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Next page >Acanthaceae GH: 00219453 Elytraria Colombia: Atlántico Salgar; Caribbean coast F. W. Pennell 12069 1922-10-5
GH: 00219453 Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Persoon Colombia: Atlántico Salgar; Caribbean coast F. W. Pennell 12069 1922-10-5
GH: 00219456 Elytraria squamosa (Jacquin) Lindau Colombia: Bolívar Sincé F. W. Pennell 4036 1918-1-25
GH: 00219464 Elytraria squamosa (Jacquin) Lindau Colombia: Bolívar "El Pueblo, " Below Lorica F. W. Pennell 4719 1918-3-25
GH: 00093980 Habracanthus hylobius Leonard Colombia: Cauca San Jose, San Antonio, forest, 2400-2700 m F. W. Pennell 7556 1922-6-30
GH: 00093980 Habracanthus oresbius Leonard Colombia: Cauca San Jose, San Antonio, forest, 2400-2700 m F. W. Pennell 7556 1922-6-30
GH: 00093981 Habracanthus pennellii Leonard Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatamá, along s... F. W. Pennell 10414 1922-9-7
GH: 00093981 Habracanthus scolnikae Leonard Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatamá, along s... F. W. Pennell 10414 1922-9-7
GH: 00094133 Mendoncia pennellii Leonard Colombia: Caldas Santuario, forest, 2000-2300 m F. W. Pennell 1601 1922-9-13
GH: 00094220 Ruellia pennellii Leonard Colombia: Bolívar Tierra Alta, on Rio Sinu, Quebradia in fores... F. W. Pennell 4658 1918-3-7
GH: 00094236 Sanchezia pennellii Leonard Colombia: Antioquia Vuelta de Acuña, Rio Magdalena, forest, 125... F. W. Pennell 3798 1918-1-14
GH: 00094243 Staurogyne lepidagathoides Leonard Colombia: Bolívar Buenavista, east of Since, edge of thicket, ... F. W. Pennell 3983 1918-1-24
Actinidiaceae GH: 00067699 Saurauia spinuligera R. E. Schultes Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatamá. Cordillera Occidentál. Mossy... F. W. Pennell 10452 1922-9-8
Adiantaceae GH: 00021470 Jamesonia ceracea Maxon Colombia: Cundinamarca Mt. Chuscal, west of Zipaquira, alt. 3100-32... F. W. Pennell 2607 1917-10-22
GH: 00112691 Nephopteris maxonii Lellinger Colombia: Departments of Bolívar-Antioquia, Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 4258 1918-2-23
GH: 00112691 Nephopteris sp. Colombia: Departments of Bolívar-Antioquia, Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 4258 1918-2-23
Alismataceae GH: 01080419 Sagittaria engelmanniana J. G. Smith USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3250 1911
GH: 00733863 Sagittaria teres S. Watson USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3234 1911
Amaranthaceae GH: 00036946 Alternanthera albo-tomentosa Suessenguth Peru: Lima Along Rio Chillón, near Viscas, 1800-2000 m F. W. Pennell 14456 1925-6-10
GH: 00036947 Alternanthera arequipense Suessenguth Peru: Arequipa Tingo, 2200-2300 m F. W. Pennell 13131 1925-4-8
Amblystegiaceae FH: 00838497 Hygroamblystegium irriguum (Hooker & Wilson) Loeske USA: Arizona [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 106 1938-6-2
FH: 00838497 Hygroamblystegium tenax (Hedwig) Jennings USA: Arizona [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 106 1938-6-2
FH: 00060261 Leptodictyum riparium (Hedwig) Warnstorf Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre Oriental, El Diente Canyon, Sou... F. W. Pennell 16880b 1934
FH: 00843500 Leptodictyum riparium (Hedwig) Warnstorf Mexico: Nuevo León [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 16880a 1934-6-19
FH: 00060261 Leptodictyum sp. Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre Oriental, El Diente Canyon, Sou... F. W. Pennell 16880b 1934
Anacardiaceae GH: 01867404 Rhus copallinum latifolia Engler USA: Pennsylvania s.e. of Willstown F. W. Pennell 1906-8-8
Annonaceae GH: 00032889 Oxandra oblongifolia R. E. Fries Colombia: Bolívar Tierra Alta, on Rio Sinu, 100-200 m. F. W. Pennell 4633 1918-3-7
Apiaceae GH: 00075098 Arracacia pennellii Constance Colombia: Cundinamarca Bogotá: Rio San Francisco F. W. Pennell 1932 1917-9-13
GH: 02528973 Azorella sp. Chile: Bío-Bío Banos de Chillan F. W. Pennell 12410a 1925-1-29
GH: 00076587 Hydrocotyle hederacea Mathias Colombia: Caldas "Pinares", above Salento, Cordillera Central... F. W. Pennell 9226 1922-8-2
GH: 00103413 Hydrocotyle humboldtii macrophylla Mathias Colombia: Caldas Pinares above Salento, forest, 2600-2900 m F. W. Pennell 9202 1922-8-2
GH: 00076725 Hydrocotyle pennellii Rose & Mathias Colombia: Caldas Cordillera Central, "Pinares" above Salento F. W. Pennell 9357 1922-8-2
Apocynaceae GH: 01977995 Allamanda cathartica Linnaeus Colombia: Bolívar Los Hurtados, on Rio Sinu. F. W. Pennell 4150 1918-2-4
GH: 02178043 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania MOYLAN F. W. Pennell 14511 1928-7-10
GH: 02115542 Elytropus chilensis (A. de Candolle) Müller Arg. Chile: Llanquihue Peulla F. W. Pennell 12687 1925-2-14
GH: 02379378 Mandevilla bracteata (Kunth) Kuntze Colombia: Valle del Cauca Dagua; east of Herb; Dagua Valley F. W. Pennell 5604 1922-5-13
GH: 02379165 Mandevilla karwinskii (Müller Argoviensis) Hemsley Mexico: Nuevo León "Taray" to Rio Santa Ana, Pablillo, southeas... F. W. Pennell 17150 1934-7-2
GH: 02379155 Mandevilla karwinskii (Müller Argoviensis) Hemsley Mexico: Coahuila Sierra Madre Oriental; Mt. south of Saltillo F. W. Pennell 17309 1934-7-10
GH: 02379154 Mandevilla karwinskii (Müller Argoviensis) Hemsley Mexico: San Luis Potosí San Pedro; Sierra Madre Oriental; mt. above ... F. W. Pennell 17738 1934-7-29
GH: 02379153 Mandevilla karwinskii (Müller Argoviensis) Hemsley Mexico: Nuevo León "Taray", to Rio Santa Ana, Pablillo, southea... F. W. Pennell 17217 1934-7-2
GH: 02379533 Mandevilla mollissima (Kunth) K. Schumann Colombia: Tolima Libano F. W. Pennell 3443 1917-12-26
GH: 02379529 Mandevilla mollissima (Kunth) K. Schumann Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pandi F. W. Pennell 2726 1917-11-30
GH: 02379528 Mandevilla mollissima (Kunth) K. Schumann Colombia: Caldas Supía; Cordillera Occidentál F. W. Pennell 10703 1922-9-18
GH: 02379527 Mandevilla mollissima (Kunth) K. Schumann Colombia: Antioquia Paso de Caramanta, Rio Cauca; Cauca Valley; ... F. W. Pennell 10820 1922-9-20
GH: 02379526 Mandevilla mollissima (Kunth) K. Schumann Colombia: Cundinamarca Pandi F. W. Pennell 2817 1917-12-1
GH: 02379842 Mandevilla sp. Colombia: Antioquia "El Cairo," Below Santa Barbara; Cauca Valle... F. W. Pennell 10870 1922-9-20
GH: 02379834 Mandevilla sp. Colombia: Antioquia Santa Barbara; Cauca Valley; above S F. W. Pennell 10910 1922-9-21
GH: 02379826 Mandevilla sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2546 1917-10-20
GH: 02379800 Mandevilla sp. Colombia: Caldas San José; Cauca Valley F. W. Pennell 10230 1922-9-3
GH: 02379797 Mandevilla sp. Colombia: Caldas Santuario; Cordillera Occidnetal; above S F. W. Pennell 10599 1922-9-13
GH: 02379796 Mandevilla sp. Colombia: Caldas "La Sombra," East of Apía; Cordillera occid... F. W. Pennell 10266 1922-9-4
GH: 02379859 Mandevilla sp. Colombia: Caldas Belen; Cordillera Occidentál F. W. Pennell 10615 1922-9-15
GH: 02379648 Mandevilla speciosa (Kunth) Morales Colombia: Valle del Cauca Department of El Valle; La Cumbre; Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 5405 1922-5-12
GH: 02379644 Mandevilla speciosa (Kunth) Morales Colombia: Caldas San José; Cauca Valley F. W. Pennell 10231 1922-9-3
GH: 02379641 Mandevilla speciosa (Kunth) Morales Colombia: Antioquia Caramanta; Cordillera Occidental; north of C F. W. Pennell 10783 1922-9-19
GH: 02379701 Mandevilla subsagittata (Ruiz & Pavon) Woodson Colombia: Cundinamarca Caqueza to Rio Sananie F. W. Pennell 1330 1917-8-24
GH: 02379692 Mandevilla subsagittata (Ruiz & Pavon) Woodson Colombia: Intendencia Meta; Villavicencio F. W. Pennell 1390 1917-8-26
GH: 02380471 Mesechites citrifolia (Kunth) Woodson Colombia: Tolima Libano F. W. Pennell 3438 1917-12-26
GH: 02380470 Mesechites citrifolia (Kunth) Woodson Colombia: Antioquia Santa Barbara; Cauca Valley; below S F. W. Pennell 10884 1922-9-21
GH: 02380528 Mesechites trifidus Müller Arg. Colombia: Bolívar Bodega Centrál, Along Río Magdalena; Magda... F. W. Pennell 12002 1922-9-29
GH: 02380527 Mesechites trifidus Müller Arg. Colombia: Bolívar Badillo, Rio Magdalena F. W. Pennell 3911 1918-1-15
GH: 02380524 Mesechites trifidus Müller Arg. Colombia: Bolívar Boca Tai, on Rio Sinu F. W. Pennell 4617 1918-3-7
GH: 02380508 Mesechites trifidus Müller Arg. Colombia: Antioquia Paso de Caramanta, Rio Cauca; Cauca Valley; ... F. W. Pennell 10852 1922-9-20
GH: 02380488 Mesechites trifidus Müller Arg. Colombia: Valle del Cauca Department of El Valle; "Potredillo" to "Mir... F. W. Pennell 6059 1922-5-27
GH: 00353669 Prestonia portobellensis (Beurling) Woodson Colombia: Valle del Cauca Cordillera Occidental, Department of El Vall... F. W. Pennell 5719 1922-5-14
GH: 02383642 Rauvolfia ligustrina Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Colombia: Bolívar Monteria F. W. Pennell 4140 1918-1-30
GH: 02383726 Rauvolfia tetraphylla Linnaeus Colombia: Bolívar Turbaco F. W. Pennell 4759 1918-3-27
GH: 02009464 Rhabdadenia pohlii Müller Arg. Colombia: Bolívar Magangue F. W. Pennell 3956 1918-1-18
GH: 02009475 Rhabdadenia sp. Colombia: Atlántico Salgar, Caribbean Coast, F. W. Pennell 12060 1922-10-5
GH: 00091866 Stemmadenia grandiflora (Jacquin) Miers Colombia: Bolívar Turbaco F. W. Pennell 4755 1918-3-27
GH: 00091866 Stemmadenia pennellii Woodson Colombia: Bolívar Turbaco F. W. Pennell 4755 1918-3-27
GH: 02375633 Tabernaemontana amygdalifolia Jacquin Colombia: Bolívar Turbaco F. W. Pennell 4760 1918-3-27
GH: 02375633 Tabernaemontana sananho Ruiz & Pavon Colombia: Bolívar Turbaco F. W. Pennell 4760 1918-3-27
Aquifoliaceae GH: 00713698 Ilex verticillata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3057 1911-7-22
Araceae GH: 01635392 Anthurium alatum Engler Colombia: Caldas "Canaan," south of Salento, Cordillera Centr... F. W. Pennell 9069 1922-7-31
GH: 01635704 Anthurium longigeniculatum Engler Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," Above Salento F. W. Pennell 9264 1922-8-2
GH: 01635871 Anthurium sanguineum Engler Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7601 1922-7-1
GH: 01635923 Anthurium subcarinatum Engler Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbra; Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 5153 1922-5-7
GH: 01627547 Monstera xanthospatha Madison Colombia: Caldas "Canaan," South of Salento, Cordillera Centr... F. W. Pennell 9055 1922-7-31
GH: 01629131 Philodendron beniteziae Croat Colombia: Department of El Valle, La Cumbre, Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 5902 1922-5-21
GH: 01629558 Pistia stratiotes Linnaeus Colombia: Antioquia Puerto Berrio F. W. Pennell 3786 1918-1-11
Aristolochiaceae GH: 00242957 Aristolochia Linnaeus Mexico: México Pablillo, South of Galeana, Sierra Madre Ori... F. W. Pennell 16998 1934-6-26
GH: 00242957 Aristolochia secunda Pfeifer Mexico: México Pablillo, South of Galeana, Sierra Madre Ori... F. W. Pennell 16998 1934-6-26
GH: 01682191 Asarum canadense Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 14497 1928-5-15
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00571233 Asclepias coulteri A. Gray Mexico: San Luis Potosí Las Tablas, Sierra Madre Oriental F. W. Pennell 18054 1934-8-9
GH: 00076260 Blepharodon minimus Woodson Colombia: Tolima El Convenio, west of San Lorenzo, open hillt... F. W. Pennell 3487 1917-12-29
GH: 00076260 Blepharodon suberectus Schlechter Colombia: Tolima El Convenio, west of San Lorenzo, open hillt... F. W. Pennell 3487 1917-12-29
GH: 00076292 Cynanchum eurystephanum Malme Peru: Lima Along Rio Chillón, near Viscas, rocky river... F. W. Pennell 14440 1925-6-10
GH: 00076361 Phaeostemma tigrina Woodson Colombia: Cauca Calaguala, Coconuco, near rio San Andreas, c... F. W. Pennell 7151 1922-6-18
Asteraceae GH: 00007625 Ageratina dasyneura (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Colombia: Bolívar Antizales F. W. Pennell 4460 1918-2-25
GH: 00007945 Ageratina rhodopappa (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10424 1922-9-7
GH: 02172125 Arctium minus (Hill) Bernhardi USA: New Jersey [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 14759 1929-8-22
GH: 00008010 Aristeguietia tatamensis (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama, Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10426 1922-9-7
GH: 01237119 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall Mexico: Chihuahua Calera, East of San Isidro F. W. Pennell 18809 1934-9-15
GH: 01237186 Artemisia sp. Mexico: Durango Carpintero; Sierra Madre Occidental F. W. Pennell 18200 1934-8-25
GH: 01237183 Artemisia sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Majalca, northwest of Chihuahua F. W. Pennell 19289 1934-9-29
GH: 01237182 Artemisia sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Hacienda "San Pedro", 10 km, Southwest of Mi... F. W. Pennell 18826 1934-9-16
GH: 00003535 Aspilia Thouars Colombia: Tolima "La Trinidad," Libano, 1100-1400 m F. W. Pennell 3229 1917-12-21
GH: 00003535 Aspilia patentipilis S. F. Blake Colombia: Tolima "La Trinidad," Libano, 1100-1400 m F. W. Pennell 3229 1917-12-21
GH: 00007713 Ayapana hylophila (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Colombia: Bolívar Boca Esmeralda, on Rio Sinu F. W. Pennell 4561 1918-3-1
GH: 00007712 Ayapana hylophila (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Colombia: Bolívar Boca Esmeralda, on Rio Sinu F. W. Pennell 4561 1918-3-1
GH: 00007811 Barrosoa metensis (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Colombia: Intendencia Meta, east of Villavicencio F. W. Pennell 1617 1917-9-1
GH: 00007810 Barrosoa metensis (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Colombia: Intendencia Meta, Villavicencio F. W. Pennell 1617 1917-9-1
GH: 00421816 Calea brevipes S. F. Blake Colombia: Tolima "El Convenio," West of San Lorenzo F. W. Pennell 3463 1917-12
GH: 00421815 Calea caracasana Kuntze Colombia: Tolima "La Virginia," Libano F. W. Pennell 3264 1917-12-22
GH: 00421815 Calea caracasana discoidea B. L. Robinson Colombia: Tolima "La Virginia," Libano F. W. Pennell 3264 1917-12-22
GH: 00421816 Calea glomerata Klatt Colombia: Tolima "El Convenio," West of San Lorenzo F. W. Pennell 3463 1917-12
GH: 00004560 Calea leontophthalmum Persoon Colombia: Cundinamarca Chapinera, near Bogota; Bushy slope, base of... F. W. Pennell 1999 1917-9-18
GH: 00589134 Calea ovalis S. F. Blake Colombia: Cundinamarca "Monte Redondo," south of Quetame F. W. Pennell 1821 1917-9-6
GH: 00004560 Calea pennellii S. F. Blake Colombia: Cundinamarca Chapinera, near Bogota; Bushy slope, base of... F. W. Pennell 1999 1917-9-18
GH: 00004560 Calea peruviana (Kunth) Bentham ex S. F. Blake Colombia: Cundinamarca Chapinera, near Bogota; Bushy slope, base of... F. W. Pennell 1999 1917-9-18
GH: 00421816 Calea sessiliflora Lessing Colombia: Tolima "El Convenio," West of San Lorenzo F. W. Pennell 3463 1917-12
GH: 00589134 Calea sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca "Monte Redondo," south of Quetame F. W. Pennell 1821 1917-9-6
GH: 00589134 Calea tolimana Hieronymus Colombia: Cundinamarca "Monte Redondo," south of Quetame F. W. Pennell 1821 1917-9-6
GH: 00004786 Chionopappus benthamii S. F. Blake Peru: Lima Along Rio Chillón, near Viscas F. W. Pennell 14480 1925-6-10
GH: 00006208 Coreopsis nodosa Sherff Peru: Cuzco Ollantaitambo F. W. Pennell 13646 1925-4-26
GH: 00006407 Diplostephium callilepis S. F. Blake Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13858 1925-5-3
GH: 00006419 Diplostephium leiocladum S. F. Blake Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10531 1922-9-8
GH: 00006420 Diplostephium micradenium S. F. Blake Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10533 1922-9-8
GH: 00007011 Espeletia Colombia: Cundinamarca Dry paramo on Mt. Aquila, west of Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2522 1917-10-20
GH: 00007011 Espeletia argentea phaneractis S. F. Blake Colombia: Cundinamarca Dry paramo on Mt. Aquila, west of Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2522 1917-10-20
GH: 00007011 Espeletia argentea phaneractis (S. F. Blake) Cuatrecasas Colombia: Cundinamarca Dry paramo on Mt. Aquila, west of Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2522 1917-10-20
