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ECON Artifacts
Index of Botanical Specimens
Search for collectorid:[8575] and year collected:[1958]
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GH: 00988836
Artemisia ludoviciana
Nuttall USA: Wisconsin bordering Wis. Hwy 14 about 3 miles E of Got... T. G. Hartley 5230 1958-8-11
GH: 01234437
Artemisia serrata
Nuttall USA: Wisconsin Rather low border of Hwy. 35; T 23 N; R 14 W... T. G. Hartley 5187 1958-8-7
GH: 02172722
Centaurea stoebe micranthos
(Gugler) Hayek USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5079 1958-8-1
GH: 01831054
Crepis tectorum
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4202 1958-6-28
GH: 01831374
Hieracium aurantiacum
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4698 1958-7-18
GH: 01834091
Krigia virginica
(Linnaeus) Willdenow USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3854 1958-6-15
GH: 00960579
Arabis hirsuta pycnocarpa
(M. Hopkins) Rollins USA: Illinois [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4289 1958-7-1
GH: 01181619
Boechera canadensis
(Linnaeus) Al-Shehbaz USA: Iowa [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 1958-6-1
GH: 00932953
Boechera laevigata
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Al-Shehbaz USA: Iowa [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4449 1958-7-10
GH: 00946113
Boechera laevigata
(Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Al-Shehbaz USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5357 1958-8-14
GH: 00986850
Descurainia pinnata brachycarpa
(Richardson) Detling USA: Illinois [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4342 1958-7-2
GH: 01538658
Erysimum cheiranthoides
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4384 1958-7-8
GH: 02113096
Commelina erecta
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5381 1958-8-14
GH: 02113413
Tradescantia bracteata
Small USA: Iowa [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3704 1958-6-1
GH: 02107373
Thuja occidentalis
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3361 1958-5-10
GH: 01536599
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Wisconsin above Witch's Gulch; T 14 N; R 6 E; Sect. 21... T. G. Hartley 3374 1958-5-10
GH: 01562027
Chamaedaphne calyculata
(Linnaeus) Moench USA: Wisconsin in the old bed of Glacial Lake Wis-consin. T... T. G. Hartley 3975 1958-6-19
GH: 01591441
Epigaea repens
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin 1 mile S of Wisconsin Dells along Hwy. 16. T... T. G. Hartley 3382 1958-5-10
GH: 01591881
Gaultheria hispidula
(Linnaeus) Muhlenberg USA: Wisconsin "Driftless Area" below Rudd's Hills. T 20N; ... T. G. Hartley 4005 1958-6-20
GH: 01592655
Gaylussacia baccata
(Wangenheim) K. Koch USA: Wisconsin in Perry Creek County Park. T 21 N; R 4 W; S... T. G. Hartley 3459 1958-5-24
GH: 01719599
Monotropa uniflora
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin Bear Bluff Twp. T21N; R1E; Sect. 30 T. G. Hartley 1958-7-23
GH: 01720121
Orthilia secunda
(Linnaeus) House USA: Wisconsin wooded slope bordering Big Roche a Cri Creek... T. G. Hartley 1958-8-23
GH: 01763954
Rhododendron groenlandicum
(Oeder) Kron & Judd USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3959 1958-6-19
GH: 02177869
Lupinus perennis
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3502 1958-5-24
GH: 02342196
Trifolium aureum
Pollich USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 1958-6-22
GH: 02342500
Trifolium campestre
Schreber USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4757 1958-7-19
GH: 02345419
Vicia angustifolia
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4142 1958-6-24
GH: 02098853
Juncus alpinoarticulatus fuscenscens
(Fernald) Hämet-Ahti USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5662 1958-8-23
GH: 02100064
Juncus brachycephalus
(Engelmann) Buchenau USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5663 1958-8-23
GH: 02100784
Juncus bufonius
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4809 1958-7-20
GH: 02401626
Juncus greenei
Oakes & Tuckerman USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 6270b 1958-9-13
GH: 02399144
Juncus nodosus
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5265 1958-8-11
GH: 02399563
Juncus pelocarpus
E. Meyer USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5688 1958-8-23
GH: 02398959
Juncus tenuis
Willdenow USA: Iowa [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5722 1958-8-26
GH: 02396457
Luzula acuminata
