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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[48479] and year collected:[1955]
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FH: 01122081
Erysiphe aquilegiae ranunculi
(Greville) R. Y. Zheng & G. Q. Chen USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene HCG 1927 1955-10-13
FH: 01122009
Erysiphe cichoracearum
de Candolle USA: Wisconsin New Glarus Woods H. C. Greene HCG 1912 1955-9-7
FH: 01085146
Erysiphe euonymi
de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 1926 1955-10-12
FH: 01122205
Erysiphe penicillata
(Wallroth) Link USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene HCG 1930 1955-10-13
FH: 01122081
Erysiphe polygoni
de Candolle USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene HCG 1927 1955-10-13
FH: 01122009
Golovinomyces cichoracearum
(de Candolle) V. P. Heluta USA: Wisconsin New Glarus Woods H. C. Greene HCG 1912 1955-9-7
FH: 01122205
Microsphaera alni
(de Candolle) G. Winter USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene HCG 1930 1955-10-13
FH: 01085146
Microsphaera euonymi
(de Candolle) Saccardo USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 1926 1955-10-12
FH: 01122205
Microsphaera penicillata
(Wallroth) Léveillé USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene HCG 1930 1955-10-13
FH: 01122127
Phyllactinia corylea
(Persoon) P. Karsten USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1933 1955-10-16
FH: 01122127
Phyllactinia fraxini
(de Candolle) Fuss USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1933 1955-10-16
FH: 01122039
Takamatsuella circinata
(Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & A. N. Shi USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1916 1955-9-18
FH: 01122040
Takamatsuella circinata
(Cooke & Peck) U. Braun & A. N. Shi USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene HCG 1931 1955-10-13
FH: 01122039
Uncinula circinata
Cooke & Peck USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1916 1955-9-18
FH: 01122040
Uncinula circinata
Cooke & Peck USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene HCG 1931 1955-10-13
FH: 01022669
Cerotelium dicentrae
H. W. Anderson USA: Wisconsin Pine Hollow, Poynette H. C. Greene HCG 1809 1955-5-11
FH: 00877504
Coleosporium campanulae
(Persoon) Tulasne USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 1955-7-6
FH: 00877977
Coleosporium solidaginis
(Schweinitz) Thümen USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1825 1955-7-7
FH: 00806211
Coleosporium solidaginis
(Schweinitz) Thümen USA: Wisconsin Near Albany H. C. Greene HCG 1873 1955-8-11
FH: 00806727
Cronartium comandrae
Peck USA: Wisconsin Monticello H. C. Greene HCG 1858 1955-8-2
FH: 00989440
Melampsora abietis-caprearum
Tubeuf USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1914 1955-9-7
FH: 00989441
Melampsora abietis-caprearum
Tubeuf USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1912 1955-9-3
FH: 00990297
Melampsora bigelowii
Thümen USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1901 1955-8-3
FH: 00990364
Melampsora bigelowii
Thümen USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1910 1955-9-3
FH: 00956663
Pucciniastrum galii
E. Fischer USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1829 1955-7-6
FH: 01091837
Puccinia andropogonis
Schweinitz USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 1831 1955-7-13
FH: 00981821
Puccinia asteris
Duby USA: Wisconsin Near Cottaage Grove H. C. Greene 1836 1955-7-12
FH: 01093359
Puccinia bolleyana
Saccardo USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene 1907 1955-9-2
FH: 00991758
Puccinia caricis
Rebentisch USA: Wisconsin Near Verona H. C. Greene 1854 1955-7-27
FH: 00991782
Puccinia caricis
Rebentisch USA: Wisconsin Oakly H. C. Greene 1860 1955-8-2
FH: 00950541
Puccinia cyperi
Arthur USA: Wisconsin near Brodhead H. C. Greene 1838 1955-7-10
FH: 00950560
Puccinia cyperi
Arthur USA: Wisconsin Muscoda H. C. Greene 1898 1955-8-5
FH: 00950748
Puccinia extensicola
Plowright USA: Wisconsin Tower Hill State Park H. C. Greene 1932 1955-10-13
FH: 00950787
Puccinia extensicola
Plowright USA: Wisconsin Near Paoli H. C. Greene 1824 1955-7-1
FH: 00782176
Puccinia lobeliae
W. R. Gerard USA: Wisconsin Parfrey's Glen H. C. Greene 1890 1955-8-23
FH: 00782252
Puccinia magnusiana
Körnicke USA: Wisconsin Near Boscobel H. C. Greene 1864 1955-8-5
FH: 00951115
Puccinia silphii
Schweinitz USA: Wisconsin Sylvania H. C. Greene HCG 1869 1955-8-9
FH: 00956375
Puccinia xanthii
Schweinitz USA: Wisconsin Madison: [no additional data] H. C. Greene HCG 1857 1955-8-3
FH: 00941552
Uromyces junci
(Desmazières) Tulasne USA: Wisconsin Spring Green H. C. Greene HCG 1818 1955-6-7
FH: 01122335
Uromyces rudbeckiae
Arthur & Holway USA: Wisconsin Near Arena H. C. Greene 1822 1955-6-28
FH: 00783949
Uromyces sparganii
Cooke & Peck USA: Wisconsin Near Avoca H. C. Greene 1866 1955-8-5
FH: 01108363
Uropyxis petalostemonis
(Farlow) De Toni USA: Wisconsin Near Afton H. C. Greene HCG 1850 1955-7-29