Aceraceae A: 00231480 Acer davidii Franchet China: Jiangxi Kuling L. H. Bailey 1917-11-20
A: 00231505 Acer davidii grosseri (Pax) P. C. de Jong China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hube... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-13
A: 00241639 Acer davidii grosseri (Pax) P. C. de Jong China: Chikungshan, border of the province of Hubei... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-16
A: 00245205 Acer pictum mono (Maximowicz) H. Ohashi China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hube... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-17
Araceae GH: 01629410 Pinellia ternata (Thunberg) Makino ex Breitenbach China: Henan Kioshan and Vicinity L. H. Bailey 1917-6-23
Caprifoliaceae A: 01154251 Abelia zanderi latifolia Rehder China: Henan Chikungshan [Jigongshan], border of the prov... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-17
A: 01154251 Zabelia dielsii (Graebner) Makino China: Henan Chikungshan [Jigongshan], border of the prov... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-17
A: 01154251 Zabelia umbellata (Graebner & Buchwald) Makino China: Henan Chikungshan [Jigongshan], border of the prov... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-17
Cyperaceae GH: 00249492 Carex ligulata Nees China: Chikungshan, border of the Provinces of Hupe... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-13
GH: 00249550 Carex mollicula Boott China: Jiangxi Kuling L. H. Bailey 1917-7-12
GH: 00249800 Carex pierotii Miquel China: Shanghai Municip. Zaukadoo, by Shanghai L. H. Bailey 1917-5
GH: 00249800 Carex scabrifolia Steudel China: Shanghai Municip. Zaukadoo, by Shanghai L. H. Bailey 1917-5
GH: 00249863 Carex stenophylla Wahlenberg China: Henan Kioshan and vicinity, Province of Honan L. H. Bailey 1917-6-20
Fagaceae A: 00034129 Quercus aliena pubipes Rehder China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hube... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-13
Lamiaceae GH: 00002079 Stachys arrecta L. H. Bailey China: Hubei Chikung Shan, border of Hubei and Henan on d... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-13
Orchidaceae AMES: 01949692 Amitostigma chinense (Rolfe) Schlechter China: Kuling, Province of Kiangsi. L. H. Bailey 1917-7-9
AMES: 01949698 Amitostigma chinense (Rolfe) Schlechter China: Chikungshan, Border of the provinces of Hupe... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-15
Primulaceae GH: 00073481 Lysimachia argentata L. H. Bailey China: Chikugshan, border of the provinces of Hupeh... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-18
GH: 00073490 Lysimachia chikungensis L. H. Bailey China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hupe... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-15
Rosaceae A: 00959417 Rosa multiflora cathayensis Rehder & E. H. Wilson China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hupe... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-14
Salicaceae A: 00031153 Salix baileyi C. K. Schneider China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hube... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-16
A: 00031152 Salix baileyi C. K. Schneider China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hube... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-30
A: 00031160 Salix chikungensis C. K. Schneider China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hube... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-14
Urticaceae GH: 00035298 Pilea henryana C. H. Wright China: Jiangxi Kuling, alt. 2500-3500 feet, ca. 29° L. H. Bailey 1917-7-9
Vitaceae A: 00814854 Vitis flexuosa Thunberg China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hupe... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-13
A: 00814991 Vitis flexuosa parvifolia (Roxburgh) Gagnepain China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hupe... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-18
A: 00051750 Vitis pentagona honanensis Rehder China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hube... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-13
A: 00978165 Vitis wilsoniae H. J. Veitch China: Chikungshan, border of the provinces of Hupe... L. H. Bailey 1917-6-15