<< < Previous Acanthaceae GH: 00093941 Dicliptera pringlei Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Near Tlalixtaquilla E. W. Nelson 2256 1894-12-10
GH: 00093945 Dicliptera sciadephora Donnell Smith Guatemala: Jacaltenango, 5400 feet E. W. Nelson 3584 1895-12-19
GH: 00093941 Dicliptera thlaspioides Nees Mexico: Guerrero Near Tlalixtaquilla E. W. Nelson 2256 1894-12-10
GH: 00057100 Dyschoriste crenulata Kobuski Mexico: Tamaulipas San Fernando to Jimenez E. W. Nelson 6604 1902-2-26
GH: 00249226 Justicia canbyi Greenman Mexico: Tamaulipas Soto la Marina E. W. Nelson 6650 1902-3-2
GH: 00094193 Ruellia jaliscana Standley Mexico: Jalisco Damp cañons along road between Mascota and ... E. W. Nelson 4051 1897-3-14
GH: 00094198 Ruellia oaxacana Leonard Mexico: Oaxaca Road between Pochutla and Plunia, 500-2500 f... E. W. Nelson 2463 1895-3-16
GH: 00094204 Ruellia sororia Standley Mexico: Guerrero Near Chilpancingo, 9000-10200 feet E. W. Nelson 2160 1894-12-24
GH: 00094206 Ruellia velutifolia (House) Wasshausen & Austin Mexico: Oaxaca West side of Valley of Cuicatlan, 2000-4000 ... E. W. Nelson 1887 1894-11-9
GH: 00249226 Siphonoglossa canbyi (Greenman) Hilsenbeck Mexico: Tamaulipas Soto la Marina E. W. Nelson 6650 1902-3-2
Actinidiaceae GH: 00139265 Saurauia pauciflora Rose Mexico: Chiapas near San Cristobal, 7000-8000 ft. E. W. Nelson 3206 1895
Agavaceae GH: 00589011 Agave jaliscana (Rose) A. Berger Mexico: Michoacán Las Reyes E. W. Nelson 6872 1903-2-15
GH: 00030306 Agave neonelsonii Thiede & Eggli Mexico: Durango E. W. Nelson 4630 1898-8-1
GH: 00589011 Agave sp. Mexico: Michoacán Las Reyes E. W. Nelson 6872 1903-2-15
GH: 00589011 Manfreda jaliscana Rose Mexico: Michoacán Las Reyes E. W. Nelson 6872 1903-2-15
GH: 00219310 Nolina nelsonii Rose Mexico: México Collected on mountains near Miquihuana, Stat... E. W. Nelson 4489 1898-6-10
GH: 00030306 Polianthes nelsonii Rose Mexico: Durango E. W. Nelson 4630 1898-8-1
Amaryllidaceae GH: 00030306 Bravoa sp. Mexico: Durango E. W. Nelson 4630 1898-8-1
GH: 00030325 Zephyranthes nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From near Santo Domingo E. W. Nelson 2711a 1895-6-18
GH: 00403803 Zephyranthes nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between San Richardo [Ricardo] and Ocozucuan... E. W. Nelson 2983 1895-8-18
Anacardiaceae GH: 00245326 Pseudosmodingium andrieuxii Engler Mexico: Oaxaca Oaxaca: From Oaxaca City, 6,000 ft E. W. Nelson 2542 1895-4-6
GH: 00245326 Pseudosmodingium multifolium Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Oaxaca: From Oaxaca City, 6,000 ft E. W. Nelson 2542 1895-4-6
Apiaceae GH: 00075093 Arracacia anomala Mathias & Constance Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, near Colovia Garcia E. W. Nelson 6087 1899-8-25
GH: 00075084 Arracacia bracteata J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3776 1896-2-8
GH: 00075084 Arracacia chiapensis J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3776 1896-2-8
GH: 00076817 Ligusticum nelsoni J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, 60 miles south of Guadalupe y ... E. W. Nelson 4809 1898-8-20
GH: 00075093 Museniopsis pubescens J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, near Colovia Garcia E. W. Nelson 6087 1899-8-25
GH: 00077458 Prionosciadium durangense J. M. Coulter & Rose Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 15 miles north of Guanacevi, 7... E. W. Nelson 4763 1898-8-17
GH: 00077458 Prionosciadium madrense S. Watson Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 15 miles north of Guanacevi, 7... E. W. Nelson 4763 1898-8-17
Apocynaceae GH: 02178294 Apocynum androsaemifolium Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Juarez E. W. Nelson 6012 1899-6
GH: 02116055 Haplophyton cimicidum A. de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Six miles above Dominguillo E. W. Nelson 1894-10-31
GH: 02382425 Plumeria mollis Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes E. W. Nelson 1779 1894-10-20
GH: 02375315 Tabernaemontana amygdalifolia Jacquin Mexico: Oaxaca Huilotepec E. W. Nelson 2581 1895-5-4
GH: 02375281 Tabernaemontana amygdalifolia Jacquin Mexico: Oaxaca [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 2581 1895-5-4
Araliaceae GH: 00003192 Dendropanax arboreus (Linnaeus) Decaisne & Planchon Mexico: Tres Marias Islands, Maria Madre Is. E. W. Nelson 4282 1897-5-3
GH: 00003192 Gilibertia arborea (Linnaeus) March Mexico: Tres Marias Islands, Maria Madre Is. E. W. Nelson 4282 1897-5-3
GH: 00003192 Gilibertia insularis Rose Mexico: Tres Marias Islands, Maria Madre Is. E. W. Nelson 4282 1897-5-3
Aristolochiaceae GH: 00099208 Aristolochia nelsonii Eastwood Mexico: Oaxaca From San Geronimo, 200 feet E. W. Nelson 2769 1895-7-1
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00076330 Fischeria oaxacana Standley Mexico: Oaxaca Near Santo Domingo, 1600 feet E. W. Nelson 2713 1895-6-18
GH: 00076330 Fischeria scandens de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Near Santo Domingo, 1600 feet E. W. Nelson 2713 1895-6-18
GH: 00076495 Matelea rotundifolia W. D. Stevens Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia, Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6123 1899-8-25
Asteraceae GH: 00004100 Achaetogeron mimus (S. F. Blake) DeJong Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 30 miles north of Guanacevi, 8... E. W. Nelson 4786 1898-8-18
GH: 00273575 Acourtia mexicana (Lagasca ex D. Don) H. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua collected at Sierra en Media E. W. Nelson 6480 1899-9-28
GH: 00022793 Acourtia nelsonii (B. L. Robinson) Reveal & R. M. King Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Talpa E. W. Nelson 4037 1897-3-7
GH: 00273575 Acourtia thurberi (A. Gray) Reveal & R. M. King Mexico: Chihuahua collected at Sierra en Media E. W. Nelson 6480 1899-9-28
GH: 00007117 Ageratina aegirophylla (B. L. Robinson) King & Robinson Mexico: Eastern slope of Mt. Orizaba, 5000-7000 feet E. W. Nelson 304 1894-3-21
GH: 00007149 Ageratina campyloclada (B. L. Robinson) King & H. Robinson Mexico: Coahuila General Cepida E. W. Nelson 6735 1902-4-20
GH: 00007261 Ageratina ciliata (Lessing) King & H. Robinson Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4244 1897-5-3
GH: 00007342 Ageratina herbacea (A. Gray) King & H. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6499 1899-9-29
GH: 00007128 Ageratina leiocarpa (B. L. Robinson) Gage Mexico: Guerrero Near Chilpancingo, 9000-10200 feet. E. W. Nelson 2221 1894-12-24
GH: 00007261 Ageratina mariarum (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4244 1897-5-3
GH: 00000641 Ageratum albidum de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Between Zanatepec and Tapana, 650 ft. [feet] E. W. Nelson 2822a 1895-7-16
GH: 00000641 Ageratum albidum nelsonii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Oaxaca Between Zanatepec and Tapana, 650 ft. [feet] E. W. Nelson 2822a 1895-7-16
GH: 00000641 Ageratum corymbosum Zuccagni Mexico: Oaxaca Between Zanatepec and Tapana, 650 ft. [feet] E. W. Nelson 2822a 1895-7-16
GH: 00000739 Ageratum stachyofolium B. L. Robinson Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of La Parada, 7500-8500 ft. E. W. Nelson 991 1894-8-19
GH: 00589125 Alloispermum scabrum (Lagasca) H. Robinson Mexico: Guerrero Top of Sierra Madre near Chilpancingo E. W. Nelson 2212 1894-12-24
GH: 00000787 Alomia platylepis B. L. Robinson Guatemala: Alta Verapaz near Menton, 3000-4000 ft E. W. Nelson 3528 1895-12-13
GH: 00002817 Altamirania pachyphylla Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Near Totontepec; alt. 5500 to 3700 ft. E. W. Nelson 829 1894-7-15
GH: 00002682 Arnicastrum glandulosum Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua near Colonia Garcia E. W. Nelson 6102 1899-8-25
GH: 00002683 Arnicastrum glandulosum Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6102 1899-6-21
GH: 00549781 Arnicastrum glandulosum velutinum Greenman Mexico: Durango From Sierra Madre 30 miles north of Guanacev... E. W. Nelson 4778 1898-8-18
GH: 01237090 Artemisia albula Wooton Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra en Media E. W. Nelson 6488 1899-9-28
GH: 00274985 Artemisia carruthii Alph. Wood ex J. H. Carruth Mexico: Chihuahua Near Lake Santa Maria E. W. Nelson 6387 1899-9
GH: 01237108 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua the foothills of the Sierra Madres, near Col... E. W. Nelson 6318 1899-8-29
GH: 01237082 Artemisia filifolia Torrey Mexico: Chihuahua Colonia Diaz E. W. Nelson 6452 1899-9-20
GH: 01237174 Artemisia neomexicana Greene Mexico: Chihuahua Along road to [Ponal], near San Julian E. W. Nelson 4939 1898-9-8
GH: 00274985 Artemisia pringlei Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Lake Santa Maria E. W. Nelson 6387 1899-9
GH: 00065086 Aspilia purpurea Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Valley of Jiquipilas, 2200-2800 feet E. W. Nelson 2924 1895-8-16
GH: 00065088 Aspilia purpurea Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Valley of Jiquipilas, 2200-2800 feet E. W. Nelson 2924 1895-8-16
GH: 00002817 Aspiliopsis pachyphylla Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Near Totontepec; alt. 5500 to 3700 ft. E. W. Nelson 829 1894-7-15
GH: 00004087 Barroetea brevipes B. L. Robinson Mexico: Oaxaca Along the Cuicatlan road, Valley of Oaxaca, ... E. W. Nelson 1520 1894-10-3
GH: 00004087 Barroetea pavonii A. Gray Mexico: Oaxaca Along the Cuicatlan road, Valley of Oaxaca, ... E. W. Nelson 1520 1894-10-3
GH: 00004100 Bellis Linnaeus Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 30 miles north of Guanacevi, 8... E. W. Nelson 4786 1898-8-18
GH: 00004100 Bellis mima S. F. Blake Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 30 miles north of Guanacevi, 8... E. W. Nelson 4786 1898-8-18
GH: 00004236 Bigelowia nelsonii Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua In the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6494 1899-9-29
GH: 00004437 Brickellia cavanillesii A. Gray Mexico: Tamaulipas Juamave Valley, Alt. about 2000 feet E. W. Nelson 4449 1898-6-1
GH: 00004414 Brickellia diffusa A. Gray Mexico: Guerrero Sihuatanejo E. W. Nelson 7009 1903-4-9
GH: 00004414 Brickellia filipes B. L. Robinson Mexico: Guerrero Sihuatanejo E. W. Nelson 7009 1903-4-9
GH: 00004420 Brickellia glomerata Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca From Panixtlahuaca to Juquila, 3000 feet E. W. Nelson 2391 1895-2-26
GH: 00004437 Brickellia nelsonii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Tamaulipas Juamave Valley, Alt. about 2000 feet E. W. Nelson 4449 1898-6-1
GH: 00442023 Brickellia wislizeni A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 5008 1898-9-12
GH: 00442023 Brickellia wislizeni brevifolia A. Gray ex Pringle Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 5008 1898-9-12
GH: 00066532 Cacalia Linnaeus Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cerro San Felipe, 9,500 - 11,000... E. W. Nelson 1111 1894
GH: 00004535 Calea hypoleuca B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Dry hills in Valley of Oaxaca, 5100-5800 fee... E. W. Nelson 1217 1894-9-8
GH: 00004540 Calea longipedicellata B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Choapan, alt. 3800 ft. to 4500 f... E. W. Nelson 898 1894-7-28
GH: 00004542 Calea megacephala B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From Santa Efigenia, 500 feet E. W. Nelson 2844 1895-7-18
GH: 00589116 Calea megacephala B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas back of Tonala E. W. Nelson 2884 1895-8-10
GH: 00004543 Calea nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Top of ridge back of Tonala, 1200-2500 feet E. W. Nelson 2887 1895-8-10
GH: 00004535 Calea ternifolia calyculata (B. L. Robinson) Wussow & Urbatsch Mexico: Oaxaca Dry hills in Valley of Oaxaca, 5100-5800 fee... E. W. Nelson 1217 1894-9-8
GH: 00004543 Calea ternifolia nelsonii (B. L. Robinson & Greenman) Wussow & Urbatsch Mexico: Chiapas Top of ridge back of Tonala, 1200-2500 feet E. W. Nelson 2887 1895-8-10
GH: 00589125 Calea thysanolepis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Top of Sierra Madre near Chilpancingo E. W. Nelson 2212 1894-12-24
