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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[1600] and year collected:[1852]
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GH: 00037031
Amaranthus torreyi
(A. Gray) Bentham ex S. Watson Mexico: Mountains of the Cibola of the Rio Grande J. M. Bigelow 1852-8-18
GH: 00002380
Actinella bigelovii
A. Gray USA: J. M. Bigelow 1852-4-17
GH: 00002379
Actinella bigelovii
A. Gray USA: Copper Mines, on the mountains J. M. Bigelow 1852-4-17
GH: 00003872
Baccharis bigelovii
A. Gray Mexico: Puerto del Paysano J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-4
GH: 00003872
Baccharis ptarmicifolia
de Candolle Mexico: Puerto del Paysano J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-4
GH: 00004040
Bahia bigelovii
A. Gray USA: Texas Valley of the Limpio J. M. Bigelow 1852-7
GH: 00263959
Bidens bigelovii
A. Gray USA: Texas Banks of the Limpia J. M. Bigelow 582b 1852-7-19
GH: 01923171
Brickellia coulteri brachiata
(A. Gray) B. L. Turner USA: Texas Bufasetta Ranch J. M. Bigelow 4 1852-8
GH: 00263051
Brickellia reniformis
A. Gray : J. M. Bigelow 7 1852-9-4
GH: 00263051
Brickellia wrightii
A. Gray : J. M. Bigelow 7 1852-9-4
GH: 00263093
Helianthus petiolaris
Nuttall USA: Texas Escondido Creek J. M. Bigelow 66 1852-9
GH: 00263093
Helianthus petiolaris fallax
Heiser USA: Texas Escondido Creek J. M. Bigelow 66 1852-9
GH: 00263146
Isocoma coronopifolia coronopifolia
USA: Plains near Los Moros J. M. Bigelow 81 1852-9-23
GH: 00011116
Mexico: Chihuahua [near Presidio del Norte] J. M. Bigelow 77 1852-8-2
GH: 00011106
Laphamia cinerea
A. Gray USA: Texas Rocks near Escondido [Creek] J. M. Bigelow 80 1852-9
GH: 00011116
Laphamia dissecta
Torrey Mexico: Chihuahua [near Presidio del Norte] J. M. Bigelow 77 1852-8-2
GH: 00139293
Layia glandulosa
(Hooker) Hooker & Arnott USA: New Mexico Near [Rio] Santa Barbara, New Mexico J. M. Bigelow 76 1852-8
GH: 00139293
Layia neomexicana
A. Gray USA: New Mexico Near [Rio] Santa Barbara, New Mexico J. M. Bigelow 76 1852-8
GH: 00263169
Malacothrix fendleri
A. Gray Mexico: Near laguna de lache (Solada) Mex J. M. Bigelow 103 1852-4
GH: 00010891
Parthenium argentatum
A. Gray USA: Texas Near Escondada [Escondido] Creek J. M. Bigelow 83 1852-9
GH: 00010891
Parthenium sp.
USA: Texas Near Escondada [Escondido] Creek J. M. Bigelow 83 1852-9
GH: 00011106
Perityle cinerea
(A. Gray) Powell USA: Texas Rocks near Escondido [Creek] J. M. Bigelow 80 1852-9
GH: 00011116
Perityle dissecta
(Torrey) A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [near Presidio del Norte] J. M. Bigelow 77 1852-8-2
GH: 00263138
Perityle rupestris
(A. Gray) Shinners USA: Hueco Mountains [New Mexico-Texas] J. M. Bigelow 79 1852-6
GH: 00263261
Varilla texana
A. Gray USA: Texas Eagle Peak J. M. Bigelow 67 1852-11
GH: 00375420
Vernonia marginata
(Torrey) Rafinesque USA: New Mexico J. M. Bigelow 1852-7-2
FH: 01137360
Alsia californica
(Hooker & Arnott) Sullivant USA: California [no additional data] J. M. Bigelow 1852
GH: 00048801
Sapium annuum dentatum
Torrey USA: Texas Eagle Pass: Eagle Pass J. M. Bigelow 1852
GH: 00048801
Stillingia torreyana
S. Watson USA: Texas Eagle Pass: Eagle Pass J. M. Bigelow 1852
GH: 00048801
Stillingia treculiana
(Müller Argoviensis) I. M. Johnston USA: Texas Eagle Pass: Eagle Pass J. M. Bigelow 1852
FH: 01139007
Hypnum noterophilum
