223 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Malaysia: Sabah Beluran: Sg. Tahid; Road side to Ladang-lada... [see remarks] SAN 67271 1985
A: 02612217 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Malaysia: Sabah Maliau Basin Conservation Area [see remarks] MB609
A: 02612215 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Malaysia: Johor Sungai Linggiu via Kluang Johore [see remarks] 91-0061 1991-7-26
A: 02612211 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Malaysia: Sabah Borneo Abaca Ltd. [see remarks] SAN 16390 1956
A: 02612416 Artabotrys suaveolens Blume Philippines: Luzon: Sierra Madre Mtn. Range, Isabela Prov... [see remarks] Leonardo Co 3320 1991-2-24
A: 02612540 Cananga odorata (Lamarck) Hooker f. & Thomson Indonesia: Papua Jayapura: Berap (Nimboeran) [see remarks] bb.28943 1939-8-8
A: 02612539 Cananga odorata (Lamarck) Hooker f. & Thomson Indonesia: Papua: Pik-pik [see remarks] bb.22272 1937-2-20
A: 02612501 Cananga odorata (Lamarck) Hooker f. & Thomson Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Z.O.Afd.Borneo.Berouw. [see remarks] bb. 18808 1934
A: 02612498 Cananga odorata (Lamarck) Hooker f. & Thomson Indonesia: Midden-Java, Japara, Soemanding [see remarks] Ja.3732 1936-6-3
A: 02612475 Cananga odorata (Lamarck) Hooker f. & Thomson Indonesia: Sulawesi: Manado, Donggala [see remarks] bb.17642 1933-8-22
A: 02612468 Cananga odorata (Lamarck) Hooker f. & Thomson Malaysia: Sabah Kinabatangan: Sungai Menanggul [see remarks] SAN 60064 1983-11-17
A: 02612681 Cyathocalyx hexagynus (Miquel) R. J. Wang & R. M. K. Saunders : Southeast Asia: Sumatra; Borneo; Sarawak [see remarks]
A: 02612877 Cyathocalyx obtusifolius Becc. & Scheff. Indonesia: Papua: Seroi, Eil. Japen Marriatoe [see remarks] bb.30407 1939-8-12
A: 02612870 Cyathocalyx obtusifolius Becc. & Scheff. Indonesia: Papua Jayapura: Bernhard bivak [see remarks] bb.25720 1938-8-1
A: 02612824 Cyathocalyx sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Celebes en Ond. Malili, Oesoe [see remarks] Cel,/II-375. 1931-10-5
A: 02612819 Cyathocalyx sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) Manado. Rata Totok [see remarks] b.b.21682 1936-11-21
A: 02612818 Cyathocalyx sp. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Celebes en Ond. Malili, Oesoe [see remarks] Cel./II-139 1934-8-27
A: 02612877 Cyathocalyx sp. Indonesia: Papua: Seroi, Eil. Japen Marriatoe [see remarks] bb.30407 1939-8-12
A: 02612870 Cyathocalyx sp. Indonesia: Papua Jayapura: Bernhard bivak [see remarks] bb.25720 1938-8-1
A: 02612810 Cyathocalyx sumatranus Scheffer Indonesia: Jawa: Midden Java, Wonosobo [see remarks] Ja. 2532 1932-12-31
A: 02236917 Goniothalamus macrophyllus (Blume) Hooker f. & Thomson Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Bukit Seberuang, Pangkal Tapang, Gunung Palu... [see remarks] gp-599 2010-1-29
A: 02236918 Goniothalamus malayanus Hooker f. & Thomson Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sungai Bayas (site 2), Semanjak, near Sukada... [see remarks] gp-802 2010-1-29
A: 02236919 Goniothalamus malayanus Hooker f. & Thomson Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sungai Bayas (site 2), Semanjak, near Sukada... [see remarks] gp-802 2010-7-20
A: 02236920 Goniothalamus sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Bukit Seberuang, Pangkal Tapang, Gunung Palu... [see remarks] gp-597 2010-1-29
A: 02236928 Hubera rumphii (Blume ex Henschel) Chaowasku Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Bukit Seberuang, Pangkal Tapang, Gunung Palu... [see remarks] gp-586 2010-1-28
A: 02263814 Xylopia calosericea Diels Papua New Guinea: Morobe [data not captured] [see remarks] 1945-1
A: 02263818 Xylopia corrugata D. M. Johnson & N. A. Murray Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay [data not captured] [see remarks] 1945-3
Apocynaceae A: 02233635 Finlaysonia maritima (Blume) Backer ex K. Heyne Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Melinsum, near Sukadana (site 3); Kayong Uta... [see remarks] gp-208 2009-6-10
A: 02233660 Tabernaemontana corymbosa Roxburgh ex Wallich Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sungai Kubang (site 3), Batu Barat, Gunung P... [see remarks] gp-281 2009-7-5
A: 02233646 Voacanga havilandii Ridley Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sungai Kubang, Batu Barat, Gunung Palung Nat... [see remarks] gp-455 2009-11-14
A: 02233647 Willughbeia sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Riam Berasap area, Gunung Palung Nat. Park; ... [see remarks] gp-665 2010-3-4
Aquifoliaceae A: 02259815 Ilex cymosa Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sungai Kubang, Batu Barat, Gunung Palung Nat... [see remarks] gp-230 2009-7-1
A: 02519961 Ilex sp. : Southeast Asia: [illegible] [see remarks] 20 1969-7-18
Araceae A: 02466822 Rhaphidophora minor Hooker f. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Sungai Kubang, Batu Barat, Gunung Palung Nat... [see remarks] gp-240 2009-7-1
Araliaceae A: 02456392 Arthrophyllum diversifolium Blume Indonesia: Palembang, Lemalang ilir, Lingga marga, Darm... [see remarks] 38 1985-6-20
A: 02456439 Arthrophyllum sp. Indonesia: Riouw en Ondh. Lingga [?]; Batoe petjah, Mar... [see remarks] 8 1923-10-26
A: 02456900 Macropanax dispermus (Blume) Kuntze Indonesia: Pampoeng [see remarks] 8
A: 02523105 Polyscias cumingiana (C. Presl) Fernandez-Villar Indonesia: Papua Barat Daya Sorong Islds. New Guinea [see remarks] 6287
A: 02523482 Schefflera J. R. Forster & G. Forster Indonesia: Jawa Barat (West Java) Bogor: Bogor; Gunung Bunder [see remarks] 21/I 1963-9-12
A: 02522204 Schefflera albida Merrill Philippines: Benguet [no additional data] [see remarks] BS 31767
A: 02523506 Schefflera arfakensis Gibbs Indonesia: Papua Barat Mt. Arfak, New Guinea [see remarks] 5621
A: 02523294 Schefflera aromatica (Blume) Harms Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Barat (W. Sunda Isl.) Sumbawa: Sumbawa; Batudulang [?] (Gn. Butula... [see remarks] 13 1956-5-18
A: 02523331 Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms Malaysia: Sabah Semporna: Bohay Dulang Island [see remarks] SAN 92456 1980-8-29
A: 02523355 Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms Malaysia: Sabah Pulau Belambangan, midwest just E of Tg. Pan... [see remarks] SAN 86811 1977-4-12
A: 02523389 Schefflera heterophylla (Wallich ex G. Don) Harms Malaysia: Kedah Bukit Ulu Jawe, Relau, South Kedah [see remarks] 1938-8-1
A: 02523428 Schefflera rugosa (Blume) Harms Indonesia: Jawa Timur (East Java) Oost Java; Pasoeroean; Tosari [see remarks] 19 1933-8-10
A: 02522467 Schefflera simplicifolia Merrill Philippines: Mindanao Island: Gumate district on the east... [see remarks] ANU 1509 1964-4
A: 02523769 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Indonesia: Jawa: Java Occ. [see remarks] 1919-1-25
A: 02523775 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Malaysia: Sabah Apas Tawan [see remarks] 2506 (177) 1926-8
A: 02523917 Schefflera sp. J. R. Forster Malaysia: Kedah Gunong Jerai (Kedah Peak) [see remarks] 8531 1969-5-13
A: 02522540 Trevesia burckii Boerlage Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Jalan Kampong Java [see remarks] KL 402 1958-8-15
A: 02522551 [None] Malaysia: Sabah Kota Belud: Tohubong trail to marai parai [see remarks] SAN 134161 1993-9-13
A: [None] Malaysia: Sabah Kota Belud: Tohubong trail to marai parai [see remarks] SAN 134161 1993-9-13
Araucariaceae A: 02468640 Agathis beccarii Warburg Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Landak, Dange. [see remarks] 40 1933-11-19
A: 02468658 Agathis beccarii Warburg Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Boven Matan. Tajap. [see remarks] 59 1934-4-26
A: 02468689 Agathis borneensis Warburg Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Mempawah. Andjoengan. [see remarks] 17 1939-3-28
A: 02468698 Agathis borneensis Warburg Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Soekadana. Loeboek Batoe. [see remarks] 51 1934-2-27
A: 02468718 Agathis borneensis Warburg Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Galangka Daya, Bukit Hindu. [see remarks] 19 1970-9-25
A: 02468716 Agathis borneensis Warburg Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Mempawah. Andjoengan. [see remarks] 19 1939-3-28
A: 02468768 Agathis endertii E. Meijer Drees Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Ulu Mahakam, Taliba. [see remarks] 26
A: 02468798 Agathis latifolia E. Meijer Drees Indonesia: Jambi Sungai Punih, Saru Tadang. [see remarks] 2 1973-3-29
Arecaceae A: 02426189 Arenga westerhoutii Griffith Malaysia: Selangor Ginting Simpah. [see remarks] SF 34256 1937-10-27
A: 02426278 Calamus diepenhorstii Miquel Malaysia: Johor 36th Mile Govt. Forest Reserve. [see remarks] 47A 1960-4-23
A: 02426464 Calamus filispadix Beccari Philippines: Masbate [no additional data] [see remarks] 24824 1915-11
ECON: 02426463 Calamus filispadix Beccari Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] BS 24824 1915-11-28
ECON: 02426462 Calamus filispadix Beccari Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] BS 24824 1915-11-28
ECON: 02426461 Calamus filispadix Beccari Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] BS 24824 1915-11-28
ECON: 02426492 Calamus merrillii Beccari Philippines: Masbate Baang, Mobo. [see remarks] BS 24822 1915-11-27
ECON: 02426491 Calamus merrillii Beccari Philippines: Masbate Baang, Mobo. [see remarks] BS 24822 1915-11-27
ECON: 02426490 Calamus merrillii Beccari Philippines: Masbate Baang, Mobo. [see remarks] BS 24822 1915-11-27
ECON: 02426489 Calamus merrillii Beccari Philippines: Masbate Baang, Mobo. [see remarks] BS 24822 1915-11-27
A: 02426488 Calamus merrillii Beccari Philippines: Masbate [no additional data] [see remarks] BS 24822 1915-11
GH: 02426484 Calamus merrillii Beccari Philippines: Masbate [no additional data] [see remarks] BS 24822 1915-11
ECON: 02426517 Calamus ornatus philippinensis Beccari Philippines: Masbate Jinabuyaun [?] [see remarks] BS 24823 1915-11-27
ECON: 02426516 Calamus ornatus philippinensis Beccari Philippines: Masbate Jinabuyauan [?] [see remarks] BS 24823 1915-11-27
ECON: 02426515 Calamus ornatus philippinensis Beccari Philippines: Masbate Jinabuyauan [?] [see remarks] BS 24823 1915-11-27
A: 02426667 Caryota aequatorialis (Beccari) Ridley Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands. [see remarks] SF 32713
A: 02426666 Caryota aequatorialis (Beccari) Ridley Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands. [see remarks] SF 32713 1937-4-20
A: 02426673 Caryota mitis Loureiro Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi. [see remarks] SF 34102 1937-10-15
A: 02426682 Caryota mitis Loureiro Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi. [see remarks] SF 34102 1937-10-15
A: 02426858 Daemonorops angustifolia (Griffith) Martius Malaysia: Selangor Sungei Tinggi, Kuala Selangor. [see remarks] 34127 1937-10-17
A: 02426869 Daemonorops didymophylla Beccari Malaysia: Johor Midland Estate, Kulai. [see remarks] 2
ECON: 02427079 Daemonorops gaudichaudii Martius Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] 26-F
ECON: 02427078 Daemonorops gaudichaudii Martius Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] 26-E 1915-11-28
ECON: 02427077 Daemonorops gaudichaudii Martius Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] 26-d 1915-11-28
ECON: 02427076 Daemonorops gaudichaudii Martius Philippines: Masbate Jinabuyauan [?]. [see remarks] BS 24827 1915-11-28
ECON: 02427075 Daemonorops gaudichaudii Martius Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] 25-g 1915-11-27
ECON: 02427074 Daemonorops gaudichaudii Martius Philippines: Masbate Lamon. [see remarks] 25-d 1915-11-27
ECON: 02427073 Daemonorops gaudichaudii Martius Philippines: Masbate Jinabuyauan [?]. [see remarks] 25-d 1915-11-28
A: 02426903 Daemonorops geniculata (Griffith) Martius Malaysia: Johor 36th Mile Govt. Forest Reserve. [see remarks] 46A 1960-4-23
A: 02426900 Daemonorops geniculata (Griffith) Martius Malaysia: Pahang Sungei Yet, Fraser Hill. [see remarks] 11131 1923-8-28
A: 02426991 Daemonorops sabut Beccari Malaysia: Sabah Camel Trophy Camp - northern direction. [see remarks] MB140 2000-4-11
A: 02427008 Daemonorops sp. Malaysia: Perak Pangkor Island. [see remarks] 3164 1981-8-20
A: 02427402 Hydriastele sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of North peak, Goodenough islan... [see remarks] LAE 71277 1977-12-26
A: 02427401 Hydriastele sp. Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay North slopes of North peak, Goodenough islan... [see remarks] LAE 71277 1977-12-26
GH: 02427542 Licuala amplifrons Miquel Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1895
A: 02427586 Licuala paludosa Griffith Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi. [see remarks] SF 34076 1937-10-13
A: 02427623 Licuala sp. Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] [see remarks] 1299
GH: 02427601 Licuala spinosa Wurmb Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1875
GH: 02427736 Livistona chinensis R. Brown Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1875
A: 02427763 Livistona saribus (Loureiro) Merrill ex A. Chevalier Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi. [see remarks] SF 34149 1937-10-19
A: 02427764 Livistona saribus (Loureiro) Merrill ex A. Chevalier Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi. [see remarks] SF 34149 1937-10-19
A: 02427802 Maxburretia rupicola (Ridley) Furtado Malaysia: Selangor Bukit Takun, Kanching. [see remarks] 34370 1937-11-3
A: 02427850 Nenga pumila H. Wendland ex Schaedtler Malaysia: Selangor Bukit Changgang, Klang. [see remarks] SF 33998 1937-10-30
GH: 02427870 Oncosperma filamentosum (Blume ex Kunth) Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1875
A: 02427880 Oncosperma tigillarium (Jack) Ridley Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] [see remarks] 995 1920-12
A: 02427879 Oncosperma tigillarium (Jack) Ridley Malaysia: Sabah [no additional data] [see remarks] 995 1920-12
A: 02427901 Orania macrocladus Martius Singapore: Lawn Z. in Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26132 1933-1-8
A: 02427900 Orania macrocladus Martius Singapore: Lawn Z. in Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26132 1933-1-8
A: 02427899 Orania macrocladus Martius Singapore: Lawn Z. Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26132 1933-1-8
A: 02427898 Orania macrocladus Martius Singapore: Lawn Z. Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26132 1933-1-8
A: 02427906 Orania philippinensis Scheffer ex Beccari Singapore: Lawn O. in Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26185 1933-1-10