GH: 00009647 Chromolepis heterophylla integrifolia S. F. Blake Mexico: Durango Near El Salto E. W. Nelson 4580 1898-7-12
GH: 00139017 Cirsium durangense (Greenman) G. B. Ownbey Mexico: Durango E. W. Nelson 4633 1898-8-1
GH: 00139017 Cirsium ochrocentrum durangense Greenman Mexico: Durango E. W. Nelson 4633 1898-8-1
GH: 00139017 Cnicus sp. Mexico: Durango E. W. Nelson 4633 1898-8-1
GH: 00442040 Cosmos bipinnatus parviflorus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 4817 1898-8-21
GH: 00442041 Cosmos bipinnatus parviflorus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 6179 1899-8-1
GH: 00053188 Cosmos nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cerro San Felipe, 9500-11000 ft E. W. Nelson 1176 p.p. 1894-9-1
GH: 00442040 Cosmos parviflorus (Jacquin) Persoon Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 4817 1898-8-21
GH: 00442041 Cosmos parviflorus (Jacquin) Persoon Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 6179 1899-8-1
GH: 00006278 Crepis barberi Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre near Colonia Garcia E. W. Nelson 6107 1899-8-25
GH: 00006279 Crepis barberi Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre near Colonia Garcia E. W. Nelson 6107 1899-6-21
GH: 00006278 Crepis runcinata barberi (Greenman) Babcock & Stebbins Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre near Colonia Garcia E. W. Nelson 6107 1899-8-25
GH: 00006279 Crepis runcinata barberi (Greenman) Babcock & Stebbins Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre near Colonia Garcia E. W. Nelson 6107 1899-6-21
GH: 00006310 Critonia breedlovei R. M. King & H. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 2753 1896-2-6
GH: 00977274 Cynara cardunculus Linnaeus Mexico: Guanajuato [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 3866 1896-6-1
GH: 00006401 Diplostephium corymbosum Donnell Smith Guatemala: Todos Santos, 10000 feet E. W. Nelson 3639 1895-12-26
GH: 00006402 Diplostephium paniculatum Donnell Smith Guatemala: Between San Martin & Todos Santos, 7000-8500... E. W. Nelson 3629 1895-12-25
GH: 00006548 Encelia collodes Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla, 2100-300... E. W. Nelson 3071 1895-8-29
GH: 00004236 Ericameria laricifolia (A. Gray) Shinners Mexico: Chihuahua In the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6494 1899-9-29
GH: 00004236 Ericameria nelsonii S. F. Blake Mexico: Chihuahua In the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6494 1899-9-29
GH: 00006853 Erigeron neomexicanus A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Base of Mt. Mohinora, 8 miles from Guadalupe... E. W. Nelson 4861 1898-8-23
GH: 00006841 Erigeron oaxacanus Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From near San Mates del Mar E. W. Nelson 2606 1895-5-16
GH: 00006844 Erigeron oreophilus Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6218 1899-8-1
GH: 00006846 Erigeron oreophilus Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6218 1899-8-1
GH: 00006847 Erigeron oreophilus Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Between Colonia Garcia and Pratto Ranch belo... E. W. Nelson 6265 1899-8-22
GH: 00006850 Erigeron oreophilus Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Between Colonia Garcia and Pratt's Ranch bel... E. W. Nelson 6265 1899-8-22
GH: 00006851 Erigeron oreophilus dactyloides Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6220 1899-8-1
GH: 00006852 Erigeron oreophilus dactyloides Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6220 1899-8-1
GH: 00006853 Erigeron oreophilus latilobus Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Base of Mt. Mohinora, 8 miles from Guadalupe... E. W. Nelson 4861 1898-8-23
GH: 00007033 Eupatoriastrum nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Santa Efigenia, 500 ft. E. W. Nelson 2827 1895-7-18
GH: 00007117 Eupatorium aegirophyllum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Eastern slope of Mt. Orizaba, 5000-7000 feet E. W. Nelson 304 1894-3-21
GH: 00007128 Eupatorium areolare leiocarpum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Guerrero Near Chilpancingo, 9000-10200 feet. E. W. Nelson 2221 1894-12-24
GH: 00007149 Eupatorium campylocladum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Coahuila General Cepida E. W. Nelson 6735 1902-4-20
GH: 00007158 Eupatorium chiapense B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabelé, altitude 6500 - 8000 ft. E. W. Nelson 3786 1896-2-8
GH: 00007329 Eupatorium daleoides Hemsley Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3785 1896-2-8
GH: 00006310 Eupatorium hospitale B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 2753 1896-2-6
GH: 00007261 Eupatorium mariarum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4244 1897-5-3
GH: 00007276 Eupatorium nelsonii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Between Ayusinapa and Patatlan, alt. 5000 - ... E. W. Nelson 2144 1894-12-14
GH: 00007261 Eupatorium pazcuarense Kunth Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4244 1897-5-3
GH: 00007326 Eupatorium phoenicolepis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal & Teopisca, 6700-8500 ... E. W. Nelson 3473 1895-12-4
GH: 00007329 Eupatorium pinabetense B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3785 1896-2-8
GH: 00007332 Eupatorium platyphyllum B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3765 1896-2-6
GH: 00007342 Eupatorium prionobium B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6499 1899-9-29
GH: 00006310 Eupatorium vanillosmoiodes Schultz Bipontinus ex Baker Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 2753 1896-2-6
GH: 00008132 Flaveria vaginata B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Between Coixtlahuaca & Tamazulapam, 7000-770... E. W. Nelson 1933 1894-11-12
GH: 00006548 Flourensia collodes S. F. Blake Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla, 2100-300... E. W. Nelson 3071 1895-8-29
GH: 00008242 Galinsoga bicolorata H. St. John & D. White Mexico: Chiapas Near Tumbala, 4000-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 3356 1895-10-20
GH: 00008242 Galinsoga hispida Bentham Mexico: Chiapas Near Tumbala, 4000-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 3356 1895-10-20
GH: 00008242 Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pavon Mexico: Chiapas Near Tumbala, 4000-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 3356 1895-10-20
GH: 00008384 Gochnatia smithii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Along road from Totolapa to San Carlos. Alti... E. W. Nelson 2546 1895-4-19
GH: 00008450 Grindelia inuloides Willdenow Mexico: Michoacán Las Reyes E. W. Nelson 6864 1903-2-8
GH: 00008450 Grindelia nelsonii Steyermark Mexico: Michoacán Las Reyes E. W. Nelson 6864 1903-2-8
GH: 00008465 Grypocarpha nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Top of ridge back of Tonala, 1200-2500 feet. E. W. Nelson 2892 1895-8-10
GH: 00008468 Guardiola odontophylla B. L. Robinson Mexico: Durango Between Ramos and Inde E. W. Nelson 4683 1898-8-11
GH: 00008469 Guardiola odontophylla B. L. Robinson Mexico: Durango Between Ramos and Inde E. W. Nelson 4683 1898-8-11
GH: 00008474 Guardiola rosei B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Base of Mt. Mohinora, 60 miles south of Guad... E. W. Nelson 4806 1898-8-20
GH: 00014147 Gutierrezia alamanii megalocephala (Fernald) M. A. Lane Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora E. W. Nelson 4890 1898-9-1
GH: 00014148 Gutierrezia alamanii megalocephala (Fernald) M. A. Lane Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora E. W. Nelson 4890 1898-9-1
GH: 00008541 Gymnolomia flava Hemsley Mexico: Guerrero Between Tlapa & Ayusinapa; altitude 4500 - 5... E. W. Nelson 2105 1894-12-13
GH: 00008541 Gymnolomia megacephala B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Tlapa & Ayusinapa; altitude 4500 - 5... E. W. Nelson 2105 1894-12-13
GH: 00008562 Gymnolomia serrata B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Mt. Mohinora E. W. Nelson 4891 1898-9-1
GH: 00008563 Gymnolomia serrata B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Mt. Mohinora E. W. Nelson 4891 1898-9-1
GH: 00435124 Helianthus annuus Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 6411 1899-9
GH: 00008837 Helianthus oaxacanus Greenman Mexico: Between Huajuapam, Oaxaca and Rettatzingo, P... E. W. Nelson 1985 1894-11-19
GH: 00009046 Hieracium carneum chihuahuense B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6192 1899-8-1
GH: 00009069 Hieracium crepidispermum Fries Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6128 1899-8-25
GH: 00009069 Hieracium prionobium B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6128 1899-8-25
GH: 00009337 Hymenopappus L'Heritier Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre. E. W. Nelson 6210 1899-8-1
GH: 00009338 Hymenopappus L'Heritier Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre. E. W. Nelson 6210 1899-8-1
GH: 00009337 Hymenothrix glandulosa nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre. E. W. Nelson 6210 1899-8-1
GH: 00009338 Hymenothrix glandulosa nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre. E. W. Nelson 6210 1899-8-1
GH: 00009338 Hymenothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre. E. W. Nelson 6210 1899-8-1
GH: 00009337 Hymenothrix palmeri A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre. E. W. Nelson 6210 1899-8-1
GH: 00000787 Isocarpha echioides Lessing Guatemala: Alta Verapaz near Menton, 3000-4000 ft E. W. Nelson 3528 1895-12-13
GH: 00009492 Kuhnia Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, 15 miles south of Guadalupe y ... E. W. Nelson 4825 1898-8-22
GH: 00009492 Kuhnia eupatorioides Linnaeus Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, 15 miles south of Guadalupe y ... E. W. Nelson 4825 1898-8-22
GH: 00009492 Kuhnia oreithales B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, 15 miles south of Guadalupe y ... E. W. Nelson 4825 1898-8-22
GH: 00009492 Kuhnia triplinervis S. F. Blake Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, 15 miles south of Guadalupe y ... E. W. Nelson 4825 1898-8-22
GH: 00007276 Kyrsteniopsis nelsonii (B. L. Robinson) R. M. King & H. Robinson Mexico: Between Ayusinapa and Patatlan, alt. 5000 - ... E. W. Nelson 2144 1894-12-14
GH: 00009552 Lagascea rigida (Cavanilles) Stuessy Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayasinapa and Petatlan, 5000 to 7000... E. W. Nelson 2121 1894-12-14
GH: 00009552 Lagascea tomentosa B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayasinapa and Petatlan, 5000 to 7000... E. W. Nelson 2121 1894-12-14
GH: 00009647 Leptosyne pinnata integrifolia Greenman Mexico: Durango Near El Salto E. W. Nelson 4580 1898-7-12
GH: 00009925 Lygodesmia ramosissima Greenman Mexico: Between Doctor Arroyo, Nuevo Leon and Matthu... E. W. Nelson 4516 1898-6-17
GH: 00009924 Lygodesmia ramosissima Greenman Mexico: Durango Ramos to Inde E. W. Nelson 4710 1898-8-11
GH: 00010069 Melampodium americanum Linnaeus Mexico: Michoacán Volcano Jorullo E. W. Nelson 6939 1903-3-28
GH: 00010069 Melampodium nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Michoacán Volcano Jorullo E. W. Nelson 6939 1903-3-28
GH: 00010171 Mikania eriophora chiapensis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3769 1896-2-6
GH: 00010171 Mikania pyramidata J. D. Smith Mexico: Chiapas Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3769 1896-2-6
GH: 00010548 Montanoa myriocephala B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Six miles above Dominguillo, altitude 4500-5... E. W. Nelson 1845 1894-10-30
GH: 00010547 Montanoa myriocephala B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Puebla Between Pettacingo And Acatlen, 4100-4800 ft... E. W. Nelson 2000 1894-11-20
GH: 00010545 Montanoa myriocephala B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between Hacienda Juncana and San Vicente, 42... E. W. Nelson 3503 1895-12-12
GH: 00010547 Montanoa tomentosa xanthiifolia (Schultz Bipontinus ex C. Koch) V. A. Funk Mexico: Puebla Between Pettacingo And Acatlen, 4100-4800 ft... E. W. Nelson 2000 1894-11-20
