<< < Previous Amaryllidaceae GH: 00030270 Crinum darienensis Woodson Panama: Darién Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa, alt. ca. ... P. H. Allen 264 1937-3-17
Annonaceae GH: 00039228 Anaxagorea allenii R. E. Fries Panama: Canal Zone: Quebrada Lopez, alt. 30 m P. H. Allen 2143 1940-2-11
GH: 00039274 Cymbopetalum magnifructum Schery Panama: Panama Vicinity of Bejuca, alt. ca. 50 m P. H. Allen 2455 1941-5-6
GH: 00039361 Guatteria allenii R. E. Fries Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1900 1939-7-9
GH: 00039274 Porcelia magnifructa (Schery) R. E. Fries Panama: Panama Vicinity of Bejuca, alt. ca. 50 m P. H. Allen 2455 1941-5-6
GH: 00257137 Unonopsis Costa Rica: Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5839 1951-2-5
GH: 00257137 Unonopsis osae Maas & Westra Costa Rica: Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5839 1951-2-5
GH: 00257137 Unonopsis pittieri Safford Costa Rica: Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5839 1951-2-5
GH: 00039716 Xylopia sericophylla Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Near the Delta of the Rio Esquinas, region b... P. H. Allen 5837 1951-2-5
Apocynaceae GH: 02182128 Allotoonia turbinata (Woodson) J. F. Morales & J. K. Williams Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punta. P. H. Allen 1524 1939-1-21
GH: 02378397 Lacmellea panamensis (Woodson) Monachino Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested Hills above Palmar Norte, trail to ... P. H. Allen 5935 1951-2-17
GH: 02379109 Mandevilla hirsuta (Richard) K. Schumann Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of El Boquete P. H. Allen 1020 1935-4-24
GH: 02380400 Mesechites trifidus Müller Arg. Panama: Veraguas Hills west of Soná P. H. Allen 1022 1938-11-24
GH: 02381253 Odontadenia macrantha (Roemer & J. H. Schultes) Markgraf Panama: Near mouth of R. Chagres. Plants of the Cana... P. H. Allen 888 1935-3-15
GH: 02381252 Odontadenia macrantha (Roemer & J. H. Schultes) Markgraf Panama: Near Frijoles, Plants of the Canal Zone and ... P. H. Allen 924 1935-3-25
A: 02381249 Odontadenia macrantha (Roemer & J. H. Schultes) Markgraf Panama: Herrera Vicinity of Chitré P. H. Allen 1112 1938-11-26
GH: 02381242 Odontadenia macrantha (Roemer & J. H. Schultes) Markgraf Panama: Near Frijoles, Plants of the Canal Zone and ... P. H. Allen 924 1935-3-25
GH: 02382296 Peltastes isthmicus Woodson Panama: Betw. Madden Dam and Casa Larga, C. Z. [Cana... P. H. Allen 1937-9-11
A: 02382290 Peltastes isthmicus Woodson Panama: Betw. Madden Dam and Casa Larga, C.Z. [Canal... P. H. Allen 1937-9-11
GH: 02382289 Peltastes isthmicus Woodson Panama: Chiriqui Trail from San Felix to Cerro Flor P. H. Allen 1945 1939-8-13
A: 02382498 Plumeria rubra Linnaeus Panama: Chiriqui Boqueron Province de Chiriqui P. H. Allen 301 1937-4-2
GH: 02382496 Plumeria rubra Linnaeus Panama: Chiriqui Boqueron Prov. Chiriqui P. H. Allen 301 1937-4-2
A: 02382836 Prestonia ipomaeifolia A. de Candolle Panama: Darién Near the mouth of Río Yapé P. H. Allen 366 1937-7-12
GH: 02382886 Prestonia trifida (Poeppig) Woodson Panama: Darién Vicinity of Pinogana P. H. Allen 915 1938-10-6
GH: 02383113 Rauvolfia hirsuta Jacquin Costa Rica: Río Grande de Terraba, Vicinity of La Presa... P. H. Allen 5287 1949-5-6
GH: 02383324 Rauvolfia tetraphylla Linnaeus Panama: Panama from Panama Vieja to Bella Vista. P. H. Allen 831 1935-3-9
GH: 02009621 Stemmadenia alfaroi (Donnell Smith) Woodson Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 1783 1939-5-14
GH: 02009674 Stemmadenia donnell-smithii (Rose ex Donnell Smith) Woodson Costa Rica: Trail from Palmar Norte to Cañablancal, ban... P. H. Allen 5227 1949-3-31
GH: 02009676 Stemmadenia donnell-smithii (Rose ex Donnell Smith) Woodson Panama: Chiriqui Cerro Galera Chorcha. Vicinity of Gualaca. P. H. Allen 5022 1947-8-1
GH: 02009730 Stemmadenia grandiflora (Jacquin) Miers Panama: Near Corozal; Plants of the Canal Zone and A... P. H. Allen 913 1935-3-19
A: 02009724 Stemmadenia grandiflora (Jacquin) Miers Panama: Darién Near the mouth of Río Yapé P. H. Allen 365 1937-7-12
GH: 02009705 Stemmadenia grandiflora (Jacquin) Miers Panama: Near Corozal; Plants of the Canal Zone and A... P. H. Allen 913 1935-3-19
GH: 00091862 Stemmadenia nervosa Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmer Sur d... P. H. Allen 5834 1951-2-2
GH: 02375257 Tabernaemontana alba Miller Honduras: cienaga tract. Area east of Agua Azul Lake Y... P. H. Allen 6155 1951-4-13
GH: 02375229 Tabernaemontana alba Miller Nicaragua: Zelaya Pine savanna near Macantaca Creek P. H. Allen 6512 1952-2-23
GH: 02375158 Tabernaemontana alba Miller Panama: Coclé Las Minas P. H. Allen 2703 1941-9-1
GH: 02009775 Tabernaemontana glabra (Bentham) Simões & Endress Panama: Los Santos Las Tablas P. H. Allen 812 1938-9-12
GH: 00093006 Tabernaemontana longipes Donnell Smith Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton, 600-1000 m P. H. Allen 1734 1939-3-19
GH: 02375376 Tabernaemontana longipes Donnell Smith Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2076 1939-12-10
GH: 02375383 Tabernaemontana panamensis (Markgraf, Boiteau & Allorge) Leeuwenberg Panama: Coclé hills north of Valle P. H. Allen 2953 1942-1-13
GH: 02375382 Tabernaemontana panamensis (Markgraf, Boiteau & Allorge) Leeuwenberg Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La mesa, n. of El Valle P. H. Allen 2804 1941-11-18
GH: 00093006 Tabernaemontana pendula Woodson Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton, 600-1000 m P. H. Allen 1734 1939-3-19
GH: 00091862 Tabernaemontana undulata Vahl Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmer Sur d... P. H. Allen 5834 1951-2-2
Araceae GH: 01635046 Anthurium pittieri Engler Costa Rica: Heights of La Carpirtera, vicinity of Tres R... P. H. Allen 512 1937-12-1
GH: 01635061 Anthurium protensum Schott Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Paso Ancho to Monte Lirio, upper ... P. H. Allen 1506 1939-1-16
GH: 01627042 Heteropsis oblongifolia Kunth Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested Hills above Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 5943 1951-2-22
GH: 01627892 Philodendron burgeri Grayum Costa Rica: Puntarenas Hills above Palmar Norte, trail to Buenos Ai... P. H. Allen 5889 1951-2-17
GH: 00061726 Philodendron microsticum Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas forest preserve P. H. Allen 5755 1951-1-10
GH: 01630749 Spathiphyllum friedrichsthalii Schott Panama: Mojinga Swamp near mouth of R. Chagres P. H. Allen 861 1935-3-11
GH: 01630895 Stenospermation angustifolium Hemsley Panama: Panama C. Z. Quebrada Lopez 30 m P. H. Allen 2140 1940-2-11
GH: 01874091 Syngonium latinervium Croat Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Forest P. H. Allen 6035 1951-3-27
Arecaceae GH: 00028159 Bactris divisiculpa L. H. Bailey Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle De Anton, alt. 600 m P. H. Allen 1817 1939-5-21
GH: 00028160 Bactris divisiculpa L. H. Bailey Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle De Anton, alt. 600 m P. H. Allen 1817 1939-5-21
Asclepiadaceae GH: 00076331 Fischeria panamensis Spellman Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton, 600-1000 m P. H. Allen 1644 1939-2-12
GH: 00076345 Gonolobus allenii Woodson Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, north rim (wet), 800-1... P. H. Allen 1831 1939-5-21
GH: 00076882 Matelea pittieri (Standley) Woodson Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Bambito to Cerro Punta, 1400-2300... P. H. Allen 322 1937-4-6
GH: 00076882 Vincetoxicum discolor Woodson Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Bambito to Cerro Punta, 1400-2300... P. H. Allen 322 1937-4-6
Asteraceae GH: 00002322 Archibaccharis panamensis S. F. Blake Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 751 1938-9-5
GH: 00057499 Clibadium F. Allamand Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo Trail, northern slopes of Cerro Horqu... P. H. Allen 4970 1947-8-5
GH: 00057499 Clibadium subauriculatum Stuessy Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo Trail, northern slopes of Cerro Horqu... P. H. Allen 4970 1947-8-5
GH: 00010685 Eupatorium Linnaeus Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 3643 1946-8-21
GH: 00010685 Neomirandea allenii R. M. King & H. Robinson Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 3643 1946-8-21
Begoniaceae GH: 00068142 Begonia allenii Standley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, north rim, 800-1000 m P. H. Allen 234 1937-2-14
GH: 00068149 Begonia chiriquensis Standley Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1435 1939-1-14
GH: 00068196 Begonia pumilio Standley Panama: Panama Cerro Campana P. H. Allen 2089 1939-12-31
GH: 00068195 Begonia quaternata L. B. Smith & B. G. Schubert Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland", central valle... P. H. Allen 1336 1939-1-6
GH: 00068142 Begonia tonduzii de Candolle Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, north rim, 800-1000 m P. H. Allen 234 1937-2-14
GH: 00068149 Begonia urticae Linnaeus f. Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1435 1939-1-14
Bombacaceae A: 00266445 Cavanillesia platanifolia (Bonpland) Kunth Panama: Darién P. H. Allen 296 1937-3-17
GH: 00266446 Cavanillesia platanifolia (Bonpland) Kunth Panama: Darién P. H. Allen 296 1937-3-17
GH: 00066817 Huberodendron allenii Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Forest, 75 m P. H. Allen 6014 1951-3-17
Bromeliaceae GH: 00028981 Aechmea allenii L. B. Smith Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2378 1941-5-12
GH: 02016022 Aechmea angustifolia Poeppig & Endlicher Panama: Panama Upper R. Pequeni between Salamanca Hydrograp... P. H. Allen 17272 1935-1-2
GH: 02016113 Aechmea mexicana Baker Panama: Coclé N. of El Valle de Anton, trail to Las Minas P. H. Allen 2881 1941-12-2
GH: 02016112 Aechmea mexicana Baker Panama: Coclé North of El Valle da Anton P. H. Allen 2900 1942-1-13
GH: 02016107 Aechmea mexicana Baker Panama: [no additional data] P. H. Allen 2900 1942-1-13
GH: 02016102 Aechmea mexicana Baker Panama: Coclé Region N. of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2900 1942-1-13
GH: 02016134 Aechmea pubescens Baker Panama: Panama alley of R. Puente between the Tunnel and Na... P. H. Allen 17322 1935-1-6
GH: 02016131 Aechmea pubescens Baker Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2905 1942-1-13
GH: 02016695 Araeococcus pectinatus L. B. Smith Costa Rica: forest below Esquinas Experiment Station Res... P. H. Allen 5558 1950-5-30
GH: 02546837 Guzmania angustifolia (Baker) Wittmack Panama: Coclé N. of El Valle de Anton, near La Mesa P. H. Allen 2793 1941-11-12
GH: 02546840 Guzmania calamifolia Mez ex André Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton, Crest of Cerro Pajita P. H. Allen 3751 1946-9-28
GH: 02546847 Guzmania dissitiflora L. B. Smith Panama: Coclé Vic. of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2055 1939-12-10
GH: 02546846 Guzmania dissitiflora L. B. Smith Panama: Coclé Vic. La Mesa, N. of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2383 1941-5-12
GH: 02546851 Guzmania donnellsmithii Donnell Smith Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 1645 1939-2-12
GH: 02546850 Guzmania donnellsmithii Donnell Smith Panama: Coclé N. of El Valle de Anton, near La Mesa P. H. Allen 2802 1941-11-12
GH: 02546848 Guzmania donnellsmithii Donnell Smith Panama: Coclé vic. of La Mesa, N. of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2382 1941-5-12
GH: 02546854 Guzmania guatemalensis L. B. Smith Panama: Coclé vicinity of La Mesa, N. of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2368 1941-5-12
GH: 02546864 Guzmania minor Mez Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton, North Hills P. H. Allen 3545 1946-6-29
