Amaranthaceae GH: 00614959 Amaranthus hybridus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, by the stable W. Boott
Araceae GH: 01024603 Acorus calamus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Lexington R.R. [Railroad] W. Camb... W. Boott
Aspidiaceae GH: 00283463 Aspidium boottii Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts Lowell: n'r [near] Lowell W. Boott
GH: 00283463 Aspidium spinulosum boottii (Tuckerman) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Lowell: n'r [near] Lowell W. Boott
GH: 00627668 Polystichum acrostichoides (Michaux) Schott USA: Massachusetts Near Boston W. Boott
Aspleniaceae GH: 00701036 Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00631600 Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: near Boston W. Boott
Asteraceae GH: 02189392 Eupatorium hyssopifolium Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Long Branch W. Boott 1861-09-21
GH: 01015014 Eurybia radula (Aiton) G. L. Nesom USA: Massachusetts Medford: near Medford W. Boott
NEBC: 00575233 Nabalus albus (Linnaeus) Hooker USA: Massachusetts Revere: Chelsea Beach Island [Oak Island] W. Boott
NEBC: 01023655 Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (Linnaeus) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Canal Bank W. Boott
GH: 00637052 Rudbeckia hirta pulcherrima Farwell USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Canal Bank W. Boott
Athyriaceae NEBC: 00668614 Cystopteris fragilis (Linnaeus) Bernhardi USA: Massachusetts Malden: Malden W. Boott
GH: 00551595 Deparia acrostichoides (Swartz) M. Kato USA: Massachusetts Lowell: Lowell W. Boott
GH: 00551858 Matteuccia struthiopteris (Linnaeus) Todaro USA: Massachusetts Lowell: Lowell W. Boott
GH: 00662894 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00662896 Onoclea sensibilis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: near Boston W. Boott
Betulaceae NEBC: 00657293 Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Newton: Newton, Charles River Branch RR [Rai... W. Boott
GH: 00636743 Betula alleghaniensis Britton USA: Massachusetts Melrose: Melrose W. Boott
GH: 00627172 Betula papyrifera Marshall USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Canal Bank W. Boott
Blechnaceae GH: 00628257 Woodwardia areolata (Linnaeus) T. Moore USA: Massachusetts Boston: Neponset [Dorchester] W. Boott
NEBC: 00628258 Woodwardia areolata (Linnaeus) T. Moore USA: Massachusetts Boston: Neponset [Dorchester] W. Boott
GH: 00628442 Woodwardia virginica (Linnaeus) Smith USA: Massachusetts Tewksbury: Tewksbury W. Boott
Boraginaceae GH: 01019818 Lithospermum officianale Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Eastern Massachusetts W. Boott
Brassicaceae GH: 00992637 Arabidopsis lyrata (Linnaeus) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz USA: New Jersey Toms River W. Boott 1860-06-06
Caryophyllaceae NEBC: 00693387 Spergularia marina (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge, lower road 15 Mt. Aubu... W. Boott
Chenopodiaceae GH: 00561635 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth W. Boott
Cornaceae GH: 00773453 Cornus alternifolia Linnaeus f. USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
Cyperaceae NEBC: 00817763 Bulbostylis capillaris (Linnaeus) Kunth ex C. B. Clarke USA: Massachusetts Boston: Roxbury W. Boott
GH: 00423142 Carex abscondita Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00135664 Carex acutiformis Ehrhart USA: Massachusetts Boston: W. Boott
GH: 00135670 Carex acutiformis Ehrhart USA: Massachusetts Boston: Dorchester W. Boott
NEBC: 00135676 Carex acutiformis Ehrhart USA: Massachusetts Boston: Dorchester W. Boott
NEBC: 00135665 Carex acutiformis Ehrhart USA: Massachusetts Boston: W. Boott
GH: 00685872 Carex acutiformis Ehrhart USA: Massachusetts Boston: Boston W. Boott
GH: 00685873 Carex acutiformis Ehrhart USA: Massachusetts Boston: Dorchester W. Boott