GH: 00010548 Montanoa tomentosa xanthiifolia (Schultz Bipontinus ex C. Koch) V. A. Funk Mexico: Oaxaca Six miles above Dominguillo, altitude 4500-5... E. W. Nelson 1845 1894-10-30
GH: 00010545 Montanoa xanthiifolia Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Chiapas Between Hacienda Juncana and San Vicente, 42... E. W. Nelson 3503 1895-12-12
GH: 00010548 Montanoa xanthiifolia Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Oaxaca Six miles above Dominguillo, altitude 4500-5... E. W. Nelson 1845 1894-10-30
GH: 00010547 Montanoa xanthiifolia Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Puebla Between Pettacingo And Acatlen, 4100-4800 ft... E. W. Nelson 2000 1894-11-20
GH: 00010693 Neurolaena macrophylla Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3766 1896-2-6
GH: 00589255 Pectis barberi Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Between Colonia Garcia and Pratt's Ranch bel... E. W. Nelson 6269 1899-8-22
GH: 00589256 Pectis barberi Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Between Colonia Garcia and Pratt's Ranch bel... E. W. Nelson 6269 1899-8-22
GH: 00022793 Perezia nelsonii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Talpa E. W. Nelson 4037 1897-3-7
GH: 00273575 Perezia thurberi A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua collected at Sierra en Media E. W. Nelson 6480 1899-9-28
GH: 00011202 Perymenium Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains near Tlapancingo; alt. 6000 - 8000... E. W. Nelson 2067 1894-12-7
GH: 00011163 Perymenium ghiesbreghtii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, 7000-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3205 1895-9-18
GH: 00011185 Perymenium grande nelsonii (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3465 1895-12-4
GH: 00011184 Perymenium grande nelsonii (Robinson & Greenman) Fay Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla; alttude ... E. W. Nelson 3076 1895-8-29
GH: 00011198 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Yalalaq; alt. 4000 - 7800 ft. E. W. Nelson 954 1894-7
GH: 00011202 Perymenium mendezii de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains near Tlapancingo; alt. 6000 - 8000... E. W. Nelson 2067 1894-12-7
GH: 00011184 Perymenium nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla; alttude ... E. W. Nelson 3076 1895-8-29
GH: 00011185 Perymenium nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3465 1895-12-4
GH: 00011198 Perymenium rude B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Yalalaq; alt. 4000 - 7800 ft. E. W. Nelson 954 1894-7
GH: 00011202 Perymenium subcordatum S. F. Blake Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains near Tlapancingo; alt. 6000 - 8000... E. W. Nelson 2067 1894-12-7
GH: 00008465 Philactis nelsonii (Greenman) Blake Mexico: Chiapas Top of ridge back of Tonala, 1200-2500 feet. E. W. Nelson 2892 1895-8-10
GH: 00002817 Podachaenium pachyphyllum (Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt) R. K. Jansen, N. A. Harriman & Urbatsch Mexico: Oaxaca Near Totontepec; alt. 5500 to 3700 ft. E. W. Nelson 829 1894-7-15
GH: 00011392 Polymnia nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, Alt. 7,000-8,000ft. E. W. Nelson 3221a 1895-9-18
GH: 00011392 Polymnia oaxacana Schultz Bipontinus ex Klatt Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, Alt. 7,000-8,000ft. E. W. Nelson 3221a 1895-9-18
GH: 00011419 Porophyllum ervendbergii A. Gray Mexico: Guerrero Bewteen Chilapa and Tixtla; altitude 5200 - ... E. W. Nelson 2170 1894-12-16
GH: 00011418 Porophyllum nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Road between Nopala and Mixistepec; alt. 800... E. W. Nelson 2435 1895-3-5
GH: 00011417 Porophyllum nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From Panixtlahuaca to Jaquila; alt. 5,000 ft... E. W. Nelson 2399 1895-2-26
GH: 00011419 Porophyllum nutans B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Bewteen Chilapa and Tixtla; altitude 5200 - ... E. W. Nelson 2170 1894-12-16
GH: 00066532 Psacalium nelsonii Rydberg Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cerro San Felipe, 9,500 - 11,000... E. W. Nelson 1111 1894
GH: 00098041 Roldana cordovensis (Hemsley) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayusinapa and Petatlan, 5000-7000 fe... E. W. Nelson 2137 1894-12-14
GH: 00098015 Roldana gilgii (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3772 1896-2-8
GH: 00098021 Roldana lanicaulis (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3771 1896-2-8
GH: 00097996 Roldana petasitis oaxacana (Hemsley) Funston Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10000 feet E. W. Nelson 1002 1894-10-20
GH: 00098032 Roldana petasitis cristobalensis (Greenman) Funston Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3469 1895-12-4
GH: 00098022 Roldana robinsoniana (Greenman) Robinson & Brettell Mexico: Oaxaca Road between Nopala and Mixistepec, 800-1,70... E. W. Nelson 2439 1895-3-5
GH: 00066547 Senecio alatipes Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between Teneapa and Yajalon, 3000 - 5000 fee... E. W. Nelson 3277 1895-10-13
GH: 00098041 Senecio brachyanthus Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayusinapa and Petatlan, 5000-7000 fe... E. W. Nelson 2137 1894-12-14
GH: 00066595 Senecio callosus Schultz Bipontinus Guatemala: Todos Santos, 10,000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3637 1895-12-26
GH: 00098041 Senecio chapalensis areolatus Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayusinapa and Petatlan, 5000-7000 fe... E. W. Nelson 2137 1894-12-14
GH: 00066611 Senecio chicharrensis Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6,000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3796 1896-2-12
GH: 00098032 Senecio cristobalensis Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3469 1895-12-4
GH: 00066595 Senecio decorus Greenman Guatemala: Todos Santos, 10,000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3637 1895-12-26
GH: 00098015 Senecio gilgii Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3772 1896-2-8
GH: 00097996 Senecio hederoides Greenman ex Loesener Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10000 feet E. W. Nelson 1002 1894-10-20
GH: 00098021 Senecio lanicaulis Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3771 1896-2-8
GH: 00066450 Senecio mohinorensis Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Collected on Mt. Mohinora, south west Chihua... E. W. Nelson 4881 1898-9-1
GH: 00098032 Senecio petasitis de Candolle Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3469 1895-12-4
GH: 00097996 Senecio petasitis de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10000 feet E. W. Nelson 1002 1894-10-20
GH: 00066623 Senecio picridis S. Schauer Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains southeast of Miahuatlan, altitude ... E. W. Nelson 2526 1895
GH: 00066595 Senecio purpurascens Klatt Guatemala: Todos Santos, 10,000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3637 1895-12-26
GH: 00066795 Senecio purpurascens fossanervius Greenman Mexico: [Oaxaca] E. W. Nelson 1308
GH: 00098022 Senecio robinsonianus Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Road between Nopala and Mixistepec, 800-1,70... E. W. Nelson 2439 1895-3-5
GH: 00066623 Senecio subauriculatus Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains southeast of Miahuatlan, altitude ... E. W. Nelson 2526 1895
GH: 01176380 Solidago juliae G. L. Nesom Mexico: Nuevo León Santa Catarina E. W. Nelson 6710 1902-4-13
GH: 01176389 Solidago maya Semple Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ocuilapa, 3400-3800 feet E. W. Nelson 3006 1895-8-21
GH: 00009647 Stephanopholis pinnata integrifolia S. F. Blake Mexico: Durango Near El Salto E. W. Nelson 4580 1898-7-12
GH: 00012754 Stevia Cavanilles Mexico: Michoacán Mount Patambán E. W. Nelson 6579 1903-1
GH: 00012754 Stevia nelsonii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Michoacán Mount Patambán E. W. Nelson 6579 1903-1
GH: 00012755 Stevia neurophylla B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayusinapa and Petatlan E. W. Nelson 2133 1894-12-14
GH: 00002832 Tagetes nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near Tumbala, 4000-5500 ft. E. W. Nelson 3314 1895-10-20
GH: 00066611 Telanthophora grandifolia (Lessing) Robinson & Brett Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6,000 feet. E. W. Nelson 3796 1896-2-12
GH: 00013227 Tridax procumbens Linnaeus Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Yalalag; alt. 4000 - 7500 ft. E. W. Nelson 948 1894-7
GH: 00013227 Tridax procumbens ovatifolia B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Yalalag; alt. 4000 - 7500 ft. E. W. Nelson 948 1894-7
GH: 00013245 Trigonospermum melampodioides de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca From Panixtlahuaca to Jaquila; altitude 1,00... E. W. Nelson 2393 1895-2-26
GH: 00257713 Trigonospermum melampodioides de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca West slope of Mt. Zempoaltepec E. W. Nelson 617 1894-7-5
GH: 00013245 Trigonospermum tomentosum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From Panixtlahuaca to Jaquila; altitude 1,00... E. W. Nelson 2393 1895-2-26
GH: 00257713 Trigonospermum tomentosum B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca West slope of Mt. Zempoaltepec E. W. Nelson 617 1894-7-5
GH: 00013299 Trixis P. Browne Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4191 1897-5-2
GH: 00013300 Trixis P. Browne Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4191 1897-5-2
GH: 00013283 Trixis megalophylla Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Sochi And Tlalkinsala; alt. 3600 - 4... E. W. Nelson 2038 1894-11-29
GH: 00013284 Trixis nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca; 6700 - 8... E. W. Nelson 3459 1895-12-4
GH: 00013299 Trixis pterocaulis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4191 1897-5-2
GH: 00013300 Trixis pterocaulis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4191 1897-5-2
GH: 00013299 Trixis wrightii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4191 1897-5-2
GH: 00013300 Trixis wrightii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4191 1897-5-2
GH: 00013350 Verbesina chiapensis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Near Tumbala; altitude 4000 - 5500 ft. E. W. Nelson 3364 1895-10-20
GH: 00013366 Verbesina gigantea Jacquin Mexico: Chiapas Near Yajalon E. W. Nelson 3423 1895-11-21
GH: 00013366 Verbesina gigantoides B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Near Yajalon E. W. Nelson 3423 1895-11-21
GH: 00013377 Verbesina hypargyrea B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Chiapas Between Hacienda Juncana & San Vicente; alt.... E. W. Nelson 3510 1895-12-12
GH: 00013477 Verbesina liebmannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Guerrero Near Chilpancingo; altitude 9000 - 10200 ft. E. W. Nelson 2215 1894-12-24
GH: 00013479 Verbesina liebmannii Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Oaxaca 18 miles southwest of the City of Oaxaca; al... E. W. Nelson 1393 1894-9-10
GH: 00013366 Verbesina myriocephala Schultz Bipontinus Mexico: Chiapas Near Yajalon E. W. Nelson 3423 1895-11-21
GH: 00013421 Verbesina nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Between Ayusinapa & Petatlan; alt. 5000 - 70... E. W. Nelson 2118 1894-12-14
GH: 00008563 Verbesina scotiodonta Blake Mexico: Chihuahua Mt. Mohinora E. W. Nelson 4891 1898-9-1
GH: 00008562 Verbesina scotiodonta Blake Mexico: Chihuahua Mt. Mohinora E. W. Nelson 4891 1898-9-1
GH: 00013484 Verbesina sphaerocephala A. Gray Mexico: Puebla Atlixco E. W. Nelson 1893-7-25
GH: 00013477 Verbesina variabilis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Near Chilpancingo; altitude 9000 - 10200 ft. E. W. Nelson 2215 1894-12-24
GH: 00013479 Verbesina variabilis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca 18 miles southwest of the City of Oaxaca; al... E. W. Nelson 1393 1894-9-10
GH: 00013484 Verbesina xanthochlora B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Puebla Atlixco E. W. Nelson 1893-7-25
GH: 00008541 Viguiera excelsa (Willdenow) Bentham & Hooker f. Mexico: Guerrero Between Tlapa & Ayusinapa; altitude 4500 - 5... E. W. Nelson 2105 1894-12-13