GH: 02546876 Guzmania musaica (Linden & André) Mez Panama: Coclé N. of El Valle de Anton, near La Mesa P. H. Allen 2781 1941-11-12
GH: 02546879 Guzmania nicaraguensis Mez Panama: Coclé N. of El Valle de Anton, near La Mesa P. H. Allen 2803 1941-11-12
GH: 02014709 Pitcairnia atrorubens (Beer) Baker Panama: Coclé Prov. Cocle: trail to Las Minas, n. of El Va... P. H. Allen 2466 1941-5-10
GH: 02014764 Pitcairnia oblanceolata L. B. Smith Panama: Panama Summit of Cerro Campana, Panama Prov. P. H. Allen 2214 1940-9-1
GH: 02014763 Pitcairnia oblanceolata L. B. Smith Panama: Panama Summit of Cerro Campana, Panama Prov. P. H. Allen 2214 1940-9-1
GH: 02014788 Pitcairnia valerii Standley Panama: Panama Prov. Panama: Cerro Campana P. H. Allen 2414 1941-4-21
GH: 01817693 Tillandsia guatemalensis L. B. Smith Panama: Coclé Vic. of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2060 1939-12-10
GH: 01817756 Tillandsia insignis (Mez) L. B. Smith & Pittendrigh Panama: Coclé n. of El Valle de Anton, trail to Las Minas P. H. Allen 2885 1941-12-2
GH: 01817877 Tillandsia melanocrater L. B. Smith Costa Rica: vicinity of El Alto RR. Station on road to C... P. H. Allen 663 1937-12-1
GH: 01817887 Tillandsia monadelpha Baker Panama: Coclé n. of El Valle de Anton, near La Mésa P. H. Allen 2782 1941-11-12
GH: 01818007 Tillandsia punctulata Schlechtendal & Chamisso Panama: Chiriqui south of Finca Lerida P. H. Allen 4765 1947-7-26
GH: 01818246 Tillandsia singularis Mez & Werckle Panama: Coclé region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2898 1942-1-13
GH: 01818248 Tillandsia spiculosa Grisebach Panama: Panama hills above campana P. H. Allen 1878 1939-7-1
GH: 01818299 Tillandsia tricolor Schlechtendal & Chamisso Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 3720 1946-9-27
GH: 02550024 Werauhia attenuata J. R. Grant Panama: Panama Summit of Cerro Campana P. H. Allen 2215 1940-9-1
GH: 02550025 Werauhia attenuata J. R. Grant Panama: Coclé N of El Valle de Anton, Trail to Las Minas P. H. Allen 2884 1941-12-2
GH: 02550044 Werauhia nephrolepis J. R. Grant Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo Trail, Northern slopes of Cerro Horoq... P. H. Allen 4982 1947-8-5
GH: 02550081 Werauhia sanguinolenta (Linden ex Cogniaux & Marchal) J. R. Grant Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Remedios P. H. Allen 3660 1946-8-29
Burseraceae GH: 00044409 Bursera standleyana L. O. Williams & Cuatrecasas Costa Rica: Puntarenas Regions between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur P. H. Allen 5966 1951-2-26
GH: 00044409 Protium panamense (Rose) I. M. Johnston Costa Rica: Puntarenas Regions between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur P. H. Allen 5966 1951-2-26
Cactaceae GH: 01677729 Pseudorhipsalis amazonica panamensis (Britton & Rose) Ralf Bauer Panama: Darién Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa, ca. 15 m. P. H. Allen 278 1937-3-17
GH: 01677730 Pseudorhipsalis amazonica panamensis (Britton & Rose) Ralf Bauer Panama: Darién Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa, ca. 15 m. P. H. Allen 278 1937-3-17
GH: 01677731 Pseudorhipsalis amazonica panamensis (Britton & Rose) Ralf Bauer Panama: Darién Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa, ca. 15 m. P. H. Allen 278 1937-3-17
GH: 01677757 Rhipsalis himantoclada Roland-Gosselin Panama: Coclé north rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1897 1939-7-9
Caesalpiniaceae GH: 00368540 Dialium guineense Willdenow Honduras: Cienega Tract, near Agua Azul, Dept. Cortes P. H. Allen 6406 1952-2-9
GH: 00375134 Sclerolobium sp. Colombia: Vaupés Abiu Igarape - Rio Vaupes - Region east of M... P. H. Allen 3366 1945-11-20
GH: 00375134 Tachigali vaupesiana van der Werff Colombia: Vaupés Abiu Igarape - Rio Vaupes - Region east of M... P. H. Allen 3366 1945-11-20
Campanulaceae GH: 00033048 Centropogon floricomus McVaugh Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo Trail, northern slopes of Cerro Horqu... P. H. Allen 4911 1947-8-5
GH: 00033375 Siphocampylus albiguttur McVaugh Panama: Hills north of El Valle de Anton, alt. ca. 8... P. H. Allen 2237 1941-9-8
Capparaceae GH: 00404700 Capparis baducca Linnaeus Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton, Province ... P. H. Allen 2460 1941-5-10
GH: 00404700 Capparis uniflora R. E. Woodson, Jr. Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton, Province ... P. H. Allen 2460 1941-5-10
Celastraceae GH: 00049638 Celastrus panamensis Lundell Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Bambito to Cerro Punta, alt. 1400... P. H. Allen 319 1937-4-6
GH: 00049829 Maytenus pallidifolius Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Near forested hills above Palmar Norte, alt.... P. H. Allen 6327 1951-12-10
Clusiaceae GH: 00067402 Clusia coclensis Standley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, 800-1000 m P. H. Allen 771 1938-9-5
GH: 00067875 Tovomita grandifolia L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Regions between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur,... P. H. Allen 5968 1951-2-26
GH: 00067874 Tovomita macrophylla L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Regions between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur,... P. H. Allen 5968 1951-2-26
Connaraceae GH: 00043520 Connarus allenii Steyermark Panama: Darién Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa P. H. Allen 249 1937-3-17
A: 00043521 Connarus allenii Steyermark Panama: Darién Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa P. H. Allen 249 1937-3-17
GH: 00043520 Connarus williamsii allenii (Steyermark) Forero Panama: Darién Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa P. H. Allen 249 1937-3-17
A: 00043521 Connarus williamsii allenii (Steyermark) Forero Panama: Darién Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa P. H. Allen 249 1937-3-17
Convolvulaceae GH: 00054489 Ipomoea chiriquensis Standley Panama: Chiriqui Upper valley of Río Chiriquí Viejo, trail ... P. H. Allen 1512 1939-1-16
Crassulaceae GH: 01987558 Echeveria australis Rose Costa Rica: Vicinity of El Alto Railroad Station on road... P. H. Allen 668 1937-12-1
Cucurbitaceae GH: 00139937 Psiguria warscewiczii (Hooker f.) Wunderlin Panama: Darién Vicinity of El Real P. H. Allen 952 1938-10-7
Cunoniaceae GH: 00043347 Weinmannia pseudolaurina Woodson Panama: Panama Cerro Campana, trail from Campana to Chica, ... P. H. Allen 2656 1941-8-10
Cyclanthaceae GH: 00404550 Asplundia allenii Hammel Panama: Provincia de Cocle. El Valle de Anton - Floo... P. H. Allen 3623 1946-8-5
GH: 00404550 Carludovica palmata Ruiz & Pavon Panama: Provincia de Cocle. El Valle de Anton - Floo... P. H. Allen 3623 1946-8-5
GH: 00046415 Sphaeradenia chiriquensis Harling Panama: trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1460 1939-1-14
Cyperaceae GH: 02467372 Eleocharis retroflexa (Poiret) Urban Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle; lower Rio Anton. P. H. Allen 107 1936-12-30
Dichapetalaceae GH: 00045263 Dichapetalum axillare Woodson Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, alt. 1000 ... P. H. Allen 2202 1940-7-14
Dilleniaceae GH: 00375425 Doliocarpus hispidus Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas forest, regíon between Rio Esquina... P. H. Allen 5822 1951-1-31
Droseraceae GH: 01973031 Drosera biflora Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes Colombia: Vaupés Sabana de Yapo bodá. Alto rio Kuduyarí. P. H. Allen 3125 1943-12-10
Ericaceae A: 00014647 Anthopteropsis insignis A. C. Smith Panama: Coclé Hills south of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2500 1941-5-9
A: 00014646 Anthopteropsis insignis A. C. Smith Panama: Coclé Hills south of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2500 1941-5-9
GH: 00025780 Ardisia Gaertner Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of El Boquete P. H. Allen 1013 1935-4-24
A: 00257851 Ardisia minor Standley Panama: Provincia de Cocle. Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 71 1936-12-22
GH: 00025795 Ardisia minor Standley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 71 1936-12-22
A: 00025779 Ardisia opegrapha opegrapha Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton, vicinity of La Mesa, alt.... P. H. Allen 2571 1941-6-22
A: 00014737 Cavendishia allenii A. C. Smith Panama: Coclé Trail to Las Minas, north of El Valle de Ant... P. H. Allen 2471 1941-5-10
A: 00014743 Cavendishia axillaris A. C. Smith Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2375 1941-4-12
A: 00014743 Cavendishia gaultherioides A. C. Smith Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2375 1941-4-12
GH: 00014937 Gaultheria chiriquensis Camp Panama: Chiriqui Llanos del Volcán P. H. Allen 1542 1939-1-23
GH: 00014937 Gaultheria odorata Kunth Panama: Chiriqui Llanos del Volcán P. H. Allen 1542 1939-1-23
A: 00015160 Macleania epiphytica A. C. Smith Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, 1000 m. P. H. Allen 2171 1940-6-23
A: 00015227 Psammisia panamensis A. C. Smith Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2152 1940-6-23
A: 00015830 Satyria allenii A. C. Smith Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2367 1941-4-12
Euphorbiaceae A: 00047135 Croton niveus J. Jacquin Costa Rica: Vicinity of El Alto R. R. Station on road to... P. H. Allen 661 1937-12-1
A: 00047135 Croton pyriticus Croizat Costa Rica: Vicinity of El Alto R. R. Station on road to... P. H. Allen 661 1937-12-1
ECON: 00969084 Hevea guianensis Aublet Colombia: Vicinity of Yurupari Falls - Rio Vaupes P. H. Allen 3296 1944-2-20
ECON: 00969063 Hevea guianensis lutea (Spruce ex Bentham) Ducke & Schultes Colombia: Vaupes: Rio Piraboton - Alto Querari P. H. Allen 3291 1944-2-12
GH: 00969090 Hevea guianensis lutea (Spruce ex Bentham) Ducke & Schultes Colombia: Vaupes: Vicinity of Yurupari Falls - Rio Vau... P. H. Allen 3297 1944-2-20
A: 00048492 Pera aperta Croizat Panama: Coclé Hills south of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2506 1941
GH: 00048721 Sapium allenii Huft Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5773 1951-1-16
GH: 00048804 Sapium aucuparium Jacquin Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1915 1939-7-9
GH: 00048804 Sapium biglandulosum (Linnaeus) Müller Argoviensis Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1915 1939-7-9
GH: 00048721 Sapium jamaicense Swartz Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5773 1951-1-16
GH: 00048721 Sapium pleiostachys K. Schumann ex Pittier Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5773 1951-1-16
GH: 00048804 Stillingia haematantha Standley Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1915 1939-7-9
Fabaceae GH: 00298661 Swartzia gigantea R. S. Cowan Colombia: Vaupés Bacuraba Cachoeira, Río Vaupes, Region East... P. H. Allen 3390 1945-11-18
Flacourtiaceae GH: 00066709 Hasseltia quinquenervia Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Golfito de Golfo Dulce P. H. Allen 6247 1951-5-15
Gesneriaceae A: 00054756 Besleria allenii C. V. Morton Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2371 1941-5-12
A: 00054761 Besleria obliqua C. V. Morton Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2396 1941-5-12
GH: 00019409 Columnea dissimilis C. V. Morton Panama: Coclé Trail to Las Minas, north of El Valle de Ant... P. H. Allen 2483 1941-5-10
A: 00054756 Gasteranthus acropodus (J. D. Smith) Wiehler Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2371 1941-5-12
GH: 00092155 Kohleria allenii Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Km. 42, rocky railroad cuts P. H. Allen 6300 1951-9-23
Haemodoraceae GH: 00589032 Hagenbachia panamensis (Standley) Cruden Panama: Coclé north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2195 1940-7-14