GH: 00135723 Carex aestivalis M. A. Curtis ex A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Williamstown: Saddle Mountain W. Boott
GH: 00135724 Carex aestivalis M. A. Curtis ex A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Williamstown: Saddle Mountain W. Boott
GH: 00135725 Carex aestivalis M. A. Curtis ex A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Williamstown: Saddle Mountain W. Boott
GH: 00221778 Carex arctogena H. Smith USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington W. Boott
GH: 00217044 Carex atratiformis Britton USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington W. Boott
GH: 00217065 Carex atratiformis Britton USA: New Hampshire White Mountains W. Boott
GH: 00217371 Carex bigelowii Torrey ex Schweinitz USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington W. Boott
GH: 00260379 Carex billingsii (O. W. Knight) Kirschbaum USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: W. Boott
NEBC: 00295339 Carex blanda Dewey USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford woods W. Boott
GH: 00218742 Carex bullata Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Tewksbury: W. Boott
NEBC: 00218771 Carex bullata Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Horn Pond W. Boott
GH: 00221452 Carex canescens Linnaeus USA: Vermont Willoughby Lake W. Boott
GH: 00221756 Carex capillaris Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Great Pasture, Mount Washington W. Boott
GH: 00221757 Carex capillaris Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington W. Boott
GH: 00221824 Carex caryophyllea Latourrette USA: Massachusetts Salem: W. Boott
GH: 02394202 Carex crus-corvi Shuttleworth USA: Florida [data not captured] W. Boott
GH: 00228748 Carex cryptolepis Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Medford: Haycock Meadow W. Boott
GH: 00228881 Carex cumulata (L. H. Bailey) Mackenzie USA: Massachusetts Medford: W. Boott
GH: 00228925 Carex debilis Michaux USA: Massachusetts Mount Washington: Washington W. Boott
NEBC: 00229009 Carex debilis rudgei L. H. Bailey USA: New Hampshire White Mountains W. Boott
GH: 00229446 Carex deflexa Hornemann USA: Massachusetts Williamstown: Saddle Mountain W. Boott
GH: 00229566 Carex deweyana deweyana USA: Vermont Willoughby Lake W. Boott
NEBC: 00354614 Carex digitalis Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford woods W. Boott
GH: 00229995 Carex disperma Dewey USA: New Hampshire White Mountains W. Boott
GH: 00245713 Carex gracillima Schweinitz USA: Massachusetts Malden: W. Boott
GH: 02371308 Carex gravida L. H. Bailey USA: Mississippi River W. Boott 285
GH: 02371334 Carex gravida L. H. Bailey USA: Illinois [data not captured] W. Boott 285
GH: 00260267 Carex haydenii Dewey USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverley W. Boott
GH: 00260295 Carex haydenii Dewey USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00260435 Carex haydenii Dewey USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Waverley W. Boott
GH: 00254615 Carex hystericina Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Fresh Pond W. Boott
GH: 01030413 Carex laxiflora Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Brookline: Brookline W. Boott
NEBC: 00295339 Carex laxiflora intermedia Boott USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford woods W. Boott
NEBC: 00354613 Carex laxiflora intermedia Boott USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford woods W. Boott
NEBC: 00354614 Carex laxiflora intermedia Boott USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford woods W. Boott
NEBC: 00354613 Carex leptonervia (Fernald) Fernald USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford woods W. Boott
NEBC: 00808736 Carex mackenziei V. I. Kreczetowicz USA: Maine Wells: Wells W. Boott
GH: 00895178 Carex merritt-fernaldii Mackenzie USA: Maine W. Boott 23
GH: 00807112 Carex nigra (Linnaeus) Reichard USA: Massachusetts Bank of Mystic River W. Boott
