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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[21772] and year collected:[null]
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GH: 01793946
Acer saccharinum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Nov. Caes [Nova Caesarea] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01928928
Amaranthus cannabinus
(Linnaeus) J. D. Sauer USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01655483
Calla palustris
Linnaeus USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01655501
Calla palustris
Linnaeus USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02068925
Asplenium ruta-muraria
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02188584
Conoclinium coelestinum
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02352623
Erigeron philadelphicus
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02189404
Eupatorium hyssopifolium
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02190022
Eupatorium pilosum
Walter USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02190154
Eupatorium resinosum
Torrey & A. Gray USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02192658
Liatris pilosa
(Aiton) Willdenow USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02213460
Liatris spicata
(Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02168781
Berberis vulgaris
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01997345
Lithospermum virginianum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00948967
Boechera stricta
(Graham) Al-Shehbaz USA: New York Jeff. Co. P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01103283
Draba arabisans
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01103284
Draba arabisans
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01872474
Polanisia dodecandra
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02035464
Triosteum perfoliatum
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00306417
Arenaria carolinana
Walter USA: P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01744677
Honckenya peploides
(Linnaeus) Ehrhart USA: New York Long Island: Long Isl. P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01744678
Honckenya peploides
(Linnaeus) Ehrhart USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01744683
Honckenya peploides
(Linnaeus) Ehrhart USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00306417
Minuartia caroliniana
(Walter) Mattfeld USA: P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01745689
Minuartia groenlandica
(Retzius) Ostenfeld USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01715761
Sagina procumbens
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01753575
Silene stellata
(Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01622558
Stellaria longifolia
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02367176
Bulbostylis capillaris
(Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02367175
Bulbostylis capillaris
(Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02367233
Bulbostylis capillaris
(Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02393831
Carex canescens disjuncta
(Fernald) Toivonen USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 53
GH: 02370563
Carex cephalophora
Muhlenberg USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02369468
Carex chordorrhiza
Ehrhart ex Linnaeus f. USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 32
GH: 00251480
Carex debilis rudgei
L. H. Bailey USA: New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02395323
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02395320
Carex decomposita
Muhlenberg USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02394618
Carex disperma
Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 12
GH: 02391743
Carex echinata
Murray USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00027127
Carex emmonsii elliptica
Boott USA: New York Oriskany: P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00027225
Carex exilis
Dewey USA: New York Manchester: P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02392718
Carex exilis
Dewey USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02392715
Carex exilis
Dewey USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02392709
Carex exilis
Dewey USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00027225
Carex exilis androgyna
Dewey USA: New York Manchester: P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00251480
Carex glabra
Boott USA: New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02391022
Carex interior
L. H. Bailey USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 8
GH: 01772618
Carex intumescens
Rudge USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01773210
Carex lurida
Wahlenberg USA: New York Utica: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 52
GH: 02371088
Carex muehlenbergii
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 65
GH: 02371081
Carex muehlenbergii
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01773649
Carex oligosperma
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01773652
Carex oligosperma
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01773655
Carex oligosperma
Michaux USA: New York Oneida: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01773656
Carex oligosperma
Michaux USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01773658
Carex oligosperma
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01773664
Carex oligosperma
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00027127
Carex peckii
Howe ex Peck USA: New York Oriskany: P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02395655
Carex prairea
Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 37
GH: 01773415
Carex retrorsa
Schweinitz USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01773441
Carex retrorsa
Schweinitz USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02370019
Carex rosea
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 30
GH: 02370018
Carex rosea
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 48
GH: 02369552
Carex sartwellii
Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 56
GH: 02369550
Carex sartwellii
Dewey USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02371595
Carex sparganioides
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 88
GH: 02391413
Carex sterilis
Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 17
GH: 02395997
Carex stipata
Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00027446
Carex striata brevis
L. H. Bailey USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00027445
Carex striata brevis
L. H. Bailey USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02393000
Carex tenuiflora
Wahlenberg USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 14
GH: 02393001
Carex tenuiflora
Wahlenberg USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 14
GH: 02394997
Carex tenuiflora
Wahlenberg USA: New York Oneida: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02394992
Carex tenuiflora
Wahlenberg USA: New York Oneida: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02394810
Carex trisperma
Dewey USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 62
GH: 02395151
Carex vulpinoidea
Michaux USA: New York Oriskany: [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern 64
GH: 00063015
Ceratoschoenus macrophyllus
Tuckerman USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00063016
Ceratoschoenus macrophyllus
Tuckerman USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00063017
Ceratoschoenus macrophyllus
Tuckerman USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00717615
Eleocharis equisetoides
(Elliott) Torrey USA: Rhode Island P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00672074
Eleocharis melanocarpa
Torrey USA: Rhode Island P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01048782
Eleocharis robbinsii
Oakes USA: Rhode Island P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00348343
Eleocharis rostellata
(Torrey) Torrey USA: New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00027928
Rhynchospora knieskernii
Carey USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00027929
Rhynchospora knieskernii
Carey USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267836
Schoenoplectus americanus
(Persoon) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267837
Schoenoplectus americanus
(Persoon) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267838
Schoenoplectus americanus
(Persoon) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267837
Scirpus americanus
Persoon USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267838
Scirpus americanus
Persoon USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267837
Scirpus monophyllus
J. Presl & C. Presl USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267836
Scirpus olneyi