A: 02427905 Orania philippinensis Scheffer ex Beccari Singapore: Lawn O. In Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26185 1933-1-10
A: 02427904 Orania philippinensis Scheffer ex Beccari Singapore: Lawn O. in Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26185 1933-1-10
A: 02427903 Orania philippinensis Scheffer ex Beccari Singapore: Lawn O. in Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26185 1933-1-10
A: 02427908 Orania regalis Zippelius Singapore: Lawn O. in Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26189 1933-1-10
A: 02427907 Orania regalis Zippelius Singapore: Lawn O. in Botanic Gardens Singapore. [see remarks] SF 26189 1933-1-10
GH: 02427976 Pigafetta elata (Martius) H. Wendland Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1875
A: 02428007 Pinanga disticha (Roxburgh) Blume ex H. Wendland Malaysia: Pahang Boh Plantation, Cameron Highlands. [see remarks] 32870 1937-4-3
A: 02427998 Pinanga dumetosa J. Dransfield Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Raya, 3rd Division. [see remarks] S 28217 1969-4-4
A: 02428002 Pinanga glaucescens Ridley Malaysia: Kedah Gunong Lang. [see remarks] SF 35078 1938-3-26
A: 02428026 Pinanga malaiana (Martius) Scheffer Malaysia: Pahang Sungai Boh, Cameron Highlands. [see remarks] SF 32728 1937-4-23
A: 02428039 Pinanga perakensis Beccari Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands. [see remarks] SF 32975 1937-5-3
A: 02428045 Pinanga riparia Ridley Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi at Tanjong Karang. [see remarks] SF 34126 1937-10-17
A: 02428325 Plectocomiopsis geminiflora (Griffith) Beccari Malaysia: Selangor Ulu Langat forest reserve. [see remarks] KEP 115651 1965-10-25
GH: 02237393 [None] Philippines: Ifugao Sumigar, Mt. Nabito [see remarks] PPI 12901 1994-3-31
GH: [None] Philippines: Ifugao Sumigar, Mt. Nabito [see remarks] PPI 12901 1994-3-31
Asclepiadaceae GH: 02233654 Gonolobus stenanthus (Standley) Woodson Mexico: Yucatán [data not captured] [see remarks] 8377 2018-8-9
A: 02233633 Tylophora sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pangkal Tapang area, Gunung Palung Nat. Park... [see remarks] gp-535 2010-1-21
A: 02478677 [None] Indonesia: Sumatera: Indragiri; Sajat [?] [see remarks] 566 1940-9-16
A: [None] Indonesia: Sumatera: Indragiri; Sajat [?] [see remarks] 566 1940-9-16
A: 02478666 [None] Malaysia: Kedah Padang Lallang [see remarks] KL 187 1958-2-20
A: [None] Malaysia: Kedah Padang Lallang [see remarks] KL 187 1958-2-20
Aspidiaceae GH: 02505886 Pleocnemia sp. Solomon Islands: [no additional data] [see remarks] 4
GH: 02505956 Polystichum biaristatum (Blume) T. Moore Indonesia: Jawa: Salak [see remarks] 13
Aspleniaceae GH: 02407830 Asplenium adiantoides Lamarck Papua New Guinea: Manus Admiralty Islands [see remarks] 1875-3
A: 02407300 Asplenium belangeri Kunze Malaysia: Perak Slopes of Gunong Korbu [see remarks] 1959-7
GH: 02407348 Asplenium cuneatum Lamarck : Asia: Celebes. Toniohois[?] [see remarks] 1148 1895-4
GH: 02407996 Asplenium cuneatum Lamarck Papua New Guinea: Damun [see remarks] 1907-3
A: 02407354 Asplenium decorum Kunze Malaysia: Sabah Tawau [see remarks] SAN 134500 1992-4-19
GH: 02407416 Asplenium longissimum Blume Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02407415 Asplenium longissimum Blume Indonesia: Maluku Malacca [see remarks]
GH: 02407414 Asplenium longissimum Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: Lalak Indrigiri[?] [see remarks]
A: 02405281 Asplenium nidus Linnaeus Papua New Guinea: Kaimana [see remarks] 207 1941-6-3
A: 02405305 Asplenium normale D. Don Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Kaisenik [see remarks] 110 1977-8-24
A: 02405343 Asplenium paleaceum R. Brown Papua New Guinea: Morobe Near Bulolo, Wau Subdistrict [see remarks] NGF 40165 1969-6-5
A: 02305021 Asplenium phyllitidis D. Don Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Timur (E. Sunda Isl.) [data not captured] [see remarks] xm-829 2014-3-12
GH: 02407708 Asplenium sp. : Asia: East Indies [see remarks]
GH: 02407709 Asplenium sp. Indonesia: Jawa: Mt. Malabar [see remarks] 259 1916-10
A: 02407762 Asplenium sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Sungai Menyaring/Sungai Katibas, Song. [see remarks] S 66533 1993-7-1
GH: 02407751 Asplenium sp. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: S slope of Mt. Kinabalu, E rou... [see remarks] 20197 1963-7-21
GH: 02407750 Asplenium sp. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: S slope of Mt Kinabalu, E rout... [see remarks] 21655 1963-9-7
GH: 02407743 Asplenium sp. Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: S slope of Mt Kinabalu, E rout... [see remarks] 21546 1963-9-5
GH: 02407710 Asplenium sp. Myanmar: Pegu [see remarks]
A: 02405877 Asplenium sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Nomad: Junction of Rentoul & Strickland Rive... [see remarks] LAE 71584 1979-11-11
GH: 02407652 Asplenium tenerum G. Forster Indonesia: Sumatera: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1884
A: 02305022 Asplenium tenerum G. Forster Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Timur (E. Sunda Isl.) [data not captured] [see remarks] xm-824 2014-3-12
GH: 02407675 Asplenium vulcanicum Blume Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] 184 1887-5
Asteraceae GH: 01235989 Achillea borealis Bongard USA: Alaska Herendeen Bay [see remarks] 1890-7
GH: 01236131 Artemisia abrotanum Linnaeus Germany: Brandenburg Guben, [illegible] [see remarks]
GH: 01236169 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus Austria: In sterilibus agri Vindobonensis [see remarks]
GH: 01236147 Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus Sierra Leone: pres [illegible] de environs de Mende [see remarks]
A: 01236136 Artemisia alba glabrescens (Willkomm) Valdes Bermejo Spain: Teruel Villar de Cobo, salida a Orihuela del Tremed... [see remarks] 2177 1979-9-21
GH: 01236185 Artemisia annua Linnaeus : Europe (Region): [no additional data] [see remarks] 1844
A: 01237308 Artemisia annua Linnaeus China: Guangxi Yang-so (Yang-shoh) & vicinity; Yang-shoh Di... [see remarks] 21145 1937-8-4
A: 01237322 Artemisia anomala S. Moore China: Hunan Prope urben Tschangscha in steppis dumosis m... [see remarks] 1918
A: 01237340 Artemisia anomala S. Moore China: Anhui Wangshan [see remarks] 4 (1973)
GH: 01236216 Artemisia arborescens Linnaeus Italy: Ad sepes rupes prope Laconi. [see remarks] 1827-6
GH: 01236245 Artemisia argentea L'Heritier Portugal: Madeira [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01236258 Artemisia atrata Lamarck France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Lautaret [see remarks] 1858-8
A: 01237402 Artemisia austriaca Jacquin Kazakhstan: ad fontes fl. Irghiz, locus Bogul [see remarks] 1923-7-15
A: 01236299 Artemisia badghysi Krasch. & Lincz. ex Poljakov Turkmenistan: [Kyurendag] [see label] [see remarks] 1983
GH: 01003786 Artemisia biennis Willdenow USA: Illinois [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01003784 Artemisia biennis Willdenow USA: Illinois [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01003876 Artemisia bigelovii A. Gray USA: Colorado Pueblo: South Pueblo [see remarks] 1881-9
GH: 01237415 Artemisia borealis Pallari Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 01236314 Artemisia borealis Pallari Russia: Arkhangel'sk Oblast Novaja Zemlja. Petuchov Schar in extremitate... [see remarks] 1908-7-28
GH: 01236313 Artemisia borealis Pallari Russia: Novaja Zemlja. Petuchov Schar in extremitate... [see remarks] 1908-7-28
GH: 01236628 Artemisia borealis Pallari Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray [Koryaksky...Olyutorsky] [see label] [see remarks] 1976
GH: 01003992 Artemisia borealis purshii Besser USA: Alaska Kuskokwin Valley [see remarks] 1884
GH: 01236320 Artemisia boschniakiana de Candolle Russia: Chelyabinsk Oblast Херсонская обл. Троицки... [see remarks] 1950
A: 01238696 Artemisia brevifolia Wallich ex de Candolle Pakistan: Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Reshun; Chitral; N.W.F.P. [see remarks] 2236 1976-7-28
A: 01237429 Artemisia caespitosa Ledebour Mongolia: [see label] [see remarks] 1931-9-13
GH: 01236390 Artemisia campestris Linnaeus : Europe (Region): [illegible] [see remarks]
GH: 00968139 Artemisia campestris canadensis (Michaux) Scoggan Canada: British Columbia Armstrong [see remarks] 25 1904-7-18
GH: 01236387 Artemisia campestris Linnaeus Germany: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Am ostreichande in Zinnowitz auf Usedom [see remarks] 1866-10
GH: 01236383 Artemisia campestris Linnaeus Russia: Kalinigrad Oblast Konigsberg: Dunen bei Pillau [see remarks]
GH: 01236386 Artemisia campestris Linnaeus Sweden: Stockholm County Stockholm: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1866
GH: 01236344 Artemisia campestris Linnaeus Sweden: Vasterbottens Stholm vid [illegible] [see remarks] 1903-8-21
GH: 00968339 Artemisia campestris caudata (Michaux) H. M. Hall & Clements USA: Pennsylvania Presque Isle: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1824-10
GH: 00968381 Artemisia campestris pacifica Hall & Clements USA: Arizona San Francisco Mts [see remarks] 1857-10
GH: 00968452 Artemisia cana Pursh USA: North Park [possibly Colorado] [see remarks]
GH: 01237475 Artemisia capillaris Thunberg China: Jiangsu Shaw Shan Island;Tseng Ming [see remarks] 1560 1926-8-18
A: 01237433 Artemisia caruifolia Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh China: Guangdong Guangzhou City: Canton [see remarks] 1869-11
GH: 01236464 Artemisia chamaemelifolia Villars France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Bois Fallety pres gap [see remarks] 1869-9-5
GH: 00968689 Artemisia douglasiana Besser USA: California [no additional data] [see remarks] 1803
GH: 00968742 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus USA: California [no additional data] [see remarks] 1826
GH: 01236511 Artemisia fasciculata M. Bieberstein Armenia: Prope u. Erivan; ad salis fodinas Kulp [see remarks]
GH: 01236513 Artemisia fasciculata M. Bieberstein Azerbaijan: In Peria provincia Aderbeidschan [see remarks]
GH: 01236512 Artemisia fasciculata M. Bieberstein Azerbaijan: In Peria provincia Aderbeidschan [see remarks]
GH: 00968990 Artemisia filifolia Torrey USA: Oklahoma Canadian [see remarks]
GH: 00968978 Artemisia filifolia Torrey USA: Oklahoma Collected at Clear Creek crossing on Hy 270,... [see remarks] 1973-7-28
GH: 00988083 Artemisia frigida Willdenow : Earth: [no data available] [see remarks] 1862
A: 01237634 Artemisia frigida Willdenow Mongolia: [Ulaanbaatar] [see label] [see remarks] 1929-7-7
GH: 00988186 Artemisia frigida Willdenow USA: Up. Missouri [see remarks]
GH: 01237051 Artemisia furcata M. Bieberstein : North America (CA, US, MX): E. side Rky Mts.... [see remarks]
A: 01237609 Artemisia furcata M. Bieberstein Russia: Yakut A.S.S.R. [see label] [see remarks]
A: 01236550 Artemisia genipi Weber ex Stechmann Switzerland: Bernina; Diavolozzo [see remarks]
GH: 01236570 Artemisia glacialis Linnaeus France: Mont Cenis a Ronche [see remarks]
GH: 01236565 Artemisia glacialis Linnaeus France: Mont-Cenis [see remarks] 125
GH: 01236580 Artemisia glutinosa J. Gay ex Besser France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur [Martigues] pres Marseille [see remarks] 1859-8-20
GH: 01236587 Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechmann France: Île-de-France Paris: Hort. Par. [see remarks]
GH: 01236740 Artemisia inculta Delile Spain: Cádiz [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 01237802 Artemisia japonica Thunberg China: Anhui Wangshan [see remarks] 44 1973
GH: 01237936 Artemisia laciniata Willdenow Germany: [illegible] Fl. Magdeburg [see remarks] 1858-9-19
A: 01237944 Artemisia laciniata Willdenow Mongolia: [Khangai] [illegible] [see remarks] 1926-7-23
A: 01237983 Artemisia lactiflora Wallich ex de Candolle Russia: Khakass A. Oblast [Ust-Abakansky District] [see remarks] 1967-7-7
GH: 01238059 Artemisia lercheana Weber ex Stechmann : Central Asia: Mare casp. [see remarks]
A: 01238055 Artemisia lercheana Weber ex Stechmann Russia: Astrakhan' Oblast [see label] [see remarks] 1965-9-27
A: 01236784 Artemisia lessingiana Besser Russia: Orenburg Oblast [Adamovka] [see label] [see remarks] 1912-8-22
A: 01236783 Artemisia lessingiana Besser Russia: Orenburg Oblast [Adamovka] [see lavel] [see remarks] 1912-8-22
A: 01238063 Artemisia leucophylla Turczaninow ex Clarke : East Asia: [illegible] [see remarks] 1905-7
GH: 00988502 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall : North America (CA, US, MX): Rocky Mountains [see remarks]
GH: 00988488 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall : Earth: [no data available] [see remarks] 305 1862
A: 01237441 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall China: Guangdong Teng Woo Plain [see remarks] 1921-4-15
ECON: 01237143 Artemisia ludoviciana mexicana (Willdenow ex Sprengel) D. D. Keck Mexico: Federal District Mexico City: From La Merced Market in Mexico... [see remarks] 1955-7
GH: 01237164 Artemisia ludoviciana mexicana (Willdenow ex Sprengel) A. Gray Mexico: Veracruz [no additional data] [see remarks] 1859-8
GH: 00988529 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Illinois [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 00988610 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Nevada S. W. Nevada [see remarks]
GH: 00988992 Artemisia ludoviciana mexicana (Willdenow ex Sprengel) D. D. Keck USA: Texas [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 00988923 Artemisia ludoviciana incompta (Nuttall) D. D. Keck USA: Wyoming Snake River; Above Jackson Lake [see remarks]
GH: 00988933 Artemisia ludoviciana incompta (Nuttall) D. D. Keck USA: Columbia R. [see remarks] 447 1885
GH: 00988889 Artemisia ludoviciana candicans (Rydberg) D. D. Keck USA: Washington near Millwood [see remarks] 1921-9-24
GH: 01236850 Artemisia macrobotrys Ledebour Russia: Orenburg Oblast pr. Sergiewsky [see remarks]
GH: 01236873 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus : Europe (Region): St. Mary's Isle [see remarks]
GH: 01236888 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus Germany: Thuringia [illegible] Artern [see remarks] 1859-8
GH: 01236909 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus Germany: Lower Saxony Nordsee-Insul Langeoog [see remarks] 1886-8
A: 01238107 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus Kazakhstan: [see label] [see remarks] 1915-7
GH: 01236896 Artemisia maritima Linnaeus United Kingdom: Scotland: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01236116 Artemisia maroccana Cosson Morocco: Sud Ouest du Maroc [see remarks] 1875-6
