Aceraceae GH: 01870522 Acer floridanum (Chapman) Pax USA: Georgia along Mulberry Creek, 1.5 mi SSE of Mountain... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 22116 1972-6-12
GH: 01870537 Acer floridanum (Chapman) Pax USA: Georgia Callaway Gardens at Pine Mountain, just to t... S. B. Jones 21915 1972-6-6
Asclepiadaceae GH: 01082460 Asclepias verticillata Linnaeus USA: Alabama 4.5 mi N of York. S. B. Jones 15036 1967-7-29
GH: 01083175 Gonolobus gonocarpos (Walter) L. M. Perry USA: Georgia Blackmar place, just S of Ossahatchie. Creek... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 22079 1972-6-10
Asteraceae GH: 01924418 Ageratina altissima (Linnaeus) R. M. King & H. Robinson USA: Georgia Neels Gap NNE of Dahlonega. Blue Ridge Provi... S. B. Jones 15374 1967-9-30
GH: 02579336 Chaptalia tomentosa Ventenat USA: Mississippi 1 mi N of Picayune S. B. Jones F. H. Sargent 11378 1967-3-27
GH: 02216149 Chrysopsis mariana (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 21612 1971-10-22
A: 01926858 Cyanthillium cinereum (Linnaeus) H. Robinson USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection at P... S. B. Jones 76-157
A: 01925060 Elephantopus mollis Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth USA: Georgia [no additional data] S. B. Jones 22680 1976-2-13
GH: 02351840 Erigeron strigosus Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Mississippi along RR tracks just S of Lauderdale S. B. Jones 12438 1967-5-26
GH: 02190562 Eupatorium serotinum Michaux USA: Georgia 2.9 mi E of Eton, 5.3 mi NE of Chatsworth. A... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 23410 1979-8-28
A: 02579369 Gochnatia paucifloscula (Hitchcock) Jervis USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection at P... S. B. Jones 22745
GH: 01833683 Krigia cespitosa (Rafinesque) K. L. Chambers USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones Carleen Jones 11268 1967-3-24
GH: 01833791 Krigia dandelion (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones J. D. Reynolds 11111 1967-3-15
GH: 00435516 Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (Linnaeus) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt USA: Mississippi 2.8 mi N of Lamar-Jeff Davis line, hwy 42 S. B. Jones 14293 1967-7-11
A: 01924244 Vernonia abyssinica Schultz Bipontinus ex Walpers USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection at P... S. B. Jones
A: 01925323 Vernonia adoensis Schultz Bipontinus ex Walpers USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection at P... S. B. Jones
GH: 01925366 Vernonia angustifolia Michaux USA: Georgia 8.3 mi N of McRae on US 319 & 441. S. B. Jones 1120 1962-7-28
GH: 01925363 Vernonia angustifolia Michaux USA: Georgia 3 miles ESE of Aberdeen, Moore County S. B. Jones 1481 1963-7-26
GH: 01925333 Vernonia angustifolia Michaux USA: Alabama 14.1 mi NE of junction of Ala hwys 29 & 25. ... S. B. Jones 1125 1962-7-30
A: 01925607 Vernonia cognata Lessing USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 76-68
A: 01925606 Vernonia conferta Bentham USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 76-107
GH: 01925616 Vernonia dissimilis Gleason & Jones USA: Georgia 4 miles SW of Pine Mt. S. B. Jones 1067 1962-7-20
A: 01925705 Vernonia flexuosa Sims USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 76-151
GH: 01925762 Vernonia gigantea (Walter) Branner & Coville USA: Georgia along Mulberry Creek 1.5 mi SE of Mt. Hill S... S. B. Jones 22252.5 1972-9-15
A: 01925866 Vernonia glabra (Steetz) Oliver & Hiern USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 76-162
A: 01925865 Vernonia glabra (Steetz) Oliver & Hiern USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 77-53
A: 01925867 Vernonia glabrata Lessing USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 76-74
A: 01925923 Vernonia hymenolepis A. Richard USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones
A: 01924028 Vernonia melleri Oliver & Hiern USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 76-191
