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Index of Botanical Specimens
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FH: 00469817
Peltigera hydrothyria
Miądl. & F. Lutzoni USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 01794457
Acer saccharum
Marshall USA: New Jersey In vicniis Quaker Bridge, Nov. Caes. D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00681507
Pellaea atropurpurea
(Linnaeus) Link USA: Connecticut New Britain: New Britain D. C. Eaton
GH: 00681555
Pellaea glabella
Mettenius ex Kuhn USA: Vermont Burlington: Burlington D. C. Eaton
GH: 00614801
Amaranthus albus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00614994
Amaranthus hybridus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00750810
Angelica venenosa
(Greenway) Fernald USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00985983
Ptilimnium capillaceum
(Michaux) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00217214
Sium carsonii
Durand ex A. Gray USA: Connecticut New Haven: D. C. Eaton
GH: 00737557
Zizia aptera
(A. Gray) Fernald USA: Connecticut Farmington: Farmington D. C. Eaton
GH: 01081823
Arisaema dracontium
(Linnaeus) Schott USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00764311
Symplocarpus foetidus
(Linnaeus) Salisbury ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00961153
Asclepias purpurascens
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 01082530
Asclepias verticillata
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00627260
Polystichum acrostichoides
(Michaux) Schott USA: Vermont Groton: Groton D. C. Eaton
GH: 00627748
Polystichum acrostichoides
(Michaux) Schott USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00727398
Polystichum ée
(Spenner) Fée USA: Vermont Mount Mansfield D. C. Eaton
GH: 00727678
Polystichum ée
(Spenner) Fée USA: Vermont D. C. Eaton
GH: 00681686
Asplenium platyneuron
(Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00681704
Asplenium platyneuron
(Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00577901
Asplenium rhizophyllum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00577924
Asplenium rhizophyllum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00681742
Asplenium ruta-muraria
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Burlington: Burlington D. C. Eaton
GH: 02068952
Asplenium ruta-muraria
Linnaeus USA: New York Newburg D. C. Eaton
GH: 02070053
Asplenium scolopendrium americanum
(Fernald) Kartesz & Gandhi USA: New York Chittenango Falls D. C. Eaton
GH: 00631659
Asplenium trichomanes
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 02216241
Chrysopsis mariana
(Linnaeus) Elliott USA: New York Hempstead: [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 02189548
Eupatorium leucolepis
Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Jersey In viciniis Quaker Bridge [Hamilton Township... D. C. Eaton
GH: 02189549
Eupatorium leucolepis
Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Jersey Quaker Bridge [Hamilton Township] D. C. Eaton
GH: 01034208
Eupatorium pilosum
Walter USA: Connecticut Stratford: Stratford D. C. Eaton
GH: 02189548
Eupatorium resinosum
Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Jersey In viciniis Quaker Bridge [Hamilton Township... D. C. Eaton
GH: 02190280
Eupatorium rotundifolium
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Nov. Caes. D. C. Eaton
GH: 01079818
Euthamia tenuifolia
USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01019241
Eutrochium purpureum
(Linnaeus) E. E. Lamont USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00833617
Hieracium paniculatum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01071686
Hieracium venosum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00637152
Rudbeckia hirta pulcherrima
Farwell USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01077344
Solidago arguta
Aiton USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01054276
Solidago caesia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 01064175
Solidago patula
Muhlenberg USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01065005
Solidago uliginosa
Nuttall USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00685192
Solidago ulmifolia
Muhlenberg USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00692965
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
(Linnaeus) Á. Löve & D. Löve USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro D. C. Eaton
GH: 00697394
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
(Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01014606
Symphyotrichum racemosum
(Elliott) G. L. Nesom USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01014883
Symphyotrichum tenuifolium
(Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom USA: Rhode Island D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00718750
Tragopogon pratensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Redding: Redding D. C. Eaton 1602
GH: 00733642
Athyrium filix-femina angustum
(Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Vermont D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00668872
Athyrium filix-femina angustum
(Willdenow) G. Lawson USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00668910
Athyrium filix-femina asplenioides
(Michaux) Farwell USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00668621
Cystopteris fragilis
(Linnaeus) Bernhardi USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00551666
Deparia acrostichoides
(Swartz) M. Kato USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00695734
Homalosorus pycnocarpos
(Sprengel) Pichi Sermolli USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00695737
Homalosorus pycnocarpos
(Sprengel) Pichi Sermolli USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro D. C. Eaton
GH: 02070504
Homalosorus pycnocarpos
(Sprengel) Pichi Sermolli USA: New York new York D. C. Eaton
GH: 00551910
Matteuccia struthiopteris
(Linnaeus) Todaro USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00746982