GH: 01236115 Artemisia maroccana Cosson Morocco: montagne au S. O. dela ville de Maroc [see remarks] 1873-8
A: 01238136 Artemisia mongolica (Fischer ex Besser) Nakai China: Heilongjiang [see label] [see remarks] 1909-7-18
GH: 01236932 Artemisia monogyna Waldst. & Kit. Russia: Bogdo [see remarks]
GH: 01236826 Artemisia mutellina S. G. Gmelin : Europe (Region): [Tyrol] [see remarks]
GH: 01236823 Artemisia mutellina S. G. Gmelin France: Pic d'Aguilous [see remarks] 1957-8-12
GH: 01236822 Artemisia mutellina S. G. Gmelin France: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Nei siti pietrosi ad moncenisio ed altrove [see remarks]
GH: 01236829 Artemisia mutellina S. G. Gmelin Switzerland: Valais [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01236937 Artemisia nana Gaudin Austria: Tirol [illegible] Alpen bei Kals [see remarks] 1863
A: 01236953 Artemisia nitrosa Weber ex Stechmann Kazakhstan: [Kokshetau] [see label] [see remarks]
GH: 01236957 Artemisia norvegica Fries Sweden: in alpinis Lapponie ad Alten - [illegible] [see remarks] 1875-7
GH: 01234152 Artemisia norvegica saxatilis Hall & Clements USA: Alaska Aleutians West Census Area: [illegible] St. ... [see remarks]
GH: 01234240 Artemisia nova A. Nelson USA: Wyoming Jacksons Hole; Snake River [see remarks]
GH: 01236976 Artemisia nutans Willdenow Russia: Bogdo [see remarks]
GH: 01236118 Artemisia odoratissima Desfontaines Algeria: Guyon [see remarks]
GH: 01238834 Artemisia parviflora Buchanan-Hamilton ex Roxburgh India: Sikkim Zemu [see remarks] 1938-10-17
GH: 01235000 Artemisia pontica Linnaeus Czech Republic: Sovitz b. Auspitz [see remarks] 1907-8
ECON: 01236978 Artemisia pontica Linnaeus Czech Republic: Rohmen: Radobil bei Leitmeritz [see remarks] 1925-8
GH: 01235001 Artemisia pontica Linnaeus Romania: Thorda [Turda] [see remarks] 1870-8
GH: 01234324 Artemisia pycnocephala (Lessing) de Candolle USA: California [no additional data] [see remarks] 1833
A: 01235019 Artemisia rhodantha Rupr. : Central Asia: Памир. Алай, Бада... [see remarks] 1954-9-5
A: 01235020 Artemisia rhodantha Rupr. Tajikistan: [Pamir Mountains] [see label] [see remarks] 1954-9-5
A: 01237177 Artemisia royleana de Candolle Guatemala: Sololá Panajachel, Lago Atitland [see remarks] 1939-2-20
GH: 01235035 Artemisia rupestris Linnaeus Germany: Thuringia Borxsleben [see remarks]
GH: 01235091 Artemisia salsoloides Willdenow : Russia (Region): Rossia merid. [see remarks]
GH: 01235092 Artemisia salsoloides Willdenow Russia: Orenburg Oblast pr. Sergiewsky [see remarks]
A: 01238411 Artemisia schrenkiana Ledeb. : Central Asia: Семиреченская о... [see remarks] 1914
A: 01235109 Artemisia scopaeformis Ledeb. Kazakhstan: [see label] [see remarks] 1956-9-15
GH: 01235120 Artemisia scoparia Waldstein & Kitaibel : Russia (Region): [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01235157 Artemisia sericea (Besser) Weber Russia: Orenburg Oblast pr. Sergiewsky [see remarks]
A: 01235343 Artemisia sp. Kazakhstan: адаевский [Adaevsky] [see label] [see remarks] 1926-6-22
GH: 01235184 Artemisia spicata Wulfen ex Jacq. Italy: Friuli-Venezia Giulia In der Venetianischen Alpen [see remarks] 1878-7
GH: 01235179 Artemisia spicata Wulfen ex Jacq. Italy: Valle d'Aosta Bei siti piertrosi alpi ossolani e delta val... [see remarks]
GH: 01234442 Artemisia spiciformis Osterhout Canada: British Columbia Thompson River [see remarks] 1884-6
GH: 01234495 Artemisia spinescens D. C. Eaton : North America (CA, US, MX): Salz Steppe der ... [see remarks] 1873-6
GH: 01238526 Artemisia stelleriana Besser Russia: Kamchatskiy Kray Kamtschatka [see remarks]
GH: 01238521 Artemisia stelleriana Besser Russia: [Karafuto] [see remarks] 1927-8-12
GH: 01238920 Artemisia stricta Edgew. India: Sikkim Lohnak [see remarks] 1938-10-17
GH: 01235218 Artemisia taurica Willd. : Europe (Region): Caucasus [see remarks]
A: 01235212 Artemisia taurica Willd. : East Asia: [see label] [see remarks] 1931-5-25
GH: 01238566 Artemisia thunbergiana Maxim. Japan: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 01234647 Artemisia tilesii Ledebour Canada: Northwest Territories Pelly "Banks" [see remarks] 1887-7-31
GH: 01234872 Artemisia tridentata Nuttall : North America (CA, US, MX): Rky. Mts. [see remarks]
A: 01234805 Artemisia tridentata Nuttall USA: Oregon Redwood [see remarks] 95 1912-9-15
A: 01238575 Artemisia tsugitakaensis (Kitam.) Y.Ling & Y.R.Ling China: Taiwan Mt. Taiha, Izawayamasita [see remarks] 1934-8-4
GH: 01235252 Artemisia vallesiaca All. Switzerland: Valais Ruines du chateau du Tourbillon pres Sion, S... [see remarks]
A: 01235275 Artemisia virgata Gueldenst. ex Ledeb. France: Normandie Gisors [see remarks]
GH: 01234972 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus : Earth: [no data available] [see remarks]
GH: 01234973 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus : North America (CA, US, MX): [no additional d... [see remarks]
GH: 01235283 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Austria: Wien In lapicidinis prope Neuwaldegg ad Vindobona... [see remarks]
GH: 01235299 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Azerbaijan: distr. Kuba [Quba], in pasc alpinis p.p. Adu... [see remarks] 1930-8-6
GH: 01234977 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Canada: Quebec Province Templeton [see remarks] 1891-8
GH: 01238971 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: Malabar, Concan [see remarks]
GH: 01238963 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: West Bengal Phalut [see remarks] 1938-10-17
ECON: 01238955 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus India: West Bengal Gopaldhara Tea garden [see remarks] 30 1968-2-25
GH: 01238591 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Japan: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 01235324 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus Kyrgyzstan: Ажалалабадская область ... [see remarks] 1002
GH: 01234999 Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeus USA: Illinois Urbana: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1901-11-4
GH: 02261852 Askellia pygmaea (Ledebour) Sennikov Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Labrador: [data not captured] [see remarks] 3
GH: 02464534 Bidens exigua Sherff Argentina: Salta Lizoite [see remarks] 33052 1940-4-3
A: 02250117 Blumea sp. Solomon Islands: Western Kolombangara, river valley west of camp site... [see remarks] RSS 2539 1965-9-4
A: 02464571 Cosmos bipinnatus Cavanilles Argentina: Catamarca Dep. Sta Rosa; Localidad Chacras [see remarks] 47 1944-5-7
GH: 02247740 Cyanthillium cinereum (Linnaeus) H. Robinson : Southeast Asia: In velle [?] Fatme arabis. [see remarks]
GH: 02247903 Ethulia parviflora Klatt : Southeast Asia: [no additional data] [see remarks] 46
GH: 02250727 Galinsoga parviflora Cavanilles : Southeast Asia: Bourbon. [see remarks] 1159
GH: 02593023 Microseris lindleyi (de Candolle) A. Gray USA: California Univ. of Calif. Div of Genetics [see remarks]
A: 02248769 Mikania scandens (Linnaeus) Willdenow Indonesia: Aceh Ketambe. [see remarks] 647 1980-2
A: 02267264 Neesia Blume Malaysia: Sarawak Bako National Park, along trail through peat... [see remarks] 512 1998-4-15
A: 02267233 Neesia altissima (Blume) Blume Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi, Kuala Selangor [see remarks] SF 34121 1937-10-17
A: 02267240 Neesia malayana Bakhuizen Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh Arboretum, along middle trail [see remarks] 495 1998-4-9
A: 02267244 Neesia purpurascens Beccari Malaysia: Sarawak Lundu: Stunygany stateland [see remarks] 510 1998-4-14
A: 02267252 Neesia synandra Masters Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, along main path [see remarks] 480 1998-1-4
A: 02267253 Neesia synandra Masters Singapore: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, along man path [see remarks] 480 1998-1-4
A: 02247961 Vernonia arborea Buchanan-Hamilton Malaysia: Terengganu Kemaman. [see remarks] KEP 53258 1953-1-22
Athyriaceae GH: 02402392 Diplazium cordifolium Blume Malaysia: Penang [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02402738 Diplazium sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Sungai Katibas, Song. [see remarks] S 66528 1993-6-30
A: 02402991 Diplazium sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Swamp by causeway [see remarks] ANU 721 1962-10-5
GH: 02402650 Diplazium sylvaticum (Bory) Swartz Malaysia: Johor Mt Ophir [see remarks] 141
A: 02236192 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus Japan: Honshu: Shizuoka Pref. (Prov. Suruga), Fujin... [see remarks] 1976-9-2
A: 02236195 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus Japan: Yamagata pref. Murayama city, Ohmaki along the Mogami... [see remarks] 427 1979-7-5
GH: 02236164 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus Russia: [data not captured] [see remarks] 1935 1902-8-1
GH: 02236165 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus Russia: [data not captured] [see remarks] 1926-8-21
GH: 02236171 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus Russia: [data not captured] [see remarks] 1935 1902-8-1
A: 02236172 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus Russia: [data not captured] [see remarks] 1957-6-14
A: 02236173 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus Russia: [data not captured] [see remarks] 1951-7-10
A: 02236176 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus Russia: Primor'ye Kray Primorje [see remarks] 7301 1951-8-10
Azollaceae A: 02282152 Azolla sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Lake Iviva, south side of lake [see remarks] ANU 643 1962-8-31
Balanophoraceae GH: 01583999 Mystropetalon thomii Harvey South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
Begoniaceae A: 02225763 Begonia congesta Ridley Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Raya, 3rd Division [see remarks] S 27739 1969-4-3
GH: 02228011 Begonia sanguinea Raddi Malaysia: Panang[?] [see remarks]
GH: 02228019 Begonia sinuata Wallich ex Meisner Malaysia: Pahang Sungai Teku, Pahang [see remarks] SF 31714 1936-7-18
A: 02228073 Begonia sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Foothill of Bukit Pait, Padawan, 38 miles fr... [see remarks] S 27425 1969-3-2
A: 02228075 Begonia sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Bkt. Raya, Kapit District, 3rd Division [see remarks] S 28135 1969-3-31
A: 02228251 Begonia sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Foothill of Bkt. Pait, Padawan, 38 mi from K... [see remarks] S 27424 1969-3-2
A: 02228273 Begonia sp. Malaysia: Sabah Rafflesia Camp [see remarks] MB 293 2000-4-26
A: 02228649 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Ridge of Andyuku [see remarks] ANU 801 1962-10-8
Bixaceae A: 02258715 Bixa orellana Linnaeus Malaysia: Selangor near entrance to Rubber Research Institute's... [see remarks] 9035 1959-11-6
Blechnaceae GH: 02569289 Blechnopsis finlaysoniana (Wallich ex Hook. & Grev.) C. Presl Malaysia: Penang [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02569330 Blechnopsis orientalis (Linnaeus) C. Presl Indonesia: Kalimantan: Headwaters of S. Kahayan; 5 km N... [see remarks] 616 1988-4-7
A: 02569652 Parablechnum hieronymi (Brause) Gasper & Salino Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Slopes of Kabanunt [see remarks] ANU 848 1962-10-13
Bombacaceae ECON: 02258769 Bombax ceiba Linnaeus Singapore: Arboretum [see remarks] 351 1918-3
A: 02258778 Bombax valetonii Hochreutiner Malaysia: Selangor Ginting Simpah [see remarks] SF 34295 1937-10-29
A: 02258813 Camptostemon philippinensis (S. Vidal) Beccari Philippines: Maboan Island [see remarks] FB 27440 1919-3
A: 02258831 Coelostegia borneensis Beccari Malaysia: Sarawak Bako National Park, along trail through peat... [see remarks] 513 1998-4-15
A: 02258833 Coelostegia borneensis Beccari Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh Arboretum, forest behind Botanical ... [see remarks] 496 1998-4-13
A: 02258840 Coelostegia griffithii Bentham Malaysia: Sarawak Lambir Hills NP, Inoue Trail, Miri [see remarks] S 100573 2007-5-24
A: 02258849 Coelostegia griffithii Bentham Singapore: Mandai road [see remarks] SF 37112 1940-7-22
A: 02267217 Kostermansia malayana Soegeng Malaysia: Johor Bukit Badak, Layang Layang [see remarks] H 103 1959-1-28
A: 02267218 Kostermansia malayana Soegeng Singapore: Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Orchid G... [see remarks] 475 1998-3-31
A: 02267219 Kostermansia malayana Soegeng Singapore: Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Orchid G... [see remarks] 475 1998-3-31
A: 02267274 Pachira sp. Singapore: Arboretum [see remarks] 353 1918-3
Bonnetiaceae A: 02305166 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Indonesia: Sumatera: [data not captured] [see remarks] 4579 1956-8-15
A: 02305151 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Malaysia: Melaka Malacca [see remarks]
A: 02305154 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Malaysia: Sarawak [data not captured] [see remarks] 7948 1958-2-25
A: 02305174 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Malaysia: Sabah Beaufort: [data not captured] [see remarks] 1976-6-26
A: 02305184 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] S 2263
A: 02305194 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Malaysia: Sabah [data not captured] [see remarks] 1983-7-22
A: 02305198 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Malaysia: Sabah [data not captured] [see remarks] 56903 1966-7-15
A: 02305178 Ploiarium elegans Korthals Singapore: [data not captured] [see remarks] 5508 2008-4-15
Boraginaceae GH: 02406268 Cryptantha clandestina (Treviranus) I. M. Johnston Chile: Concepción Posada [see remarks] 56 1891-11
A: 02476394 Cynoglossum javanicum (Sw. ex Lehm.) Thunb. ex Lehm. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. N.E. slopes of Putidi Hill, limesto... [see remarks] ANU 455 1962-8
A: 02476608 Ehretia polyantha A.DC. Philippines: Laguna College Campus, Agricultural College [see remarks] 28 1935-4
A: 02476595 Ehretia polyantha A.DC. Philippines: Laguna Mt. Maquiling [see remarks] FB 28930 1922-3
GH: 02476810 Tournefortia sarmentosa Lamarck Philippines: [no additional data] [see remarks]
Brassicaceae GH: 02454534 Anastatica hierochuntica L. Egypt: En Aegypto [see remarks]
GH: 02454598 Brassica carinata A. Braun USA: [no additional data] [see remarks] 273640 1983-9-29
GH: 02236495 Cardamine concatenata (Michaux) O. Schwarz USA: New York Ithaca: [data not captured] [see remarks] 1912-5-9