A: 01924221 Vernonia nudiflora Lessing USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 76-123
GH: 01924232 Vernonia pulchella Small USA: Georgia 1.1 miles WSW of Hinesville on Georgia 196 S. B. Jones 1448 1963-7-24
A: 01924296 Vernonia tufnellae S. Moore USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection at P... S. B. Jones 76-3
A: 01924298 Vernonia westiniana Lessing USA: Georgia Grown from seed of the above collection [see... S. B. Jones 75-1 1975-10
Berberidaceae GH: 02169815 Podophyllum peltatum Linnaeus USA: Mississippi S. B. Jones 3902 1966-3-28
Betulaceae GH: 02103342 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones w/ Fred Galle 21385 1971-8-25
GH: 02103487 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 7835 1966-7-6
GH: 02103485 Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones J. Carter 7318 1966-6-27
Boraginaceae GH: 01993974 Heliotropium tenellum Torrey USA: Alabama 20 mi. E of Sumterville S. B. Jones 1971-8-7
Brassicaceae GH: 00983608 Cardamine hirsuta Linnaeus USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones J. D. Reynolds 11113 1967-3-15
Bromeliaceae GH: 01817162 Tillandsia usneoides Linnaeus USA: Georgia along Mulberry Creek at Robert Lewis Girl Sc... S. B. Jones Vince Coffey 21784 1972-4-14
Caprifoliaceae GH: 02186144 Viburnum nudum Linnaeus USA: Georgia below Bobolink Lake Dam. Callaway Gardens at... S. B. Jones 21949 1972-6-7
GH: 02187802 Viburnum rufidulum Rafinesque USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones w/ J. Stutts & A. Ghol... 23635
GH: 02187794 Viburnum rufidulum Rafinesque USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 21779
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01741971 Arenaria serpyllifolia Linnaeus USA: Georgia Summit of Pine Mt. near NE end of park. Ga 1... S. B. Jones 20763 1971-5-18
GH: 01743812 Cerastium glomeratum Thuillier USA: Georgia in lawn at National Fish Hatchery, Warm Spri... S. B. Jones 22007 1972-6-9
GH: 01743813 Cerastium glomeratum Thuillier USA: Georgia Gallaway Gardens S. B. Jones 20590 1971-3-20
GH: 01714672 Paronychia fastigiata (Rafinesque) Fernald USA: Georgia Dowdell's Knob area of Pine Mountain. S. B. Jones [data not captured] 20989 1971-7-14
GH: 01753477 Silene stellata (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton USA: Georgia at Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain S. B. Jones [data not captured] 21393 1971-8-25
GH: 01623596 Stellaria media (Linnaeus) Villars USA: Georgia Weedy area along railroad tracks in Hamilton S. B. Jones 20604 1971-4-1
Commelinaceae GH: 02113149 Commelina virginica Linnaeus USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 14407 1967-7-13
GH: 02113534 Tradescantia hirsuticaulis Small USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 21769.2 1972-4-13
GH: 02113782 Tradescantia ohiensis Rafinesque USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 20712 1971-4-25
Cyperaceae GH: 02391122 Carex atlantica L. H. Bailey USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 20808 1971-5-18
GH: 01773140 Carex lurida Wahlenberg USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 8024 1966-7-11
Droseraceae GH: 01145324 Drosera tracyi (Macfarlane ex Diels) Macfarlane USA: Mississippi Ca 3 mi E of Ocean SPrings. Coasatal Flatwoo... S. B. Jones 11878 1967-4-29
Ericaceae GH: 01592864 Gaylussacia dumosa (Andrews) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Mississippi Percy Quin State Park W of McComb. S. B. Jones Clarke Hudson 13265 1967-6-9
GH: 01593188 Gaylussacia mosieri Small USA: Mississippi 3.4 mi S of Harrison-Stone line, hwy 15. S. B. Jones 14733 1967-7-22
GH: 01718127 Lyonia lucida (Lamarck) K. Koch USA: Mississippi T5S R9W Sec 5, hwy 15, Ramsey Cem. S. B. Jones 14717 1967-7-22
GH: 01682767 Oxydendrum arboreum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 7827 1966-7-6
GH: 01762065 Rhododendron alabamense Rehder USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones Gerald Miller and Glen... 20697 1971-4-25