GH: 00112835 Espeletia occidentalis A. C. Smith Colombia: Bolívar Paramo de Chaquiro, Cordillera Occidental, g... F. W. Pennell 4266 1918-2-23
GH: 00007011 Espeletia phaneractis (S. F. Blake) A. C. Smith Colombia: Cundinamarca Dry paramo on Mt. Aquila, west of Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2522 1917-10-20
GH: 00007625 Eupatorium dasyneurum B. L. Robinson Colombia: Bolívar Antizales F. W. Pennell 4460 1918-2-25
GH: 00008010 Eupatorium diplodictyon B. L. Robinson Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama, Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10426 1922-9-7
GH: 00007640 Eupatorium dispar B. L. Robinson Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13967 1925-5-3
GH: 00007641 Eupatorium dispar B. L. Robinson Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13967 1925-5-3
GH: 00007712 Eupatorium hylophilum B. L. Robinson Colombia: Bolívar Boca Esmeralda, on Rio Sinu F. W. Pennell 4561 1918-3-1
GH: 00007713 Eupatorium hylophilum B. L. Robinson Colombia: Bolívar Boca Esmeralda, on Rio Sinu F. W. Pennell 4561 1918-3-1
GH: 00007800 Eupatorium mancoanum B. L. Robinson Peru: Cuzco Colquipata F. W. Pennell 13767 1925-5-1
GH: 00257097 Eupatorium mancoanum B. L. Robinson Peru: Paucartambo to Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusillo... F. W. Pennell 14167 1925-5-2
GH: 00007809 Eupatorium mesoreopolum B. L. Robinson Colombia: Caldas "Pinares", above Salento, Cordillera Central... F. W. Pennell 9209 1922-8-2
GH: 00007810 Eupatorium metense B. L. Robinson Colombia: Intendencia Meta, Villavicencio F. W. Pennell 1617 1917-9-1
GH: 00007811 Eupatorium metense B. L. Robinson Colombia: Intendencia Meta, east of Villavicencio F. W. Pennell 1617 1917-9-1
GH: 00007896 Eupatorium phoenicticum B. L. Robinson Colombia: Tolima Murillo F. W. Pennell 3159 1917-12-18
GH: 00007897 Eupatorium phoenicticum B. L. Robinson Colombia: Tolima Murillo F. W. Pennell 3159 1917-12-18
GH: 00008139 Eupatorium pycnocephaloides B. L. Robinson Colombia: Valle del Cauca La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5019 1922-5-7
GH: 00007945 Eupatorium rhodopappum B. L. Robinson Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10424 1922-9-7
GH: 00254924 Eupatorium tacaquirense B. L. Robinson Peru: "Huambutio" below Oropesa, Dept. Cusco F. W. Pennell 14196 1925-5-8
GH: 00008010 Eupatorium tatamense B. L. Robinson Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama, Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10426 1922-9-7
GH: 00008139 Fleischmannia granatensis R. M. King & H. Robinson Colombia: Valle del Cauca La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5019 1922-5-7
GH: 00012135 Gynoxys Colombia: Cundinamarca Paramo southeast of Guadalupe, near Bogota F. W. Pennell 2254 1917-9-27
GH: 00008582 Gynoxys Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13900 1925-5-3
GH: 00008603 Gynoxys Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 14134 1925-5-3
GH: 00008610 Gynoxys Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc. F. W. Pennell 13825 1925-5-3
GH: 00008582 Gynoxys cusilluyocana Cuatrecasas Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13900 1925-5-3
GH: 00008582 Gynoxys mandonii Schultz Bipontinus Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13900 1925-5-3
GH: 00008603 Gynoxys pillahuatensis Cuatrecasas Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 14134 1925-5-3
GH: 00008603 Gynoxys psilophylla Klatt Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 14134 1925-5-3
GH: 00008610 Gynoxys subamplectens Cuatrecasas Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc. F. W. Pennell 13825 1925-5-3
GH: 02203916 Heterotheca canescens (de Candolle) Shinners USA: Texas Hamby F. W. Pennell 19365 1935-9-14
GH: 00009086 Hieracium Linnaeus Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" F. W. Pennell 6939 1922-6-15
GH: 01831861 Hieracium gronovii Linnaeus USA: Arkansas [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 20294 1935-9-16
GH: 00009086 Hieracium paletaranum Sleumer Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" F. W. Pennell 6939 1922-6-15
GH: 02465518 Hypserion minor G. L. Nesom Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10586 1922-9-8
GH: 00009428 Jaegeria Colombia: Cundinamarca Southwest of Las Cruces, Bogota. F. W. Pennell 2171 1917-9-24
GH: 00009428 Jaegeria axillaris S. F. Blake Colombia: Cundinamarca Southwest of Las Cruces, Bogota. F. W. Pennell 2171 1917-9-24
GH: 01834422 Lactuca canadensis Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 15018-A 1930-7-13
GH: 01834421 Lactuca canadensis Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 15018-A 1930-7-13
GH: 02465518 Leontopodium sp. Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10586 1922-9-8
GH: 00009878 Loricaria complanata (Schultz Bipontinus) Weddell Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama. F. W. Pennell 10528 1922-9-8
GH: 00009878 Loricaria complanata tatamensis Cuatrecasas Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama. F. W. Pennell 10528 1922-9-8
GH: 00009885 Loricaria thuyoides (Lamarck) Schultz Bipontinus Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, east of Can... F. W. Pennell 14685 1925-6-20
GH: 00009885 Loricaria thuyoides thyrsoidea Cuatrecasas Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, east of Can... F. W. Pennell 14685 1925-6-20
GH: 00010237 Mikania Colombia: Bolívar Buenavista, east of Since F. W. Pennell 4002 1918-1-24
GH: 00010422 Mikania Colombia: Villavicencio to "Buenavista", Intendencia M... F. W. Pennell 1649 1917-9-4
GH: 00010237 Mikania amplyolepis B. L. Robinson Colombia: Bolívar Buenavista, east of Since F. W. Pennell 4002 1918-1-24
GH: 00010261 Mikania caldasana B. L. Robinson Colombia: Caldas "Alaska", above Salenyo F. W. Pennell 9364 1922-8-7
GH: 00010274 Mikania caustolepis B. L. Robinson Peru: Cuzco Near Rio Yanamato, below "Pillahuata" F. W. Pennell 14070 1925-5-4
GH: 00010326 Mikania granulata integra B. L. Robinson Colombia: Caldas "Pinares", above Salento F. W. Pennell 9308 1922-8-2
GH: 00257257 Mikania montana B. L. Robinson Peru: Cuzco Cerro de Cusilluyoc; above Rio Pillahuata F. W. Pennell 14002 1925-5-3
GH: 00010422 Mikania pennellii B. L. Robinson Colombia: Villavicencio to "Buenavista", Intendencia M... F. W. Pennell 1649 1917-9-4
GH: 01019307 Mikania scandens (Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3371 1911-8-2
GH: 00011360 Oliganthes discolor Schultz Bipontinus Colombia: Intendencia Meta, Villavicencio, Edge of Lla... F. W. Pennell 1406 1917-8-26
GH: 00011057 Perezia purpurata Weddell Peru: Cuzco Near Rio Quencomayo, below Colquipata F. W. Pennell 13789 1925-5-1
GH: 00011057 Perezia sublyrata glabrescens Tovar Peru: Cuzco Near Rio Quencomayo, below Colquipata F. W. Pennell 13789 1925-5-1
GH: 00011360 Pollalesta colombiana Aristeguieta Colombia: Intendencia Meta, Villavicencio, Edge of Lla... F. W. Pennell 1406 1917-8-26
GH: 00012077 Senecio Linnaeus Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, east of Can... F. W. Pennell 14687 1925-6-20
GH: 00012099 Senecio Linnaeus Peru: Arequipa Nevado de Chachani F. W. Pennell 13285 1925-4-14
GH: 00012077 Senecio antaicochensis Cuatrecasas Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, east of Can... F. W. Pennell 14687 1925-6-20
GH: 00012099 Senecio chachaniensis Cuatrecasas Peru: Arequipa Nevado de Chachani F. W. Pennell 13285 1925-4-14
GH: 00012135 Senecio guadelupe Cuatrecasas Colombia: Cundinamarca Paramo southeast of Guadalupe, near Bogota F. W. Pennell 2254 1917-9-27
GH: 00009579 Senecio otophorus christopheri Cuatrecasas Colombia: Cundinamarca Rio San Cristobal, near Bogota F. W. Pennell 2047 1917-9-20
GH: 00518104 Senecio polyphyllus Kunze ex de Candolle Chile: Bío-Bío Baños de Chillan F. W. Pennell 12456 1925-1-29
GH: 00518106 Senecio polyphyllus Kunze ex de Candolle Chile: Bío-Bío Baños de Chillan F. W. Pennell 12451 1925-1-29
GH: 00518118 Senecio subpubescens Cabrera Chile: Malleco Volcan de Tolguaca F. W. Pennell 12770 1925-2-24
GH: 00012660 Steiractinia helianthoides (Triana) S. Diaz & Velez-Nauer Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pandi F. W. Pennell 2748 1917-11-30
GH: 00012660 Steiractinia longipes S. F. Blake Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pandi F. W. Pennell 2748 1917-11-30
GH: 00012878 Stevia pennellii B. L. Robinson Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13883 1925-5-3
GH: 00013537 Verbesina Linnaeus Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pandi F. W. Pennell 2724 1917-11-30
GH: 00013507 Verbesina crassicaulis S. F. Blake Colombia: Valle del Cauca La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5200 1922-5-7
GH: 00257730 Verbesina nudipes S. F. Blake Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5208 1922-5-7
GH: 00013537 Verbesina synethes S. F. Blake Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pandi F. W. Pennell 2724 1917-11-30
GH: 00013665 Vernonia bitriflora Cuatrecasas Colombia: Caldas "Pinares", above Salento F. W. Pennell 9361 1922-8-2
GH: 01925830 Vernonia gigantea (Walter) Branner & Coville USA: Ohio 3 mi. w. of Bellefontaine F. W. Pennell 16037 1931-9-13
GH: 00013740 Vernonia pennellii Gleason Colombia: Cundinamarca Tequendama F. W. Pennell 2642 1917-10-28
GH: 00013665 Vernonia pycnantha Bentham Colombia: Caldas "Pinares", above Salento F. W. Pennell 9361 1922-8-2
GH: 00013764 Vernonia spinulosa Gleason Colombia: Bolívar Sincelejo F. W. Pennell 4066 1918-1-26
GH: 00012660 Viguiera Kunth Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pandi F. W. Pennell 2748 1917-11-30
GH: 00003535 Wedelia calycina Richard Colombia: Tolima "La Trinidad," Libano, 1100-1400 m F. W. Pennell 3229 1917-12-21
GH: 00936610 Werneria orbignyana Weddell Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, east of Can... F. W. Pennell 14690 1925-6-20
GH: 00936610 Werneria orbignyana longifolia Rockhhausen Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, east of Can... F. W. Pennell 14690 1925-6-20
GH: 00936610 Werneria sp. Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, east of Can... F. W. Pennell 14690 1925-6-20
Athyriaceae GH: 00020667 Struthiopteris sp. Colombia: Cauca Mount El Derrumbo F. W. Pennell 7505 1922-6-29
Bartramiaceae FH: 00516686 Bartramia glaucula Cardot Mexico: Durango [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 18400j 1934-8-29
FH: 00304440 Philonotis glaucescens (Hornschuch) Brotherus Mexico: Nuevo León [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 16867b.1 1934-6-26
Begoniaceae GH: 00068240 Begonia holtonis macrophylla L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert Colombia: Cauca Rio Ortega to "El Ramal", woodland, 1900-220... F. W. Pennell 8073 1922-7-2
GH: 00068247 Begonia lutea L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert Colombia: Meta Villavicencio, slope near Rio Guatiquia F. W. Pennell 1537 1917-8-26
GH: 00068247 Begonia macra A. de Candolle Colombia: Meta Villavicencio, slope near Rio Guatiquia F. W. Pennell 1537 1917-8-26
GH: 00068262 Begonia pennellii L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert Peru: Cuzco Above Pillahuata, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, thick... F. W. Pennell 14126 1925-5-3
Berberidaceae GH: 02169879 Podophyllum peltatum Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 14499 1928-5-21
Blechnaceae GH: 00020667 Parablechnum stuebelii (Hieronymus) Gasper & Salino Colombia: Cauca Mount El Derrumbo F. W. Pennell 7505 1922-6-29
Boraginaceae GH: 00095904 Cordia venosa Killip Colombia: Cauca Dept. El Cauca, San Jose, San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7657 1922-7-1
GH: 02406379 Cryptantha peruviana I. M. Johnston Peru: Arequipa F. W. Pennell 13235 1925-4-7
GH: 02025914 Cryptantha sp. USA: Nebraska along Dismal River 15 mi. south of Thedford F. W. Pennell 15068 1931-6-10
GH: 02406510 Johnstonella parviflora (Philippi) Hasenstab & M.G. Simpson Peru: Lima F. W. Pennell 14300 1925-6-9
GH: 02406498 Johnstonella parviflora (Philippi) Hasenstab & M.G. Simpson Peru: Arequipa F. W. Pennell 13177 1925-4-7
GH: 02406499 Johnstonella parviflora (Philippi) Hasenstab & M.G. Simpson Peru: Arequipa Tingo F. W. Pennell 13112 1925-4-6
GH: 00435552 Mimophytum cardiophyllum (A. Gray ex Hemsley) R. R. Mill ex Holstein Mexico: Coahuila Sierra Guadalupe, South of La Cuchilla; Sier... F. W. Pennell 17354 1934-7-15
GH: 00435552 Mimophytum sp. Mexico: Coahuila Sierra Guadalupe, South of La Cuchilla; Sier... F. W. Pennell 17354 1934-7-15
GH: 00435550 Omphalodes cardiophylla A. Gray Mexico: Nuevo León El Diente Canyon, South of Monterrey; Sierra... F. W. Pennell 16862 1934-6-19
Brachytheciaceae FH: 00060261 Brachythecium pennellii E. B. Bartram Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre Oriental, El Diente Canyon, Sou... F. W. Pennell 16880b 1934
FH: 00787767 Brachythecium pennellii E. B. Bartram Mexico: [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 16867a 1934-6-19
Brassicaceae GH: 00992618 Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Michigan along Route 2, west of St. Ignace F. W. Pennell 20414 1937-6-8
GH: 01153929 Boechera fendleri (S. Watson) W. A. Weber USA: Arizona about 20 miles south of Mormon Lake F. W. Pennell 21562 1938-6-2
GH: 01155688 Dimorphocarpa wislizenii (J. Engleman) Rollins USA: Utah near mesa knob, 15 m. north of Monticello F. W. Pennell 21508 1938-5-29
GH: 00351943 Romanschulzia elata Rollins Mexico: San Luis Potosí F. W. Pennell 17844 1934-7-30
GH: 01716739 Stanleya pinnata (Pursh) Britton USA: New Mexico Route 666, 5-6 miles south of Shiprock F. W. Pennell 21518 1938-5-29
GH: 02463507 Thelypodiopsis retrofracta (Rollins) Rollins Mexico: Zacatecas Aranzazu; Sierra Madre Oriental; below A. F. W. Pennell 17443 1934-7-19
Bromeliaceae GH: 02546755 Fascicularia bicolor Mez Chile: Chiloé Ancud. F. W. Pennell 12561 1925-2-6
GH: 02546826 Greigia sphacelata Regel Chile: Chiloé Ancud F. W. Pennell 12576 1925-2-6
GH: 02547092 Guzmania densiflora Mez Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio. Cordillera occident... F. W. Pennell 7573 1922-6-30
GH: 02547121 Guzmania gloriosa André ex Mez Colombia: Caldas "Pinares" above Salento F. W. Pennell 9362 1922-8-2
GH: 01117845 Guzmania goudotiana Mez Colombia: Department of Caldas, "Pinares," above Salen... F. W. Pennell 9266 1922-8-2
GH: 02014065 Guzmania mosquerae (Wittmack) Mez Colombia: Cauca Department of El Cauca, "San Jose," San Anto... F. W. Pennell 7560 1922-6-30
GH: 02014078 Guzmania multiflora (André) André ex Mez Colombia: Cauca Department of El Cauca, "Paletara" to "Calag... F. W. Pennell 7117 1922-6-17
GH: 02014074 Guzmania multiflora (André) André ex Mez Colombia: Bolívar Department of Bolivar, Below Paramo de Chaqu... F. W. Pennell 4318 1918-2-24
GH: 02014067 Guzmania multiflora (André) André ex Mez Colombia: Cauca [data not captured][see photograph for addit... F. W. Pennell 7117
GH: 02014094 Guzmania patula Mez & Werckle Colombia: Tolima Department of Tolima, Libano F. W. Pennell 5396 1917-12-26
GH: 00055506 Guzmania pennellii L. B. Smith Colombia: Bolívar Below Paramo de Chaquiro, Cordillera Occiden... F. W. Pennell 4344 1918-2-24
GH: 02547926 Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz & Pavon Peru: Cusco Ollantaytambo: [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 13659 1925-4-26
GH: 02548036 Tillandsia complanata Bentham Colombia: Cauca Paletara, Cordillera Central, F. W. Pennell 6978 1922-6-15
GH: 02548035 Tillandsia complanata Bentham Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio, Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7611 1922-7-1
GH: 02548029 Tillandsia complanata Bentham Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento, Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9223 1922-8-2
GH: 02548028 Tillandsia complanata Bentham Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento, Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9267 1922-8-2
GH: 02548495 Tillandsia humilis C. Presl Peru: Lima Canta F. W. Pennell 14743 1925-6-20
GH: 02548966 Tillandsia recurvata (Linnaeus) Linnaeus Colombia: Cundinamarca Pandi F. W. Pennell 2832 1917-12-1
GH: 01818012 Tillandsia recurvata (Linnaeus) Linnaeus Mexico: Nuevo León Puerto de los Pastores, southeast of Galeana... F. W. Pennell 17242 1934-7-4
