Asteraceae GH: 00004612 Carduus tweedyi Rydberg USA: Wyoming Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone F. Tweedy 759 1885-7
GH: 00004612 Cirsium hookerianum Nuttall USA: Wyoming Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone F. Tweedy 759 1885-7
GH: 00004612 Cirsium tweedyi (Rydberg) Petrak USA: Wyoming Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone F. Tweedy 759 1885-7
GH: 02205327 Ericameria discoidea (Nuttall) G. L. Nesom USA: Wyoming Near Yellowstone Lake F. Tweedy 722 1885-9
GH: 02353787 Erigeron linearis (Hooker) Piper USA: Wyoming Junction Butte Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 712 1885-7
GH: 02352173 Erigeron ochroleucus Nuttall USA: Wyoming [illegible] Creek; Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 702 1885-7
Boraginaceae GH: 00269291 Cryptantha bradburiana Payson USA: Wyoming Mountain Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 816 1885-6
GH: 02143208 Plagiobothrys scouleri penicillatus (Greene) Cronquist USA: Wyoming shore of Yellowstone Lake F. Tweedy 817 1885-9
Brassicaceae GH: 00960665 Arabis hirsuta pycnocarpa (M. Hopkins) Rollins USA: Wyoming Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 555 1885-6
GH: 00946564 Boechera microphylla (Nuttall) Dorn USA: Wyoming near Slough Creek, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 554 1885-7
GH: 00946566 Boechera microphylla (Nuttall) Dorn USA: Wyoming Slough Creek, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 554 1885-7
GH: 00946616 Boechera nuttallii (Kuntze) Dorn USA: Wyoming Sepulchre Mt., Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 559 1885-6
GH: 01731114 Thelypodium paniculatum A. Nelson USA: Wyoming Pelican Creek, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 1885-7
Crassulaceae GH: 01871819 Crassula aquatica (Linnaeus) Schönland USA: Wyoming Yellowstone Lake F. Tweedy 440 1885-9
Cyperaceae GH: 02370903 Carex occidentalis L. H. Bailey USA: Wyoming Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Pa... F. Tweedy 651 1885-6
GH: 02405380 Carex rossii Boott USA: Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 1885-8
Elatinaceae GH: 00112458 Elatine rubella Rydberg USA: Wyoming Muddy shore of Yellowstone Lake F. Tweedy 439 1885-9
Ericaceae GH: 01719076 Moneses uniflora (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Wyoming along Soda Butte Creek. Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 921 1885-7
GH: 01683950 Pyrola asarifolia Michaux USA: Montana Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 916 1885-7
GH: 01761163 Pyrola chlorantha Swartz USA: Wyoming Cache Creek, Yellowstone National Park F. Tweedy 918 1885-8
Fabaceae GH: 02132114 Oxytropis campestris (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Wyoming Amethyst Mountain, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 549 1885-7
Onagraceae GH: 01671793 Epilobium haleanum Haussknecht USA: Wyoming Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 520 1885-7
GH: 01776122 Epilobium hornemannii Reichenbach USA: Wyoming Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 519 1885-7
Plantaginaceae GH: 02002434 Penstemon attenuatus pseudoprocerus (Rydberg) Cronquist USA: Wyoming Mountain Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park. F. Tweedy 861 1885-6
GH: 02002435 Penstemon attenuatus pseudoprocerus (Rydberg) Cronquist USA: Wyoming Yellowstone Park. F. Tweedy 862 1885-8
GH: 01539583 Penstemon deustus Douglas USA: Wyoming Junction Butte, Yellowstone Park. F. Tweedy 868 1885-7
GH: 00092248 Plantago eriopoda tweedyi (A. Gray) Boivin USA: Wyoming On grassy slopes of the East Fork of the Yel... F. Tweedy 452 1885-8
GH: 00092248 Plantago tweedyi A. Gray USA: Wyoming On grassy slopes of the East Fork of the Yel... F. Tweedy 452 1885-8
Poaceae GH: 02579161 Agrostis humilis Vasey USA: Wyoming Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 603 1885
GH: 00023016 Alopecurus occidentalis Scribner & Tweedy USA: Wyoming East Fork, Yellowstone National Park, alt. 9... F. Tweedy 591 1885-8
GH: 00023284 Calamagrostis scribneri Beal USA: Wyoming Slough Creek, Yellowstone National Park F. Tweedy 585 1885
GH: 00023303 Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler USA: Wyoming Meadows, East Fork, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 582 1885-8
GH: 00023284 Deyeuxia dubia Scribner & Tweedy USA: Wyoming Slough Creek, Yellowstone National Park F. Tweedy 585 1885
GH: 00023303 Deyeuxia neglecta gracilis Scribner USA: Wyoming Meadows, East Fork, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 582 1885-8
GH: 00023800 Glyceria nervata stricta Scribner USA: Wyoming Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Pa... F. Tweedy 594 1885-6
GH: 00024327 Poa cusickii subaristata Soreng USA: Wyoming East Fork, Yellowstone National Park F. Tweedy 633 1885
GH: 00024327 Poa subaristata Scribner USA: Wyoming East Fork, Yellowstone National Park F. Tweedy 633 1885
GH: 02579161 Podagrostis humilis (Vasey) Björkman USA: Wyoming Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 603 1885
GH: 00017899 Stipa comata intermedia Scribner USA: Junction Butte F. Tweedy 610 1885-7
Polygonaceae GH: 01618600 Eriogonum caespitosum Nuttall USA: Wyoming Sepulchre Mt., Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 775 1885-6
Scrophulariaceae GH: 01841100 Erythranthe breweri (Greene) G. L. Nesom & N. S. Fraga USA: Wyoming Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 876 1885-8
GH: 01845619 Erythranthe breweri (Greene) G. L. Nesom & N. S. Fraga USA: Wyoming Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 875 1885-6
GH: 01842212 Erythranthe lewisii (Pursh) G. L. Nesom & N. S. Fraga USA: Wyoming Along Slough Creek, Yellowstone Park F. Tweedy 873 1885-7