Asteraceae GH: 00549663 Kingianthus paniculatus (Turczaninow) H. Robinson Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Crescit prope Quito ad ripas fluvii M... W. Jameson (of Quito) 162 1856-1-21
GH: 00549663 Monactis sp. Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Crescit prope Quito ad ripas fluvii M... W. Jameson (of Quito) 162 1856-1-21
GH: 00549663 Monactis subdeltoidea B. L. Robinson Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Crescit prope Quito ad ripas fluvii M... W. Jameson (of Quito) 162 1856-1-21
GH: 00549663 Zaluzania sodiroi Hieronymus Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Crescit prope Quito ad ripas fluvii M... W. Jameson (of Quito) 162 1856-1-21
GH: 00549663 [None] Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Crescit prope Quito ad ripas fluvii M... W. Jameson (of Quito) 162 1856-1-21
GH: [None] Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Crescit prope Quito ad ripas fluvii M... W. Jameson (of Quito) 162 1856-1-21
Bryaceae FH: 00301560 Brachymenium speciosum (Hooker f. & Wilson) Steere Ecuador: Pichincha On Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1846-11
Elaphoglossaceae GH: 02222278 Elaphoglossum ovatum (Hook. & Grev.) T. Moore Ecuador: Andium Quitensium W. Jameson (of Quito) 458 1856-1-21
Entodontaceae FH: 00301229 Entodon jamesonii (Taylor) Mitten Ecuador: Pichincha on Pichincha, near Quito W. Jameson (of Quito) 1 1845
FH: 00301229 Entodon jamesonii (Taylor) Mitten Ecuador: Pichincha on Pichincha, near Quito W. Jameson (of Quito) 2 1846-11
Frullaniaceae FH: 00783492 Frullania cuencencis Taylor : Earth: Cuenca [a modern annotaion states "Pe... W. Jameson (of Quito)
FH: 00783492 Frullania trinervis (Lehmann) Drège : Earth: Cuenca [a modern annotaion states "Pe... W. Jameson (of Quito)
Geraniaceae GH: 00338016 Geranium diffusum Kunth Ecuador: Crescit ut regione aequia montes Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 142 1856-1-21
GH: 00338016 Geranium quinquelobum Weddell Ecuador: Crescit ut regione aequia montes Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 142 1856-1-21
GH: 00338016 Geranium sp. Ecuador: Crescit ut regione aequia montes Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 142 1856-1-21
Jungermanniaceae FH: 00301988 Jungermannia juniperoidea Swartz Peru: Peru W. Jameson (of Quito)
Lepicoleaceae FH: 00301988 Sendtnera runcinata Taylor Peru: Peru W. Jameson (of Quito)
Leucodontaceae FH: 00301229 Pterogonium jamesonii Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha on Pichincha, near Quito W. Jameson (of Quito) 1 1845
FH: 00301229 Pterogonium jamesonii Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha on Pichincha, near Quito W. Jameson (of Quito) 2 1846-11
Metzgeriaceae FH: 01146768 Metzgeria algoides Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1847-8-8
Orchidaceae GH: 00556703 Lepanthes gargantua H. G. Reichenbach Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito)
GH: 01089068 Lepanthes gargantua H. G. Reichenbach Ecuador: Crest of Valle Lloensi W. Jameson (of Quito) 429 1856-1-21
GH: 00556846 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Ecuador: In Valle Loensi W. Jameson (of Quito) 519 1856-1-21
AMES: 00082939 Masdevallia tridens H. G. Reichenbach Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) sn
GH: 00102527 Oncidium pentadactylon Lindley Ecuador: Quito W. Jameson (of Quito)
GH: 00083110 Oncidium pentadactylon Lindley Ecuador: Quito W. Jameson (of Quito)
AMES: 00083284 Pleurothallis caulescens Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00074353 Pleurothallis incurva Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: W. Jameson (of Quito) 106
AMES: 00083361 Pleurothallis incurva Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: W. Jameson (of Quito) 106
AMES: 00083363 Pleurothallis incurva Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: W. Jameson (of Quito) 106
AMES: 00083545 Ponthieva sylvicola H. G. Reichenbach Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00083562 Pseudocentrum macrostachyum Lindley Peru: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00083906 Sphyrastylis ecuadorensis Garay Ecuador: Napo Pastaza, banks of the Cosanga River W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n. 1857
AMES: 00084040 Stelis alismifolia Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084050 Stelis apiculata Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) 712
AMES: 00084051 Stelis apiculata Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: W. Jameson (of Quito) 712
AMES: 00084073 Stelis biserrula Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084124 Stelis columnaris Lindley : W. Jameson (of Quito) 44
AMES: 00084123 Stelis columnaris Lindley Ecuador: In valley Lloensi W. Jameson (of Quito) 93 1856-1-21
AMES: 00287738 Stelis columnaris Lindley Ecuador: In valley Lloensi W. Jameson (of Quito) 93 1856-1-21
AMES: 00084154 Stelis depauperata Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084155 Stelis depauperata Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084213 Stelis gladiata Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084224 Stelis graminea Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084239 Stelis hirta Lindley : W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084259 Stelis lanata Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084321 Stelis nana Lindley Peru: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084334 Stelis oblongifolia Lindley Ecuador: Near Cuenca W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n. 1864-7
AMES: 00287752 Stelis oblongifolia Lindley Ecuador: Near Cuenca W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n. 1864-7
AMES: 00084379 Stelis polyclada Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084386 Stelis pugiunculi Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084051 Stelis pusilla Kunth Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: W. Jameson (of Quito) 712
AMES: 00084379 Stelis pusilla Kunth Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00104997 Stelis striolata Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084434 Stelis striolata Lindley Ecuador: W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
AMES: 00084464 Stelis tridentata Lindley Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) s.n.