GH: 00029457 Tillandsia stipitata L. B. Smith Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" to "Calaguala", alt. 3000-3200 m F. W. Pennell 7099 1922-6-17
GH: 02549263 Tillandsia subalata André Colombia: Valle del Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio, Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7564 1922-6-30
GH: 02549272 Tillandsia tectorum E. Morren Peru: Lima along Rio Chillon, near Viscas F. W. Pennell 14443 1925-6-10
GH: 02549308 Tillandsia tetrantha aurantiaca L. B. Smith Colombia: Caldas "Pinares" Above Salento. Cordillera Central. F. W. Pennell 9268 1922-8-2
GH: 02549318 Tillandsia tetrantha miniata L. B. Smith Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama. Cordillera Occidental. F. W. Pennell 10514 1922-9-8
GH: 02549316 Tillandsia tetrantha miniata L. B. Smith Colombia: Valle del Cauca Paletara. In and around paramo - "Llano". Co... F. W. Pennell 6979 1922-6-15
GH: 01818378 Tillandsia usneoides Linnaeus Mexico: Nuevo León "Encinal", Pabillo, southeast of Galeana. Si... F. W. Pennell 17144 1934-7-1
GH: 02550165 Werauhia ringens J. R. Grant Colombia: Bolívar Cartagena; Pacific Coast F. W. Pennell 11736 1922-10-5
Bryaceae FH: 00787369 Brachymenium sp. Mexico: Durango [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 18400g 1934-8-29
FH: 00797687 Bryum andicola Hooker Mexico: Nuevo León [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 17100C 1934-6-26
FH: 00798414 Bryum caespiticium Hedwig Mexico: Sinaloa [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 1935-8-28
Cactaceae GH: 01874747 Cereus hexagonus (Linnaeus) Miller Colombia: Antioquia "El Cairo," Below Santa Barbara. Cauca Valle... F. W. Pennell 10854 1922-9-20
GH: 01677355 Opuntia bella Britton & Rose Colombia: Atlántico Sabanilla. Caribbean Coast F. W. Pennell 11998 1922-10-5
GH: 01677419 Opuntia pentlandii Salm-Dyck Colombia: Department of El Valle; Dagua; Dagua Valley F. W. Pennell 5414 1922-5-14
GH: 01677669 Pereskia bleo (Kunth) de Candolle Colombia: Bolívar Boca Verde, on Rio Sinu F. W. Pennell 4579 1918-3-4
GH: 01677896 Rhipsalis cassutha Gaertner Colombia: Antioquia "El Cairo," Below Santa Barbara, Cauca Valle... F. W. Pennell 10872 1922-9-20
GH: 01677971 Rhipsalis sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Pandi F. W. Pennell 2833 1917-12-1
GH: 01678126 Stenocereus griseus (Haworth) Buxbaum Colombia: Atlántico Sabanilla. Carribean Coast F. W. Pennell 11999 1922-10-5
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00053369 Chamaecrista glandulosa andreana (Britton & Killip) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pand F. W. Pennell 2749 1917-11-30
GH: 00053369 Chamaecrista pennellii Britton & Rose Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pand F. W. Pennell 2749 1917-11-30
GH: 00053369 Chamaecrista sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pand F. W. Pennell 2749 1917-11-30
GH: 00107019 Senna malaspinae H. S. Irwin & Barneby Peru: Lima along Rio Chillon, above Obrajillo, Wayside,... F. W. Pennell 14424 1925-6-13
Campanulaceae GH: 00033069 Burmeistera breviflora (Gleason) E. Wimmer Colombia: Cauca Mount El Trueno F. W. Pennell 7545 1922-6-29
GH: 00033070 Burmeistera caldasensis (Gleason) E. Wimmer Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10322 1922-9-7
GH: 00521020 Burmeistera ceratocarpa Zahlbruckner Colombia: Caldas Cordillera Occidental; Rio San Rafael, below... F. W. Pennell 10323 1922-9-7
GH: 00969144 Burmeistera ceratocarpa Zahlbruckner Colombia: Caldas Pinares. Above Salento. Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9405 1922-8-10
GH: 00521020 Burmeistera ceratocarpa dentata E. Wimmer Colombia: Caldas Cordillera Occidental; Rio San Rafael, below... F. W. Pennell 10323 1922-9-7
GH: 00033003 Burmeistera ceratocarpa dentata E. Wimmer Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10421 1922-9-7
GH: 00521019 Burmeistera killipii Gleason Colombia: Cauca Cordillera Occidental; Mount El Trueno F. W. Pennell 7527 1922-6-29
GH: 00033003 Burmeistera lacerata H. Karsten Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10421 1922-9-7
GH: 00521020 Burmeistera lacerata H. Karsten Colombia: Caldas Cordillera Occidental; Rio San Rafael, below... F. W. Pennell 10323 1922-9-7
GH: 00033003 Burmeistera rivina E. Wimmer Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10421 1922-9-7
GH: 00521020 Burmeistera rivina E. Wimmer Colombia: Caldas Cordillera Occidental; Rio San Rafael, below... F. W. Pennell 10323 1922-9-7
GH: 00033003 Burmeistera sp. Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10421 1922-9-7
GH: 00033004 Burmeistera tricolorata E. Wimmer Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc; Rio Pilla... F. W. Pennell 14001 1925-5-3
GH: 00969149 Burmeistera variabilis (Gleason) E. Wimmer Colombia: Department of El Valle. La Cumbre. Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 5723 1922-5-14
GH: 00521063 Centropogon aurostellatus E. Wimmer Colombia: Cauca Cordillera Occidental. Mounta Santa Ana. F. W. Pennell 7455 1922-6-29
GH: 00033068 Centropogon barbatellus Gleason Colombia: Tolima "Rosalito", near Paramo de Ruiz F. W. Pennell 3115 1917-12-15
GH: 00033069 Centropogon breviflorus Gleason Colombia: Cauca Mount El Trueno F. W. Pennell 7545 1922-6-29
GH: 00033070 Centropogon caldasensis Gleason Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10322 1922-9-7
GH: 00033071 Centropogon carpinoides Gleason Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10348 1922-9-7
GH: 00033072 Centropogon cinereus Gleason Colombia: Caldas "Buenos Aires", north of Supia F. W. Pennell 10724 1922-9-18
GH: 00033076 Centropogon decemlobus Gleason Colombia: Caldas San Jose; Cauca Valley F. W. Pennell 10233 1922-9-3
GH: 00033077 Centropogon ellipticus Gleason Colombia: Cundinamarca Sibate; 4 miles south of Sibate F. W. Pennell 2486 1917-10-13
GH: 00521063 Centropogon macbridei Gleason Colombia: Cauca Cordillera Occidental. Mounta Santa Ana. F. W. Pennell 7455 1922-6-29
GH: 00033090 Centropogon pedicellaris Gleason Colombia: Cauca "San Jose", San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7619 1922-7-1
GH: 00033077 Centropogon sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Sibate; 4 miles south of Sibate F. W. Pennell 2486 1917-10-13
GH: 00033099 Centropogon warscewiczii brevilobus E. Wimmer Colombia: Antioquia Primavera; Cauca Valley F. W. Pennell 10962 1922-9-22
GH: 00460035 Diastatea micrantha (Kunth) McVaugh Colombia: Cundinamarca Sibate F. W. Pennell 2508 1917-10-13
GH: 01796895 Downingia elegans (Douglas ex Lindley) Torrey USA: Idaho St. Maries F. W. Pennell 20962 1937-7-18
GH: 00033334 Lysipomia glandulifera (Weddell) E. Wimmer Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13863 1925-5-3
GH: 00033334 Lysipomia glandulifera globulifera McVaugh Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13863 1925-5-3
GH: 00033336 Lysipomia oblinqua E. Wimmer Colombia: Cundinamarca Paramo de Choaci, near Bogota; Laguna Verjon F. W. Pennell 2259 1917-9-27
GH: 00033336 Lysipomia sphagnophila minor McVaugh Colombia: Cundinamarca Paramo de Choaci, near Bogota; Laguna Verjon F. W. Pennell 2259 1917-9-27
GH: 00033336 Rhizocephalum sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Paramo de Choaci, near Bogota; Laguna Verjon F. W. Pennell 2259 1917-9-27
GH: 00521047 Siphocampylus Pohl Colombia: Cundinamarca "Guayabetal" to "Monte Redondo," Southeast o... F. W. Pennell 1791 1917-9-6
GH: 00033396 Siphocampylus elfriedii E. Wimmer Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13841 1925-5-3
GH: 00521047 Siphocampylus longebracteolatus E. Wimmer Colombia: Cundinamarca "Guayabetal" to "Monte Redondo," Southeast o... F. W. Pennell 1791 1917-9-6
GH: 00033407 Siphocampylus pennellii Gleason Colombia: Cauca Mount Trompo del Puerco F. W. Pennell 7509 1922-6-29
GH: 00033004 Siphocampylus rusbyanus Britton Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc; Rio Pilla... F. W. Pennell 14001 1925-5-3
GH: 00033099 Siphocampylus sp. Colombia: Antioquia Primavera; Cauca Valley F. W. Pennell 10962 1922-9-22
GH: 00033403 Siphocampylus sp. Peru: Cuzco Paucartambo to Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusillu... F. W. Pennell 14146 1925-5-2
GH: 00033416 Siphocampylus stenolobus E. Wimmer Peru: Cuzco Pillahuata, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13913 1925-5-3
GH: 00033403 Siphocampylus veteranus E. Wimmer Peru: Cuzco Paucartambo to Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusillu... F. W. Pennell 14146 1925-5-2
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01742826 Cerastium arvense Linnaeus USA: Maryland Glen Echo: [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 14988 1930-5-4
GH: 01742938 Cerastium arvense Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania Unionville F. W. Pennell 12053 1924-5
GH: 00037645 Cerastium arvense villosissimum Pennell USA: Pennsylvania Below Lees Mills F. W. Pennell 10767 1920-9-21
GH: 01744173 Cerastium velutinum villosissimum (Pennell) J. K. Morton USA: Pennsylvania along Octoraro Creek, below Lees Bridge F. W. Pennell 16166 1933-6-27
GH: 00037750 Drymaria devia Baehni & J. F. Macbride Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, east of Can... F. W. Pennell 14655 1925-6-20
GH: 00525974 Spergularia rubra (Linnaeus) J. Presl & C. Presl USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-7-26
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00650780 Atriplex mucronata Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Gosnold: Gosnold F. W. Pennell 1911-7-18
GH: 00754694 Salicornia bigelovii Torrey USA: Massachusetts Gosnold: Gosnold F. W. Pennell 3146 1911-7-25
GH: 00754856 Salicornia depressa Standley USA: Massachusetts Gosnold: Gosnold F. W. Pennell 144 1911-7-25
GH: 01785259 Spirobassia hirsuta (L.) Freitag & G. Kadereit USA: New Jersey [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 3999 1912-7-12
Cladoniaceae FH: 00392809 Cladonia stellaris (Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda USA: Maine Lincolnville: [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 1951-8
Commelinaceae GH: 02073529 Commelina communis Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 1906-8-28
GH: 02113972 Tradescantia subaspera Ker Gawler USA: Indiana [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 9496 1918-7-23
Convolvulaceae GH: 00716508 Cuscuta compacta Jussieu ex Choisy USA: Massachusetts Edgartown: Edgartown F. W. Pennell 3481 1911-8-7
GH: 00714809 Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-8-5
GH: 00054715 Tetralocularia pennellii O'Donell Colombia: Antioquia Puerto Berrio, swamp, 130-140 m. F. W. Pennell 3719 1918-1-11
Crassulaceae GH: 01871986 Crassula sp. Colombia: pond north of J. F. W. Pennell 2637 1917-10-28
GH: 01871987 Crassula sp. Colombia: lulls sw. of S. F. W. Pennell 2450 1917-10-13
GH: 01871989 Crassula sp. Peru: [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 13403 1925-4-19
GH: 01990791 Sedum mellitulum Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Strawberry Creek, Northeast of Colonia Pache... F. W. Pennell 19181 1934-9-22
GH: 01988931 [None] Mexico: Durango 1-2 km S. of Metates. F. W. Pennell 18462 1934-8-29
GH: [None] Mexico: Durango 1-2 km S. of Metates. F. W. Pennell 18462 1934-8-29
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00031821 Cayaponia denticulata Killip ex C. Jeffrey Colombia: Cauca "San Jose", San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7610 1922-7-1
Cupressaceae GH: 02107367 Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Virginia [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 20387 1935-9-19
Cyperaceae GH: 00216646 Carex atlantica capillacea (L. H. Bailey) Reznicek USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Woods Hole F. W. Pennell 2903 1911-7-9
GH: 00216660 Carex atlantica capillacea (L. H. Bailey) Reznicek USA: Massachusetts Gosnold: Naushon Island F. W. Pennell 2907 1911-7-10
GH: 00216666 Carex atlantica capillacea (L. H. Bailey) Reznicek USA: Massachusetts Gosnold: Nashawena Island F. W. Pennell 2922 1911-7-10
GH: 02392312 Carex brunnescens sphaerostachya (Tuckerman) Kükenthal Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 26749 1946-7-16
GH: 02393775 Carex canescens disjuncta (Fernald) Toivonen Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 26750 1946-7
GH: 00221471 Carex canescens Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Woods Hole F. W. Pennell 2860 1911-7-8
NEBC: 00228463 Carex crinita crinita USA: Massachusetts Nashawena Island F. W. Pennell 2960 1911-7-10
GH: 02394454 Carex disperma Dewey Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 26713 1946-7
GH: 00241217 Carex folliculata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Woods Hole F. W. Pennell 3007 1911-7-20
GH: 00260815 Carex hormathodes Fernald USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Quamquisset F. W. Pennell 2965 1911-7-15
GH: 01030590 Carex longii Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts East Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3432 1911-8-5
GH: 00898269 Carex peucophila Holm Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13872 1925-5-3
GH: 02370218 Carex radiata (Wahlenberg) Small USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 2091 1909-5-29
GH: 00874210 Carex silicea Olney USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 2877 1911-7-9
GH: 01059067 Carex swanii (Fernald) Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 2889 1911-7-9
GH: 01061942 Eleocharis acicularis (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-7-13
GH: 00717748 Eleocharis obtusa (Willdenow) Schultes USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 2974 1911-7-15
GH: 01048608 Eleocharis parvula (Roemer & Schultes) Link ex Bluff, Nees & Schauer USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3018 1911-7-20
GH: 00368508 Eleocharis pseudoalbibracteata S. Gonzalez & Guagl. Chile: Province of Nuble, Banos de Chillan; 1800-20... F. W. Pennell 12409 1925-1-29
GH: 01047400 Eleocharis uniglumis (Link) Schultes USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-7-20
GH: 01060712 Eriophorum tenellum Nuttall USA: Massachusetts Naushon Island F. W. Pennell 2905
GH: 01058635 Eriophorum virginicum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3377 1911-8-2
GH: 01930238 Froelichia gracilis (Hooker) Moquin-Tandon USA: Pennsylvania at station, Williamson School F. W. Pennell 26624 1942-7-18
GH: 00874180 Rhynchospora capitellata (Michaux) Vahl USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 2964 1911-7-15
GH: 00027976 Rhynchospora pubera parvula W. W. Thomas Colombia: Meta Villavicencio: gravel along Rio Guatiquia, a... F. W. Pennell 1501 1917-8-26
GH: 00244445 Schoenoplectus americanus (Persoon) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Between Nobska Point and Oyster Po... F. W. Pennell 3169 1911-7-26
GH: 00244445 Scirpus americanus Persoon USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Between Nobska Point and Oyster Po... F. W. Pennell 3169 1911-7-26
GH: 00808013 Scirpus maritimus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-8-5
GH: 00244445 Scirpus olneyi A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Between Nobska Point and Oyster Po... F. W. Pennell 3169 1911-7-26
Dennstaedtiaceae GH: 00934312 Hypolepis stuebelii Hieronymus Peru: Department of Cusco, Pillahuata, Cerro de Cu... F. W. Pennell 14025 1925-5-3
Dicranaceae FH: 00780723 Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedwig) Loeske Mexico: Durango [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 18400m 1934-8-29
Dioscoreaceae GH: 00030386 Dioscorea caldasensis R. Knuth Colombia: Tolima "La Trinidad", Libano, alt. 1100-1300 m F. W. Pennell 3336 1917-12-21
GH: 00030378 Dioscorea caucensis R. Knuth Colombia: Cauca Mount El Trueno, alt. 2700-3000 m F. W. Pennell 7536 1922-6-29
GH: 00030416 Dioscorea coriacea Kunth ex Willdenow Colombia: Cauca "San Jose", San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7636 1922-7-1
GH: 00030378 Dioscorea coriacea Kunth ex Willdenow Colombia: Cauca Mount El Trueno, alt. 2700-3000 m F. W. Pennell 7536 1922-6-29
GH: 00030386 Dioscorea flaccida R. Knuth Colombia: Tolima "La Trinidad", Libano, alt. 1100-1300 m F. W. Pennell 3336 1917-12-21