Rafinesque USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3729 1958-6-7
GH: 01974968
Utricularia gibba
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin Bordering Meadow Valley Flowage. T20N; R2E; ... T. G. Hartley 4926 1958-7-24
GH: 01974968
Utricularia inflata
Walter USA: Wisconsin Bordering Meadow Valley Flowage. T20N; R2E; ... T. G. Hartley 4926 1958-7-24
A: 02031934
Calopogon tuberosus
(Linnaeus) Britton, Stearn & Poggenburg USA: Wisconsin Bear Bluff Twp T. G. Hartley 3958 1958-6-19
GH: 01938926
Corallorhiza trifida
Châtelain USA: Illinois on Mississippi River bluff. T 26 N; R 2 E; S... T. G. Hartley 6355 1958-9-27
AMES: 01937594
Cypripedium acaule
Aiton USA: Wisconsin Perry Creek County Park. Brockway Twp T. G. Hartley 3446 1958-5-24
AMES: 02065657
Galearis spectabilis
(Linnaeus) Rafinesque USA: Wisconsin along the south branch of Coon Creek. Christ... T. G. Hartley 5018 1958-7-29
GH: 02028969
Liparis liliifolia
(Linnaeus) Richard ex Lindley USA: Iowa Iowa Twp T. G. Hartley 4613 1958-7-17
AMES: 02046994
Platanthera psycodes
(Linnaeus) Lindley USA: Wisconsin bordering Honey Creek, Honey Creek Twp T. G. Hartley 5358 1958-8-14
GH: 02032248
Spiranthes cernua
(Linnaeus) Richard USA: Wisconsin bordering Duck Creek. Adams Twp T. G. Hartley 5537 1958-8-19
GH: 02032248
Spiranthes incurva
(Jennings) M. C. Pace USA: Wisconsin bordering Duck Creek. Adams Twp T. G. Hartley 5537 1958-8-19
GH: 01046604
Besseya bullii
(Eaton) Rydberg USA: Illinois [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 6334 1958-9-20
GH: 00466860
Callitriche heterophylla
Pursh USA: West Virginia Town Line Flowage. T 21 N; R 2 W; SECT. 4; M... T. G. Hartley 4065 1958-6-21
GH: 02212720
Callitriche stagnalis
Scopoli USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5322 1958-8-13
GH: 01999392
Gratiola aurea
Muhlenberg USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5568 1958-8-20
GH: 01999751
Gratiola neglecta
Torrey USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3985 1958-6-19
GH: 02001629
Nuttallanthus canadensis
(Linnaeus) D. A. Sutton USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3517 1958-5-25
GH: 02119156
Penstemon digitalis
Nuttall ex Sims USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4004 1958-6-19
GH: 02120021
Penstemon gracilis
Nuttall USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4671 1958-7-18
GH: 01805174
Veronica americana
Schweinitz ex Bentham USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5428 1958-8-18
GH: 01811388
Veronica persica
Poiret USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5073 1958-8-1
GH: 01811616
Veronica scutellata
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5192 1958-8-7
GH: 02362592
Persicaria pensylvanica
(Linnaeus) M. Gomez USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5596 1958-8-20
GH: 02362979
Persicaria punctata
(Elliott) Small USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5416 1958-8-15
GH: 02007999
Polygonum tenue
Michaux USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5441 1958-8-19
GH: 02005570
Rumex maritimus fueginus
(Philippi) Dusén USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5668 1958-8-23
GH: 02005746
Rumex obtusifolius
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5075 1958-8-1
GH: 01688681
Potamogeton natans
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 1958-8-23
GH: 01688682
Potamogeton natans
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin on the Lemonweir River at Mauston T. G. Hartley 5619 1958-8-22
GH: 02359521
Galium brevipes
Fernald & Wiegand USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5467 1958-8-19
GH: 02359628
Galium circaezans
Michaux USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4210 1958-6-28
GH: 02359764
Galium concinnum
Torrey & A. Gray USA: Iowa [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4632 1958-7-17
GH: 02138230
Galium lanceolatum
(Torrey) Torrey USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 4215 1958-6-28
GH: 02138229
Galium lanceolatum
(Torrey) Torrey USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 3794 1958-6-7
GH: 02139856
Galium trifidum
Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5218 1958-8-8
GH: 02170789
Pilea fontana
(Lunell) Rydberg USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5647 1958-8-23
GH: 02170763
Pilea fontana
(Lunell) Rydberg USA: Iowa [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5741 1958-8-26
GH: 02170954
Pilea pumila
(Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] T. G. Hartley 5343 1958-8-13