GH: 00807127 Carex nigra (Linnaeus) Reichard USA: Massachusetts Near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00895736 Carex novae-angliae Schweinitz USA: Vermont Saddle Mountain W. Boott 2
GH: 00807686 Carex paleacea Schreber ex Wahlenberg USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge W. Boott
NEBC: 00807691 Carex paleacea Schreber ex Wahlenberg USA: Massachusetts Arlington: West Cambridge W. Boott
GH: 00892748 Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willdenow USA: Massachusetts Concord Turnpike [probably Arlington/Belmont... W. Boott
NEBC: 00802238 Carex scabrata Schweinitz USA: New Hampshire White Mountains W. Boott
GH: 00802490 Carex siccata Dewey USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge W. Boott
GH: 01058993 Carex sp. USA: locality not noted W. Boott
GH: 02315717 Carex sp. USA: Massachusetts Medford: [no additional data] W. Boott
GH: 00576898 Carex spicata Hudson USA: Massachusetts Near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00067683 Carex straminea invisa W. Boott USA: Massachusetts About Boston W. Boott
GH: 00874475 Carex stricta Lamarck USA: New England: W. Boott
GH: 01029862 Carex stricta Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Hubbardston: Hubbardston W. Boott 34
NEBC: 00766381 Carex tonsa (Fernald) E. P. Bicknell USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott
GH: 01059785 Carex tribuloides Wahlenberg USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge W. Boott
GH: 01059791 Carex tribuloides Wahlenberg USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington W. Boott
GH: 00348323 Carex tuckermanii Dewey Canada: Chipawa C.W. [Canada West] W. Boott
GH: 00348326 Carex tuckermanii Dewey USA: Vermont Alburg: Banks of L. Champlain near Alburg Sp... W. Boott
GH: 00348328 Carex tuckermanii Dewey USA: Vermont Banks of Otter Creek Vt [Addison & Rutland c... W. Boott
GH: 01058335 Carex utriculata Boott USA: New Hampshire North Conway W. Boott
NEBC: 00775397 Carex vacillans Drejer USA: Massachusetts Arlington: West Cambridge W. Boott
NEBC: 00775399 Carex vacillans Drejer USA: Massachusetts Arlington: West Cambridge W. Boott
GH: 00775402 Carex vacillans Drejer USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott
GH: 01058197 Carex vesicaria Linnaeus USA: Vermont Westmore: Westmore W. Boott
GH: 01058258 Carex vesicaria Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge W. Boott
GH: 01058259 Carex vesicaria Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: Roxbury W. Boott
GH: 01058260 Carex vesicaria Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge W. Boott
NEBC: 01043192 Carex viridula Michaux USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Haycock Meadow W. Boott
GH: 00672285 Dulichium arundinaceum (Linnaeus) Britton USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
GH: 01061893 Eleocharis acicularis (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Fitchburg R.R [Railroad] Cambridg... W. Boott
GH: 00770933 Eleocharis elliptica Kunth USA: Massachusetts Tewksbury: Tewksbury W. Boott
GH: 01048037 Eleocharis engelmannii detonsa A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Winchester: Winter Pond W. Boott
GH: 01048411 Eleocharis melanocarpa Torrey USA: Massachusetts Plymouth: Plymouth W. Boott
GH: 01058603 Eriophorum virginicum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Tewksbury: Tewksbury W. Boott
GH: 01029229 Scirpus verecundus Fernald USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott
Dennstaedtiaceae GH: 00681339 Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michaux) T. Moore USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
Dryopteridaceae GH: 00283463 Dryopteris boottii (Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Massachusetts Lowell: n'r [near] Lowell W. Boott
GH: 00667332 Dryopteris boottii (Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: E. Cambridge W. Boott
GH: 00667442 Dryopteris boottii (Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: E. Cambridge W. Boott