Humiriaceae GH: 00043826 Humiriastrum diguense costaricense Cuatrecasas Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5812 1951-1-30
Lamiaceae GH: 00001737 Salvia psilophylla Epling Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland," central valle... P. H. Allen 1355 1939-1-6
Lauraceae GH: 00041572 Licaria pergamentacea W. C. Burger Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills above Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 5950 1951-2-22
GH: 00042046 Ocotea paulii C. K. Allen Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, 600-1000 m P. H. Allen 1211 1938-12-8
Lentibulariaceae GH: 01974319 Pinguicula crenatiloba A. de Candolle Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle. P. H. Allen 754 1938-9-5
GH: 01976450 Utricularia amethystina Salzmann ex Saint-Hilaire & Girard Colombia: Vaupés Sabana de Yapobodá. Alto rio Kuduyarí. P. H. Allen 3133 1943-12-10
Liliaceae GH: 00589032 Anthericum panamense Standley Panama: Coclé north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2195 1940-7-14
GH: 00589050 Echeandia leucantha Klotzsch Panama: Panama vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2962 1942-9-7
GH: 00589050 Echeandia prolixa Woodson Panama: Panama vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2962 1942-9-7
GH: 00030050 Maianthemum gigas (Woodson) LaFrankie Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1446 1939-1-14
GH: 00030049 Maianthemum gigas (Woodson) LaFrankie Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1446 1939-1-14
GH: 00030051 Maianthemum gigas (Woodson) LaFrankie Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1446 1939-1-14
GH: 00030048 Maianthemum gigas gigas Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1446 1939-1-14
GH: 00030050 Smilacina gigas Woodson & Schery Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1446 1939-1-14
GH: 00030049 Smilacina gigas Woodson & Schery Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1446 1939-1-14
GH: 00030048 Smilacina gigas Woodson & Schery Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1446 1939-1-14
GH: 00030051 Smilacina gigas Woodson & Schery Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1446 1939-1-14
Loranthaceae GH: 00035699 Phoradendron herrerense Trelease Panama: Herrera Pese, alt. ca. 50 m. P. H. Allen 798 1938-9-13
GH: 00035705 Phoradendron novae-helvetiae Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland", central valle... P. H. Allen 1399 1939-1-6
GH: 00035707 Phoradendron pergranulatum Trelease Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, 800-1000 m P. H. Allen 777 1938-9-5
GH: 00872884 Phoradendron planiphyllum Kuijt Honduras: Santa Bárbara Cerro Sta. Barbara, along & above road Mochi... P. H. Allen 6365 1952-2-11
GH: 00035715 Phoradendron quadrangulare (Kunth) Krug & Urban Panama: Veraguas Hills west of Soná, alt. ca. 50 m. P. H. Allen 1033 1938-11-24
GH: 00035699 Phoradendron quadrangulare (Kunth) Krug & Urban Panama: Herrera Pese, alt. ca. 50 m. P. H. Allen 798 1938-9-13
GH: 00872884 Phoradendron robustissimum Eichler Honduras: Santa Bárbara Cerro Sta. Barbara, along & above road Mochi... P. H. Allen 6365 1952-2-11
GH: 00035715 Phoradendron sonanum Trelease Panama: Veraguas Hills west of Soná, alt. ca. 50 m. P. H. Allen 1033 1938-11-24
GH: 00035705 Phoradendron tonduzii Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland", central valle... P. H. Allen 1399 1939-1-6
GH: 00035790 Psittacanthus allenii Woodson & Schery Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m P. H. Allen 1223 1938-12-8
GH: 00035793 Psittacanthus lateriflorus Woodson & Schery Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton, alt. ca. 600 ... P. H. Allen 1979 1939-9-17
Magnoliaceae A: 00038956 Magnolia allenii Standley Panama: Hills north of El Valle de Anton, 1000 m P. H. Allen 2200 1940-7-14
A: 00038956 Talauma gloriensis Pittier Panama: Hills north of El Valle de Anton, 1000 m P. H. Allen 2200 1940-7-14
Malpighiaceae GH: 00032731 Hiraea grandifolia Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Palmar Sur de Osa, alt. 0 m. P. H. Allen 5855 1951-2-10
Malvaceae GH: 00255365 Abutilon chittendenii Standley El Salvador: Santa Ana Cerro Monte Cristo. 4500-6000 ft. [feet] P. H. Allen 7181 1959-1-18
GH: 00255365 Bakeridesia nelsonii (Rose) D. M. Bates El Salvador: Santa Ana Cerro Monte Cristo. 4500-6000 ft. [feet] P. H. Allen 7181 1959-1-18
GH: 00255365 Bakeridesia vulcanicola (Standley) D. M. Bates El Salvador: Santa Ana Cerro Monte Cristo. 4500-6000 ft. [feet] P. H. Allen 7181 1959-1-18
GH: 02382833 Prestonia exserta (A. de Candolle) Standley Panama: Canal Zone; Palo Seco P. H. Allen 2248 1940-11-17
A: 02382831 Prestonia exserta (A. de Candolle) Standley Panama: Panama Isla Taboga P. H. Allen 1289 1938-12-16
GH: 00058005 Robinsonella densiflora Fryxell El Salvador: Santa Ana Vicinity Coatepeque, 4000 feet P. H. Allen 7218 1959-2-4
Marantaceae GH: 00030703 Calathea allenii Woodson Panama: Panama Summit of Cerro Campana, alt. 800-1000 m P. H. Allen 2218 1940-9-1
Marcgraviaceae GH: 00019817 Norantea costaricensis Gilg Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punta P. H. Allen 3510 1946-5-23
GH: 00019817 Schwartzia costaricensis (Gilg) Bedell Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punta P. H. Allen 3510 1946-5-23
GH: 00019834 Souroubea vallicola Woodson ex de Roon Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton, North Hills, 1000 m P. H. Allen 3541 1946-6-16
Melastomataceae GH: 00071910 Blakea calycosa Gleason Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton, 600-1000 m P. H. Allen 1788 1939-5-14
A: 00589880 Blakea gracilis Hemsley Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Esquinas Experiment Station, Gol... P. H. Allen 5329 1949-9-30
A: 00589880 Blakea litoralis L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Esquinas Experiment Station, Gol... P. H. Allen 5329 1949-9-30
GH: 00073285 Topobea allenii Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5844 1951-2-5
Meliaceae A: 00044846 Guarea pyriformis T. D. Pennington Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity Palmar Norte de Osa, near the Rio T... P. H. Allen 5501 1950-3-24
GH: 02465302 Trichilia montana Kunth Costa Rica: P. H. Allen 6597
GH: 02465320 Trichilia pallida Swartz Costa Rica: P. H. Allen 5946
Menispermaceae GH: 00038891 Hyperbaena allenii Standley Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton, alt. 600-100... P. H. Allen 1656 1939-2-12
Mimosaceae GH: 00444536 Cojoba arborea (Linnaeus) Britton & Rose Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa, Vicinity of Palmar Norte, ban... P. H. Allen 5230 1949-3-31
GH: 00444552 Cojoba rufescens (Bentham) Britton & Rose Panama: Canal Zone, Victoria Fill, near Miraflores L... P. H. Allen 1759 1939-4-2
GH: 00065933 Inga edulis Martius Panama: Darién Vicinity of El Real P. H. Allen 968 1938-10-7
GH: 00065933 Inga edulis minutula Schery Panama: Darién Vicinity of El Real P. H. Allen 968 1938-10-7
GH: 00065933 Inga oerstediana Bentham Panama: Darién Vicinity of El Real P. H. Allen 968 1938-10-7
GH: 00069202 Pithecellobium rufescens vallense Schery Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, 800-1000 m P. H. Allen 770 1938-9-5
Moraceae GH: 00034361 Batocarpus costaricensis Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Lowland forest near Palmar Norte P. H. Allen 5971 1951-2-27
GH: 00034362 Brosimum allenii Woodson Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5813 1951-1-30
GH: 00034369 Brosimum costaricanum Liebmann Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 5877 1951-2-15
GH: 00034368 Brosimum lactescens (S. Moore) C. C. Berg Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5809 1951-1-30
GH: 00034368 Brosimum ojoche Woodson Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5809 1951-1-30
GH: 00034369 Brosimum sapiifolium Standley Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 5877 1951-2-15
GH: 00034362 Brosimum utile allenii (Woodson) C. C. Berg Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5813 1951-1-30
GH: 00034408 Coussapoa macerrima Standley & L. O. Williams ex Akkermans & C. C. Berg Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills above Palmar de Osa P. H. Allen 5949 1951-2-22
A: 00231872 Ficus davidsoniae Standley Panama: Hills north of El Valle de Antón. Vicinity ... P. H. Allen 2832 1941-11-12
GH: 00295628 Ficus insipida Willdenow Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Golfito P. H. Allen 6708 1953-1-14
GH: 00312230 Ficus maxima Miller El Salvador: La Paz Vcty. [Vicinity] Zacatecoluca P. H. Allen 7243 1959-2-17
GH: 00312230 Ficus radula Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow El Salvador: La Paz Vcty. [Vicinity] Zacatecoluca P. H. Allen 7243 1959-2-17
GH: 00034937 Maquira costaricana (Standley) C. C. Berg Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills near Golfito, alt. 30 m P. H. Allen 6348 1952-1-25
GH: 00034936 Perebea molliflora Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills above Palmar Norte, trail to ... P. H. Allen 5933 1951-2-17
GH: 00034937 Perebea trophophylla Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills near Golfito, alt. 30 m P. H. Allen 6348 1952-1-25
Musaceae GH: 00030607 Heliconia irrasa R. R. Smith Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton, North Hills P. H. Allen 3547 1946-6-29
Myristicaceae GH: 02360782 Otoba acuminata (Standley) A. H. Gentry Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2004 1939-9-17
A: 02360780 Otoba novagranatensis Moldenke Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vicinity of Esquinas Experiment Station, Gol... P. H. Allen 5367 1949-12-1
GH: 00969684 Virola allenii D. Santamaria Aguilar & R. Aguilar Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas forest preserve, area between Rio E... P. H. Allen 6727 1953-2-18
GH: 00969684 Virola macrocarpa A. C. Smith Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas forest preserve, area between Rio E... P. H. Allen 6727 1953-2-18
Myrsinaceae GH: 00025781 Ardisia compressa Kunth Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Paso Ancho to Monte Lirio, upper ... P. H. Allen 1487 1939-1-16
GH: 00025778 Ardisia crassipes Lundell Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo Trail, northern slopes of Cerro Horqu... P. H. Allen 4991 1947-8-5
A: 00025194 Ardisia glomerata Lundell Panama: Cocle Province. Hills north of El Valle de A... P. H. Allen 2741 1941-9-2
GH: 00025780 Ardisia microcalyx Lundell Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of El Boquete P. H. Allen 1013 1935-4-24
GH: 00025781 Ardisia opaca Lundell Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Paso Ancho to Monte Lirio, upper ... P. H. Allen 1487 1939-1-16
A: 00257851 Ardisia rigidifolia Lundell Panama: Provincia de Cocle. Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 71 1936-12-22
GH: 00025795 Ardisia rigidifolia Lundell Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 71 1936-12-22
A: 00025779 Ardisia subcoriacea Lundell Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton, vicinity of La Mesa, alt.... P. H. Allen 2571 1941-6-22
A: 00061253 Cybianthus costaricensis acuminata (Lundell) Pipoly Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa, vicinity of Vara Blanca, slop... P. H. Allen 5396 1949-11-23
GH: 00061256 Cybianthus costaricensis costaricensis Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo Trail, northern slopes of Cerro Horqu... P. H. Allen 4803 1947-8-6
A: 00061253 Grammadenia acuminata Lundell Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa, vicinity of Vara Blanca, slop... P. H. Allen 5396 1949-11-23
