Adoxaceae GH: 02183081 Adoxa moschatellina Linnaeus USA: Colorado left bank of the Cebolla Creek at the Ceboll... S. A. Spongberg 64-25 1964-6-14
Aizoaceae A: 01681020 Mollugo verticillata Linnaeus USA: Illinois [data not captured] S. A. Spongberg 64-258 1964-8-16
Araceae GH: 00219781 Symplocarpus foetidus (Linnaeus) Salisbury ex W. P. C. Barton USA: Illinois Section 33 of Rockvale township S. A. Spongberg 64-5 1964-4-19
Asteraceae A: 02140833 Agoseris agrestis Osterhout USA: Colorado behind the Paragon School, about five miles ... S. A. Spongberg 64-78 1964-7-3
A: 02140922 Agoseris aurantiaca aurantiaca USA: Colorado south wall of Queen Basin, about three miles... S. A. Spongberg 64-214 1964-7-29
A: 02141733 Agoseris parviflora (Nuttall) D. Dietrich USA: Colorado along Route 149 near old Gunnison Mine, abou... S. A. Spongberg 64-32 1964-6-17
A: 00968806 Artemisia dracunculus Linnaeus USA: Colorado above the right bank of the East River at Go... S. A. Spongberg 64-256 1964-8-11
A: 00988466 Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Colorado rocky bars extending into Henson Creek from ... S. A. Spongberg 64-167 1964-7-16
A: 01234392 Artemisia scopulorum A. Gray USA: Colorado shoulder of land extending to the northwest ... S. A. Spongberg 64-159 1964-7-14
A: 02142744 Crepis occidentalis costata (A. Gray) Babcock & Stebbins USA: Colorado above the left bank of Red Creek, about one ... S. A. Spongberg 44-107 1964-7-5
A: 02203462 Dieteria bigelovii (A. Gray) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman USA: Colorado edge of the Cebolla Creek Road in the Ceboll... S. A. Spongberg 64-191 1964-7-24
A: 02206305 Erigeron compositus Pursh USA: Colorado crest of Virginia Ridge above Virginia Basin... S. A. Spongberg 64-73 1964-6-30
A: 02206728 Erigeron coulteri Porter USA: Colorado margin of the largest kettle pond in the ope... S. A. Spongberg 64-195 1964-7-27
A: 02206979 Erigeron eatonii A. Gray USA: Colorado open south-facing slope along Route 149 near... S. A. Spongberg 64-30 1964-6-17
A: 02348348 Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray USA: Colorado right bank of Soap Creek at Little Soap Park... S. A. Spongberg 64-116 1964-7-6
A: 02348600 Erigeron formosissimus Greene USA: Colorado northern end of the Cebolla Creek Canyon on ... S. A. Spongberg 64-188 1964-7-24
A: 02353642 Erigeron leiomerus A. Gray USA: Colorado northwest-facing back wall of Queen Basin, a... S. A. Spongberg 64-178 1964-7-22
A: 02351070 Erigeron pumilis Nuttall USA: Colorado shoulder of Route 149 about three miles nort... S. A. Spongberg 64-35 1964-6-17
A: 02351388 Erigeron speciosus de Candolle USA: Colorado surrounding the kettle ponds, about one mile... S. A. Spongberg 64-199 1964-7-27
A: 02204105 Heterotheca pumila (Greene) Semple USA: Colorado east-facing slope in the Gothic Natural Area... S. A. Spongberg 64-206 1964-7-28
A: 01831707 Hieracium gracile Hooker USA: Colorado divide between Cement and Spring Creek valle... S. A. Spongberg 64-235 1964-8-7
Betulaceae A: 02195290 Betula glandulosa Michaux USA: Colorado just east of the Gothic Road, about one mile... S. A. Spongberg 64-63 1964-6-29
A: 02194938 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Illinois [data not captured] S. A. Spongberg 64-4 1964-4-19
Boraginaceae A: 02026703 Eritrichium nanum elongatum (Rydberg) Cronquist USA: Colorado just below the summit of North Italian Mount... S. A. Spongberg 64-162 1964-7-14
A: 01996068 Lithospermum incisum Lehmann USA: Colorado along the east side of the Cebolla Creek Roa... S. A. Spongberg 64-51 1964-6-20
A: 01996636 Lithospermum multiflorum Torrey USA: Colorado at the southern end of Little Soap Park, abo... S. A. Spongberg 64-115 1964-7-6
