Aceraceae GH: 01870731 Acer glabrum Torrey Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 350 1906-6-26
Apocynaceae GH: 02179225 Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley; Loop Trail Stew. Brown 655 1906-7-20
Aspleniaceae GH: 02070658 Asplenium viride Hudson Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 345 1906-6-28
Asteraceae GH: 01235812 Achillea borealis Bongard Canada: British Columbia Canadian Rockies; Vicinity of Field; Burgess... Stew. Brown 1906-7-16
GH: 02140902 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 600 1906-7-19
GH: 02140899 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 437 1906-7-7
GH: 02141285 Agoseris glauca dasycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) Jepson Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 186 1906-6-17
GH: 01234035 Artemisia michauxiana Besser Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field; Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 310 1906-6-27
GH: 02141925 Askellia elegans (Hooker) W. A. Weber Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] Stew. Brown 194 1906-6-17
GH: 02215457 Canadanthus modestus (Lindley) G. L. Nesom Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 657 1906-7-20
GH: 02021998 Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Tenore Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 734 1906-7-26
GH: 02207363 Erigeron acris kamteschaticus (de Candolle) Herder Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 492 1906-7-25
GH: 02207348 Erigeron acris kamteschaticus (de Candolle) Herder Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 544 1906-7-17
GH: 02207297 Erigeron acris kamteschaticus (de Candolle) Herder Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 482 1906-6-20
GH: 02207295 Erigeron acris kamteschaticus (de Candolle) Herder Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 658 1906-7-20
GH: 02207725 Erigeron aureus Greene Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 466 1906-7-13
GH: 02207724 Erigeron aureus Greene Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 524 1906-7-16
GH: 02207713 Erigeron aureus Greene Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 388 1906-7-3
GH: 02207966 Erigeron caespitosus Nuttall Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] Stew. Brown 674 1906-7-31
GH: 02206140 Erigeron compositus Pursh Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 11 1906-6-8
GH: 02206139 Erigeron compositus Pursh Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 93 1906-6-11
GH: 02206130 Erigeron compositus Pursh Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 89 1906-6-8
GH: 02348859 Erigeron glacialis (Nuttall) A. Nelson Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 433 1906-7-7
GH: 02348856 Erigeron glacialis (Nuttall) A. Nelson Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 323 1906-6-27
GH: 02348832 Erigeron glacialis (Nuttall) A. Nelson Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 260 1906-6-22
GH: 02353368 Erigeron humilis Graham Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 448 1906-7-13
GH: 02353831 Erigeron lonchophyllus Hooker Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 683 1906-7-23
GH: 02352102 Erigeron nivalis Nuttall Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 299 1906-6-20
GH: 02352420 Erigeron philadelphicus Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 753 1906-7-26
GH: 02204589 Heterotheca villosa minor (Hooker) Semple Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 788 1906-7-30
GH: 01831145 Hieracium albiflorum Hooker Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 764 1906-7-28
GH: 01831140 Hieracium albiflorum Hooker Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 276 1906-6-22
GH: 01831495 Hieracium cynoglossoides Arvet-Touvet Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 640 1906-7-20
GH: 01831678 Hieracium gracile Hooker Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 750 1906-7-13
GH: 01831667 Hieracium gracile Hooker Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 524 1906-7-16
GH: 01831666 Hieracium gracile Hooker Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 586 1906-7-19
GH: 01833072 Hieracium umbellatum Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 772 1906-7-30
GH: 01834956 Lactuca tatarica (Linnaeus) C. A. Meyer Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 782 1906-7-30
Berberidaceae GH: 02169420 Mahonia repens (Lindley) G. Don Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, B.C. Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 324 1906-6-27
Betulaceae GH: 02198727 Alnus incana tenuifolia (Nuttall) Breitung Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 238 1906-6-21
GH: 02195186 Betula glandulosa Michaux Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 4 1906-6-8
GH: 02194162 Betula occidentalis Hooker Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 130 1906-6-8
GH: 02194224 Betula occidentalis Hooker Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 808 1906-7-25
GH: 02193114 Betula papyrifera Marshall Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 1906-6-29
Boraginaceae GH: 02027375 Hackelia micrantha (Eastwood) J. L. Gentry Canada: Alberta North Fork Saskatchewan, [illegible] Nigel C... Stew. Brown 1030 1906-6-23
GH: 02027386 Hackelia micrantha (Eastwood) J. L. Gentry Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 316 1906-6-27
GH: 01994612 Lappula echinata Gilibert Canada: British Columbia Palliser to Glenogle; Valley of the Lower Ki... Stew. Brown 769 1906-7-30
GH: 01994646 Lappula echinata Gilibert Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 191 1906-6-17
GH: 01994900 Lappula redowskii (Hornemann) Greene Canada: British Columbia Palliser to Glenogle Stew. Brown 771 1906-7-30
GH: 01996015 Lithospermum incisum Lehmann Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 159 1906-6-9
GH: 01872746 Myosotis alpestris asiatica Vestergren ex Hultén Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 138 1906-6-14
GH: 01872748 Myosotis alpestris asiatica Vestergren ex Hultén Canada: Alberta Stony Squaw Stew. Brown 178 1906-6-17
GH: 01872754 Myosotis alpestris asiatica Vestergren ex Hultén Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 386 1906-7-3
Brassicaceae GH: 00960469 Arabis hirsuta pycnocarpa (M. Hopkins) Rollins Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 110 1906-6-17
GH: 00960476 Arabis hirsuta pycnocarpa (M. Hopkins) Rollins Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 48 1906-6-8
GH: 00960477 Arabis hirsuta pycnocarpa (M. Hopkins) Rollins Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 110 1906-6-17
GH: 00974338 Arabis hirsuta glabrata Torrey & A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 291 1906-6-22
GH: 00932448 Boechera holboelii (Hornemann) A. Löve & D. Löve Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 111 1906-6-17
GH: 00960351 Boechera retrofracta (Graham) A. Löve & D. Löve Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 351 1906-6-28
GH: 00960676 Boechera retrofracta (Graham) A. Löve & D. Löve Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 50 1906-6-9
GH: 00948769 Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shehbaz Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 385 1906-7-3
GH: 00944909 Braya humilis (C. A. Meyer) B. L. Robinson Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 81 1906-6-9