GH: 00061256 Grammadenia linearifolia Lundell Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo Trail, northern slopes of Cerro Horqu... P. H. Allen 4803 1947-8-6
GH: 00025780 Icacorea alstonii (Lundell) Lundell Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of El Boquete P. H. Allen 1013 1935-4-24
Myrtaceae GH: 00069160 Eugenia vallis Standley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, south rim, 600-1000 m P. H. Allen 1773 1939-5-14
GH: 00069160 Myrcia tomentosa (Aublet) de Candolle Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, south rim, 600-1000 m P. H. Allen 1773 1939-5-14
Ochnaceae GH: 00273865 Ouratea patelliformis Dwyer Panama: Vicinity of Pacora P. H. Allen 3445 1946-4-12
Orchidaceae AMES: 02154479 Barkeria obovata (C. Presl) Christenson Costa Rica: Both banks of Rio Virilla, below highway bri... P. H. Allen 557 1937-12-1
AMES: 02092612 Beadlea prasophyllum (H. G. Reichenbach) Hamer & Garay Panama: Region north of El Valle de Anton, Province ... P. H. Allen 2904 1942-1-13
AMES: 02387140 Bletia purpurea (Lamarck) de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa; Vicinity of Golfito de Golfo ... P. H. Allen 5338 1949-10-28
AMES: 02387079 Bletia purpurea (Lamarck) de Candolle Panama: Panama Vicinity of San Carlos P. H. Allen 1149 1938-12-5
AMES: 02387071 Bletia purpurea (Lamarck) de Candolle Panama: Bank of Rio Antón P. H. Allen 2766 1941-11-11
AMES: 02387130 Bletia purpurea (Lamarck) de Candolle Panama: Bank of Río Antón P. H. Allen 2766 1941-11-11
AMES: 00287851 Brassia arcuigera H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Region north of the Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2752 1941-8-9
AMES: 00287851 Brassia longissima Schlechter Panama: Coclé Region north of the Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2752 1941-8-9
AMES: 02386036 Bulbophyllum aristatum (H. G. Reichenbach) Hemsley Panama: Coclé South rim of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2915 1942-1-13
AMES: 00600006 Catasetum oerstedii H. G. Reichenbach Panama: P. H. Allen 38 1941
AMES: 00600007 Catasetum oerstedii H. G. Reichenbach Panama: P. H. Allen 93 1941
AMES: 02124639 Cattleya aurantiaca (Bateman ex Lindley) P. N. Don Panama: Panama Gamboa C.Z. [Canal Zone] P. H. Allen 3929 1947-1-5
AMES: 00217942 Cattleya skinneri autummnalis P. H. Allen Panama: Vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2668 1941-8-15
AMES: 00217940 Cattleya skinneri autummnalis P. H. Allen Panama: Vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2668 1941-8-15
AMES: 00217939 Cattleya skinneri autummnalis P. H. Allen Panama: Vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2668 1941-8-15
AMES: 00217941 Cattleya skinneri autummnalis P. H. Allen Panama: Vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2668 1941-8-15
GH: 02092197 Coccineorchis standleyi (Ames) Garay Costa Rica: Summit, ridge of La Carpintera P. H. Allen 1937-12-1
AMES: 00600968 Cohniella nuda stipitata Dressler & N. H. Williams Panama: Vicinity of Pacera P. H. Allen 2933 1942-2-17
AMES: 00600655 Coryanthes horichiana Jenny Panama: On the Río Dudio near Gatum P. H. Allen 2054
AMES: 00600655 Coryanthes hunteriana Schlechter Panama: On the Río Dudio near Gatum P. H. Allen 2054
AMES: 00600655 Coryanthes maculata J. M. Hook Panama: On the Río Dudio near Gatum P. H. Allen 2054
AMES: 00600655 Coryanthes speciosa (Hooker) Hooker Panama: On the Río Dudio near Gatum P. H. Allen 2054
AMES: 02090835 Corymborkis flava (Swartz) Kuntze Panama: Llanos on slopes of Volcan de Chiriqí Viejo... P. H. Allen 1009 1935-4-20
AMES: 01943018 Cranichis muscosa Swartz Panama: Provincia de Coclé. Vicinity of El Valle. P. H. Allen 74 1936-12-22
AMES: 02084860 Crocodeilanthe allenii Kolan. & Szlach. Colombia: Quebrada Chico. Hills above Bogota. P. H. Allen 3003 1943-7-11
AMES: 02084860 Crocodeilanthe sp. Colombia: Quebrada Chico. Hills above Bogota. P. H. Allen 3003 1943-7-11
AMES: 01985013 Crossoglossa blephariglottis (Schlechter) Dressler Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 3950 1947-1-2
AMES: 02175534 Crossoglossa fratrum (Schlechter) Dressler ex Dodson Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punto P. H. Allen 1528 1939-1-21
AMES: 00057571 Cryptocentrum caespitosum Carnevali Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1911 1939-7-9
AMES: 00098490 Cryptophoranthus lepidotus L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón, trail to ... P. H. Allen 2718 1941-9-1
AMES: 00098489 Cryptophoranthus lepidotus L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón, trail to ... P. H. Allen 2718 1941-9-1
AMES: 00084579 Cryptophoranthus lepidotus L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón, trail to ... P. H. Allen 2718 1941-9-1
AMES: 00600971 Dichaea fragrantissima eburnea Dressler & Pupulin Panama: Trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle ... P. H. Allen 2874 1941-12-2
AMES: 00600971 Dichaea moritzii H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle ... P. H. Allen 2874 1941-12-2
AMES: 00600980 Dichaea panamensis Lindley Honduras: Yoro Peña Blanca, headwaters of Rio Lindo P. H. Allen 3981 1947-1-12
GH: 02158994 Elleanthus cynarocephalus (H. G. Reichenbach) H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Experiment Station - Area between R... P. H. Allen 5327 1949-9-30
AMES: 02159029 Elleanthus glaucophyllus Schlechter Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo Trail, Northern sloeps of Cerro Horqu... P. H. Allen 4910 1947-8-5
AMES: 00556200 Elleanthus graminifolius (Barbosa Rodrigues) Lojtnant Panama: Coclé Trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle ... P. H. Allen 2869 1941-12-2
AMES: 02159078 Elleanthus graminifolius (Barbosa Rodrigues) Lojtnant Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle De Anton P. H. Allen 2075 1939-12-10
AMES: 02159091 Elleanthus hymenophorus (H. G. Reichenbach) H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Panama Hills above Campana P. H. Allen 1883 1939-7-1
AMES: 02159089 Elleanthus hymenophorus (H. G. Reichenbach) H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Veraguas Cerro Tute, hills west of Santa Fe P. H. Allen 4508 1947-5-9
AMES: 02159083 Elleanthus hymenophorus (H. G. Reichenbach) H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2172 1940-6-23
AMES: 02159082 Elleanthus hymenophorus (H. G. Reichenbach) H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Chiriqui Llano del Volcan P. H. Allen Graham Fairchild 3457 1946-5-27
AMES: 00556200 Elleanthus linifolius C. Presl Panama: Coclé Trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle ... P. H. Allen 2869 1941-12-2
AMES: 02159142 Elleanthus longibracteatus (Lindley ex Grisebach) Fawcett Panama: Panama Campana Hill, vicinity of Campana P. H. Allen 2405 1941-4-21
AMES: 02159126 Elleanthus muscicola Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2159 1940-6-23
AMES: 02159889 Elleanthus sp. Colombia: Cundinamarca Quebrada Chico. Hills above Bogota P. H. Allen 2993 1943-7-11
AMES: 02123238 Encyclia sp. Panama: El Valle, Loma del Tigre P. H. Allen 4480 1947-4-8
AMES: 02123200 Encyclia stellata (Lindley) Schlechter Panama: [no additional data] P. H. Allen 4501 1947-4-29
AMES: 02123199 Encyclia stellata (Lindley) Schlechter Panama: Gamboa P. H. Allen 4501 1947-4-29
AMES: 00600445 Epidendrum abbreviatum Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hiils north of El Valle de Anton, vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2354 1941-1-21
AMES: 00600020 Epidendrum adnatum Ames & C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Crest of Cerro Pajita, region north of El Va... P. H. Allen 3943 1947-1-2
AMES: 00070052 Epidendrum allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Hills North of El Valle de Anton, Prov. Cocl... P. H. Allen 2310 1941-1
AMES: 00070051 Epidendrum allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2203 1940-7-14
AMES: 00600770 Epidendrum anceps Jacquin Panama: Moist upper regions of Cerro Campana P. H. Allen 2452 1941-4-21
AMES: 02174798 Epidendrum centradenia (Reichenbach f.) Reichenbach f. Costa Rica: Vicinity of El Alto R.R. Station on road to ... P. H. Allen 664 1937-12-1
AMES: 02174963 Epidendrum congestum Rolfe Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1247 1938-12-8
AMES: 00600041 Epidendrum coriifolium Lindley Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2901 1942-1-13
AMES: 00070318 Epidendrum cryptanthum L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2262 1940-11
AMES: 00085610 Epidendrum cryptanthum L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2262 1940-11
AMES: 02112225 Epidendrum difforme Jacquin Panama: vicinity Finca Lerida P. H. Allen 5084
AMES: 02112224 Epidendrum difforme Jacquin Panama: vicinity Finca Lerida P. H. Allen 5083
AMES: 02112223 Epidendrum difforme Jacquin Panama: El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 5085 1947-8-2
AMES: 02112222 Epidendrum difforme Jacquin Panama: El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 5082
AMES: 02112244 Epidendrum difforme Jacquin Panama: Veraguas Cerro Tute, region west of Santa Fe P. H. Allen 4566
AMES: 02112243 Epidendrum difforme Jacquin Panama: south of Finca Lerida, to Loma Sardina P. H. Allen 4766 1947-7-26
AMES: 02112360 Epidendrum eburneum H. G. Reichenbach Panama: [no additional data] P. H. Allen 4523
AMES: 00070302 Epidendrum ellipsophyllum L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2178 1940-6-23
A: 00082063 Epidendrum ellipsophyllum L. O. Williams Panama: P. H. Allen 2706
AMES: 02112362 Epidendrum ellipsophyllum L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton. Trail to L... P. H. Allen 2706 1941-9-1
GH: 02112381 Epidendrum endresii H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Alajuela Vcty. Vara Blanca, slopes of Poas Volcano P. H. Allen 5387 1949-11-23
AMES: 00070353 Epidendrum flexuosissimum C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Cerro Pajita, hills north of El Valle P. H. Allen 3780 1946-10-27
AMES: 02112604 Epidendrum glumarum Hamer & Garay Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton; Vicinity ... P. H. Allen 2827 1941-11-12
AMES: 02112741 Epidendrum ibaguense Kunth Costa Rica: Summit, ridge of La Carpintera P. H. Allen 642 1937-12-1
AMES: 02112802 Epidendrum imatophyllum Lindley Panama: Mojinga Swamp near mouth of R. Chagres P. H. Allen 867 1935-3-11
AMES: 02112908 Epidendrum laucheanum Rolfe Costa Rica: Puntarenas Northern slopes of Volcan Turrialba-Vcty. La... P. H. Allen 5692 1950-10-14
AMES: 02112956 Epidendrum lockhartioides Schlechter Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2296 1941-1-20
AMES: 02112947 Epidendrum lockhartioides Schlechter Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 1680 1939-2-12
AMES: 02112978 Epidendrum microdendron Reichenbach f. Panama: Summit of Cerro Copete and southwest face P. H. Allen 4903 1947-7-29
AMES: 02111053 Epidendrum myodes H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Chiriqui Bajo Mono - Robalo Trail, WEstern slopes of ... P. H. Allen 4789 1947-7-27
AMES: 02111175 Epidendrum nocturnum Jacquin Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2257 1940-11-21
AMES: 00070637 Epidendrum octomerioides Schlechter Costa Rica: Vicinity of Palmar Norte. Forested area near... P. H. Allen 5355 1949-11
AMES: 00070662 Epidendrum pajitense C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Cerro Pajita, hills north of El Valle P. H. Allen 3784 1946-10-27
GH: 02111240 Epidendrum pallens H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Cartago Vcty. Cabo Blaco, Irazu P. H. Allen 5400 1949-11
AMES: 02111256 Epidendrum paniculatum Ruiz & Pavon Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, North of El VAlle de An... P. H. Allen 2389 1941-4-12
