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Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[24356]
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GH: 00249360
Beloperone diclipteroides
Nees Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00039648
Rollinia emarginata
Schlechtendal Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00075428
Bowlesia incana
Ruiz & Pavon Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00075428
Bowlesia tenera
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00444834
Ilex amara microphylla
Loesener Brazil: torle Rasa[?] F. Sellow 383
A: 00368546
Ilex amara densiserrata
Loesener Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow 327
A: 00444817
Ilex paraguariensis angustifolia
Reissek Brazil: meridionali pluribus locis F. Sellow
A: 00518591
Ilex pseudothea
Reissek Brazil: F. Sellow 926
A: 00444822
Ilex vestita
Reissek Brazil: in prov. S. Pauli F. Sellow
GH: 00076670
Cynanchum montevidense
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 578
GH: 00231209
Ditassa tomentosa
(Decaisne) Fontella Brazil: F. Sellow 5699
GH: 00231209
Metastelma warmingii
E. Fournier Brazil: F. Sellow 5699
GH: 00076624
Orthosia multiflora
E. Fournier Brazil: F. Sellow 3781
GH: 00267365
Orthosia urceolata
E. Fournier Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow 170
GH: 00076670
Roulinia selloana
E. Fournier Brazil: F. Sellow 578
GH: 00076853
Tassadia obovata
Decaisne Brazil: F. Sellow 40
GH: 00076853
Tassadia selloana
E. Fournier Brazil: F. Sellow 40
GH: 00097917
Asteropsis macrocephala
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00097918
Asteropsis macrocephala
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00247118
Linnaeus Brazil: Prov. Rio Grande F. Sellow s. n.
GH: 00247119
Linnaeus Brazil: Prov. Rio Grande F. Sellow 2106
GH: 00247120
Linnaeus Uruguay: F. Sellow 397
GH: 00261205
Baccharis aliena
(Sprengel) Joch. Müller Brazil: F. Sellow 420
GH: 00261223
Baccharis aliena
(Sprengel) Joch. Müller Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00003908
Baccharis arenaria
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00247133
Baccharis axillaris dentata
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00003916
Baccharis bahiensis
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 554
GH: 00261230
Baccharis caprariaefolia
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00247120
Baccharis crispa
Sprengel Uruguay: F. Sellow 397
GH: 00247118
Baccharis dracunculifolia
de Candolle Brazil: Prov. Rio Grande F. Sellow s. n.
GH: 00247120
Baccharis genistelloides crispa
(Sprengel) Joch. Müller Uruguay: F. Sellow 397
GH: 00247128
Baccharis genistifolia
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 117
GH: 00247129
Baccharis genistifolia
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 117
GH: 00247130
Baccharis gnaphalioides
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 585
GH: 00247131
Baccharis gnaphalioides
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 585
GH: 00247134
Baccharis helichrysoides
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00247136
Baccharis hypericifolia
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 1838
GH: 00247133
Baccharis incisa dentata
(de Candolle) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00003948
Baccharis lateralis
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 4216
GH: 00261228
Baccharis megapotamica
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00261691
Baccharis megapotamica
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00247157
Baccharis microcephala
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00247161
Baccharis microcephala
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 195
GH: 00003958
Baccharis micropoda
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 813
GH: 00247162
Baccharis microthamna
Schultz Bipontinus Brazil: F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00261207
Baccharis minutiflora
Martius ex Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 1310
GH: 00247163
Baccharis minutiflora
Martius ex Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 1310
GH: 00247151
Baccharis ochracea
Sprengel Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00003969
Baccharis patens
Baker Brazil: Montevideo F. Sellow 463
GH: 00247147
Baccharis platensis
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 573
GH: 00247119
Baccharis punctulata
de Candolle Brazil: Prov. Rio Grande F. Sellow 2106
GH: 00247152
Baccharis rotundifolia
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 554
GH: 00247154
Baccharis rotundifolia
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 554
GH: 00003989
Baccharis sebastianopolitana
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 586
GH: 00003990
Baccharis sebastianopolitana
Baker Brazil: Montevideo F. Sellow 586d
GH: 00003991
Baccharis selloi
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 4964
GH: 00003992
Baccharis selloi
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 4964
GH: 00247152
Baccharis sessiliflora
Vahl Brazil: F. Sellow 554
GH: 00247154
Baccharis sessiliflora
Vahl Brazil: F. Sellow 554
GH: 00247147
Baccharis spicata
