<< < Previous Asteraceae GH: 01238883 Artemisia salsoloides Willdenow Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Godai River valley; c. 5 miles above Godai G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6516 1955-8-17
GH: 01238912 Artemisia sieversiana Willdenow Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan around Gol, south side of Indus River, c. 20... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5873 1955-6-27
GH: 00013009 Taraxacum baltistanicum Soejarto Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Upper end of Hushe Valley, Ghondakoro Glacie... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6104 1955-7-14
GH: 00013010 Taraxacum melleum Soejarto Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Upper end of Hushe Valley, Ghondakoro Glacie... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6117 1955-7-14
Berberidaceae GH: 02222262 Berberis pachyacantha Bienert ex Koehne India: Jammu and Kashmir Upper end of Hushe Valley, Ghondakoro Glacie... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6039 1955-7-10
GH: 02222261 Berberis pachyacantha Bienert ex Koehne India: Jammu and Kashmir Atosar Valley, c. 1 mi. up from mouth of gla... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6143 1955-7-16
Boraginaceae GH: 00987345 Arnebia guttata Bunge Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan dry banks above the Indus River near Skardu G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5763 1955-6-24
Crassulaceae GH: 01991168 Pseudosedum lievenii A. Berger India: south end of Satpara Lake, c. 4.5 miles sout... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5837 1955-6-25
GH: 01991169 Pseudosedum lievenii A. Berger India: Hushe Valley, Ghondakoro Glacier basin at th... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5971 1955-7-5
Cyperaceae GH: 00027550 Carex websteri Raymond Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Kashmir, Baltistan, Karakorum Range, upper e... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6257 1955-7-22
Ephedraceae GH: 00987535 Ephedra intermedia A. G. Schrenk & C. A. Meyer Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan along Hushe River c. 2 miles downstream from... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6268 1955-7-25
GH: 00987534 Ephedra intermedia A. G. Schrenk & C. A. Meyer Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan near south end of Satpara Lake, c. 4 miles s... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5830 1955-6-25
Gentianaceae GH: 01246781 Gentiana burkillii Harry Smith Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Karakoram Range; Upper end of Hushe Valley, ... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6119 1955-7-14
GH: 01246780 Gentiana burkillii Harry Smith Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan above Hushe River; c. 3 mi. north of Kande G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5948 1955-7-3
GH: 01246779 Gentiana burkillii Harry Smith Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan near rest-house at Satpara Lake, c. 4 miles ... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5813 1955-6-25
GH: 01246860 Gentiana leucomelaena Maximowicz Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Satpara Lake, c. 4 miles south of Skardu G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5816 1955-6-25
GH: 01246876 Gentiana membranulifera intermedia (C. B. Clarke) T. N. Ho Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Himalayan Range, Satpara Nullah G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6360 1955-8-5
GH: 01246964 Gentiana squarrosa Ledebour Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Skardu G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5791 1955-6-24
GH: 01246994 Gentiana tianschanica Ruprecht ex Kusnezow Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Nanga Parbat, northeastern slopes at Rama G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6430 1955-8-11
GH: 01246993 Gentiana tianschanica Ruprecht ex Kusnezow Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Himalayan Range, Satpara Nullah G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6337 1955-8-5
Linaceae GH: 01248784 Linum strictum Linnaeus Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan near confluence of Saltoro R. with Shyok Riv... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5931 1955-7-2
Orchidaceae AMES: 01950624 Dactylorhiza latifolia (Linnaeus) SoĆ³ India: Hushe River near its confluences with the Sh... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5934 1955-7-2
AMES: 01948809 Herminium monorchis (Linnaeus) R. Brown : India: Hushe River valley, halfway between H... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6271 1955-7-25
Primulaceae GH: 00073356 Androsace baltistanica Y. J. Nasir Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Karakoram Range, Baltistan, Atosar Valley, r... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6148 1955-7-16
Ranunculaceae GH: 01109111 Aquilegia fragrans Bentham Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan bed of the Hushe River near its confluence w... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5935 1955-7-2
Rosaceae GH: 00959826 Rosa nanothamnus Boulenger Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan at Skardu; Baltistan G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5783 1955-6-24
GH: 00959940 Rosa webbiana Wallich ex Royle Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Karakoram Range, Baltistan; Upper end of Hus... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6265 1955-7-24
GH: 00285976 Sorbus tianschanica Ruprecht India: Baltistan, Karakoram Range, upper end of Hus... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 6253 1955-7-22
Solanaceae GH: 00813194 Hyoscyamus pusillus Linnaeus Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan junction of Indus and Shyok Rivers; near Kir... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5879 1955-6-28
GH: 00813196 Hyoscyamus pusillus Linnaeus Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan south bank of Indus River, c. 12 miles east ... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5858 1955-6-27
GH: 00813187 Hyoscyamus pusillus Linnaeus Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan Scree slopes above the Shyok River 8 miles e... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5897 1955-6-29
GH: 00813959 Lycium ruthenicum Murray Pakistan: Gilgit-Baltistan confluence of Indus and Shyok Riversl G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5875 1955-6-28
Tamaricaceae GH: 01126747 Myricaria davurica Ehrenberg India: Kashmir: Batlistan. head (south end) of Satp... G. L. Webster & E. Nasir 5844 1955-6-25