Athyriaceae A: 02402991 Diplazium sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Swamp by causeway [see remarks] ANU 721 1962-10-5
Azollaceae A: 02282152 Azolla sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Lake Iviva, south side of lake [see remarks] ANU 643 1962-8-31
Begoniaceae A: 02228649 Begonia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Ridge of Andyuku [see remarks] ANU 801 1962-10-8
Blechnaceae A: 02569652 Parablechnum hieronymi (Brause) Gasper & Salino Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Slopes of Kabanunt [see remarks] ANU 848 1962-10-13
Boraginaceae A: 02476394 Cynoglossum javanicum (Sw. ex Lehm.) Thunb. ex Lehm. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. N.E. slopes of Putidi Hill, limesto... [see remarks] ANU 455 1962-8
Caesalpiniaceae A: 00871826 Delonix regia (Bojer) Rafinesque Singapore: Evans Road [see remarks] 621112 1962-1-11
A: 02232536 Sindora coriacea (Baker) Prain Malaysia: Selangor Kimansul F.R. [see remarks] KEP 99594 1962-5-24
Chrysobalanaceae A: 02260509 Parinari costata (Korthals) Blume Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan Batu 16, Bahau F.R. K. Pilah [see remarks] KEP 104056 1962-8-16
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00963762 Citrullus colocynthis (Linnaeus) Schrader Iraq: Hills near Hushaima, Tursuk-Badra road near ... [see remarks] 1962-2-2
Cyatheaceae A: 02530552 Sphaeropteris atrox (C. Christensen) R. M. Tryon Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki [see remarks] ANU 899 1962-9-18
A: 02530728 Sphaeropteris magna (Copeland) R. M. Tryon Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, by the village of Kaipare [see remarks] ANU 571 1962-8-21
Cyperaceae A: 02430854 Lipocarpha chinensis (Osbeck) J. Kern Papua New Guinea: Enga Sirunki. Swamp beneath Nanguris village. [see remarks] ANU 534 1962-8-14
Davalliaceae A: 02507994 Davallia repens (Linnaeus f.) Kuhn Malaysia: Sarawak Sungei Sabal Tapang. along Belian Track, Ser... [see remarks] 10260 1962-5-11
A: 02508290 Davallia repens (Linnaeus f.) Kuhn Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt [see remarks] ANU 867 1962-9-13
Dennstaedtiaceae A: 02287352 Dennstaedtia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, Slopes of Kabanunt [see remarks] ANU 865 1962-9-13
A: 02287492 Histiopteris sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Near Lutheran Mission [see remarks] ANU 682 1962-9-20
A: 02287558 Hypolepis malesiana Brownsey Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Near the village of Kaiamanda [see remarks] ANU 717 1962-10-5
A: 02287557 Hypolepis malesiana Brownsey Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Lake Iviva, old lake basin towards ... [see remarks] ANU 637 1962-8-29
A: 02287578 Hypolepis sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Sirunki swamp edge, near Kaiamanda [see remarks] 1962-7-28
Dicksoniaceae A: 02282267 Calochlaena villosa (C. Christensen) M. D. Turner & R. A. White Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Swamp, lake side of causeway. [see remarks] 1962-9-20
Dipterocarpaceae A: 02568094 Shorea agami P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Merutai Besar [see remarks] SAN 18476 1962-1-20
A: 02222816 Shorea bracteolata Dyer Malaysia: Field 8; F.R.I. Kepong [see remarks] KEP 99632 1962-5-1
A: 02227952 Vatica albiramis Slooten Malaysia: Sabah Kawa Road [see remarks] SAN 26257 1962-5-29
A: 02226577 Vatica pauciflora (Korthals) Blume Malaysia: Selangor Beserah F.R. [see remarks] KEP 94923 1962-6-1
A: 02226966 Vatica vinosa P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Kawa Road [see remarks] SAN 26259 1962-5-29
A: 02226967 Vatica vinosa P. S. Ashton Malaysia: Sabah Kawa Road [see remarks] SAN 26267 1962-5-29
Dryopteridaceae A: 02505494 Dryopteris sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Slope leading to swamp, west side, beyond Ka... [see remarks] ANU 651 1962-9-4
Ebenaceae A: 02477285 Diospyros ferrea (Willdenow) Bakhuizen Papua New Guinea: Gulf Bamu River [see remarks] 11 1962-4
Eucommiaceae A: 01248252 Eucommia ulmoides Oliver Uzbekistan: Taschkent. Culta in horto botanici. [see remarks] 1962-9-19