GH: 00667443 Dryopteris boottii (Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00667445 Dryopteris boottii (Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00667448 Dryopteris boottii (Tuckerman) Underwood USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00708978 Dryopteris carthusiana (Villars) H. P. Fuchs USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00667872 Dryopteris carthusiana (Villars) H. P. Fuchs USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00667876 Dryopteris carthusiana (Villars) H. P. Fuchs USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00704386 Dryopteris cristata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
NEBC: 00704396 Dryopteris cristata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott
GH: 00636142 Dryopteris intermedia (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00636144 Dryopteris intermedia (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00657696 Dryopteris marginalis (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
Euphorbiaceae GH: 00643040 Euphorbia peplus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: Boston, Tremont St. W. Boott
Haloragaceae NEBC: 00348819 Myriophyllum ambiguum limosum Nuttall USA: Massachusetts in Middlesex Fells [Reservation] W. Boott
NEBC: 00348819 Myriophyllum humile (Rafinesque) Morong USA: Massachusetts in Middlesex Fells [Reservation] W. Boott
Hypericaceae GH: 00715373 Hypericum ellipticum Hooker USA: Massachusetts Taunton: Taunton W. Boott
Isoetaceae NEBC: 00342598 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts E. Mass. W. Boott
NEBC: 00744433 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington W. Boott
NEBC: 00744437 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Fresh Pond, Cambridge W. Boott
NEBC: 00744451 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott
GH: 00744453 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Medford: Mystic Pond [Lower Mystic Lake] W. Boott
GH: 00744471 Isoetes echinospora Durieu USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford, Mystic Pond [Lower Mystic ... W. Boott
NEBC: 00342598 Isoetes echinospora braunii (Durieu) Engelmann USA: Massachusetts E. Mass. W. Boott
GH: 00744717 Isoetes engelmannii A. Braun USA: Massachusetts Arlington: Arlington Mass W. Boott
GH: 00021443 Isoetes muricata Durieu USA: Massachusetts Woburn: W. Boott
Juncaceae GH: 00860726 Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 00859914 Juncus nodosus Linnaeus USA: Vermont W. Boott
Lamiaceae GH: 00745507 Agastache nepetoides (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Vermont Eaton W. Boott
NEBC: 00745520 Agastache scrophulariifolia (Willdenow) Kuntze USA: Massachusetts Revere: Chelsea Beach Island [Oak Island] W. Boott
GH: 01596379 Pycnanthemum virginianum (Linnaeus) B. L. Robinson & Fernald USA: Massachusetts Milton: Blue Hills? W. Boott
Liliaceae GH: 00354194 Maianthemum canadense Desfontaines USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge, Black Island W. Boott
GH: 00354194 Smilacina bifolia (Linnaeus) Ker Gawler USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge, Black Island W. Boott
Najadaceae GH: 01032009 Najas flexilis (Willdenow) Rostkoius & W. L. E. Schmidt USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge W. Boott
NEBC: 01032111 Najas gracillima (A. Braun ex Engelmann) Magnus USA: Massachusetts Woburn: Woburn W. Boott
Onagraceae NEBC: 01074691 Epilobium ciliatum Rafinesque USA: New Hampshire Stark: near Crystal Falls White Mts W. Boott
GH: 01779137 Ludwigia alternifolia Linnaeus USA: New Jersey Weymouth W. Boott 1859-10-12
Ophioglossaceae GH: 00679219 Ophioglossum pusillum Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Cohasset: Cohasset W. Boott
Osmundaceae GH: 00772075 Osmunda regalis spectabilis (Willdenow) A. Gray USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00677609 Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (Linnaeus) C. Presl USA: Massachusetts Boston: near Boston W. Boott
