Acinetosporaceae FH: 00858175 Pogotrichum filiforme Reinke Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Apocynaceae A: 02115325 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müller Arg.) Pichon Tanzania: Tanganyika Terr.; Lushoto [data not captured] 522 1928
GH: 02378912 Malouetia arborea (Vellozo) Miers Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro: Horto Florestal do Rio de Ja... [data not captured] 61268 1928-1-18
GH: 02383621 Rauvolfia grandiflora Martius ex A. de Candolle Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro: Horto Florestal do Rio de Ja... [data not captured] 1952 1928-10-20
GH: 02383620 Rauvolfia grandiflora Martius ex A. de Candolle Brazil: Distrito Federal Distrito Federal - Horto Flores-tal. [data not captured] 1928-10-20
A: 02009956 Strophanthus divaricatus (Loureiro) Hooker & Arnott China: Guangdong [no additional data] [data not captured] 357 1928-1-15
Araceae ECON: 01655261 Arum maculatum Linnaeus Germany: Thuringia Weimar [data not captured] 777 1928-6
Araliaceae A: 00987280 Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus (Ruprecht & Maximowicz) S. Y. Hu China: Hebei Chihli; Shih Pa P'an Ling [data not captured] L2012=R653 1928-8-12
Aristolochiaceae GH: 01682265 Asarum canadense Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] [data not captured] 5746 1928-5-13
Asclepiadaceae GH: 01082705 Asclepias verticillata Linnaeus USA: Virginia [no additional data] [data not captured] 1928-9-1
Asteraceae A: 00968934 Artemisia filifolia Torrey USA: Arizona Petrified Forest; near Adamana [data not captured] 159 1928-10-20
GH: 02172677 Centaurea stoebe micranthos (Gugler) Hayek USA: New York [data not captured] [data not captured] 22408 1928-9-9
GH: 02172849 Cirsium altissimum (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] [data not captured] 12370 1928-9-11
GH: 02020675 Cirsium discolor (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Sprengel USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] [data not captured] 12368 1928-9-7
Bangiaceae FH: 00876988 Porphyra laciniata (Lightfoot) C. Agardh Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-1
Berberidaceae GH: 02169283 Mahonia haematocarpa (Wooton) Fedde USA: New Mexico 2 miles east of Nogal [data not captured] 2889 1928-7-21
Betulaceae GH: 02103183 Corylus cornuta californica (A. de Candolle) A. E. Murray USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-7-3
Boodleaceae FH: 00858721 Cladophoropsis sp. : Greenland: Griechenland; Attika; Saron, Golf... [data not captured] 1928-6-12
Brassicaceae GH: 01106366 Draba densifolia Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 9652 1928-9-23
Bromeliaceae GH: 02546559 Deinacanthon urbanianum Mez Venezuela: Gral. Roca, San Francisco [data not captured] 28/7H2 1928-5-21
Calypogeiaceae FH: 00495854 Calypogeia fissa (Linnaeus) Raddi USA: Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
Caprifoliaceae A: 02186660 Viburnum nudum cassinoides (Linnaeus) Torrey & A. Gray USA: Pennsylvania Between Driftwood and Port Allegheny [data not captured] 14 1928-9-7
Ceramiaceae FH: 00858528 Ceramothamnion adriaticum Schiller Greece: Griechenland; Attika; Saron. Golf, Kaki Skal... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
Chenopodiaceae A: 01783043 Nitrophila occidentalis S. Watson USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 833 1928-4-4
Chordariaceae FH: 00858156 Elachista fucicola grevillei Hamel Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Cladoniaceae FH: 00426215 Cladonia ramulosa (Withering) J. R. Laundon USA: Connecticut Windsor: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00426318 Cladonia rangiferina (Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-2
FH: 00426320 Cladonia rangiferina (Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-9-28
FH: 00426325 Cladonia rangiferina (Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-1
FH: 00426340 Cladonia rangiferina (Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-9-28
FH: 00426440 Cladonia rangiferina (Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers USA: Massachusetts Wareham: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-4
FH: 00426475 Cladonia rangiferina (Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-9