Fabaceae A: 02233678 Crotalaria incana Linnaeus Solomon Islands: Loavie. Yandina [see remarks] 9 1962-3
A: 02236077 Derris trifoliata Loureiro Solomon Islands: Loavie[?] [see remarks] 21 1962-5
A: 02236870 Desmodium incanum de Candolle Solomon Islands: Loavie [see remarks] 8 1962-3
Fagaceae GH: 02554678 Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Oomsis Creek logging area; 3-4 mi. from the ... [see remarks] 10312 1962-7-9
GH: 02554595 Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) de Candolle Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands Marapuna, vicinity of Aiyura; ca. Lat. 6 25 ... [see remarks] 10321 1962-7-12
GH: 02556985 Lithocarpus robinsonii Rehder Philippines: Luzon: Laguna; Mt. Makiling [see remarks] 2168 1962-4-22
GH: 02556641 Lithocarpus rufovillosus (Markgraf) Rehder Papua New Guinea: Eastern Highlands 40 mi. from Goroka and 8 mi. from Lufa; ca. ... [see remarks] 10335 1962-7-17
Gentianaceae A: 01246496 Gentiana olivieri Grisebach Tajikistan: [See label] [see remarks] 1962-6-29
Lindsaeaceae A: 02286355 Lindsaea pulchella (J. Smith) Mettenius ex Kuhn Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Slopes of Kabanunt. [see remarks] 1962-9-13
A: 02286849 Odontosoria chinensis (Linnaeus) J. Smith Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Lake Iviva, old lake basin to west ... [see remarks] 1962-8-29
A: 02287011 Osmolindsaea odorata (Roxburgh) Lehtonen & Christenhusz Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Lake Iviva [see remarks] 1962-9-19
Monimiaceae A: 02297229 Levieria beccariana Perkins Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; Marapamanda, east of Laigam and nor... [see remarks] ANU 766 1962-10
Moringaceae A: 02437235 Moringa drouhardii Jumelle Madagascar: Toliara Province Tuléar [see remarks] 367 1962-11-18
Myrtaceae A: 02448310 Syzygium fastigiatum (Blume) Merrill & L. M. Perry Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: F.R.I., K. L. [see remarks] 94351 1962
Oxalidaceae A: 02305943 Oxalis corniculata villosa (M. Bieberstein) Hohenacker Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands [data not captured] [see remarks] 1962-8
A: 02305965 Oxalis novae-guineensis Lourteig Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands [data not captured] [see remarks] 1962-7-28
Phyllanthaceae A: 02475176 Antidesma coriaceum Tulasne Malaysia: Malaysia Timor: Kemansul forest reserve [see remarks] KEP 99581 1962-5-11
Polyosmaceae A: 02502217 Polyosma sp. Papua New Guinea: Morobe Crooked Creek, L.A. Bulolo [see remarks] NGF 21003 1962-8
Polypodiaceae A: 02218871 Microsorum punctatum (Linnaeus) Copeland Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, by the village of Nanguris [see remarks] ANU 548 1962-8-16
A: 02219046 Microsorum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, near Kaiamanda [see remarks] ANU 438 1962-7-28
A: 02220362 Selliguea lauterbachii (Brause) Hovenkamp Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki; crest of limestone hill Putidi [see remarks] ANU 423 1962-7-27
A: 02220425 Selliguea plantaginea Brackenridge Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Lake Inim near Sirunki [see remarks] ANU 507 1962-8-6
Proteaceae A: 02258413 Helicia sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Near Sirunki. Lake Inim by Poonake [see remarks] ANU 490 1962-8
Rhizophoraceae A: 02264887 Ceriops tagal (Perrottet) C. B. Robinson Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Dyaul [see remarks] 1861 1962-3-10
A: 02263330 Gynotroches axillaris Blume Papua New Guinea: Morobe Oomsis Logging Area [see remarks] NGF 14802 1962-7-18
Theaceae A: 02524248 Eurya acuminata de Candolle Malaysia: Sarawak Riam Road [see remarks] S 17251 1962-12-3
A: 02524571 Eurya brassii Kobuski Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki [see remarks] ANU 785 1962-9
Thelypteridaceae A: 02403795 Sphaerostephanos sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Near Lutheran Mission [see remarks] ANU 725 1962-10-6
A: 02402053 Thelypteris sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki, by the village of Nanguris [see remarks] ANU 546 1962-8-16
Vittariaceae A: 02407194 Antrophyum sp. Papua New Guinea: Western Highlands Sirunki. Ridge of Andyuku [see remarks] ANU 832 1962-10-9