Acanthaceae A: 02527379 Lankesteria brevior C. B. Clarke Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 44 1928
A: 02527378 Lankesteria brevior C. B. Clarke Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 160 1928
GH: 02527374 Lankesteria brevior C. B. Clarke Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 44 1928
A: 02527591 Physacanthus nematosiphon Rendle & Britten Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 17 1928
GH: 02527588 Physacanthus nematosiphon Rendle & Britten Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 17 1928
Anacardiaceae A: 00242285 Pseudospondias microcarpa Engler Liberia: From vicinity of Firestone Plantations along... G. P. Cooper 66 1928
A: 00242309 Trichoscypha cavalliensis Aubréville & Pellegrin Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 107 1928
A: 00242307 Trichoscypha lucens Oliver Liberia: Near firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 114 1928
Annonaceae A: 02542014 Annickia kummeriae (Engler & Diels) Setten & Maas Liberia: Margibi (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 146 1928
GH: 00242291 Annickia polycarpa (A. de Candolle) Setten & Maas Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 146 1928
GH: 00062859 Duguetia panamensis Standley Panama: Daytonia Farm G. P. Cooper 418 1928-1-25
GH: 02542113 Greenwayodendron oliveri (Engler) Verdcourt Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 62 1928
A: 02542107 Greenwayodendron oliveri (Engler) Verdcourt Liberia: (from Vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 62 1928
GH: 02542186 Monodora brevipes Bentham Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 83 1928
A: 02542187 Monodora brevipes Bentham Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 83 1928
GH: 02542113 Polyalthia oliveri Engler & Diels Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 62 1928
A: 02542107 Polyalthia oliveri Engler & Diels Liberia: (from Vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 62 1928
GH: 00039674 Stenanona panamensis Standley Panama: Daytonia Farm G. P. Cooper 427 1928-1-26
GH: 02542370 Xylopia staudtii Engler & Diels Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 139 1928
GH: 02542369 Xylopia staudtii Engler & Diels Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 60 1928
A: 02542365 Xylopia staudtii Engler & Diels Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 60 1928
A: 02542363 Xylopia staudtii Engler & Diels Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 139 1928
Apocynaceae GH: 02378541 Landolphia nitidula J. G. M. Pers. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 43 1928
A: 02378540 Landolphia nitidula J. G. M. Pers. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 43 1928
GH: 00061887 Rauvolfia purpurascens Standley Panama: Cricamola Valley G. P. Cooper 516 1928-2-14
GH: 00091861 Stemmadenia macracantha Standley Panama: Cricamola Valley, Kankintoe G. P. Cooper 510 1928-2-14
GH: 00091861 Stemmadenia macrophylla Greenman Panama: Cricamola Valley, Kankintoe G. P. Cooper 510 1928-2-14
A: 02375283 Tabernaemontana amygdalifolia Jacquin Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 364 1928-1
Bombacaceae GH: 00066819 Matisia obliquifolia Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Daytonia Farm, Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 435 1928-3
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00242218 Daniellia thurifera Bennett Liberia: From vicinity of Firestone Plantations, alon... G. P. Cooper 77 1928
Clusiaceae A: 00242164 Mammea africana G. Don Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations, along Dukwai Riv... G. P. Cooper 85 1928
Ebenaceae A: 00242249 Diospyros dichrophylla (Gandoger) De Winter Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 87 1928
A: 02504090 Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 78 1928
GH: 02504089 Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 87 1928
GH: 02504087 Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 78 1928
GH: 00242237 Diospyros kamerunensis Gürke Liberia: From vicinity of Firestone Plantations along... G. P. Cooper 69 1928
GH: 00242235 Diospyros sanza-minika A. Chevalier Liberia: (From vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 71 1928
A: 02504227 Diospyros sanza-minika A. Chevalier Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 71 1928
A: 02504310 Diospyros sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 92 1928
GH: 02504306 Diospyros sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 92 1928
A: 00242249 Diospyros sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 87 1928
GH: 02504339 Diospyros sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 116 1928
GH: 02504338 Diospyros sp. Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 69 1928