Hieronymus Brazil: F. Sellow 573
GH: 00004002
Baccharis squarrosa
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 2808
GH: 00012591
Baccharis tomentosa
Thunberg Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00012593
Baccharis tomentosa
Thunberg Brazil: F. Sellow 5077
GH: 00012592
Baccharis tomentosa
Thunberg Brazil: F. Sellow 5077
GH: 00257758
Baccharis tomentosa
Thunberg Brazil: F. Sellow 1859
GH: 00261232
Baccharis uncinella
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 4231
GH: 00004021
Baccharis vincifolia
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 3173
GH: 00004023
Baccharis weirii
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 3894
GH: 00004024
Baccharis weirii
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 2961
GH: 00589151
Calea uniflora
Lessing Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow 3324
GH: 00004614
Carelia cistifolia
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 3091
GH: 00273182
Chresta sphaerocephala
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 882
GH: 00273184
Chresta sphaerocephala
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 882
GH: 00007596
Chromolaena cinereo-viridis
(Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker) R. M. King & H. Robinson Brazil: Victoria F. Sellow 1819
GH: 00008148
Chuquiraga brasiliensis
(Sprengel) Kuntze Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00006356
Chuquiraga spinescens
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 842
GH: 00004854
Chuquiraga spinescens
Baker Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow 842
GH: 00008149
Chuquiraga tomentosa lanceolata
(Lessing) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00006106
Conyza capitata
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 201
GH: 00007703
Dasycondylus hirsutissimus
(Baker) King & H. Robinson Brazil: F. Sellow 58
GH: 00006356
Dasyphyllum spinescens
(Lessing) Cabrera Brazil: F. Sellow 842
GH: 00254921
Disynaphia calyculata
(Hooker & Arnott) King & H. Robinson Brazil: F. Sellow 641
GH: 00006106
Eremanthus capitatus
(Sprengel) MacLeish Brazil: F. Sellow 201
GH: 00273136
Eremanthus erythropappus
(de Candolle) MacLeish Brazil: F. Sellow 870
GH: 00273182
Eremanthus sphaerocephalus
(de Candolle) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 882
GH: 00273184
Eremanthus sphaerocephalus
(de Candolle) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 882
GH: 00010719
Ethulia involucrata
Nees & Martius Brazil: F. Sellow 969
GH: 00007528
Eupatorium angustissimum
Sprengel ex Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 761
GH: 00257089
Eupatorium angustissimum
Sprengel ex Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 761
GH: 00254921
Eupatorium calyculatum
Hooker & Arnott Brazil: F. Sellow 641
GH: 00257165
Eupatorium campestre
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 852
GH: 00007596
Eupatorium cinereo-viride
Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker Brazil: Victoria F. Sellow 1819
GH: 00007610
Eupatorium conyzoides foliatum
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 2581
GH: 00257069
Eupatorium conyzoides foliatum
Baker Brazil: Southern Brazil F. Sellow 2581
GH: 00007610
Eupatorium foliatum
(Schultz Bipontinus) Hieronymus Brazil: F. Sellow 2581
GH: 00257069
Eupatorium foliatum
(Schultz Bipontinus) Hieronymus Brazil: Southern Brazil F. Sellow 2581
GH: 00007703
Eupatorium hirsutissimum
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 58
GH: 00244069
Eupatorium oblongifolium
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow D615
GH: 00244070
Eupatorium oblongifolium
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 11075
GH: 00244074
Eupatorium oblongifolium
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 1107
GH: 00257165
Eupatorium taunayanum
Glaziou ex B. L. Robinson Brazil: F. Sellow 852
GH: 00263813
Eupatorium trichobasis
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 4628
GH: 00008148
Flotovia glabra
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00008149
Flotovia lanceolata
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00012591
Gochnatia polymorpha
(Lessing) Cabrera Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00263813
Gyptidium trichobasis
(Baker) King & H. Robinson Brazil: F. Sellow 4628
GH: 00261205
Heterothalamus brunioides
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 420
GH: 00261223
Heterothalamus brunioides
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00009004
Heterothalamus brunioides
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 420
GH: 00139882
Isostigma peucedanifolium
(Sprengel) Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 3327
GH: 00139899
Isostigma peucedanifolium
(Sprengel) Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00008148
Joannea brasiliensis
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00247130
Lucilia acutifolia
(Poiret) Cassini Brazil: F. Sellow 585
GH: 00009909
Lychnophora microphylla
Schultz Bipontinus Brazil: F. Sellow 796
GH: 00009909
Lychnophora staavioides
Martius Brazil: F. Sellow 796
GH: 00261205
Marshallia aliena
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 420
GH: 00261223
