<< < Previous Apocynaceae A: 02115106 Condylocarpon intermedium Müller Arg. Guyana: Baramanni Ck., Waini R., N.W.D.; British Gui... D. B. Fanshawe F2330 1945-2-25
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02321068 Schizolobium excelsum Vogel Zambia: [no additional data] D. B. Fanshawe 08 1968-9-16
Euphorbiaceae A: 00047623 Dodecastigma integrifolium (Lanjouw) Lanj. & Sandwith Guyana: Tukutu Creek to Puruni River, Mazaruni River D. B. Fanshawe F2142 1944-12-7
A: 00047623 Dodecastigma mazarunense Croizat Guyana: Tukutu Creek to Puruni River, Mazaruni River D. B. Fanshawe F2142 1944-12-7
Isoetaceae A: 00421762 Isoetes ovata N. Pfeiffer Guyana: Takutu Ck. to Puruni R., Mazaruni River D. B. Fanshawe 4829 1944-11-15
Lycopodiaceae A: 00421762 Pseudolycopodiella meridionalis Holub Guyana: Takutu Ck. to Puruni R., Mazaruni River D. B. Fanshawe 4829 1944-11-15
Mimosaceae A: 02321359 Calliandra surinamensis Bentham Zambia: Copperbelt Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe X3 1967-10-20
Moraceae A: 00034502 Ficus arukensis Standley Guyana: Mabaruma, Aruka River, N. W. D. D. B. Fanshawe F2435 1945-3-23
A: 00034509 Ficus fanshawei Standley Guyana: Mabaruma, Aruka River, N. W. D. D. B. Fanshawe F2363 1945-3-6
A: 00034502 Ficus paraensis (Miquel) Miquel Guyana: Mabaruma, Aruka River, N. W. D. D. B. Fanshawe F2435 1945-3-23
A: 00034509 Ficus trigona Linnaeus f. Guyana: Mabaruma, Aruka River, N. W. D. D. B. Fanshawe F2363 1945-3-6
Orchidaceae AMES: 01949402 Brachycorythis pleistophylla H. G. Reichenbach Zambia: Mufulira. D. B. Fanshawe 2684 1956-1-3
AMES: 02388492 Calanthe corymbosa Lindley Zambia: District: Samfya D. B. Fanshawe 4406 1958-5-5
AMES: 01947037 Cynorkis hanningtonii Rolfe Zambia: N. Rhodesia: Shiwangandu D. B. Fanshawe F2004 1955-2-5
AMES: 01947035 Cynorkis hanningtonii Rolfe Zambia: District: Chingola D. B. Fanshawe 2806 1956-3-1
AMES: 01944079 Disa welwitschii H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: District: Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe 2695 1956-1-6
A: 02341706 Eulophia callichroma Reichenbach f. Zambia: District Mankoya D. B. Fanshawe 7044 1962-9-22
AMES: 02341722 Eulophia coeloglossa Schlechter Zambia: District: Kitwe[?] D. B. Fanshawe 2556 1955-10-26
A: 02341856 Eulophia walleri (Reichenbach f.) Kraenzlin Zambia: Western District: Masese; Northern Rhodesia D. B. Fanshawe 6121 1961-1-12
AMES: 01945112 Habenaria cirrhata (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: [Ndola] D. B. Fanshawe F727 1954-1-29
AMES: 01945261 Habenaria perpulchra Kraenzlin Zimbabwe: [Mpika] D. B. Fanshawe F. 2036 1955-2-9
AMES: 01945308 Habenaria splendentior Summerhayes Zimbabwe: Ndola D. B. Fanshawe F692 1954-1-18
AMES: 02175521 Malaxis pygmaea Summerhayes Zambia: District: Mufulira D. B. Fanshawe 2461 1956-1-26
AMES: 01945415 Platycoryne protearum (H. G. Reichenbach) Rolfe Zimbabwe: District: Chingola. D. B. Fanshawe 2665 1955-12-19
AMES: 02091830 Platylepis grandulosa (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: District: [Chingola] D. B. Fanshawe 2805 1956-3-1
AMES: 02389102 Polystachya tayloriana Rendle Zambia: District: Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe F. 2412 1955-8-4
AMES: 02389102 Polystachya tenuissima Kraenzlin Zambia: District: Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe F. 2412 1955-8-4
AMES: 01944191 Satyrium amblyosaccos Schlechter Zimbabwe: Kitwo, [Mwekera] D. B. Fanshawe F. 2945 1957-1-20
AMES: 01944207 Satyrium atherstonei H. G. Reichenbach Zimbabwe: Chingola. D. B. Fanshawe 2615 1955-11-22
AMES: 01944288 Satyrium ciliatum Lindley Zimbabwe: Ndola D. B. Fanshawe F660 1954-1-10
AMES: 01944336 Satyrium oliganthum Schlechter Zimbabwe: District: Mongu D. B. Fanshawe F. 7077 1962-9-30
Piperaceae A: 01964590 Piper arboreum Aublet Guyana: Mabaruma, Aruka River, N.W.D. D. B. Fanshawe F2373 1945
Proteaceae A: 02432068 Leucadendron salignum R. Brown Zambia: Copperbelt Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe Q3 1967
Rosaceae A: 00982009 Rosa banksiae W. T. Aiton Zambia: Copperbelt Kitwe D. B. Fanshawe Y3 1967-10-20
Rubiaceae A: 00096715 Ixora mazarunensis Standley Guyana: Takutu Creek to Puruni River, Mazaruni River... D. B. Fanshawe 2079 1944
Verbenaceae A: 02324680 Karomia speciosa R. Fernandes Zambia: in private gardens D. B. Fanshawe S3 1967-10-10