A. Gray USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267837
Scirpus olneyi
A. Gray USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00267838
Scirpus olneyi
A. Gray USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00348343
Scirpus rostellatus
Torrey USA: New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00255199
Scleria nitida
Willdenow USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00255201
Scleria nitida
Willdenow USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00255199
Scleria triglomerata
Michaux USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00255201
Scleria triglomerata
Michaux USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01143671
Drosera filiformis
Rafinesque USA: New Jersey Nov. Caesar. P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01117246
Andromeda polifolia latifolia
Aiton USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01536473
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01536479
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: New Jersey Roine P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01537963
Chamaedaphne calyculata
(Linnaeus) Moench USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01594580
Kalmia polifolia
Wangenheim USA: New York Mt. Marcy P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01594581
Kalmia polifolia
Wangenheim USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01594634
Leiophyllum buxifolium
(Bergius) Elliott USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01595110
USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01684760
Pyrola asarifolia
Michaux USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02067099
Apios americana
Medikus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01961619
Desmodium marilandicum
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02167862
Gentianella quinquefolia
(Linnaeus) Small USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01863561
Erodium cicutarium
(Linnaeus) L'Heritier USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01863562
Erodium cicutarium
(Linnaeus) L'Heritier USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01864144
Geranium carolinianum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01864151
Geranium carolinianum
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [no additinal data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01864734
Geranium molle
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01864920
Geranium pusillum
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01866251
Geranium robertianum
Linnaeus USA: New York New York[?] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00306359
Ascyrum stans
Michaux USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00306359
Hypericum crux-andreae
(Linnaeus) Crantz USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01747578
Iris ochroleuca
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01747579
Iris ochroleuca
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01749006
Sisyrinchium atlanticum
E. P. Bicknell USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02099258
Juncus balticus
Willdenow USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02099964
Juncus brachycarpus
Engelmann USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02100678
Juncus bufonius
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02401429
Juncus filiformis
Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02400060
Juncus marginatus
Rostkovius USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02400059
Juncus marginatus
Rostkovius USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02400716
Juncus militaris
Bigelow USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02400709
Juncus militaris
Bigelow USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02399265
Juncus paradoxus
E. Meyer USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02399511
Juncus pelocarpus
E. Meyer USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02399709
Juncus polycephalos
Michaux USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02397036
Juncus tenuis
Willdenow USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02396676
Luzula campestris
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02396675
Luzula campestris
(Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02366973
Luzula sp.
USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01181162
Floerkea proserpinacoides
Willdenow USA: New York Oriskany P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01779139
Ludwigia alternifolia
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 02031346
Arethusa bulbosa
Linnaeus USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02031832
Calopogon tuberosus
(Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02028146
Goodyera pubescens
(Willdenow) R. Brown USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02051722
Isotria verticillata
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Rafinesque USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02066899
Platanthera clavellata
(Michaux) Luer USA: New Jersey [illegible] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02066931
Platanthera clavellata
(Michaux) Luer USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02063078
Platanthera cristata
(Michaux) Lindley USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02045165
Platanthera flava herbiola
(R. Brown) Luer USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02031073
Pogonia ophioglossoides
(Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
AMES: 02032577
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
Chamisso USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01876438
Castilleja coccinea
(Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01738406
Corydalis aurea
Willdenow USA: New York Jefferson Co. P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01803351
Plantago maritima juncoides
(Lamarck) Hultén USA: New Jersey [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01805836
Veronica officinalis
Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01918091
Limonium carolinianum
(Walter) Britton USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00351912
Calamagrostis brevipilis
(Torrey) L. C. Beck USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00351918
Calamagrostis brevipilis
(Torrey) L. C. Beck USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00351912
Calamovilfa brevipilis
(Torrey) Scribner USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 00351918
Calamovilfa brevipilis
(Torrey) Scribner USA: New Jersey P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01969680
Polygala paucifolia
Willdenow USA: New York N. York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01969802
Polygala polygama
Walter USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01968398
Polygala senega
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01919134
Heteranthera dubia
MacMillan USA: New York New York City: [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01920557
Lysimachia arvensis
(Linnaeus) U. Manns & Anderberg USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01710476
Cimicifuga racemosa
(Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01663820
Ranunculus fascicularis
Muhlenberg ex Bigelow USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01837873
Ranunculus rhomboideus
Goldie USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01727830
Amelanchier canadensis
(Linnaeus) Medikus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01758115
Crataegus calpodendron
(Ehrhart) Medikus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01611119
Crataegus crus-galli
Linnaeus USA: New Jersey [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01590906
Physocarpus opulifolius
(Linnaeus) Maximowicz USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01566522
Potentilla anserina
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01566868
Potentilla argentea
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01723181
Prunus pensylvanica
Linnaeus f. USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01723182
Prunus pensylvanica
Linnaeus f. USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01704437
Sanguisorba canadensis
Linnaeus USA: New York Oneida: Oneida P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01704438
Sanguisorba canadensis
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01862681
Sorbus americana
Marshall USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01616294
Mitella nuda
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01616296
Mitella nuda
Linnaeus USA: New York [no additional data] P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01616848
Saxifraga aizoides
Linnaeus USA: New York Auriesville P. D. Knieskern
GH: 01631650
Tiarella cordifolia
Linnaeus USA: New York New York P. D. Knieskern