GH: 00030416 Dioscorea pennellii R. Knuth Colombia: Cauca "San Jose", San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7636 1922-7-1
Elaphoglossaceae GH: 02222324 Elaphoglossum sp. Colombia: Caldas [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 10547 1922-9-8
Ephedraceae GH: 00933792 Ephedra viridis Coville USA: Arizona R89, miles west of Houserock F. W. Pennell 21619 1938-6-10
Ericaceae GH: 00775327 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-8-2
GH: 00014721 Befaria glauca tomentella Mansfeld & Sleumer Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 14085 1925-5-3
GH: 00014721 Bejaria aestuans Mutis ex Linnaeus Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata", Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 14085 1925-5-3
GH: 00014756 Cavendishia bomareoides A. C. Smith Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama. F. W. Pennell 10402 1922-9-7
GH: 00014761 Cavendishia divaricata A. C. Smith Colombia: Cauca "San Jose", San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7557 1922-6-30
GH: 00014772 Cavendishia montana A. C. Smith Colombia: Caldas "Pinares", above Salento F. W. Pennell 9305 1922-8-2
GH: 00014773 Cavendishia obtusa A. C. Smith Colombia: Cundinamarca Mt. Chuscal, west of Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2572 1917-10-22
GH: 00014906 Disterigma leiopodandrum Blake Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" F. W. Pennell 6928 1922-6-15
GH: 02528973 Gaultheria caespitosa Poeppig & Endlicher Chile: Bío-Bío Banos de Chillan F. W. Pennell 12410a 1925-1-29
GH: 00015163 Macleania crassa A. C. Smith Colombia: Cauca Mount Santa Ana F. W. Pennell 7465 1922-6-29
GH: 00015166 Macleania nervosa A. C. Smith Colombia: Tolima Libano F. W. Pennell 3405 1917-12-26
GH: 00015166 Macleania rupestris (Kunth) A. C. Smith Colombia: Tolima Libano F. W. Pennell 3405 1917-12-26
GH: 00015163 Psammisia Klotzsch Colombia: Cauca Mount Santa Ana F. W. Pennell 7465 1922-6-29
GH: 00015251 Psammisia Klotzsch Colombia: Cauca "San Jose", San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7628 1922-7-1
GH: 00015251 Psammisia pennellii A. C. Smith Colombia: Cauca "San Jose", San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7628 1922-7-1
GH: 00246313 Psammisia ulbrichiana Hoerold Peru: Department of Cusco, "Pillahuata," Cerro de ... F. W. Pennell 14028 1925-5-3
GH: 01683638 Pterospora andromedea Nuttall USA: Montana [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 21329 1937-8-28
GH: 01762328 Rhododendron arborescens (Pursh) Torrey USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 11333 1923-5-30
GH: 01762894 Rhododendron canadense (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 13235 1927-6-1
GH: 01764757 Rhododendron periclymenoides (Michaux) Shinners USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 12061 1924-5
GH: 00770705 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 2874 1911-7-9
GH: 00015855 Themistoclesia Anfracta (A. C. Smith) Sleumer Colombia: Cauca Mount Santa Ana, 2700-3000 m. F. W. Pennell 7446 1922-6-29
GH: 00015864 Themistoclesia recurva A. C. Smith Colombia: Caldas "Pinares", above Salento F. W. Pennell 9306 1922-8-2
GH: 00015865 Themistoclesia rostrata A. C. Smith Colombia: Cundinamarca El Peñon, southwest of Sibate F. W. Pennell 2664 1917-10-29
GH: 00015887 Thibaudia pennellii A. C. Smith Colombia: Tolima Murillo F. W. Pennell 3179 1917-12-18
GH: 00015855 Vaccinium anfractum A. C. Smith Colombia: Cauca Mount Santa Ana, 2700-3000 m. F. W. Pennell 7446 1922-6-29
Fabaceae GH: 00064289 Dalea pennellii (J. F. Macbride) J. F. Macbride Peru: Arequipa Above Arequipa, 2500-2600 m. F. W. Pennell 13171 1925-4-7
GH: 00643401 Lathyrus palustris Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-8-8
GH: 02087346 Lespedeza procumbens Michaux USA: Arkansas 2 miles West of Big Fork. F. W. Pennell 20285 1935-9-16
GH: 02086247 Lotus sp. USA: Arizona Route 70. Granite Wash Pass, 5 mi w of Salom... F. W. Pennell 25009 1940-3-31
GH: 00065297 Lupinus aridulus C. P. Smith Peru: Puno Araranca, rocky siliceous slopes, 4100-4200 ... F. W. Pennell 13431 1925-4-21
GH: 00065320 Lupinus condensiflorus C. P. Smith Peru: Cuzco Sacsahuaman, above Cusco, open rocky slope, ... F. W. Pennell 13565 1925-4-24
GH: 00065323 Lupinus cuzcensis C. P. Smith Peru: Cuzco La Raya, rock-ledges in cascade, 4400-4500 m... F. W. Pennell 13516 1925-4-22
GH: 00065326 Lupinus expetendus C. P. Smith Colombia: Cauca "Paletara", near Rio Cauca, bushy bank, 2950... F. W. Pennell 7076 1922-6-15
GH: 00065329 Lupinus francis-whittieri C. P. Smith Peru: Cuzco Cerro de Cusilluyoc, thicket in valley of pa... F. W. Pennell 14114 1925-5-3
GH: 00065339 Lupinus lespedezoides C. P. Smith Colombia: Cauca Mount Pan de Azucar, grassy paramo, 3500-370... F. W. Pennell 7042 1922-6-16
GH: 00064289 Parosela pennellii J. F. Macbride Peru: Arequipa Above Arequipa, 2500-2600 m. F. W. Pennell 13171 1925-4-7
GH: 02136340 Strophostyles leiosperma (Torrey & A. Gray) Piper USA: Nebraska S. W. of Columbus F. W. Pennell 16021 1931-9-5
GH: 02343750 Trifolium parryi A. Gray USA: Colorado Route 16, Trail Ridge Road F. W. Pennell [data not captured] 24491 1938-8-15
GH: 00063392 Zornia sinaloensis Mohlenbrock Mexico: Sinaloa Santa Lucia, east of Panuco, oak forest, 900... F. W. Pennell 20037 1935-8-28
GH: 02347941 [None] USA: Arizona Route 70. Cunningham Pass, n. of Wenden F. W. Pennell 24992 1940-3-31
GH: [None] USA: Arizona Route 70. Cunningham Pass, n. of Wenden F. W. Pennell 24992 1940-3-31
Gentianaceae GH: 01246183 Gentiana prostrata Haenke Chile: Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins El Teniente; along Rio Coya above E F. W. Pennell 12347 1925-1-26
GH: 01246191 Gentiana prostrata Haenke Peru: Cusco Sacsahuaman, Above Cusco F. W. Pennell 13590 1925-4-24
GH: 01246190 Gentiana prostrata Haenke Peru: Cusco La Raya F. W. Pennell 13486 1925-4-22
GH: 01246189 Gentiana prostrata Haenke Peru: Puno Chuquibambilla; 5-10 km. n. of C F. W. Pennell 13426 1925-4-19
GH: 01246211 Gentiana sedifolia Kunth Colombia: Cundinamarca 3-5 m. sw. of S.; Sibate F. W. Pennell 2425 1917-10-13
GH: 01246232 Gentiana sedifolia casapaltensis Ball Colombia: Department of Bolivar-Antioquia; Paramo de C... F. W. Pennell 4272 1918-2-23
GH: 01246231 Gentiana sedifolia casapaltensis Ball Colombia: Tolima Paramo de Ruiz F. W. Pennell 3019 1917-12-16
GH: 01246218 Gentiana sedifolia Kunth Peru: Cusco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13867 1925-5-3
GH: 01246217 Gentiana sedifolia Kunth Peru: Cusco Cerro de Colquipata F. W. Pennell 13752 1925-5-1
GH: 01246197 Gentiana sedifolia Kunth Peru: Puno Chuquibambilla F. W. Pennell 13418 1925-4-19
GH: 01246238 Gentiana sedifolia casapaltensis Ball Peru: Lima Near Antaicocha, Cerro Colorado, East of Can... F. W. Pennell 14682 1925-6-20
GH: 01246237 Gentiana sedifolia casapaltensis Ball Peru: Cusco Cerro de Colquipata F. W. Pennell 13753 1925-5-1
GH: 00061854 Halenia phyteumoides Gilg Peru: Cuzco Cerro de Colquipata, open grassy puna, 3900 ... F. W. Pennell 13749 1925-5-1
GH: 00061854 Halenia spatulata C. K. Allen Peru: Cuzco Cerro de Colquipata, open grassy puna, 3900 ... F. W. Pennell 13749 1925-5-1
Geraniaceae GH: 00338015 Geranium bolivianum R. Knuth Peru: Lima Huaros F. W. Pennell 14718 1925-6-23
GH: 00043623 Geranium coloratum C. V. Morton Mexico: Durango El Salto (Aserraderos), 2570-2800 m F. W. Pennell 18334 1934-8-28
GH: 00338015 Geranium laxicaule R. Knuth Peru: Lima Huaros F. W. Pennell 14718 1925-6-23
GH: 01864661 Geranium maculatum Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania Wawa F. W. Pennell 14496 1928-5-15
GH: 00043654 Geranium sonorae C. V. Morton Mexico: Sonora Rio Curahui F. W. Pennell 19591 1935-8-7
GH: 00338015 Geranium stuebelii Hieronymus Peru: Lima Huaros F. W. Pennell 14718 1925-6-23
Gesneriaceae GH: 00054787 Besleria nubigena C. V. Morton Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama, along st... F. W. Pennell 10412 1922-9-7
GH: 00054790 Besleria pennellii C. V. Morton Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, 3200-3400 m. F. W. Pennell 10487 1922-9-8
Grimmiaceae FH: 00557730 Grimmia longirostris Hooker Mexico: Durango [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 18400d 1934-8-29
Hydrangeaceae GH: 01750746 Fendlera falcata Thornber ex Wooton & Standley USA: Colorado rim; near Spruce Tree House; Mesa Verde Nati... F. W. Pennell 21471 1938-5-27
Hymenophyllaceae GH: 00021346 Hymenophyllum dependens C. V. Morton Colombia: Bolívar Cascada Chorron, south of Antizales, alt. 20... F. W. Pennell 4391 1918-2-25
Hypericaceae GH: 00067663 Hypericum punense Gleason Peru: Puno Araranca, rocky siliceous slopes, 4100-4300 ... F. W. Pennell 13446 1925-4-21
GH: 00067663 Hypericum silenoides Jussieu Peru: Puno Araranca, rocky siliceous slopes, 4100-4300 ... F. W. Pennell 13446 1925-4-21
Hypnaceae FH: 00840968 Hypnum cupressiforme lacunosum Bridel Mexico: Coahuila [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 17371a 1934-7-15
Iridaceae GH: 00031420 Libertia colombiana R. C. Foster Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama, alt. 260... F. W. Pennell 10357 1922-9-7
Juncaceae GH: 00878893 Juncus pylaei Laharpe USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3006 1911-7-20
GH: 02396255 Juncus sp. USA: Indiana [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 9487 1918-7-23
GH: 01149977 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-7-27
GH: 02397137 Juncus tenuis Willdenow USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 7348 1916-7-4
GH: 02396619 Luzula bulbosa (Alph. Wood) B. B. Smyth & L. C. R. Smyth USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 3978 1912-7-5
GH: 02117789 Luzula multiflora (Ehrhart) Lejeune USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 3644 1912-6-8
Lamiaceae GH: 01554999 Hedeoma diffusum Greene USA: Arizona along Hermit Trail, Grand Canyon F. W. Pennell 21580 1938-6-6
GH: 00001182 Hedeoma patrinum W. S. Stewart Mexico: Zacatecas Sierra Madre Oriental, rocky limestone summi... F. W. Pennell 17432 1934-7-18
GH: 00001188 Hedeoma subaequale Epling Mexico: San Luis Potosí Sierra Madre Oriental, rocky limestone mt. a... F. W. Pennell 17731 1934-7-29
GH: 00001269 Hyptis silvestris Epling Colombia: Tolima "La Virginia" Libano, 1200 - 1500 m. F. W. Pennell 3274 1917-12-22
GH: 01551456 Mentha arvensis Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania Moylan F. W. Pennell 14751 1929-7-16
GH: 02502517 Monarda punctata occidentalis Epling USA: Kansas w. of Sylvia F. W. Pennell 26781 1949-6-23
GH: 01598786 Poliomintha incana (Torrey) A. Gray USA: Arizona Route 66, 13-14 miles northeast of Holbrook F. W. Pennell 21530 1938-5-31
GH: 00648652 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: Massachusetts Martha's Vineyard F. W. Pennell 3315 1911-7-31
GH: 01596435 Pycnanthemum virginianum (Linnaeus) B. L. Robinson & Fernald USA: Pennsylvania Westtown F. W. Pennell 11263 1923-7-11
GH: 01596778 Salvia capitata Schlechtendal USA: Arizona Route 70, Cunningham Pass, n. of Wenden F. W. Pennell 24989 1940-3-31
GH: 00001721 Salvia pennellii Epling Mexico: San Luis Potosí Above Potrero, Sierra de Catorce, W of Santa... F. W. Pennell 17538 1934-7-24
GH: 00001850 Salvia sarmentosa Epling Peru: Cusco Ollantaytambo: 2900-3100 m. F. W. Pennell 13650 1925-4-26
GH: 00686270 Scutellaria galericulata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Aquinnah: Aquinnah F. W. Pennell 3322 1911-7-31
GH: 00707589 Stachys hyssopifolia Michaux USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3365 1911-7-29
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974331 Pinguicula macrophylla Kunth Mexico: San Luis Potosí Sierra Madre Oriental. km. 42 (eastern slope... F. W. Pennell 17781 1934-8-1
GH: 01974395 Pinguicula pumila Michaux Peru: Cerro de Fraijaco (Huaui-Huni), n.e. of Tamb... F. W. Pennell 15875 1948-7-7
GH: 01976235 Utricularia livida E. H. F. Meyer Mexico: San Luis Potosí Sierra Madre Oriental. Sierra de San Migueli... F. W. Pennell 17714 1934-7-28
GH: 01976674 Utricularia subulata Linnaeus Peru: Amazonas Along Rio Sonche, w. of Molinopampa. F. W. Pennell 15764 1948-7-8
GH: 00736446 Utricularia vulgaris macrorhiza (L. LeConte) R. T. Clausen USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3390 1911-8-2
Liliaceae GH: 01182649 Lilium philadelphicum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts West Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-7-23
Linaceae GH: 01248268 Linum aristatum Engelmann Mexico: Durango El Salto (Aserraderos); Sierra Madre Occiden... F. W. Pennell 18565 1934-9-1
GH: 01248267 Linum aristatum Engelmann Mexico: Chihuahua Llanura de Babicora; Sierra Madre Occidental F. W. Pennell 19016 1934-9-19
GH: 01248281 Linum cruciata Planchon Mexico: Nuevo León "Alamar", Pablillo, southeast of Galeana; Si... F. W. Pennell 17174 1934-7-2
GH: 01248303 Linum lasiocarpum Rose Mexico: Nuevo León Sierra Madre Oriental; El Diente Canyon, sou... F. W. Pennell 16870 1934-6-19
GH: 01248304 Linum lewisii Pursh Mexico: Durango w. of El Salto; Sierra Madre Occidental; El ... F. W. Pennell 18563 1934-9-1
GH: 01248639 Linum oligophyllum Willdenow ex Schultes Peru: Cusco Ollantaytambo: [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 13644 1925-4-26
GH: 01248651 Linum polygaloides Planchon Peru: Lima San Buenaventura F. W. Pennell 14500 1925-6-17
GH: 01248647 Linum polygaloides Planchon Peru: Lima Canta F. W. Pennell 14340 1925-6-11
GH: 01248399 Linum pringlei S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua First Meadow, s. of Colonia Garcia. Sierra M... F. W. Pennell 19130 1934-9-23
GH: 01248537 Linum schiedeanum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Mexico: San Luis Potosí Alvarez, Sierra de Alvarez; Sierra Madre Ori... F. W. Pennell 17854 1934-7-30
GH: 01248508 Linum schiedeanum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Mexico: San Luis Potosí Alvarez, Sierra de Alvarez; Sierra Madre Ori... F. W. Pennell 17807 1934-7-30
GH: 01248507 Linum schiedeanum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Mexico: San Luis Potosí F. C. Potosi & Rio Verde, Sierra de Alvarez F. W. Pennell 17762 1934-8-1
GH: 01248491 Linum schiedeanum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Mexico: San Luis Potosí Santa Ana, above Potrero, Sierra de Catorce;... F. W. Pennell 17550 1934-7-24
GH: 01248490 Linum schiedeanum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Mexico: Zacatecas Concepcion del Oro; Sierra Madre Oriental F. W. Pennell 17426 1934-7-18
GH: 01248556 Linum sp. Mexico: Nuevo León Pablillo, south of Galeana; Sierra Madre Ori... F. W. Pennell 16976 1934-6-26
Lindsaeaceae GH: 02402179 Lindsaea quadrangularis subalata K. U. Kramer Colombia: Bolívar [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 4473 1918-2-26
Lobeliaceae GH: 00460035 Lobelia sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Sibate F. W. Pennell 2508 1917-10-13
Lycopodiaceae GH: 00404338 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (Linnaeus) Cranfill Peru: Cerro de Fraijaco (Huaui-Huni), n. e. of Tam... F. W. Pennell 15851 1948-7-7
GH: 00404339 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (Linnaeus) Cranfill Peru: Along Rio Sonche, w. of Molinopampa F. W. Pennell 15767 1948-7-8
Malpighiaceae GH: 00045140 Amorimia concinna (C. V. Morton) W. R. Anderson Colombia: Bolívar Since F. W. Pennell 4033 1918-1-25
GH: 00257818 Hiraea Jacquin Colombia: Department of Tolima, Honda F. W. Pennell 3560 1918-1-3
GH: 00257818 Hiraea sclerophylla Cuatrecasas Colombia: Department of Tolima, Honda F. W. Pennell 3560 1918-1-3
GH: 00045140 Mascagnia concinna C. V. Morton Colombia: Bolívar Since F. W. Pennell 4033 1918-1-25
Malvaceae GH: 00058165 Fuertesimalva pennellii (Ulbrich) Fryxell Peru: Lima Canta, 2800-2900 m F. W. Pennell 14589 1925-6-11
GH: 00353669 Prestonia purpurissata Woodson Colombia: Valle del Cauca Cordillera Occidental, Department of El Vall... F. W. Pennell 5719 1922-5-14
GH: 00058165 Urocarpidium macrocarpum Krapovickas Peru: Lima Canta, 2800-2900 m F. W. Pennell 14589 1925-6-11
Melastomataceae GH: 00071896 Axinaea pennellii Gleason Peru: Cuzco Cerro de Cusilluyoc, forested cliff above Ri... F. W. Pennell 14003 1925-5-3