A: 01997659 Mertensia ciliata (James) G. Don USA: Colorado along the left bank of Crystal Creek, about ... S. A. Spongberg 64-40 1964-6-18
A: 02058202 Mertensia lanceolata nivalis (S. Watson) L. C. Higgins USA: Colorado on the edge of a small brook draining Queen ... S. A. Spongberg 64-175 1964-7-22
A: 02059721 Oreocarya bakeri Greene USA: Colorado slope along Route 149 near the old Gunnison ... S. A. Spongberg 64-29 1964-6-17
A: 02143096 Plagiobothrys scopulorum (Greene) I. M. Johnstone USA: Colorado on the edge of a small book which drains Mer... S. A. Spongberg 64-123 1964-7-8
Brassicaceae GH: 00992698 Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] S. A. Spongberg 64-10 1964-5-23
GH: 01153827 Boechera demissa (Greene) W. A. Weber USA: Colorado divide between Powderhorn and Gateview S. A. Spongberg 64-47 1964-6-20
GH: 01155132 Boechera retrofracta (Graham) A. Löve & D. Löve USA: Colorado northeast-facing slope of Cap Mountain, abou... S. A. Spongberg 64-50 1964-6-20
GH: 01155336 Chorispora tenella (Pallas) de Candolle USA: Colorado dooryard of the Powderhorn General Store at ... S. A. Spongberg 64-62 1964-6-25
GH: 01155374 Descurainia incana (Bernhardi ex Fischer & C. A. Meyer) Dorn USA: Colorado right shore of the East River at Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-166 1964-7-15
GH: 01155928 Draba crassifolia Graham USA: Colorado great rise of land forming the boundary betw... S. A. Spongberg 64-210 1964-7-29
GH: 00992046 Draba nemorosa Linnaeus USA: Colorado near the Cebolla Creek Road; edge of intermi... S. A. Spongberg 64-42 1964-6-19
GH: 01561155 Draba spectabilis oxyloba (Greene) O. E. Schulz USA: Colorado above the right bank of Washington Gulch Cre... S. A. Spongberg 64-130 1964-7-8
GH: 01538258 Erysimum capitatum argillosum (Greene) R. J. Davis USA: Colorado northwest-facing shoulder of Engineer Mounta... S. A. Spongberg 64-169 1964-7-16
GH: 01550209 Nasturtium officinale R. Brown USA: Colorado bank of Cement Creek, about three and one-ha... S. A. Spongberg 62-250 1964-8-10
GH: 01550643 Noccaea fendleri glauca (A. Nelson) Al-Shehbz & M. Koch USA: Colorado roadside of the Windy Point Road, just west ... S. A. Spongberg 64-24 1964-6-14
GH: 01573664 Physaria alpina Rollins USA: Colorado crest of Virginia Ridge above Virginia Basin... S. A. Spongberg 64-70 1964-6-30
Cactaceae A: 01875855 Opuntia polyacantha Haworth USA: Colorado along the east shoulder of Route 135, about ... S. A. Spongberg 64-81 1964-7-3
Caprifoliaceae A: 02039072 Linnaea borealis longiflora (Torrey) Piper & Beattie USA: Colorado about two miles below the divide between Cem... S. A. Spongberg 64-238 1964-8-7
A: 02038477 Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Sprengel USA: Colorado on the left bank of Soap Creek at the Soap C... S. A. Spongberg 64-113 1964-7-6
Caryophyllaceae A: 01741166 Arenaria congesta Nuttall USA: Colorado steep bank above the right bank of the East ... S. A. Spongberg 64-184 1964-7-23
A: 01743332 Cerastium beeringianum Chamisso & Schlechtendal USA: Colorado slope of North Italian Mountain, about eleve... S. A. Spongberg 64-160 1964-7-14
A: 01715839 Sagina saginoides (Linnaeus) H. Karsten USA: Colorado along a little-used jeep road, just over the... S. A. Spongberg 64-56 1964-6-25
A: 01752186 Silene drummondii striata (Rydberg) J. K. Morton USA: Colorado meadow above the right bank of the East Rive... S. A. Spongberg 64-181 1964-7-23
A: 01752187 Silene drummondii striata (Rydberg) J. K. Morton USA: Colorado margin of a small brook draining Queen Basin... S. A. Spongberg 64-179 1964-7-22
A: 01623218 Stellaria longipes Goldie USA: Colorado east-facing slope of a small box canyon betw... S. A. Spongberg 64-43 1964-6-19