Parmeliaceae FH: 00377466 Usnea flexuosa Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: [no additional data] W. Jameson (of Quito)
Piperaceae GH: 01981960 Peperomia blanda (Jacquin) Kunth Ecuador: Andes of Quito W. Jameson (of Quito) 759
GH: 01982173 Peperomia galioides Kunth Ecuador: Andes of Quito W. Jameson (of Quito) 814
GH: 01982174 Peperomia galioides Kunth Ecuador: Andes of Quito W. Jameson (of Quito) 814
GH: 01982174 Peperomia microphylla Kunth Ecuador: Andes of Quito W. Jameson (of Quito) 814
GH: 01982855 Peperomia trinervula roraimana (C. de Candolle) Trelease & Yuncker : South America: Mountain of [illegible] W. Jameson (of Quito)
Pottiaceae FH: 00301197 Barbula inaequalifolia Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Ramies near Quito W. Jameson (of Quito)
FH: 00301216 Barbula inaequalifolia Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha on Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1843-3-1
FH: 00301216 Bryoerythrophyllum inaequalifolium (Taylor) R. H. Zander Ecuador: Pichincha on Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1843-3-1
FH: 00301197 Bryoerythrophyllum sharpii R. H. Zander Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Ramies near Quito W. Jameson (of Quito)
FH: 00301197 Gyroweisia obtusifolia Brotherus Ecuador: Pichincha Quito: Ramies near Quito W. Jameson (of Quito)
FH: 00301192 Syntrichia fragilis (Taylor) Ochyra Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1846-11
FH: 00301216 Tortula inaequalifolia (Taylor) Wilson Ecuador: Pichincha on Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1843-3-1
FH: 00301192 Tortula pichinchensis Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1846-11
FH: 00301560 Weissia jamesonii Taylor Ecuador: Pichincha On Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1846-11
Radulaceae FH: 00783497 Radula pallens (Swartz) Nees ex Montagne Ecuador: Cayambe W. Jameson (of Quito) 1827-10-20
FH: 00783497 Radula pallens (Swartz) Nees ex Montagne Ecuador: Pinchincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1847-2-3
FH: 00783497 Radula ramulina Taylor Ecuador: Cayambe W. Jameson (of Quito) 1827-10-20
FH: 00783497 Radula ramulina Taylor Ecuador: Pinchincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1847-2-3
FH: 00965759 Radula sp. Ecuador: Pichincha [no additional data] W. Jameson (of Quito) 1846-11
FH: 00965759 Radula subinflata Lindenberg & Gottsche Ecuador: Pichincha [no additional data] W. Jameson (of Quito) 1846-11
FH: 00783497 Radula voluta Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Ecuador: Cayambe W. Jameson (of Quito) 1827-10-20
FH: 00783497 Radula voluta Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees Ecuador: Pinchincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1847-2-3
Ranunculaceae GH: 02411302 Ranunculus dichotomus Moc. & Sessé ex de Candolle Ecuador: Imbabura Crescit in pascuis humidis prope Ibarra W. Jameson (of Quito) 387 1856-1-21
GH: 02411302 Ranunculus palimbifolius Weddell Ecuador: Imbabura Crescit in pascuis humidis prope Ibarra W. Jameson (of Quito) 387 1856-1-21
Rosaceae GH: 00914041 Acaena ochreata Weddell Ecuador: Pichincha Locus natalis, cum altit. s.m. occidentali m... W. Jameson (of Quito) 73 1856-1-21
GH: 00914041 Polylepis ochreata (Weddell) Bitter Ecuador: Pichincha Locus natalis, cum altit. s.m. occidentali m... W. Jameson (of Quito) 73 1856-1-21
GH: 00914041 Polylepis sericea Weddell Ecuador: Pichincha Locus natalis, cum altit. s.m. occidentali m... W. Jameson (of Quito) 73 1856-1-21
GH: 00914041 Polylepis sp. Ecuador: Pichincha Locus natalis, cum altit. s.m. occidentali m... W. Jameson (of Quito) 73 1856-1-21
Splachnaceae FH: 00301560 Tayloria pichinchensis Müller Halle Ecuador: Pichincha On Pichincha W. Jameson (of Quito) 1846-11