GH: 00944938 Braya humilis (C. A. Meyer) B. L. Robinson Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 328 1906-6-27
GH: 00944947 Braya humilis (C. A. Meyer) B. L. Robinson Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 212 1906-6-20
GH: 00983951 Cardamine oligosperma kamtschatica (Regel) Detling Canada: British Columbia Lake O'Harra Stew. Brown 755 1906-7-28
GH: 00983956 Cardamine oligosperma kamtschatica (Regel) Detling Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 237 1906-6-21
GH: 01084112 Descurainia pinnata intermedia (Rydberg) Detling Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 176 1906-6-8
GH: 01084784 Draba albertina Greene Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 145 1906-6-14
GH: 01103441 Draba aurea Vahl Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 49 1906-6-8
GH: 01103491 Draba aurea Vahl Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 387 1906-7-3
GH: 01103769 Draba cana Rydberg Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 47 1906-6-8
GH: 01103772 Draba cana Rydberg Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 47 1906-6-8
GH: 01115147 Draba incerta Payson Canada: Alberta Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 102 1906-6-11
GH: 01115155 Draba incerta Payson Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 143 1906-6-14
GH: 01115165 Draba incerta Payson Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 709 1906-7-17
GH: 01115170 Draba incerta Payson Canada: Alberta Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 102 1906-6-11
GH: 01115612 Draba lonchocarpa Rydberg Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 449 1906-7-13
GH: 01115646 Draba lonchocarpa Rydberg Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 103 1906-6-11
GH: 01115649 Draba lonchocarpa Rydberg Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 136 1906-6-14
GH: 00971275 Draba oligosperma Hooker Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 72 1906-6-9
GH: 00971276 Draba oligosperma Hooker Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 72 1906-6-9
GH: 00971277 Draba oligosperma Hooker Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 72a 1906-6-9
GH: 00971699 Draba praealta Greene Canada: British Columbia Above Snow Sheds; Glacier Stew. Brown 292 1906-6-22
GH: 01538775 Erysimum inconspicuum (S. Watson) MacMillan Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 58 1906-6-9
GH: 01550151 Nasturtium officinale R. Brown Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 171 1906-6-8
GH: 01575373 Physaria didymocarpa (Hooker) A. Gray Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 123 1906-6-9
GH: 01693763 Sisymbrium altissimum Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Palliser to Glenogle; Valley of the Lower Ki... Stew. Brown 786 1906-7-30
Campanulaceae GH: 01796176 Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 797 1906-7-31
GH: 01796222 Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 440 1906-7-8
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02040779 Linnaea borealis longiflora (Torrey) Piper & Beattie Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 484 1906-7
GH: 02039779 Lonicera dioica Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 308 1906-6-27
GH: 02038370 Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Sprengel Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 259 1906-6-22
GH: 02038399 Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Sprengel Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 28 1906-6-8
GH: 02037357 Lonicera utahensis S. Watson Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 331 1906-6-27
GH: 02183890 Sambucus racemosa Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 254 1906-6-22
GH: 02036813 Symphoricarpos rivularis Suksdorf Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 497 1906-7-15
GH: 02185359 Viburnum edule (Michaux) Rafinesque Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 24 1906-6-8
GH: 02185409 Viburnum edule (Michaux) Rafinesque Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 334 1906-6-27
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01740952 Arenaria capillaris Poiret Canada: Alberta Stony Squaw Stew. Brown 177 1906-6-17
GH: 01740955 Arenaria capillaris Poiret Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 284 1906-6-22
GH: 01742739 Cerastium arvense Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 55 1906-6-9
GH: 01743101 Cerastium beeringianum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 715 1906-7-17
GH: 01743103 Cerastium beeringianum Chamisso & Schlechtendal Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 706 1906-7-17
GH: 01744000 Cerastium nutans Rafinesque Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 337 1906-6-27
GH: 01745130 Minuartia austromontana S. J. Wolf & Packer Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 146 1906-6-14
GH: 01745216 Minuartia biflora (Linnaeus) Schinz & Thellung Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 1906-7-3
GH: 01713406 Minuartia rubella (Wahlenberg) Hiern Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 51 1906-6-8
GH: 01713407 Minuartia rubella (Wahlenberg) Hiern Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 51a 1906-6-9
GH: 01713451 Minuartia rubella (Wahlenberg) Hiern Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 52 1906-6-9
GH: 01713464 Minuartia rubella (Wahlenberg) Hiern Canada: British Columbia Above Snow Sheds; Glacier Stew. Brown 631 1906-7-20
GH: 01714568 Moehringia lateriflora (Linnaeus) Fenzl Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 315 1906-6-27
GH: 01715805 Sagina saginoides (Linnaeus) H. Karsten Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 581 1906-7-19
GH: 01751227 Silene acaulis exscapa (Allioni) F. N. Williams Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 464 1906-7-13
GH: 01751320 Silene acaulis exscapa (Allioni) F. N. Williams Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 400 1906-7-4
GH: 01751721 Silene attenuata (Farr) Bocquet Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 700 1906-7-17
GH: 01753103 Silene parryi (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchcock & B. Maguire Canada: British Columbia Above Snow Sheds; Glacier Stew. Brown 646 1906-7-20
GH: 01753113 Silene parryi (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchcock & B. Maguire Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 718 1906-7-17
GH: 01622898 Stellaria longipes Goldie Canada: British Columbia Lake O'Harra Stew. Brown 752 1906-7-28
GH: 01623343 Stellaria longipes subvestita (Greene) Polunin Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 39 1906-6-8
Celastraceae GH: 01787280 Paxistima myrsinites (Pursh) Rafinesque Canada: British Columbia Beavermouth; Valley of the Columbia River Stew. Brown 735 1906-7-26
GH: 01787297 Paxistima myrsinites (Pursh) Rafinesque Canada: British Columbia Beavermouth; Valley of the Columbia River Stew. Brown 736 1906-7-26
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01781325 Blitum capitatum Linnaeus Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 803 1906-7-31
GH: 01781844 Chenopodium album Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 479 1906-7-5
Cornaceae GH: 01844544 Cornus canadensis Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 561 1906-7-17
GH: 01844492 Cornus canadensis Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 203 1906-6-20
GH: 01844696 Cornus canadensis Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Banff: Bankhead Stew. Brown 118 1906-6-17