Onoclea sensibilis
Linnaeus USA: Vermont D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00695899
Onoclea sensibilis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00695900
Onoclea sensibilis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00306573
Impatiens biflora
Walter USA: Connecticut New Haven: D. C. Eaton
GH: 00306573
Impatiens capensis
Meerburgh USA: Connecticut New Haven: D. C. Eaton
GH: 00306573
Impatiens fulva
Nuttall USA: Connecticut New Haven: D. C. Eaton
GH: 00606689
Berberis vulgaris
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00636786
Betula alleghaniensis
Britton USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00628355
Woodwardia areolata
(Linnaeus) T. Moore USA: Connecticut Stratford: Stratford D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00628360
Woodwardia areolata
(Linnaeus) T. Moore USA: Connecticut Stratford: Stratford D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00652779
Woodwardia virginica
(Linnaeus) Smith USA: Connecticut New Britain: New Britain D. C. Eaton
GH: 00652800
Woodwardia virginica
(Linnaeus) Smith USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00652802
Woodwardia virginica
(Linnaeus) Smith USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00716775
Myosotis laxa
Lehmann USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00617670
Arabidopsis lyrata
(Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00617673
Arabidopsis lyrata
(Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00660219
Cardamine bulbosa
(Schreber ex Muhlenberg) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00986693
Descurainia pinnata
(Walter) Britton USA: Florida [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00306290
Draba verna
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: D. C. Eaton
GH: 02187283
Viburnum prunifolium
Linnaeus USA: New York New Rochelle D. C. Eaton
GH: 00722804
Silene stellata
(Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00295286
Celastrus scandens
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: D. C. Eaton
GH: 00834248
Ceratophyllum demersum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01826152
Atriplex mucronata
Rafinesque USA: New Jersey [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00732238
Chenopodium simplex
(Torrey) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00754893
Salicornia depressa
Standley USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01783823
Salsola kali caroliniana
(Walter) Nuttall USA: New Jersey [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 01785246
Sarcocornia perennis
USA: New Jersey [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
FH: 00788709
Chondria dasyphylla
(Woodward) C.Agardh USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
FH: 00371788
Cladonia furcata racemosa
(Hoffmann) Flörke USA: Connecticut New Haven: [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 01042854
Cyperus filicinus
Vahl USA: Connecticut Hartford: Hartford D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00663177
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
(Michaux) T. Moore USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00681364
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
(Michaux) T. Moore USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
FH: 01138238
Dicranum longifolium
Ehrhart ex Hedwig USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton 8
NEBC: 00667492
Dryopteris boottii
(Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00667493
Dryopteris boottii
(Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00667505
Dryopteris boottii
(Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton 2
GH: 00708695
Dryopteris campyloptera
(Kunze) Clarkson USA: Vermont Mansfield Mt. D. C. Eaton
GH: 00708743
Dryopteris campyloptera
(Kunze) Clarkson USA: Vermont Green Mts D. C. Eaton
GH: 00708745
Dryopteris campyloptera
(Kunze) Clarkson USA: Vermont D. C. Eaton
GH: 00628127
Dryopteris campyloptera
(Kunze) Clarkson USA: Vermont Green Mts D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00704352
Dryopteris cristata
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro D. C. Eaton
GH: 00704373
Dryopteris cristata
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Connecticut Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00577751
Dryopteris goldiana
(Hooker) A. Gray USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00551206
Dryopteris goldiana
(Hooker) A. Gray USA: New Hampshire South-western New Hampshire D. C. Eaton
GH: 00636170
Dryopteris intermedia
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00671531
Dryopteris marginalis
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00674511
Equisetum arvense
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00674846
Equisetum fluviatile
Linnaeus USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro D. C. Eaton
GH: 00654233
Equisetum sylvaticum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01594652
Leiophyllum buxifolium
(Bergius) Elliott USA: New Jersey In viciniis Quaker Bridge D. C. Eaton
GH: 00855420
Eriocaulon aquaticum
(Hill) Druce USA: Michigan D. C. Eaton
GH: 00855421
Eriocaulon aquaticum
(Hill) Druce USA: Massachusetts Williamstown: Williamstown D. C. Eaton
GH: 00855422
Eriocaulon aquaticum
(Hill) Druce USA: New Hampshire White Mountains D. C. Eaton
GH: 01069419
Acalypha rhomboidea
Rafinesque USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00747556
Apios americana
Medikus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00711047
Desmodium canadense
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00711294
Desmodium obtusum
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) de Candolle USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00639173
Desmodium perplexum
B. G. Schubert USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00639243
Desmodium rotundifolium
(Michaux) de Candolle USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00695155
Quercus coccinea