GH: 00008541 Viguiera excelsa megacephala (Robinson & Greenman) S. F. Blake Mexico: Guerrero Between Tlapa & Ayusinapa; altitude 4500 - 5... E. W. Nelson 2105 1894-12-13
GH: 00013947 Viguiera nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Between Chilapa and Tixtla; alt. 5200 - 7000... E. W. Nelson 2169 1894-12-17
GH: 00008837 Viguiera oaxacana (Greenman) Blake Mexico: Between Huajuapam, Oaxaca and Rettatzingo, P... E. W. Nelson 1985 1894-11-19
GH: 00065088 Wedelia purpurea (Greenman) B. L. Turner Mexico: Chiapas Valley of Jiquipilas, 2200-2800 feet E. W. Nelson 2924 1895-8-16
GH: 00065086 Wedelia purpurea (Greenman) B. L. Turner Mexico: Chiapas Valley of Jiquipilas, 2200-2800 feet E. W. Nelson 2924 1895-8-16
GH: 00014147 Xanthocephalum megalocephalum Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora E. W. Nelson 4890 1898-9-1
GH: 00014148 Xanthocephalum megalocephalum Fernald Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora E. W. Nelson 4890 1898-9-1
Begoniaceae GH: 00273377 Begonia gracilis Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes E. W. Nelson 1770 1894-10-20
GH: 00273379 Begonia gracilis Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, Papalo, 10 miles east of Cuicatl... E. W. Nelson 1712 1894-10-20
GH: 00273379 Begonia sp. Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, Papalo, 10 miles east of Cuicatl... E. W. Nelson 1712 1894-10-20
Boraginaceae GH: 00032782 Amblynotopsis durangensis J. F. Macbride Mexico: Durango Road between San Julian and Ceno Prieto, 700... E. W. Nelson 4960 1898-9-9
GH: 00032782 Amphibologyne mexicana (M. Martens & Galeotti) Brand Mexico: Durango Road between San Julian and Ceno Prieto, 700... E. W. Nelson 4960 1898-9-9
GH: 00032782 Antiphytum sp. Mexico: Durango Road between San Julian and Ceno Prieto, 700... E. W. Nelson 4960 1898-9-9
GH: 00247382 Cordia Linnaeus Mexico: Michoacán La Salada, 40 miles south of Uruapan. E. W. Nelson 6924 1903-3-15
GH: 00247367 Cordia chiapensis Fernald Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ociulapa. alt. 3400-3800 ft... E. W. Nelson 3003 1895-8-21
GH: 00247367 Cordia foliosa M. Martens & Galeotti Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ociulapa. alt. 3400-3800 ft... E. W. Nelson 3003 1895-8-21
GH: 00247382 Cordia globosa (Jacquin) Kunth Mexico: Michoacán La Salada, 40 miles south of Uruapan. E. W. Nelson 6924 1903-3-15
GH: 00094850 Cordia inermis (Miller) I. M. Johnston Mexico: Maria Madra island E. W. Nelson 4296 1897-5-3
GH: 00094849 Cordia inermis (Miller) I. M. Johnston Mexico: Maria Madra island E. W. Nelson 4296 1897-5-3
GH: 00094850 Cordia insularis Greenman Mexico: Maria Madra island E. W. Nelson 4296 1897-5-3
GH: 00094849 Cordia insularis Greenman Mexico: Maria Madra island E. W. Nelson 4296 1897-5-3
GH: 00247382 Cordia nelsonii I. M. Johnston Mexico: Michoacán La Salada, 40 miles south of Uruapan. E. W. Nelson 6924 1903-3-15
GH: 00097538 Heliotropium jaliscense J. F. Macbride Mexico: Jalisco Near San Sebastian, 3850-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 4083 1897-3-16
GH: 00097538 Heliotropium rufipilum (Bentham) I. M. Johnston Mexico: Jalisco Near San Sebastian, 3850-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 4083 1897-3-16
GH: 00097469 Lithospermum nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Nuevo León Cerro la Silla, near Monterey E. W. Nelson 6682 1902-3-20
GH: 00062061 Mertensia mexicana L. O. Williams Mexico: Chihuahua Along road to Poual, near Julian, 7000-8000 ... E. W. Nelson 4931 1898-9-8
GH: 00062061 Mertensia umbratilis Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Along road to Poual, near Julian, 7000-8000 ... E. W. Nelson 4931 1898-9-8
GH: 00096884 Tournefortia nelsoni Donnell Smith Guatemala: Huehuetenango Between San Martin and Todos Santos, 7000-85... E. W. Nelson 3615 1895-12-25
GH: 00247367 Varronia foliosa (M. Martens & Galeotti) Borhidi Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ociulapa. alt. 3400-3800 ft... E. W. Nelson 3003 1895-8-21
Bromeliaceae GH: 00246507 Hechtia sphaeroblasta B. L. Robinson Mexico: Guerrero From Tlapa, altitude 4000 ft. E. W. Nelson 2044 1894-12-3
GH: 01818172 Tillandsia schiedeana Steudel Mexico: Oaxaca Between Totolapa and San Carlos E. W. Nelson 2544 1895-4-19
GH: 01818326 Tillandsia usneoides Linnaeus Mexico: Chiapas Between Hacienda Juncana & San Vicente E. W. Nelson 3504 1895-12-12
Burseraceae GH: 00044384 Bursera diversifolia Rose Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla, 2100-300... E. W. Nelson 3066 1895-8-29
Buxaceae GH: 00048943 Buxus pubescens Greenman Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Maria Islands E. W. Nelson 4221 1897-5-3
Byttneriaceae GH: 00062896 Melochia tragiaefolia Standley Mexico: Michoacán La Salada E. W. Nelson 6927 1903-3-15
GH: 00072425 Melochia tragiaefolia Standley Mexico: Michoacán La Salada E. W. Nelson 6927 1903-3-15
GH: 00056991 Waltheria operculata Rose Mexico: Chiapas Road between Tapana, Oaxaca and Tonala, Chia... E. W. Nelson 2876 1895-8-1
GH: 00056992 Waltheria operculata Rose Mexico: Chiapas Road between Tapana, Oaxaca and Tonala, Chia... E. W. Nelson 2876 1895-8-1
Cactaceae GH: 01874715 Cereus sp. Mexico: Michoacán Hacienda Guadalupe, Rio Bakas E. W. Nelson 6967 1903-3-30
GH: 01677187 Opuntia sp. Mexico: La Barca (Jalisco) & Zamoca (Nuifoacán) E. W. Nelson 6541 1903-1-12
GH: 01677192 Opuntia sp. Mexico: Michoacán La Salada E. W. Nelson 6914 1903-3-11
GH: 01677588 Peniocereus castellae Sanchez-Mejorada Mexico: Guerrero El Limon E. W. Nelson 6978 1903-4-3
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00063948 Caesalpinia nelsonii (Britton & Rose) J. L. Contreras Mexico: Guerrero Road between Copala and Juchitango, 200-800 ... E. W. Nelson 2303 1895-2-9
GH: 00053066 Cassia nelsonii Rose Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla, 2100-300... E. W. Nelson 3069 1895-8-29
GH: 00053360 Cassia nictitans Linnaeus Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ocuilapa, 3400-3800 ft E. W. Nelson 3014 1895-8-21
GH: 00053371 Cassia oxyphylla Kunth Mexico: Chiapas Along road between Teneapa and Yajalon, 3000... E. W. Nelson 3289 1895-10-13
GH: 00053360 Cassia patellaria Colladon Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ocuilapa, 3400-3800 ft E. W. Nelson 3014 1895-8-21
GH: 00053371 Cassia sp. Mexico: Chiapas Along road between Teneapa and Yajalon, 3000... E. W. Nelson 3289 1895-10-13
GH: 00053360 Chamaecrista villosissima Britton & Rose Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ocuilapa, 3400-3800 ft E. W. Nelson 3014 1895-8-21
GH: 00053371 Chamaefistula chiapensis Britton & Rose Mexico: Chiapas Along road between Teneapa and Yajalon, 3000... E. W. Nelson 3289 1895-10-13
GH: 00064298 Peiranisia simulans Britton & Rose Mexico: Chiapas Along road between Teneapa and Yajalon, 3000... E. W. Nelson 3266 1895-10-13
GH: 00053066 Phragmocassia skinneri Britton & Rose Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla, 2100-300... E. W. Nelson 3069 1895-8-29
GH: 00063948 Poincianella nelsonii Britton & Rose Mexico: Guerrero Road between Copala and Juchitango, 200-800 ... E. W. Nelson 2303 1895-2-9
GH: 00064298 Senna foetidissima grandiflora (Bentham) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Mexico: Chiapas Along road between Teneapa and Yajalon, 3000... E. W. Nelson 3266 1895-10-13
GH: 00053371 Senna hayesiana (Britton & Rose) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Mexico: Chiapas Along road between Teneapa and Yajalon, 3000... E. W. Nelson 3289 1895-10-13
GH: 00053066 Senna skinneri (Bentham) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Mexico: Chiapas Along road from Ocuilapa to Tuxtla, 2100-300... E. W. Nelson 3069 1895-8-29
Campanulaceae GH: 00033293 Heterotoma stenodonta Fernald Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, alt. 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3758 1896-2-6
Capparaceae GH: 00042361 Forchhammeria sessilifolia Standley Mexico: Nayarit Tres Marias Islands: Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4239 1897-5-3
Caprifoliaceae GH: 00031656 Viburnum blandum C. V. Morton Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, alt. 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3782 1896-2-8
Celastraceae GH: 00257461 Rhacoma managuatillo Loesener Mexico: Michoacán hacienda Guadalupe E. W. Nelson 6968 1903-3
Characeae FH: 00819585 Nitella sp. Cuba: Santiago de Las Negas, Cuba E. W. Nelson 440 1904-7-28
Convolvulaceae GH: 00094206 Exogonium velutifolia House Mexico: Oaxaca West side of Valley of Cuicatlan, 2000-4000 ... E. W. Nelson 1887 1894-11-9
GH: 00054483 Ipomoea ancisa House Mexico: Chihuahua Between Colonia Garcia and Pratt's Ranch bel... E. W. Nelson 6276 1899-8-22
GH: 00054499 Ipomoea durangensis House Mexico: Durango Durango: E. W. Nelson 4639 1898-8-1
GH: 00054506 Ipomoea invicta House Mexico: Jalisco Bushy slope near San Sebastian, 3850-5000 fe... E. W. Nelson 4087 1897-3-16
GH: 00054511 Ipomoea lenis House Mexico: Zacatecas Berriozobal E. W. Nelson 3889 1896-7-8
GH: 00054531 Ipomoea praecana House Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 2500-4000 feet E. W. Nelson 1823 1894-10-24
GH: 00054483 Ipomoea pringlei A. Gray Mexico: Chihuahua Between Colonia Garcia and Pratt's Ranch bel... E. W. Nelson 6276 1899-8-22
GH: 00054537 Ipomoea rupicola House Mexico: Tamaulipas Jaumave Valley, about 2000 feet E. W. Nelson 4448 1898-6-1
GH: 00054538 Ipomoea sabulosa hirtella House Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, 7000-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3281 1895-9-18
GH: 00054682 Operculina pectinata House Mexico: Oaxaca From about Lagunas, 850 feet E. W. Nelson 2646 1895-6-5
GH: 00054682 Operculina pinnatifida (Kunth) O'Donell Mexico: Oaxaca From about Lagunas, 850 feet E. W. Nelson 2646 1895-6-5
Cornaceae GH: 00075361 Cornus nelsonii Rose Mexico: Chihuahua Between Guadalupe y Calvo and Ponal, near Sa... E. W. Nelson 4927 1898-9-8
GH: 00075361 Cornus stolonifera Michaux Mexico: Chihuahua Between Guadalupe y Calvo and Ponal, near Sa... E. W. Nelson 4927 1898-9-8
Crassulaceae GH: 00042479 Echeveria multicaulis Rose Mexico: Guerrero Omiltema E. W. Nelson 628 1903
GH: 00042478 Echeveria multicaulis Rose Mexico: Guerrero Omiltema E. W. Nelson 628 1903
GH: 01990606 Sedum chihuahuaensis S. Watson Mexico: [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 4882 1898-9-1
GH: 01990616 Sedum cupressoides Hemsley Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes E. W. Nelson 1786 1894-10-20
GH: 01990627 Sedum dulcinomen G. L. Nesom Mexico: [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 4483 1898-6-10
Dioscoreaceae GH: 00030500 Dioscorea nelsonii Uline Mexico: Oaxaca Santa Efigenia, 500 feet E. W. Nelson 2828 1895-7-18
Ericaceae GH: 00014799 Comarostaphylis minor Small Mexico: Tamaulipas Mountains near Miquihuana. E. W. Nelson 4469 1898-6-10
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00045342 Acalypha glandulifera B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 7500-... E. W. Nelson 1165 1894
GH: 00045342 Acalypha trachyloba Müller Argoviensis Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Sierra de San Felipe, alt. 7500-... E. W. Nelson 1165 1894
GH: 00040899 Croton escathos Croizat Mexico: Oaxaca Between San Geronimo and La Venta, 200 feet E. W. Nelson 2778 1895-7-13
GH: 00062132 Euphorbia luciismithii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Six miles above Dominguillo, 4500-5500 feet E. W. Nelson 1880 1894-10-30
GH: 00021922 Euphorbia nelsonii Millspaugh Mexico: Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4294 1897-5-3
GH: 00021922 Euphorbia schlechtendalii nelsonii (Millspaugh) McVaugh Mexico: Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4294 1897-5-3
GH: 00047816 Euphorbia subcaerulea tresmariae Millspaugh Mexico: Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4298 1897-5-3
Fabaceae GH: 00053384 Aeschynomene unijuga (M. E. Jones) Rudd Mexico: Jalisco Near Jalpa E. W. Nelson 4038
A: 00059663 Ateleia insularis Standley Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4186 1897-5-3
