Apocynaceae GH: 02116169 Himatanthus phagedaenicus (Martius) Woodson Venezuela: Mount Roraima District: Vicinity of Arabupu. A. S. Pinkus 168 1938-12
GH: 02379361 Mandevilla benthamii (A. de Candolle) K. Schumann French Guiana: Membaru Creek, upper Mazaruni River. British... A. S. Pinkus 27 1938-9-23
Chrysobalanaceae GH: 00046299 Licania coriacea Bentham Venezuela: Bolívar Southwest slopes of Mount Roraima, 4600 m. A. S. Pinkus 89 1938-12-28
GH: 00046299 Licania pallidula Standley Venezuela: Bolívar Southwest slopes of Mount Roraima, 4600 m. A. S. Pinkus 89 1938-12-28
GH: 00046309 Licania roraimensis Standley Guyana: Mount Roraima District, vicinity of Arabupu,... A. S. Pinkus 61 1938-12
Gesneriaceae GH: 00872696 Episcia bryogeton Leeuwenberg Guyana: Kurupung River, near Makreba Falls, Upper Ma... A. S. Pinkus 12 1938-9-14
GH: 00872696 Episcia sp. Guyana: Kurupung River, near Makreba Falls, Upper Ma... A. S. Pinkus 12 1938-9-14
GH: 00872696 Nautilocalyx bryogeton (Leeuwenberg) Wiehler Guyana: Kurupung River, near Makreba Falls, Upper Ma... A. S. Pinkus 12 1938-9-14
Icacinaceae GH: 00050231 Emmotum fulvum R. A. Howard Venezuela: Vicinity of Arabupu, Mount Roraima District,... A. S. Pinkus 87 1938-12
Malpighiaceae GH: 00045128 Hiraea Jacquin Venezuela: Mount Roraima District: vicinity of Arabupu,... A. S. Pinkus 90 1938-12-28
GH: 00045128 Hiraea tepuiensis Steyermark Venezuela: Mount Roraima District: vicinity of Arabupu,... A. S. Pinkus 90 1938-12-28
Myrsinaceae GH: 00025422 Conomorpha sessilis A. C. Smith Venezuela: Along Arabupu River, Mount Roraima District,... A. S. Pinkus 55 1938-12-12
Orchidaceae AMES: 02109902 Epidendrum orchidiflorum Salzmann ex Lindley Guyana: Membaru Creek, upper Mazaruni River. A. S. Pinkus 36 1938-9-25
AMES: 02578567 Scuticaria steelei (Hooker) Lindley Guyana: Membaru Creek, upper Mazaruni River A. S. Pinkus 221 1938-9
AMES: 02161578 Sobralia stenophylla Lindley Venezuela: on bank of Arabupu River; Mount Roraima Dist... A. S. Pinkus 54 1938-11-18
Smilacaceae GH: 00112978 Smilax immersa A. C. Smith Guyana: Membaru Creek, upper Mazaruni River A. S. Pinkus 37 1938-10-3
Theaceae GH: 00306610 Ternstroemia Guyana: Mazaruni-Potaro Upper Mazaruni District, trail leading to Ka... A. S. Pinkus 4 1938-9-13
A: 00306609 Ternstroemia grandiosa Kobuski Guyana: Mazaruni-Potaro Upper Mazaruni District, trail leading to Ka... A. S. Pinkus 4 1938-9-13
GH: 00306610 Ternstroemia grandiosa Kobuski Guyana: Mazaruni-Potaro Upper Mazaruni District, trail leading to Ka... A. S. Pinkus 4 1938-9-13