Celastraceae A: 01787353 Paxistima myrsinites (Pursh) Rafinesque USA: Colorado on the Judd Falls trail, just east of Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-64 1964-6-29
Crassulaceae A: 01990103 Rhodiola integrifolia Rafinesque USA: Colorado Whitmore Falls, about four miles above Capit... S. A. Spongberg 64-60 1964-6-25
A: 01990103 Sedum rosea integrifolium (Rafinesque) Hultén USA: Colorado Whitmore Falls, about four miles above Capit... S. A. Spongberg 64-60 1964-6-25
Cyperaceae A: 02503256 Carex brevipes W. Boott ex B. D. Jackson USA: Colorado just over the Uncompahgre National Forest bo... S. A. Spongberg 64-58 1964-6-25
A: 02503256 Carex deflexa boottii L. H. Bailey USA: Colorado just over the Uncompahgre National Forest bo... S. A. Spongberg 64-58 1964-6-25
A: 02368650 Carex douglasii Boott USA: Colorado on the eastern edge of Dry Lake, about 2 1/2... S. A. Spongberg 64-20 1964-6-13
A: 02368840 Carex duriuscula C. A. Meyer USA: Colorado on eastern edge of Dry Lake, about 2 1/2 mi ... S. A. Spongberg 64-22 1964-6-13
A: 02368098 Carex gynocrates Wormskjold ex Drejer USA: Colorado above the right bank of the East River at Go... S. A. Spongberg 64-164 1964-7-15
A: 02499086 Carex heliophila Mackenzie USA: Colorado northern edge of Hunstman Mesa overlooking M... S. A. Spongberg 64-55 1964-6-23
A: 02499086 Carex inops heliophila (Mackenzie) Crins USA: Colorado northern edge of Hunstman Mesa overlooking M... S. A. Spongberg 64-55 1964-6-23
Elaeagnaceae A: 01576839 Shepherdia canadensis Nuttall USA: Colorado right bank of Cebolla Creek along the Ceboll... S. A. Spongberg 64-187a 1964-7-24
Ericaceae A: 01719043 Moneses uniflora (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Colorado trail to Queen Basin from the Copper Creek R... S. A. Spongberg 64-170 1964-7-22
Fabaceae A: 01967263 Acmispon wrightii (A. Gray) Brouillet USA: Colorado roadside along the left bank of Red Creek, a... S. A. Spongberg 64-104 1964-7-5
A: 02064092 Astragalus alpinus Linnaeus USA: Colorado great rise of land forming the boundary betw... S. A. Spongberg 64-215 1964-7-29
A: 02047992 Astragalus diversifolius A. Gray USA: Colorado roadside along the left bank of Red Creek, a... S. A. Spongberg 64-105 1964-7-5
A: 02044086 Astragalus drummondii Douglas ex Hooker USA: Colorado shoulder of Route 149 at Powderhorn S. A. Spongberg 64-45 1964-6-20
A: 02048581 Astragalus scopulorum Porter USA: Colorado at the southern entrance to Big Soap Park, a... S. A. Spongberg 64-121 1964-7-6
A: 02048894 Astragalus tenellus Pursh USA: Colorado along a little used jeep road; divide betwee... S. A. Spongberg 64-237 1964-8-7
A: 01958355 Hedysarum occidentale Greene USA: Colorado steep trail to Queen Basin from the Copper C... S. A. Spongberg 64-171 1964-7-22
A: 02149279 Lathyrus leucanthus Rydberg USA: Colorado about ten road miles north of Route 50 on th... S. A. Spongberg 64-110 1964-7-5
A: 02085056 Lupinus argenteus Pursh USA: Colorado Route 149 about three miles north of Powderh... S. A. Spongberg 64-34 1964-6-17
A: 02085057 Lupinus argenteus Pursh USA: Colorado below the Los Pinos Road, about four miles e... S. A. Spongberg 64-53 1964-6-21
A: 02085389 Lupinus bakeri amplus (Greene) L. S. Fleak & D. B. Dunn USA: Colorado about one mile southeast of Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-196 1964-7-27
A: 02085739 Lupinus caespitosus Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado area adjoining Route 135 about one and one-h... S. A. Spongberg 64-83 1964-7-3
A: 02177690 Lupinus parviflorus floribundus (Greene) Harmon USA: Colorado field behind the Paragon School, about five ... S. A. Spongberg 64-79 1964-7-3