GH: 02504337 Diospyros sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 116 1928
Elaeocarpaceae GH: 00052173 Sloanea anisophylla Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 352 1928-3
Euphorbiaceae A: 00242194 Discoglypremna caloneura Prain Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 126 1928
GH: 02452197 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R.... G. P. Cooper 124 1928
A: 02452220 Microdesmis puberula Hooker f. ex Planchon Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 124 1928
GH: 00242438 Oldfieldia africana Bentham & Hooker f. Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 111 1928
A: 02452095 Oldfieldia africana Bentham & Hooker f. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 88 1928
A: 02452092 Oldfieldia africana Bentham & Hooker f. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 111 1928
GH: 00102771 Tetrorchidium euryphyllum Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante, Buena Vista Camp on Chi... G. P. Cooper 621 1928-1
Fabaceae A: 00286240 Macrolobium limba Scott-Elliot Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 94 1928
Flacourtiaceae A: 00231710 Caloncoba echinata (Oliver) Gilg Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations, along Dukwai Riv... G. P. Cooper 122 1928
Icacinaceae GH: 00050220 Discophora guianensis Miers Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 613 1928-3
GH: 00050220 Discophora panamensis Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 613 1928-3
Lauraceae GH: 00042063 Ocotea wedeliana C. K. Allen Panama: Bocas del Toro Daytonia Farm, Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 399 1928-3
Mimosaceae A: 00242227 Albizia zygia (de Candolle) J. F. Macbride Liberia: Near Firestone Plantation along Dukwai River G. P. Cooper 119 1928
Moraceae GH: 00034365 Brosimum caloxylon Standley Panama: Cricamola Valley G. P. Cooper 535 1928-2-16
A: 00242368 Myrianthus libericus Rendle Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 128 1928
Myristicaceae GH: 00039738 Dialyanthera acuminata Standley Panama: Daytonia Farm G. P. Cooper 395 1928-1-18
Myrsinaceae GH: 00112102 Parathesis panamensis Lundell Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante, Bocas Island G. P. Cooper 463 1928-3
GH: 00112102 Parathesis tenuifolia Lundell Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante, Bocas Island G. P. Cooper 463 1928-3
Myrtaceae A: 00068871 Calyptranthes hylobates Standley ex Amshoff Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 366 1928-3
GH: 00069105 Eugenia cricamolensis Standley Panama: KanKinToe G. P. Cooper 511 1928-2-14
Octoknemaceae GH: 02437098 Octoknema borealis Hutchinson & Dalziel Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 91 1928
GH: 02437097 Octoknema borealis Hutchinson & Dalziel Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 138 1928
A: 02437092 Octoknema borealis Hutchinson & Dalziel Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 138 1928
A: 02437091 Octoknema borealis Hutchinson & Dalziel Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 91 1928
Olacaceae A: 02437077 Heisteria parvifolia Smith Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 59 1928
GH: 02437162 Ptychopetalum anceps Oliver Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 72 1928
A: 02437158 Ptychopetalum anceps Oliver Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 72 1928
Phyllanthaceae A: 00231724 Protomegabaria stapfiana Hutchinson Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations, along Dukwai Riv... G. P. Cooper 109 1928
GH: 00231716 Spondianthus ugandensis Hutchinson Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations, along Dukwai Riv... G. P. Cooper 140 1928
GH: 02553315 Uapaca guineensis Müller Argoviensis Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 147, 13790 1928
A: 02553318 Uapaca guineensis Müller Argoviensis Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 147 1928
Picramniaceae GH: 00871967 Picramnia cooperi D. M. Porter Panama: Bocas del Toro Daytonia Farm. Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 375 1928-1
GH: 00871967 Picramnia latifolia Tulasne Panama: Bocas del Toro Daytonia Farm. Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 375 1928-1
Piperaceae A: 01883800 Piper guineense Schumacher & Thonning Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 134 1928
Poaceae GH: 02541712 Isachne miliacea Roth Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R.... G. P. Cooper 26 1928
Quiinaceae GH: 00549876 Lacunaria panamensis (Standley) Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almarante G. P. Cooper 609 1928-1
GH: 00549877 Lacunaria panamensis (Standley) Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almarante G. P. Cooper 609 1928-1