Marshallia aliena
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00010320
Mikania glomerata
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 728
GH: 00010465
Mikania selloi
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 725
GH: 00010503
Mikania verticillata
Schultz Bipontinus Brazil: F. Sellow 3474
GH: 00247157
Molina microcephala
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00247161
Molina microcephala
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 195
GH: 00012591
Moquinia polymorpha
(Lessing) de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00012593
Moquinia polymorpha
(Lessing) de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 5077
GH: 00012592
Moquinia polymorpha
(Lessing) de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 5077
GH: 00257758
Moquinia polymorpha
(Lessing) de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 1859
GH: 00010719
Oiospermum involucratum
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 969
GH: 00013658
Piptocarpha axillaris
(Lessing) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 105
GH: 00013716
Piptocarpha leprosa
(Lessing) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013730
Piptocarpha notata
(Lessing) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013777
Piptocarpha ramiflora
(Sprengel) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013776
Piptocarpha ramiflora
(Sprengel) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 868
GH: 00013752
Piptocarpha rotundifolia
(Lessing) Baker Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013776
Piptocarpha umbellulata
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 868
GH: 00004614
Radlkoferotoma cistifolium
Kuntze Brazil: F. Sellow 3091
GH: 00012141
Senecio homogynoides
Klatt Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00254921
Stevia calycina
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow 641
GH: 00244069
Stomatanthes oblongifolius
(Sprengel) H. Robinson Brazil: F. Sellow D615
GH: 00244070
Stomatanthes oblongifolius
(Sprengel) H. Robinson Brazil: F. Sellow 11075
GH: 00244074
Stomatanthes oblongifolius
(Sprengel) H. Robinson Brazil: F. Sellow 1107
GH: 00012942
Symphyopappus polystachyus
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00006106
Vanillosmopsis capitata
(Sprengel) Schultz Bipontinus Brazil: F. Sellow 201
GH: 00013658
Vernonia axillaris
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 105
GH: 00013664
Vernonia bardanoides
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 5114
GH: 00013688
Vernonia echioides
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 121
GH: 00013694
Vernonia glabrata
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 72
GH: 00013704
Vernonia ignobilis
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013716
Vernonia leprosa
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013717
Vernonia linearis
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013720
Vernonia macrocephala
Lessing Brazil: Montevideo F. Sellow 1761
GH: 00013725
Vernonia megapotamica
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013730
Vernonia notata
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013752
Vernonia rotundifolia
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013761
Vernonia simplex
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 336
GH: 00013777
Vernonia umbellulata
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00013776
Vernonia umbellulata
Lessing Brazil: F. Sellow 868
GH: 00014029
Viguiera pilosa
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 1028
GH: 00032784
Anchusa cruciata
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00032786
Anchusa stoechadifolia
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00032785
Anchusa stoechadifolia
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00032784
Antiphytum cruciatum
(Chamisso) de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00032785
Antiphytum stoechadifolium
(Chamisso) de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00032786
Antiphytum stoechadifolium
(Chamisso) de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00095084
Cordia acutifolia
Fresenius Brazil: F. Sellow 744
GH: 00095087
Cordia anabaptista
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00057561
Cordia discolor
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow 47
GH: 00095769
Cordia latifolia
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 01117823
Cordia sessilifolia
Chamisso Brazil: Minas Gerais Quastel de S. Antonio F. Sellow B1562, c.655 1818
GH: 00095901
Cordia urticifolia
Chamisso Brazil: Brazil trop. F. Sellow 397
GH: 00097627
Heliotropium humistratum
Chamisso Brazil: Minas Gerais Faz. de Piedade F. Sellow 1578 1818
GH: 00097724
Heliotropium ocellatum
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow 3579
GH: 00097744
Heliotropium salicoides
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow 5436
GH: 00096921
Tournefortia chamissoniana
Vaupel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00096927
Tournefortia elegans
Chamisso Brazil: Merid. F. Sellow
GH: 00096180
Tournefortia pyrrhotricha
Fresenius Brazil: Vittoria-Bahia F. Sellow
GH: 00112599