GH: 02018729 Cornus stolonifera Michaux Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 126 1906-6-9
GH: 02018698 Cornus unalaschkensis Ledebour Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 205 1906-6-20
GH: 02019922 Cornus unalaschkensis Ledebour Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 253 1906-6-22
Crassulaceae GH: 01991435 Sedum lanceolatum Torrey Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 726 1906-7-17
GH: 01991436 Sedum lanceolatum Torrey Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 726 1906-7-17
GH: 01991442 Sedum lanceolatum Torrey Canada: Manitoba Northern Region: Pipestone Valley Stew. Brown 430 1906-7-7
GH: 01991449 Sedum lanceolatum Torrey Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field. Burgess Trail. Stew. Brown 516 1906-7-16
Cupressaceae GH: 02103995 Juniperus communis Linnaeus Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 99 1906-6-11
GH: 02105243 Juniperus horizontalis Moench Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 104 1906-6-11
GH: 02107421 Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 270 1906-6-22
Cyperaceae GH: 02392117 Carex brunnescens (Persoon) Poiret Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 622 1906-7-19
GH: 01547854 Carex disperma Dewey Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] Stew. Brown 44 1906-6-8
GH: 02368077 Carex gynocrates Wormskjold ex Drejer Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 570 1906-7-17
GH: 02392850 Carex interior L. H. Bailey Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 684 1906-7-20
GH: 02368383 Carex micropoda C. A. Meyer Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 614 1906-7-19
GH: 02368260 Carex nigricans C. A. Meyer Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 612 1906-7-19
GH: 02368259 Carex nigricans C. A. Meyer Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 754 1906-7-28
GH: 01775735 Carex saxatilis Linnaeus Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 190 1906-6-9
GH: 01774123 Carex utriculata Boott Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 650 1906-7-20
GH: 01774143 Carex utriculata Boott Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 751 1906-7-26
Elaeagnaceae GH: 01576186 Elaeagnus commutata Bernhardi ex Rydberg Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 129 1906-6-9
GH: 01576699 Shepherdia canadensis Nuttall Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 29 1906-6-8
GH: 01576701 Shepherdia canadensis Nuttall Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 801 1906-7-31
GH: 01576778 Shepherdia canadensis Nuttall Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 500 1906-7-16
Ericaceae GH: 01536267 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field; Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 371 1906-6-29
GH: 01536281 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 1906-6-8
GH: 01536925 Arctous rubra (Rehder & Wilson) Nakai Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 132 1906-6-14
GH: 01537135 Cassiope mertensiana (Bongard) D. Don Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley, Vicinity of Field Stew. Brown 469 1906-7-13
GH: 01537136 Cassiope mertensiana (Bongard) D. Don Canada: British Columbia The Selkirks, Glacier, Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 242 1906-6-21
GH: 01537155 Cassiope mertensiana (Bongard) D. Don Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 383 1906-7-3
GH: 01537176 Cassiope mertensiana (Bongard) D. Don Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 365 1906-6-29
GH: 01562344 Chimaphila umbellata occidentalis (Rydberg) S. F. Blake Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 749 1906-7-16
GH: 01562959 Empetrum nigrum Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 573 1906-7-17
GH: 01562961 Empetrum nigrum Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Pipestone Valley Stew. Brown 435 1906-7-7
GH: 01591736 Gaultheria hispidula (Linnaeus) Muhlenberg Canada: British Columbia Canadian Rockies; Vicinity of Field; Emerald... Stew. Brown 326 1906-6-27
GH: 01591954 Gaultheria ovatifolia A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Selkirks; Glacier; Cascade Trail Stew. Brown 1906-6-22
GH: 01594143 Kalmia microphylla (Hooker) A. Heller Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 382 1906-7-3
GH: 01594144 Kalmia microphylla (Hooker) A. Heller Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 578 1906-7-17
GH: 01718521 Menziesia ferruginea Smith Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail. Stew. Brown 1906-6-22
GH: 01718706 Menziesia glabella A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 325 1906-6-27
GH: 01718710 Menziesia glabella A. Gray Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 133 1906-6-14
GH: 01718992 Moneses uniflora (Linnaeus) A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 302 1906-6-20
GH: 01719671 Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) House Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 507 1906-7-16
GH: 01719674 Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) House Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 483 1906-6-20
GH: 01683132 Phyllodoce empetriformis (Smith) D. Don Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 570 1906-7-13
GH: 01683133 Phyllodoce empetriformis (Smith) D. Don Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 366 1906-6-29
GH: 01683136 Phyllodoce empetriformis (Smith) D. Don Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 245 1906-6-21
GH: 01683314 Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Coville Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 471 1906-7-13
GH: 01683321 Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Coville Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 368 1906-7-29
GH: 01683346 Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Coville Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 394 1906-7-3
GH: 01683433 Phyllodoce intermedia Rydberg Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 760 1906-7-28
GH: 01683434 Phyllodoce intermedia Rydberg Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 472 1906-7-13
GH: 01684330 Pyrola asarifolia Michaux Canada: [data not captured] Stew. Brown 1345 1906-7-25
GH: 01684340 Pyrola asarifolia Michaux Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 303 1906-6-20
GH: 01684958 Pyrola chlorantha Swartz Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 503 1906-6-29
GH: 01761841 Pyrola minor Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 759 1906-7-28
GH: 01761828 Pyrola minor Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 589 1906-7-19
GH: 01762087 Rhododendron albiflorum Hooker Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 258 1906-6-22
GH: 01762111 Rhododendron albiflorum Hooker Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 522 1906-7-16
GH: 01763436 Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 173 1906-6-8
GH: 01763633 Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 215 1906-6-20
Fabaceae GH: 02067371 Astragalus aboriginum Richardson Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 68 1906-6-8
GH: 02067372 Astragalus aboriginum Richardson Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 68 1906-6-9
GH: 02067575 Astragalus agrestis G. Don Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 1 1906-6-8
GH: 02067934 Astragalus alpinus Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Pipestone Valley Stew. Brown 427 1906-7-7