A: 02132634 Oxytropis deflexa foliolosa (Hooker) Barneby USA: Colorado on rocky bars extending into Henson Creek fr... S. A. Spongberg 64-38 1964-6-18
A: 02132633 Oxytropis deflexa foliolosa (Hooker) Barneby USA: Colorado on the crest of Virginia Ridge, about one an... S. A. Spongberg 64-67 1964-6-30
A: 02132841 Oxytropis lambertii Pursh USA: Colorado on the western shoulder of Route 135, about ... S. A. Spongberg 64-89 1964-7-3
A: 02131362 Oxytropis podocarpa A. Gray USA: Colorado crest of Virginia Ridge above Virginia Basin... S. A. Spongberg 64-69 1964-6-30
A: 02345011 Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Colorado old field behind the Paragon School, about f... S. A. Spongberg 64-80 1964-7-3
Gentianaceae A: 02069964 Gentiana affinis Grisebach USA: Colorado on the right bank of Cement Creek below the ... S. A. Spongberg 64-246 1964-8-10
A: 02167290 Gentianella amarella (Linnaeus) Börner USA: Colorado along the trail south from Little Robinson C... S. A. Spongberg [data not captured] 64-228 1964-8-4
A: 02166806 Menyanthes trifoliata minor Rafinesque USA: Colorado western slope of Storm Ridge just below Cast... S. A. Spongberg [data not captured] 64-223 1964-8-3
Juncaceae A: 02099230 Juncus balticus Willdenow USA: Colorado left bank of the Cebolla Creek about two mil... S. A. Spongberg 64-190 1964-7-24
A: 02398213 Juncus saximontanus A. Nelson USA: Colorado East Elk Creek about one and a half miles ab... S. A. Spongberg 64-97 1964-7-5
Lentibulariaceae A: 01976172 Utricularia sp. USA: Colorado Along the right bank of Cement Creek, about ... S. A. Spongberg 64-248 1964-8-10
Liliaceae A: 02411307 Trillium grandiflorum (Michaux) Salisbury USA: Wisconsin deep coniferous-deciduous woods on Boyer's B... S. A. Spongberg 64-16 1964-5-24
Linaceae A: 02053187 Linum lewisii Pursh USA: Colorado southern end of Little Soap Park, about nine... S. A. Spongberg 64-114 1964-7-6
Lycopodiaceae A: 00286930 Huperzia lucidula (Michaux) Trevisan USA: Illinois On the north-facing slope of the main ravine... S. A. Spongberg 64-267 1964-8-19
A: 00286930 Lycopodium lucidulum Michaux USA: Illinois On the north-facing slope of the main ravine... S. A. Spongberg 64-267 1964-8-19
Malvaceae A: 02199515 Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nuttall) Rydberg USA: Colorado shoulder of the Ninemile Hill Road, Route 14... S. A. Spongberg 64-54 1964-6-22
Nymphaeaceae A: 01740073 Nuphar polysepala Engelmann USA: Colorado covering the surface of a small lake on the ... S. A. Spongberg [data not captured] 64-231 1964-8-5
Onagraceae A: 01675989 Chamerion latifolium (Linnaeus) Holub USA: Colorado north-facing slope of Queen Basin, about thr... S. A. Spongberg 64-219 1964-7-29
A: 01778898 Gayophytum ramosissimum Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado above the left bank of Red Creek, about one ... S. A. Spongberg 64-106 1964-7-5
A: 01645579 Oenothera coronopifolia A. Gray & Torrey USA: Colorado above the left bank of Red Creek, about one ... S. A. Spongberg 64-102 1964-7-5
A: 01645933 Oenothera flava (A. Nelson) Garrett USA: Colorado parking area on the right bank of the Ceboll... S. A. Spongberg 64-23 1964-6-14
A: 01644289 Oenothera hookeri Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado fence row along an irrigation ditch just to ... S. A. Spongberg 64-76 1964-7-3
Orchidaceae A: 02029491 Calypso bulbosa (Linnaeus) Oakes USA: Wisconsin on Boyer's Bluff; northwestern edge of Washi... S. A. Spongberg 64-18 1964-5-24
A: 01938514 Corallorhiza odontorhiza (Willdenow) Poiret USA: Illinois in the Rock River Basin, at Annie's Canyon i... S. A. Spongberg 64-265 1964-8-19