AMES: 00070692 Epidendrum pendens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Valle de Anton, vicinity of La Mesa, 1000 m. P. H. Allen 2570 1941-6
AMES: 02111428 Epidendrum platystigma H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Puntarenas Northern slopes of Volcan Turrialba-Vcty, La... P. H. Allen 5695 1950-10-14
AMES: 02111435 Epidendrum platystigma H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punta P. H. Allen 3479 1946-5-24
AMES: 00600163 Epidendrum powellii Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills south of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2797 1941-11-13
AMES: 02111503 Epidendrum probiflorum Schlechter Panama: vicinity Boquete, lumber road east of Rio Ca... P. H. Allen 4668
AMES: 02111679 Epidendrum ramosum Jacquin Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton; vicinity ... P. H. Allen 2836 1941-11-12
AMES: 02111742 Epidendrum repens Cogniaux Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punta P. H. Allen 1530 1939-1-21
GH: 02111859 Epidendrum rigidum Jacquin Nicaragua: Zelaya Silico Creek, near Pearl Lagoon P. H. Allen 6528 1952-2-28
AMES: 02111868 Epidendrum rousseauae Schlechter Panama: Coclé north rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1894 1939-7-9
AMES: 00600406 Epidendrum schumanianum Schlechter Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2386 1941-4-12
AMES: 02111915 Epidendrum schumanianum Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton; Vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2351 1941-1-21
AMES: 02111913 Epidendrum schumanianum Schlechter Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, North of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2386 1941-4-12
AMES: 02111912 Epidendrum schumanianum Schlechter Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, Northof [North of] El V... P. H. Allen 2386 1941-4-12
AMES: 00070318 Epidendrum sp. Panama: Coclé Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2262 1940-11
AMES: 02110321 Epidendrum sp. Panama: Summit of Cerro Copete and southwest face P. H. Allen 4904 1947-7-29
AMES: 02110063 Epidendrum stamfordianum Bateman Panama: Panama Río La Maestra P. H. Allen 66 1936-12-4
AMES: 02110115 Epidendrum stangeanum H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Panama Cerro Trinidad P. H. Allen 3770 1946-10-20
AMES: 02110193 Epidendrum trachythece Schlechter Honduras: Depto. Morazon; Cerro Uyuca P. H. Allen 3866 1946-12-5
AMES: 02110230 Epidendrum triangulabium Ames & C. Schweinfurth Panama: Panama Collected near top of Cerro Campana, vicinit... P. H. Allen 2223 1940-9-1
AMES: 00217811 Erythrodes killipii Ames Panama: Panama Cerro Trinidad P. H. Allen 3768 1946-10-20
AMES: 00099578 Gongora armeniaca bicornuta C. Schweinfurth & P. H. Allen Panama: Veraguas Region west of Santa Fe, Cerro Tute, 1000 m P. H. Allen 4648 1947-6-24
AMES: 00099578 Gongora horichiana Fowlie Panama: Veraguas Region west of Santa Fe, Cerro Tute, 1000 m P. H. Allen 4648 1947-6-24
AMES: 00556035 Gongora maculata Lindley Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2943 1942-4-4
AMES: 00556035 Gongora powellii Schlechter Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2943 1942-4-4
AMES: 01947105 Habenaria avicula Schlechter Panama: Hills near Summit C. Z. P. H. Allen 2251 1940-11-20
AMES: 01947104 Habenaria avicula Schlechter Panama: Hills near Summit C. Z. P. H. Allen 1940-11-20
AMES: 01947103 Habenaria avicula Schlechter Panama: Hills near Summit, C. Z. P. H. Allen 1940-11-20
AMES: 01947102 Habenaria avicula Schlechter Panama: near Fort Kobe P. H. Allen 2023 1939-10-15
AMES: 01947348 Habenaria lactiflora A. Richard & Galeotti Panama: Chiriqui Llano del volcan. P. H. Allen 4849 1947-8-3
AMES: 01947431 Habenaria monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Costa Rica: Along RR right of way about 1 mile out of to... P. H. Allen 5349 1949-11-2
AMES: 01947428 Habenaria monorrhiza (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Panama: El Valle de Anton, Prov. of Cocle P. H. Allen 2771 1941-11-13
AMES: 00556270 Habenaria pauciflora (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Cerro Campana, trail from Campana to Chica P. H. Allen 2653 1941-8-10
AMES: 01947575 Habenaria petalodes Lindley Panama: Isla Taboga P. H. Allen 1280 1938-12-16
AMES: 01947568 Habenaria petalodes Lindley Panama: Cocle. Nata. P. H. Allen 820 1938-9-12
AMES: 00217839 Habenaria sp. H. B. Willd Panama: Baja Mono, Robalo trail P. H. Allen 4857 1947-7-24
AMES: 00556270 Habenaria trifida Kunth Panama: Cerro Campana, trail from Campana to Chica P. H. Allen 2653 1941-8-10
AMES: 00600689 Hexadesmia amparoana (Schlechter) F. T Hubbard & C. Schweinf. Panama: Crest of Cerro Pajita, region north of El Va... P. H. Allen 3944 1947-1-2
AMES: 00600690 Hexadesmia amparoana (Schlechter) F. T Hubbard & C. Schweinf. Panama: Crest of Cerro Pajita, region north of El Va... P. H. Allen 3944 1947-1-2
GH: 02155443 Jacquiniella equitantifolia (Ames) Dressler Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Experiment Station - Area between R... P. H. Allen 5337 1949-9-30
AMES: 02155465 Jacquiniella globosa (Jacquin) Schlechter Panama: Coclé Loma del Tigre, region north of El Valle de ... P. H. Allen 3812 1946-11-16
AMES: 02125375 Laelia rubescens Lindley Honduras: El Paraíso Rio Yeguare, Vicinity of Casitas P. H. Allen 3886 1946-12-4
AMES: 00556366 Leochilus gracilis Schlechter Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2295 1941-1-20
AMES: 00556366 Leochilus labiatus (Swartz) Kuntze Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2295 1941-1-20
AMES: 00100691 Lepanthes rotundifolia L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, north rim (wet) P. H. Allen 1835 1939-5-21
AMES: 02151015 Lepanthes sp. Swartz Panama: Bocas del Toro Robalo trail, north slopes of Cerro Horqueta P. H. Allen 4949 1947-8-5
AMES: 00217839 Ligeophila clavigera (H. G. Reichenbach) Garay Panama: Baja Mono, Robalo trail P. H. Allen 4857 1947-7-24
AMES: 00217840 Ligeophila grandis Ormerod Panama: Baja Mono, Robalo trail P. H. Allen 4857 1947-7-24
AMES: 00217839 Ligeophila grandis Ormerod Panama: Baja Mono, Robalo trail P. H. Allen 4857 1947-7-24
AMES: 00083738 Ligeophila grandis Ormerod Panama: Baja Mono, Robalo trail P. H. Allen 4857 1947-7-24
AMES: 02096945 Liparis bootanensis Griffith Panama: Panama Cerro Campana, Trail from Campana to Chica P. H. Allen 2677 1941-8-24
AMES: 00556019 Lockhartia micrantha H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Crest of Cerro Pajita, region north of El Va... P. H. Allen 3939 1947-1-2
AMES: 00556020 Lockhartia micrantha H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2903 1942-1-13
AMES: 00556021 Lockhartia micrantha H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2318 1941-1-21
AMES: 00101032 Lockhartia obtusata L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hill north of el Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2160 1940-6-23
AMES: 01983477 Malaxis macrostachya (Lexarza) Kuntze Panama: North face of Cerro Copete, an eastern spur ... P. H. Allen 1947-07-29 1940-7-10
AMES: 01983477 Malaxis soulei L. O. Williams Panama: North face of Cerro Copete, an eastern spur ... P. H. Allen 1947-07-29 1940-7-10
AMES: 01985013 Malaxis sp. Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 3950 1947-1-2
AMES: 00101200 Masdevallia allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1230 1938-12-8
AMES: 00082865 Masdevallia allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1230 1938-12-8
AMES: 02097730 Masdevallia chontalensis H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé vicinity of El Valle, north rim (Wet) P. H. Allen 1826 1939-5-21
AMES: 02097747 Masdevallia chontalensis H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle ... P. H. Allen 2879 1941-12-2
AMES: 00101230 Masdevallia collina L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2158 1940-6-23
AMES: 00082882 Masdevallia collina L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2158 1940-6-23
AMES: 02097899 Masdevallia striatella Reichenbach f. Costa Rica: Heights of La Carpintera vicinity of Tres Ri... P. H. Allen 505 1937-12-1
AMES: 00287893 Maxillaria acostae Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2877 1941-12-10
AMES: 00101354 Maxillaria allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2902 1942-1-13
AMES: 00101353 Maxillaria allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé North region of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 1650 1939-2-12
AMES: 00082947 Maxillaria allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé North region of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 1650 1939-2-12
AMES: 00287884 Maxillaria allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2902 1942-1-13
AMES: 00287888 Maxillaria arachnitiflora Ames & C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Trail to Las Minas hills north of El Valle d... P. H. Allen 2875 1941-12-2
AMES: 00287913 Maxillaria brenesii Schlechter Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2920 1942-2-2
AMES: 00287913 Maxillaria endresii H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2920 1942-2-2
AMES: 00287916 Maxillaria endresii angustisegmenta (Ames & C. Schweinfurth) C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2870 1947-12-2
AMES: 00287916 Maxillaria luteoalba Lindley Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2870 1947-12-2
AMES: 00287919 Maxillaria maleolens Schlechter Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2932 1942-2-12
AMES: 00045376 Maxillaria repens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé North of Valle de Anton, trail to Las Minas P. H. Allen 2868 1941-12-2
AMES: 00082981 Maxillaria repens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé North of Valle de Anton, trail to Las Minas P. H. Allen 2868 1941-12-2
AMES: 00085004 Maxillaria repens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé North of Valle de Anton, trail to Las Minas P. H. Allen 2868 1941-12-2
AMES: 00085540 Maxillaria repens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé North of Valle de Anton, trail to Las Minas P. H. Allen 2868 1941-12-2
AMES: 00287893 Maxillaria sp. Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2877 1941-12-10
AMES: 00074550 Mesospinidium panamense Garay Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton, vicinity ... P. H. Allen 2785 1941-11-12
AMES: 00082999 Mesospinidium panamense Garay Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton, vicinity ... P. H. Allen 2785 1941-11-12
AMES: 00217811 Microchilus panamanicus Ormerod Panama: Panama Cerro Trinidad P. H. Allen 3768 1946-10-20
AMES: 00083782 Microchilus panamanicus Ormerod Panama: Panama Cerro Trinidad P. H. Allen 3768 1946-10-20
AMES: 02288578 Mormodes aromatica Lindley Honduras: Hills above Suyapa, area east of Tegucigalpa... P. H. Allen 6785 1957-9-7
AMES: 02288578 Mormodes sp. Honduras: Hills above Suyapa, area east of Tegucigalpa... P. H. Allen 6785 1957-9-7
AMES: 02173236 Myoxanthus aspasicensis (H. G. Reichenbach) Luer Panama: El Valle, Loma del Tigre P. H. Allen 5199 1947-10-15
AMES: 00556405 Myoxanthus octomeriae (Schlechter) Luer Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, trail to L... P. H. Allen 2719 1941-9-1
AMES: 02173242 Myoxanthus octomeriae (Schlechter) Luer Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, Trail to L... P. H. Allen 2719 1941-9-1
AMES: 02173241 Myoxanthus octomeriae (Schlechter) Luer Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, Trail to L... P. H. Allen 2719 1941-9-1
AMES: 02389188 Neowilliamsia wercklei (Schlechter) Dressler Costa Rica: Puntarenas Northern slopes of Volcan Turrialba- Vcty. L... P. H. Allen 5693 1950-10-14
AMES: 00243154 Oncidium allenii Dressler Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2938 1942-2-20