GH: 00071918 Blakea brachyura Gleason Colombia: Caldas Buenos Aires, north of Supia, edge of forest... F. W. Pennell 10742 1922-9-18
GH: 00071976 Brachyotum nutans Gleason Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, op... F. W. Pennell 13847 1925-5-3
GH: 00072039 Centronia mutabilis Gleason Colombia: Caldas Alaska, above Salento, edge of forest, 3100-... F. W. Pennell 9385 1922-8-7
GH: 00072193 Cyphostyla hirsuta Gleason Colombia: Antioquia Cauca Valley, Primavera, wayside bank, 1800-... F. W. Pennell 10963 1922-9-22
GH: 00072796 Miconia cladonia Gleason Colombia: Cauca Mount El Trueno, shrub-zone ("paramillo"), 2... F. W. Pennell 7544 1922-6-29
GH: 00072820 Miconia imbricata Gleason Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, mossy forest, 3200-3400 m F. W. Pennell 10503 1922-9-8
GH: 00072920 Miconia turgida Gleason Colombia: Caldas Pinares above Salento, forest, 2600-2800 m F. W. Pennell 9302 1922-8-2
GH: 00072949 Monochaetum coronatum Gleason Colombia: Cundinamarca Base of mountain, 2-4 miles south of Sibate,... F. W. Pennell 2449 1917-10-13
GH: 00139216 Siphanthera alsinoides Gleason Colombia: Meta Moist depression in llano, east of Villavice... F. W. Pennell 1467 1917-8-26
GH: 00139216 Siphanthera subtilis Pohl ex de Candolle Colombia: Meta Moist depression in llano, east of Villavice... F. W. Pennell 1467 1917-8-26
GH: 00073259 Tibouchina dimorphophylla Gleason Peru: Cuzco Pillahuata, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, thicket in ... F. W. Pennell 14109 1925-5-3
GH: 00073271 Tibouchina pulcherrima Gleason Peru: Cuzco Pillahuata, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, forest, 220... F. W. Pennell 13971 1925-5-3
GH: 00073272 Tibouchina saxosa Gleason Peru: Cuzco Pillahuata, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, forest, 220... F. W. Pennell 13992 1925-5-3
Monimiaceae GH: 00046585 Siparuna pennellii Perkins Colombia: Caldas "Canaan", south of Salento, 1400-1700 m. F. W. Pennell 9053 1922-7-31
Musaceae GH: 00030621 Heliconia griggsiana L. B. Smith Colombia: Caldas Rio Navarco, Salento, alt. 1400-1700 m F. W. Pennell 9085 1922-7-31
Myricaceae GH: 00565191 Myrica gale Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 2014 1911-7-20
Nyssaceae GH: 01010515 Nyssa sylvatica Marshall USA: Massachusetts Gosnold: Gosnold F. W. Pennell 1911-7-10
Onagraceae GH: 01625369 Camissonia campestris (Greene) P. H. Raven USA: California valley east of Tehachapi F. W. Pennell 25092 1940-4-13
GH: 00054066 Fuchsia atrorubra I. M. Johnston Colombia: Caldas "Santa Elena" above Santuario, 2000-2300 m F. W. Pennell 10313 1922-9-7
GH: 00054075 Fuchsia chloroloba I. M. Johnston Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc, 2200-2400... F. W. Pennell 13973 1925-5-3
GH: 00054066 Fuchsia nigricans Linden ex Planchon Colombia: Caldas "Santa Elena" above Santuario, 2000-2300 m F. W. Pennell 10313 1922-9-7
GH: 01643939 Oenothera tetragona tetragona Roth USA: Pennsylvania Westtown F. W. Pennell 11250 1923-7-11
Orchidaceae AMES: 02162479 Aa paleacea (Kunth) H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13838 1925-5-3
AMES: 02162381 Altensteinia fimbriata Kunth Colombia: Cauca Coconuco to Popayan F. W. Pennell 6900A 1922-6-19
AMES: 02162379 Altensteinia fimbriata Kunth Colombia: Cauca Coconuco to Popayan; Cordillera Central; Hil... F. W. Pennell 6900 1922-6-19
AMES: 02162387 Altensteinia fimbriata Kunth Colombia: Cundinamarca Nemocon F. W. Pennell 2621 1917-10-23
AMES: 02162398 Altensteinia fimbriata Kunth Peru: Cuzco Near Rio Quencomayo, below Colquipata F. W. Pennell 13788 1925-5-1
AMES: 02092743 Beadlea peruviana (C. Presl) Garay Colombia: Department of El Cauca. "Calaguala," Coconuc... F. W. Pennell 7168 1922-6-14
AMES: 02387259 Bletia purpurea (Lamarck) de Candolle Colombia: Tolima "El Convenio," West of San Lorenzo F. W. Pennell 3482 1917-12-29
AMES: 02158332 Cleistes rosea Lindley Colombia: Tolima "El Convenio," West of San Lorenzo F. W. Pennell 3481 1917-12-29
AMES: 02158326 Cleistes rosea Lindley Colombia: Department of El Valle. Pavas. Cordillera Oc... F. W. Pennell 5495 1922-5-12
AMES: 02090871 Corymborkis flava (Swartz) Kuntze Colombia: Caldas "Canaan," South of Salento. F. W. Pennell 9061 1922-7-31
AMES: 01943089 Cranichis ciliata (Kunth) Kunth Colombia: Cauca Cordillera Occidental, Mount Santa Ana F. W. Pennell 7469 1922-6-29
AMES: 01943084 Cranichis ciliata (Kunth) Kunth Colombia: Department of Caldas "Pinares," Above Salent... F. W. Pennell 1922-8-2
AMES: 01943105 Cranichis ciliata (Kunth) Kunth Peru: Department of Cusco. "Pillahuata," Cerro de ... F. W. Pennell 13979 1925-5-3
AMES: 01943071 Cranichis crumenifera Garay Colombia: Department of Cundinamarca. Rio Teusaca, Bue... F. W. Pennell 1917-10-6
AMES: 01943314 Cranichis diphylla Swartz Colombia: Department of El Cauca. "San Jose," San Anto... F. W. Pennell 7597A 1922-7-1
AMES: 01943144 Cranichis fertilis (F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin) Schlechter Colombia: Department of Caldas. Manizales. F. W. Pennell 10186 1922-9-2
AMES: 01943143 Cranichis fertilis (F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin) Schlechter Colombia: Department of Antioquia. Caramanta. F. W. Pennell 10781 1922-9-19
AMES: 01943171 Cranichis lehmanniana (Kraenzlin) L. O. Williams Colombia: Department of Cundinamarca. Zipaquira. F. W. Pennell 1917-10-20
GH: 01943203 Cranichis parviflora L. O. Williams Colombia: Department of El Cauca. "San Jose," San Anto... F. W. Pennell 1922-7-1
AMES: 01943089 Cranichis pennellii Szlach. & Kolan. Colombia: Cauca Cordillera Occidental, Mount Santa Ana F. W. Pennell 7469 1922-6-29
AMES: 01943223 Cranichis sp. Colombia: Dry paramo on Mt. W. of Z. Mt. Aquila. F. W. Pennell 1917-10-20
AMES: 02084701 Crocodeilanthe cochleata Kolan. & Szlach. Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10475 1922-9-8
AMES: 02084701 Crocodeilanthe sp. Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10475 1922-9-8
AMES: 02084857 Crocodeilanthe sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Río San Cristobal, near Bogotá F. W. Pennell 2043 1917-9-20
AMES: 02084857 Crocodeilanthe velaticauloides Kolan. & Szlach. Colombia: Cundinamarca Río San Cristobal, near Bogotá F. W. Pennell 2043 1917-9-20
AMES: 01943728 Cyclopogon sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 1917-10-13
AMES: 02254131 Cyrtochilum meirax (H. G. Reichenbach) Dalström Colombia: Departamento del Valle, La Cumbre, Cordilera... F. W. Pennell 5544 1922-5-12
AMES: 02254133 Cyrtochilum meirax (H. G. Reichenbach) Dalström Colombia: Departamento del Valle, La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5544 1922-5-12
AMES: 02159281 Elleanthus aurantiacus (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Caldas Salento. Cordillera Central. above S F. W. Pennell 8898 1922-7-25
AMES: 02159342 Elleanthus aurantiacus (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Caldas "Buenos Aires," North of Supia. Cordillera O... F. W. Pennell 10737 1922-9-18
AMES: 02159353 Elleanthus aurantiacus (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Antioquia [illegible] south of Caldas, Cauca Valley F. W. Pennell 1922-9-21
AMES: 02159274 Elleanthus aurantiacus (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Cuzco Near Rio Yanamayo, below "Pillahuata," F. W. Pennell 14062 1925-5-4
AMES: 02159431 Elleanthus columnaris (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7608 1922-7-1
AMES: 02159540 Elleanthus graminifolius (Barbosa Rodrigues) Lojtnant Colombia: Tolima "El Convenio," West of San Lorenzo. F. W. Pennell 3469 1917-12-29
AMES: 02159540 Elleanthus linifolius C. Presl Colombia: Tolima "El Convenio," West of San Lorenzo. F. W. Pennell 3469 1917-12-29
AMES: 02159715 Elleanthus setosus Schlechter Peru: Cuzco Near Yanamayo, below "Pillahuata," F. W. Pennell 14052 1925-5-4
AMES: 02159806 Elleanthus sp. Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, beow Cerro Tatama; Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 10358 1922-9-7
AMES: 02159833 Elleanthus sp. Colombia: Caldas Salento; Cordillera Central; above S F. W. Pennell 8897 1922-7-25
AMES: 02159837 Elleanthus sp. Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7609 1922-7-1
AMES: 01985776 Elleanthus sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2547 1917-10-24
AMES: 01985777 Elleanthus sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Montserrate, above Bogota F. W. Pennell 1995 1917-9-17
GH: 02159915 Elleanthus sp. Peru: Cuzco Near Rio Yanamayo, below "Pillahuata," F. W. Pennell 14062 1925-5-4
AMES: 02159778 Elleanthus tovarensis Ames Colombia: Cauca "Palegara" Cordillera Central, north & west ... F. W. Pennell 6998 1922-6-15
GH: 02159748 Elleanthus virgatus (H. G. Reichenbach) C. Schweinfurth Colombia: Bolívar Below Paramo de Chaquiro, Cordillera Occiden... F. W. Pennell 4368 1918-2-24
AMES: 02159747 Elleanthus virgatus (H. G. Reichenbach) C. Schweinfurth Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, Below Cerro Tatama; Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10361 1922-9-7
AMES: 02110393 Epidendrum brachycladium Lindley Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 14063 1925-5-3
AMES: 02110394 Epidendrum brachycladium Lindley Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13985 1925-5-3
AMES: 02110483 Epidendrum chaquirense Hágsater & L. Sánchez Colombia: Bolívar Below Paramo de Chaquiro, Cordillera Occiden... F. W. Pennell 4346 1918-2-24
AMES: 02110503 Epidendrum chioneum Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca Chapinero, near Bogota F. W. Pennell 2014 1917-9-18
AMES: 02110542 Epidendrum cirrhochilum F. Lehmann & Kraenzlin Colombia: Bolívar Boca Antizales, on Rio Esmeralda F. W. Pennell 4490 1918-2-26
AMES: 02110676 Epidendrum decipiens Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca Melgar F. W. Pennell 2892 1917-12-4
AMES: 02110675 Epidendrum decipiens Lindley Colombia: Tolima "El Convenio," West of San Lorenzo F. W. Pennell 3499 1917-12-29
AMES: 02110822 Epidendrum elongatum Jacquin Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13974 1925-5-3
AMES: 02110820 Epidendrum elongatum Jacquin Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 14064 1925-5-3
AMES: 02109001 Epidendrum fimbriatum Kunth Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10560 1922-9-8
AMES: 02110998 Epidendrum fimbriatum Kunth Colombia: Cauca "Paletara"; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 7081 1922-6-15
AMES: 02109052 Epidendrum fimbriatum Kunth Colombia: Antioquia Santa Barbara; Cauca valley; above S F. W. Pennell 10923 1922-9-21
GH: 02109049 Epidendrum fimbriatum Kunth Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael. Below Cerro Tatama; Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10364 1922-9-7
AMES: 02109137 Epidendrum fimbriatum Kunth Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, Below Cerro Tatama; Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10364
GH: 02109159 Epidendrum fimbriatum rhomboglossum (Kraenzlin) C. Schweinfurth Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc; above P F. W. Pennell 13923 1925-5-3
AMES: 02109158 Epidendrum fimbriatum rhomboglossum (Kraenzlin) C. Schweinfurth Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc; above P F. W. Pennell 13923 1925-5-3
AMES: 02109212 Epidendrum frigidum Linden ex Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca Rio San Cristobal, near Bogota F. W. Pennell 2680 1917-11-14
AMES: 02109237 Epidendrum fruticulus Schlechter Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc; above P F. W. Pennell 14127 1925-5-3
AMES: 02109283 Epidendrum gastropodium H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cauca north & west of "Llano" F. W. Pennell 7000 1922-6-15
AMES: 02109411 Epidendrum imatophyllum Lindley Colombia: Antioquia Puerto Berrio F. W. Pennell 3760 1918-1-11
AMES: 02109515 Epidendrum klotzscheanum H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cundinamarca Mt. Chuscal. West of Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2576 1917-10-22
AMES: 02108766 Epidendrum sp. Colombia: Tolima Paramo de Ruiz; edge of P. F. W. Pennell 3086
AMES: 00217816 Erythrodes sp. Colombia: Bolívar Boca Antizales, on Rio Esmeralda F. W. Pennell 4498 1918-2-16
AMES: 01943748 Eurystyles cotyledon Wawra Colombia: Department of El Valle. La Cumbre. F. W. Pennell 1922-5-14
AMES: 01943228 Exalaria parviflora (C. Presl) Garay & G. A. Romero Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga. Forest above [P.] F. W. Pennell 1917-11-28
AMES: 02173418 Frondaria caulescens (Lindley) Luer Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9270 1922-8-2
AMES: 02173418 Frondaria colombiana D. L. Szlachetko, M. Kolanowska & M. Rykacewski Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9270 1922-8-2
AMES: 00085775 Frondaria colombiana D. L. Szlachetko, M. Kolanowska & M. Rykacewski Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9270 1922-8-2
GH: 01940768 Gavilea lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Malleco Volcan de Tolguaca F. W. Pennell 12783 1925-2-24
AMES: 01940756 Gavilea lutea (Commerson ex Persoon) M. D. Corrêa Chile: Malleco Volcan de Tolguaca F. W. Pennell 12783 1925-2-24
AMES: 02162208 Gomphichis adnata (Ridley) Schlechter Colombia: Cauca Mount el Derrumdo Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 7506 1922-6-29
AMES: 02162220 Gomphichis bogotensis Renz Colombia: Cundinamarca Rio Teusaca, Buenavista, Northeast of Bogota F. W. Pennell 2362 1917-10-6
AMES: 02162219 Gomphichis bogotensis Renz Colombia: Cundinamarca Sibate. F. W. Pennell 2505 1917-10-13
AMES: 02162238 Gomphichis caucana Schlechter Colombia: Cauca Mt. Pan de Azucar. Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 7021 1922-6-16
AMES: 02162237 Gomphichis caucana Schlechter Colombia: Cauca Mt. Pan de Azucar; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 7021 1922-6-16
AMES: 02162236 Gomphichis caucana Schlechter Colombia: Cauca Mt. Pan de Azucar; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 7021 1922-6-16
AMES: 02162252 Gomphichis cundinamarcae Renz Colombia: Cundinamarca Zipaquira. s. of Z. F. W. Pennell 2629 1917-10-20
AMES: 02162251 Gomphichis cundinamarcae Renz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10558 1922-9-8
AMES: 02162242 Gomphichis cundinamarcae Renz Colombia: Cauca Department of El Cauca; Mount Santa Ana; Cor... F. W. Pennell 7451 1922-6-29
AMES: 02162261 Gomphichis plantaginifolia C. Schweinfurth Peru: Cuzco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 14097 1925-5-3
AMES: 02162330 Gomphichis sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Cerro de Focha, Near Bogot F. W. Pennell 2210 1917-9-26
AMES: 02162289 Gomphichis traceyae Rolfe Colombia: Cauca Mount Santa Ana; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 7451 1922-6-29
AMES: 02162284 Gomphichis traceyae Rolfe Colombia: Cauca Mount el Derrumbo; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 7451 1922-6-29
AMES: 02162281 Gomphichis traceyae Rolfe Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central, near Rio Cauc... F. W. Pennell 7080 1922-6-15
AMES: 02162279 Gomphichis traceyae Rolfe Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 6915 1922-6-15
AMES: 02162276 Gomphichis traceyae Rolfe Colombia: Cundinamarca Mt. Guadalupe, above Bogota F. W. Pennell 1918 1917-9-12
AMES: 02162301 Gomphichis valida H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cauca Mount Santa Ana. Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 7466 1922-6-29
AMES: 02162300 Gomphichis valida H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, Below Cerro Tatama; Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10359 1922-9-7
AMES: 02162301 Gomphichis viscosa Schlechter Colombia: Cauca Mount Santa Ana. Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 7466 1922-6-29
AMES: 02162300 Gomphichis viscosa Schlechter Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, Below Cerro Tatama; Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10359 1922-9-7
AMES: 01947727 Habenaria alata Hooker Colombia: Cundinamarca "Guayabetal" to "Monte Redondo," Southeast o... F. W. Pennell 1792 1917-9-6