Münchhausen USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00662866
Quercus montana
Willdenow USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
A: 00676859
Quercus velutina
Lamarck USA: Connecticut Westbrook: Westbrook D. C. Eaton
FH: 00290850
Fissidens fontanus
(Bruch & Schimper) Spruce USA: Connecticut Hamden: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
FH: 00540714
Dichelyma capillaceum
(Withering) Myrin USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
FH: 01138559
Fontinalis lescurii
Sullivant USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton 47
GH: 02072346
Gentiana autumnalis
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey In viciniis Quaker Bridger, Nov. Caes. D. C. Eaton
GH: 00306554
Geranium maculatum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
FH: 00913226
Racomitrium canescens
(Hedwig) Bridel USA: Oregon [no additional data] D. C. Eaton 12
GH: 00635071
Elodea nuttallii
(Planchon) H. St. John USA: Connecticut Litchfield: Litchfield D. C. Eaton
GH: 00504656
Hypericum gentianoides
(Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
FH: 01138855
Hypnum curvifolium
Hedwig USA: Maine [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00744767
Isoetes engelmannii
A. Braun USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 02401545
Juncus gerardi
Loiseleur-Deslongchamps USA: Connecticut New Haven: [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00735023
Ballota nigra foetida
Hayek USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00696508
Collinsonia canadensis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00875234
Spirodela polyrrhiza
(Linnaeus) Schleiden USA: Connecticut Hartford: Hartford D. C. Eaton
GH: 01976105
Utricularia subulata
Linnaeus USA: Florida East Florida. D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 01029016
Lilium philadelphicum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00810876
Uvularia perfoliata
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00700888
Linum sulcatum
Riddell USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00700889
Linum sulcatum
Riddell USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01797409
Lobelia canbyi
A. Gray USA: New Jersey In viciniis Quaker Bridge D. C. Eaton
GH: 00740127
Dendrolycopodium hickeyi
(W. H. Wagner, Beitel & R. C. Moran) A. Haines USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00743585
Dendrolycopodium obscurum
(Linnaeus) A. Haines USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00214541
Diphasiastrum digitatum
(Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00661347
Huperzia lucidula
(Michaux) Trevisan USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00772151
Lycopodium clavatum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00632400
Spinulum canadense
(Nessel) A. Haines USA: Vermont Mount Mansfield D. C. Eaton
GH: 00052870
Kosteletzkya virginica aquilonia
Fernald USA: New Jersey D. C. Eaton
GH: 02200577
Sida lindheimeri
Engelmann & A. Gray USA: Texas Corpus Christi: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00579789
Marsilea quadrifolia
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Litchfield: In lauc Bantam prope Litchfield D. C. Eaton
GH: 00563493
Morella pensylvanica
(Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
FH: 00847013
Neckera pennata
Hedwig USA: Connecticut Branford: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00648276
Nelumbo lutea
Willdenow USA: Connecticut Lyme: Lyme D. C. Eaton
GH: 01073832
Circaea canadensis canadensis
(Linnaeus) Hill USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 01041109
Epilobium coloratum
Biehler USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01776441
Epilobium leptophyllum
Rafinesque USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 01057934
Oenothera gaura
W. L. Wagner & Hoch USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00654910
Botrychium dissectum
Sprengel USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00654931
Botrychium dissectum
Sprengel USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00654933
Botrychium dissectum
Sprengel USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00690175
Botrychium multifidum
(S. G. Gmelin) Ruprecht USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00679188
Ophioglossum pusillum
Rafinesque USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro D. C. Eaton
GH: 00728242
Cypripedium parviflorum
Salisbury USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
AMES: 02065052
Cypripedium parviflorum
Salisbury USA: New Jersey Hackensack D. C. Eaton
GH: 01063711
Spiranthes lacera gracilis
(Bigelow) Luer USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
AMES: 02051649
Triphora trianthophora
(Swartz) Rydberg USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00645888
Agalinis purpurea
(Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00664228
Conopholis americana
(Linnaeus) Wallroth USA: Florida Amelia Island: Amelia Island D. C. Eaton
GH: 00936746
Epifagus virginiana
(Linnaeus) W. P. C. Barton USA: Connecticut New Haven: N. Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00772079
Osmunda regalis spectabilis
(Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00772097
Osmunda regalis spectabilis
(Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00631070
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
(Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00681028
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum
(Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00100452
Oxalis dillenii dillenii
USA: Florida East Florida D. C. Eaton
GH: 00100452
Oxalis recurva floridana
Wiegand USA: Florida East Florida D. C. Eaton
GH: 00257600
Hesperomecon greeneana
Fedde USA: Oregon D. C. Eaton
GH: 00257600
Hesperomecon linearis
(Benthem) Greene USA: Oregon D. C. Eaton
FH: 00450389
Heterodermia speciosa
(Wulfen) Trevisan USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 02001694
Nuttallanthus sp.
USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00670053
Limonium carolinianum
(Walter) Britton USA: New Jersey D. C. Eaton
GH: 00835199
Agrostis stolonifera
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01151560
Panicum capillare
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton 23
GH: 00720088
Polygala cruciata aquilonia
Fernald & B. G. Schubert USA: Connecticut Stamford: Stamford D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00752218
Polygala sanguinea
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00736898
Antenoron virginianum
(Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 02362848
Persicaria punctata
(Elliott) Small USA: New Jersey [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 02361532
Polygonum articulatum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00645353
Polygonum coccineum
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Connecticut Stamford: Stamford D. C. Eaton
GH: 00736861
Polygonum tenue
Michaux USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00736898
Polygonum virginianum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00036802
Rumex britannica
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: D. C. Eaton
GH: 00736939
Rumex britannica
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00753893
Anemone virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 01013307
Clematis occidentalis
(Hornemann) de Candolle USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00485810
Ranunculus acris
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 01020876
Ranunculus aquatilis diffusus
Withering USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01020877
Ranunculus aquatilis diffusus
Withering USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01986948
Ranunculus fascicularis
Muhlenberg ex Bigelow USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00697701
Thalictrum amphibolum
Greene USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00675949
Ceanothus americanus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 01565673
Drymocallis arguta
(Pursh) Rydberg USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00724516
Geum canadense
Jacquin USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton 31
GH: 00724671
Geum laciniatum trichocarpum
Fernald USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton 3
GH: 00710491
Geum virginianum
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton 2
GH: 01618151
Prunus virginiana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
ECON: 00524930
Rosa rubiginosa
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00723717
Rubus hispidus
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00651471
Rubus occidentalis
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 02358259
Hexasepalum teres
(Walter) J. H. Kirkbride USA: New Jersey [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 01869852
Koelreuteria paniculata
Laxmann USA: Connecticut New Haven: [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00563209
Saxifraga pensylvanica
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00615832
Scapania undulata
(Linnaeus) Dumortier USA: New Hampshire Chesterfield: Wantastiquet D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00677810
Lygodium palmatum
(Bernhardi) Swartz USA: Connecticut East Windsor: East Windsor D. C. Eaton
GH: 00745000
Mimulus ringens
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut [no additional data] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00632560
Selaginella apoda
(Linnaeus) C. Morren USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro D. C. Eaton
GH: 00632694
Selaginella apoda
(Linnaeus) C. Morren USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00740342
Selaginella rupestris
(Linnaeus) Spring USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00740354
Selaginella rupestris
(Linnaeus) Spring USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
NEBC: 00925983
Sphagnum sp.
USA: New Hampshire Shelburne: [data not captured] D. C. Eaton
GH: 00631966
Phegopteris hexagonoptera
(Michaux) Fée USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 00708588
Thelypteris palustris pubescens
(G. Lawson) Fernald USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00733241
Tilia americana
Linnaeus USA: Connecticut New Haven: New Haven D. C. Eaton
GH: 01105062
Viola blanda
Willdenow USA: Connecticut New Haven: on Mt. Carmel D. C. Eaton
GH: 00574068
Viola labradorica
Schrank USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 00676374
Woodsia ilvensis
(Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Connecticut D. C. Eaton
GH: 01144514
Xyris smalliana
Nash USA: New Jersey In viciniis Quaker Bridge, Nov. Caes. D. C. Eaton