GH: 01763003 Rhododendron canescens (Michaux) Sweet USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones Vince Coffey 21723 1972-4-13
GH: 01763064 Rhododendron canescens (Michaux) Sweet USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones J. D. Reynolds 11504 1967-4-5
GH: 01764378 Rhododendron minus Michaux USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 21753 1972-4-12
GH: 01765498 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 20782 1971-5-18
GH: 01765516 Rhododendron viscosum (Linnaeus) Torrey USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones Caywood Chapman 21843 1972-5-16
Fabaceae GH: 01967932 Amorpha fruticosa Linnaeus USA: Georgia Sliding Rock Rd., Pine Mountain, just past N... S. B. Jones 20772 1971-5-18
GH: 02030609 Baptisia alba Hooker USA: Georgia along Hwy 27 between Dr. Blackmans and Catau... S. B. Jones 21880 1972-5-17
GH: 01961273 Desmodium glabellum (Michaux) de Candolle USA: Georgia around camp-ground and spring on Ga 194 betw... S. B. Jones 21143 1971-8-23
GH: 01961272 Desmodium glabellum (Michaux) de Candolle USA: Georgia Pine Mountain at spring above Visitor Center... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 21489 1971-9-16
GH: 01961852 Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Georgia in Golf Course. Callaway Gardens at Pine Mou... S. B. Jones 22241 1972-9-15
GH: 01961847 Desmodium paniculatum (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Georgia FDR State Park water supply spring on S side... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 21475 1971-9-16
GH: 01960117 Desmodium perplexum B. G. Schubert USA: Georgia FDR State Park, group camp area. Pine Mounta... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 21502 1971-9-16
GH: 01960115 Desmodium perplexum B. G. Schubert USA: Georgia FDR State Park, group camp area. Pine Mounta... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 21503 1971-9-16
GH: 01958843 Hylodesmum glutinosum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) H. Ohashi & R. R. Mill USA: Georgia Blackmar Place along Ossahatchie Creek betwe... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 22166 1972-7-13
GH: 02129152 Lupinus villosus Willdenow USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 2823 1965-4-23
GH: 02130634 Orbexilum pedunculatum Rydberg USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 20756 1971-5-18
GH: 02130673 Orbexilum pedunculatum Rydberg USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 11614 1967-4-11
GH: 02134386 Rhynchosia reniformis de Candolle USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones Carleen Jones 12071 1967-5-6
GH: 02134502 Rhynchosia tomentosa (Linnaeus) Hooker & Arnott USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 13645 1967-6-27
GH: 00571276 Robinia hartwigii Koehne USA: Georgia along Hwy 190 at eastern end of FDR State Pa... S. B. Jones Caywood Chapman 21842 1972-5-16
GH: 02135046 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones J. Carter 7349 1966-6-27
GH: 00571276 Robinia viscosa hartwigii (Koehne) Ashe USA: Georgia along Hwy 190 at eastern end of FDR State Pa... S. B. Jones Caywood Chapman 21842 1972-5-16
GH: 02135775 Sesbania drummondii (Rydberg) Cory USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones Ben Noble 8111 1966-7-13
GH: 02136636 Stylosanthes biflora Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 13644 1967-6-27
GH: 02137176 Tephrosia onobrychoides Nuttall USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones F. H. Sargent 13750 1967-6-27
GH: 02137575 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 11906 1967-5-1
GH: 02342702 Trifolium dubium Sibthorp USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 20608 1971-4-1
GH: 02347480 Vicia tetrasperma (Linnaeus) Schreber USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones Gerald Miller and Glen... 20730 1971-4-25