A: 00059663 Ateleia sp. Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4186 1897-5-3
GH: 00059843 Brongniartia parvifolia Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Between San Geronimo and La Venta, 200 ft E. W. Nelson 2777 1894-7-13
GH: 00059843 Brongniartia sp. Mexico: Oaxaca Between San Geronimo and La Venta, 200 ft E. W. Nelson 2777 1894-7-13
GH: 00053384 Climacorachis fruticosa Hemsley & Rose Mexico: Jalisco Near Jalpa E. W. Nelson 4038
GH: 00053469 Cracca arcuata Rydberg Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre, Tres Marias islands E. W. Nelson 4193 1897-5-3
GH: 00053758 Desmodium angustatum Standley Mexico: Jalisco Roadside between San Sebastian and Las Palma... E. W. Nelson 4126 1897-3-30
GH: 00065179 Desmodium cordistipulum cryptopoda (S. F. Blake) B. G. Schubert & McVaugh Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Talpa, 4400-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 4027 1897-3-7
GH: 00053758 Desmodium sp. Desvaux Mexico: Jalisco Roadside between San Sebastian and Las Palma... E. W. Nelson 4126 1897-3-30
GH: 00065193 Desmodium sp. Desvaux Mexico: Jalisco between San Sebastian and the summit of the ... E. W. Nelson 4100 1897-3-20
GH: 00057171 Indigofera argentata Rydberg Mexico: Coahuila Sabinas E. W. Nelson 6233 1902-5-21
GH: 00057171 Indigofera miniata Ortega Mexico: Coahuila Sabinas E. W. Nelson 6233 1902-5-21
GH: 00057171 Indigofera sp. Mexico: Coahuila Sabinas E. W. Nelson 6233 1902-5-21
GH: 00065708 Lonchocarpus caudatus Pittier Mexico: Puebla Between Petlatcingo and Acatlan E. W. Nelson 1998 1891-11-20
GH: 00065708 Lonchocarpus sp. Kunth Mexico: Puebla Between Petlatcingo and Acatlan E. W. Nelson 1998 1891-11-20
GH: 00065392 Lupinus aschenbornii Schauer Guatemala: Volcan of Santa Maria, 8000-11500 feet E. W. Nelson 3709 1895-1-24
GH: 00065385 Lupinus glabratus erectocarpus C. P. Smith Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, 15 miles south of Guadelupe y ... E. W. Nelson 4827 1898-8-22
GH: 00065387 Lupinus macranthus Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Above Reyes Papalo E. W. Nelson 1749 1894-10-20
GH: 00065391 Lupinus michoacanus C. P. Smith Mexico: Michoacán Mount Patamban E. W. Nelson 6561 1903-1-28
GH: 00065390 Lupinus michoacanus C. P. Smith Mexico: Michoacán Mount Patamban E. W. Nelson 6561 1903-1
GH: 00065392 Lupinus montanus austrovolcanicus C. P. Smith Guatemala: Volcan of Santa Maria, 8000-11500 feet E. W. Nelson 3709 1895-1-24
GH: 00065385 Lupinus sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Sierra Madre, 15 miles south of Guadelupe y ... E. W. Nelson 4827 1898-8-22
GH: 00065387 Lupinus sp. Mexico: Oaxaca Above Reyes Papalo E. W. Nelson 1749 1894-10-20
GH: 00065391 Lupinus sp. Mexico: Michoacán Mount Patamban E. W. Nelson 6561 1903-1-28
GH: 00065390 Lupinus sp. Mexico: Michoacán Mount Patamban E. W. Nelson 6561 1903-1
GH: 00065291 Machaerium acanthothyrsus Pittier Mexico: Oaxaca Roadside between Hacienda del Capricho, Guer... E. W. Nelson 2331 1895-2-16
GH: 00065291 Machaerium salvadorense (J. D. Smith) Rudd Mexico: Oaxaca Roadside between Hacienda del Capricho, Guer... E. W. Nelson 2331 1895-2-16
GH: 00065291 Machaerium sp. Mexico: Oaxaca Roadside between Hacienda del Capricho, Guer... E. W. Nelson 2331 1895-2-16
GH: 00053758 Meibomia angustata Rose & Standley Mexico: Jalisco Roadside between San Sebastian and Las Palma... E. W. Nelson 4126 1897-3-30
GH: 00065179 Meibomia cryptopoda S. F. Blake Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Talpa, 4400-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 4027 1897-3-7
GH: 00065193 Meibomia urarioides S. F. Blake Mexico: Jalisco between San Sebastian and the summit of the ... E. W. Nelson 4100 1897-3-20
GH: 00064654 Minkelersia pauciflora Rose Mexico: Oaxaca 18 miles southwest of the city of Oaxaca, 75... E. W. Nelson 1362 1894-9-10
GH: 00064089 Phaseolus falciformis Piper Mexico: Nayarit Compostela E. W. Nelson 4173 1897-4
GH: 00053469 Tephrosia multifolia Rose Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre, Tres Marias islands E. W. Nelson 4193 1897-5-3
GH: 00053469 Tephrosia sp. Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre, Tres Marias islands E. W. Nelson 4193 1897-5-3
Fagaceae GH: 00969979 Quercus microphylla Née Mexico: Durango Near La Providencia E. W. Nelson 5001 1898-9
GH: 02503208 Quercus oblongifolia pallidinervis Trelease Mexico: Chihuahua Collected in the Sierra Madre; [see Remarks ... E. W. Nelson 6309 1899-8-25
GH: 02503208 Quercus sp. Mexico: Chihuahua Collected in the Sierra Madre; [see Remarks ... E. W. Nelson 6309 1899-8-25
GH: 00969979 Quercus striatula Trelease Mexico: Durango Near La Providencia E. W. Nelson 5001 1898-9
Flacourtiaceae GH: 00066715 Homalium mollicellum S. F. Blake Mexico: Guerrero Dos Arroyos E. W. Nelson 7034 1903-5
GH: 00066715 Homalium senarium Sessé & Moçiño Mexico: Guerrero Dos Arroyos E. W. Nelson 7034 1903-5
Gentianaceae GH: 01246084 Gentiana bicuspidata (G. Don) Briquet Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1400 1894-9-10
GH: 01246132 Gentiana spathacea Kunth Mexico: Michoacán Patamban E. W. Nelson 6549 1903-1-27
GH: 01246131 Gentiana spathacea Kunth Mexico: Michoacán Patamban E. W. Nelson 6549 1903-1
Hydrophyllaceae GH: 00093556 Phacelia pulcherrima Constance Mexico: Tamaulipas Mountains near Miquihuana E. W. Nelson 4495 1898-6-10
Lamiaceae GH: 00286110 Clinopodium laevigatum Standley Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cerro San Felipe E. W. Nelson 1117 1894
GH: 00286110 Clinopodium macrostemum (Moçiño & Sessé ex Bentham) Kuntze Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cerro San Felipe E. W. Nelson 1117 1894
GH: 00375147 Cunila leucantha Bentham Mexico: Oaxaca between Pluma and San Miguel Suchispec E. W. Nelson 2495 1895-3-21
GH: 00375147 Cunila tomentosa Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca between Pluma and San Miguel Suchispec E. W. Nelson 2495 1895-3-21
GH: 00001210 Hyptis nelsonii Fernald Mexico: Jalisco Between San Sebastian and the summit of Bufa... E. W. Nelson 4108 1897-3-20
GH: 00002114 Hyptis nelsonii Fernald Mexico: Jalisco Between San Sebastian and the summit of Bufa... E. W. Nelson 4108 1897-3-20
GH: 00055368 Salvia adenophora Fernald Mexico: Between Tlapancingo, Oaxaca and Tlalixtaquil... E. W. Nelson 2093 1894-12-9
GH: 00001591 Salvia chiapensis Fernald Mexico: Chiapas San Cristobal: 7000-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3201 1895-9-18
GH: 00001595 Salvia cladodes Fernald Mexico: Nayarit Near Compostela, Tepic E. W. Nelson 4171 1896-4-7
GH: 00001597 Salvia coccinea minima Fernald Mexico: Chiapas Tableland about Ocuilapa; alt. 3400-3800 ft E. W. Nelson 3062 1895-8-21
GH: 00055367 Salvia cyclophylla Fernald Mexico: Guerrero Between Tlapancingo, Oaxaca and Tlalixtaquil... E. W. Nelson 2093 1894-12-9
GH: 00023874 Salvia flaccida Fernald Mexico: Chiapas Between Tumbala and El Salto, 1500-4500 feet E. W. Nelson 3374 1895-10-29
GH: 00001674 Salvia lophanthoides Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca Mts. near Tlapancingo, Oaxaca, 6000-8000 ft E. W. Nelson 2086 1894-12-7
GH: 00023877 Salvia lupulina Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains near Tlapancingo, 6000-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 2068 1894-12-7
GH: 00001696 Salvia monochila Donnell Smith Guatemala: Todos Santos, 10,000 ft E. W. Nelson 3635 1895-12-26
GH: 00023881 Salvia multiramea Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca 18 miles southwest of the city of Oaxaca, 75... E. W. Nelson 1448 1894-9-10
GH: 00001702 Salvia multiramea Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 5800-6700 feet E. W. Nelson 1783 1894-10-20
GH: 00001701 Salvia multiramea Fernald Mexico: Guerrero Near Chilpancingo, 9000-10200 feet E. W. Nelson 2235 1894-12-24
GH: 00001709 Salvia nelsonii Fernald Mexico: Puebla Between Acatlan and Piaxtla, 4000-4500 ft E. W. Nelson 2005 1891-11-22
GH: 00001723 Salvia perlonga Fernald Mexico: Guerrero Chilpancingo: NE slope of Sierra Madre, 7000... E. W. Nelson 2186 1894-12-24
GH: 00001724 Salvia phaenostemma Donnell Smith Guatemala: San Marcos Between Rodea and Malacate, 1400-3500 ft E. W. Nelson 3736 1896-1-31
GH: 00001727 Salvia plurispicata Epling Mexico: Michoacán N slope Mt. Patamba E. W. Nelson 6567 1903-1-28
GH: 00023883 Salvia saltuensis Fernald Mexico: Jalisco Roadside between San Sebastian and the summi... E. W. Nelson 4103 1897-3-20
GH: 00001788 Salvia venosa Fernald Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, 7000-8800 feet E. W. Nelson 3138 1895-9-18
GH: 00001983 Scutellaria orichalcea J. D. Smith Mexico: Chiapas Near Tumbala E. W. Nelson 3342 1895-10-20
GH: 00001983 Scutellaria pedicularis Fernald Mexico: Chiapas Near Tumbala E. W. Nelson 3342 1895-10-20
GH: 00023705 Stachys oaxacana Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10000 feet E. W. Nelson 1795 1894-10-20
GH: 00023704 Stachys oaxacana Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10000 feet E. W. Nelson 1795 1894-10-20
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01976236 Utricularia livida E. H. F. Meyer Mexico: Chiapas San Cristobal: [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 3236 1895-9-18
Liliaceae GH: 00589027 Anthericum durangense Greenman Mexico: Durango Near El Salto E. W. Nelson 4544 1898-7-12
GH: 00589028 Anthericum durangense trachycaulum Greenman Mexico: Durango Ramos to Inde E. W. Nelson 4706 1898-8-11
GH: 00589031 Anthericum nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Chihuahua Collected at base of Mt. Mohinora, Chihuahua... E. W. Nelson 4844 1898-8-23
GH: 00589045 Anthericum sp. Mexico: San Luis Potosí Collected near Tancanhuitz E. W. Nelson 4393 1898-5-2
GH: 00589027 Echeandia durangensis (Greenman) Cruden Mexico: Durango Near El Salto E. W. Nelson 4544 1898-7-12
GH: 00589031 Echeandia durangensis (Greenman) Cruden Mexico: Chihuahua Collected at base of Mt. Mohinora, Chihuahua... E. W. Nelson 4844 1898-8-23
GH: 00589045 Echeandia macrocarpa Greenman Mexico: San Luis Potosí Collected near Tancanhuitz E. W. Nelson 4393 1898-5-2
GH: 00589045 Echeandia reflexa (Cavanilles) Rose Mexico: San Luis Potosí Collected near Tancanhuitz E. W. Nelson 4393 1898-5-2
GH: 00589028 Echeandia scabrella (Bentham) Cruden Mexico: Durango Ramos to Inde E. W. Nelson 4706 1898-8-11
Linaceae GH: 01248316 Linum lewisii Pursh Mexico: Chihuahua 60 miles south of Guadalupe y Calvo. E. W. Nelson 4793 1898-8-20
GH: 01248313 Linum lewisii Pursh Mexico: Chihuahua Collected in the foothills of the Sierra Mad... E. W. Nelson 6072 1899-6
GH: 01248405 Linum pringlei S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Near Pacheco; Collected in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6306 1899-8-25
GH: 01248404 Linum pringlei S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Collected near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra ... E. W. Nelson 6211 1899-8-1
GH: 01248402 Linum pringlei S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua Collected at base of Mt. Mohinora, Chihuahua... E. W. Nelson 4838 1898-8-23
Loasaceae GH: 00075997 Eucnide nelsonii Rose Mexico: Michoacán La Salada E. W. Nelson 6926 1903-3-15
Lobeliaceae GH: 00033273 Lobelia diastateoides McVaugh Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, alt. 7000-8800 feet E. W. Nelson 3193 1895-9-18
GH: 00033284 Lobelia laxiflora Kunth Mexico: Jalisco Near Huachinango, alt. 4500-5500 feet E. W. Nelson 4009 1897-3-4
GH: 00033283 Lobelia laxiflora Kunth Mexico: Jalisco Near Huachinango, alt. 4500-5500 feet E. W. Nelson 4009 1897-3-4
GH: 00033283 Lobelia laxiflora lanceolata (Hooker & Arnott-1) McVaugh Mexico: Jalisco Near Huachinango, alt. 4500-5500 feet E. W. Nelson 4009 1897-3-4
GH: 00033284 Lobelia laxiflora lanceolata (Hooker & Arnott-1) McVaugh Mexico: Jalisco Near Huachinango, alt. 4500-5500 feet E. W. Nelson 4009 1897-3-4
GH: 00033284 Lobelia nelsonii Fernald Mexico: Jalisco Near Huachinango, alt. 4500-5500 feet E. W. Nelson 4009 1897-3-4
GH: 00033283 Lobelia nelsonii Fernald Mexico: Jalisco Near Huachinango, alt. 4500-5500 feet E. W. Nelson 4009 1897-3-4