GH: 02454863 Heliophila arenaria Sonder South Africa: Northern Cape Province Bokkeveld Plateau. Papkuilsfontein, ca. 22 k... [see remarks] 11514 2009-8-25
GH: 02454879 Heliophila florulenta Sonder South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02454895 Heliophila peltaria de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02454896 Heliophila pendula Willdenow South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 89 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereind... [see remarks]
A: 02454914 Heliophila scoparia Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02454912 Heliophila scoparia Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02454918 Heliophila stricta Sims South Africa: Western Cape Province 80 [Clanwilliam, Bergvalei (Berg Valley) (II... [see remarks]
GH: 02454926 Heliophila suavissima Burchell ex de Candolle South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02451086 Matthiola oxyceras de Candolle Egypt: Ex Aegypto [see remarks]
GH: 02451097 Matthiola torulosa (Thunberg) de Candolle South Africa: 118 [Cis-Garipina, along Garip (Orange R.), ... [see remarks]
GH: 02451105 Matthiola tricuspidata (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton : Earth: [no data available] [see remarks]
GH: 02451139 Neslia paniculata (Linnaeus) Desvaux : Earth: Falstriae. Kroghauge [see remarks]
Bromeliaceae GH: 02107977 Aechmea gamosepala Wittmack Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul Torres [see remarks] 1893-5-21
GH: 02107979 Aechmea germinyana Baker Colombia: Valle del Cauca Bajo Calima. Carton Colombia transect "El Di... [see remarks] 503 1982-5
A: 02546117 Bromelia hieronymi Mez Argentina: Santiago del Estero [data not captured] [see remarks] 1944-11
GH: 02546110 Bromelia hieronymi Mez Paraguay: Puerto-Casado" (Chaco) montes Ribeiranos cap... [see remarks] 2269 1916-12
GH: 02546160 Bromelia serra Grisebach Argentina: Salta Urundel (F. C. C. N.) [see remarks] 1165 1913-12-7
GH: 02237165 Pepinia punicea (Scheidweiler) Brongniart ex André Mexico: Tabasco [data not captured] [see remarks] 2267a 2018-4-24
GH: 02237165 Pitcairnia punicea Scheidweiler Mexico: Tabasco [data not captured] [see remarks] 2267a 2018-4-24
Bruniaceae GH: 02451382 Audouinia capitata (Linnaeus) Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 58 [Caledon, Kleinriviersberg, 1-30... [see remarks]
GH: 02451437 Brunia globosa Sonder ex Thunberg : Africa: [no data available] [see remarks] 1816-2
GH: 02451453 Brunia passerinoides Schlechtendal South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 51 [Caledon, Zwarteberg (Swartberg)... [see remarks]
GH: 02451450 Brunia pinifolia (Linnaeus f.) Brongniart South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
GH: 02451447 Brunia racemosa (Linnaeus) Brongniart South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02451456 Brunia virgata Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 89 [Swellendam, Rivierzondereind... [see remarks]
GH: 02451454 Brunia virgata Brongniart South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 70 [Swellendam, Puspasvalei (331... [see remarks]
GH: 02451481 Lonchostoma myrtoides (Vahl) Pillans South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02451510 Nebelia paleacea (P. J. Bergius) Sweet South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Stellenbosch: 59 [Stellenbosch, Hottentottsh... [see remarks]
GH: 02451540 Staavia comosa (Thunberg) Colozza South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02451538 Staavia comosa (Thunberg) Colozza South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 51 [Caledon, Zwarteberg (Swartberg)... [see remarks]
GH: 02451560 Staavia radiata (Linnaeus) Dahl South Africa: Western Cape Province 56 [Stellenbosch, Grietjesgat, between Lowry... [see remarks]
GH: 02451558 Staavia radiata (Linnaeus) Dahl South Africa: Western Cape Province 61 [Stellenbosch, Hottentottsholland, under ... [see remarks]
GH: 02451596 Tittmannia laxa (Thunberg) C. Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Swellendam: 96 [Swellendam, between Puspasvl... [see remarks]
Burseraceae A: 02252495 Canarium asperum Bentham Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara Timur (E. Sunda Isl.) Flores, Endeh. [see remarks] BB 8930 1925-7-7
GH: 02276098 Canarium sp. : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02276726 Canarium sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Siassi: Yokon, Siassi [see remarks] 13 1975-4-12
A: 02277341 Dacryodes rostrata (Blume) H. J. Lam Malaysia: Pahang Temerloh [?] [see remarks] CF 0706 1920-12-9
A: 02277932 Santiria griffithii Engler Malaysia: Sarawak Arboretum, tree no. 8. [see remarks] Arb. 8 1960
A: 02278169 Santiria tomentosa Blume Malaysia: Selangor Sg. Buloh F.R. [see remarks] KEP 94497 1960-10-27
A: 02278415 Triomma malaccensis Hooker f. Malaysia: Kedah State land Guron [see remarks] KEP 27479 1951-11-25
Buxaceae A: 02452266 Buxus macowanii Oliver South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Alexandria Forest, Cape Province, S. Africa [see remarks] 1423 1914-8
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02229310 Caesalpinia crista Linnaeus Indonesia: Maluku Aroe Eilanden: Soengeg Waskai, Mangrove [see remarks] 249 1922-4-21
A: 02229317 Caesalpinia crista Linnaeus Malaysia: Sabah Papar: Bongawan F. Reserve [see remarks] 1976-2-10
A: 02229336 Caesalpinia latisiliqua (Cavanilles) Hattink Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: Pengkalan Madai [see remarks] NBFD A1908 1953-1-23
A: 02229384 Caesalpinia sumatrana Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Danim Valley Rain Forest. Ulu Segama [see remarks] 1987162 1987-3-21
A: 02229385 Caesalpinia sumatrana Roxburgh Malaysia: Sabah Danim Valley Rain Forest. Ulu Segama [see remarks] 1987162 1987-3-21
A: 02229629 Cassia bartonii F. M. Bailey Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Wampit, Law subdist. [see remarks] NGF 27976 1966-12-9
A: 02229563 Cassia fistula Linnaeus Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Paser District, Gunung Lumut Protection Fore... [see remarks] SF 34857 1958-2-8
A: 02229657 Cassia fistula Linnaeus Philippines: Negros: [no additional data] [see remarks] FB 24594 1915-8
A: 02229573 Cassia javanica Blume Malaysia: Selangor Field 12E. Plantation Kepong [see remarks] 36038 1934-5-4
A: 02229586 Cassia javanica Blume Malaysia: Sabah St. Lucia, Pinayas For. Res. [see remarks] BNBFD 10710 1940-5-9
A: 02229674 Cassia javanica pubifolia Merrill Philippines: Batan Island [see remarks] FB 28446 1921-4
A: 02229678 Cassia javanica indochinensis Gagnepain Philippines: Laguna Maquiling National Park [see remarks] 44 1935-4
A: 02229608 Cassia pumila Lamarck Timor-Leste: Coepang [see remarks] 1803-4-1
A: 02229726 Chamaecrista mimosoides (Linnaeus) Green Indonesia: Maluku Aru Islands: Pulau Trangan, Kp. Sia [see remarks] 98 1993-4-16
A: 02229700 Chamaecrista nictitans glabrata (Vogel) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Malaysia: Penang Pulo Penang [see remarks]
A: 02229756 Copaifera palustris (Symington) de Wit Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: Lobok Beli [see remarks] S 8261 1961-1-25
A: 02229759 Copaifera palustris (Symington) de Wit Malaysia: Sarawak Rejang Delta [see remarks] 12942 1960-5
A: 02229774 Crudia havilandii Prain Indonesia: Kalimantan: Z. en O. afd. Mendawei [see remarks] 43 1928-9-20
A: 02229805 Crudia reticulata Merrill Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Sepulut F.R. [see remarks] SAN 69086 1983-10-20
A: 02229809 Crudia reticulata Merrill Malaysia: Sabah Kinabatangan: Sungai Menanggul [see remarks] SAN 60061 1983-11-19
A: 02229844 Crudia sp. Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Sepulut FR. Sabah Kuwait-Timber li... [see remarks] SAN 69122 1983-10-14
A: 02229824 Crudia wrayi Prain Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] S 00369
A: 02229888 Cynometra inaequifolia A. Gray Malaysia: Kedah Compt. 3c, Gunong Inas F.R. Kedah [see remarks] KEP 89451 1960-10-13
A: 02229894 Cynometra mirabilis Meeuwen Malaysia: Sabah Batu Puteh [see remarks] 1932-7-20
A: 02229936 Cynometra ramiflora Linnaeus Malaysia: Sabah Senajah [see remarks] 1934-3-23
A: 02229947 Cynometra sp. Malaysia: Selangor 9th mile. Seremban to K. Klawang [see remarks] KEP 109426 1968-1-21
A: 02229996 Cynometra sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Musik Is. Buso [see remarks] NGF 39425 1969-5-9
A: 00871826 Delonix regia (Bojer) Rafinesque Singapore: Evans Road [see remarks] 621112 1962-1-11
A: 02253110 Dialium indum Linnaeus Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Kubing, Sungai Matan area; Kayong Utara [see remarks] gp-705 2010-4-9
A: 02253109 Dialium sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pangkal Tapang area, Gunung Palung Nat. Park... [see remarks] gp-555 2010-1-23
A: 02450685 Dialium yambataense Vermoesen Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Libenge [see remarks] 581 1934
A: 02450746 Erythrophleum lasianthum Corbishley South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Ingwavuma, Natal [see remarks] 1228 1919-11
A: 02231242 Hymenaea courbaril Linnaeus Singapore: Lawn C. by Lower Office, Cult. [see remarks] 1928-5-29
A: 02231347 Intsia bijuga (Colebrooke) Kuntze Indonesia: Papua Key Eilanden: Ohoidir [see remarks] 354 1922-5-13
A: 02231295 Intsia bijuga (Colebrooke) Kuntze Malaysia: Pahang Sungei Talam, Kwantan [see remarks] KEP 29605 1934-4-2
A: 02231455 Intsia bijuga (Colebrooke) Kuntze Philippines: Capiz Panay [see remarks] FB 17837 1912-10
A: 02231458 Intsia bijuga (Colebrooke) Kuntze Philippines: Agusan [no additional data] [see remarks] FB 24389 1915-6
A: 02231461 Intsia bijuga (Colebrooke) Kuntze Philippines: Quezon Tayabas province [see remarks] FB 28481 1921-5
A: 02231309 Intsia palembanica Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Telupid: Sungai Ruku Ruku [see remarks] SAN 60165 1984-7-28
A: 02231311 Intsia palembanica Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Mile 9 [see remarks] BNBFD 4206 1934-12-22
A: 02231332 Intsia palembanica Miquel Malaysia: Perak Kledang Saidong F.R. [see remarks] KEP 39163 1935-5-15
A: 02231503 Kingiodendron alternifolium (Elmer) Merrill & Rolfe Philippines: Luzon: Daet. Camarines Province [see remarks] FB 27392 1918-10
A: 02231493 Kingiodendron novoguineense Verdcourt Papua New Guinea: Central Trans Brown, 2 mi N of bridge [see remarks] 1964-2-19
A: 02231594 Koompassia malaccensis Maingay Singapore: Mandai road [see remarks] SF 37745 1940-8-20
A: 02231582 Koompassia sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Palembang [see remarks] 9 1920-3
A: 02231583 Koompassia sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Palembang [see remarks] 2 1920-3
A: 02231635 Koompassia sp. Papua New Guinea: Central Trans Vanapa, 1/2 SW of ford [see remarks] NGF 17391 1964-2-20
A: 02231651 Lysiphyllum dipterum (Blume ex Miquel) Bandyop. & Ghoshal Malaysia: Sabah Elopura. Sapagaya For. Res. [see remarks] BNBFD 10125 1938-11-13
A: 02231773 Maniltoa psilogyne Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Oomsis Creek below Forestry Station [see remarks] NGF 17309 1963-9
A: 02231774 Maniltoa psilogyne Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Oomsis Creek below Forestry Station [see remarks] NGF 17309 1963-9
A: 02231786 Maniltoa psilogyne Harms Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Botanic Gardens [see remarks] 5031 1978-2-22
GH: 02321006 Parkinsonia africana Sond. South Africa: Northern Cape Province 130 [Bushmanland, Kamos (Kamas, 3018 DB), Ko... [see remarks]
GH: 02231950 Peltophorum pterocarpum (de Candolle) Backer ex K. Heyne : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks] 140
A: 02231932 Peltophorum pterocarpum (de Candolle) Backer ex K. Heyne Malaysia: Sabah Beaufort: Bensuluk F. Res. [see remarks] 1985-3-7
A: 02231960 Peltophorum pterocarpum (de Candolle) Backer ex K. Heyne Philippines: Laguna Forestry Plantation, Maquiling National Park [see remarks] 45 1935-4
A: 02231962 Peltophorum pterocarpum (de Candolle) Backer ex K. Heyne Philippines: Capiz Panay [see remarks] FB 23943 1915-5
A: 02232018 Phanera argentea de Wit Malaysia: Sarawak Niah NP, Bukit Kasut [see remarks] S 100519 2007-5-22
A: 02231975 Phanera bidentata (Jack) Bentham Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Pasoh, Logging Rd. behind Pasoh 4 [see remarks] 1989-6-14
A: 02253106 Phanera excelsa Miquel Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pangkal Tapang area, Gunung Palung Nat. Park... [see remarks] gp-624 2010-2-8
A: 02232021 Phanera excelsa Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Road to Kinabalu Ranau [see remarks] SAN 42529 1965-1-13
A: 02232036 Phanera excelsa Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Beluran: Sg. Nuanad [see remarks] SAN 70335 1984-11-15
A: 02232088 Phanera havilandii (Merrill) Bandyop., Ghoshal & M. K. Pathak Brunei: Belait Labi. Labi Hills F.R. Along Bukit Malayan Ro... [see remarks] Botany staffs BRUN 17188 1995-10-19
A: 02232124 Phanera kockiana (Korthals) Bentham Malaysia: Sabah mile 25 Kalabakan [see remarks] SAN 63069 1968-5-20
A: 02232133 Phanera kockiana (Korthals) Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Trus madi F.R. about 4-5 miles up ... [see remarks] SAN 71967 1971-11-5
A: 02232135 Phanera kockiana (Korthals) Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang: 5 miles from Kampung Mendulong roa... [see remarks] 1983-9-5
A: 02232141 Phanera kockiana (Korthals) Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Tongod: Ulu Tongod [see remarks] SAN 101846 1983-9-15
A: 02232198 Phanera menispermacea (Gagnepain) de Wit Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Mina Wildlife Corridor. Southwest of B... [see remarks] S 99090
A: 02232201 Phanera merrilliana borneensis (K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen) Bandyop., Ghoshal & M. K. Pathak Malaysia: Sabah Beluran: Bongaya F. Reserve. Side of Sg. Mak... [see remarks] SAN 81875 1975-7-12
A: 02232229 Phanera semibifida Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Beluran: Nangoh area. Side of road to Nangoh [see remarks] SAN 99677 1983-7-27
A: 02232235 Phanera semibifida Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Telupid: Bt. Tawai, Keramuck [see remarks] SAN 107794 1985-3-14
A: 02232236 Phanera semibifida Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Telupid: Sungai Ruku Ruku [see remarks] SAN 60120 1984-6-4
A: 02232237 Phanera semibifida Bentham Malaysia: Sabah Telupid: Tawai Forest Reserve [see remarks] SAN 109626 1985-10-18
A: 02232210 Phanera semibifida Bentham Singapore: Nee Soon forest reserve [see remarks] 1519 1981-8