AMES: 00085981 Oncidium allenii Dressler Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2938 1942-2-20
AMES: 00600731 Oncidium anthocrene H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Hills south of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2895 1941-12-23
AMES: 00600743 Oncidium cabagrae Schlechter Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La MEsa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2361 1941-4-12
AMES: 00600491 Oncidium cheirophorum H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Region north of Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2939 1942-2-20
AMES: 00600743 Oncidium dichromaticum H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La MEsa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2361 1941-4-12
AMES: 00600949 Oncidium panamense Schlechter Panama: Prov. of Panama, vicinity of Chopo P. H. Allen 2360 1941-4-6
AMES: 00090417 Oncidium parviflorum L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2937 1942-2-20
AMES: 00084932 Oncidium parviflorum L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2937 1942-2-20
AMES: 00600949 Oncidium polycladium H. G. Reichenbach ex Lindley Panama: Prov. of Panama, vicinity of Chopo P. H. Allen 2360 1941-4-6
AMES: 00600731 Oncidium powelii Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills south of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2895 1941-12-23
AMES: 00600968 Oncidium stipitatum Lindley Panama: Vicinity of Pacera P. H. Allen 2933 1942-2-17
AMES: 00090602 Palmorchis trilobulata L. O. Williams Panama: Region north of El Valle de Anton, trail to ... P. H. Allen 2463 1941-5-10
AMES: 00600730 Pelexia funckiana Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón, vicinity ... P. H. Allen 2315 1941-1-21
AMES: 01952448 Phragmipedium longifolium (H. G. Reichenbach ex Warszewicz) Rolfe Panama: Provincia de Coclé. Valley of the upper Rí... P. H. Allen 145 1936-12-31
AMES: 00103241 Platyglottis coriacea L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2936 1942-2-20
AMES: 00085345 Platyglottis coriacea L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2936 1942-2-20
AMES: 00074037 Pleurothallis allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2338 1941-1
AMES: 00074036 Pleurothallis allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1240 1938-12
AMES: 00083244 Pleurothallis allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1240 1938-12
AMES: 00556076 Pleurothallis alpina Ames Panama: Coclé Hills north of el Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2289 1941-1-2
AMES: 00074052 Pleurothallis antonensis L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, trail to L... P. H. Allen sn 1941-9-1
AMES: 02151383 Pleurothallis antonensis L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2194 1940-7-14
AMES: 02151376 Pleurothallis antonensis L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2267 1940-11-21
AMES: 02151485 Pleurothallis brighamii S. Watson Panama: Panama Río la Maestra P. H. Allen 54 1936-12-4
AMES: 02151538 Pleurothallis calyptrostele Schlechter Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1233 1938-12-8
AMES: 00074159 Pleurothallis cobraeformis L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton, 600 m alt P. H. Allen 2057 1939-12
AMES: 00074158 Pleurothallis cobraeformis L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2057 1939-12-19
AMES: 00083296 Pleurothallis cobraeformis L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2057 1939-12-19
AMES: 02151665 Pleurothallis cogniauxiana Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland," central valle... P. H. Allen 1383 1939-1-6
AMES: 02151697 Pleurothallis concaviflora C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé vicinity of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2058 1939-12-10
AMES: 02151696 Pleurothallis concaviflora C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, Vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2317 1941-1-21
AMES: 00074239 Pleurothallis eumecocaulon Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2339 1941-1
AMES: 02151776 Pleurothallis eumecocaulon Schlechter Panama: Cerro Campana P. H. Allen 3975 1947-1-7
AMES: 02151863 Pleurothallis gnomonifera Ames Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1466 1939-1-14
AMES: 02151868 Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindley Panama: Cerro Campana P. H. Allen 4487 1947-4-2
AMES: 02151896 Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindley Panama: Quebrada Lopez, Canal Zone P. H. Allen 2137 1940-2-11
AMES: 02151894 Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindley Panama: Panama Río La Maestra P. H. Allen 53 1936-12-4
AMES: 00074333 Pleurothallis hispida L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, 800-100 m alt P. H. Allen 782 1938-9
AMES: 00074332 Pleurothallis hispida L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, 800-100 m alt P. H. Allen 782 1938-9
AMES: 02097700 Pleurothallis hispida L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1243 1938-12-8
AMES: 02151993 Pleurothallis homalantha Schlechter Costa Rica: Heights of La Carpintera, vicinity of Tres R... P. H. Allen 501 1937-12-1
AMES: 02151978 Pleurothallis homalantha Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2268 1940-11-21
AMES: 02152009 Pleurothallis imrayi Lindley Panama: Coclé Loma del Tigre, region north of El Valle de ... P. H. Allen 3808 1946-11-16
AMES: 02152003 Pleurothallis imrayi Lindley Panama: El Valle de Anton, Loma del Tigre P. H. Allen 5132 1947-9-28
AMES: 02152043 Pleurothallis johnsonii Ames Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 3575 1946-6-29
AMES: 00074401 Pleurothallis lepidota L. O. Williams Panama: Chiriqui Llanos del Volcán P. H. Allen 1552 1939-1-23
AMES: 00083377 Pleurothallis lepidota L. O. Williams Panama: Chiriqui Llanos del Volcán P. H. Allen 1552 1939-1-23
AMES: 02152129 Pleurothallis muricata Schlechter Panama: Coclé El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2294 1941-1-20
AMES: 00556405 Pleurothallis octomeriae Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, trail to L... P. H. Allen 2719 1941-9-1
AMES: 00074657 Pleurothallis pterocaulis L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1239 1938-12-8
AMES: 00083427 Pleurothallis pterocaulis L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1239 1938-12-8
AMES: 02152341 Pleurothallis pubescens Lindley Panama: Cerro Campana P. H. Allen 4503 1947-4-23
AMES: 02152359 Pleurothallis rotundata C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2259 1940-11-21
AMES: 02152358 Pleurothallis rotundata C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Hills north of El. Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2206 1940-7-14
AMES: 02152454 Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacquin) R. Brown Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2269 1940-11-21
AMES: 02152453 Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacquin) R. Brown Panama: trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle ... P. H. Allen 2872 1941-12-2
AMES: 02152450 Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacquin) R. Brown Panama: trail to Las Minas, hills north of El Valle ... P. H. Allen 2872 1941-12-2
AMES: 02152511 Pleurothallis segoviensis H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punta P. H. Allen 3481 1946-5-24
AMES: 02152510 Pleurothallis segoviensis H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton, Vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2307 1941-1-21
AMES: 00074751 Pleurothallis simulans L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé P. H. Allen 1912 1939-7-9
AMES: 00074752 Pleurothallis simulans L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé P. H. Allen 1912 1939-7
AMES: 00083466 Pleurothallis simulans L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé P. H. Allen 1912 1939-7-9
AMES: 02152801 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2260 1940-11-21
AMES: 02152832 Pleurothallis sp. R. Brown Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1465 1939-1-14
AMES: 02152612 Pleurothallis triangulabia C. Schweinfurth Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1468 1939-1-14
AMES: 02152712 Pleurothallis turrialbae Luer Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2265 1940-11-21
AMES: 02152743 Pleurothallis uncinata Fawcett Panama: Coclé El Valle, Cerro Pajita P. H. Allen 4563 1947-5-28
AMES: 02152723 Pleurothallis uncinata Fawcett Panama: Cerro Padita, El Valle P. H. Allen 4443 1947-4-9
AMES: 02152751 Pleurothallis uncinata Fawcett Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2245 1940-11-10
AMES: 02152751 Pleurothallis velaticaulis H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2245 1940-11-10
AMES: 00556240 Pleurothallis vittata Lindley Panama: Cerro Campana P. H. Allen 4503 1947-4-23
AMES: 02152776 Pleurothallis vittata Lindley Panama: Coclé Hills South of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2513 1941-5-9
AMES: 02127708 Polystachya caracasana H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Colón Cerro Santa Rita P. H. Allen 5129 1947-9-27
AMES: 02127824 Polystachya masayensis H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton; Vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2319 1941-1-21
AMES: 01943268 Ponthieva racemosa (Walter) C. Mohr Costa Rica: Summit, ridge of La Carpintera P. H. Allen 1937-12-1
AMES: 01943297 Ponthieva racemosa (Walter) C. Mohr Panama: Provincia de Coclé. Vicinity of El Valle. P. H. Allen 1161 1938-12-8
AMES: 02162613 Prescottia stachyodes (Swartz) Lindley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1183 1938-12-8
AMES: 02162611 Prescottia stachyodes (Swartz) Lindley Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2326 1941-1-21
AMES: 02162610 Prescottia stachyodes (Swartz) Lindley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2064 1939-12-10
AMES: 00600445 Prosthechea abbreviata (Schlechter) W. E. Higgins Panama: Coclé Hiils north of El Valle de Anton, vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2354 1941-1-21
AMES: 02123399 Prosthechea aemula (Lindley) W. E. Higgins Panama: [no additional data] P. H. Allen 4558 1947-5-26
AMES: 02123682 Prosthechea crassilabia (Poepp. & Endl.) Carnevali & I. Ramírez Panama: Coclé Hills north of E. Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2205 1940-7-14
AMES: 02123680 Prosthechea crassilabia (Poepp. & Endl.) Carnevali & I. Ramírez Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2381 1941-4-12
AMES: 02123691 Prosthechea fragrans (Swartz) W. E. Higgins Panama: [no data available] P. H. Allen 5187 1947-10-18
AMES: 02123826 Prosthechea livida (Lindley) W. E. Higgins Panama: 1 mile south of Boquete P. H. Allen 4727 1947-11-20
GH: 02124146 Prosthechea pygmaea (Hooker) W. E. Higgins Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Experimental Station - Area between... P. H. Allen 5325 1949-9-30
AMES: 02124291 Prosthechea varicosa (Bateman ex Lindley) W. E. Higgins Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton; vicinity ... P. H. Allen 2828 1941-11-12
AMES: 02173554 Restrepia Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland," central valle... P. H. Allen 1384 1939-1-6
AMES: 02173554 Restrepia subserrata Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland," central valle... P. H. Allen 1384 1939-1-6
AMES: 00556450 Sacoila lanceolata (Aublet) Garay Panama: Canal Zone Experiment Garden, Summit C.Z. P. H. Allen 2453 1941-4-29
AMES: 02092842 Sarcoglottis hunteriana Schlechter Panama: Panama Along R. Juan Diaz above Juan Diaz, about 30... P. H. Allen 1935-3-28
AMES: 02162710 Scaphosepalum microdactylum Rolfe Panama: Quebrada Lopez, Canal Zone P. H. Allen 2130 1940-2-11