GH: 02067935 Astragalus alpinus Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 2 1906-6-8
GH: 02064258 Astragalus americanus (Hooker) M. E. Jones Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 673 1906-7-23
GH: 02064848 Astragalus bourgovii A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 541 1906-7-16
GH: 02049075 Astragalus miser serotinus (A. Gray ex J. G. Cooper) Barneby Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 80 1906-6-9
GH: 02048464 Astragalus robbinsii minor (Hooker) Barneby Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 31 1906-6-8
GH: 02048470 Astragalus robbinsii minor (Hooker) Barneby Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 409 1906-7-4
GH: 01959765 Hedysarum alpinum Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 672 1906-7-23
GH: 01959753 Hedysarum alpinum Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 410 1906-7-4
GH: 01958230 Hedysarum boreale mackenzii (Richardson) S. L. Welsh Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 538 1906-7-16
GH: 01958315 Hedysarum boreale mackenzii (Richardson) S. L. Welsh Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 75 1906-6-8
GH: 01958299 Hedysarum boreale mackenzii (Richardson) S. L. Welsh Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 401 1906-7-4
GH: 01958296 Hedysarum boreale mackenzii (Richardson) S. L. Welsh Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 75 1906-6-9
GH: 01958443 Hedysarum sulphurescens Rydberg Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 537 1906-7-16
GH: 01958420 Hedysarum sulphurescens Rydberg Canada: Alberta Pipestone Valley Stew. Brown 425 1906-7-7
GH: 02130922 Oxytropis borealis viscida (Nuttall) Welsh Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 41 1906-6-8
GH: 02132180 Oxytropis campestris gracilis (A. Nelson) Barneby Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 793 1906-7-31
GH: 02132681 Oxytropis deflexa sericea Torrey & A. Gray Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 806 1906-7-31
GH: 02132666 Oxytropis deflexa sericea Torrey & A. Gray Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 807 1906-7-31
GH: 02131525 Oxytropis sericea spicata (Hooker) Barneby Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 403 1906-7-4
GH: 02343145 Trifolium hybridum Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 485 1906-6-20
GH: 02344854 Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex Willdenow Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 670 1906-7-23
GH: 02344853 Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex Willdenow Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 798 1906-7-31
Gentianaceae GH: 02072709 Gentiana glauca Pallas Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 404 1906-7-4
GH: 02167398 Gentianella amarella acuta (Michaux) J. M. Gillett Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 501 1906-6-29
GH: 02167432 Gentianella amarella acuta (Michaux) J. M. Gillett Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 546 1906-7-17
GH: 02167667 Gentianella propinqua (Richardson) J. M. Gillett Canada: British Columbia Lake O'Harra Stew. Brown 751 1906-7-28
GH: 02166379 Halenia deflexa (Smith) Grisebach Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 667 1906-7
Hippuridaceae GH: 02000238 Hippuris vulgaris Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 741 1906-7-26
Iridaceae GH: 01749797 Sisyrinchium montanum Greene Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 168 1906-6-9
Juncaceae GH: 02098696 Juncus alpinoarticulatus americanus (Farwell) Hämet-Ahti Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 679 1906-7-31
GH: 02099095 Juncus arcticus Willdenow Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 550 1906-7-17
GH: 02099177 Juncus balticus Willdenow Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 651 1906-7-20
GH: 02099714 Juncus balticus sitchensis (Engelmann) Hultén Canada: [data not captured] Stew. Brown 161 1906-6-9
GH: 02101240 Juncus castaneus Smith Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 575 1906-7-17
GH: 02400511 Juncus mertensianus Bongard Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 582 1906-7-19
GH: 02399271 Juncus parryi Engelmann Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 597 1906-7-19
GH: 02398192 Juncus saximontanus A. Nelson Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 490 1906-7
GH: 02398191 Juncus saximontanus A. Nelson Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 627 1906-7-20
GH: 02397874 Juncus triglumis albescens (Lange) Hultén Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 428 1906-7-7
GH: 02397863 Juncus triglumis albescens (Lange) Hultén Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 548 1906-7-17
GH: 02397936 Juncus triglumis albescens (Lange) Hultén Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 577 1906-7-17
GH: 02396513 Luzula arcuata (Wahlenberg) Swartz Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 724 1906-7-17
GH: 02366204 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 230 1906-6-21
GH: 02366186 Luzula parviflora (Ehrhart) Desvaux Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 527 1906-7-16
Juncaginaceae GH: 01617541 Triglochin palustris Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 210 1906-6-20
Lamiaceae GH: 01551529 Mentha canadensis Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 729 1906-7-25
GH: 01551531 Mentha canadensis Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Beavermouth; Valley of the Columbia River Stew. Brown 747 1906-7-26
GH: 01598879 Prunella vulgaris Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 629 1906-7-20
GH: 01697298 Scutellaria galericulata Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Beavermouth; Valley of the Columbia River Stew. Brown 748 1906-7-26
GH: 01699391 Stachys pilosa Nuttall Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 728 1906-7-25
Linaceae GH: 02053076 Linum lewisii Pursh Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 90 1906-6-8
GH: 02053075 Linum lewisii Pursh Canada: Alberta Banff: Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 90 1906-6-11
GH: 02054150 Linum usitatissimum Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Palliser to Glenogle; Valley of the Lower Ki... Stew. Brown 773 1906-7-30
Lobeliaceae GH: 01798391 Lobelia kalmii Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Palliser to Glenogle; Valley of the Lower Ki... Stew. Brown 776 1906-7-30
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02164936 Diphasiastrum alpinum (Linnaeus) Holub Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 462 1906-7-13
GH: 02163195 Diphasiastrum complanatum (Linnaeus) Holub Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 322 1906-6-27
GH: 02163633 Diphasiastrum sitchense (Ruprecht) Holub Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 607 1906-7-19
GH: 02077005 Huperzia haleakalae (Brackenridge) Holub Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 1906-7-19
GH: 02077261 Huperzia occidentalis (Clute) Kartesz & Gandhi Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 455 1906-7-13
GH: 02077795 Lycopodium clavatum Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 611 1906-7-19
GH: 02076182 Spinulum annotinum (Linnaeus) A. Haines Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 312 1906-6-27
Onagraceae GH: 01675347 Chamaenerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 554 1906-7-17
