Acanthaceae GH: 02527501 Monechma scabridum (S. Moore) C. B. Clarke Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Busenga & Banzyville Ulan... J. A. Lebrun 2057 1931-1
Annonaceae A: 02542149 Isolona campanulata Engler & Diels Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. [Angopodia. Ulec] J. A. Lebrun 2968 1931-5
A: 02542153 Isolona hexaloba Pierre ex Engler & Diels Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Businga. [Keongi?]. Congo Belge. J. A. Lebrun 2011 1931
A: 02542177 Monanthotaxis schweinfurthii Verdcourt Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Bili (Mélé-Timbiri) J. A. Lebrun 2861 1931-5
A: 02542280 Uvariopsis congensis F. H. E. A. W. Robyns & J. H. P. A. Ghesquiere Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Buta. Uele. J. A. Lebrun 2487 1931-3
Apocynaceae A: 01977856 Alafia multiflora (Stapf) Stapf Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Beni. Semliki R. bank, between Beni and Ruwe... J. A. Lebrun 4367 1931-11
A: 02381455 Orthopichonia seretii (De Wildeman) Vonk Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Wamba; Congo Belge J. A. Lebrun 3310 1931
A: 02382383 Picralima nitida (Stapf) T. Durand & H. Durand Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Beni; Congo Belge J. A. Lebrun 4373 1931
Brassicaceae GH: 02454612 Brassica juncea (Linnaeus) Czernajew Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Beni (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 4617 1931
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02504800 Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Alston Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Niangara et Namba J. A. Lebrun 3221 1931
A: 02504941 Chamaecrista nigricans (Vahl) Greene Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge; Eitule J. A. Lebrun 2807 1931
A: 02504940 Chamaecrista nigricans (Vahl) Greene Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge; Mahagi J. A. Lebrun 3785 1931
A: 02450737 Erythrophleum guineense G. Don Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Lebo J. A. Lebrun 2405 1931
A: 02450737 Erythrophleum lasianthum Corbishley Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Lebo J. A. Lebrun 2405 1931
Connaraceae A: 02453441 Byrsocarpus coccineus Schumacher & Thonning Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Buta J. A. Lebrun 2571 1931-4
A: 02453451 Byrsocarpus viridis (Gilg) G. Schellenberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Karoawa[?] J. A. Lebrun 1944 1931
A: 02453450 Byrsocarpus viridis (Gilg) G. Schellenberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Banzyville J. A. Lebrun 2096 1931-1
Fabaceae GH: 02321894 Alysicarpus rugosus de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Faradje J. A. Lebrun 3467 1931
GH: 02321913 Alysicarpus vaginalis (Linnaeus) de Candolle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Monga Ueli J. A. Lebrun 2312 1931
A: 02450889 Macrolobium coeruleoides De Wild. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Gwane (Uili-Hunbiri[?]) J. A. Lebrun 2882 1931
A: 02450888 Macrolobium coeruleoides De Wild. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Titule et Bili J. A. Lebrun 2792 1931-5
A: 02450908 Macrolobium macrophyllum (P. Beauvois) J. F. Macbride Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bondo J. A. Lebrun 2451 1931-3
Hippocrateaceae A: 02452485 Hippocratea apiculata Welwitsch ex Oliver Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Banzville J. A. Lebrun 2224 1931-2
A: 02452489 Hippocratea bruneelii De Wildeman Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Bili (Uele) J. A. Lebrun 2840 1931-5
A: 02452506 Hippocratea indica Willdenow Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Ongodia-Ueli J. A. Lebrun 3018 1931
Mimosaceae A: 02321254 Albizia gummifera C. A. Smith Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Monga (Uele Stimbire) J. A. Lebrun 2341 1931-3
A: 02321291 Albizia minyi DeWild. Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Amadi & Doruma. Uélé-Ne... J. A. Lebrun 3133 1931-6
A: 02321312 Albizia warneckei Harms Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Lebo (Uélé Itimbiri) J. A. Lebrun 2389 1931-3
A: 02321429 Dichrostachys glomerata (Forsskal) Chiovenda Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Niangara J. A. Lebrun 3216 1931
Proteaceae A: 02434868 Faurea saligna Harvey Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Entre Kasindi et Lubango Chaine... J. A. Lebrun 4677 1931-12
Ranunculaceae GH: 02518548 Ranunculus pubescens Thunberg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Beni-huberd [?] J. A. Lebrun 4290 1931
GH: 02518455 Thalictrum rhynchocarpum Dillenius & A. Richard Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Djuja J. A. Lebrun 3286 1931
Rhamnaceae A: 02454342 Scutia myrtina (N. L. Burman) Kurz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Djugu, Kibali. Ituri J. A. Lebrun 3914 1931-7
A: 02454341 Scutia myrtina (N. L. Burman) Kurz Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Djugu. Kibali, Ituri J. A. Lebrun 3914 1931-7
Rubiaceae A: 02435344 Aoranthe nalaensis (De Wildeman) Somers Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Wamba et Gombo[?] J. A. Lebrun 3317 1931
A: 02455833 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Zobia J. A. Lebrun 2689 1931
A: 02455816 Gaertnera paniculata Bentham Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Monga J. A. Lebrun 2336 1931
A: 02435719 Galiniera caffeoides Delile Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo Belge. Beni-Lubero J. A. Lebrun 4247 1931
GH: 02437627 Kohautia coccinea Royle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Faradje-tru[?] J. A. Lebrun 3526 1931
GH: 02437627 Oldenlandia abyssinica (Hochstetter ex A. Richard) Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Faradje-tru[?] J. A. Lebrun 3526 1931
A: 02455367 Pavetta schweinfurthii Bremekamp Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Businga et Branzville (Ub... J. A. Lebrun 2063 1931-1
A: 02455717 Psychotria peduncularis (Salisbury) Steyermark Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Buta (Uele)(Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 2481 1931-3
A: 02435464 Rothmannia urcelliformis (Schweinfurth ex Hiern) Bullock ex Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Businga (Ubangi) J. A. Lebrun 1968 1931-1
A: 02455118 Rytigynia perlucidula Robyns Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge: Entre Tumu et Mombasa (Huri) J. A. Lebrun 4136 1931-10
GH: 02453072 Spermacoce senensis (Klotzsch) Hiern Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Entre Faradje et Aru (Kiladli-S... J. A. Lebrun 3501 1931-8
Sapindaceae A: 02553384 Allophylus africanus P. Beauvois Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Olmondi; (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 3135 1931
A: 02553484 Allophylus schweinfurthii Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Bili; (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 2859 1931
A: 02553482 Allophylus schweinfurthii Gilg Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Buto (Congo Belge) J. A. Lebrun 2607 1931
Ulmaceae A: 02453624 Chaetachme microcarpa Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Beni. Kibali. Sturi J. A. Lebrun 4330 1931-11
A: 02453623 Chaetachme microcarpa Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Bonolo. Uele. Stembiri J. A. Lebrun 2428 1931-3
A: 02453622 Chaetachme microcarpa Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nord-Kivu Congo belge. Beni. Kibali-Sturi J. A. Lebrun 4330 1931-11
A: 02453620 Chaetachme microcarpa Rendle Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo belge. Bondo. Uele. Stimbire J. A. Lebrun 2428 1931-3
A: 02453750 Trema guineensis (Schumach. & Thonn.) Ficalho Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Congo Belge. Omgodia J. A. Lebrun 2932 1931
Verbenaceae A: 02324798 Lantana trifolia Linnaeus Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Entre Faradaje er Aru J. A. Lebrun 3504 1931-8