A: 01938708 Corallorhiza striata Lindley USA: Wisconsin on Boyer's Bluff; northwestern edge of Washi... S. A. Spongberg 64-19 1964-4-24
A: 01938920 Corallorhiza trifida Châtelain USA: Colorado on the right bank of the East River at Gothi... S. A. Spongberg 64-134 1964-7-9
A: 02051297 Listera cordata (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Colorado east-facing slope of Mt. Baldy in the Gothic... S. A. Spongberg 64-136 1964-7-10
A: 02050480 Platanthera sp. USA: Colorado along the right bank of Cement Creek, about ... S. A. Spongberg 64-245 1964-8-10
A: 02050481 Platanthera sp. USA: Colorado on the right bank of the East River at Gothi... S. A. Spongberg 64-182 1964-7-23
A: 02050482 Platanthera sp. USA: Colorado on the right bank of the East River at Gothi... S. A. Spongberg 64-148 1964-7-13
A: 02050483 Platanthera sp. USA: Colorado above the right bank of Washington Gulch Cre... S. A. Spongberg 64-126 1964-7-8
A: 02050485 Platanthera sp. USA: Colorado on the right bank of the East River at Gothi... S. A. Spongberg 64-135 1964-7-9
Orobanchaceae A: 01878035 Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hooker USA: Colorado on the lower levels of Queen Basin, about th... S. A. Spongberg 64-174 1964-7-22
A: 02079980 Pedicularis racemosa Douglas ex Bentham USA: Colorado at the lower margin of Queen Basin, about th... S. A. Spongberg 64-176 1964-7-22
Papaveraceae A: 01738567 Corydalis caseana brandegei (S. Watson) Ownbey USA: Colorado along the open left bank of Oh-be-Joyful Cre... S. A. Spongberg 64-90 1964-7-3
Plantaginaceae A: 00466588 Callitriche hermaphroditica Linnaeus USA: Colorado about one mile southeast of Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-147 1964-7-13
A: 02000935 Linaria vulgaris Miller USA: Colorado strip of land between the Gothic Road and th... S. A. Spongberg 64-241 1964-8-10
A: 02120166 Penstemon harbouri A. Gray USA: Colorado bars extending into Henson Creek from its le... S. A. Spongberg 64-168 1964-7-16
A: 02121026 Penstemon mensarum Pennell USA: Colorado on the south-facing slope of a deep gully on... S. A. Spongberg 64-125 1964-7-8
A: 02122290 Penstemon rydbergii A. Nelson USA: Colorado about one mile southeast of Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-198 1964-7-27
A: 02122744 Penstemon strictus Bentham USA: Colorado along an irrigation ditch near the west shou... S. A. Spongberg 64-87 1964-7-3
A: 02122742 Penstemon strictus Bentham USA: Colorado about one mile southeast of Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-197 1964-7-27
A: 01801419 Penstemon whippleanus A. Gray USA: Colorado shoulder of the little-used jeep road at the... S. A. Spongberg 64-154 1964-7-14
A: 01812527 Veronica wormskjoldii nutans (Bongard) Pennell USA: Colorado rise of land forming the boundary between th... S. A. Spongberg 64-177 1964-7-22
Polemoniaceae A: 01083725 Aliciella pinnatifida (Nuttall ex A. Gray) J. M. Porter USA: Colorado recently bulldozed area adjoining Route 135 ... S. A. Spongberg 64-84 1964-7-3
A: 00954249 Linanthus pungens (Torrey) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson USA: Colorado east shoulder of Route 135 about one and one... S. A. Spongberg 64-85 1964-7-3
A: 01574396 Phlox longifolia Nuttall USA: Colorado along the left bank of East Elk Creek, a cou... S. A. Spongberg 64-98 1964-7-5
A: 01574703 Phlox multiflora A. Nelson USA: Colorado open south-facing slope along Route 149 near... S. A. Spongberg 64-31 1964-6-17
A: 01694345 Polemonium foliosissimum A. Gray USA: Colorado just to the south of the Mammalogy Laborator... S. A. Spongberg 64-239 1964-8-8
Polygonaceae A: 02365023 Bistorta vivipara (Linnaeus) Gray USA: Colorado on the right bank of the East River at Gothi... S. A. Spongberg 64-255 1964-8-11