GH: 01675848 Chamerion latifolium (Linnaeus) Holub Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 540 1906-7-16
GH: 01675883 Chamerion latifolium (Linnaeus) Holub Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 305 1906-6-25
GH: 01674487 Circaea alpina pacifica (Ascherson & Magnus) P. H. Raven Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 660 1906-7-20
GH: 01673857 Epilobium anagallidifolium Lamarck Canada: Alberta Blind Valley and Lakes Stew. Brown 418 1906-7-6
GH: 01673989 Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl Canada: British Columbia Beavermouth; Valley of the Columbia River Stew. Brown 748 1906-7-26
GH: 01671080 Epilobium ciliatum glandulosum (Lehmann) Hoch & P. H. Raven Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 659 1906-7-20
GH: 01671322 Epilobium clavatum Trelease Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 542 1906-7-16
GH: 01671948 Epilobium hornemannii Reichenbach Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 530 1906-7-16
GH: 01671949 Epilobium hornemannii Reichenbach Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 251 1906-6-22
GH: 01671951 Epilobium hornemannii Reichenbach Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 251 1906-6-22
GH: 01671958 Epilobium hornemannii Reichenbach Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 620 1906-6-21
GH: 01671959 Epilobium hornemannii Reichenbach Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 291 1906-6-22
GH: 01776245 Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknecht Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 532 1906-7-16
GH: 01776246 Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknecht Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 531 1906-7-16
GH: 01776558 Epilobium luteum Pursh Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 661 1906-7-20
GH: 01776563 Epilobium luteum Pursh Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 617 1906-7-19
GH: 01642050 Oenothera villosa Thunberg Canada: British Columbia Beavermouth; Valley of the Columbia River Stew. Brown 733 1906-7-26
Orchidaceae AMES: 02065738 Amerorchis rotundifolia (Banks ex Pursh) Hultén Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 167 1906-6-8
AMES: 02065767 Amerorchis rotundifolia (Banks ex Pursh) Hultén Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley, near Field Stew. Brown 1415 1906-6-20
AMES: 02065776 Amerorchis rotundifolia (Banks ex Pursh) Hultén Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 207 1906-6-20
AMES: 02065778 Amerorchis rotundifolia (Banks ex Pursh) Hultén Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 320 1906-6-27
AMES: 02029378 Calypso bulbosa (Linnaeus) Oakes Canada: Alberta Banff: Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 134 1906-6-14
AMES: 02065990 Coeloglossum viride interjecta (Fernald) Miyabe & Kudô Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 157 1906-6-8
AMES: 01938750 Corallorhiza trifida Châtelain Canada: Alberta Banff: [no additional data] Stew. Brown 1906-6-8
GH: 01938837 Corallorhiza trifida Châtelain Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 12 1906-6-8
GH: 01938798 Corallorhiza trifida Châtelain Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field. Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 358 1906-6-29
GH: 01937996 Cypripedium parviflorum Salisbury Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 376 1906-6-27
AMES: 02065179 Cypripedium passerinum Richardson Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 301 1906-6-26
AMES: 02032954 Goodyera oblongifolia Rafinesque Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field. Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 750 1906-6-29
AMES: 02028263 Goodyera repens (Linnaeus) R. Brown Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field. Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 504 1906-7-16
AMES: 02051242 Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brown Canada: British Columbia Selkirks, Glacier, Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 233 1906-6-21
AMES: 02051250 Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brown Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 313 1906-6-27
AMES: 02066143 Platanthera aquilonis Sheviak Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field, Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 217 1906-6-20
AMES: 02063303 Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex Beck Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 576 1906-7-17
AMES: 02063394 Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex Beck Canada: British Columbia Vicinity of Field. Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 338 1906-6-27
AMES: 02046335 Platanthera obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Lindley Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 164 1906-6-8
AMES: 02050127 Platanthera stricta Lindley Canada: British Columbia Glacier, Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 227 1906-6-21
Orobanchaceae GH: 01879668 Castilleja sp. Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Blind Valley and Lakes Stew. Brown 412 1906-7-6
GH: 01879666 Castilleja sp. Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 555 1906-7-17
GH: 01879660 Castilleja sp. Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 395 1906-7-4
GH: 01879658 Castilleja sp. Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 565 1906-7-17
GH: 01879683 Castilleja sp. Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 89 1906-6-11
GH: 01879753 Castilleja sp. Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Lake O'Harra Stew. Brown 762 1906-7-28
GH: 01879752 Castilleja sp. Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 216 1906-6-20
GH: 02081232 Orthocarpus luteus Nuttall Canada: British Columbia Palliser to Glenogle; Valley of the Lower Ki... Stew. Brown 778 1906-7-30
GH: 02081790 Pedicularis bracteosa Bentham Canada: Alberta Blind Valley and Lakes Stew. Brown 413 1906-7-6
GH: 02081807 Pedicularis bracteosa Bentham Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 534 1906-7-16
GH: 02080796 Pedicularis groenlandica Retzius Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 566 1906-7-17
GH: 02080795 Pedicularis groenlandica Retzius Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 406 1906-7-4
Papaveraceae GH: 01738203 Corydalis aurea Willdenow Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 62 1906-6-9
GH: 01738233 Corydalis aurea Willdenow Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 214 1906-6-20
Parnassiaceae GH: 01855357 Parnassia fimbriata K. D. Koenig Canada: British Columbia Lake O'Harra Stew. Brown 761 1906-7-28
GH: 01855359 Parnassia fimbriata K. D. Koenig Canada: British Columbia Illecilewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 648 1906-7-20
GH: 01855928 Parnassia palustris Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Banff: Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 802 1906-7-31
Pinaceae GH: 00395862 Abies lasiocarpa (Hooker) Nuttall Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 473 1906-7-13
GH: 00396328 Larix lyallii Parlatore Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 721 1906-7-17
GH: 00397241 Picea albertiana S. Brown Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 796 1906-7-31
GH: 00396451 Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelmann Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 474 1906-7-13
GH: 00396895 Picea glauca (Moench) Voss Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 162 1906-6-15
