Aulacomniaceae FH: 00964316 Aulacomnium palustre (Hedwig) Schwägrichen USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 24 1977-7-27
Bryaceae FH: 00797932 Bryum argenteum Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Pickman Area; property inside fence... A. M. M. Reid 1977-6-29
FH: 00964322 Pohlia nutans (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 16 1977-7-27
Calypogeiaceae FH: 00964313 Calypogeia sp. USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 28 1977-7-27
Cephaloziaceae FH: 01091765 Nowellia curvifolia (Dickson) Mitten USA: Massachusetts Bedford, Concord field Station, Pickman area... A. M. M. Reid 14 1977-7-6
Dicranaceae FH: 00541287 Dicranella heteromalla (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Pickman Area; land adjacent to unpa... A. M. M. Reid 1977-7-6
FH: 00541288 Dicranella heteromalla (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Pickman Area; land adjacent to unpa... A. M. M. Reid 1977-7-6
FH: 00964319 Dicranum sp. USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 20 1977-7-27
FH: 00825499 Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedwig) Loeske USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Pickman Area; land adjacent to unpa... A. M. M. Reid 1977-7-6
Ditrichaceae FH: 00514975 Ceratodon purpureus (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Pickman Area; property inside fence... A. M. M. Reid 1977-6-29
Entodontaceae FH: 00964320 Pleurozium schreberi (Willdenow ex Bridel) Mitten USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 19 1977-7-27
Fissidentaceae FH: 00964446 Fissidens sp. USA: California Big Sur A. M. M. Reid 1977-6-15
Frullaniaceae FH: 00539098 Frullania eboracensis Lehmann USA: Massachusetts Bedford: [data not captured] A. M. M. Reid 1977-7-6
Georgiaceae FH: 00995691 Tetraphis pellucida Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Middlesex: Bedford, Concord Field Station, P... A. M. M. Reid 1977-7-6
Hypnaceae FH: 00964323 Hypnum pallescens (Hedwig) P. Beauvois USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 29 1977-7-27
Mniaceae FH: 01091580 Mnium cuspidatum Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Bedford, Concord field station, Pickman Area... A. M. M. Reid 15 1977-7-6
FH: 00964315 Mnium sp. USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 26 1977-7-27
FH: 00964317 Mnium sp. USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 22 1977-7-27
FH: 00964445 Mnium sp. USA: Vermont Robert Forest Memorial Drive, long trail cro... A. M. M. Reid 1977-6-11
FH: 01091580 Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedwig) T. J. Koponen USA: Massachusetts Bedford, Concord field station, Pickman Area... A. M. M. Reid 15 1977-7-6
Pallaviciniaceae FH: 01091652 Pallavicinia lyellii (Hooker) Gray USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord Town Forest A. M. M. Reid 34 1977-11-2
Pelliaceae FH: 00964314 Pellia epiphylla (Linnaeus) Corda USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 27 1977-7-27
Plagiotheciaceae FH: 00996067 Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedwig) Schimper USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside nest to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 18 1977-6-27
Polytrichaceae FH: 00522151 Atrichum sp. USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Pickman Area; land adjacent to unpa... A. M. M. Reid 1977-7-6
FH: 01091445 Polytrichum commune Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Bedford, Concord Field Station, Pic... A. M. M. Reid 5 1977-6-29
FH: 01091446 Polytrichum commune Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Bedford, Concord Field Station, Pic... A. M. M. Reid 4 1977-6-29
FH: 01091447 Polytrichum commune Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Bedford, Concord Field Station, Pic... A. M. M. Reid 3 1977-6-29
FH: 01091448 Polytrichum commune Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Bedford, Concord Field Station, Pic... A. M. M. Reid 13 1977-7-6
FH: 01091449 Polytrichum piliferum Hedwig USA: Massachusetts Bedford: Bedford, Concord Field Station, Pic... A. M. M. Reid 2 1977-6-29
FH: 00964321 Polytrichum sp. USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 17 1977-7-27
FH: 00964324 Polytrichum sp. USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 30 1977-7-27
Scapaniaceae FH: 01091978 Scapania sp. USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord Town Forest A. M. M. Reid 1977-11-2
Sphagnaceae FH: 00964318 Sphagnum sp. USA: Massachusetts Arlington, on hillside next to sidewalk 1472... A. M. M. Reid 21 1977-7-27
Theliaceae FH: 00995645 Thelia hirtella (Hedwig) Sullivant & Lesquereux USA: Massachusetts Bedford, Concord Field Station, M.C.Z.- Harv... A. M. M. Reid 1977-7-6
Thuidiaceae FH: 01091027 Thuidium sp. USA: Massachusetts Concord: Concord Town Forest A. M. M. Reid 1977-11-2