Hohenbergia sellowiana
Mez Brazil: F. Sellow 67
GH: 02015285
Prionophyllum selloum
K. Koch Uruguay: [Handortsangabe?] F. Sellow 3339
GH: 02015284
Prionophyllum selloum
K. Koch Uruguay: [Handortsangabe?] F. Sellow 3339
GH: 02015283
Prionophyllum selloum
K. Koch Uruguay: [Handortsangabe?] F. Sellow 3339
GH: 02548582
Tillandsia linearis
Vellozo Brazil: Paraná Staat Paraná bei Cúritiba F. Sellow 4686
GH: 00053289
Cassia cathartica
Martius Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00053289
Cassia pachycalyx
Vogel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00053289
Chamaecrista cathartica
(Martius) Irwin & Barneby Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00139617
Cladotrichium rubicundum
Vogel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00139617
Pomaria rubicunda rubicunda
Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00031804
Anguria laciniosa
Schlechtendal Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow 4307
GH: 00031804
Apodanthera laciniosa
(Schlechtendal) Cogniaux Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow 4307
GH: 00031840
Cucurbitella duriaei
Cogniaux Brazil: F. Sellow 896
GH: 00031977
Wilbrandia linearis
Cogniaux Brazil: F. Sellow 3586
GH: 00031978
Wilbrandia verticillata
Cogniaux Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00031979
Wilbrandia villosa
Cogniaux Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00589298
Cyperus brasiliensis
(Kunth) Bauters Brazil: Brasil F. Sellow
GH: 00027977
Dichromena robusta
Kunth Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00027789
Eleocharis capillacea
Kunth Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00589298
Platylepis brasiliensis
Kunth Brazil: Brasil F. Sellow
GH: 00027977
Rhynchospora robusta
(Kunth) Boeckeler Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00027978
Rhynchospora sellowiana
Kunth Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00042716
Escallonia sellowiana
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00042717
Escallonia sellowiana spiraeifolia
de Candolle Brazil: F. Sellow d 1430
GH: 00046367
Anisophyllum selloi
Klotzsch & Garcke Brazil: F. Sellow 40
GH: 00046367
Chamaesyce selloi
(Klotzsch ex Boissier) Croizat Brazil: F. Sellow 40
GH: 00257965
Codonocalyx polymorphus
Klotzsch Brazil: F. Sellow 232
A: 00257875
Croton adenopetalus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: Minas Gerais Serra de Galena F. Sellow 2118
GH: 00257876
Croton adenopetalus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: Minas Gerais Serra de Galena F. Sellow 2118
GH: 00277233
Croton angularis
Klotzsch ex Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow 585
A: 00257886
Croton astrogynus
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow 3073
A: 00257905
Croton chloroleucus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow 18576
A: 00277222
Croton claussenianus hirsutus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00257965
Croton codonocalyx
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow 232
A: 00257886
Croton crassirameus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow 3073
A: 00257916
Croton dichrous
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00257918
Croton draconoides
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00257919
Croton draconoides
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00257920
Croton draconoides
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: Iter ad Bahia F. Sellow
A: 00277302
Croton heteroneurus
Müller Arg. Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00277302
Croton hilarii
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00047332
Croton lanuginosus
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow 236
A: 00047333
Croton lanuginosus
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow 236
A: 00257951
Croton leptophyllus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow 866
A: 00047332
Croton malacophyllus
Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow 236
A: 00257962
Croton myrianthus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00257965
Croton nitrariifolius
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow 232
A: 00047368
Croton oliganthus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: Inter Victoriam et Bahiam F. Sellow 1243
A: 00047413
Croton sapiifolius
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00047416
Croton selloi
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00047415
Croton selloi
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow 1088
A: 00277365
Croton serratoideus
Radcliffe-Smith & Govaerts Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00277365
Croton serratus dichotomus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00257908
Croton siderophyllus
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00277222
Croton siderophyllus
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00257908
Croton siderophyllus hirsutus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00277222
Croton siderophyllus hirsutus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00257875
Croton sp.
Brazil: Minas Gerais Serra de Galena F. Sellow 2118
GH: 00257876
Croton sp.
