Alismataceae GH: 01632415 Sagittaria graminea Michaux USA: Kansas c. 3 mi. N. of Burrton E. B. Smith 443 1964-7-3
Apocynaceae GH: 02179840 Apocynum cannabinum Linnaeus USA: Kansas c. 100 yds W. of greenhouse SW of 19th & Iow... E. B. Smith 342 1964-6-11
Asteraceae GH: 02172253 Carduus nutans Linnaeus USA: Kansas c. 100 yds W. of greenhouse SW of 19th & Iow... E. B. Smith 349 1964-6-11
GH: 02215855 Chloracantha spinosa (Bentham) G. L. Nesom USA: Texas off Tex. 35, 5.2 mi. SW of junction of 35 & ... E. B. Smith 641 1964-10-16
GH: 02203222 Conyza ramosissima Cronquist USA: Kansas just W of greenhouse SW of 19th & Iowa, Lawr... E. B. Smith 401 1964-6-17
GH: 02207529 Erigeron annuus (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Kansas near greenhouse SW of 19th & Iowa, Lawrence,... E. B. Smith 352 1964-6-11
GH: 02587581 Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal USA: Texas off US 80, 2.5 mi. E. of Baird E. B. Smith 615 1964-10-14
Bignoniaceae GH: 02054585 Campsis radicans (Linnaeus) Bureau USA: Kansas Lawrence: on W. 7th street, S. of swimming p... E. B. Smith 390 1964-6-17
Cactaceae GH: 01875665 Opuntia humifusa (Rafinesque) Rafinesque USA: Kansas c. 200 ft. off road, SW of corner 2 mi. W. o... E. B. Smith 393 1964-6-17
Caryophyllaceae GH: 01715925 Saponaria officinalis Linnaeus USA: Kansas dirt road 2.7 mi. S. of Stull E. B. Smith 400 1964-6-17
GH: 01753515 Silene stellata (Linnaeus) W. T. Aiton USA: Kansas Baldwin Lake, SE of Baldwin E. B. Smith 423 1964-6-26
Ceratophyllaceae GH: 02073271 Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeus USA: Kansas Baldwin Lake SE of Baldwin E. B. Smith 416 1964-6-26
Chenopodiaceae GH: 01781917 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Kansas along W. 19th Street, Lawrence E. B. Smith 455 1964-7-16
Convolvulaceae GH: 02055774 Convolvulus arvensis Linnaeus USA: Kansas Lawrence: near greenhouse SW of 19th & Iowa E. B. Smith 355 1964-6-11
Cornaceae A: 01845430 Cornus florida Linnaeus USA: Arkansas by roadside, 11 miles ssw. of Winslow on hig... E. B. Smith 885 1967-4-16
Fabaceae GH: 01921406 Dalea purpurea Ventenat USA: Kansas Elkin's meadow, c. 3 mi. W. of Lawrence, Kan... E. B. Smith 429 1964-6-30
Iridaceae GH: 01749234 Sisyrinchium campestre E. P. Bicknell USA: Kansas Lawrence: S. of greenhouse SW of 19th & Iowa E. B. Smith 301 1964-5-10
Juncaceae GH: 02102355 Juncus dudleyi Wiegand USA: Kansas Lawrence: s. of greenhouse SW of 19th & Iowa E. B. Smith 337 1964-6-11
Lamiaceae GH: 01596023 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: Kansas Lawrence: in Elkin's meadow, c. 3. mi. W. of... E. B. Smith 432 1964-6-30
Nyctaginaceae GH: 01846383 Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michaux) MacMillan USA: Kansas 1 mi. W. of 23rd & Iowa, Lawrence., Kansas. E. B. Smith 1326 1964-6-13
Onagraceae GH: 01780336 Ludwigia peploides glabrescens (Kuntze) P. H. Raven USA: Kansas Baldwin Lake SE of Baldwin E. B. Smith 415 1964-6-26
Oxalidaceae GH: 01585179 Oxalis dillenii Jacquin USA: Kansas Lawrence: near greenhouse SW of 19th & Iowa E. B. Smith 407A 1964-6-24
Polemoniaceae GH: 01686423 Phlox pilosa fulgida (Wherry) Wherry USA: Kansas Lawrence: in Elkin's meadow c. 3 mi. W. of L... E. B. Smith 426 1964-6-30
Polygalaceae GH: 01968122 Polygala sanguinea Linnaeus USA: Kansas E. of Baldwin Lake, SE of Baldwin E. B. Smith 420 1964-6-26
Rubiaceae GH: 02356290 Cephalanthus occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Kansas Baldwin Lake, SE of Baldwin E. B. Smith 413 1964-6-26
GH: 00092727 Galium arkansanum pubiflorum E. B. Smith USA: Arkansas Scattered at the edge of the dirt road to Al... E. B. Smith 3358 1978-5-31
Scrophulariaceae GH: 02040120 Verbascum blattaria Linnaeus USA: Kansas Lawrence: N. of greenhouse SW of 19th & Iowa E. B. Smith 350 1964-6-11
Sparganiaceae GH: 00933960 Sparganium americanum Nuttall USA: Kansas Baldwin City: W. edge of Baldwin Lake, SE of... E. B. Smith 411 1964-6-26
Urticaceae GH: 02170524 Parietaria pensylvanica Muhlenberg ex Willdenow USA: Kansas c. 1-1/2 mi. E. of Lawrence, Kansas, on 11th... E. B. Smith 402 1964-6-15
Vitaceae GH: 01577299 Ampelopsis cordata Michaux USA: Kansas by railroad track in Baldwin Woods, c. 3 mi.... E. B. Smith 369 1964-6-13
Zygophyllaceae GH: 01788223 Tribulus terrestris Linnaeus USA: Kansas Lawrence: Kansas Common along edge of dirt r... E. B. Smith 344 1964-6-11