GH: 00033273 Lobelia ruderalis Willdenow ex Roemer & J. H. Schultes Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, alt. 7000-8800 feet E. W. Nelson 3193 1895-9-18
GH: 00033293 Lobelia stenodonta (Fernald) McVaugh Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, alt. 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3758 1896-2-6
Lythraceae GH: 00068389 Cuphea empetrifolia Rose Mexico: Guerrero Top of Sierra Madre near Chilpancingo, 9000-... E. W. Nelson 2199 1894-12-24
GH: 00068390 Cuphea empetrifolia Rose Mexico: Guerrero Top of Sierra Madre near Chilpancingo, 9000-... E. W. Nelson 2199 1894-12-24
GH: 00068402 Cuphea lutea Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Cuicatlan, 1800-2500 feet E. W. Nelson 1689 1894-10-8
Malpighiaceae GH: 00368586 Bunchosia palmeri S. Watson Mexico: Lake Chapala E. W. Nelson 6526 1903-1-5
Malvaceae GH: 00052709 Abutilon nelsonii Rose Guatemala: E. W. Nelson 3562 1896
GH: 00052709 Bakeridesia nelsonii (Rose) D. M. Bates Guatemala: E. W. Nelson 3562 1896
GH: 00052733 Cienfuegosia rosei Fryxell Mexico: Oaxaca Between San Jeronimo and La Venta, 200 feet E. W. Nelson 2779 1895-7-13
GH: 00052812 Hibiscus nelsonii Rose & Standley Mexico: Oaxaca Between Nopala and Mixtepec, 800 feet E. W. Nelson 2430 1895-3-5
GH: 00052948 Malvaviscus arboreus arboreus Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3807 1896-2-12
GH: 00052949 Malvaviscus arboreus arboreus Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3807 1896-2-12
GH: 00052948 Malvaviscus lanceolatus Rose Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3807 1896-2-12
GH: 00052949 Malvaviscus lanceolatus Rose Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3807 1896-2-12
GH: 00105335 Periptera macrostelis Rose Mexico: Jalisco E. W. Nelson 4086 1897-3-16
Melastomataceae GH: 00072165 Conostegia minutiflora Rose Mexico: Oaxaca From about Pluma, 3000-4800 feet E. W. Nelson 2493 1895-3-17
GH: 00072165 Conostegia xalapensis (Bonpland) de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca From about Pluma, 3000-4800 feet E. W. Nelson 2493 1895-3-17
Meliaceae A: 00044836 Guarea excelsa dubia S. F. Blake Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4230 1897-5-3
GH: 00044835 Guarea excelsa dubia S. F. Blake Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4230 1897-5-3
A: 00044836 Guarea glabra Vahl Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4230 1897-5-3
GH: 00044835 Guarea glabra Vahl Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4230 1897-5-3
GH: 00044896 Swietenia cirrhata S. F. Blake Mexico: Michoacán La Salada E. W. Nelson 6925 1903-3-15
GH: 00044895 Swietenia cirrhata S. F. Blake Mexico: Michoacán La Salada E. W. Nelson 6925 1903-3
GH: 00044895 Swietenia humilis Zuccarini Mexico: Michoacán La Salada E. W. Nelson 6925 1903-3
Menispermaceae GH: 00038892 Hyperbaena ilicifolia Standley Mexico: Michoacán Cayaco E. W. Nelson 6962 1903-3-29
Mimosaceae GH: 00058384 Acacia angustissima angustissima Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of La Parada, 7500-8500 feet E. W. Nelson 995 1894-8-19
GH: 00058384 Acacia filicina Willdenow Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of La Parada, 7500-8500 feet E. W. Nelson 995 1894-8-19
GH: 00231757 Acacia filicina Willdenow Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of La Parada E. W. Nelson 995 1894-8-19
GH: 00058273 Acacia sp. Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Talpa, 4400-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 4039 1897-3-7
GH: 00231757 Acaciella angustissima (Miller) Britton & Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of La Parada E. W. Nelson 995 1894-8-19
GH: 00058384 Acaciella ciliata Britton & Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of La Parada, 7500-8500 feet E. W. Nelson 995 1894-8-19
GH: 00231757 Acaciella ciliata Britton & Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of La Parada E. W. Nelson 995 1894-8-19
GH: 00058273 Acaciella talpana Britton & Rose Mexico: Jalisco Mountains near Talpa, 4400-5000 feet E. W. Nelson 4039 1897-3-7
GH: 00273322 Anneslia simulans Britton & Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Oaxaca: Between La Venta & Niltepec E. W. Nelson 2795 1895-7-14
GH: 00102024 Anneslia splendens Britton & Rose Mexico: Chiapas Between Tumbala and El Salto, 1500-2400 ft E. W. Nelson 3396 1895-10-29
GH: 00102024 Calliandra emarginata (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Bentham Mexico: Chiapas Between Tumbala and El Salto, 1500-2400 ft E. W. Nelson 3396 1895-10-29
GH: 00273322 Calliandra rubescens (M. Martens & Galeotti) Standley Mexico: Oaxaca Oaxaca: Between La Venta & Niltepec E. W. Nelson 2795 1895-7-14
GH: 00273322 Calliandra sp. Mexico: Oaxaca Oaxaca: Between La Venta & Niltepec E. W. Nelson 2795 1895-7-14
GH: 00102024 Calliandra splendens Britton & Rose Mexico: Chiapas Between Tumbala and El Salto, 1500-2400 ft E. W. Nelson 3396 1895-10-29
GH: 00102024 Calliandra trinervia arborea (Standley) Barneby Mexico: Chiapas Between Tumbala and El Salto, 1500-2400 ft E. W. Nelson 3396 1895-10-29
GH: 00065825 Leptoglottis nelsonii Britton & Rose Mexico: Coahuila Sabinas E. W. Nelson 6230 1902-5-21
GH: 00065802 Leucaena macrophylla Bentham Mexico: Guerrero From San Marcos to Copala E. W. Nelson 2286 1895-2-8
GH: 00065802 Leucaena macrophylla nelsonii (Britton & Rose) Zárate Mexico: Guerrero From San Marcos to Copala E. W. Nelson 2286 1895-2-8
GH: 00065802 Leucaena nelsonii Britton & Rose Mexico: Guerrero From San Marcos to Copala E. W. Nelson 2286 1895-2-8
GH: 00065287 Lysiloma acapulcensis (Kunth) Bentham Mexico: Michoacán Volcano Jarullo E. W. Nelson 6956 1903-3-28
GH: 00065287 Lysiloma jorullensis Britton & Rose Mexico: Michoacán Volcano Jarullo E. W. Nelson 6956 1903-3-28
GH: 00065056 Mimosa acanthocarpa desmanthocarpa B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, 6700-850... E. W. Nelson 3428 1895-12-4
GH: 00065105 Mimosa acantholoba eurycarpa (B. L. Robinson) Barneby Mexico: Oaxaca; Between Guichocovi & Lagunas. E. W. Nelson 2741 1895-6-27
GH: 00065106 Mimosa acantholoba eurycarpa (B. L. Robinson) Barneby Mexico: Oaxaca Between La Venta & Niltepec E. W. Nelson 2798 1895-7-14
GH: 00065061 Mimosa albida euryphylla B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Valley of Jiquipilas, 2200-2800 feet E. W. Nelson 2927 1895-8-16
GH: 00065060 Mimosa albida euryphylla B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Valley of Jiquipilas, 2200-2800 feet E. W. Nelson 2927 1895-8-16
GH: 00065061 Mimosa albida glabrior B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Valley of Jiquipilas, 2200-2800 feet E. W. Nelson 2927 1895-8-16
GH: 00065060 Mimosa albida glabrior B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Valley of Jiquipilas, 2200-2800 feet E. W. Nelson 2927 1895-8-16
GH: 00065105 Mimosa eurycarpoides B. L. Robinson Mexico: Oaxaca; Between Guichocovi & Lagunas. E. W. Nelson 2741 1895-6-27
GH: 00065106 Mimosa eurycarpoides B. L. Robinson Mexico: Oaxaca Between La Venta & Niltepec E. W. Nelson 2798 1895-7-14
GH: 00040815 Mimosa goldmanii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Oaxaca From Juchitan to Chivela, 150-900 feet E. W. Nelson 2628 1895
GH: 00065108 Mimosa gomezii Britton & Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Oaxaca, 5500-7500 feet E. W. Nelson 1479 1894-9-20
GH: 01154786 Mimosa nelsonii B. L. Robinson Mexico: Oaxaca Between San Geronimo & La Venta E. W. Nelson 2775 1895-7-13
GH: 00065032 Mimosa pseudopaniculata Britton Mexico: Chiapas Yajalon E. W. Nelson 3406 1895-11-21
GH: 00065041 Mimosa sicyocarpa B. L. Robinson Mexico: Jalisco Between San Sebastian and the summit of the ... E. W. Nelson 4101 1897-3-20
GH: 01154786 Mimosa tricephala nelsonii (B. L. Robinson) Chehaibar & R. Grether Mexico: Oaxaca Between San Geronimo & La Venta E. W. Nelson 2775 1895-7-13
GH: 00040837 Mimosopsis rhodocarpa Britton & Rose Mexico: Michoacán Patambam, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 6550 1903-1-27
GH: 00065825 Morongia sp. Mexico: Coahuila Sabinas E. W. Nelson 6230 1902-5-21
GH: 00065825 Schrankia latidens (Small) K. Schumann Mexico: Coahuila Sabinas E. W. Nelson 6230 1902-5-21
GH: 00058248 Senegalia oaxacana Britton & Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Oaxaca, 5100-5800 feet E. W. Nelson 1249 1894-9-8
Moraceae GH: 00295603 Ficus insipida Willdenow Mexico: Nayarit Tres Marias Islands, Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4261 1897-5-3
GH: 00295629 Ficus insipida Willdenow Mexico: between Hacienda del Capricho, Guerrero & Ll... E. W. Nelson 2327 1895-2-16
GH: 00312043 Ficus maxima Miller Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cuicatlan E. W. Nelson 1684 1894-10-8
GH: 00312252 Ficus maxima Miller Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cuicatlan E. W. Nelson 1684 1894-10-8
Myrtaceae GH: 00069108 Eugenia deltoidea Standley Mexico: Guerrero From San Marcos to Copala, 200-500 feet E. W. Nelson 2292 1895-2-8
Nyctaginaceae GH: 00037409 Allionia cardiophylla Standley Mexico: Oaxaca 6 miles above Dominguillo, alt. 4500-5500 fe... E. W. Nelson 1830 1894-10-30
GH: 00037412 Oxybaphus glaber recedens Weatherby Mexico: Chihuahua Between Casas Grandes and Sabinal, alt. 5000... E. W. Nelson 6351 1899-9-4
Nymphaeaceae GH: 00978351 Nymphaea ampla (Salisbury) de Candolle Mexico: Chiapas Near Tapachula E. W. Nelson 3850 1896
Orchidaceae AMES: 02155937 Arpophyllum giganteum Hartweg ex Lindley Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal E. W. Nelson 3208 1895-9-18
GH: 02388878 Bletia coccinea Lexarza Mexico: Oaxaca From near Santo Domingo. E. W. Nelson 2795a 1895-6-18
AMES: 00000361 Bletia nelsonii Ames Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Choapam; 3800-4500 ft. alt. E. W. Nelson 913 1894-7-28
AMES: 00000362 Bletia nelsonii Ames Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Choapam; 3800-4500 ft. alt. E. W. Nelson 913 1894-7-28
AMES: 02387059 Bletia purpurea (Lamarck) de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca Road between Pochutla & Punia E. W. Nelson 2466 1895-3-16
AMES: 00000313 Brachycorythis tanganyiekensis Summerhayes Tanzania: Morogoro E. W. Nelson 1841 1953
AMES: 02389644 Calanthe calanthoides (A. Richard & Galeotti) Hamer & Garay Mexico: Chiapas near San Cristobal E. W. Nelson 3209 1895-9-18
GH: 02124661 Cattleya aurantiaca (Bateman ex Lindley) P. N. Don Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras E. W. Nelson 3789 1896-2-12
AMES: 02124651 Cattleya aurantiaca (Bateman ex Lindley) P. N. Don Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras E. W. Nelson 3789 1896-2-12
AMES: 00104536 Deiregyne durangensis (Ames & C. Schweinfurth) Garay Mexico: Durango El Salto E. W. Nelson 4545 1898-7-12
AMES: 02108992 Encyclia cordigera (Kunth) Dressler Mexico: Chiapas Near Huehuetan E. W. Nelson 3828 1896-2-22
GH: 02108991 Encyclia cordigera (Kunth) Dressler Mexico: Chiapas Near Huehuetan E. W. Nelson 3834 1896-2-22
AMES: 02123003 Encyclia cordigera (Kunth) Dressler Mexico: Chiapas near Huehuetan E. W. Nelson 3834 1896-2-22
GH: 02123038 Encyclia diota (Lindley) Schlechter Mexico: Oaxaca Between San Carlos & San Bartolo E. W. Nelson 2565 1895-4-21
AMES: 02174705 Epidendrum arbusculum Lindley Guatemala: Volcano Santa Maria E. W. Nelson 3698 1896-1-24
AMES: 02112328 Epidendrum diffusum Swartz Mexico: Near Totontepec E. W. Nelson 833 1894-7-15
GH: 02112633 Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth Mexico: Chiapas Along road between Teneapa and Yajalon E. W. Nelson 3273 1895-10-13
GH: 02112931 Epidendrum ledifolium A. Richard & Galeotti Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal E. W. Nelson 3215 1895-9-18
GH: 02112930 Epidendrum ledifolium A. Richard & Galeotti Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes. E. W. Nelson 1768 1894-10-20
AMES: 02111519 Epidendrum propinquum A. Richard & Galeotti Mexico: Oaxaca near Reyes E. W. Nelson 1768 1894-10-20
AMES: 00103120 Erythrodes chicharrasensis Ames Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3808 1896-2-12
AMES: 00103121 Erythrodes chicharrasensis Ames Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3808 1896-2-12
AMES: 00099411 Erythrodes mexicana Ames Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3777 1896-2-8