A: 01851599 Eriogonum lonchophyllum Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado above the left bank of Red Creek, about one ... S. A. Spongberg 64-100 1964-7-5
A: 02043418 Eriogonum umbellatum majus Bentham USA: Colorado shoulder of Route 135 about four miles north... S. A. Spongberg 64-86 1964-7-3
A: 02360478 Polygonum douglasii Greene USA: Colorado along the Castle Pass Trail along Castle Cre... S. A. Spongberg [data not captured] 64-220 1964-8-2
A: 02007189 Polygonum polygaloides confertiflorum (Nuttall ex Piper) J. C. Hickman USA: Colorado along the Castle Pass Trail in the open mead... S. A. Spongberg [data not captured] 64-221 1964-8-2
A: 02006261 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: Colorado west bank of Soap Creek at Little Soap Park,... S. A. Spongberg 64-117 1964-7-6
A: 02005163 Rumex densiflorus Osterhout USA: Colorado along the road to Schofield Pass, about thre... S. A. Spongberg 64-141 1964-7-10
Portulacaceae A: 01859786 Lewisia pygmaea (A. Gray) B. L. Robinson USA: Colorado along the left bank of Oh-be-Joyful Creek, a... S. A. Spongberg 64-94 1964-7-3
Potamogetonaceae A: 01688193 Potamogeton illinoensis Morong USA: Colorado along the cattle road on the east side of th... S. A. Spongberg 64-145 1964-7-13
Primulaceae A: 01922577 Dodecatheon pulchellum (Rafinesque) Merrill USA: Colorado along the left bank of Oh-be-Joyful Creekm a... S. A. Spongberg 64-95 1964-7-3
A: 01920063 Glaux maritima Linnaeus USA: Colorado near the small cemetery south of Powderhorn ... S. A. Spongberg 64-28 1964-6-17
A: 01926286 Primula parryi A. Gray USA: Colorado on the northwest-facing slope of North Itali... S. A. Spongberg 64-155 1964-7-14
Ranunculaceae A: 01707129 Anemone ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Colorado slope of Cap Mountain, about two miles south... S. A. Spongberg 64-49 1964-6-20
A: 01707128 Anemone ludoviciana Nuttall USA: Colorado on the crest of Virginia Ridge, one and one-... S. A. Spongberg 64-66 1964-6-30
A: 01707462 Anemone narcissiflora Linnaeus USA: Colorado shoulder of land extending to the northwest ... S. A. Spongberg 64-157 1964-7-14
A: 01709373 Aquilegia elegantula Greene USA: Colorado above the Cebolla Creek Road along the right... S. A. Spongberg 64-27 1964-6-16
A: 01658231 Delphinium barbeyi (Huth) Huth USA: Colorado about one mile southeast of Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-200 1964-7-27
A: 01659507 Delphinium nuttallianum Pritzel ex Walpers USA: Colorado at the southern entrance to Big Soap Park, a... S. A. Spongberg 64-120 1964-7-6
A: 01662483 Ranunculus alismifolius Geyer ex Bentham USA: Colorado along the left bank of Oh-be-Joyful Creek, a... S. A. Spongberg 64-93 1964-7-3
A: 01663561 Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schlechtendal USA: Colorado shoulder of land extending to the northwest ... S. A. Spongberg 64-158 1964-7-14
A: 01664079 Ranunculus flammula Linnaeus USA: Colorado at the edge of the largest kettle pond, abou... S. A. Spongberg 64-204 1964-7-27
A: 01665445 Ranunculus inamoenus Greene USA: Colorado surrounding a small waterfall at the lower e... S. A. Spongberg 64-211 1964-7-29
A: 01665988 Ranunculus macounii Britton USA: Colorado about one mile southeast of Gothic, to the e... S. A. Spongberg 64-203 1964-7-27
A: 01838378 Ranunculus uncinatus D. Don USA: Colorado east-facing hillside above the right bank of... S. A. Spongberg 64-131 1964-7-8
A: 01838987 Thalictrum fendleri Engelmann ex A. Gray USA: Colorado on the rocky slope along the left bank of Cr... S. A. Spongberg 64-39 1964-6-18