GH: 00397241 Picea glauca (Moench) Voss Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 796 1906-7-31
GH: 00397241 Picea sp. Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 796 1906-7-31
GH: 01113809 Tsuga heterophylla (Rafinesque) Sargent Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 289 1906-6-21
GH: 01113914 Tsuga mertensiana (Bongard) Carrière Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 297 1906-6-21
Plantaginaceae GH: 01998649 Collinsia parviflora Lindley Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 347 1906-6-28
GH: 01998642 Collinsia parviflora Lindley Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 293 1906-6-22
GH: 02118415 Penstemon confertus Douglas ex Lindley Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 423 1906-7-7
GH: 02119300 Penstemon ellipticus Coulter & Fisher Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 344 1906-6-28
GH: 02119299 Penstemon ellipticus Coulter & Fisher Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 539 1906-7-16
GH: 02121700 Penstemon procerus Douglas ex Graham Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 906 1906-6-20
GH: 01804789 Veronica americana Schweinitz ex Bentham Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 252 1906-6-22
GH: 01811686 Veronica serpyllifolia Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 250 1906-6-22
GH: 01812087 Veronica wormskjoldii Roemer & Schultes Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 461 1906-7-13
GH: 01812174 Veronica wormskjoldii nutans (Bongard) Pennell Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 277 1906-6-22
GH: 01812159 Veronica wormskjoldii nutans (Bongard) Pennell Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 757 1906-7-28
GH: 01812151 Veronica wormskjoldii nutans (Bongard) Pennell Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 399 1906-7-3
Poaceae GH: 02579154 Agrostis thurberiana Hitchcock Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 589 1906-7-19
GH: 02579154 Podagrostis thurberiana (Hitchcock) Hultén Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 589 1906-7-19
Polemoniaceae GH: 01092254 Collomia linearis Nuttall Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 805 1906-7-31
Polygonaceae GH: 02346617 Bistorta vivipara (Linnaeus) Gray Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 189 1906-6-9
GH: 02346935 Bistorta vivipara (Linnaeus) Gray Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 1906-6-20
GH: 01986675 Eriogonum ovalifolium ochroleucum (Small) M. Peck Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 644 1906-7-20
GH: 01986676 Eriogonum ovalifolium ochroleucum (Small) M. Peck Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 644 1906-7-20
GH: 02043372 Eriogonum umbellatum majus Bentham Canada: Alberta Stony Squaw Stew. Brown 179 1906-6-17
GH: 02043375 Eriogonum umbellatum majus Bentham Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 720 1906-7-17
GH: 02365807 Oxyria digyna (Linnaeus) Hill Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 229 1906-6-22
GH: 02360345 Polygonum douglasii Greene Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 719 1906-7-17
GH: 02360945 Polygonum minimum S. Watson Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 632 1906-7-20
GH: 02360944 Polygonum minimum S. Watson Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 632 1906-7-20
GH: 02004205 Rumex triangulivalvis (Danser) K. H. Rechinger Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 785 1906-7-30
Portulacaceae GH: 01858684 Claytonia lanceolata Pursh Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 246 1906-6-21
GH: 01858688 Claytonia lanceolata Pursh Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 391 1906-7-3
GH: 01858709 Claytonia lanceolata Pursh Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 246 1906-6-21
Primulaceae GH: 01942046 Androsace chamaejasme carinata (Torrey) Hultén Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 114 1906-6-17
GH: 01942043 Androsace chamaejasme carinata (Torrey) Hultén Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 74 1906-6-9
GH: 01942433 Androsace septentrionalis Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 54 1906-6-9
GH: 01942589 Androsace septentrionalis puberulenta (Rydberg) Knuth Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 727 1906-7-17
GH: 01922046 Dodecatheon conjugens viscidum (Piper) H. J. Thompson Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown [illegible] 1906-6-17
GH: 01922603 Dodecatheon pulchellum (Rafinesque) Merrill Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 14 1906-6-8
GH: 01918275 Lysimachia europaea (Linnaeus) U. Manns & Anderberg Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 965 1906-6-22
GH: 01926169 Primula mistassinica Michaux Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 13 1906-6-8
Ranunculaceae GH: 01720930 Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willdenow Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 201 1906-6-20
GH: 01707337 Anemone multifida Poiret Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 57 1906-6-9
GH: 01708482 Anemone multifida Poiret Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley; Ptarmigan Valley t... Stew. Brown 392 1906-7-3
GH: 01707366 Anemone multifida saxicola Boivin Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail; vicinity of Field, B. C. Stew. Brown 374 1906-6-29
GH: 01707370 Anemone multifida saxicola Boivin Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 141 1906-6-14
GH: 01707560 Anemone occidentalis S. Watson Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 361 1906-6-29
GH: 01707590 Anemone occidentalis S. Watson Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Valley to Pipestone Valley; Head o... Stew. Brown 379 1906-7-3
GH: 01707832 Anemone parviflora Michaux Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 34 1906-6-8
GH: 01707856 Anemone parviflora Michaux Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 213 1906-6-20
GH: 01707997 Anemone patens multifida Pritzel Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 70 1906-6-9
GH: 01708923 Aquilegia brevistyla Hooker Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 76 1906-6-9
GH: 01709434 Aquilegia flavescens S. Watson Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 2880 1906-6-22
GH: 01709439 Aquilegia flavescens S. Watson Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 309 1906-6-27
GH: 01709545 Aquilegia formosa Fischer Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 596 1906-7-19
GH: 01709558 Aquilegia formosa Fischer Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 288b 1906-6-22
GH: 01709559 Aquilegia formosa Fischer Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 288a 1906-6-22
GH: 01709560 Aquilegia formosa Fischer Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 594 1906-7-19
GH: 01709997 Caltha leptosepala de Candolle Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 234 1906-6-21
GH: 01710799 Clematis columbiana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 359 1906-6-29
GH: 01710825 Clematis columbiana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 116 1906-6-17
GH: 01710833 Clematis columbiana (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 77 1906-6-9
GH: 01658783 Delphinium glaucum S. Watson Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 792 1906-7-31
GH: 01659250 Delphinium menziesii de Candolle Canada: Alberta Stony Squaw Stew. Brown 182 1906-6-17