GH: 00549876 Quiina panamensis Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almarante G. P. Cooper 609 1928-1
GH: 00549877 Quiina panamensis Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almarante G. P. Cooper 609 1928-1
Rhamnaceae GH: 00051294 Colubrina panamensis Standley Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante. Farm 8 G. P. Cooper 411 1928-3
GH: 00375006 Colubrina panamensis Standley Panama: Panama G. P. Cooper 411 1928-1-25
GH: 00051294 Colubrina spinosa Donnell Smith Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante. Farm 8 G. P. Cooper 411 1928-3
GH: 00375006 Colubrina spinosa Donnell Smith Panama: Panama G. P. Cooper 411 1928-1-25
GH: 00375005 Karwinskia pluvialis A. Pool Panama: Panama Daytonia Farm, 1/26/28 G. P. Cooper 434 1928-1-26
GH: 00375005 Rhamnidium caloneurum Standley Panama: Panama Daytonia Farm, 1/26/28 G. P. Cooper 434 1928-1-26
Rhizophoraceae A: 00368017 Cassipourea firestoneana Hutchinson & Dalziel Liberia: G. P. Cooper 112 1928
A: 00368016 Cassipourea firestoneana Hutchinson & Dalziel Liberia: near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 96 1928
Rubiaceae A: 02435807 Aulacocalyx sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 142 1928
A: 02435806 Aulacocalyx sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 90 1928
A: 02435744 Heinsia jasminiflora de Candolle Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 102 1928
GH: 02435732 Heinsia jasminiflora de Candolle Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 102 1928
GH: 02455427 Ixora laxiflora Smith Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 58 1928
A: 02455422 Ixora laxiflora Smith Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 58 1928
A: 02437864 Mitragyna stipulosa (de Candolle) Kuntze Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 104 1928
A: 02435054 Pauridiantha afzelii (Hiern) Bremekamp Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 48 1928
GH: 02435073 Pauridiantha micrantha Bremekamp Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 48 1928
GH: 00242351 Pausinystalia lane-poolei (Hutchinson) Hutchinson ex Lane-Poole Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 143 1928
A: 02437819 Pausinystalia lane-poolei (Hutchinson) Hutchinson ex Lane-Poole Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 143 1928
GH: 02435236 Randia sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 142 1928
GH: 02435235 Randia sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 90 1928
A: 02437735 Virectaria procumbens (Smith) Bremekamp Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 18 1928
Sabiaceae GH: 00242291 Enantia chlorantha Oliver Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai Ri... G. P. Cooper 146 1928
Sapindaceae GH: 00242385 Aporrhiza talbotii E. G. Baker Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 108 1928
GH: 00242386 Aporrhiza talbotii E. G. Baker Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 108 1928
GH: 00242385 Aporrhiza urophylla Gilg Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 108 1928
GH: 00242386 Aporrhiza urophylla Gilg Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 108 1928
A: 00242382 Eriocoelum racemosum Baker Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 145 1928
Sapotaceae A: 01967309 Manilkara obovata (Sabine & G. Don) J. H. Hemsley Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai R. G. P. Cooper 113 1928
A: 00242401 Omphalocarpum anocentrum Pierre ex Engler Liberia: From vicinity of Firestone Plantations along... G. P. Cooper 81 1928
A: 00242401 Omphalocarpum elatum Miers Liberia: From vicinity of Firestone Plantations along... G. P. Cooper 81 1928
Simaroubaceae A: 00242396 Hannoa klaineana Pierre Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 82 1928
Sterculiaceae A: 00242434 Cola buntingii E. G. Baker Liberia: From vicinity of Firestone Plantations along... G. P. Cooper 63 1928
A: 00242428 Heritiera utilis Sprague Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 103 1928
Tiliaceae GH: 00052173 Mortoniodendron anisophyllum (Standley) Standley & Steyermark Panama: Bocas del Toro Region of Almirante G. P. Cooper 352 1928-3
Verbenaceae A: 00242440 Vitex Linnaeus Liberia: From vicinity of Firestone Plantations along... G. P. Cooper 67 1928
A: 02525281 Vitex micrantha Gürke Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 70 1928
GH: 02525280 Vitex micrantha Gürke Liberia: (from vicinity of Firestone Plantations) alo... G. P. Cooper 70 1928
GH: 00242438 Vitex sp. Liberia: Near Firestone Plantations along Dukwai Rive... G. P. Cooper 111 1928
A: 00242440 Vitex sp. Liberia: From vicinity of Firestone Plantations along... G. P. Cooper 67 1928
GH: 02525333 Vitex sp. Liberia: (near Firestone Plantations) along Dukwai r. G. P. Cooper 88 1928