AMES: 00600689 Scaphyglottis amparoana (Schlechter) Dressler Panama: Crest of Cerro Pajita, region north of El Va... P. H. Allen 3944 1947-1-2
AMES: 00600690 Scaphyglottis amparoana (Schlechter) Dressler Panama: Crest of Cerro Pajita, region north of El Va... P. H. Allen 3944 1947-1-2
AMES: 02154658 Scaphyglottis behrii (H. G. Reichenbach) Bentham & Hooker f. Panama: Coclé south of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 4207 1947-2-7
AMES: 02154676 Scaphyglottis bidentata (Lindley) Dressler Panama: Veraguas Trail between Cañazas and the foot of the C... P. H. Allen 195 1937-2-8
AMES: 00600702 Scaphyglottis bilineata (H. G. Reichenbach) Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2263 1940-11-21
AMES: 00600706 Scaphyglottis fasciculata Hooker Honduras: Yoro Pena Blanca, headwaters of Río Lindo P. H. Allen 3928
AMES: 00600717 Scaphyglottis lindeniana (A. Richard & Galeotti) L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2291 1941-1-2
AMES: 00600706 Scaphyglottis livida (Lindley) Schlechter Honduras: Yoro Pena Blanca, headwaters of Río Lindo P. H. Allen 3928
GH: 02154861 Scaphyglottis longicaulis S. Watson Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Experiment Station - Area between R... P. H. Allen 5335 1949-9-30
AMES: 02154872 Scaphyglottis longicaulis S. Watson Panama: Cerro Santa Rita P. H. Allen 5195 1947-10-15
AMES: 02154856 Scaphyglottis longicaulis S. Watson Panama: Darién Vicinity of El Real P. H. Allen 944 1938-10-7
AMES: 00600719 Scaphyglottis mesocopis (Endres & H. Gustav Reichenbach) Bentham ex Hemsley Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Boquete P. H. Allen 2282
AMES: 00600720 Scaphyglottis mesocopis (Endres & H. Gustav Reichenbach) Bentham ex Hemsley Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2926 1942-2-2
AMES: 02154907 Scaphyglottis mesocopis (Endres & H. Gustav Reichenbach) Bentham ex Hemsley Panama: Coclé Hills Norht of El Valle canton; Vicinity of ... P. H. Allen 2316 1941-1-21
AMES: 00600721 Scaphyglottis minutiflora Ames & Correll Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2258 1940-11-21
AMES: 00600723 Scaphyglottis punctulata (H. G. Reichenbach) C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2361 1940-11-21
AMES: 02154953 Scaphyglottis punctulata (H. G. Reichenbach) C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2155 1940-6-23
AMES: 00600721 Scaphyglottis sp. Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2258 1940-11-21
AMES: 00600723 Scaphyglottis sp. Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2361 1940-11-21
AMES: 02154665 Scaphyglottis sp. Panama: Quebrada Lopez P. H. Allen 2139 1940-2-11
AMES: 00287723 Scaphyglottis spathulata C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Crest of Cerro Pajita, region north of El Va... P. H. Allen 3935 1947-1-2
AMES: 00083859 Scaphyglottis spathulata C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Crest of Cerro Pajita, region north of El Va... P. H. Allen 3935 1947-1-2
AMES: 00104172 Scaphyglottis tenella L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2276 1940-11-21
AMES: 00084969 Scaphyglottis tenella L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2276 1940-11-21
AMES: 00104260 Sigmatostalix abortiva L. O. Williams Panama: Quebrada Lopez P. H. Allen 2121 1940-2-11
AMES: 00083884 Sigmatostalix abortiva L. O. Williams Panama: Quebrada Lopez P. H. Allen 2121 1940-2-11
AMES: 00083895 Sigmatostalix picturatissima Kraenzlin Panama: Coclé Hiils north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2266 1940-11-21
AMES: 00287726 Sigmatostalix picturatissima Kraenzlin Panama: Coclé Hiils north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2266 1940-11-21
AMES: 00104271 Sigmatostalix racemifera L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1232 1938-12-8
AMES: 00083896 Sigmatostalix racemifera L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1232 1938-12-8
AMES: 00083895 Sigmatostalix racemifera L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hiils north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2266 1940-11-21
AMES: 00287726 Sigmatostalix racemifera L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hiils north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2266 1940-11-21
AMES: 00104274 Sobralia allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, trail to L... P. H. Allen 2686 1941-8-31
AMES: 00090629 Sobralia allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, trail to L... P. H. Allen 2686 1941-8-31
AMES: 00084766 Sobralia allenii L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton, trail to L... P. H. Allen 2686 1941-8-31
AMES: 02159981 Sobralia bradeorum Schlechter Panama: Possibly from Chiriqui P. H. Allen 1938
AMES: 02161002 Sobralia decora Bateman Panama: Panama Vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2669 1941-8-15
AMES: 02161047 Sobralia decora Bateman Panama: vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2669 1941-8-15
AMES: 02161046 Sobralia decora Bateman Panama: Panama Vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 2669 1941-8-15
AMES: 02161043 Sobralia decora Bateman Panama: Coclé Region South of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2934
AMES: 02161042 Sobralia decora Bateman Panama: Panama Taboga Island P. H. Allen 106 1935-1-24
AMES: 02161081 Sobralia fragrans Lindley Panama: Veraguas Trail between Cañazas and the foot of the C... P. H. Allen 167 1937-2-8
AMES: 02161095 Sobralia labiata Warszewicz & H. Gustav Reichenbach Costa Rica: Puntarenas Esquinas Forest Preserve, vicinity of Rio Es... P. H. Allen 5330 1949-9-30
AMES: 02161130 Sobralia lindleyana H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Chiriqui Llano del Volcan. P. H. Allen Graham Fairchild 3472 1946-5-27
AMES: 02161128 Sobralia lindleyana H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Chiriqui Llano del Volcan P. H. Allen Graham Fairchild 3473 1946-5-27
AMES: 02161232 Sobralia macrophylla H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Panama Cerro Campana, Trail from Campana to Chica P. H. Allen 2663 1941-8-10
AMES: 02161249 Sobralia macrophylla H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé south of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2840 1941-11-18
AMES: 02161242 Sobralia mucronata Ames & C. Schweinfurth Panama: Coclé Region north of El Valle de Anton, Vicinity ... P. H. Allen 2789 1941-11-12
AMES: 02161249 Sobralia powellii Schlechter Panama: Coclé south of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2840 1941-11-18
AMES: 02161283 Sobralia sp. Panama: Coclé south of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2839 1941-11-18
AMES: 00090742 Sobralia sulphurea Dressler Panama: Coclé Trail to Las Minas, region north of El Valle... P. H. Allen 2845 1941-12
AMES: 02161260 Sobralia wilsoniana Rolfe Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2454 1941-4-30
AMES: 01985124 Stelis aemula Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2157 1940-6-23
AMES: 01985125 Stelis aemula Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2154 1940-6-23
AMES: 02089038 Stelis argentata Lindley Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 1940-11-21
AMES: 00090521 Stelis atrorubens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón, trail to ... P. H. Allen 2876 1941-12-2
AMES: 00084060 Stelis atrorubens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón, trail to ... P. H. Allen 2876 1941-12-2
AMES: 00084061 Stelis atrorubens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1234 1938-12-8
AMES: 00287733 Stelis atrorubens L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1234 1938-12-8
AMES: 02089349 Stelis maxima Lindley Panama: Loma del Tigre, region north of El Valle de ... P. H. Allen 5066 1947-7-6
AMES: 00084313 Stelis montana L. O. Williams Panama: Chiriqui trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1463 1939-1-4
AMES: 01985157 Stelis montana L. O. Williams Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1463 1939-1-14
AMES: 02089624 Stelis quadrifida (Lexarza) Solano & Soto Arenas El Salvador: Chalatenango Vcty. San Ignacio P. H. Allen 7082 1958-11-14
AMES: 02089668 Stelis quadrifida (Lexarza) Solano & Soto Arenas Panama: Río La Maestra. P. H. Allen
AMES: 02089884 Stelis sp. Swartz Panama: Coclé Hills North of El Valle de Anton. P. H. Allen 1940-11-21
AMES: 02089878 Stelis sp. Swartz Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1939-1-14
AMES: 02089871 Stelis sp. Swartz Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle; north rim (wet) P. H. Allen 1939-5-21
AMES: 02089692 Stelis standleyi Ames Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punta P. H. Allen 1946-5-24
AMES: 02089699 Stelis storkii Ames Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle. North rim (wet) P. H. Allen 1939-5-21
AMES: 00105037 Stelis vulcanica Schlechter Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2173 1940-6-23
AMES: 00105038 Stelis vulcanica Schlechter Panama: Coclé Vicinity of La Mesa, north of El Valle de An... P. H. Allen 2393 1941-4-12
AMES: 00556450 Stenorrhynchos orchioides (Swartz) Richard Panama: Canal Zone Experiment Garden, Summit C.Z. P. H. Allen 2453 1941-4-29
AMES: 02092359 Stenorrhynchos speciosum (Jacquin) Richard ex Sprengel Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland," central valle... P. H. Allen 1939-1-6
AMES: 00085148 Trichopilia leucoxantha L. O. Williams Panama: Coclé Hills south of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2401 1940-8-15
AMES: 00556419 Trichopilia maculata H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Vicinity of Chorrera P. H. Allen 2842 1941-11-20
AMES: 00556421 Trichopilia subulata (Swartz) H. G. Reichenbach Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle de Antón P. H. Allen 2208 1940-7-21
AMES: 00556380 Trigonidium lankesteri Ames Panama: Coclé Hills north of EL Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2290 1941-1-2
AMES: 00101200 Trisetella triglochin (H. G. Reichenbach) Luer Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1230 1938-12-8
AMES: 00287796 Warrea costaricensis Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Near Potrerillos P. H. Allen s.n. 1938
AMES: 00287797 Warrea costaricensis Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Near Potrerillos P. H. Allen s.n. 1938
AMES: 00084807 Warrea costaricensis Schlechter Panama: Chiriqui Near Potrerillos P. H. Allen s.n. 1938
Orobanchaceae GH: 00072034 Conopholis alpina alpina Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Bambito to Cerro Punta, 1400-2300... P. H. Allen 305 1937-4-6
A: 00072033 Conopholis alpina alpina Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Bambito to Cerro Punta, 1400-2300... P. H. Allen 305 1937-4-6
GH: 00072034 Conopholis panamensis Woodson Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Bambito to Cerro Punta, 1400-2300... P. H. Allen 305 1937-4-6
A: 00072033 Conopholis panamensis Woodson Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Bambito to Cerro Punta, 1400-2300... P. H. Allen 305 1937-4-6
Piperaceae GH: 00004932 Peperomia antoni lutea Trelease Panama: Coclé vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1160 1938-12-8
GH: 00004931 Peperomia antoni fertilior Trelease Panama: Coclé vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 760 1938-9-5
GH: 00004940 Peperomia asarifolia Schlechtendal & Chamisso Panama: Panama Rio Las Lajas P. H. Allen 2037 1939-11-19
GH: 00004940 Peperomia brevipeduncula major Trelease Panama: Panama Rio Las Lajas P. H. Allen 2037 1939-11-19
GH: 00004946 Peperomia cerro-puntana Trelease Panama: Chiriqui trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1451 1939-1-14