AMES: 00099410 Erythrodes mexicana Ames Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3777 1896-2-8
AMES: 00099411 Erythrodes vesicifera (H. G. Reichenbach) Ames Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3777 1896-2-8
AMES: 00099410 Erythrodes vesicifera (H. G. Reichenbach) Ames Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3777 1896-2-8
GH: 01089145 Goodyera striata H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de Clanillinas E. W. Nelson 5809 1894-9
AMES: 01089157 Goodyera striata H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Oaxaca 19 miles southwest of city of Oaxaca E. W. Nelson s.n. 1894-9-10
GH: 01947270 Habenaria entomantha (La Llave & Lexarza) Lindley Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1344 1894-9-10
AMES: 01947334 Habenaria flexuosa Lindley Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Oaxaca E. W. Nelson 1156 1894
GH: 01947401 Habenaria macroceratilis Willdenow Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Oaxaca E. W. Nelson 1246 1894-9-8
GH: 01983347 Malaxis brachystachys (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1346 1894-9-10
GH: 01983347 Malaxis corymbosa (S. Watson) Kuntze Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1346 1894-9-10
GH: 01983348 Malaxis fastigiata (H. G. Reichenbach) Kuntze Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1346 1894-9-10
AMES: 00101137 Malaxis lepidota (Finet) Ames Mexico: Chiapas Roadside between Tuxtla and San Cristobal, 2... E. W. Nelson 3124 1895-9-14
AMES: 00101137 Malaxis macrantha Ames Mexico: Chiapas Roadside between Tuxtla and San Cristobal, 2... E. W. Nelson 3124 1895-9-14
AMES: 01983517 Malaxis macrostachya (Lexarza) Kuntze Mexico: Chihuahua in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6123a 1899-6
AMES: 01983516 Malaxis macrostachya (Lexarza) Kuntze Mexico: Chihuahua Near Pacheco E. W. Nelson 6302 1899-8-25
AMES: 01983516 Malaxis montana Blume Mexico: Chihuahua Near Pacheco E. W. Nelson 6302 1899-8-25
AMES: 01983542 Malaxis myurus (H. G. Reichenbach) Kuntze Mexico: Chihuahua near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6183 1899-8-1
AMES: 00101150 Malaxis nelsonii (Ames) Ames Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 30 miles north of Guanacevi, 8... E. W. Nelson 4782 1898-8-18
AMES: 00101149 Malaxis nelsonii (Ames) Ames Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 30 miles north of Guanacevi, 8... E. W. Nelson 4782 1898-8-18
AMES: 01983517 Malaxis soulei L. O. Williams Mexico: Chihuahua in the Sierra Madre E. W. Nelson 6123a 1899-6
AMES: 02154566 Meiracyllium gemma H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Oaxaca Road between Nopala and Mixistepec E. W. Nelson 2445 1895-3-5
GH: 01983347 Microstylis fastigiata H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1346 1894-9-10
GH: 01983348 Microstylis fastigiata H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1346 1894-9-10
AMES: 00101150 Microstylis nelsonii Ames Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 30 miles north of Guanacevi, 8... E. W. Nelson 4782 1898-8-18
AMES: 00101149 Microstylis nelsonii Ames Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 30 miles north of Guanacevi, 8... E. W. Nelson 4782 1898-8-18
AMES: 00103120 Physurus bifalcis Lindley Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras, 6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3808 1896-2-12
AMES: 01948192 Platanthera brevifolia (Greene) Senghas Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 6201 1899-8-1
AMES: 01948210 Platanthera limosa Lindley Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 6052 1899-6
AMES: 01948233 Platanthera limosa Lindley Mexico: Chihuahua [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 6153 1899-6
AMES: 01948247 Platanthera sp. Mexico: [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 6052 1899-6
GH: 01948257 Platanthera sp. Mexico: [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 6197 1899-8-1
AMES: 00074495 Pleurothallis crocodiliceps H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Chiapas Chicharras E. W. Nelson 3763 1896-2-6
AMES: 02151874 Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindley Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras E. W. Nelson 3810 1896-2-12
AMES: 02151872 Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindley Mexico: Chiapas Near Chicharras E. W. Nelson 3810 1896-2-12
AMES: 00074496 Pleurothallis nelsonii Ames Mexico: Chiapas Chicharras, 3000-6000 ft alt E. W. Nelson 3763 1896-2
AMES: 00074495 Pleurothallis nelsonii Ames Mexico: Chiapas Chicharras E. W. Nelson 3763 1896-2-6
AMES: 00083395 Pleurothallis nelsonii Ames Mexico: Chiapas Chicharras E. W. Nelson 3763 1896-2-6
AMES: 02152195 Pleurothallis pansamalae Schlechter Mexico: Chiapas Near Lumbala E. W. Nelson 3353 1895-10-20
AMES: 02127700 Polystachya caracasana H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Chiapas Between Tumbala and El Salto E. W. Nelson 3394 1895-10-29
GH: 02123526 Prosthechea cochleata (Linnaeus) W. E. Higgins Mexico: Tamaulipas Alta Mira. E. W. Nelson 4418 1898-5-14
GH: 02124176 Prosthechea radiata (Lindley) W. E. Higgins Mexico: Oaxaca From near Santo Domingo. E. W. Nelson 2701 1895-6-18
AMES: 01943550 Sacoila lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Mexico: [Rosa Morada], Tepic E. W. Nelson 4361 1897-6
GH: 01943595 Sacoila lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Mexico: [Alta Mira] E. W. Nelson 4417 1898-5-14
GH: 01089145 Spiranthes comosa H. G. Reichenbach Mexico: Oaxaca Sierra de Clanillinas E. W. Nelson 5809 1894-9
AMES: 00104535 Spiranthes durangensis Ames & C. Schweinfurth Mexico: Durango El Salto E. W. Nelson 4545 1898-7-12
AMES: 00083940 Spiranthes durangensis Ames & C. Schweinfurth Mexico: Durango El Salto E. W. Nelson 4545 1898-7-12
GH: 01943957 Spiranthes graminea Lindley Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1384 1894-9-10
GH: 01943957 Spiranthes nebulorum Catling & V. R. Catling Mexico: Oaxaca Eighteen miles southwest of the City of Oaxa... E. W. Nelson 1384 1894-9-10
AMES: 00104535 Spiranthes nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Durango El Salto E. W. Nelson 4545 1898-7-12
GH: 00104479 Spiranthes nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From Rio Verde to Panixtlahuaca E. W. Nelson 2384 1895-2-25
AMES: 00104480 Spiranthes nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From Rio Verde to Panixtlahuaca, 400-1200 fe... E. W. Nelson 2384 1895-2-25
GH: 00083974 Spiranthes nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca From Rio Verde to Panixtlahuaca E. W. Nelson 2384 1895-2-25
AMES: 00104536 Spiranthes saltensis Ames Mexico: Durango El Salto E. W. Nelson 4545 1898-7-12
AMES: 00104535 Spiranthes saltensis Ames Mexico: Durango El Salto E. W. Nelson 4545 1898-7-12
AMES: 00083940 Spiranthes saltensis Ames Mexico: Durango El Salto E. W. Nelson 4545 1898-7-12
AMES: 00084005 Spiranthes saltensis Ames Mexico: Durango El Salto E. W. Nelson 4545 1898-7-12
AMES: 02089681 Stelis quadrifida (Lexarza) Solano & Soto Arenas Mexico: Oaxaca From Rio Verde to Panixthalmaca E. W. Nelson 2382 1895-2-25
AMES: 02089680 Stelis quadrifida (Lexarza) Solano & Soto Arenas Mexico: Near Colomo E. W. Nelson 4163 1897-4
GH: 02089660 Stelis quadrifida (Lexarza) Solano & Soto Arenas Mexico: Oaxaca From Rio Verde to Panixtlahuaca. E. W. Nelson 2382 1895-2-25
GH: 02092332 Stenorrhynchos michoacanus Lindley Mexico: Guerrero Between Tlapa and Ayusinapa E. W. Nelson 2107 1894-12-13
Orobanchaceae GH: 00003242 Castilleja aspera Eastwood Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora, southwest Chihuahua E. W. Nelson 4895 1898-9-1
GH: 00003241 Castilleja aspera Eastwood Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora, southwest Chihuahua E. W. Nelson 4895 1898-9-1
GH: 00003225 Castilleja auriculata Eastwood Mexico: Puebla Between Huajuapam, Oaxaca and Retlatzingo, 4... E. W. Nelson 1992 1894-11-19
GH: 00003242 Castilleja nelsoni Eastwood Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora, southwest Chihuahua E. W. Nelson 4895 1898-9-1
GH: 00003241 Castilleja nelsoni Eastwood Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora, southwest Chihuahua E. W. Nelson 4895 1898-9-1
GH: 00010885 Castilleja ornata Eastwood Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Juarez E. W. Nelson 6073 1899-7
GH: 00017235 Castilleja saltensis Eastwood Mexico: Durango Near El Salto, 8000-8700 feet E. W. Nelson 4553 1898-7-12
GH: 00003251 Castilleja xylorrhiza Eastwood Mexico: Coahuila Sierra Encarnaciore E. W. Nelson 3895 1896-7-28
GH: 00078586 Lamourouxia dasyantha (Chamisso & Schlechtendal) W. R. Ernst Mexico: Oaxaca West side of valley of Cuicatlan, 6500-6800 ... E. W. Nelson 1891 1894-11-10
GH: 00078574 Lamourouxia exserta B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Tlalixtaquilla E. W. Nelson 2261 1894-12
GH: 00078575 Lamourouxia gracilis B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Near Chilpancingo, 9000-10200 feet E. W. Nelson 2234 1894-12-24
GH: 00078582 Lamourouxia nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Six miles above Dominguillo, 4500-5500 feet E. W. Nelson 1833 1894-10-30
GH: 00078586 Lamourouxia tenuifolia micrantha Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca West side of valley of Cuicatlan, 6500-6800 ... E. W. Nelson 1891 1894-11-10
GH: 00078574 Lamourouxia xalapensis Kunth Mexico: Guerrero Tlalixtaquilla E. W. Nelson 2261 1894-12
GH: 00077876 Seymeria tenuisecta (Pennell) Standley Mexico: Chihuahua Base of Mount Mohinora, 8 miles from Guadelu... E. W. Nelson 4854 1898-8-23
Passifloraceae GH: 00068005 Passiflora foetida oaxacana Killip Mexico: Oaxaca From San Geronimo, 200 feet E. W. Nelson 2762 1895-7-1
Phyllanthaceae GH: 00045766 Astrocasia neurocarpa (Müller Argoviensis) I. M. Johnston ex Standley Mexico: Tamaulipas Jaumare Valley, alt. ca. 2000 feet E. W. Nelson 4455 1898-6-1
GH: 00045766 Astrocasia populifolia I. M. Johnston Mexico: Tamaulipas Jaumare Valley, alt. ca. 2000 feet E. W. Nelson 4455 1898-6-1
GH: 00045766 Phyllanthus neurocarpus Müller Argoviensis Mexico: Tamaulipas Jaumare Valley, alt. ca. 2000 feet E. W. Nelson 4455 1898-6-1
Pinaceae A: 00057519 Pinus ayacahuite brachyptera Shaw Mexico: Durango Near El Salto, 8000-8500 feet E. W. Nelson 4555 1898-7-12
A: 00057520 Pinus ayacahuite brachyptera Shaw Mexico: Durango Near El Salto, 8000-8500 feet E. W. Nelson 4555 1898-7-12
A: 00022431 Pinus nelsoni Shaw Mexico: Tamaulipas Mountains near Miquihuana, 7000-8500 feet E. W. Nelson 4501 1898-6-10
A: 00098070 Pinus oaxacana Mirov Mexico: Oaxaca Near Parada, 7500-9000 feet E. W. Nelson 985 1894-8-18
GH: 00022434 Pinus pringlei Shaw Mexico: Guerrero Northeast slopes of the Sierra Madre, near C... E. W. Nelson 2182 1894-12-24
A: 00098070 Pinus pseudostrobus apulcensis (Lindley) Shaw Mexico: Oaxaca Near Parada, 7500-9000 feet E. W. Nelson 985 1894-8-18
Piperaceae GH: 01984059 Peperomia deppeana Schlechtendal & Chamisso Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cerro San Felipe E. W. Nelson 1146 1894
GH: 01984126 Peperomia galioides Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes E. W. Nelson 1763 1894-10-20
GH: 01979029 Piper aduncum Linnaeus Mexico: Oaxaca Vicinity of Cuicatlan E. W. Nelson 1660 1894-10-8
GH: 01979338 Piper amalago Linnaeus Mexico: Oaxaca Valley about Cuicatlan E. W. Nelson 1858 1894-11-3
GH: 01979586 Piper auritum Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Cuicatlan E. W. Nelson 1669 1894-10-8
GH: 01979684 Piper colonense C. de Candolle Mexico: Oaxaca [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 352 1894-4-9
GH: 01979967 Piper hispidum Kunth Mexico: Oaxaca From about Santo Domingo E. W. Nelson 2663 1895-6-12
GH: 01965188 Piper sp. Mexico: Tres Marias Islands. Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4283 1897-5-3
GH: 01980945 Piper tuberculatum Jacquin Mexico: Guerrero Road between Juchitango & Ometepec E. W. Nelson 2322 1895-2-10
GH: 01965027 Piper unguiculatum Ruiz & Pavon Mexico: Oaxaca Cuicatlan. E. W. Nelson 1675 1894-10-8
Plantaginaceae GH: 00078543 Gratiola oresbia B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chihuahua Near Colonia Garcia E. W. Nelson 6099 1899-8-25