GH: 01659251 Delphinium menziesii de Candolle Canada: Alberta Pipestone Valley Stew. Brown 424 1906-7-7
GH: 01659258 Delphinium menziesii de Candolle Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 264 1906-6-22
GH: 01660901 Halerpestes cymbalaria (Pursh) Green Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 36 1906-6-8
GH: 01660905 Halerpestes cymbalaria (Pursh) Green Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 689 1906-7-23
GH: 01662255 Ranunculus acris Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 669 1906-7-23
GH: 01662259 Ranunculus acris Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 311 1906-6-27
GH: 01662260 Ranunculus acris Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 654 1906-7-20
GH: 01663482 Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schlechtendal Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 397 1906-7-3
GH: 01663491 Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schlechtendal Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 241 1906-6-21
GH: 01663492 Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schlechtendal Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 364 1906-6-29
GH: 01663493 Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schlechtendal Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 460 1906-7-13
GH: 01664269 Ranunculus flammula filiformis (Michaux) Hooker Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 687 1906-7-23
GH: 01664612 Ranunculus gmelinii de Candolle Canada: British Columbia Beavermouth; Valley of the Columbia River Stew. Brown 744 1906-7-26
GH: 01665434 Ranunculus inamoenus Greene Canada: Alberta Pipestone Valley Stew. Brown 438 1906-7-7
GH: 01665696 Ranunculus longirostris Godron Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 678 1906-7-23
GH: 01665685 Ranunculus longirostris Godron Canada: Alberta Banff: [data not captured] Stew. Brown 693 1906-7-23
GH: 01836913 Ranunculus pedatifidus Smith Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 109 1906-6-17
GH: 01836914 Ranunculus pedatifidus Smith Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 87 1906-6-9
GH: 01838164 Ranunculus sceleratus multifidus Nuttall Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 691 1906-7-23
GH: 01839164 Thalictrum occidentale palouense H. St. John Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 199 1906-6-20
GH: 01839182 Thalictrum occidentale palouense H. St. John Canada: Alberta Pipestone Valley Stew. Brown 434 1906-7-7
GH: 01839185 Thalictrum occidentale palouense H. St. John Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 120 1906-6-17
GH: 01840011 Thalictrum venulosum Trelease Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 112 1906-6-17
GH: 01840168 Trollius albiflorus (A. Gray) Rydberg Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 244 1906-6-21
GH: 01840176 Trollius albiflorus (A. Gray) Rydberg Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 360 1906-6-29
Rosaceae GH: 01726297 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 56 1906-6-9
GH: 01726300 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 23 1906-6-8
GH: 01726338 Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemer Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 318 1906-6-27
GH: 01726759 Amelanchier alnifolia semiintegrifolia (Hooker) C. L. Hitchcock Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 2813 1906-6-22
GH: 00994046 Aruncus dioicus acuminatus (Rydberg) H. Hara Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 601 1906-7-19
GH: 01607275 Comarum palustre Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Beavermouth Stew. Brown 750 1906-7-26
GH: 01607803 Dasiphora fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydberg Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 307 1906-6-20
GH: 01607844 Dasiphora fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydberg Canada: Alberta Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 92 1906-6-11
GH: 01588138 Dryas drummondii Richardson ex Hooker Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 218 1906-6-20
GH: 01588161 Dryas drummondii Richardson ex Hooker Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 139 1906-6-14
GH: 01588230 Dryas drummondii tomentosa (Farr) L. O. Williams Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 139a 1906-6-14
GH: 01588778 Dryas octopetala hookeriana (Juzepczuk) Hultén Canada: Alberta Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 100 1906-6-11
GH: 01588779 Dryas octopetala hookeriana (Juzepczuk) Hultén Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 389 1906-7-3
GH: 01606515 Fragaria vesca bracteata (A. Heller) Staudt Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 53 1906-6-9
GH: 01609687 Geum macrophyllum Willdenow Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 255 1906-6-22
GH: 01610336 Geum triflorum Pursh Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 108 1906-6-17
GH: 01590109 Luetkea pectinata (Pursh) Kuntze Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 613 1906-7-19
GH: 01567166 Potentilla concinna Richardson Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 83 1906-6-9
GH: 01567622 Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann Canada: Alberta Head of Ptarmigan Valley Stew. Brown 378 1906-7-3
GH: 01568368 Potentilla hookeriana Lehmann Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 60 1906-6-9
GH: 01569048 Potentilla nivea macrophylla Seringe Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 356 1906-6-28
GH: 01569056 Potentilla nivea pentaphylla Turczaninow Canada: Alberta Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 105 1906-6-11
GH: 01569340 Potentilla norvegica Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 563 1906-7-17
GH: 01569719 Potentilla pensylvanica Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Valley of the Lower Kicking Horse River; Pal... Stew. Brown 779 1906-7-30
GH: 01570592 Potentilla subvahliana Jurtzev Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 402 1906-7-4
GH: 01725506 Prunus virginiana demissa (Nuttall) Torrey Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 172 1906-6-8
GH: 01556835 Rosa acicularis sayi (Schweinitz) W. H. Lewis Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 558 1906-7-17
GH: 01556886 Rosa acicularis sayi (Schweinitz) W. H. Lewis Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 125 1906-6-8
GH: 01602696 Rubus arcticus Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 580 1906-7-17
GH: 01602707 Rubus arcticus Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 31 1906-6-8
GH: 01605400 Rubus idaeus strigosus (Michaux) Focke Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 257 1906-6-22
GH: 01704685 Sibbaldia procumbens Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 476 1906-7-13
GH: 01704710 Sibbaldia procumbens Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 363 1906-6-29
GH: 01704714 Sibbaldia procumbens Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 282 1906-6-22
GH: 01704733 Sibbaldia procumbens Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Sulphur Mountain Stew. Brown 149 1906-6-14
GH: 01863219 Sorbus sitchensis M. Roemer Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 256 1906-6-22
GH: 01589220 Spiraea betulifolia lucida (Douglas ex Hooker) C. L. Hitchcock Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 564 1906-7-17