FH: 00426754 Cladonia rei Schaerer USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-9-29
FH: 00426758 Cladonia rei Schaerer USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-7
FH: 00426776 Cladonia rei Schaerer USA: Connecticut Bridgewater: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00426883 Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nylander USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-9-28
FH: 00426884 Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nylander USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-14
FH: 00426941 Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nylander USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-9-29
FH: 00426942 Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nylander USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-2
FH: 00426975 Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nylander USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-7
FH: 00392219 Cladonia squamosa (Scopoli) Hoffmann USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-11
FH: 00392297 Cladonia squamosa denticollis (Hoffmann) Flörke USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-6
FH: 00392334 Cladonia squamosa denticollis (Hoffmann) Flörke USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-9-30
FH: 00392335 Cladonia squamosa denticollis (Hoffmann) Flörke USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-11
FH: 00392815 Cladonia stellaris (Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-9-28
FH: 00392840 Cladonia stellaris (Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda USA: Massachusetts Wareham: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-4
FH: 00392841 Cladonia stellaris (Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda USA: Massachusetts Wareham: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-4-28
FH: 00392990 Cladonia strepsilis (Acharius) Grognot USA: Connecticut Windsor: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00391009 Cladonia strepsilis (Acharius) Grognot USA: Connecticut Windsor: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00391046 Cladonia strepsilis (Acharius) Grognot USA: Connecticut Windsor: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00391233 Cladonia subcariosa evoluta Vainio USA: Massachusetts Carver: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-5
FH: 00391732 Cladonia tenuis (Flörke) Harmand USA: Connecticut Branford: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00391733 Cladonia tenuis (Flörke) Harmand USA: Connecticut North Branford: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00391769 Cladonia tenuis (Flörke) Harmand USA: Connecticut North Branford: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00391782 Cladonia tenuis (Flörke) Harmand USA: Connecticut [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00391794 Cladonia tenuis (Flörke) Harmand USA: North Carolina [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-1-7
FH: 00391796 Cladonia tenuis decumbens (Harmand) Harmand USA: South Carolina [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-1-10
FH: 00391801 Cladonia tenuis decumbens (Harmand) Harmand USA: Massachusetts Wareham: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-4-27
FH: 00391902 Cladonia turgida Ehrhart ex Hoffmann USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-2
FH: 00407464 Cladonia uncialis (Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers USA: Massachusetts Wareham: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-4-27
FH: 00407342 Cladonia uncialis dicraea (Acharius) L. Karenlampi & Perkonen USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-2
FH: 00407371 Cladonia uncialis dicraea (Acharius) L. Karenlampi & Perkonen USA: Connecticut [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
FH: 00407312 Cladonia uncialis biuncialis (Hoffmann) Schaerer USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-2
FH: 00407313 Cladonia uncialis biuncialis (Hoffmann) Schaerer USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-6
FH: 00407314 Cladonia uncialis biuncialis (Hoffmann) Schaerer USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-10-6