Poaceae GH: 00024118 Panicum biglandulare Scribner & J. G. Smith Mexico: Chiapas Near Pinabete, 6500-8000 feet E. W. Nelson 3781 1896-2-8
Polemoniaceae GH: 00003522 Cobaea pachysepala Standley Guatemala: From Zunil E. W. Nelson 3683 1896-1-20
GH: 00003522 Cobaea pachysepala tomentulosa (Standley) D. N. Gibson Guatemala: From Zunil E. W. Nelson 3683 1896-1-20
GH: 00003522 Cobaea tomentulosa Standley Guatemala: From Zunil E. W. Nelson 3683 1896-1-20
Pucciniaceae FH: 00964927 Puccinia concinna Arthur Mexico: [Chihuahua] Eastern base of the Sierra Madre... E. W. Nelson 1899-9-29
FH: 00950692 Puccinia extensicola Plowright Mexico: Coahuila Sabicas, State of Coahuila E. W. Nelson 6828 1902-5-21
FH: 00964927 Puccinia sp. Mexico: [Chihuahua] Eastern base of the Sierra Madre... E. W. Nelson 1899-9-29
Ranunculaceae GH: 00038457 Ranunculus gentryanus L. D. Benson Mexico: Chihuahua Mount Mohinora, southwest Chihuahua E. W. Nelson 4888 1898-9-1
GH: 00068688 Thalictrum fendleri sinuosum B. Boivin Mexico: Durango El Oro to Guanacevi E. W. Nelson 4749 1898-8-14
GH: 00068685 Thalictrum fendleri sinuosum B. Boivin Mexico: Durango El Oro to Guanacevi E. W. Nelson 4749 1898-8-14
GH: 00273696 Thalictrum grandifolium S. Watson Mexico: Chihuahua E. W. Nelson 6007 1899-6
GH: 00068725 Thalictrum nelsonii B. Boivin Mexico: Oaxaca Near Reyes, 6700-10,000 feet E. W. Nelson 1788 1894-10-20
Rhamnaceae GH: 00051272 Ceanothus ferox Standley Mexico: Tamaulipas Mountains near Miquihuana, alt. 7000-9000 fe... E. W. Nelson 4479 1898-6-10
GH: 00051321 Colubrina heteroneura (Grisebach) Standley Mexico: Guerrero San Marcos, alt. 50 feet E. W. Nelson 2284 1895-2-7
GH: 00051321 Cormonema nelsonii Rose Mexico: Guerrero San Marcos, alt. 50 feet E. W. Nelson 2284 1895-2-7
GH: 00051402 Frangula mucronata (Schlechtendal) Grubov Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, alt. 670... E. W. Nelson 3450 1895-12-4
GH: 00051402 Rhamnus mucronata Schlechtendal Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, alt. 670... E. W. Nelson 3450 1895-12-4
GH: 00051402 Rhamnus nelsonii Rose Mexico: Chiapas Between San Cristobal and Teopisca, alt. 670... E. W. Nelson 3450 1895-12-4
Rosaceae A: 00102828 Crataegus nelsoni Eggleston Mexico: Chiapas Near San Cristobal, 2134-2682 m E. W. Nelson 3217 1895-9-18
GH: 00102928 Vauquelinia corymbosa latifolia (Rydberg) Hess & Henrickson Mexico: Tamaulipas Mountains near Miquihuana, 7000-9000 ft E. W. Nelson 4481 1898-6-10
GH: 00102928 Vauquelinia latifolia Rydberg Mexico: Tamaulipas Mountains near Miquihuana, 7000-9000 ft E. W. Nelson 4481 1898-6-10
Rubiaceae GH: 00092414 Bouvardia dictyoneura Standley Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3757 1896-2-6
GH: 00092634 Crusea coccinea pubescens Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Northwest slope of Mount Zempoaltepec, 8000-... E. W. Nelson 699 1894-7-10
GH: 00092634 Crusea coccinea coccinea Mexico: Oaxaca Northwest slope of Mount Zempoaltepec, 8000-... E. W. Nelson 699 1894-7-10
GH: 00092833 Galium fuscum guerrericum Dempster Mexico: Guerrero Between Chilapa and Tixtla, 5200-7000 feet E. W. Nelson 2166 1894-12-16
GH: 00092839 Galium mexicanum glabratum Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca West slope of Mount Zempoaltepec, 7700-8000 ... E. W. Nelson 583 1894-7-5
GH: 00092840 Galium nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Summit of Mount Zempoaltepec, 11400 feet E. W. Nelson 628 1894-7-9
GH: 00095966 Omiltemia longipes Standley Mexico: Guerrero Omilteme E. W. Nelson 7054 1903-5-25
GH: 00095681 Randia induta Standley Mexico: Guerrero Cayacal E. W. Nelson 7018 1903-4-12
GH: 00095682 Randia induta Standley Mexico: Guerrero Cayacal E. W. Nelson 7018 1903-4-12
GH: 00095686 Randia nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Juchitan to Chivela, 150-900 feet E. W. Nelson 2635 1895
GH: 00095808 Rondeletia septicidalis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3755 1896-2-6
GH: 00095807 Rondeletia septicidalis B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas From Chicharras, 3000-6000 feet E. W. Nelson 3755 1896-2-6
Rutaceae GH: 00044051 Esenbeckia macrantha Rose Mexico: Oaxaca 6 miles above Dominguillo, alt. 4500-5500 fe... E. W. Nelson 1831 1894-10-30
GH: 00044239 Zanthoxylum insularis Rose Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 7278 1897-5-3
GH: 00044243 Zanthoxylum nelsonii Rose Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4279 1897-5-3
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00077876 Afzelia tenuisecta Pennell Mexico: Chihuahua Base of Mount Mohinora, 8 miles from Guadelu... E. W. Nelson 4854 1898-8-23
GH: 00078600 Leucophyllum laevigatum Standley Mexico: Durango Between Ramos and Inde E. W. Nelson 4689 1898-8-11
Smilacaceae GH: 00030062 Smilax domingensis Willdenow Mexico: Chiapas Between Tumbala and El Salto, 1500-4500 feet E. W. Nelson 3392 1895-10-29
GH: 00030062 Smilax domingensis microscola B. L. Robinson Mexico: Chiapas Between Tumbala and El Salto, 1500-4500 feet E. W. Nelson 3392 1895-10-29
Solanaceae GH: 00057708 Athenaea nelsonii Fernald Mexico: Chiapas Between Tourbala and El Salto, 1500-4500 ft. E. W. Nelson 3395 1895-10-29
GH: 00057708 Brachistus nelsonii (Fernald) W. G. D'Arcy, J. L. Gentry & J. E. Averett Mexico: Chiapas Between Tourbala and El Salto, 1500-4500 ft. E. W. Nelson 3395 1895-10-29
GH: 00987798 Capsicum baccatum Linnaeus Mexico: Tamaulipas Victoria E. W. Nelson 6662 1902-3-15
GH: 00046377 Cestrum anagyris Dunal Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains southeast of Miahuatlan E. W. Nelson 2525 1895
GH: 00046377 Cestrum bourgeauianum Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains southeast of Miahuatlan E. W. Nelson 2525 1895
GH: 00046377 Cestrum laxum Bentham Mexico: Oaxaca Mountains southeast of Miahuatlan E. W. Nelson 2525 1895
GH: 00861667 Datura discolor Bernhardi Mexico: Chiapas [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 4140 1897-4-2
GH: 00861656 Datura discolor Bernhardi Mexico: Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4197 1897-5-3
GH: 00861653 Datura discolor Bernhardi Mexico: Jalisco Lagos E. W. Nelson 3881 1896-6-29
GH: 00861768 Datura wrightii Regel Mexico: Chihuahua Colonia Diaz E. W. Nelson 6430 1899-9-20
GH: 00813349 Lycium berlandieri Dunal Mexico: Coahuila La Ventura E. W. Nelson 3904 1896-8-2
GH: 00815244 Nicotiana obtusifolia Mertens & Galeotti Mexico: Durango Victoria de Durango: [no additional data] E. W. Nelson 4589 1898-8-1
GH: 00815225 Nicotiana obtusifolia Mertens & Galeotti Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4212 1897-5-5
GH: 00815304 Nicotiana obtusifolia Mertens & Galeotti Mexico: Chihuahua Near Lake Santa Maria E. W. Nelson 6428 1899-9
GH: 00815349 Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viviani Mexico: Jalisco between Las Palmas and Ixtapa E. W. Nelson 4135 1897-3-31
GH: 00815369 Nicotiana repanda Willdenow ex Lehmann Mexico: Tamaulipas Soto la Marina E. W. Nelson 6637 1902-3-2
GH: 00077605 Solanum confusum Correll Mexico: Oaxaca E. W. Nelson 1319 1894
GH: 00295518 Solanum deflexum Greenman Mexico: Between Topana, Oaxaca & Tonala, Chiapas E. W. Nelson 2876a 1895-8-1
GH: 00077605 Solanum nelsonii Correll Mexico: Oaxaca E. W. Nelson 1319 1894
GH: 00077605 Solanum oxycarpum Schiede Mexico: Oaxaca E. W. Nelson 1319 1894
GH: 00077529 Solanum plumense Fernald Mexico: Oaxaca From about Plunia E. W. Nelson 2493 1895-3-17
GH: 00077605 Solanum reconditum Correll Mexico: Oaxaca E. W. Nelson 1319 1894
GH: 00077605 Solanum verrucosum Schlechtendal Mexico: Oaxaca E. W. Nelson 1319 1894
GH: 00057708 Witheringia nelsonii (Fernald) Hunziker Mexico: Chiapas Between Tourbala and El Salto, 1500-4500 ft. E. W. Nelson 3395 1895-10-29
Theaceae GH: 00306530 Taonabo Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Cuicatlan, 7500-8000 ft E. W. Nelson 1902 1894-11
A: 00306518 Taonabo oocarpa Rose Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ocuilapa, 3400-3800 feet E. W. Nelson 2994 1895-8-21
GH: 00306530 Taonabo sphaerocarpa Rose Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Cuicatlan, 7500-8000 ft E. W. Nelson 1902 1894-11
GH: 02503363 Ternstroemia lineata de Candolle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 6894 1903-2-24
GH: 02503364 Ternstroemia lineata de Candolle Mexico: Michoacán [data not captured] E. W. Nelson 6894 1903-2
GH: 00306516 Ternstroemia maltbyi Rose Mexico: Nayarit Tres Marias Islands, Maria Madre Is. E. W. Nelson 4242 1897-5-3
A: 00306518 Ternstroemia oocarpa (Rose) Melchior Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ocuilapa, 3400-3800 feet E. W. Nelson 2994 1895-8-21
A: 00306518 Ternstroemia tepezapote Schlechtendal & Chamisso Mexico: Chiapas Table land about Ocuilapa, 3400-3800 feet E. W. Nelson 2994 1895-8-21
GH: 00306530 Ternstroemia tepezapote Schlechtendal & Chamisso Mexico: Oaxaca Valley of Cuicatlan, 7500-8000 ft E. W. Nelson 1902 1894-11
Tiliaceae GH: 00052524 Tilia americana mexicana (Schlechtendal) Hardin Mexico: Michoacán Mount Tancitaro, 7000-8500 feet E. W. Nelson 6874 1903-2-23
GH: 00052519 Tilia americana mexicana (Schlechtendal) Hardin Mexico: Guerrero Omilteme E. W. Nelson 7044 1903-5
GH: 00052519 Tilia nelsoni Bush Mexico: Guerrero Omilteme E. W. Nelson 7044 1903-5
GH: 00052524 Tilia pertomentosa Bush Mexico: Michoacán Mount Tancitaro, 7000-8500 feet E. W. Nelson 6874 1903-2-23
Urticaceae GH: 00035134 Myriocarpa longipes Liebmann Mexico: Nayarit Tres Marias Islands, Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4275 1897-5-1
GH: 00035134 Myriocarpa malacophylla B. L. Robinson & Bartlett Mexico: Nayarit Tres Marias Islands, Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4275 1897-5-1
GH: 00035207 Parietaria macrophylla B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Guerrero Near Chilpancingo, alt. 9000-10200 feet E. W. Nelson 2231 1894-12-24
Valerianaceae GH: 00031717 Valeriana deltoidea F. G. Meyer Mexico: Durango Sierra Madre, 15 miles north of Guanacevi E. W. Nelson 4760 1898-8-17
GH: 00031723 Valeriana nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Durango Near El Salto, alt. 8000-8700 feet E. W. Nelson 4574 1898-7-12
GH: 00031724 Valeriana nelsonii Greenman Mexico: Durango El Oro to Guanacevi E. W. Nelson 4744 1898-8-14
Verbenaceae GH: 00093396 Aegiphila deppeana Steudel Mexico: Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4254 1897-5-3
GH: 00093397 Aegiphila deppeana Steudel Mexico: Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4254 1897-5-3
GH: 00093396 Aegiphila pacifica Greenman Mexico: Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4254 1897-5-3
GH: 00093397 Aegiphila pacifica Greenman Mexico: Maria Madre Island E. W. Nelson 4254 1897-5-3
GH: 00093654 Bouchea nelsonii Grenzebach Mexico: Between Topana, Oaxaca & Tonala, Chiapas, 20... E. W. Nelson 2867 1895-8-1
GH: 00096011 Ghinia euphrasiifolia (B. L. Robinson) Standley Mexico: Tamaulipas Alta Mira E. W. Nelson 4415 1898-5-14
GH: 00096001 Stachytarpheta nelsonii B. L. Robinson & Greenman Mexico: Oaxaca Six miles above Domingvillo, 5000-6500 feet E. W. Nelson 1590 1894-10-3
GH: 00096011 Tamonea euphrasiifolia B. L. Robinson Mexico: Tamaulipas Alta Mira E. W. Nelson 4415 1898-5-14
Vitaceae GH: 00814165 Vitis arizonica Engelmann Mexico: Chihuahua Near border of New Mexico E. W. Nelson 6500 1899-9
A: 00814383 Vitis sp. Mexico: Coahuila General Cepeda E. W. Nelson 6119 1902-4-20
Zamiaceae ECON: 00872719 Dioon edule Lindley Mexico: Tamaulipas Soto la Marina E. W. Nelson 6649 1902-3-2
Zygophyllaceae GH: 00043924 Guaiacum coulteri A. Gray Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4180 1897-5-3
GH: 00043923 Guaiacum coulteri A. Gray Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4180 1897-5-3
GH: 00043922 Guaiacum coulteri A. Gray Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4180 1897-5-3
GH: 00043922 Guajacum insularis Rose Mexico: Nayarit Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands E. W. Nelson 4180 1897-5-3
GH: 00043944 Morkillia acuminata Rose & Painter Mexico: Tamaulipas Along road over mountain between Victoria an... E. W. Nelson 4444 1898-5-31