A: 02232282 Phanera sp. Malaysia: Sabah Ulu Sg. Kun Kun [see remarks] SAN 107616 1984-12-13
A: 02232291 Phanera sp. Malaysia: Sarawak Bau: Behind Bt. Krian [see remarks] S 22095 1964-5
GH: 02232483 Phanera sp. Philippines: Cagayan Brgy. San Juan, Sta. Praxedes [see remarks] PPI 18437 1995-8-9
A: 02232268 Phanera wrayi moultonii (Merrill) Bandyop., Ghoshal & M. K. Pathak Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Ulu Sungai Bidon [see remarks] SAN 110587 1985-7-26
A: 02253105 Saraca declinata (Jack) Miquel Brunei: Temburong Amo [see remarks] B 120 2018-3-5
A: 02321081 Schotia brachypetala Sonder South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal Province Natal [see remarks] 2467 1888
GH: 02321098 Schotia latifolia Jacq. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 3 [Uitenhage, Krakakamma (Kraggak... [see remarks]
GH: 02321108 Schotia speciosa Jacquin South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
A: 02232536 Sindora coriacea (Baker) Prain Malaysia: Selangor Kimansul F.R. [see remarks] KEP 99594 1962-5-24
A: 02232545 Sindora coriacea (Baker) Prain Malaysia: Penang Penang Hill [see remarks] SF 37676 1940-4
ECON: 02232559 Sindora intermedia (Baker) Prain Singapore: Economic Garden No. 1303 [see remarks] 1917-9-24
ECON: 02232560 Sindora intermedia (Baker) Prain Singapore: Economic Garden No. 1303 [see remarks] 1917-11-6
A: 02232564 Sindora leiocarpa Becker ex K. Heyne & de Wit Malaysia: Sabah Beaufort: Crown Land Lumat [see remarks] 1952-3-21
A: 02232578 Sindora leiocarpa Becker ex K. Heyne & de Wit Malaysia: Sabah Near Saloah Hotel [see remarks] SAN 68309 1970-4-21
A: 02232585 Sindora leiocarpa Becker ex K. Heyne & de Wit Malaysia: Sabah Opposite Sabah Hotel along the main road, Sa... [see remarks] SAN 75898 1972-11-22
A: 02232634 Sindora sp. Indonesia: Sumatera: Palembang [see remarks] 16 1920-3
A: 02232668 Sindora supa Merrill Philippines: Laguna Forestry Plantation, Maquiling National Park [see remarks] 37 1935-5
A: 02232603 Sindora velutina Baker Malaysia: Selangor Compt. 1. Lumut F.R. Dinding [see remarks] KEP 16592 1932-10-13
A: 02232673 Sindora wallichii Bentham Philippines: Quezon Lagumanoc [see remarks] 1903-5
ECON: 02232706 Tamarindus indica Linnaeus Malaysia: Penang Pulau Penang. Waterfall Valley. Waterfall Ga... [see remarks] SF 2633 1917-7-24
A: 02321155 Tylosema esculentum (Burch.) A.Schreib. South Africa: Vryburg. Cape. Morokwen [see remarks] 1924-1
Campanulaceae GH: 02451653 Cyphia bulbosa (Linnaeus) P. J. Bergius South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
GH: 02451664 Cyphia digitata (Thunberg) Willdenow South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02451670 Cyphia elata Harvey South Africa: Limpopo Province Pietersburg [see remarks]
GH: 02451681 Cyphia phyteuma (Linnaeus) Willdenow South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
GH: 02450048 Dobrowskya dregeana C.Presl South Africa: Northern Cape Province 33 [Ceded Territory, Philipstown (Philipton)... [see remarks]
GH: 02450036 Merciera brevifolia A.DC. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Caledon: 57 [Caledon, Babylonschetoornsberg ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450034 Merciera tenuifolia (L.f.) A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 53 [Stellenbosch, Houhoeksbergen, 1-3000’ ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450043 Monopsis corymbosa (G.Don) C.Presl South Africa: Western Cape Province 59 [Stellenbosch, Hottentottshollandbergen, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450046 Monopsis debilis (L.f.) C.Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt... [see remarks]
GH: 02450048 Monopsis sp. South Africa: Northern Cape Province 33 [Ceded Territory, Philipstown (Philipton)... [see remarks]
GH: 02450076 Prismatocarpus brevilobus A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450076 Prismatocarpus diffusus (L.f.) A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450091 Prismatocarpus paniculatus L'Heritier South Africa: Western Cape Province 94 [George, adjoining Gouritzrivier, under 1... [see remarks]
GH: 02451800 Rapuntium anceps (L.f.) C.Presl South Africa: 62 [Cape, seashore and dunes, Rietvalei (Rie... [see remarks]
GH: 02451811 Rapuntium bellidifolium (L.f.) C.Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02451923 Rapuntium pedunculare C.Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Vi... [see remarks]
GH: 02451933 Rapuntium pinifolium (L.) Chaz. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02451962 Rapuntium setaceum (Thunb.) C.Presl South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Cape Town: 78 [Cape, Doornhoogde, Cape Flats... [see remarks]
GH: 02450110 Roella ciliata L. South Africa: Western Cape Province 92 [Stellenbosch, Klapmuts , 500-1500’ (II... [see remarks]
GH: 02450130 Roella secunda H.Buek South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van... [see remarks] 2414
GH: 02450178 Wahlenbergia capensis (L.) A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02450201 Wahlenbergia massonii A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 80 [Clanwilliam, Bergvalei (Berg Valley) (II... [see remarks] 2381
GH: 02450214 Wahlenbergia procumbens (L.f.) A.DC. South Africa: Western Cape Province 92 [Stellenbosch, Klapmuts , 500-1500’ (II... [see remarks]
GH: 02450232 Wahlenbergia undulata (L.f.) A.DC. South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 26 [Albany, Grahamstown = No.16 3326... [see remarks]
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02258668 Sambucus racemosa Linnaeus USA: Idaho [data not captured] [see remarks] 16866 2020-7-7
Casuarinaceae A: 02245683 Casuarina equisetifolia Linnaeus Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Nunukan S. Badjau (Sebatik). [see remarks] BB 35091 1953-5-5
A: 02246032 Casuarina equisetifolia Linnaeus Philippines: Laguna Forestry Plantation, Maquiling National Park... [see remarks] 54 1935-6
Celastraceae GH: 02452699 Cassine aethiopica Thunberg South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 6 [Kafferland, Katrivier and Katberg, 2-3000... [see remarks]
A: 02452310 Cassine colpoon Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02452309 Cassine colpoon Thunberg South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02452310 Cassine peragua Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02452309 Cassine peragua Linnaeus South Africa: Western Cape Province 76 [Clan william, Olifantsrivier and Villa B... [see remarks]
A: 02452304 Cassine peragua Linnaeus South Africa: Capland [see remarks]
A: 02452304 Elaeodendron capense C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Capland [see remarks]
GH: 02452349 Gymnosporia buxifolia (Linnaeus) Szyszylowicz South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Albany: 16 [Albany, Grahamstown, 1500-2500... [see remarks]
A: 02452669 Gymnosporia lancifolia (Thonning) Loesener : Africa: Deutsch Ost Africa, Sachre[illegible... [see remarks] 700
A: 02452669 Gymnosporia lancifolia (Thonning) Loesener : Africa: Deutsch Ost Africa, Sachre[illegible... [see remarks] 700
A: 02452378 Gymnosporia linearis (Linnaeus f.) Loesener South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
A: 02452436 Gymnosporia senegalensis inermis (A. Richard) Loesener : Africa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 3505
A: 02452439 Gymnosporia sp. : Africa: Useguha [see remarks]
GH: 02452451 Gymnosporia trigyna (Lamarck) Baker Mauritius: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02452449 Gymnosporia trigyna (Lamarck) Baker Mauritius: Boutan [see remarks] 1830
GH: 02452479 Hartogia multiflora C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Western Cape Province 1 [Worcester, Waterfall, 1-2000’ (III, A, ... [see remarks]
GH: 02452640 Maytenus oleoides (Lamarck) Loesener South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
A: 02452639 Maytenus oleoides (Lamarck) Loesener South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
A: 02452669 Maytenus undata (Thunberg) Blakelock : Africa: Deutsch Ost Africa, Sachre[illegible... [see remarks] 700
A: 02452669 Maytenus undata (Thunberg) Blakelock : Africa: Deutsch Ost Africa, Sachre[illegible... [see remarks] 700
GH: 02452674 Maytenus undata (Thunberg) Blakelock South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 4 [Uitenhage, Vanstaadesberg (Van Stadensber... [see remarks]
GH: 02452699 Mystroxylon aethiopicum (Thunberg) Loesener South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 6 [Kafferland, Katrivier and Katberg, 2-3000... [see remarks]
A: 02452713 Mystroxylon athranthum C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
A: 02452712 Mystroxylon athranthum C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Eastern Cape Province 2 [Uitenhage, Zwartkopsrivier, Villa Paul Ma... [see remarks]
GH: 02452733 Pterocelastrus rostratus (Thunberg) Walpers : Africa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02452737 Pterocelastrus rostratus (Thunberg) Walpers South Africa: Western Cape Province George C. P. Jonkersberg [see remarks]
GH: 02452733 Pterocelastrus sp. : Africa: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02452640 Scytophyllum laurinum (Thunberg) C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
A: 02452639 Scytophyllum laurinum (Thunberg) C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: 64 [Cape, mountains near Kapstadt (Cape Town... [see remarks]
Chrysobalanaceae A: 02260061 Licania splendens (Korthals) Prance Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Wanariset, Road from Samboja to Semoi, km 1.... [see remarks] AA 2127 1997-2-20
A: 02260069 Licania splendens (Korthals) Prance Malaysia: Sabah Papar: Kimanis [see remarks] SAN 80524 1976-4-24
A: 02260072 Licania splendens (Korthals) Prance Malaysia: Sabah Papar: Mandahan F. Reserve [see remarks] SAN 80010 1975-6-5
A: 02260135 Licania splendens (Korthals) Prance Malaysia: Sabah Mile 13 1/2 Apas Road, Agriculture Reserve [see remarks] SAN 48497 1965-2-12
A: 02260264 Maranthes corymbosa Blume Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang: Mile 9, Masapol Forest Reserve [see remarks] SAN 50307 1966-3-12
A: 02260315 Maranthes corymbosa Blume Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape district, a few mi SE of Tadji airstr... [see remarks] NGF 1215 1945-1
A: 02260360 Maranthes corymbosa Blume Philippines: Zambales [no additional data] [see remarks] FB 23548 1915-1
A: 02260378 Maranthes corymbosa Blume Philippines: Luzon: Province of Camarines [see remarks] 315 1912-2
A: 02260380 Maranthes corymbosa Blume Philippines: Luzon: Province of Camarines [see remarks] FB 21428 1914-5
A: 02260220 Maranthes corymbosa Blume Singapore: Botanic Gardens Jungle [see remarks] SF 36264 1939-4-25
A: 02260243 Maranthes corymbosa Blume Singapore: Fort Canning [see remarks] 1948-2
A: 02260487 Parastemon sp. Papua New Guinea: West Sepik Aitape district, a few miles SE of Tadji air... [see remarks] NGF 1212 1945-1
A: 02263747 Parastemon urophyllum (Wallich ex A. de Candolle) A. de Candolle Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Gunung Peramas, Sukadana; Kayong Utara [see remarks] gp-406 2009-11-5
GH: 02260430 Parastemon urophyllus (Wallich ex de Candolle) de Candolle Indonesia: Maluku Malacca [see remarks] 1845
A: 02263747 Parastemon urophyllus (Wallich ex de Candolle) de Candolle Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Gunung Peramas, Sukadana; Kayong Utara [see remarks] gp-406 2009-11-5
A: 02260407 Parastemon urophyllus (Wallich ex de Candolle) de Candolle Malaysia: Sabah Jalan Babi [see remarks] MB 175 2000-4-22
A: 02260427 Parastemon urophyllus (Wallich ex de Candolle) de Candolle Malaysia: Sabah Papar: Mandahan F. Reserve [see remarks] SAN 79998 1975-6-3
A: 02260436 Parastemon urophyllus (Wallich ex de Candolle) de Candolle Malaysia: Sabah Papar: Mandahan F. Reserve [see remarks] SAN 80016 1975-6-6
A: 02260437 Parastemon urophyllus (Wallich ex de Candolle) de Candolle Malaysia: Sabah Papar: Mandahan F. Reserve [see remarks] SAN 80048 1975-6-10
A: 02260509 Parinari costata (Korthals) Blume Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Batu 16, Bahau F.R. K. Pilah [see remarks] KEP 104056 1962-8-16
GH: 02260523 Parinari oblongifolia Hooker f. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Gunung Palung Nature Reserve. On Air Putih R... [see remarks] 17877 1985-4-15
A: 02260543 Parinari oblongifolia Hooker f. Malaysia: Sarawak Lambir Proposed N.P. Miri [see remarks] S 24066 1966-3-1
A: 02260635 Parinari papuana C. T. White Papua New Guinea: West Sepik nr. Aitape. a few mi SE of Tadji Airstrip [see remarks] NGF 1193 1945-1
A: 02260636 Parinari papuana C. T. White Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Aiyara [see remarks] NGF 1004 1944-10
A: 02260570 Parinari rubiginosa (Ridley) Ridley Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands [see remarks] SF 32665 1937-4-15
A: 02260581 Parinari sp. Malaysia: Sabah Leila F. Res. mile 4. Sandakan District [see remarks] SAN 74260 1971-10-21
A: 02260614 Parinari sp. Malaysia: Pahang Sungai Tahan [see remarks] SF 31720 1936-7-19
Clusiaceae A: 01853809 Calophyllum gracilipes Merrill : Borneo: Zo. Afd. v. Borneo. Tioengsche lande... [see remarks] bb 17832 1933-7-20
Convolvulaceae A: 02422596 Argyreia ridleyi (Prain) Ooststroom Singapore: Mandai, Mandai Road, nr Lorong Lada Hitam, a... [see remarks] 1542 2012-12-28
A: 02422596 Argyreia scortechinii (Prain) Prain ex Hoogland Singapore: Mandai, Mandai Road, nr Lorong Lada Hitam, a... [see remarks] 1542 2012-12-28
A: 02421112 Camonea pilosa (Houttuyn) A. R. Simões & Staples Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Ladang hill, Mt. Sago [see remarks] 11 1957-7-28
A: 02421109 Camonea pilosa (Houttuyn) A. R. Simões & Staples Indonesia: Jawa: Java. [see remarks] 4
A: 02421081 Decalobanthus peltatus (Linnaeus) A. R. Simões & Staples Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Kundasang-Ranau [see remarks] 171 1989
A: 02422641 Decalobanthus sumatranus Ooststroom Indonesia: Sumatera: Jambi, road Bangko to Kerinci; alo... [see remarks] 2536 2012-5-16
A: 02422792 Erycibe stenophylla Hoogland Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Sg. Kapuakan [see remarks] SAN 109398 1985-6-17
A: 00963573 Ipomoea violacea Linnaeus Kiribati: PHOENIX ISLANDS: Canton Island. [see remarks] 1940-9-27
A: 02421081 Merremia peltata (Linnaeus) Merrill Malaysia: Sabah Ranau: Kundasang-Ranau [see remarks] 171 1989
Cornaceae GH: 02259329 Cornus amomum Miller USA: New York Ithaca: Path behind Poultry Building. Cornel... [see remarks] 402 1941-7-1