Papaveraceae NEBC: 00689577 Corydalis sempervirens (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: New Hampshire Mount Willard W. Boott
Poaceae NEBC: 00635243 Andropogon virginicus abbreviatus (Hackel) Fernald & Griscom USA: Massachusetts Barnstable Town W. Boott
GH: 00609346 Dactylis glomerata hispanica (Roth) Koch USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott
NEBC: 00879773 Danthonia allenii Austin USA: Massachusetts Boston: Dorchester, Savin Hill W. Boott
GH: 00875526 Dichanthelium oligosanthes scribnerianum (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong USA: Massachusetts Medford [Middlesex Co.] & Savin Hill, Dorche... W. Boott
GH: 00583093 Lolium multiflorum Lamarck USA: Massachusetts Boston: Boston W. Boott
GH: 00855762 Muhlenbergia mexicana (Linnaeus) Trinius USA: Massachusetts Belmont: Wellington Hill W. Boott
GH: 00728145 Poa glauca Vahl USA: New Hampshire Harts Location: Mt. Willard White Mts. W. Boott
GH: 00583822 Poa pratensis alpigena (Fries ex Blytt) Hiitonen USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington W. Boott
GH: 00583829 Poa pratensis alpigena (Fries ex Blytt) Hiitonen USA: New Hampshire Mount Washington W. Boott
GH: 00595569 Poa trivialis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newton: Hammond Pond, W. Newton, Mass. W. Boott
NEBC: 00614082 Thinopyrum pycnanthum (Godron) Barkworth USA: Massachusetts Boston: Dorchester, Savin Hill W. Boott
Potamogetonaceae GH: 01009254 Potamogeton epihydrus Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott
GH: 01051803 Potamogeton gramineus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Medford: Medford W. Boott
GH: 01081457 Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen USA: Massachusetts W. Boott
GH: 01050706 Potamogeton sp. USA: Massachusetts Cambridge: Cambridge, Fresh Pond W. Boott
GH: 01050715 Potamogeton sp. USA: Massachusetts Mystic Pond [now Upper and Lower Mystic Lake... W. Boott
Primulaceae GH: 00678706 Primula mistassinica Michaux USA: Vermont Willoughby W. Boott
Pteridaceae GH: 00216860 Adiantum pedatum Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Near Boston W. Boott
Ranunculaceae GH: 01015834 Ranunculus flabellaris Rafinesque USA: Massachusetts Arlington: near Spy Pond B RR [Branch Railro... W. Boott
Rosaceae NEBC: 00423352 Amelanchier canadensis (Linnaeus) Medikus USA: Massachusetts Boston: May [?] St., W. Roxbury W. Boott
NEBC: 00423352 Amelanchier canadensis oblongifolia Torrey & A. Gray USA: Massachusetts Boston: May [?] St., W. Roxbury W. Boott
NEBC: 00423352 Amelanchier oblongifolia (Torrey & A. Gray) M. Roemer USA: Massachusetts Boston: May [?] St., W. Roxbury W. Boott
GH: 01760665 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Michigan Detroit: Belle Isle W. Boott
Salicaceae NEBC: 00646937 Salix viminalis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Boston: Roxbury Seniors Nursery W. Boott
Saxifragaceae NEBC: 01008819 Mitella nuda Linnaeus USA: Vermont Brattleboro: Brattleboro W. Boott
Schizaeaceae GH: 00677774 Lygodium palmatum (Bernhardi) Swartz USA: Massachusetts Amherst: Amherst W. Boott
Scrophulariaceae GH: 00686863 Lindernia dubia (Linnaeus) Pennell USA: Massachusetts Margin of Mystic Pond [now Upper and Lower M... W. Boott
Thelypteridaceae GH: 00652144 Thelypteris noveboracensis (Linnaeus) Nieuwland USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00708399 Thelypteris palustris pubescens (G. Lawson) Fernald USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
GH: 00628151 Thelypteris simulata (Davenport) Nieuwland USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott
Violaceae NEBC: 00569425 Viola lanceolata Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Newton: Newton, Hammonds Pond W. Boott
Woodsiaceae GH: 00676309 Woodsia ilvensis (Linnaeus) R. Brown USA: Massachusetts near Boston W. Boott