GH: 01984844 Peperomia cocleana Trelease Costa Rica: Puntarenas Region between Rio Esquinas and Palmar Sur d... P. H. Allen 5831 1951-2-2
GH: 00004952 Peperomia cocleana Trelease Panama: Coclé valley of the upper Rio Mata Ahogado, 350 m. P. H. Allen 133 1936-12-31
GH: 00004991 Peperomia dendrophila Schlechtendal & Chamisso Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of 'New Switzerland', central valle... P. H. Allen 1417 1939-1-6
GH: 00005010 Peperomia dendrophila Schlechtendal & Chamisso Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of 'New Switzerland', central valle... P. H. Allen 1360 1939-1-6
GH: 01984084 Peperomia dotana Trelease Costa Rica: Summit, ridge of La Carpintera P. H. Allen 327 1937-12-1
GH: 00004965 Peperomia duricaulis Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio ... P. H. Allen 1441 1939-1-14
GH: 00004978 Peperomia laesa Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of 'New Switzerland', central valle... P. H. Allen 1422 1939-1-6
GH: 01984268 Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Both banks of Rio Virilla, below bridge on h... P. H. Allen 573 1937-12-1
GH: 01984307 Peperomia lignescens C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Heights of La Carpintera, vicinity of Tres R... P. H. Allen 528 1937-12-1
GH: 00004991 Peperomia novae-helvetiae Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of 'New Switzerland', central valle... P. H. Allen 1417 1939-1-6
GH: 00004940 Peperomia pseudodependens C. de Candolle Panama: Panama Rio Las Lajas P. H. Allen 2037 1939-11-19
GH: 01984503 Peperomia quadrifolia (Linnaeus) Kunth Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of Cerro Punta P. H. Allen 1532 1939-1-21
GH: 00005010 Peperomia rivi-vestuti Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of 'New Switzerland', central valle... P. H. Allen 1360 1939-1-6
GH: 00005016 Peperomia sarcodes Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Río... P. H. Allen 1452 1939-1-14
GH: 01979101 Piper aduncum Linnaeus Panama: Veraguas Vicinity of Santiago P. H. Allen 1016 1938-11-24
GH: 01979194 Piper aequale J. Vahl Costa Rica: Puntarenas above Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 6013 1951-3-15
A: 00005350 Piper alleni Trelease Panama: Darién Pinogana-Yavisa trail; ca. 15 m. P. H. Allen 270 1937-3-17
GH: 00303863 Piper alleni Trelease Panama: Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa, ca. 15 m. P. H. Allen 270 1937-3-17
GH: 00005368 Piper barbirostre Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland"; 1800-2000 m. P. H. Allen 1365 1939-1-6
GH: 01979675 Piper colonense C. de Candolle Panama: Panama Along R. Juan Diaz above Juan Diaz P. H. Allen 934 1935-3-28
GH: 01979712 Piper crassinervium Kunth Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland," central valle... P. H. Allen 1416 1939-1-6
GH: 01979817 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas Vcty. Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 5769 1951-1-11
GH: 01979805 Piper friedrichsthalii C. de Candolle Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2003 1939-9-17
GH: 00005422 Piper frijolesanum grandifolium Trelease Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1193 1938-12-8
GH: 00005423 Piper gamboanum yapense Trelease Panama: Darién Vicinity of Yape; ca. 30 m. P. H. Allen 854 1938-10-4
GH: 00005425 Piper gatunense latum Trelease Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1808 1939-5-21
GH: 00005424 Piper gatunense cocleanum Trelease Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1784 1939-5-14
GH: 00005432 Piper heraldi cocleanum Trelease Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1192 1938-12-8
A: 01979959 Piper hispidum Kunth Costa Rica: Summit, ridge La Carpintera P. H. Allen 633 1937-12-1
GH: 00005440 Piper humorigaudens Trelease Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1833 1939-5-21
GH: 00303863 Piper lucigaudens C. de Candolle Panama: Trail between Pinogana and Yavisa, ca. 15 m. P. H. Allen 270 1937-3-17
GH: 01980285 Piper marginatum Jacquin Panama: Herrera Pese P. H. Allen 801 1938-9-13
GH: 01980320 Piper marginatum Jacquin Panama: Darién Vicinity of Boca de Cupe P. H. Allen 869 1938-10-5
GH: 00005468 Piper minute-scabiosum Trelease Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1639 1939-2-12
GH: 00005469 Piper minute-scabiosum arborescens Trelease Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1185 1938-12-8
GH: 00005484 Piper novae-helvetiae Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of "New Switzerland", central valle... P. H. Allen 1359 1939-1-6
A: 01980472 Piper obliquum Ruiz & Pavon Costa Rica: Summit, ridge La Carpintera P. H. Allen 631 1937-12-1
GH: 00005500 Piper partiticuspe Trelease Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1195 1938-12-8
GH: 00005501 Piper paso-anchoense Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Paso Ancho to Monte Lirio, upper ... P. H. Allen 1579 1939-1-16
GH: 01980669 Piper pseudofuligineum C. de Candolle Panama: Chiriqui Vicinity of El Boquete P. H. Allen 1017 1935-4-24
GH: 00005440 Piper pseudolindenii C. de Candolle Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle P. H. Allen 1833 1939-5-21
GH: 01980732 Piper reticulatum Linnaeus Panama: Canal Zone: Along R. Chagres between Gamboa ... P. H. Allen 956 1935-4-5
GH: 01980740 Piper riparense C. de Candolle Costa Rica: Puntarenas [no additional data] P. H. Allen 6038 1951-3-27
GH: 01965266 Piper sp. Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1801 1939-5-14
GH: 01965267 Piper sp. Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2001 1939-9-17
GH: 01980921 Piper tuberculatum Jacquin Panama: Along R. Juan Diaz above Juan Diaz P. H. Allen 943 1935-3-28
GH: 01980923 Piper tuberculatum Jacquin Panama: Panama Isla Taboga P. H. Allen 1287 1938-12-16
GH: 00005573 Piper tuberculatum alleni Trelease Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Antón; 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1640 1939-2-12
GH: 00005584 Piper varium Trelease Panama: Chiriqui Trail from Paso Ancho to Monte Lirio, upper ... P. H. Allen 1491 1939-1-16
Podostemaceae GH: 00042404 Marathrum allenii Woodson Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, alt. 800-1000 m P. H. Allen 82 1936-12-22
GH: 00042403 Marathrum allenii Woodson Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, alt. 800-1000 m P. H. Allen 82 1936-12-22
Polygonaceae A: 00036119 Coccoloba allenii Lundell Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle, alt. 1000 m P. H. Allen 2181 1940-7-14
GH: 00036128 Coccoloba dariensis R. A. Howard Panama: Darién Vicinity of Pinogana, ca. 20 m P. H. Allen 934 1938-10-6
A: 00036119 Coccoloba lehmannii Lindau Panama: Coclé Hills north of El Valle, alt. 1000 m P. H. Allen 2181 1940-7-14
GH: 00036152 Coccoloba padiformis C. F. W. Meissner Costa Rica: Forested hills above Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 5944 1951-2-22
GH: 00036152 Coccoloba roseiflora Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Forested hills above Palmar Norte de Osa P. H. Allen 5944 1951-2-22
Rosaceae A: 02558624 Rosa multiflora Thunberg Costa Rica: Vicinity of Los Nubes P. H. Allen 719 1937-12-1
Rubiaceae GH: 00092311 Allenanthus erythrocarpus Standley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle de Anton, ca. 600 m. P. H. Allen 1999 1939-9-17
GH: 00092399 Borreria pumilio Standley Panama: Coclé Natá, 50 m. P. H. Allen 822 1938-9-12
GH: 00549702 Palicourea garciae Standley Costa Rica: Cartago Cordillera de Talamanca, near El Copey P. H. Allen 16482 1949-4-23
GH: 00095009 Psychotria allenii Standley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, north rim (wet), 600-1... P. H. Allen 1796 1939-5-14
GH: 00549702 Psychotria copeyana Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Cartago Cordillera de Talamanca, near El Copey P. H. Allen 16482 1949-4-23
GH: 00095803 Rondeletia platysepala Standley Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle, north rim (wet), 600-1... P. H. Allen 1791 1939-5-14
A: 00359505 Sommera grandis (Bartling ex de Candolle) Standley Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa. Río Esquinas. Vicinity of Ki... P. H. Allen 5431 1949-12-8
A: 00359505 Sommera rivularis L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Canton de Osa. Río Esquinas. Vicinity of Ki... P. H. Allen 5431 1949-12-8
Rutaceae GH: 00043991 Amyris barbata Lundell Panama: Chiriqui Llanos del Volcan, alt. ca. 1300 m P. H. Allen 1540 1939-1-23
Sapindaceae GH: 00098193 Paullinia allenii Standley Panama: Coclé North rim of El Valle de Anton, 600-1000 m. P. H. Allen 1657 1939-2-12
Sapotaceae GH: 00589971 Pouteria chiricana (Standley) Baehni Costa Rica: Puntarenas near the Golfito airport P. H. Allen 6317 1951-11-28
GH: 00589971 Pouteria foveolata T. D. Pennington Costa Rica: Puntarenas near the Golfito airport P. H. Allen 6317 1951-11-28
GH: 00589971 Pouteria izabelensis (Standley) Baehni Costa Rica: Puntarenas near the Golfito airport P. H. Allen 6317 1951-11-28
GH: 00075814 Pouteria triplarifolia P. H. Allen ex T. D. Pennington Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills above Palmar Norte, trail to ... P. H. Allen 5907 1951-2-17
Solanaceae GH: 00801044 Brugmansia suaveolens (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Sweet Costa Rica: Vicinity of Losa Nubes P. H. Allen 709 1937-12-1
GH: 00987780 Capsicum baccatum Linnaeus Panama: Canal zone; Vicinity of Madden Dam P. H. Allen 2006 1939-10-8
GH: 00814075 Solandra maxima (Sessé & Moçiño) P. S. Green Panama: Coclé Vicinity of El Valle P. H. Allen 1212 1938-12-8
A: 00814087 Solandra sp. Swartz Panama: Chiriqui Trail, Boquete to Finca Lerida P. H. Allen 304 1937-4-4
GH: 00814085 Solandra sp. Swartz Panama: Chiriqui Trail, Boquete ot Finca Lerida P. H. Allen 304 1937-4-4
GH: 00255348 Solanum phaseoloides Polak Costa Rica: Heights of La Carpintera, vicinity of Tres R... P. H. Allen 508 1937-12-1
Sterculiaceae GH: 00057597 Basiloxylon excelsum Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills near Golfito de Golfo Dulce, ... P. H. Allen 5984 1951-3-3
GH: 00057597 Pterygota excelsa (Standley & L. O. Williams) Kostermans Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills near Golfito de Golfo Dulce, ... P. H. Allen 5984 1951-3-3
GH: 00057599 Sterculia allenii Eliz. L. Taylor Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills above Palmar Norte de Osa, 50... P. H. Allen 5863 1951-2-12
GH: 00057598 Sterculia allenii Eliz. L. Taylor Costa Rica: Puntarenas Forested hills above Palmar Norte de Osa, 50... P. H. Allen 5863 1951-2-12
Theaceae GH: 02467270 Ternstroemia tepezapote Schlechtendal & Chamisso Panama: Panama Arraijan P. H. Allen 732 1938-4-11
GH: 02467266 Ternstroemia tepezapote Schlechtendal & Chamisso Panama: Hills south of El Valle de Anton P. H. Allen 2473 1941-5-9
Theophrastaceae GH: 00073667 Jacquinia macrocarpa panamensis (Lundell) Stahl Panama: Panama Vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 985 1938-10-18
GH: 00073667 Jacquinia panamensis Lundell Panama: Panama Vicinity of Bejuco P. H. Allen 985 1938-10-18
Tiliaceae GH: 00020257 Pentaplaris doroteae L. O. Williams & Standley Costa Rica: Puntarenas On steep slopes, forested hills above Palmar... P. H. Allen 6326 1951-12-10
Ulmaceae GH: 00310738 Lozanella enantiophylla (Donnell Smith) Killip & Morton Panama: Chiriqui P. H. Allen 1505 1939-1-16
Vitaceae GH: 00814255 Vitis tiliifolia Humboldt & Bonpland ex Schultes Panama: Hills north of El Valle de Anton, vicinity o... P. H. Allen 2486 1941-5-11
Vochysiaceae GH: 00045208 Qualea cymulosa Schery Panama: Darién Headwaters, Rio Chico, alt. 500-750 feet P. H. Allen 4645 1947-6-12
GH: 00443663 Vochysia allenii Standley & L. O. Williams Costa Rica: Puntarenas near Esquinas P. H. Allen 6250 1951-6-15