Cladophoraceae FH: 00858212 Cladophora albida refracta Thuret ex Collins Croatia: Adria: Istrien, bei Isola, ausgeworfen [data not captured] 1928-5
FH: 00858693 Cladophora arachnoidea Schiffner Greece: Griechenland; Attika; Saron. Golf, Kaki Skal... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
FH: 00858213 Cladophora arcta (Dillwyn) Kützing Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
FH: 00858214 Cladophora crystalina \N Croatia: Adria: Istrien, bei Isola, ausgeworfen [data not captured] 1928-5
FH: 00858706 Cladophora parvula K. Möbius Greece: Griechenland; Attika, Saron. Golf, Kaki Skal... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
FH: 00858234 Cladophora sonderi Kützing Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
FH: 00858702 Cladophora sp. Greece: Griechenland; Attika; Saron. Golf, Kaki Skal... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
Clavariaceae FH: 00490206 Clavariadelphus pistillaris (Linnaeus) Donk: Fries USA: California [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1928
FH: 00608522 Pistillaria micans (Persoon) Fries USA: New York [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1928-9-24
Commelinaceae GH: 02098146 Tradescantia virginiana Linnaeus USA: Virginia Richmond (Virginia): [data not captured] [data not captured] 76 1928-5-8
Cornaceae A: 01845656 Cornus florida Linnaeus USA: North Carolina Greensboro: Lake Daniel [data not captured] 1928
Cupressaceae GH: 02106630 Juniperus virginiana Linnaeus USA: Indiana [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-11-4
Cyperaceae GH: 02367650 Carex nardina Fries Canada: [data not captured] [data not captured] 120666 1928-8-15
Cystocloniaceae FH: 00858570 Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J. V. Lamouroux Greece: Griechenland; Attika; Saron, Golf, Kaki Skal... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
Delesserieae FH: 00858035 Delesseria alata (Hudson) J. V. Lamouroux Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Dicranaceae FH: 00780655 Oreoweisia torquescens (Hornschuch ex Bridel) Wijk & Margadant Canada: British Columbia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-6-19
FH: 00780715 Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedwig) Loeske Canada: Alberta [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-8-22
Dryopteridaceae NEBC: 00704644 Dryopteris fragrans remotiuscula (Komarov) Komarov Canada: Quebec Province Bic: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1928
Ectocarpaceae FH: 00858136 Ectocarpus confervoides Le Jolis Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
FH: 00858136 Ectocarpus sp. Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
FH: 00858145 Ectocarpus terminalis Kützing Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Ephedraceae A: 00933594 Ephedra torreyana S. Watson USA: New Mexico Bet. [Between] Albuquerque [Bernalillos Co.]... [data not captured] 132 1928-10-18
Ericaceae GH: 01536680 Arctous alpina (Linnaeus) Niedenzu Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: South Side Hills [data not captured] 539 1928
GH: 01536681 Arctous alpina (Linnaeus) Niedenzu Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Random Island: Southeastern Newfoundland; Ra... [data not captured] 1928
GH: 01562134 Chimaphila maculata (Linnaeus) Pursh USA: Virginia Richmond (Virginia): Campus [University of R... [data not captured] 2152 1928-7-10
GH: 01719344 Monotropa hypopitys Linnaeus USA: New York Hebron [data not captured] 2201 1928-9
A: 01762776 Rhododendron canadense (Linnaeus) Torrey Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-6
Fabaceae GH: 01881893 Clitoria mariana Linnaeus USA: Virginia Richmond (Virginia): Fairway Ridge [data not captured] 1480 1928-7-10
GH: 02130073 Melilotus albus Medikus Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] [data not captured] 31010(bis) 1928-9-1
GH: 02137620 Tephrosia virginiana (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: New York [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
GH: 02345577 Vicia caroliniana Walter USA: Maryland [data not captured] [data not captured] 10,579 1928-5-5
GH: 02345721 Vicia cracca Linnaeus Canada: Alberta [data not captured] [data not captured] 1311 1928-7-29
Fucaceae FH: 00858172 Fucus sp. Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