GH: 02347479 Vicia tetrasperma (Linnaeus) Schreber USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 20820 1971-5-18
GH: 02347865 Zornia bracteata J. F. Gmelin USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 8869 1966-7-25
Gentianaceae GH: 02165824 Sabatia difformis (Linnaeus) Druce USA: Georgia 5.6 miles N of St. George S. B. Jones [data not captured] 23368 1979-7-11
Juncaceae GH: 02101553 Juncus coriaceus Mackenzie USA: Missouri [data not captured] S. B. Jones Clarke Hudson 13207 1967-6-9
GH: 02101945 Juncus diffusissimus Buckley USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 14054 1967-7-5
GH: 02400264 Juncus marginatus odoratus Torrey USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones J. D. Reynolds 11779 1967-4-26
GH: 02399706 Juncus polycephalos Michaux USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones F. H. Sargent 13759 1967-6-27
GH: 02396079 Juncus validus Coville USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 23333 1979-7-11
Lamiaceae GH: 02466745 Monarda punctata Linnaeus USA: Mississippi just south of Rockport, hwy 27. S. B. Jones 8852 1966-7-25
GH: 01597896 Pycnanthemum pycnanthemoides (Leavenworth) Fernald USA: Georgia along Ga 190 at Dowdell's Knob on Pine MT. S. B. Jones 21348 1971-8-25
GH: 01597932 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: Alabama 4 mi N of York, hwy 17 S. B. Jones 13335 1967-6-18
GH: 01597991 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: Georgia Mrs. Henry Crowder Pleasant Pasture Farms of... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 20907 1971-7-13
GH: 01696746 Salvia urticifolia Linnaeus USA: Georgia along top of Pine Mountain, Roosevelt State ... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 20713 1971-4-25
GH: 01697093 Scutellaria elliptica Sprengel USA: Georgia just S of Ossahatchie Creek along Hwy 27 ca ... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 22085 1972-6-10
GH: 01697723 Scutellaria integrifolia Linnaeus USA: Georgia Blue Bird Lake dam, Callaway Gardens at Pine... S. B. Jones 20805 1971-5-18
GH: 01700788 Trichostema setaceum Houttuyn USA: Georgia Pine Mt., Dowdell's Knob off Ga Hwy 190 S. B. Jones 21335 1971-8-25
Lobeliaceae GH: 01798703 Lobelia puberula Michaux USA: Georgia on Pine Mt. above Visitor Center of Callaway... S. B. Jones 21187 1971-8-23
Oleaceae GH: 01850957 Osmanthus americana (Linnaeus) Bentham ex Hooker f. USA: Georgia along Mulberry Creek (downstream), 3.2 mi S ... S. B. Jones 20624 1971-4-1
Onagraceae GH: 01644029 Oenothera fruticosa fruticosa USA: Georgia Roosevelt State Park in Pine Mountain S. B. Jones [data not captured] 20675 1971-4-25
Orchidaceae GH: 02031501 Calopogon pallidus Chapman USA: Mississippi 1 mi N of Picayune S. B. Jones J. D. Reynolds 11936 1967-5-3
GH: 02031788 Calopogon tuberosus (Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Mississippi along RR tracks just S of Lauderdale S. B. Jones 12453 1967-5-26
GH: 01938543 Corallorhiza odontorhiza (Willdenow) Poiret USA: Georgia FDR State Park, Pine Mt. S. B. Jones 21578 1971-10-22
GH: 02050629 Habenaria repens Nuttall USA: Florida Lake Seminole. Appalachia Wildlife Managemen... S. B. Jones J. Stutts & A. Gholson 23578 1979-9-4
GH: 02066575 Platanthera ciliaris (Linnaeus) Lindley USA: Mississippi 3.4 mi W of Ala. line, E of Lauderdale, Erio... S. B. Jones 14996 1967-7-28
GH: 02046187 Platanthera nivea (Nuttall) Luer USA: Mississippi N. of Purvis S. B. Jones 8037 1966-7-11
Orobanchaceae GH: 02034280 Agalinis pulchella Pennell USA: Georgia Laurel Springs areas of Callaway Gardens at ... S. B. Jones 21519 1971-9-16
GH: 02080014 Pedicularis canadensis Linnaeus USA: Georgia on Pine Mountain, Sliding Rock area, just ou... S. B. Jones 20621 1971-4-1
GH: 02183015 Seymeria pectinata Pursh USA: Georgia Pine Mt., Dowdell's Knob off Ga Hwy 190 S. B. Jones 21330 1971-8-25
Parnassiaceae GH: 01855261 Parnassia asarifolia Ventenat USA: Georgia FDR State Park, Pine Mountain S. B. Jones 21593 1971-10-22