Rosaceae A: 01729440 Amelanchier utahensis Koehne USA: Colorado on an outcropping above the left bank of Oh-... S. A. Spongberg 64-91 1964-7-3
A: 01607523 Comarum palustre Linnaeus USA: Colorado western slope of Storm Ridge, below Castle P... S. A. Spongberg [data not captured] 64-226 1964-8-3
A: 01647670 Crataegus saligna Greene USA: Colorado right bank of West Elk Creek, about one mile... S. A. Spongberg 64-122 1964-7-6
A: 01588718 Dryas octopetala Linnaeus USA: Colorado along the left bank of a small brook, near i... S. A. Spongberg 64-218 1964-7-29
A: 01610106 Geum rivale Linnaeus USA: Colorado along the trail to Powederhorn Park; south-f... S. A. Spongberg 64-193 1964-7-25
A: 01610466 Geum triflorum ciliatum (Pursh) Fassett USA: Colorado about ten road miles north of Route 50 on th... S. A. Spongberg 64-109 1964-7-5
A: 01566030 Ivesia gordonii (Hooker) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado just over the crest of Virginia Ridge, overl... S. A. Spongberg 64-71 1964-6-30
A: 01567700 Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann USA: Colorado crest of Virginia Ridge above Virginia Basin... S. A. Spongberg 64-74 1964-6-30
A: 01567876 Potentilla gracilis Douglas ex Hooker USA: Colorado on the right bank of the East River at Gothi... S. A. Spongberg 64-180 1964-7-23
A: 01701693 Rubus parviflorus Nuttall USA: Colorado side of the trail to Little Robinson Cow Cam... S. A. Spongberg [data not captured] 64-229 1964-8-5
A: 01704763 Sibbaldia procumbens Linnaeus USA: Colorado along a little-used jeep road, just over the... S. A. Spongberg 64-57 1964-6-25
Rubiaceae A: 02359243 Galium boreale Linnaeus USA: Colorado about one mile southeast of Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-194 1964-7-27
Santalaceae A: 01932830 Comandra umbellata pallida (A. de Candolle) Piehl USA: Colorado grassy area adjoining the left bank of East ... S. A. Spongberg 64-99 1964-7-5
Saxifragaceae A: 01735578 Heuchera parvifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Colorado along the left bank of Cement Creek about fi... S. A. Spongberg 64-152 1964-7-14
A: 01712134 Micranthes oregana (Howell) Small USA: Colorado above the right bank of Washington Gulch Cre... S. A. Spongberg 64-129 1964-7-8
A: 01616379 Mitella pentandra Hooker USA: Colorado on the east-facing slope of Mt. Baldy in the... S. A. Spongberg 64-138 1964-7-10
A: 01616465 Mitella stauropetala Piper USA: Colorado on the east-facing slope of Mt. Baldy in the... S. A. Spongberg 64-137 1964-7-10
A: 01651018 Ribes coloradense Coville USA: Colorado on the eastern slope of Mt. Baldy in the Got... S. A. Spongberg 64-140 1964-7-10
A: 01887250 Ribes montigenum McClatchie USA: Colorado above the right bank of Washington Gulch Cre... S. A. Spongberg 64-128 1964-7-8
A: 01616587 Saxifraga adscendens Linnaeus USA: Colorado surrounding a small waterfall at the lower e... S. A. Spongberg 64-212 1964-7-29
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01841764 Erythranthe guttata (de Candolle) G. L. Nesom USA: Colorado along the Henson Creek Road, near the conflu... S. A. Spongberg 64-61 1964-6-25
A: 00351784 Erythranthe suksdorfii (A. Gray) N. S. Fraga USA: Colorado Gunnison, Saguache S. A. Spongberg 64-41 1964-6-19
A: 00351784 Mimulus suksdorfii A. Gray USA: Colorado Gunnison, Saguache S. A. Spongberg 64-41 1964-6-19
Violaceae A: 02144679 Viola adunca Smith USA: Colorado on the left bank of Henson Creek at Capitol ... S. A. Spongberg 64-36 1964-6-18
A: 02145726 Viola canadensis Linnaeus USA: Colorado on the east-facing slope of Mount Baldy in t... S. A. Spongberg 64-139 1964-7-10
A: 02208194 Viola palustris Linnaeus USA: Colorado on the west bank of the East River at Gothic S. A. Spongberg 64-183 1964-7-23