ECON: 00987555 Cornus officinalis Siebold & Zuccarini Japan: Lui Kiu Moutain [see remarks] 1909
Crassulaceae GH: 01988358 Sedum hybridum Linnaeus Germany: Bavaria Deggendorf: an Felswänden am Geiersberg und... [see remarks] 1905-6-9
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00963762 Citrullus colocynthis (Linnaeus) Schrader Iraq: Hills near Hushaima, Tursuk-Badra road near ... [see remarks] 1962-2-2
Cyatheaceae GH: 02287990 Alsophila latebrosa Hooker Malaysia: Melaka Perak Tapiak[?] [see remarks] 1912
A: 02530150 Alsophila sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mt. Amungwiwa, Wau [see remarks] 102 1976-9-2
A: 02530130 Alsophila sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Mt. Amungwiwa [see remarks] 102 1976-9-2
GH: 02530274 Sphaeropteris alternans (Hooker) R. M. Tryon Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks] 125
A: 02530552 Sphaeropteris atrox (C. Christensen) R. M. Tryon Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki [see remarks] ANU 899 1962-9-18
GH: 02530508 Sphaeropteris atrox (C. Christensen) R. M. Tryon Papua New Guinea: [no additional data] [see remarks] ANU 7462 1966-10-27
A: 02530584 Sphaeropteris celebica (Blume) R. M. Tryon Papua New Guinea: Morobe Spreader Divide, Aseki-Menyamya Road [see remarks] 8724 1982-12-5
GH: 02530698 Sphaeropteris lunulata (G. Forster) R. M. Tryon Solomon Islands: Vanikoro, near Govt. House [see remarks] 60 1955-1-2
A: 02530728 Sphaeropteris magna (Copeland) R. M. Tryon Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, by the village of Kaipare [see remarks] ANU 571 1962-8-21
GH: 02530361 Sphaeropteris moluccana (R. Brown ex Desvaux) R. M. Tryon Malaysia: Penang Penang [see remarks]
A: 02530422 Sphaeropteris sp. Indonesia: Jawa: [no additional data] [see remarks] 2785
Cyperaceae GH: 02428609 Carex baccans Nees Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands. [see remarks] SF 32621 1937-4-1
GH: 02263122 Carex darwinii Boott Argentina: Río Negro [data not captured] [see remarks] 7373 1944-12-20
GH: 02263090 Cyperus seslerioides Kunth Argentina: Tucumán Lara [see remarks] 338 1912-2-19
GH: 02429428 Eleocharis acutangula (Roxburgh) Schultes Indonesia: Banten Bantam. [see remarks] 1 1936-4
A: 02429445 Eleocharis dulcis (N. L. Burman) Trinius ex Henschel Indonesia: Maluku Utara Pajahi Road, District Weda, Daerah. [see remarks] 1794 1950-10-31
GH: 02429454 Eleocharis ochrostachys Steudel Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi, Kuala Selangor. [see remarks] SF 34090 1937-10-14
A: 02429828 Fimbristylis cymosa pycnocephala (Hillebrand) Kükenthal Kiribati: Phoenix Islands: Canton Island. [see remarks] 1940-10
GH: 02429649 Fimbristylis ferruginea (Linnaeus) Vahl Malaysia: Selangor Tanjong Karang, Kuala Selangor. [see remarks] SF 34156 1937-10-20
GH: 02429692 Fimbristylis miliacea (Linnaeus) Vahl Indonesia: Banten [no additional data] [see remarks] 5 1936-4
GH: 02429747 Fimbristylis pauciflora R. Brown Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Moeras Oeboeh Padang, Motong. [see remarks] 1935-9
A: 02429999 Fimbristylis pauciflora R. Brown Indonesia: Papua Barat McCluer gulf: Babo. [see remarks] 653 1941-8-13
GH: 02429792 Fimbristylis sp. : Southeast Asia: [no additional data] [see remarks] 187 1842
A: 02429774 Fimbristylis sp. Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Ladang S. Sendabai. [see remarks] 1819 1949-10-3
A: 02430458 Gahnia sp. Indonesia: Papua Barat McCleur gulf; Babo. [see remarks] 701 1941-8-23
A: 02430521 Hypolytrum nemorum proliferum (Boeckeler) J. Kern Malaysia: Sarawak Kapuas near Semitan. [see remarks] 1821 1949-10-3
GH: 02430821 Lipocarpha chinensis (Osbeck) J. Kern Malaysia: Penang Waterfall Gardens. [see remarks] SF 5306 1921-9
A: 02430854 Lipocarpha chinensis (Osbeck) J. Kern Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp beneath Nanguris village. [see remarks] ANU 534 1962-8-14
A: 02431306 Paramapania simplex (Ridley) Uittien Indonesia: Papua Barat Kp. Argoeni, Sg. Bianoga (Kaimana). [see remarks] 624 1941-8-9
GH: 02431360 Rhynchospora corymbosa (Linnaeus) Britton Indonesia: Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) Z.O.afd. (Sampit) Tel. Boeloeh. [see remarks] 2 1938-9-17
GH: 02431361 Rhynchospora corymbosa (Linnaeus) Britton Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi, Kuala Selangor. [see remarks] SF 34072 1937-10-13
A: 02468348 Scleria sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Bulolo. [see remarks] NGF 17415 1964-3-9
GH: 02468083 Scleria sumatrensis Retzius Malaysia: Selangor Sungai Tinggi, Kuala Selangor. [see remarks] SF 34071 1937-10-13
GH: 02468097 Scleria terrestris (Linnaeus) Fassett Malaysia: Pahang Cameron Highlands. [see remarks] SF 32622 1937-4-11
Davalliaceae GH: 02507878 Davallia divaricata Blume Malaysia: Melaka Malakka, Perak Tapah [see remarks] 1912
GH: 02507915 Davallia hymenophylloides (Blume) Kuhn Malaysia: Melaka Perak Tapah [see remarks] 1912
GH: 02507933 Davallia parvula (Wallich) Hook. & Grev. : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1857
GH: 02508007 Davallia repens (Linnaeus f.) Kuhn : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1857
GH: 02508004 Davallia repens (Linnaeus f.) Kuhn Indonesia: Bali G. Kelhakan[?] [see remarks] 69 1918
GH: 02508003 Davallia repens (Linnaeus f.) Kuhn Indonesia: Jawa: Tjadas Malang (by Tjidadap; Z. van Tji... [see remarks] 1923-5-31
A: 02507994 Davallia repens (Linnaeus f.) Kuhn Malaysia: Sarawak Sungei Sabal Tapang. along Belian Track, Ser... [see remarks] 10260 1962-5-11
A: 02508290 Davallia repens (Linnaeus f.) Kuhn Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt [see remarks] ANU 867 1962-9-13
A: 02508567 Davallia sessilifolia Blume Papua New Guinea: Banz-Nondugl Road [see remarks] NSW P8787 1965-8-26
A: 02508566 Davallia sessilifolia Blume Papua New Guinea: between Awandi and Kainantu [see remarks] NSF P8788 1965-8
A: 02508587 Davallia solida Swartz Papua New Guinea: Morobe Wau: Rock Pile, Bulolo [see remarks] NGF 39153 1968-11-12
A: 02508615 Davallia solida Swartz Papua New Guinea: Central Above Rouna Falls, Sogeri Subdistrict [see remarks] 6223 1954-10
GH: 02508041 Davallia solida Swartz Singapore: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02508668 Davallia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Fly Island - Buso E of Lae [see remarks] 1413 1984-6-24
A: 02508667 Davallia sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Lae: Musik Is. Buso Subdist. [see remarks] NGF 39423 1969-5-9
GH: 02569908 Leucostegia pallida (Mettenius) Copeland Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] 181
Dennstaedtiaceae A: 02287352 Dennstaedtia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Slopes of Kabanunt [see remarks] ANU 865 1962-9-13
A: 02287492 Histiopteris sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Near Lutheran Mission [see remarks] ANU 682 1962-9-20
A: 02287558 Hypolepis malesiana Brownsey Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Near the village of Kaiamanda [see remarks] ANU 717 1962-10-5
A: 02287557 Hypolepis malesiana Brownsey Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Lake Iviva, old lake basin towards ... [see remarks] ANU 637 1962-8-29
A: 02287578 Hypolepis sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Sirunki swamp edge, near Kaiamanda [see remarks] 1962-7-28
GH: 02287531 Hypolepis tenuifolia (G. Forster) Bernhardi ex C. Presl Timor-Leste: Kleine Soenda Eilanden, Timor, Fetin [see remarks] 14 1935-4-10
A: 02287838 Pteridium aquilinum (Linnaeus) Kuhn Papua New Guinea: Central Along Sogeri-Sirinum-Dam Road [see remarks] 1979-8-2
A: 02287871 Pteridium aquilinum wightianum (J. Agardh) R. M. Tryon Philippines: Davao Gumate district on E slopes of the Mt. Apo c... [see remarks] ANU 1672A 1965-10
A: 02287870 Pteridium aquilinum wightianum (J. Agardh) R. M. Tryon Philippines: Davao Gumate district on E slopes of the Mt. Apo c... [see remarks] ANU 1672A 1965-10
Dicksoniaceae A: 02282267 Calochlaena villosa (C. Christensen) M. D. Turner & R. A. White Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Swamp, lake side of causeway. [see remarks] 1962-9-20
A: 02282295 Cibotium barometz (Linnaeus) J. Smith Malaysia: Sabah Mt. Kinabalu: Mesilau to Pinosuk [see remarks] 1964-2
Dipsacaceae GH: 02451348 Scabiosa buekiana C. F. Ecklon & C. L. P. Zeyher South Africa: Cape of Good Hope Province Uitenhage: 10 [Uitenhage, Olifantshoek (Alex... [see remarks]
Dipteridaceae GH: 02283252 Dipteris lobbiana (Hooker) T. Moore : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks] 1908
A: 02305049 Dipteris lobbiana (Hooker) T. Moore Brunei: Tutong [data not captured] [see remarks] B 26 2016-8-19
Dipterocarpaceae A: 02567678 Hopea forbesii (Brandis) Slooten Papua New Guinea: Central Kokoda Track Plantation near Sogeri [see remarks] NGF 4151 1951-7-22
A: 02567777 Hopea malibato Foxworthy Philippines: Quezon [no additional data] [see remarks] FB 24753 1915-10
A: 02567775 Hopea malibato Foxworthy Philippines: Island of Polillo [see remarks] FB 26249 1916-10
A: 02567714 Hopea papuana Diels Papua New Guinea: Central Amau Hinterland [see remarks] NGF 10728 1961-3
A: 02567805 Hopea philippinensis Dyer Philippines: Quezon Province of Tayabas [see remarks] FB 25323 1916-3
A: 02567813 Hopea plagata (Blanco) S. Vidal Philippines: Nueva Vizcaya Bungol, Bagabag [see remarks] FB 29532 1923-7
A: 02567503 Hopea sangal Korthals Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Batu Sawa, Kuantan [see remarks] KEP 17332 1934-10-26
A: 02567732 Hopea scabra P. S. Ashton Indonesia: Papua Jayapura: Hollandia, Cycloop Mts. [see remarks] BW 15 1952-12-11
A: 02567567 Hopea semicuneata Symington Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Dompasan Hill (near Apin Apin) [see remarks] SAN 17020 1955-9-27
A: 02567563 Hopea semicuneata Symington Malaysia: Pahang Semambu [see remarks] KEP 29696 1935-10-23
A: 02567601 Hopea subalata Symington Malaysia: Selangor Kanchaing F.R. Selangor [see remarks] KEP 24921 1933-1-5
A: 02567579 Hopea sulcata Symington Malaysia: Selangor 21 m.s. Ulu Gombak [see remarks] 1655 1967-10-11
A: 02567656 Hopea wightiana Wallich ex Wight & Arnott Malaysia: Selangor Arboretum, F.R.I., Kepong [see remarks] KEP 99044 1961-7-3
A: 02567667 Hopea wyatt-smithii G. H. S. Wood ex P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Ulu Apas, Maria Road [see remarks] SAN 28633 1961-12-8
A: 02567826 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Kedah 19 mile Bukit Selambau [see remarks] 8991
A: 02567825 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Kedah Sumpitau[?], Upper Perak [see remarks] 8817
A: 02567824 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Pahang Pulau Mauis Path[?] [see remarks] 6752 1926-6-28
A: 02567822 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Perak Sumpitau[?], Upper Perak [see remarks] 8340 1926-6-1
A: 02567821 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Ampang Catchment Area [see remarks] 11006 1926-1-9
A: 02567820 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Pahang Pulau Mauis Path[?] [see remarks] 6752 1926-6-28
A: 02567835 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Segari, Melinlang F.R., Dindings. [see remarks] KEP 69415 1953-3-18
A: 02567833 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Segari - Melintang F.R., Dindings [see remarks] KEP 69424 1953-3-31
A: 02567831 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Perak Sg. Melintang F.R.; Dindings [see remarks] KEP 69415 1953-3-18
A: 02567827 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Gunong Tebu FR. Trengganu [see remarks] FRI 13027 1969-7-7
A: 02567844 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Pahang Tg. Pasir [see remarks] KEP 15148 1932-10-21
A: 02567843 Neobalanocarpus heimii (King) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Perak Segari Melentang F.R.; Dindings [see remarks] KEP 69424 1953-3-31
A: 02567855 Parashorea aptera Slooten Indonesia: Sumatera: Laboean Batoe, Sei Roembia [see remarks] 1941-7-21
A: 02567865 Parashorea lucida Kurz Indonesia: Jambi Pemunyin. West of Muarabungo. [see remarks] TFB 4843 1984-1
A: 02567905 Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merrill Malaysia: Sabah Forest Dist. Elopura. Sepilok F.R. Compt. 13 [see remarks] A 3529 1951-5-24
A: 02567908 Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merrill Malaysia: Sabah Sungei septi magai Semporna forest Dint [see remarks] A 179 1951-5-12
A: 02567949 Parashorea smythiesii Wyatt-Smith ex P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Beaufort: Hill behind the ?Govt. Office [see remarks] A 1703a 1953-3-30
A: 02567953 Parashorea stellata Kurz Thailand: Satun District Kuandon. Thaleban National Park, Pa... [see remarks] ST0242 2004-3-18
A: 02567960 Parashorea tomentella (Symington) Meijer Malaysia: Sabah Forest Dist. Elopura. Kretam, sungei, pinang [see remarks] A 3536 1951-6-11
A: 02567956 Parashorea tomentella (Symington) Meijer Malaysia: Ulo Trusan, Sapi, Beluran[?] [see remarks] NBFD 4596 1935-3-27
A: 02567963 Parashorea tomentella (Symington) Meijer Malaysia: Sabah Beaufort: Ulu Bunangaya at Mt. Lumakau [see remarks] 65322 1969-3-5
A: 02568024 Shorea acuminata Dyer Indonesia: Sumatera: Tapanuli, Sibolga, Dolok Malige [see remarks] BB 19371 1934-12-16
A: 02568023 Shorea acuminata Dyer Indonesia: Sumatera: Riouw. Kuantan district. Sei Rambe... [see remarks] BB 23479 1937-11-29
A: 02568018 Shorea acuminata Dyer Indonesia: Jambi Batang Tabir. Camp Lubuk Intan, PT Alas [see remarks] TFB 905 1980-2
A: 02568043 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Selangor Ulu Selangor [see remarks] KEP 44665 1957-8-17
A: 02568041 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Pahang Temerloh[?] [see remarks] 1920-12-4
A: 02568037 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Johor Khuang F.R. [see remarks] KEP 81608 1955-7-14
A: 02568036 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Selangor at the Dispensary, FRI. Kepong [see remarks] FRI 21685 1976-3-27
A: 02568034 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: 15 mile Gombak [see remarks] 11764 1926-9-19
A: 02568033 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: 12 mile Ulu Gombak [see remarks] 11158 1926-6-9
A: 02568032 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Perak Batang Padang Tapah [see remarks] 11730
A: 02568031 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Selangor Bangi, Ulu Langat [see remarks] 10927 1925-11-25
A: 02568030 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: Sunjei Buloh For. Reserve [see remarks] 7067 1922-1