GH: 01947870 Habenaria gollmeri Schlechter Colombia: Department of El Cauca. Mount El Derrumbo. F. W. Pennell 7490 1922-6-29
AMES: 01947868 Habenaria gollmeri Schlechter Colombia: Department of El Cauca. Coconuco to Popayan. F. W. Pennell 6903 1922-6-19
AMES: 01947864 Habenaria gollmeri Schlechter Colombia: Department of El Cauca Mount El Derrumbo. F. W. Pennell 7490 1922-6-29
AMES: 01946050 Habenaria monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Department of Tolima "La Trinidad," Libano F. W. Pennell 3327 1917-12-21
AMES: 01946047 Habenaria monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Department of Caldas. Apia. F. W. Pennell 10278 1922-9-4
AMES: 01946102 Habenaria paivaeana H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Cuzco Dept. of Cuzco, Paso de [Tres Cruar], Cerro ... F. W. Pennell 13888a 1925-5-3
AMES: 00099995 Habenaria parvicalcarata C. Schweinfurth Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, op... F. W. Pennell 13888 1925-5-3
AMES: 01946323 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd Chile: Province of Llanquihue. Puerto Montt. F. W. Pennell 12636 1925-2-11
AMES: 01946322 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd Chile: Province of Chiloe. Ancud. F. W. Pennell 12568 1925-2-6
AMES: 01946321 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd Chile: Province of Llanquihue. Peulla. F. W. Pennell 12685 1925-1-14
GH: 01946320 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd Chile: Province of Llanquihue. Peulla. F. W. Pennell 12685 1925-2-14
AMES: 01946366 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd Colombia: Department of Antioquia Primavera. Cauca Val... F. W. Pennell 10966 1922-9-22
AMES: 01946388 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd Colombia: Open hills north of Pavas, Dept. of El Valle... F. W. Pennell 5489 1922-5-12
AMES: 01946387 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd Colombia: Department of El Cauca "San Isidro," Purace. F. W. Pennell 6468 1922-6-10
AMES: 00556902 Lepanthes sp. Swartz : F. W. Pennell 6993 1922-6-15
AMES: 00556892 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cero Tatama, Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10442 1922-9-8
AMES: 00556893 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10444 1922-9-8
AMES: 00556898 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10446 1922-9-6
AMES: 00556899 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10445 1922-9-6
AMES: 00556940 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Pinares, above Salento, Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9280 1922-8-2
AMES: 00556941 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Pinares, above Salento, Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 10497 1922-9-8
AMES: 00556942 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10447 1922-9-8
AMES: 00556943 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama, Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10443 1922-9-8
AMES: 00556999 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Colombia: Cundinamarca El Peñon, sothwest of Sibate F. W. Pennell 2396 1917-10-13
AMES: 02095036 Liparis nervosa (Thunberg) Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga to Pandi F. W. Pennell 2730 1917-11-30
AMES: 02095089 Liparis vexillifera Cogniaux Colombia: Cundinamarca "Monte Redondo," south of Quetame F. W. Pennell 1823 1917-9-6
AMES: 02096983 Liparis vexillifera Cogniaux Mexico: Sinaloa Cerro Quemado, Northeast of Panuco; Pacific ... F. W. Pennell 20157 1935-8-30
AMES: 02175084 Malaxis excavata (Lindley) Kuntze Colombia: Tolima Libano F. W. Pennell 3394 1917-12-26
GH: 02097932 Masdevallia amanda H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7589 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097931 Masdevallia amanda H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7589 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097930 Masdevallia amanda H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7589 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097928 Masdevallia amanda H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 2589 1922-7-1
GH: 02097932 Masdevallia ampullacea Luer & Andreetta Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7589 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097931 Masdevallia ampullacea Luer & Andreetta Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7589 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097930 Masdevallia ampullacea Luer & Andreetta Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7589 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097928 Masdevallia ampullacea Luer & Andreetta Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 2589 1922-7-1
AMES: 02096009 Masdevallia cucullata Lindley Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7592 1922-7-1
AMES: 02096079 Masdevallia lepida H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; northeast of ... F. W. Pennell 6994 1922-6-15
AMES: 02096107 Masdevallia pachyantha Reichenbach f. Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; northeast of ... F. W. Pennell 6990 1922-6-15
GH: 02096147 Masdevallia racemosa Lindley Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; east of "Llan... F. W. Pennell 7010 1922-6-15
AMES: 02096146 Masdevallia racemosa Lindley Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; east of "Llan... F. W. Pennell 7010 1922-6-15
AMES: 02096145 Masdevallia racemosa Lindley Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; east of "Llan... F. W. Pennell 7010 1922-6-15
AMES: 02096144 Masdevallia racemosa Lindley Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; east of "Llan... F. W. Pennell 7010 1922-6-15
AMES: 00271168 Microchilus libanoensis Ormerod Colombia: Tolima "La Virginia", Libano F. W. Pennell 3255 1917-12-22
AMES: 00217816 Microchilus rioesmeraldae Ormerod Colombia: Bolívar Boca Antizales, on Rio Esmeralda F. W. Pennell 4498 1918-2-16
AMES: 00083781 Microchilus rioesmeraldae Ormerod Colombia: Bolívar Boca Antizales, on Rio Esmeralda F. W. Pennell 4498 1918-2-16
AMES: 01089321 Myoxanthus ceratothallis (H. G. Reichenbach) Luer Colombia: Cauca San José, San Antonio, Cordillera Occidenta... F. W. Pennell 7581 1922-7-1
AMES: 01089370 Myoxanthus serripetalus (Kraenzlin) Luer Peru: Cusco Ollantaytambo: F. W. Pennell 13641 1925-4-26
GH: 01089292 Myoxanthus sp. Colombia: Cauca San José, San Antonio, Cordillera Occidenta... F. W. Pennell 7581 1922-7-1
AMES: 02162520 Myrosmodes paludosa (Reichenbach) C. A. Vargas Peru: Cuzco Cerro de Colquipata F. W. Pennell 13747 1925-5-1
AMES: 02092184 Odontorrhynchus chilensis (A. Richard) Garay Chile: Province of Llanquihue. Petrohué. Ash-slope... F. W. Pennell 12641 1925-2-13
AMES: 02092183 Odontorrhynchus chilensis (A. Richard) Garay Chile: Province of Arauco. Bushy slopes, above A. F. W. Pennell 1925-3-6
AMES: 00102357 Odontorrhynchus variabilis Garay Chile: Malleco West of Angol F. W. Pennell 12834 1925-2-27
AMES: 02092184 Odontorrhynchus variabilis Garay Chile: Province of Llanquihue. Petrohué. Ash-slope... F. W. Pennell 12641 1925-2-13
AMES: 02092183 Odontorrhynchus variabilis Garay Chile: Province of Arauco. Bushy slopes, above A. F. W. Pennell 1925-3-6
AMES: 02254131 Oncidium meirax H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Departamento del Valle, La Cumbre, Cordilera... F. W. Pennell 5544 1922-5-12
AMES: 02254133 Oncidium meirax H. G. Reichenbach Colombia: Departamento del Valle, La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5544 1922-5-12
GH: 01055058 Platanthera blephariglottis (Willdenow) Lindley USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 1911-8-2
GH: 01062272 Platanthera clavellata (Michaux) Luer USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth F. W. Pennell 3376 1911-8-2
AMES: 02151272 Platystele consobrina Luer Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael. Below Cerro Tatama; Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10369 1922-9-7
AMES: 00271828 Pleurothallis R. Brown Colombia: Cundinamarca Río Cristobal near Bogotá F. W. Pennell 2043 1917-9-20
AMES: 02083387 Pleurothallis acuminata (Kunth) Lindley Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7588 1922-7-1
AMES: 02083063 Pleurothallis chloroleuca Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca Tequendama F. W. Pennell 2650 1917-10-28
AMES: 02083392 Pleurothallis gracillima Lindley Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7588 1922-7-1
AMES: 02083388 Pleurothallis gracillima Lindley Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio F. W. Pennell 7588 1922-7-1
AMES: 02083387 Pleurothallis gracillima Lindley Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7588 1922-7-1
AMES: 02083491 Pleurothallis juninensis Schlechter Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc; above Rio... F. W. Pennell 14005 1925-5-3
AMES: 02083603 Pleurothallis lindenii Lindley Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7635 1922-7-1
AMES: 02083661 Pleurothallis mathewsii Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca Zipaquire F. W. Pennell 2633 1917-10-20
AMES: 02083657 Pleurothallis mathewsii Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca Tequendama F. W. Pennell 1965 1917-9-15
AMES: 02083734 Pleurothallis odobeniceps Luer Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael. Below Cerro Tatama; Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10365 1922-9-7
AMES: 00271828 Pleurothallis pennelliana Luer Colombia: Cundinamarca Río Cristobal near Bogotá F. W. Pennell 2043 1917-9-20
AMES: 02083805 Pleurothallis phyllostachys Schlechter Colombia: Cundinamarca El Peñon, southwest of Sibate F. W. Pennell 2404 1917-10-13
GH: 02084188 Pleurothallis secunda Poeppig & Endlicher Colombia: Cundinamarca Fusagasuga; Forest above F. F. W. Pennell 2698 1917-11-28
AMES: 01089370 Pleurothallis serripetala Kraenzlin Peru: Cusco Ollantaytambo: F. W. Pennell 13641 1925-4-26
GH: 01089292 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cauca San José, San Antonio, Cordillera Occidenta... F. W. Pennell 7581 1922-7-1
AMES: 02084480 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10457 1922-9-8
AMES: 02084479 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10436 1922-9-8
AMES: 02084478 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10435 1922-9-8
AMES: 02084477 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10438 1922-9-8
AMES: 02084591 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cundinamarca El Peñon, southwest of Sibate F. W. Pennell 2658 1917-10-29
AMES: 02084655 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9292 1922-8-2
AMES: 02084649 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9284 1922-8-2
AMES: 02084648 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," Above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9285 1922-8-2
AMES: 02084647 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9286 1922-8-2
AMES: 02084646 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Caldas Salento; Cordillera Central; above S F. W. Pennell 8921 1922-7-25
AMES: 02084694 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cauca [illegible] Canaan," Mt. Purace; Cordillera ... F. W. Pennell 1922-6-11
AMES: 02084686 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; northeast of ... F. W. Pennell 6997 1922-6-15
GH: 02084711 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cundinamarca Rio San Cristobal, Near Bogota F. W. Pennell 2043 1917-9-20
AMES: 02084773 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Antioquia Primavera; Cauca Valley; on hills south of P F. W. Pennell 10960 1922-9-22
AMES: 02084771 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Antioquia Primavera; Cauca Valley; south of P F. W. Pennell 10958 1922-9-22
AMES: 02084839 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7579 1922-7-1
AMES: 02084857 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cundinamarca Río San Cristobal, near Bogotá F. W. Pennell 2043 1917-9-20
AMES: 02084901 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central, south side of... F. W. Pennell 6940 1922-6-15
AMES: 02127841 Polystachya altilamellata Schlechter Colombia: Cundinamarca "Monte Redondo," to Quetame F. W. Pennell 1851 1917-9-7
AMES: 00103505 Ponthieva appendiculata Schlechter Colombia: Caldas Pinares above Salento F. W. Pennell 9245 1922-8-2
AMES: 01943498 Ponthieva sp. Colombia: Department of El Valle. Pavas. F. W. Pennell 1922-5-12
AMES: 01943497 Ponthieva sp. Colombia: Department of Anitoquia. Caramanta. Near Que... F. W. Pennell 1922-9-19
GH: 01943495 Ponthieva sp. Colombia: Department of Caldas. "Pinares," Above Salen... F. W. Pennell 1922-8-2
AMES: 02162558 Porphyrostachys pilifera (Kunth) H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Lima San Buenaventura F. W. Pennell 14507 1925-6-17
GH: 02162553 Porphyrostachys pilifera (Kunth) H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Lima Along Rio Chillón, below Obrajillo F. W. Pennell 14433 1925-6-15
AMES: 02162552 Porphyrostachys pilifera (Kunth) H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Lima Along Rio Chillón, near Viscas F. W. Pennell 14464 1925-6-10
AMES: 02162551 Porphyrostachys pilifera (Kunth) H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Lima Along Rio Chillón, below Obrajillo F. W. Pennell 14433 1925-6-15
GH: 02162549 Porphyrostachys pilifera (Kunth) H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Lima Along Rio Chillón, near Viscas F. W. Pennell 14464 1925-6-10
AMES: 02124543 Prosthechea grammatoglossa (Reichenbach f.) W. E. Higgins Colombia: Cundinamarca "Monte Redondo" to Quetame F. W. Pennell 1852 1917-9-7
AMES: 02124558 Prosthechea hartwegii (Lindley) W. E. Higgins Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc F. W. Pennell 13984 1925-5-3
AMES: 01944904 Pterichis galeata Lindley Colombia: Department of Caldas. Cerro Tatama. F. W. Pennell 10559 1922-9-8
GH: 01944899 Pterichis galeata Lindley Colombia: Department of El Cauca. Mount Santa Ana. F. W. Pennell 7480 1922-6-29
AMES: 01944898 Pterichis galeata Lindley Colombia: Department of El Cauca. Mount El Derrumbo. F. W. Pennell 7480 1922-6-29
AMES: 01089404 Pterichis galeata Lindley Colombia: Cauca Cordillera Occidental, Mount el Derrumbo F. W. Pennell 7480 1922-6-29
AMES: 01944921 Pterichis parvifolia (Lindley) Schlechter Colombia: Department of El Cauca. "Paletara" F. W. Pennell 6914 1922-6-15
AMES: 01944926 Pterichis silvestris Schlechter Peru: Department of Cuzco. Paso de Tres Cruces, Ce... F. W. Pennell 13889 1925-5-3
AMES: 01985765 Pterichis sp. Colombia: Bolívar Below Páramo de Cahquiro, Cordillera Occide... F. W. Pennell 4295 1918-2-24
AMES: 01089404 Pterichis sp. Colombia: Cauca Cordillera Occidental, Mount el Derrumbo F. W. Pennell 7480 1922-6-29
GH: 01944930 Pterichis triloba (Lindley) Schlechter Peru: Department of Cusco. Paso de Tres Cruces, Ce... F. W. Pennell 13889 1925-5-3
GH: 01944938 Pterichis weberbaueriana Kraenzlin Peru: Department of Lima. Along Rio Chillón, Abov... F. W. Pennell 14427 1925-6-13
AMES: 01944937 Pterichis weberbaueriana Kraenzlin Peru: Department of Lima. Along Rio Chillón, Abov... F. W. Pennell 14427 1925-6-13
GH: 02173636 Restrepia sp. Kunth Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9282 1922-8-2
AMES: 02173635 Restrepia sp. Kunth Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9282 1922-8-2
AMES: 02155064 Scaphyglottis bicornis (Lindley) Garay Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, Below Cerro Tatama; Cordille... F. W. Pennell 10363 1922-9-7
AMES: 02155246 Scaphyglottis summersii L. O. Williams Colombia: Bolívar Below Paramo de Chaquiro, Cordillera Occiden... F. W. Pennell 4350 1918-2-24
AMES: 00104248 Sertifera grandifolia L. O. Williams Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10362 1922-9-7
AMES: 00104249 Sertifera grandifolia L. O. Williams Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10362 1922-9-7
AMES: 00083880 Sertifera grandifolia L. O. Williams Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10362 1922-9-7
AMES: 00083881 Sertifera grandifolia L. O. Williams Colombia: Caldas Rio San Rafael, below Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 10362 1922-9-7