FH: 00858172 Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Geoglossaceae FH: 00433368 Geoglossum difforme Fries USA: Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] s. n. 1928-9-23
Hyaloscyphaceae FH: 00433064 Dasyscyphus occidentalis G. G. Hahn & Ayers Canada: British Columbia [no additional data] [data not captured] s. n. 1928-6-23
Juncaceae GH: 02396829 Luzula confusa Lindeberg : Greenland: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-7-4
GH: 02396868 Luzula confusa Lindeberg : Greenland: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-6-24
Lamiaceae GH: 01553490 Hedeoma reverchonii (A. Gray) A. Gray USA: Texas Belton [data not captured] 1928-6
A: 02558352 Lavandula angustifolia Miller France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vallée l'Ubaye entre Méolans et Le Lauzet [data not captured] 1928-7-23
A: 00969864 Stachys sp. China: Fujian Diongloh and vicinity. [data not captured] 7446 1928-4-5
Lauraceae A: 02535966 Cinnamomum kalbaricum Doweld Malaysia: Sabah Sapagaya; Sator [data not captured] 813 1928-7
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02361420 Diphasiastrum verecundum A. V. Gilman USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-7
Melampsoraceae FH: 00806058 Coleosporium solidaginis (Schweinitz) Thümen USA: Virginia Charlotteville [data not captured] 1928-5-14
FH: 00877325 Coleosporium sp. Canada: New Brunswick Schoales Dam [data not captured] 1928-8-2
FH: 00806391 Coleosporium terebinthinacearum (Schweinitz) Arthur USA: North Carolina Durham: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1928-10-2
Mimosaceae A: 01992332 Prosopis pubescens Bentham USA: Texas About spring, between "The Chimneys" and Bee... [data not captured] 34209 1928-5-27
Moraceae A: 02533276 Ficus deltoidea motleyana (Miquel) C. C. Berg Malaysia: Sabah Sandakan: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1016 1928-10-6
A: 02533797 Ficus grossularioides N. L. Burman Indonesia: Sumatera: East Coast [data not captured] 1373 1928-9-18
Myrtaceae A: 00069468 Eugenia burkilliana garcinifolioides M. R. Henderson Malaysia: Pahang Rompin [data not captured] 1928
Ophioglossaceae GH: 02282710 Botrychium lunaria (Linnaeus) Swartz Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
Orchidaceae AMES: 01944993 Cranichis diphylla Swartz Costa Rica: 3 miles N. E. of El Copey [data not captured] 1639 1928-4-20
AMES: 02156790 Dendrobium crumenantum Swartz Thailand: Takc, Langsuan. [data not captured] 1751 1928-6-20
AMES: 02156791 Dendrobium crumenantum Swartz Thailand: Tako, Langsuan. [data not captured] 1751 1928-6-20
AMES: 02156791 Dendrobium thyrsiflorum H. G. Reichenbach Thailand: Tako, Langsuan. [data not captured] 1751 1928-6-20
AMES: 01947106 Habenaria avicula Schlechter Panama: [no additional data] [data not captured] s. n. 1928-10-9
AMES: 02173829 Octomeria graminifolia (Linnaeus) R. Brown Brazil: Paraná Curityba [data not captured] 23084 1928-10-19
AMES: 02173829 Octomeria hatschbachii Schlechter Brazil: Paraná Curityba [data not captured] 23084 1928-10-19
AMES: 01951045 Ophrys insectifera Linnaeus United Kingdom: England: Coulsdon, Surrey [data not captured] 1928-5
AMES: 02337787 Oxystophyllum carnosum Blume Thailand: Tako, Langsuan. [data not captured] 1749 1928-6-20
AMES: 02175937 Pholidota chinensis Lindley China: Guangdong Lantau Island; Taai Ue Shaan [data not captured] 1928-2-5
AMES: 02092151 Spiranthes spiralis Chevallier Germany: Westfalen. Auf [Schafwliden] auf dr. Hort "b... [data not captured] 99 1928-9-9
Orobanchaceae GH: 02171606 Bartsia alpina Linnaeus Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador [data not captured] [data not captured] 533 1928-7-28
GH: 01879924 Conopholis americana (Linnaeus) Wallroth USA: West Virginia Huntington [data not captured] 105 1928-5-12
Pezizaceae FH: 00434038 Humaria waterstonii (Seaver) Pfister USA: Iowa [data not captured] [data not captured] s. n. 1928-9-29
Pinaceae GH: 00397260 Picea pungens Engelmann USA: New Mexico 18 miles from Mogollon Mogollon Mts. [data not captured] 2697 1928-7-14
Plantaginaceae GH: 02212641 Callitriche palustris Linnaeus USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-1-30
GH: 01801929 Plantago aristata Michaux USA: Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-7-2