A: 02568057 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Johor Mersing F.R.; Mersing [see remarks] 1957-7-30
A: 02568047 Shorea acuminata Dyer Malaysia: Panti F.R. Nota Tinggi [see remarks] KEP 52568 1955-8-4
A: 02568072 Shorea acuminatissima Symington Malaysia: Sabah Mile 8 [see remarks] NBFD 4346 1935-3-19
A: 02568094 Shorea agami P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Merutai Besar [see remarks] SAN 18476 1962-1-20
A: 02568104 Shorea agami P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Mile 82 Labuk [see remarks] 36222 1963-5-9
A: 02568112 Shorea agami P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Tenom: Pangi Hill [see remarks] SAN 65298 1969-4-25
A: 02568107 Shorea agami P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Mile 61 1/4, Labuk Road [see remarks] SAN 39300 1963-8-24
A: 02568133 Shorea albida Symington ex A. V. Thomas Malaysia: Sarawak Baram: [no additional data] [see remarks] S 1253
A: 02227767 Shorea almon Foxworthy Philippines: Negros Occidental Cadiz [see remarks] FB 29552 1924-4
A: 02568192 Shorea amplexicaulis P. S. Ashton Brunei: Bukit A.F.R. [see remarks] KEP 37086 1939-10-18
A: 02568204 Shorea amplexicaulis P. S. Ashton Brunei: Bt. Gelas F.R., Belait [see remarks] S 1633 1955-5-13
A: 02568217 Shorea andulensis P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Beluran: Sungai Melian [see remarks] SAN 99663 1983-7-26
A: 02568288 Shorea argentifolia Symington Malaysia: Sabah Keningau: Mile 2 1/2 from Sook, Karamatoi [see remarks] SAN 72474 1972-12-4
A: 02568304 Shorea asahi P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Nangsang, Entuluh, Menyiong, Balleh [see remarks] S 41412 1979-11-14
A: 02568301 Shorea asahi P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Nangsang, Entuluh, Menyiong, Balleh [see remarks] S 41410 1979-11-14
A: 02568321 Shorea assamica koordesii (Brandis ex Koorders) Y. K. Yang & J. K. Wu Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Atjak, Singkil, Pangkalan [see remarks] BB 20776 1936-5-24
A: 02568319 Shorea assamica koordesii (Brandis ex Koorders) Y. K. Yang & J. K. Wu Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Tapanuli, Angkola and Sipirok, Panobasan, Ta... [see remarks] BB 31553 1940-2-14
A: 02568312 Shorea assamica koordesii (Brandis ex Koorders) Y. K. Yang & J. K. Wu Indonesia: Sulawesi: c. 250 km (by road) West of Goront... [see remarks] 4229 1990-3-30
A: 02222616 Shorea atrinervosa Symington Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Sungailasi - Sindang. Pesisir Selatan distri... [see remarks] TFB 4198 1983-2-21
A: 02222617 Shorea atrinervosa Symington Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Sungailasi - Sindang, Pesisir Selatan distri... [see remarks] TFB 4128 1983-2-21
A: 02222622 Shorea atrinervosa Symington Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) West coast. Korintji Indrapoera [see remarks] 1 1935-12-7
A: 02222596 Shorea atrinervosa Symington Malaysia: P.R.I. Arboretum, Kepong [see remarks] KEP 99012 1961-5-10
A: 02222608 Shorea atrinervosa Symington Malaysia: Sabah Mile 24 Main road, Luasong [see remarks] SAN 63861 1968-8-26
A: 02222609 Shorea atrinervosa Symington Malaysia: Sabah Tenom: Mandalom [see remarks] SAN 27396 1961-10-27
A: 02222611 Shorea atrinervosa Symington Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: Silam [see remarks] SAN 31752 1963-9-23
A: 02222641 Shorea balangeran (Korthals) Burck Indonesia: Kalimantan: Sungai Smittouw [see remarks] B 1277 1843-12
A: 02222643 Shorea balangeran (Korthals) Burck Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) near western shore Danau Seriang, western pa... [see remarks] 141 1986-8-5
A: 02222738 Shorea beccariana Burck Brunei: Belait Andulau F.R. [see remarks] S 1933 1955-5-10
A: 02222694 Shorea beccariana Burck Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) West Borneo [see remarks] 2753 1935-8
A: 02222707 Shorea beccariana Burck Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh FR., Penrisson Rd., 1st Division; T... [see remarks] S 44059 1981
A: 02222734 Shorea beccariana Burck Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh Arboretum [see remarks] S 37700 1976-9-1
A: 02222800 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) West Kutei; L. Duri [see remarks] BB 31164 1939-12-10
A: 02222809 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) L. Duri, W. Kutei [see remarks] BB 31454 1940-2-10
A: 02222810 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) L. Duri, W. Kutei [see remarks] BB 31453 1940-2-10
A: 02222841 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) W. Kutei; L. Duri [see remarks] BB 29593 1940-2-7
A: 02222842 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) W. Kutei; L. Duri [see remarks] BB 31158 1939-12-9
A: 02222843 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) W. Kutei; L. Duri [see remarks] BB 29592 1940-2-7
A: 02222844 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) W. Kutei; L. Duri [see remarks] BB 29579 1940-2-6
A: 02222847 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) West Kutei, L. Duri [see remarks] BB 31164 1940-2-10
A: 02222861 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) L. Duri, W. Kutei [see remarks] BB 31440 1940-2-7
A: 02222864 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) L. Duri, W. Kutei [see remarks] BB 31453 1940-2-10
A: 02222865 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) W. Kutei; Loa Duri [see remarks] BB 29583 1939-10-16
A: 02222866 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) W. Kutei, L. Duri [see remarks] BB 29585 1940-2-6
A: 02222777 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Sarawak Bkt. Gaharu, Sabal F.R. [see remarks] 12690 1960-6-16
A: 02222783 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Batu 12, Gombang Rd, Kuantan [see remarks] KEP 17205 1933-6-27
A: 02222784 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Selangor Bukit Lagong F. Res. [see remarks] KEP 85225 1960-9-6
A: 02222785 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Johor Sg. Siseh, Kota Tinggi [see remarks] KEP 52566 1955-7-12
A: 02222787 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: Km 50, Jalan Taliwas Sg. Bole [see remarks] SAN 96781 1983-5-7
ECON: 02222803 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Pahang Temerloh[?] [see remarks] C7 5463 1920-12-9
ECON: 02222804 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Penang Pulau Penang; Waterfall Gardens jungle [see remarks] 9148 1923-6-8
A: 02222805 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Bukit Bauk F.R.; Dungun; Trengganu [see remarks] KEP 53376 1951-11-6
A: 02222811 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Kedah 48th mile, Jeniang [see remarks] SF 35997 1938-10-26
A: 02222812 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Selangor Kanching Forest Reserve [see remarks] SF 34438 1937-11-5
A: 02222813 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Kedah 48th mile, Jeniang [see remarks] SF 35998 1938-10-26
A: 02222814 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Selangor Kanching Forest Reserve [see remarks] 34438 1937-11-5
A: 02222815 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Melaka [no additional data] [see remarks] 1894
A: 02222816 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Field 8; F.R.I. Kepong [see remarks] KEP 99632 1962-5-1
A: 02222818 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: H.S. Berembun, 14 mi stone Kuala Pilah to Se... [see remarks] FRI 27672 1983-5-3
A: 02222822 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Sabah Membalua Forest Reserve [see remarks] SAN 22756 1960-9-15
A: 02222835 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Perak Chior F.R. Kinta [see remarks] KEP 77295 1955-7-6
A: 02222845 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Sabah Ulu Balong [see remarks] SAN 28667 1961-12-11
A: 02222850 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Santubong mountain, 1st Division [see remarks] S 24859 1965-11-22
A: 02222851 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Marudi, Pulong Tau National Park (Western pa... [see remarks] S 98204 2007-5-11
A: 02222852 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Marudi, Pulong Tau National Park (Western pa... [see remarks] S 98086 2007-5-10
A: 02222853 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Santubong mountain, 1st Division [see remarks] S 24858 1965-11-22
A: 02222908 Shorea brunnescens P. S. Ashton Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) West of G. Niut [see remarks] K 3565 1992-12-17
A: 02222890 Shorea brunnescens P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Tree No. 87; Arboretum Semengoh F.R., Kuchin... [see remarks] 15763 1961-11-15
A: 02222928 Shorea bullata P. S. Ashton Brunei: Temburong Bangar [see remarks] BRUN 2003B 1960-6-20
A: 02222929 Shorea bullata P. S. Ashton Brunei: Temburong Bangar [see remarks] BRUN 2003A 1960-6-15
A: 02222927 Shorea bullata P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Matang/near roadside [see remarks] S 63844 1991-11-8
A: 02222961 Shorea carapae P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Along path to Bukit Skelap, Dataran Tinggi M... [see remarks] S 48960 1984-10-16
A: 02222969 Shorea ciliata King Malaysia: Selangor Genting Highlands, ca. 60 km N of Kuala Lump... [see remarks] 67104 1989-7-5
A: 02222931 Shorea confusa P. S. Ashton Brunei: Temburong Bangar; tree no. 2 [see remarks] BRUN 2004 1960-6-15
A: 02222933 Shorea confusa P. S. Ashton Brunei: Temburong Bangar; tree no. 2 [see remarks] BRUN 2004a 1960-7-20
A: 02222948 Shorea conica Slooten Indonesia: Bengkulu Sungailasi-Sindang, Pesisir Selatan district [see remarks] TFB 4249 1983-2-28
GH: 02227789 Shorea contorta S. Vidal Philippines: Mindanao: District of Zamboanga [see remarks] FB 22939 1914-9
A: 02227787 Shorea contorta S. Vidal Philippines: Laguna Maquiling National Park [see remarks] 59 1935-7
A: 02227804 Shorea contorta S. Vidal Philippines: Mindanao: District of Zamboanga [see remarks] FB 22939 1914-9
A: 02222984 Shorea coriacea Burck Malaysia: Usun Apau Plateau, Ulu Sg. Kelayan, Ulu Bela... [see remarks] S 69172 1994-10-21
ECON: 02619004 Shorea curtisii Dyer ex King Malaysia: Selangor Near Fraser Hill [see remarks] 11329 1923-9-12
ECON: 02619005 Shorea curtisii Dyer ex King Malaysia: Penang Government Hill; Pulau Penang [see remarks] 3787 1918-7-16
A: 02619022 Shorea curtisii Dyer ex King Malaysia: State Land, Bukit Sulai [see remarks] KEP 78512 1955-9-2
A: 02619034 Shorea curtisii Dyer ex King Malaysia: Penang Penang Hill [see remarks] SF 35336 1938-5-2
A: 02619052 Shorea curtisii Dyer ex King Malaysia: Perak Chior F.R. Kinta [see remarks] KEP 77297 1955-7-14
A: 02619053 Shorea curtisii Dyer ex King Malaysia: Pasir Panjang F.Res. [see remarks] KEP 18888 1933-8-26
A: 02619066 Shorea cuspidata P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Tree No. 603 in Arboretum, Semengoh F.R. [see remarks] 15179 1961-10-26
A: 02619071 Shorea dasyphylla Foxworthy Malaysia: Sarawak Tributary of Ulu Sg. Barangan, Bkt. Binuda, ... [see remarks] S 60782 1991-3-14
A: 02619076 Shorea dasyphylla Foxworthy Malaysia: Binas F. Res. Dindings [see remarks] KEP 69449 1953-10-10
A: 02619090 Shorea dasyphylla Foxworthy Malaysia: Selangor Hulu Selangor, Semangkok Forest Reserve, Foo... [see remarks] FRI 46672 2002-9-19
A: 02619104 Shorea dealbata Foxworthy Malaysia: Rhu Plantation, 6th Mile [see remarks] S 32730 1973-7-7
A: 02619136 Shorea elliptica Burck Malaysia: Sarawak 12th Mile Penrissen Road, Arboretum Semengoh... [see remarks] S 24667 1965-9-16
A: 02619142 Shorea elliptica Burck Malaysia: Sarawak Tree No. 162 in Arboretum, Semengoh F.R. [see remarks] 15175 1961-10-24
A: 02619145 Shorea elliptica Burck Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh Arboretum, Kuching [see remarks] S 37698 1976-9-1
A: 02619149 Shorea exelliptica Meijer Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Medamit, Limbang, 5th Division [see remarks] S 32337 1972-10-14
ECON: 02619159 Shorea eximia Scheffer Malaysia: Bungai Buloh Forest Reserve [see remarks] 23853 1930-12-23
A: 02619237 Shorea faguetiana F. Heim Brunei: Belait L.H.F.R., Belait [see remarks] S 1627 1955-5-11
A: 02619246 Shorea faguetiana F. Heim Brunei: Belait Kenapoe [see remarks] S 1631 1955-5-13
A: 02619247 Shorea faguetiana F. Heim Brunei: Pangie [see remarks] NBFD 3431 1933-7-19
A: 02619175 Shorea faguetiana F. Heim Malaysia: Santubong mountain, 1st Division [see remarks] 24856 1965-11-22
A: 02619178 Shorea faguetiana F. Heim Malaysia: Sarawak Nanga Seringin, Ulu Sungai Entuluh, Baleh, K... [see remarks] S 62196 1989-9-14
A: 02619197 Shorea faguetiana F. Heim Malaysia: Santubong mountain, 1st Division [see remarks] 24855 1965-11-22
A: 02619231 Shorea faguetiana F. Heim Malaysia: Tatau, Bukit Kana Field Station [see remarks] S 97059 2006-10-7
A: 02619264 Shorea faguetioides P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Bkt. Iju, Ulu Arip, Balingian, 3rd Div. [see remarks] S 23220 1965-7-11
A: 02619271 Shorea faguetioides P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sg. Sekaloh, Niah River, Miri District, ... [see remarks] S 26161 1966-12-9
A: 02619290 Shorea falcifera Dyer ex Brandis Malaysia: Belara F.R. N. Trengganu [see remarks] KEP 67310 1955-10-8
A: 02619301 Shorea falciferoides glaucescens (Meijer) Ashton Brunei: Bt. Melasak, Lawas [see remarks] S 1763 1955-8-31
A: 02619317 Shorea falciferoides glaucescens (Meijer) Ashton Brunei: Belait Teraja L.H.F.R. [see remarks] S 1646 1955-5-17
A: 02619312 Shorea falciferoides glaucescens (Meijer) Ashton Indonesia: Kalimantan: Tidoengsche landen; Mansapa [see remarks] 9 1937-7-14
A: 02619302 Shorea falciferoides glaucescens (Meijer) Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Elopura. Compartment 16, Kabili-Sepilok F.R. [see remarks] BNBFD 10545 1939-8-23
A: 02619336 Shorea fallax Meijer Malaysia: Sabah Sub-Cpt. 5, Cpt. 2, Bombay Burmah Trading Co... [see remarks] SAN 16436 1955-8
A: 02619350 Shorea fallax Meijer Malaysia: Sabah Mile 16, Apas Road [see remarks] SAN 21483 1960-5-13
A: 02619352 Shorea fallax Meijer Malaysia: Sabah Ulu Balong Iban Trail, Tawau Hill F.R. [see remarks] SAN 28687 1961-12-12
A: 02619358 Shorea ferruginea Dyer ex Brandis Malaysia: Sabah Sipitang: 5 mi from Kampung Mendulong road t... [see remarks] SAN 96885 1985-9-4
A: 02619655 Shorea ferruginea Dyer ex Brandis Malaysia: Sarawak Foot of Lumut Range, Ulu Sg. Gelang [see remarks] S 66163 1992-9-29
A: 02619699 Shorea foxworthyi Symington Malaysia: Balau; Telok Kalong S.L., Kemaman, Trengganu... [see remarks] KEP 53266 1952-12-25