Brazil: Minas Gerais Serra de Galena F. Sellow 2118
A: 00277230
Croton stenotrichus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow 2571
A: 00277236
Croton trichophorus
Müller Argoviensis Brazil: F. Sellow 2110
GH: 00277233
Croton urceolatus
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow 585
A: 00047458
Croton velleriflorus
Baillon Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00277236
Croton vestitus
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow 2110
GH: 00046367
Euphorbia selloi
(Klotzsch & Garcke) Boissier Brazil: F. Sellow 40
A: 00112622
Acosmium dasycarpum
(Vogel) Yakovlev Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00058462
Aeschynomene montevidensis
Vogel Brazil: [Montevideo] F. Sellow
A: 00112622
Leptolobium dasycarpum
Vogel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00026783
Stylosanthes montevidensis
Vogel Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow
GH: 00063554
Sweetia fruticosa
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00063555
Sweetia subelegans
Mohlenbrock Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00030803
Lacistema intermedium
Schnizlein Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00030803
Lacistema polystachyum
Schnizlein Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00057113
Hyptis althaeifolia
Pohl ex Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00001268
Hyptis selloi
Bentham Brazil: Serro do Capivary F. Sellow 1474
GH: 00057113
Hyptis vestita
Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00001391
Ocimum carnosum
Link & Otto ex Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow 3434
GH: 00001811
Salvia asperifolia
Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow 1010?
GH: 00001835
Salvia lachnostachys
Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00001848
Salvia rigida
Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00055370
Salvia sellowiana
Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow s. n.
GH: 00068441
Cuphea flava pseudobrachiata
Koehne Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00068442
Cuphea flava pseudobrachiata
Koehne Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00247540
Cuphea spermacoce
A. St.-Hilaire Brazil: F. Sellow 2046
GH: 00247541
Cuphea spermacoce
A. St.-Hilaire Brazil: F. Sellow 2046
GH: 00247542
Cuphea spermacoce
A. St.-Hilaire Brazil: F. Sellow 1837
GH: 00019949
Pavonia montana
Gürke ex Gürke Brazil: Minas Gerais F. Sellow
GH: 00338667
Leandra pulchra
Cogniaux Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow
GH: 00073008
Mouriri chamissoana
Cogniaux Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00073009
Mouriri chamissoana
Cogniaux Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00058289
Acacia incana
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00064742
Mimosa furfuracea
Bentham Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul F. Sellow 5339
GH: 00058289
Mimosa incana
(Sprengel) Bentham Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00046552
Citrosma brasiliensis
Sprengel Brazil: Rio de Janeiro F. Sellow
GH: 00046561
Citrosma cujabana
Martius ex Tulasne Brazil: Minas Gerais F. Sellow 2135
GH: 00046560
Citrosma cujabana
Martius ex Tulasne Brazil: Minas Gerais F. Sellow 958
GH: 00039997
Citrosma glabra
Sprengel Brazil: Rio de Janeiro F. Sellow L.485-B.580
GH: 00046548
Citrosma ruficeps
Tulasne Brazil: Rio de Janeiro F. Sellow
GH: 00041029
Citrosma schottiana
Sprengel Brazil: Southern Brazil F. Sellow 4019
GH: 00041030
Citrosma selloi
Sprengel Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00404837
Citrosma selloi
Sprengel Brazil: Bahia Nazareth F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00041033
Citrosma triflora
Sprengel Brazil: Rio de Janeiro F. Sellow n.L. 484
GH: 00039965
Macropeplus ligustrinus rhomboideae
Perkins Brazil: F. Sellow 1037
GH: 00039976
Mollinedia aphanantha
Perkins Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00039982
Mollinedia chrysophylla
Perkins Brazil: São Paulo F. Sellow 323
GH: 00039985
Mollinedia clavigera
Tulasne Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00039989
Mollinedia elegans
Tulasne Brazil: F. Sellow 4786
GH: 00039997
Mollinedia glabra
(Sprengel) Perkins Brazil: Rio de Janeiro F. Sellow L.485-B.580
GH: 00041004
Mollinedia iomalla
Perkins Brazil: São Paulo F. Sellow 189
GH: 00041009
Mollinedia longifolia
Tulasne Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00041017
Mollinedia oligotricha
Perkins Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00041029
Mollinedia schottiana
(Sprengel) Perkins Brazil: Southern Brazil F. Sellow 4019
GH: 00404837
Mollinedia selloi
(Sprengel) A. de Candolle Brazil: Bahia Nazareth F. Sellow s.n.