Phyllanthaceae GH: 01971656 Phyllanthus tenellus Roxburgh USA: Georgia Weedy area around greenhouses and nursery at... S. B. Jones 22189 1972-8-8
Plantaginaceae GH: 01999808 Gratiola pilosa Michaux USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 14362 1967-7-13
GH: 02000837 Limnophila sessiliflora (Vahl) Blume USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones w/ J. Stutts & A. Ghol... 23654 1979-9-5
GH: 02002508 Penstemon australis Small USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 10751 1971-5-18
GH: 02120690 Penstemon laevigatus Aiton USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones Carleen Jones 11662 1967-4-15
GH: 01801811 Plantago aristata Michaux USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones 12385 1967-5-17
Poaceae GH: 01812272 Andropogon glomeratus pumilus (Vasey) Vasey ex L. H. Dewey USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 22345 1972-10-21
GH: 01813892 Coelorachis tessellata (Steudel) Nash USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones Carleen Jones 14123 1967-7-6
Polemoniaceae GH: 01686202 Phlox pilosa Linnaeus USA: Georgia along top of Pine Mountain, Roosevelt State ... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 20700 1971-4-25
Polygalaceae GH: 01970485 Polygala curtissii A. Gray USA: Georgia 2.9 mi E of Eton, 5.3 mi NW of Chatsworth, N... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 23425 1979-8-28
Polygonaceae GH: 02347986 Antenoron virginianum (Linnaeus) Roberty & Vautier USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones Carleen Jones 22222 1972-8-8
GH: 02363277 Persicaria hydropiperoides (Michaux) Small USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 21160B 1971-8-23
GH: 02363332 Persicaria hydropiperoides (Michaux) Small USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones Fred Renfrey 12610 1967-5-29
GH: 02362028 Persicaria longiseta (Bruijn) Kitagawa USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 22215 1972-8-8
GH: 02362410 Persicaria pensylvanica (Linnaeus) M. Gomez USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 21154 1971-8-23
GH: 02362750 Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 22242 1972-9-15
GH: 02362745 Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones Harriett DiGioia et al. 23496 1979-8-29
GH: 02361233 Persicaria setacea (Baldwin) Small USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 22240 1972-9-15
GH: 02005026 Rumex crispus Linnaeus USA: Georgia [data not captured] S. B. Jones 20816 1971-5-18
Primulaceae GH: 01927568 Lysimachia tonsa (Alph. Wood) R. Knuth USA: Georgia Roosevelt State Park, Pine Mountain, WSW of ... S. B. Jones [data not captured] 20968 1971-7-14
Ranunculaceae GH: 01662008 Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus USA: Georgia Callaway Gardens S. B. Jones 20586 1971-3-20
Rosaceae GH: 01726969 Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald USA: Georgia Callaway Gardens. S. B. Jones 20595 1971-3-20
GH: 01704932 Prunus alabamensis C. Mohr USA: Georgia Pine Mt., Dowdell's Knob off Ga Hwy 190. S. B. Jones 21320 1971-8-25
GH: 01725978 Prunus sp. USA: Georgia along Group Camp Road, Roosevelt State Park ... S. B. Jones 20646 1971-4-1
GH: 01558303 Rosa carolina Linnaeus USA: Georgia Summit of Pine Mountain near NE end of Roose... S. B. Jones 20745 1971-5-18
Rubiaceae GH: 02139167 Galium pilosum puncticulosum (Michaux) Torr. & A. Gray USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones Clarke Hudson 13194 1967-6-9
Rutaceae GH: 01684088 Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Linnaeus USA: Mississippi [data not captured] S. B. Jones Bob Noble 8112 1966-7-13
Violaceae GH: 02145104 Viola bicolor Pursh USA: Georgia along top of Pine Mountain S. B. Jones 20617 1971-4-1
GH: 02145732 Viola canadensis Linnaeus USA: Georgia Pigeon Mountain Wildlife Management Area. S ... S. B. Jones 23781 1982-4-6
Vitaceae GH: 01578178 Vitis aestivalis Michaux USA: Georgia Pine Mt., Dowdell's Knob off Ga Hwy 190 S. B. Jones 21321 1971-8-25