A: 02619700 Shorea foxworthyi Symington Malaysia: Balau; Telok Kalong S.L., Kemaman, Trengganu [see remarks] KEP 53266 1952-12-25
A: 02619714 Shorea furfuracea Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Isl. Morsala (Tapanuli) [see remarks] 32 1951-1
A: 02619718 Shorea geniculata Symington ex P. S. Ashton Brunei: Belait Andulau F.R. [see remarks] S 1929 1955-5-10
A: 02619740 Shorea gibbosa Brandis Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Kaingaran, 10 mi E of Tambunan [see remarks] SAN 17007 1955-10-22
A: 02619764 Shorea gibbosa Brandis Malaysia: Sabah Tambunan: Kaingaran, 10 mi E of Tambunan [see remarks] SAN 17005 1955-10-22
A: 02619769 Shorea gibbosa Brandis Malaysia: Sabah Beaufort: Pangi, 5 mi WNW of Tenom on North ... [see remarks] SAN 16906 1955-6-17
A: 02619774 Shorea glauca King Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Simalur Isl, off Sumatra West Coast [see remarks] 1913-5-6
ECON: 02619775 Shorea glauca King Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Simalur Isl., off Sumatra West Coast [see remarks] 1913-5-6
A: 02619796 Shorea gratissima (Wallich ex Kurz) Dyer Malaysia: Sabah Jelutong, Tawau [see remarks] NBFD 4481 1935-5-12
GH: 02227833 Shorea guiso (Blanco) Blume Philippines: Bataan [no additional data] [see remarks] FB 21921 1914-7
A: 02619930 Shorea hypoleuca Meijer Malaysia: Matang/near Roadside [see remarks] S 63826 1991-11-7
A: 02620034 Shorea kudatensis G. H. S. Wood ex Meijer Malaysia: Sabah Papar: Kimanis Forest Reserve [see remarks] SAN 15494 1955-7-16
A: 02620047 Shorea kunstleri King Malaysia: Block E, Bkt. Bauk F.R., Dungun, Trengganu [see remarks] KEP 53367 1951-8-27
A: 02620118 Shorea laevis Ridley Indonesia: Kalimantan: Tidung Land, P. Nunukan, S. Masa... [see remarks] BB 20032 1935-9-15
A: 02620113 Shorea laevis Ridley Malaysia: Pahang Bt. Raka F. Res. [see remarks] KEP 26202 1932-3-8
A: 02620115 Shorea laevis Ridley Malaysia: Selangor Ulu Gombak F.R. [see remarks] KEP 18250 1930-10-16
A: 02620139 Shorea lepidota (Korthals) Blume Malaysia: Johor Sg. Sisek, Kota Tinggi [see remarks] KEP 52564 1955-7-10
A: 02620146 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Simelungun, Tanah Djawa Reserve, k... [see remarks] BB 33027 1941-9-17
A: 02620168 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) Gunung Meratus, P.T. ITCI Kenangan [see remarks] AA 2189 1998-2-22
A: 02620215 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Blambangan Umpu, Kotabumi, Lampung... [see remarks] BB 20096 1935-12-23
A: 02620221 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Blambangan Umpu, Kotabumi, Lampung... [see remarks] BB 20195 1956-1-21
A: 02620225 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Palembang, Lematang Ilir, G. Megan... [see remarks] 35E.3P.T.292 1923-11
A: 02620226 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Palembang, Lematang Ilir, G. Megan... [see remarks] 35E.3P.T.292 1924-1
A: 02620300 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Palenbang, Lamatang Ilir, G. Mogan... [see remarks] 35E.3P.T.292 1923-11
A: 02620301 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Palenbang, Lomatang Ilir, G. Mogan... [see remarks] 35E.3P.T.292 1924-1
A: 02620316 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Sumatera: Palembang [see remarks] 12 1920-3
A: 02620322 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Segalan, Sanggau [see remarks] BB 31060 1939-12-13
A: 02225350 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Bukit Seberuang, Pangkal Tapang, Gunung Palu... [see remarks] gp-590 2010-1-28
A: 02225351 Shorea leprosula Miquel Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Bukit Seberuang, Pangkal Tapang, Gunung Palu... [see remarks] gp-590 2010-1-28
A: 02620156 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Selangor Arboretum, Kepong [see remarks] KEP 99011 1961-5-10
A: 02620176 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Pahang Ulu Cheka, Benom Forest (Quadrat 4, tree 9) [see remarks] 1638 1967-9-26
A: 02620199 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Tenom: Sungai Paal [see remarks] SAN 43244 1964-7-14
A: 02620216 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: Paris Camp Segama [see remarks] SAN 67538 1984-9-27
A: 02620232 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Semenanjung Malaysia: Arboretum, Kepong [see remarks] KEP 99011 1961-5-10
A: 02620234 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Sarawak Ulu Sg, Lubang, Ulu Tinjar, Baram [see remarks] S 75325 1997-3-4
A: 02620243 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Johor Panti F. R. Nota Tinggi [see remarks] KEP 52563 1955-7-7
A: 02620249 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Supu [see remarks] NBFD 4947 1935-4-13
A: 02620250 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Selangor Buloh F. Res. [see remarks] KEP 31095 1933-12-14
A: 02620261 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Sabah Mile 39, Labuk Road; In VJR [see remarks] SAN 95048 1982-11-27
A: 02620271 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Sabah East of the brantian Camp [see remarks] SAN 69300 1970-4-29
A: 02620326 Shorea leprosula Miquel Malaysia: Cpt. 4 Bikam F.R. Pk. South [see remarks] KEP 28805 1933-2-9
ECON: 02620193 Shorea leprosula Miquel Singapore: Economic Gardens [see remarks] 1247 1917-3-27
A: 02620367 Shorea longiflora (Brandis) Symington Brunei: Belait Jelitoh ulu Sungei [see remarks] KEP 30455 1934-6-25
A: 02620371 Shorea longiflora (Brandis) Symington Malaysia: Sarawak Lambir National Park. On the way to Panchur ... [see remarks] S 98839 2008-3-15
A: 02620372 Shorea longiflora (Brandis) Symington Malaysia: Sarawak Sibu, Jalan Oya-Salim [see remarks] S 98826 2007-11-20
A: 02620379 Shorea longisperma Roxburgh Brunei: Kuala Temburong Machang [see remarks] BRUN 3128 1959-6
A: 02620364 Shorea longisperma Roxburgh Malaysia: Johor 8 m.s. Jemaluang-Kluang [see remarks] 1623 1967-8-30
A: 02620383 Shorea longisperma Roxburgh Malaysia: Johor Kluang F.R. [see remarks] KEP 81555 1955-8-7
A: 02620402 Shorea macrantha Brandis Malaysia: Sarawak Engkabang Plantation 12th Mile, Landek Road [see remarks] S 33550 1974-8-15
A: 02620403 Shorea macrantha Brandis Malaysia: Sarawak Engkabang Plantation 12th Mile, Landek Road [see remarks] S 33550 1974-8-15
A: 02620404 Shorea macrantha Brandis Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh F.R., 1st Div.; Tree No. 172 assess... [see remarks] S 35965 1974-12-4
A: 02620405 Shorea macrantha Brandis Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh F.R., 1st Div. [see remarks] S 35965 1974-12-4
GH: 02620464 Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P. S. Ashton : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02620487 Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P. S. Ashton Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Tengkawang Plantation in 1973 Sanggau [see remarks] K 3306 1973
A: 02620423 Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Kubah National Park, Sg. Rayu [see remarks] S 68473 1994-9-18
A: 02620438 Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Sepilok Arboretum Plantation [see remarks] SAN 136157 1992-6-13
A: 02620462 Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Anonan [see remarks] NBFD 5493 1935-4-7
A: 02620473 Shorea macrophylla (de Vriese) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak [no additional data] [see remarks] S 23182 1967-4-18
GH: 02620577 Shorea macroptera baillonii (Heim) P. S. Ashton : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
GH: 02620578 Shorea macroptera baillonii (Heim) P. S. Ashton : Borneo: [no additional data] [see remarks]
A: 02620596 Shorea macroptera macropterifolia P. S. Ashton Brunei: Batu Apoi [see remarks] KEP 30546 1935-4-28
A: 02620818 Shorea macroptera sandakanensis (Symington) P. S. Ashton Indonesia: Kalimantan: (South) East Borneo; Numukan [see remarks] BB 20028 1935-9-11
A: 02620495 Shorea macroptera Dyer Malaysia: Sarawak Matang [see remarks] S 63829 1991-11-7
A: 02620500 Shorea macroptera Dyer Malaysia: Pahang Gunong Lesong Res. Ulu Rompin Pahang [see remarks] KEP 15490 1928-8-23
A: 02620501 Shorea macroptera Dyer Malaysia: Pahang Sg. Sempam Ranb. Pahang [see remarks] KEP 20354 1930-1-4
A: 02620515 Shorea macroptera Dyer Malaysia: Selangor Arboretum, along the belian trail, Semengoh ... [see remarks] S 68408 1994-9-14
A: 02620530 Shorea macroptera Dyer Malaysia: Sarawak Matang [see remarks] S 63829 1991-11-7
A: 02620537 Shorea macroptera Dyer Malaysia: Johor Kulang F.R. [see remarks] KEP 81556 1955-8-23
A: 02620539 Shorea macroptera Dyer Malaysia: Johor Panti F.R. Johore South [see remarks] KEP 52558 1955-8-7
A: 02620592 Shorea macroptera macropterifolia P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Sg. Mengiong, Balleh [see remarks] S 29619 1970-1-23
A: 02620551 Shorea macroptera baillonii (Heim) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh Arboretum; (No. 157) [see remarks] S 24663 1965-9-16
A: 02620566 Shorea macroptera baillonii (Heim) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sarawak Arboretum, Semengoh F.R. [see remarks] 15169 1961-10-24
A: 02620618 Shorea macroptera sandakanensis (Symington) P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Semporna: Kalumpang Mile-49, Semporna Road [see remarks] SAN 64791 1968-8-2
A: 02620489 Shorea macroptera Dyer Singapore: Lawn N. in Botanic Gardens [see remarks] SF 28308 1933-5-15
A: 02620523 Shorea macroptera Dyer Singapore: Garden Jungle [see remarks] 1899-4
A: 02620850 Shorea maxwelliana King Malaysia: Selangor Arboretum Kepong. Tree 41 [see remarks] KEP 99397 1961-4-6
A: 02620882 Shorea maxwelliana King Malaysia: Perak S.M.F.R. Dindings [see remarks] KEP 77611 1954-1-10
A: 02620894 Shorea mecistopteryx Ridley Malaysia: Supu [see remarks] NBFD 4944 1935-3-17
A: 02620922 Shorea mecistopteryx Ridley Malaysia: Selangor Arboretum, F.R.I. Kepong; Tree no. 153 [see remarks] KEP 99046 1961-7-3
A: 02620951 Shorea mujongensis P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Supu [see remarks] NBFD 4946 1935-4-1
A: 02620991 Shorea multiflora (Burck) Symington Malaysia: Sarawak Bt. Urang [see remarks] 4444 1961-9-27
A: 02620993 Shorea multiflora (Burck) Symington Malaysia: Perak Damar Hitam; (S.P. 21), Larut Hill F.R. [see remarks] KEP 68451 1950-12-5
A: 02621051 Shorea multiflora (Burck) Symington Malaysia: Terengganu Telok Kalong; Kemaman; Trengganu [see remarks] KEP 53263 1952-10-11
A: 02621079 Shorea multiflora (Burck) Symington Malaysia: Sarawak Semengoh Arboretum, Kuching [see remarks] S 37697 1976-9-1
A: 02621092 Shorea multiflora (Burck) Symington Malaysia: Perak Pulau Pangkor; Sungei Pinang Forest Reserve [see remarks] 3116 1981-8-17
A: 02227852 Shorea negrosensis Foxworthy Philippines: Negros Occidental Cadiz [see remarks] FB 29557 1923-12
A: 02227853 Shorea negrosensis Foxworthy Philippines: Negros Occidental Cadiz [see remarks] FB 29553 1923-4
A: 02621146 Shorea obscura Meijer Malaysia: Sabal Sisi [see remarks] S 68888 1995-2-17
A: 02621186 Shorea ochracea Symington Malaysia: Sarawak Usun Apau Plateau, Ulu Sg. Kelayan, Ulu Bela... [see remarks] S 69173 1994-10-21
A: 02225352 Shorea ovalis (Korthals) Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pangkal Tapang area, Gunung Palung Nat. Park... [see remarks] gp-532 2010-1-21
A: 02225354 Shorea ovalis (Korthals) Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Near PDAM dam, Pangkal Tapang, Gunung Palung... [see remarks] gp-578 2010-1-27
A: 02225355 Shorea ovalis (Korthals) Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Near PDAM dam, Pangkal Tapang, Gunung Palung... [see remarks] gp-578 2010-1-27
A: 02225353 Shorea ovalis (Korthals) Blume Indonesia: Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) Pangkal Tapang area, Gunung Palung Nat. Park... [see remarks] gp-532 2010-1-21
A: 02621273 Shorea ovalis sericea (Dyer) P. S. Ashton Indonesia: Sumatera: Palembang [see remarks] 13 1920-3
A: 02621203 Shorea ovalis (Korthals) Blume Malaysia: Panti F.R. Kota Tinggi [see remarks] KEP 52567 1955-7-18
A: 02621319 Shorea ovata Dyer ex Brandis Malaysia: Sarawak Arboretum, tree No. 491 [see remarks] 1960-11
A: 02621348 Shorea palembanica Miquel Indonesia: Borneo; Sanggan [see remarks] 3 1929
A: 02621352 Shorea palembanica Miquel Indonesia: subdistr. Bonti Sanggau [see remarks] 12 1930-11
A: 02227857 Shorea palosapis (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Luzon: Province of Camarines [see remarks] FB 24797 1915-2
A: 02227863 Shorea palosapis (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Mindoro: [no additional data] [see remarks] FB 26284 1916-5
A: 02227867 Shorea palosapis (Blanco) Merrill Philippines: Laguna Luisiana [see remarks] FB 31267 1930-9
A: 02621410 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Bengkulu Bengkulu; Kroe, Gunung Kemala [see remarks] BB 8756 1925-3-7
A: 02621502 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra) Lubuk Sikaping, Bandar, Bt. Ajer Batung [see remarks] BB 3963 1922-7-25
A: 02621506 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan: W. Kutai, Buat (G. Kelaparan) [see remarks] BB 23074 1937-8-29
A: 02621507 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan: Kandangan, Batung [see remarks] BB 20164 1935-12-20
A: 02621514 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra) Bonan Dolok - Barus, Central Tapanuli [see remarks] TFB 5158 1985-7-27
A: 02621556 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan: E. Kutai, Sei Tiram (Sei Belanak... [see remarks] BB 26571 1938-10-5
A: 02621559 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan: Sanggau, Sei Akar [see remarks] BB 29449 1939-10-14
A: 02621628 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Kalimantan: E. Kutai, Sei Tiram [see remarks] BB 23417 1937-10-18
A: 02621663 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Sumatera: Semangus, Lematang Ilir, Palembang [see remarks] BB 32202 1940-7-2
A: 02621667 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Indonesia: Sumatera: Sinelungan, Pengkolan, Tanal, Djaw... [see remarks] BB 33026 1941-9-23
A: 02621378 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Malaysia: Block E, Bkt. Bauk F.R., Dungun, Trengganu [see remarks] KEP 53370 1951-9-4
A: 02621380 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Malaysia: Selangor Arboretum Kepong [see remarks] KEP 99392 1961-4-6
A: 02621381 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Malaysia: Block E, Bkt, Bauk F.R., Dungun, Trengganu. [see remarks] KEP 53370 1951-9-4
A: 02621389 Shorea parvifolia Dyer Malaysia: Block E, Bkt. Bauk F.R., Dungun, Trengganu [see remarks] KEP 53370 1951-9-4