GH: 01589244 Spiraea betulifolia lucida (Douglas ex Hooker) C. L. Hitchcock Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 478 1906-6-20
GH: 01589382 Spiraea densiflora Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 263 1906-6-22
Rubiaceae GH: 02358734 Galium boreale Linnaeus Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 557 1906-7-17
GH: 02358761 Galium boreale Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 493 1906-6-20
GH: 02140233 Galium triflorum Michaux Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 349 1906-6-28
GH: 02140232 Galium triflorum Michaux Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] Stew. Brown 477 1906-6-20
Santalaceae GH: 01932798 Comandra umbellata pallida (A. de Candolle) Piehl Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 124 1906-6-8
GH: 02168112 Geocaulon lividum (Richardson) Fernald Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 27 1906-6-8
Saxifragaceae GH: 01733684 Chrysosplenium tetrandrum Th. Fries Canada: British Columbia Lake O'Harra Stew. Brown 756 1906-7-28
GH: 01735168 Heuchera cylindrica septentrionalis Rosendahl, Butters & Lakela Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 722 1906-7-17
GH: 01735172 Heuchera cylindrica septentrionalis Rosendahl, Butters & Lakela Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 355 1906-6-26
GH: 01735239 Heuchera glabra Willdenow ex Roemer & J. H. Schultes Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 583 1906-7-19
GH: 01735244 Heuchera glabra Willdenow ex Roemer & J. H. Schultes Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 583 1906-7-19
GH: 01735245 Heuchera glabra Willdenow ex Roemer & J. H. Schultes Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 583 1906-7-19
GH: 01711119 Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (D. Don) R. Brown ex Seringe Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 228 1906-6-21
GH: 01711120 Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (D. Don) R. Brown ex Seringe Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 525 1906-7-16
GH: 01711234 Lithophragma parviflorum (Hooker) Nuttall Canada: Alberta Stony Squaw Stew. Brown 183 1906-6-17
GH: 01711768 Micranthes lyallii (Engler) Small Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 407 1906-7-4
GH: 01711776 Micranthes lyallii (Engler) Small Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 226 1906-6-21
GH: 01711781 Micranthes lyallii (Engler) Small Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 452 1906-7-13
GH: 01711907 Micranthes nelsoniana (D. Don) Small Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 232 1906-6-21
GH: 01712392 Micranthes rhomboidea (Greene) Small Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 716 1906-7-17
GH: 01616239 Mitella nuda Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 169 1906-6-8
GH: 01616256 Mitella nuda Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 197 1906-6-20
GH: 01616342 Mitella pentandra Hooker Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 536 1906-7-16
GH: 01616346 Mitella pentandra Hooker Canada: British Columbia Little Yoho Valley Stew. Brown 458 1906-7-13
GH: 01616347 Mitella pentandra Hooker Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 225 1906-6-21
GH: 01886530 Ribes lacustre Poiret Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 204 1906-6-20
GH: 01886596 Ribes lacustre Poiret Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 84 1906-6-9
GH: 01886597 Ribes lacustre Poiret Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 33 1906-6-8
GH: 01886855 Ribes laxiflorum Pursh Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 240 1906-6-21
GH: 01887733 Ribes oxyacanthoides setosa (Lindley) Q. P. Sinnott Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 9 1906-6-8
GH: 01616559 Saxifraga adscendens Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 710 1906-7-17
GH: 01616770 Saxifraga aizoides Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 696 1906-7-17
GH: 01616776 Saxifraga aizoides Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 211 1906-6-20
GH: 01619067 Saxifraga bongardi C. Presl ex Engler Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 599 1906-7-19
GH: 01619071 Saxifraga bongardi C. Presl ex Engler Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 245 1906-6-22
GH: 01619216 Saxifraga bronchialis austromontana (Wiegand) M. Peck Canada: Alberta Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 88 1906-6-11
GH: 01619222 Saxifraga bronchialis austromontana (Wiegand) M. Peck Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 343 1906-6-28
GH: 01621029 Saxifraga cernua latibracteata Fernald & Weatherby Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 1906-7-17
GH: 01619726 Saxifraga cespitosa monticola (Small) A. E. Porsild Canada: Alberta Tunnel Mountain Stew. Brown 94 1906-6-11
GH: 01619730 Saxifraga cespitosa monticola (Small) A. E. Porsild Canada: Alberta Lake Louise Stew. Brown 707 1906-7-17
GH: 01621603 Saxifraga oppositifolia Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Ptarmigan Lakes and Vicinity Stew. Brown 405 1906-7-4
GH: 01633081 Suksdorfia ranunculifolia (Hooker) Engler Canada: British Columbia Above Snow Sheds; Glacier Stew. Brown 285 1906-6-22
GH: 01633216 Tellima grandiflora (Pursh) Douglas ex Lindley Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 261 1906-6-22
GH: 01631870 Tiarella unifoliata Hooker Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 236 1906-6-21
GH: 01631872 Tiarella unifoliata Hooker Canada: British Columbia Emerald Lake Stew. Brown 330 1906-6-27
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01841107 Erythranthe caespitosa (Greene) G. L. Nesom Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 605 1906-7-19
GH: 01842058 Erythranthe lewisii (Pursh) G. L. Nesom & N. S. Fraga Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Asulkan Valley Stew. Brown 588 1906-7-19
GH: 01842360 Erythranthe moschata (Douglas ex Lindley) G. L. Nesom Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail Stew. Brown 662 1906-7-20
Selaginellaceae GH: 02075259 Selaginella densa Rydberg Canada: Alberta Banff: Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 128 1906-6-9
Stereocaulaceae FH: 00480377 Stereocaulon tomentosum Th. Fries Canada: Alberta [data not captured] Stew. Brown 1906-6
Taxaceae GH: 01116357 Taxus brevifolia Nuttall Canada: British Columbia Glacier; Above Snow Sheds Stew. Brown 643 1906-7-20
Violaceae GH: 02144555 Viola adunca Smith Canada: Alberta Bow River Valley Stew. Brown 66 1906-6-9
GH: 02145705 Viola canadensis Linnaeus Canada: Alberta Bankhead Stew. Brown 117 1906-6-17
GH: 02145698 Viola canadensis Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Kicking Horse Valley Stew. Brown 196 1906-6-20
GH: 02146584 Viola glabella Nuttall Canada: British Columbia Asulkan Valley; Glacier Stew. Brown 231 1906-6-21
GH: 02147542 Viola macloskeyi F. E. Lloyd Canada: British Columbia Illecillewaet Valley, Loop Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 274 1906-6-22
GH: 02147974 Viola orbiculata (A. Gray) Geyer ex B. D. Jackson Canada: British Columbia Cascade Trail; Glacier Stew. Brown 296 1906-6-22
GH: 02147973 Viola orbiculata (A. Gray) Geyer ex B. D. Jackson Canada: British Columbia Burgess Trail Stew. Brown 370 1906-6-29
GH: 02208187 Viola palustris Linnaeus Canada: British Columbia Above Snow Sheds; Glacier Stew. Brown 278 1906-6-22
GH: 02211217 Viola sororia missouriensis (Greene) L. E. McKinney Canada: Alberta Vicinity of Basin Stew. Brown 170 1906-6-8