GH: 02161768 Sobralia sp. Colombia: Department of El Valle; Pavas; Cordillera Oc... F. W. Pennell 5537 1922-5-12
AMES: 02161767 Sobralia sp. Colombia: Department of El Valle; Pavas; Cordillera Oc... F. W. Pennell 5537 1922-5-12
AMES: 02161765 Sobralia sp. Colombia: Department of El Valle; Pavas; Cordillera Oc... F. W. Pennell 5537 1922-5-12
AMES: 02161622 Sobralia violacea Linden ex Lindley Colombia: Cundinamarca "Monte Redondo," to Quetame. F. W. Pennell 1848 1917-9-7
AMES: 02161643 Sobralia violacea Linden ex Lindley Colombia: Department of El Valle; Pavas; Cordillera Oc... F. W. Pennell 5537 1922-5-12
AMES: 02161647 Sobralia violacea Linden ex Lindley Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre; Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 5541 1922-5-12
GH: 00354186 Spiranthes cinnabarina (La Llave & Lexarza) Hemsley Mexico: Chihuahua Calera, east of San Isidro F. W. Pennell 18802 1934-9-15
AMES: 02088050 Stelis aviceps Lindley Peru: Cusco Near Rio Yanamayo, below "Pillahuata" F. W. Pennell 1925-5-4
AMES: 00243117 Stelis grandibracteata C. Schweinfurth Peru: Cuzco Pillahuata, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, along Rio P... F. W. Pennell 14006 1925-5-3
AMES: 00084225 Stelis grandibracteata C. Schweinfurth Peru: Cuzco Pillahuata, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, along Rio P... F. W. Pennell 14006 1925-5-3
AMES: 02088508 Stelis pusilla Kunth Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento F. W. Pennell 9281 1922-8-2
AMES: 02088504 Stelis pusilla Kunth Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" to "Calaguala" F. W. Pennell 1922-6-17
AMES: 00104983 Stelis serra Lindley Peru: Cuzco Above Pillahuata, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, thick... F. W. Pennell 13919 1925-5-3
AMES: 02088937 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cundinamarca Mt. Chuscal, West of Zipaquira. F. W. Pennell 1917-10-22
AMES: 02097120 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 1922-9-8
AMES: 02097119 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 1922-9-8
AMES: 02097118 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 1922-9-8
AMES: 02097117 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento F. W. Pennell 1922-8-2
AMES: 02097116 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," Above Salento F. W. Pennell 1922-8-2
AMES: 02097115 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," Above Salento F. W. Pennell 1922-8-2
AMES: 02097114 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama F. W. Pennell 1922-9-8
AMES: 02097112 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre. F. W. Pennell 1922-5-21
AMES: 02097108 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Valle del Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio F. W. Pennell 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097107 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Cauca; "San Jose," San Anto... F. W. Pennell 7597 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097104 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5729 1922-5-14
AMES: 02097103 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 1922-5-14
AMES: 02097102 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5727 1922-5-14
AMES: 02097145 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5894 1922-5-21
GH: 02097150 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of Caldas, "Pinares," Above Salen... F. W. Pennell 9288 1922-8-2
GH: 02097149 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of Caldas, "Pinares," Above Salen... F. W. Pennell 9289 1922-8-2
GH: 02097146 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre F. W. Pennell 5674 1922-5-14
GH: 02097176 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre. F. W. Pennell 1922-5-21
AMES: 02097266 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; northeast of ... F. W. Pennell 11872 1922-6-15
AMES: 02097261 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10496 1922-9-8
AMES: 02097260 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Antioquia Primavera; Cauca Valley; south of P F. W. Pennell 10959 1922-9-22
AMES: 02097255 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," above Salento; Cordillera Central F. W. Pennell 9288 1922-8-2
AMES: 02097292 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cauca "Paletara"; Cordillera Central; northeast of... F. W. Pennell 6999 1922-6-15
AMES: 02097291 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; east of F. W. Pennell 6991 1922-6-15
AMES: 02097290 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; northeast of ... F. W. Pennell 6992 1922-6-15
AMES: 02097289 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; south side of... F. W. Pennell 6941 1922-6-15
AMES: 02097286 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of El Valle; La Cumbre; Cordiller... F. W. Pennell 5545 1922-5
AMES: 02097282 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" to "Calaguala"; Cordillera Centra... F. W. Pennell 7115 1922-6-17
AMES: 02097280 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Department of el Valle; Pavas; Cordillera Oc... F. W. Pennell 5936 1922-5-22
AMES: 02097339 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cauca "Paletara" Cordillera Central; south side of... F. W. Pennell 6942 1922-6-15
AMES: 02097436 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Caldas "Pinares," about Salento F. W. Pennell 9289
GH: 02097430 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cauca "San Jose," San Antonio; Cordillera Occident... F. W. Pennell 7596 1922-7-1
AMES: 02097588 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Bolívar Below Paramo de Chaquiro, Cordillera Occiden... F. W. Pennell 4343 1918-2-24
AMES: 02097586 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cundinamarca Mt. Chuscal, west of Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2585 1917-10-22
AMES: 02097571 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cundinamarca Mt. Chuscal, west of Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2590 1917-10-22
AMES: 02097570 Stelis sp. Swartz Colombia: Cundinamarca Zipaquira F. W. Pennell 2632 1917-10-20
AMES: 02088845 Stelis sp. Swartz Peru: Cusco Near Rio Yanamayo, below "Pillahuata," F. W. Pennell 1925-5-4
AMES: 02088696 Stelis trichorhachis H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc; along Rio... F. W. Pennell 1925-5-3
GH: 02088695 Stelis trichorhachis H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc; along Rio... F. W. Pennell 1925-5-3
AMES: 00556800 Stelis tritriangulata C. A. Luer & R. Escobar Colombia: Cauca "Paletara", Cordillera Central; Northeast of... F. W. Pennell 7001 1922-6-15
AMES: 02088739 Stelis vulcani H. G. Reichenbach Peru: Cusco "Pillahuata," Cerro de Cusilluyoc; in valley... F. W. Pennell 1925-5-3
AMES: 02092401 Stenorrhynchos vaginatum (Kunth) Sprengel Colombia: Cundinamarca Chapinero, near Bogota F. W. Pennell 2027 1917-9-18
AMES: 02173349 Trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes (H. G. Reichenbach) Luer Colombia: Caldas Cerro Tatama; Cordillera Occidental F. W. Pennell 10448 1922-9-8
Orobanchaceae GH: 02035477 Agalinis acuta Pennell USA: New York 1-2 m. e. of Garden City, L. I.; Hempstead P... F. W. Pennell 5292 1914-10-12
GH: 02035478 Agalinis acuta Pennell USA: New York e. of Hempstead, "Hempstead Plains" F. W. Pennell 10126 1919-9-1
GH: 02035482 Agalinis aphylla (Nuttall) Rafinesque USA: Florida Fort Gadsden F. W. Pennell 1912-9-20
GH: 02035491 Agalinis aphylla (Nuttall) Rafinesque USA: Florida Chipley F. W. Pennell 1912-9-18
GH: 02035496 Agalinis aphylla (Nuttall) Rafinesque USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., west of Naylor F. W. Pennell 1912-10-1
GH: 02035541 Agalinis aspera (Douglas ex Bentham) Britton USA: Nebraska Lincoln County; along N. Platte R., North Pl... F. W. Pennell 6405 1915-8-18
GH: 02035577 Agalinis auriculata (Michaux) S. F. Blake USA: Pennsylvania along P.R.R., Laverock, Cheltenham F. W. Pennell 5229 1913-10-27
GH: 02035578 Agalinis auriculata (Michaux) S. F. Blake USA: Pennsylvania along P.R.R., Laverock, Cheltenham Township F. W. Pennell 5290 1914-9-4
GH: 00078457 Agalinis caddoensis Pennell USA: Louisiana 2-3 miles northwest of Shreveport, oak woods F. W. Pennell 5658 1913-10-5
GH: 02035588 Agalinis decemloba (Greene) Pennell USA: Maryland Buena Vista F. W. Pennell 1910-4-5
GH: 02035612 Agalinis densiflora (Bentham) S. F. Blake USA: Texas south-west of - Albany F. W. Pennell 19370 1935-9-14
GH: 02035620 Agalinis divaricata (Chapman) Pennell USA: Alabama 4-5 miles east of Florala F. W. Pennell 1912-9-13
GH: 02035634 Agalinis divaricata (Chapman) Pennell USA: Florida Ponce de Leon F. W. Pennell 1912-9-17
GH: 02035639 Agalinis divaricata (Chapman) Pennell USA: Florida Milligan F. W. Pennell 1912-9-10
GH: 00078459 Agalinis edwardsiana Pennell USA: Texas 5 miles northeast of Boerne F. W. Pennell 5482 1913-9-16
GH: 02035640 Agalinis edwardsiana Pennell USA: Texas Austin: [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 10454 1920-5-15
GH: 02035689 Agalinis fasciculata (Elliot) Rafinesque USA: Florida Miami: [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 1917-4-29
GH: 02035696 Agalinis fasciculata (Elliot) Rafinesque USA: Georgia Cordele F. W. Pennell 1912-10-4
GH: 02035762 Agalinis fasciculata (Elliot) Rafinesque USA: Texas e. of Hearne; Along 1. + G.N.R.R. F. W. Pennell 5423 1913-9-12
GH: 02035764 Agalinis fasciculata (Elliot) Rafinesque USA: Texas Orange F. W. Pennell 5610 1913-9-27
GH: 02035778 Agalinis filicaulis (Bentham) Pennell USA: Florida Ponce de Leon F. W. Pennell 1912-9-17
GH: 02035783 Agalinis filicaulis (Bentham) Pennell USA: Florida 2-3 miles west of Jacksonville F. W. Pennell 1912-10-7
GH: 02035812 Agalinis filifolia (Nuttall) Rafinesque USA: Florida 2-3 miles west of Jacksonville F. W. Pennell 1912-10-7
GH: 02035819 Agalinis filifolia (Nuttall) Rafinesque USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., west of Naylor F. W. Pennell 1912-10-1
GH: 02035821 Agalinis filifolia (Nuttall) Rafinesque USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., 3-4 miles west of Wayc... F. W. Pennell 1912-10-6
GH: 02035856 Agalinis georgiana (C. L. Boynton) Pennell USA: Florida Milligan F. W. Pennell 1912-9-10
GH: 02035858 Agalinis georgiana (C. L. Boynton) Pennell USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., south of Thomasville F. W. Pennell 1912-9-28
GH: 00078461 Agalinis harperi Pennell USA: Florida Saint Marks, salt marsh F. W. Pennell 4707 1912-9-25
GH: 02035864 Agalinis harperi Pennell USA: Georgia Douglas F. W. Pennell 1912-10-4
GH: 02035872 Agalinis harperi Pennell USA: North Carolina Wilmington: [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 4902 1912-10-15
GH: 02035877 Agalinis heterophylla (Nuttall) Small USA: Arkansas 3 miles West of Screeton F. W. Pennell 20328 1935-9-17
GH: 02035908 Agalinis heterophylla (Nuttall) Small USA: Texas n. of Webster F. W. Pennell 5564 1913-9-23
GH: 02035916 Agalinis heterophylla (Nuttall) Small USA: Texas w. of Fort Crockett, Galveston F. W. Pennell 5571 1913-9-23
GH: 02035917 Agalinis heterophylla (Nuttall) Small USA: Texas 1/2 m. e. of Victoria F. W. Pennell 5502 1913-9-19
GH: 02035918 Agalinis heterophylla (Nuttall) Small USA: Texas 3 m. e. of Alleyton; Along S.P.R.R. F. W. Pennell 5502 1913-9-19
GH: 00078462 Agalinis homalantha Pennell USA: Texas 1 mile west of Sheridan, along S.A. & A.P. r... F. W. Pennell 5522 1913-9-21
GH: 00078464 Agalinis laxa Pennell USA: Georgia Brunswick, dry sandy pine-land F. W. Pennell 4824 1912-10-10
GH: 02035933 Agalinis laxa Pennell USA: Florida San Pablo F. W. Pennell 1912-10-8
GH: 02035952 Agalinis linifolia (Nuttall) Britton USA: Florida Ponce de Leon F. W. Pennell 1912-9-17
GH: 02035993 Agalinis maritima grandiflora (Bentham) Pennell USA: Florida Saint Marks F. W. Pennell 1912-9-25
GH: 02034007 Agalinis maritima grandiflora (Bentham) Pennell USA: Florida Cudjoe Key F. W. Pennell 1917-5-5
GH: 02034066 Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque USA: Alabama Bay Minette F. W. Pennell 1912-9-7
GH: 02034069 Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque USA: Alabama Theodore F. W. Pennell 1912-8-30
GH: 02034089 Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque USA: Florida Milligan F. W. Pennell 1912-9-10
GH: 02034090 Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque USA: Florida Ponce de Leon F. W. Pennell 1912-9-17
GH: 02034091 Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque USA: Florida 2-3 miles west of Jacksonville F. W. Pennell 1912-10-7
GH: 02034098 Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., south of Thomasville F. W. Pennell 1912-9-28
GH: 02034116 Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque USA: North Carolina Rocky Mount F. W. Pennell 4933 1912-10-17
GH: 02034119 Agalinis obtusifolia Rafinesque USA: South Carolina Otranto F. W. Pennell 1912-10-13
GH: 02034135 Agalinis oligophylla Pennell USA: Texas l m. n. of Harrisburg; Along G.H. + H.R.R. F. W. Pennell 5576 1913-9-24
GH: 00077877 Agalinis pennellii Barringer Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, ro... F. W. Pennell 13827 1925-5-3
GH: 00078461 Agalinis pinetorum Pennell USA: Florida Saint Marks, salt marsh F. W. Pennell 4707 1912-9-25
GH: 00078502 Agalinis pinetorum Pennell USA: Florida North of Saint Marks, moist sandy pine-land F. W. Pennell 4708 1912-9-26
GH: 02034248 Agalinis pinetorum Pennell USA: Georgia e. of Cordele F. W. Pennell 1912-10-4
GH: 02034252 Agalinis plukenetii (Elliott) Rafinesque USA: Georgia Cobb F. W. Pennell 1912-10-3
GH: 00078503 Agalinis pulchella Pennell USA: Florida Ponce de Leon, dry pine-land F. W. Pennell 4658 1912-9-17
GH: 02034257 Agalinis pulchella Pennell USA: Alabama 2 miles northwest of Theodore F. W. Pennell 1912-9-3
GH: 02034261 Agalinis pulchella Pennell USA: Alabama Theodore F. W. Pennell 1912-9-2
GH: 02034262 Agalinis pulchella Pennell USA: Alabama 1 m. n. of Theodore F. W. Pennell 1912-8-30
GH: 02034266 Agalinis pulchella Pennell USA: Florida Milligan F. W. Pennell 1912-9-10
GH: 02034277 Agalinis pulchella Pennell USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., south of Thomasville F. W. Pennell 1912-9-28
GH: 00112657 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: New Jersey Parkdale F. W. Pennell 2692 1910-9-27
GH: 02034297 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Arkansas pineland n. w. of Pine Bluff along S. L.,[l.... F. W. Pennell 1913-10-10
GH: 02034321 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., west of Naylor F. W. Pennell 1912-10-1
GH: 02034324 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Georgia De Soto F. W. Pennell 1912-10-3
GH: 02034424 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Pennsylvania Cedar Barrens F. W. Pennell 2682 1910-9-24
GH: 02034427 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Pennsylvania Tinicum F. W. Pennell 3598 1911-9-18
GH: 02034428 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Pennsylvania Wawa F. W. Pennell 2689 1910-9-25
GH: 02034436 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: South Carolina A.C.L. R.R., Yemassee F. W. Pennell 1912-10-11
GH: 02034458 Agalinis purpurea (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Virginia Arlington F. W. Pennell 2672 1910-9-16
GH: 02034479 Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: New Jersey Atsion F. W. Pennell 14978 1929-10-12
GH: 02034480 Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: New Jersey Atco F. W. Pennell 3628 1911-10-28
GH: 02034481 Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: New Jersey Ancora F. W. Pennell 2695 1910-9-27
GH: 02034483 Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: New Jersey Atco F. W. Pennell 3544 1911-9-2
GH: 02034488 Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: New Jersey Winslow Jnc. [Junction] F. W. Pennell 1662 1908-9-30
GH: 02034497 Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmelin) Rafinesque USA: North Carolina Greenfield to Highland Park F. W. Pennell 4923 1912-10-16
GH: 02034545 Agalinis strictifolia (Bentham) Pennell USA: Texas Austin: [no additional data] F. W. Pennell 5431 1913-9-13
