Aceraceae NEBC: 00772481 Acer negundo Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22245 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00580778 Acer platanoides Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,211 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00580821 Acer pseudoplatanus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,267 1964-8-29
Anacardiaceae NEBC: 00660633 Toxicodendron radicans (Linnaeus) Kuntze USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22212 1964-8-29
Aquifoliaceae NEBC: 00767814 Ilex verticillata (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Vermont Fletcher: Fletcher F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22534 1964-9-25
Asteraceae NEBC: 01079581 Euthamia graminifolia (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22224 1964-8-29
NEBC: 01023753 Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (Linnaeus) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22268 1964-8-29
NEBC: 01054016 Solidago altissima Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22223 1964-8-29
NEBC: 01055316 Solidago canadensis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22249 1964-8-29
NEBC: 01054878 Solidago juncea Aiton USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22222 1964-8-29
NEBC: 01063401 Solidago nemoralis Aiton USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22220 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00501311 Solidago rugosa Miller USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22221 1964-8-29
NEBC: 01064642 Solidago sempervirens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22250 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00637606 Sonchus oleraceus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22227 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00735451 Xanthium leptocarpum Millspaugh & Sherff USA: Vermont South Hero: South Hero F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 25305 1966-10-13
NEBC: 00691882 Xanthium strumarium canadense (Mill.) Torr. & A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22226 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00735451 Xanthium strumarium glabratum (de Candolle) Cronquist USA: Vermont South Hero: South Hero F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 25305 1966-10-13
Brassicaceae NEBC: 00610787 Berteroa incana (Linnaeus) de Candolle USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,200 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00612127 Raphanus raphanistrum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22202 1964-8-29
Caprifoliaceae NEBC: 00577470 Lonicera japonica Thunberg USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,217 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00577536 Lonicera morrowii A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,213 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00579617 Viburnum dentatum lucidum Aiton USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,216 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00691498 Viburnum opulus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,219 1964-8-29
Caryophyllaceae NEBC: 00693482 Spergularia marina (Linnaeus) Grisebach USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22263 1964-8-29
Celastraceae NEBC: 00295178 Celastrus scandens Linnaeus USA: Vermont Alburg: Point of the Tongue F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 25294 1966-10-13
Chenopodiaceae NEBC: 00561695 Chenopodium album Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,259 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00754869 Salicornia depressa Standley USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,240 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00610574 Salsola tragus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22196 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00732478 Sarcocornia perennis USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22241 1964-8-29
ECON: 00732578 Suaeda linearis (Elliott) Moquin-Tandon USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22262 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00732580 Suaeda linearis (Elliott) Moquin-Tandon USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22261 1964-8-29
Cyperaceae NEBC: 01042307 Cyperus bipartitus Torrey USA: Vermont South Hero: South Hero F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 25299 1966-10-13
NEBC: 01043778 Cyperus diandrus Torrey USA: Vermont Fletcher: Fletcher F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22515 1964-9-25
NEBC: 01047068 Cyperus squarrosus Linnaeus USA: Vermont South Hero: South Hero F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 25298 1966-10-13
NEBC: 00714237 Eleocharis obtusa (Willdenow) Schultes USA: Vermont Fletcher: Fletcher F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,578 1964-9-25
Dysphaniaceae NEBC: 00610432 Dysphania ambrosioides (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22193 1964-8-29
Elaeagnaceae NEBC: 00562913 Elaeagnus umbellata Thunberg USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,214 1964-8-29
Euphorbiaceae NEBC: 00712786 Chamaesyce maculata Gray USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22244 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00699262 Chamaesyce vermiculata (Rafinesque) House USA: Vermont South Hero: South Hero F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 25,303 1966-10-13
Fabaceae NEBC: 00534122 Lathyrus latifolius Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22209 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00578351 Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22207 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00739971 Strophostyles helvola (Linnaeus) Elliott USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22266 1964-8-29
Lauraceae NEBC: 00683181 Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22198 1964-8-29
Lentibulariaceae NEBC: 00731718 Utricularia intermedia Hayne USA: Vermont Fletcher: Fletcher F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22538 1964-9-25
Myricaceae NEBC: 00563473 Morella pensylvanica (Mirbel) Kartesz USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22186 1964-8-29
Najadaceae NEBC: 01032093 Najas gracillima (A. Braun ex Engelmann) Magnus USA: Vermont Roxbury: Roxbury F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22155 1963-8-24
Oxalidaceae NEBC: 01067459 Oxalis stricta Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22210 1964-8-29
Phytolaccaceae NEBC: 00755320 Phytolacca americana Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22197 1964-8-29
Plantaginaceae NEBC: 00775012 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus USA: New Hampshire Fletcher F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22563 1964-9-25
NEBC: 00691360 Linaria vulgaris Miller USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,247 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00670195 Plantago maritima juncoides (Lamarck) A. Gray USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22248 1964-8-29
Platanaceae NEBC: 00648248 Platanus occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22264 1964-8-29
Plumbaginaceae NEBC: 00670058 Limonium carolinianum (Walter) Britton USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22246 1964-8-29
Poaceae NEBC: 00764228 Andropogon gerardi Vitman USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22255 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00622924 Arrhenatherum elatius (Linnaeus) P. Beauvois ex J. Presl & C. Presl USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,183 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00864366 Distichlis spicata (Linnaeus) Greene USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22233 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00613055 Echinochloa crus-galli frumentacea (Link) E. G. Camus & A. Camus USA: New Hampshire South Hero F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 25,297 1966-10-13
NEBC: 00863532 Elymus virginicus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22181 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00864036 Panicum dichotomiflorum Michaux USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22185 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00853430 Panicum virgatum Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22235 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00855556 Panicum virgatum spissum Linder USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22257a 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00583535 Poa annua Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22182 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00855671 Setaria élen (Poiret) Kerguélen USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22234 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00598335 Setaria faberi R. A. W. Herrmann USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22253 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00734357 Sorghastrum nutans (Linnaeus) Nash USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22254 1964-8-29
NEBC: 01174259 Spartina caespitosa A. A. Eaton USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Mill pond F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22230 1964-8-29
NEBC: 01175149 Spartina pectinata Link USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22228 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00635296 Tripsacum dactyloides (Linnaeus) Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22256 1964-8-29
Polygonaceae NEBC: 00749574 Polygonum aviculare aviculare Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22188 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00762645 Polygonum buxiforme Small USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22189 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00759123 Polygonum convolvulus Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22192 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00664850 Polygonum scandens Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22257 1964-8-29
Rhamnaceae NEBC: 00578509 Rhamnus cathartica Linnaeus USA: Connecticut Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22,213 1964-8-29
Rosaceae NEBC: 00724491 Geum canadense Jacquin USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22203 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00740217 Prunus serotina Ehrhart USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22206 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00524702 Rosa canina Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22204 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00580696 Rosa multiflora Thunberg USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22265 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00562980 Rosa rugosa Thunberg USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22242 1964-8-29
NEBC: 00644863 Rosa virginiana Miller USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22243 1964-8-29
Salicaceae NEBC: 00659808 Populus alba Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22238 1964-8-29
Ulmaceae NEBC: 00721812 Celtis occidentalis Linnaeus USA: Rhode Island Bristol: Bristol F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22239 1964-8-29
Urticaceae NEBC: 00705792 Pilea pumila (Linnaeus) A. Gray USA: Vermont Fletcher: Fletcher F. C. Seymour & W. D. Countryman 22531 1964-9-25