Sullivant & Lesquereux ex Sullivant USA: California [no additional data] J. M. Bigelow 4 1852
GH: 00065128
Mimosa dysocarpa
Bentham USA: New Mexico near the Cibola of the Rio Grande J. M. Bigelow 312 1852-7-28
GH: 00065128
Mimosa emoryana
Bentham USA: New Mexico near the Cibola of the Rio Grande J. M. Bigelow 312 1852-7-28
GH: 00037462
Acleisanthes parvifolius
(Torrey) R. A. Levin USA: Texas Cañons of the Rio Grande or Presidio del No... J. M. Bigelow 1852
GH: 00037462
Selinocarpus diffusus parvifolius
Torrey USA: Texas Cañons of the Rio Grande or Presidio del No... J. M. Bigelow 1852
GH: 00037462
Selinocarpus parvifolius
(Torrey) Standley USA: Texas Cañons of the Rio Grande or Presidio del No... J. M. Bigelow 1852
GH: 00073731
Forestiera pubescens pubescens
USA: Texas [Near the] Limpio J. M. Bigelow 1852-7-25
GH: 00267350
Forestiera reticulata
Torrey USA: Texas Mouth of the Pecos J. M. Bigelow 1852-10-18
GH: 00267350
Forestiera reticulata reticulata
USA: Texas Mouth of the Pecos J. M. Bigelow 1852-10-18
GH: 00073731
Forestiera sphaerocarpa
Torrey USA: Texas [Near the] Limpio J. M. Bigelow 1852-7-25
GH: 00283697
Linnaeus USA: Texas Cañon of Devil's River J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-16
GH: 00283697
Fraxinus americana texensis
A. Gray USA: Texas Cañon of Devil's River J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-16
GH: 00283697
Fraxinus coriacea
S. Watson USA: Texas Cañon of Devil's River J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-16
GH: 00073813
Fraxinus greggii
A. Gray USA: Texas Near Painted Caves J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-18
GH: 00283697
Fraxinus texensis
(A. Gray) Sargent USA: Texas Cañon of Devil's River J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-16
GH: 00065786
Passiflora bigelovii
Small USA: Texas Mountains and rocky places on the Pecos J. M. Bigelow 393d 1852-9-10
GH: 00065786
Passiflora tenuiloba
Engelmann USA: Texas Mountains and rocky places on the Pecos J. M. Bigelow 393d 1852-9-10
GH: 09954959
Passiflora tenuiloba
Engelmann USA: Texas Escondido Springs [Tunas Spring] J. M. Bigelow 393 (b) 1852-9
GH: 00954959
Passiflora tenuiloba
Engelmann USA: Texas Escondido Springs [Tunas Spring] J. M. Bigelow 393 (b) 1852-9
GH: 00023205
Bouteloua eriopoda
(Torrey) Torrey USA: Texas Presidio del Norte J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-1
GH: 00023205
Chondrosum eriopodum
Torrey USA: Texas Presidio del Norte J. M. Bigelow 1852-9-1
GH: 00354257
Muhlenbergia porteri
Scribner ex Beal USA: Texas near the Concho [River] J. M. Bigelow 1852-8-20
GH: 00354257
Muhlenbergia texana
Thurber ex Porter & Coulter USA: Texas near the Concho [River] J. M. Bigelow 1852-8-20
GH: 00983753
Trichloris crinita
(Lagasca) Parodi USA: Texas Between Tucon and San Xavier J. M. Bigelow 1852-7-29
GH: 01104258
Ipomopsis pumila
(Nuttall) V. E. Grant USA: Texas El Paso: Frontier[?] J. M. Bigelow 1852-4
GH: 00096947
Houstonia polypremnoides bigelovii
Greenman USA: Florence Mountains [possibly Florida Mountai... J. M. Bigelow 437 1852-6
GH: 00105986
Astrophyllum dumosum
Torrey Mexico: Chihuahua Florence Mountains [near the Rio Grande] bel... J. M. Bigelow 1852
GH: 00105986
Choisya dumosa
(Torrey) A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Florence Mountains [near the Rio Grande] bel... J. M. Bigelow 1852
GH: 01543611
Solanum triquetrum
Cavanilles USA: Texas at Head Rer[illegible] Pedro J. M. Bigelow 1852-11-5