GH: 00078504 Agalinis tenella Pennell USA: Georgia South of Thomasville, along A.C.L.R. railroa... F. W. Pennell 4727 1912-9-28
GH: 02034553 Agalinis tenella Pennell USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., 3-4 miles west of Wayc... F. W. Pennell 1912-10-6
GH: 02034558 Agalinis tenella Pennell USA: Georgia Cordele F. W. Pennell 1912-10-4
GH: 00664099 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Connecticut Sherman: Sherman F. W. Pennell 8578 1916-9-4
GH: 02034574 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Alabama East of Lake Jackson, Florala F. W. Pennell 1912-9-12
GH: 02034583 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Arkansas ridge near-Forrest City F. W. Pennell 20334 1935-9-17
GH: 02034591 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Florida Southeast of Lake Jackson, Paxton F. W. Pennell 1912-9-12
GH: 02034594 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Georgia Horseleg Mountain F. W. Pennell 1912-8-5
GH: 02034598 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Georgia Little Stone Mountain F. W. Pennell 1913-10-15
GH: 02034690 Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque USA: Pennsylvania Seane F. W. Pennell 2681 1910-9-21
GH: 02034773 Agalinis tenuifolia macrophylla (Bentham) S. F. Blake USA: Tennessee [data not captured] F. W. Pennell 5714 1913-10-17
GH: 02034832 Agalinis tenuifolia parviflora (Nuttall) Pennell USA: Nebraska Lincoln County; 5-7 m. n. of North Platte F. W. Pennell 6406 1915-8-18
GH: 02034864 Agalinis tenuifolia polyphylla (Small) Pennell USA: Georgia Lithonia F. W. Pennell 1912-8-2
GH: 02034872 Agalinis viridis Small USA: Texas 1 m. n. of Harrisburg; Along G.H. & H.R.R. F. W. Pennell 5577 1913-9-24
GH: 02034865 Agalinis viridis Small USA: Arkansas pineland n. w. of Pine Bluff along [S. W. 1.... F. W. Pennell 1913-10-10
GH: 02034899 Aureolaria flava (Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Georgia Along A. C. L. R. R., south of Thomasville F. W. Pennell 1912-9-28
GH: 02034897 Aureolaria flava (Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Georgia Stone Mountain F. W. Pennell 1912-8-2
GH: 02034888 Aureolaria flava (Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Arkansas Little Rock F. W. Pennell 1913-10-9
GH: 02034887 Aureolaria flava (Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Arkansas 5 miles East of Lonoke F. W. Pennell 20323 1935-9-17
GH: 02034929 Aureolaria flava (Linnaeus) Farwell USA: Pennsylvania Llewellyn Mills F. W. Pennell 5260 1913-11-1
GH: 00078505 Aureolaria flava macrantha Pennell USA: Missouri Williamsville, on hill west of Black River, ... F. W. Pennell 5331 1913-8-30
GH: 02034966 Aureolaria grandiflora (Bentham) Pennell USA: Arkansas 6 miles East of Big Fork F. W. Pennell 20291 1935-9-16
GH: 02034963 Aureolaria grandiflora (Bentham) Pennell USA: Alabama Hollander's Island. F. W. Pennell 1912-9-3
GH: 02033026 Aureolaria grandiflora (Bentham) Pennell USA: Texas w. of Texarkana; Near T. + P.R.R. (Sherman B... F. W. Pennell 5675 1913-10-7
GH: 00078460 Aureolaria grandiflora cinerea Pennell USA: Missouri Southwest of Neck, dry oak woodland F. W. Pennell 5374 1913-9-5
GH: 00078497 Aureolaria microcarpa Pennell USA: Alabama Mountain north of Stevenson, rocky woods F. W. Pennell 5720 1913-10-17
GH: 00078498 Aureolaria pectinata (Nuttall) Pennell USA: Georgia Lithonia, oak woodland F. W. Pennell 5700 1913-10-15
GH: 00078500 Aureolaria pectinata (Nuttall) Pennell USA: Missouri Between Mountain View and ??? Cave F. W. Pennell 5337 1913-8-31
GH: 00078499 Aureolaria pectinata (Nuttall) Pennell USA: Florida Fort Gadsden, dry sandy pine-land F. W. Pennell 4683 1912-9-20
GH: 02033120 Aureolaria pectinata (Nuttall) Pennell USA: Alabama Spring Hill F. W. Pennell 1912-9-5
GH: 02033147 Aureolaria pectinata (Nuttall) Pennell USA: Georgia 1/2 - 1 mile [w.] of Hooker F. W. Pennell 1913-10-17
GH: 00078498 Aureolaria pectinata eurycarpa Pennell USA: Georgia Lithonia, oak woodland F. W. Pennell 5700 1913-10-15
GH: 00078500 Aureolaria pectinata ozarkensis Pennell USA: Missouri Between Mountain View and ??? Cave F. W. Pennell 5337 1913-8-31
GH: 00078499 Aureolaria pectinata floridana Pennell USA: Florida Fort Gadsden, dry sandy pine-land F. W. Pennell 4683 1912-9-20
GH: 02033254 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: New Jersey Atco F. W. Pennell 3545 1911-9-7
GH: 02033216 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: New Jersey 2 mi. E. of Woodbine F. W. Pennell 14763 1929-8-26
GH: 02033264 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Pennsylvania Aston. below Llewellyn Mills F. W. Pennell 5262 1913-11-1
GH: 02033255 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Pennsylvania Upper Providence, Media F. W. Pennell 5265 1913-11-3
GH: 02033286 Aureolaria pedicularia (Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Virginia West of Pulaski F. W. Pennell 20391 1935-9-19
GH: 02033303 Aureolaria pedicularia carolinensis Pennell USA: North Carolina Greenfield to Highland Park F. W. Pennell 4925 1912-10-16
GH: 00078497 Aureolaria virginica (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Alabama Mountain north of Stevenson, rocky woods F. W. Pennell 5720 1913-10-17
GH: 02033313 Aureolaria virginica (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Georgia Stone Mountain F. W. Pennell 1912-8-2
GH: 02033311 Aureolaria virginica (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Georgia Stone Mountain F. W. Pennell 1913-10-15
GH: 02033330 Aureolaria virginica (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: New Jersey Cape May Court House F. W. Pennell 3986 1912-7-15
GH: 02033361 Aureolaria virginica (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Pennsylvania Westtown F. W. Pennell 11856 1923-8-28
GH: 02033360 Aureolaria virginica (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Pennsylvania Aston. above Llewellyn Mills F. W. Pennell 5259 1913-11-1
GH: 00077949 Bartsia anomala Edwin Peru: Cuzco Cerro de Colquepata, rocky slope on trail fr... F. W. Pennell 14176 1925-5-7
GH: 00077952 Bartsia curtiflora Edwin Peru: Cuzco Ollantaitambo, open rocky slopes, 3000-3100 ... F. W. Pennell 13643 1925-4-26
GH: 00077953 Bartsia elachophylla Diels Peru: Amazonas Cerro de Fraijaco (Huaui-Huni), northeast of... F. W. Pennell 15878 1948-7-7
GH: 00077952 Bartsia fiebrigii Diels Peru: Cuzco Ollantaitambo, open rocky slopes, 3000-3100 ... F. W. Pennell 13643 1925-4-26
GH: 00078002 Bartsia filiformis Weddell Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, mo... F. W. Pennell 13826 1925-5-3
GH: 00077953 Bartsia glabra Edwin Peru: Amazonas Cerro de Fraijaco (Huaui-Huni), northeast of... F. W. Pennell 15878 1948-7-7
GH: 00077955 Bartsia orthocarpiflora villosa Molau Colombia: Risaralda Cerro Tatama, moist grassy paramo, 3400-3700... F. W. Pennell 10577 1922-9-8
GH: 00077956 Bartsia pedicellata Edwin Peru: Cuzco Paucartambo to Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusillu... F. W. Pennell 13815 1925-5-2
GH: 00077957 Bartsia remota Molau Peru: Lima Along Rio Chillon, near Obrajillo, open rock... F. W. Pennell 14326 1925-6-10
GH: 00078001 Bartsia serrata Molau Peru: Arequipa Rocky banks along canyon above Arequipa, 310... F. W. Pennell 14276 1925-5-26
GH: 00077949 Bartsia thiantha Diels Peru: Cuzco Cerro de Colquepata, rocky slope on trail fr... F. W. Pennell 14176 1925-5-7
GH: 00077956 Bartsia trichophylla Weddell Peru: Cuzco Paucartambo to Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusillu... F. W. Pennell 13815 1925-5-2
GH: 00078002 Bartsia viridis Edwin Peru: Cuzco Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, mo... F. W. Pennell 13826 1925-5-3
GH: 02033847 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California 2 miles northwest of San Juan Bautista F. W. Pennell 25384 1940-5-11
GH: 02033881 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California Route 9, West of Saratoga F. W. Pennell 25410 1940-5-14
GH: 02033874 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California Route 5, 13-14 mi. south of San Francisco F. W. Pennell 26030 1940-6-29
GH: 02033908 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California Surf, above beach F. W. Pennell 25336 1940-5-8
GH: 02033911 Castilleja affinis Hooker f. & Arnott USA: California 2-3 miles south of Harriston F. W. Pennell 25340 1940-5-8
GH: 00365415 Castilleja ambigua insalutata (Jepson) T. I. Chuang & Heckard USA: California Pacific Grove: F. W. Pennell 26018 1940-6-28
GH: 00365415 Castilleja ambigua insalutata (Jepson) J. M. Egger USA: California Pacific Grove: F. W. Pennell 26018 1940-6-28
GH: 02033535 Castilleja angustifolia (Nuttall) G. Don USA: Idaho (4700 f. alt.), 2 mi. south of Baker F. W. Pennell 20588 1937-6-27
GH: 02033534 Castilleja angustifolia (Nuttall) G. Don USA: Idaho 5200-5300', 5 miles n.w. of Howe F. W. Pennell 15191 1931-6-20
GH: 02033533 Castilleja angustifolia (Nuttall) G. Don USA: Idaho 10 mi. e. of Arco. Alt. 5000 ft. F. W. Pennell 15189 1931-6-20
GH: 02033532 Castilleja angustifolia (Nuttall) G. Don USA: Idaho 5700-5800', 5 miles n.w. of Howe F. W. Pennell 15193 1931-6-20
GH: 02033531 Castilleja angustifolia (Nuttall) G. Don USA: Idaho along Willow Creek, 6000-6500' n.e. of Dicke... F. W. Pennell 15211 1931-6-21
GH: 02033530 Castilleja angustifolia (Nuttall) G. Don USA: Idaho Along Morgan Creek. 6600' F. W. Pennell 15251 1931-6-23
GH: 02033529 Castilleja angustifolia (Nuttall) G. Don USA: Idaho 5 mi. n.w. of Howe F. W. Pennell 15192 1931-6-20
GH: 02033568 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: California Route 299 12 miles west of Fall River Mills F. W. Pennell 25717 1940-6-7
GH: 02033567 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: California mountain west of Mammoth Lakes F. W. Pennell 26333 1940-7-29
GH: 02033566 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: California Route 89 along Gold Creek, south of Sierravi... F. W. Pennell 25837 1940-6-12
GH: 02033562 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: California Route 36 2-3 miles N. W. of Westwood F. W. Pennell 25785 1940-6-10
GH: 02033579 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: Idaho 7400-7700 f. alt., Smith Mountain, near of B... F. W. Pennell 20804 1937-6-9
GH: 02033577 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: California upper western slope below Cedar Pass. Warner... F. W. Pennell 25741 1940-6-8
GH: 02033574 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: California Route 89 west of Almaor F. W. Pennell 25791 1940-6-10
GH: 02033573 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: California along Rush Creek, n. e. of Adin F. W. Pennell 25731 1940-6-7
GH: 02033570 Castilleja applegatei Fernald USA: California along Feather R., west of Beckwourth F. W. Pennell 25816 1940-6-12
GH: 01877805 Castilleja applegatei pinetorum (Fernald) N. H. Holmgren USA: California route 395 Crestview, 17 miles south of Leevi... F. W. Pennell 25909 1940-6-15
GH: 01876913 Castilleja applegatei pinetorum (Fernald) N. H. Holmgren USA: California Route 89 Bluff Falls, south of Sulphur Works... F. W. Pennell 26241 1940-7-22
GH: 01876914 Castilleja applegatei pinetorum (Fernald) N. H. Holmgren USA: Nevada Route 27. 1-2 miles east of Lake Tahoe F. W. Pennell 26276 1940-7-24
GH: 00056193 Castilleja arachnoidea Greenman USA: Oregon Crater Lake National Park, base of Mount Sco... F. W. Pennell 15577 1931-7-12
GH: 02033994 Castilleja arachnoidea Greenman USA: California northeastern slope, Salmon Mountains, w. of ... F. W. Pennell 26176 1940-7-17
GH: 02033992 Castilleja arachnoidea Greenman USA: California Mount Shasta F. W. Pennell 26195 1940-7-9
GH: 02033828 Castilleja ardifera J. F. Macbride & Payson USA: Idaho 6000 f. alt., 3 mi. n. w. of Ketchum F. W. Pennell 20653 1937-7-1
GH: 02033827 Castilleja ardifera J. F. Macbride & Payson USA: Idaho land near Wood R., 5700-5800 f. alt. F. W. Pennell 20642 1937-7-1
GH: 01880015 Castilleja arvensis Schlechtendal & Chamisso USA: California Route 36 3 mi. northwest of Westwood F. W. Pennell 26249 1940-7-23
GH: 01880014 Castilleja arvensis Schlechtendal & Chamisso USA: California Route 89 east of Almanor F. W. Pennell 25805 1940-6-10
GH: 01880013 Castilleja arvensis Schlechtendal & Chamisso USA: California Route 89 west of Almanor F. W. Pennell 25800 1940-6-10
GH: 01880012 Castilleja arvensis Schlechtendal & Chamisso USA: California slope below Snow Flat, Route 120 W. of Tenay... F. W. Pennell 26377 1940-8-1
GH: 01880010 Castilleja arvensis Schlechtendal & Chamisso USA: California Pine Mountain, s. of Swartout F. W. Pennell 25996 1940-6-24
GH: 01880009 Castilleja arvensis Schlechtendal & Chamisso USA: California Swartout Canyon E. of Swartout (Big Pines) F. W. Pennell 26002 1940-6-24
GH: 01880008 Castilleja arvensis Schlechtendal & Chamisso USA: California Route 395, 5 miles north of Madeline F. W. Pennell 25754 1940-6-9
GH: 01880007 Castilleja arvensis Schlechtendal & Chamisso USA: California above Lake George, Mammoth Lakes F. W. Pennell 26323 1940-7-29
GH: 01876020 Castilleja aspera Eastwood USA: Arizona Sheep Crossing Camp, 6-7 mi. w. of Greer F. W. Pennell 26503 1940-8-31
GH: 01876023 Castilleja aurantiaca Pennell USA: Idaho Cape Horn Pass. 6800-8000'' F. W. Pennell 15303 1931-6-26
GH: 01876022 Castilleja aurantiaca Pennell USA: California Route 120 w. of Tenaya Lake, Yosemite Nation... F. W. Pennell 26381 1940-8-1
GH: 01876034 Castilleja bicolor Pennell USA: California Route 36 Susanville F. W. Pennell 25769 1940-6-9
GH: 01876052 Castilleja breweri Fernald USA: California south of Elizabeth Lake, Yosemite National P... F. W. Pennell 26369 1940-7-31
GH: 01876041 Castilleja buffumii A. Nelson USA: Wyoming Shell Creek, Big Horn Mountains F. W. Pennell 20468 1937-6-16
GH: 01876060 Castilleja californica Abrams USA: California Route 49 5-6 miles south of Pilot Hill F. W. Pennell 25658 1940-6-2
GH: 01876058 Castilleja californica Abrams USA: California Route 6 Mint Canyon F. W. Pennell 25315 1940-5-5
GH: 01876090 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: California Route 395 5 miles south of Ravendale F. W. Pennell 25760 1940-6-9
GH: 01876089 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: California Salisbury Pass, Black Mountains F. W. Pennell 25047 1940-4-9
GH: 01876087 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Arizona Route 64, 18-19 miles west of Cameron F. W. Pennell 21594 1938-6-8
GH: 01876083 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Arizona Route 89, miles west of Houserock F. W. Pennell 21620 1938-6-10
GH: 01876082 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Arizona Route 89, north of Jacobs Lake, on Kaibab Pl... F. W. Pennell 21631 1938-6-10
GH: 01876078 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Arizona Route 89, miles west of Houserock F. W. Pennell 21620 1938-6-10
GH: 01876102 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: California Route 395, 1 mile south of junction, Headwat... F. W. Pennell 25890 1940-6-15
GH: 01876100 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: California Route 395 Hilton Creek F. W. Pennell 25914 1940-6-16
GH: 01876129 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Colorado Mesa Verde National Park F. W. Pennell 21475 1938-5-27
GH: 01876125 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Colorado southeast of Cahone F. W. Pennell 21485 1938-5-28
GH: 01876193 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Utah 3 miles west of Monticello F. W. Pennell 21498 1938-5-29
GH: 01876191 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Utah East Rim truck trail, Zion National Park F. W. Pennell [data not captured] 21647 1938-6-12
GH: 01876221 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Utah West ridge of Spring Hollow F. W. Pennell 13797 1936-6-2
GH: 01876250 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Wyoming 36 miles above Cody, along Shoshone River, w... F. W. Pennell 20480 1937-6-16
GH: 01876247 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Wyoming Oak Spring Canyon; near Laramie F. W. Pennell 15108 1931-6-13
GH: 01876242 Castilleja chromosa A. Nelson USA: Wyoming Oak Spring Canyon; near Laramie F. W. Pennell 15108 1931-6-13
GH: 00056110 Castilleja citrina Pennell USA: Texas Talpa F. W. Pennell 10516 1920-5-20