Araceae GH: 01635651 Anthurium gracile (Rudge) Schott Colombia: Department of Sur de Santander; Vicinity of ... O. L. Haught 1375 1934-9-18
GH: 01629136 Philodendron brevispathum Schott Colombia: Department of Sur de Santander; Vicinity of ... O. L. Haught 1354 1934-9-4
Aspidiaceae GH: 00342738 Cyclodium calophyllum (C. V. Morton) A. R. Smith Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1353 1934-9-4
Bromeliaceae GH: 02548475 Tillandsia heliconioides Kunth Colombia: Santander vicinity of Barranca Mermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1297 1934-7-2
Clusiaceae GH: 00067423 Clusia columnaris magdalenensis Cuatrecasas Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1366 1934-9-10
Dryopteridaceae GH: 00342738 Dryopteris calophylla C. V. Morton Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1353 1934-9-4
GH: 00021713 Oleandra dura Maxon Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1329 1934-8-11
Gesneriaceae GH: 00054774 Besleria fecunda C. V. Morton Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1428 1934-11-19
Lauraceae A: 00041546 Endlicheria gracilis Kostermans Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1414 1934-11-14
Melastomataceae GH: 00072353 Leandra granatensis Gleason Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1311 1934-7-18
Moraceae A: 00046809 Ficus haughtii Standley Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1466 1934-12-18
A: 00046809 Ficus paraensis (Miquel) Miquel Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1466 1934-12-18
Orchidaceae AMES: 02154006 Dimerandra buenaventurae (Kraenzlin) Siegerist Colombia: Department of Sur de Santander; Vicinity of ... O. L. Haught 1393 1934-10-20
AMES: 02154132 Nidema ottonis (H. G. Reichenbach) Britton & Millspaugh Colombia: Department of Sur de Santander; Margarita Cr... O. L. Haught 1380 1934-10-10
AMES: 02155309 Scaphyglottis sp. Colombia: Department of Sur de Santander; Vicinity of ... O. L. Haught 1261 1934-1-21
Piperaceae GH: 00005167 Peperomia haughtii Trelease & Yuncker Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, between Sogamo... O. L. Haught 1341 1934-8-25
GH: 01982613 Peperomia rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Colombia: Department of Sur de Santander; Vicinity of ... O. L. Haught 1307 1934-7-15
GH: 01933720 Piper marginatum Jacquin Colombia: Department of Sur de Santander. Vicinity of ... O. L. Haught 1421 1934-11-17
GH: 01933827 Piper munchanum C. de Candolle Colombia: Department of Sur de Santander. Peroles Cree... O. L. Haught 1281 1934-4-26
Polypodiaceae GH: 00382019 Pecluma hygrometrica (Splitgerber) M. G. Price Colombia: Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1424 1934-11-19
GH: 00382019 Polypodium cinerascens Lindman Colombia: Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1424 1934-11-19
Violaceae A: 00067075 Rinorea haughtii L. B. Smith & A. Fernández Colombia: Santander Vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Vall... O. L. Haught 1470 1934-12-15