GH: 00041033
Mollinedia triflora
(Sprengel) Tulasne Brazil: Rio de Janeiro F. Sellow n.L. 484
GH: 00041034
Mollinedia triflora tulasnei
Perkins Brazil: Minas Gerais F. Sellow 1039
GH: 00041004
Mollinedia uleana
Perkins Brazil: São Paulo F. Sellow 189
GH: 00041036
Mollinedia umbellata
Tulasne Brazil: Minas Gerais Serra da Mantiqueira F. Sellow 2151
GH: 00046548
Siparuna brasiliensis
(Sprengel) A. de Candolle Brazil: Rio de Janeiro F. Sellow
GH: 00046561
Siparuna brasiliensis
(Sprengel) A. de Candolle Brazil: Minas Gerais F. Sellow 2135
GH: 00046560
Siparuna brasiliensis
(Sprengel) A. de Candolle Brazil: Minas Gerais F. Sellow 958
GH: 00046552
Siparuna brasiliensis
(Sprengel) A. de Candolle Brazil: Rio de Janeiro F. Sellow
AMES: 00098389
Cranichis candida
Lindley Brazil: F. Sellow 5977 1836
AMES: 02159457
Elleanthus crinipes
H. G. Reichenbach Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
AMES: 00070180
Epidendrum carnosum
Lindley Brazil: F. Sellow 1820
AMES: 02110704
Epidendrum denticulatum
Barbosa Rodrigues Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow
AMES: 00070285
Epidendrum dipus
Lindley Brazil: F. Sellow 4276
AMES: 00070342
Epidendrum faustum
H. G. Reichenbach ex Cogniaux Brazil: F. Sellow 4053
AMES: 02108241
Epidendrum saxatile
Lindley Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
AMES: 02108801
Epidendrum sp.
Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
AMES: 02108523
Epidendrum xanthinum
Lindley Brazil: Rio F. Sellow
AMES: 00100367
Isochilus brasiliensis
Schlechter Brazil: F. Sellow
AMES: 00074757
Pleurothallis sonderana
H. G. Reichenbach Brazil: F. Sellow 46
AMES: 00103462
Ponera australis
Cogniaux Brazil: F. Sellow 5342
AMES: 00103462
Ponera striata
Lindley Brazil: F. Sellow 5342
AMES: 02092493
Skeptrostachys sp.
Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
FH: 00377458
Usnea australis
Fries Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
FH: 00377457
Usnea longissima
Acharius Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
FH: 00377459
Usnea sp.
Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
FH: 00377460
Usnea sp.
Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
FH: 00377461
Usnea sp.
Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
GH: 00004906
Enckea orthostachya
Kunth Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00004918
Ottonia macrophylla
Kunth Brazil: F. Sellow 231
GH: 00004906
Piper amalago
Linnaeus Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00004906
Piper amalago medium
(Jacquin) Yuncker Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 01933008
Piper crassinervium
Kunth Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow
GH: 01934251
Piper sp.
Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow 200
GH: 01934250
Piper sp.
Brazil: [no additional data] F. Sellow 189
GH: 01934130
Piper tectoniifolium
Kunth Brazil: Brasilia F. Sellow 165
GH: 00011477
Schilleria martiana
Kunth Brazil: F. Sellow 737
GH: 00011478
Schilleria mikaniana
Kunth Brazil: F. Sellow
GH: 00011480
Steffensia mollis
Kunth Brazil: F. Sellow 186
A: 00055111
Coccoloba arborescens
(Vellozo) Howard Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00055112
Coccoloba arborescens
(Vellozo) Howard Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00055110
Coccoloba cordata
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00055111
Coccoloba crescentiaefolia
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00055112
Coccoloba crescentiaefolia
Chamisso Brazil: F. Sellow
A: 00050941
Serjania paleata
Radlkofer Brazil: F. Sellow 745
GH: 00245874
Solanum adscendens
Sendtner Brazil: F. Sellow 1290
GH: 00076959
Symplocos frondosa
Brand Brazil: F. Sellow 1257
GH: 00076967
Symplocos nitidiflora
Brand Brazil: F. Sellow 221
GH: 00067945
Piriqueta selloi
Urban Brazil: F. Sellow 3025
GH: 00055276
Cissus sicyoides lobata
Baker Brazil: F. Sellow 1816