GH: 01805604 Veronica chamaedrys Linnaeus Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Newfoundland Island: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928
Poaceae GH: 01815144 Sorghum halepense (Linnaeus) Persoon USA: Georgia Savannah: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-8
Polygonaceae GH: 01986728 Eriogonum palmerianum Reveal USA: Arizona Along road from Roosevelt to Globe. [data not captured] 15857 1928-10-26
GH: 02006420 Rumex acetosella Linnaeus USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 1928-6-5
Polyporaceae FH: 00559006 Ganoderma curtisii (Berkeley) Murrill USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1928-5-29
FH: 00585761 Irpex crassus Berkeley & M. A. Curtis USA: New Hampshire [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1928-9
FH: 00533238 Trametes radiata (Sowerby) Fries : Asia: [data not captured] [data not captured] B. 0122 1928-10-15
FH: 00527575 Tyromyces leucospongia (Cooke & Harkness) Bondartsev & Singer USA: California Mount Shasta: [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1928
Pottiaceae FH: 00516085 Barbula cruegeri Sonder ex Müller Halle USA: Texas [data not captured] [data not captured] 229 1928-4-6
Ptiloteae FH: 00858338 Plumaria elegans (Bonnemaison) F. Schmitz Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Pucciniaceae FH: 00998284 Gymnosporangium globosum (Farlow) Farlow Canada: Ontario Ottawa: Dom. Arboretum and Botanic Garden [data not captured] 1928-9-8
Ranunculaceae GH: 01706100 Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willdenow USA: New Mexico 18 miles east of Mogollon on Willow Creek, M... [data not captured] 2689 1928-7-14
Rhodomelaceae FH: 00858577 Laurencia obtusa (Hudson) J. V. Lamouroux Greece: Griechenland; Attika; Saron, Golf, Kaki Skal... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
FH: 00858577 Laurencia sp. Greece: Griechenland; Attika; Saron, Golf, Kaki Skal... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
FH: 00858065 Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightfoot ex Dillwyn) Greville Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
FH: 00858069 Rhodomela subfusca firmior J. Agardh Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Rosaceae A: 01557880 Rosa blanda Aiton USA: Michigan western part of the Ammophila dune, Douglas ... [data not captured] 15284 1928-7-16
A: 00620500 Rosa laevigata Michaux China: Guangdong Ou Chien Kiang [data not captured] 514 1928-1-25
A: 00959385 Rosa multiflora Thunberg China: Guangdong near Yuen [?]ei City; West River, Yun Fou Di... [data not captured] 398 1928-1-17
A: 00959551 Rosa sp. China: Guangdong Ko-sian-kan [data not captured] 544 1928-1-31
Russulaceae FH: 00590077 Lactarius aquifluus Peck USA: Massachusetts Marshfield: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1928-10-21
Sargassaceae FH: 00858672 Sargassum trichocarpum J. Agardh Greece: Griechenland; Attika;Saron. Golf, Kaki Skala... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
Sclerotiniaceae FH: 00432374 Ciboria betulae (Woronin ex Navashin) W. L. White USA: New York [data not captured] [data not captured] s. n. 1928
FH: 00465884 Rutstroemia bolaris (Batsch) Rehm USA: New York [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1928-5-4
Solanaceae GH: 00813654 Lycium chilense Bertero Argentina: Mendoza Carmensa [data not captured] 1928-11-5
Spermothamnieae FH: 00858582 Lejolisia mediterranea Bornet Greece: Griechenland; Attika; Saron, Golf, Kaki Skal... [data not captured] 1928-12-6
Sphacelariaceae FH: 00858150 Chaetopteris plumosa (Lyngbye) Kützing Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Thelephoraceae FH: 00530134 Stereum purpureum Persoon Canada: Ontario Ottawa: [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1928-6-9
Thuidiaceae FH: 00537256 Anomodon minor (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: Iowa Ames: [data not captured] [data not captured] 301 1928-8-18
Ulotrichaceae FH: 00858202 Ulothrix flacca (Dillwyn) Thuret Germany: Schleswig-Holstein Nordsee: Insel Helgoland [data not captured] mis. Biol. Sta... 1928-4
Ulvaceae FH: 00858195 Enteromorpha linza crispata (Bertoloni) J. Agardh Croatia: Adria: Istrien, bei Isola, ausgeworfen [data not captured] 1928-5
FH: 00858201 Enteromorpha prolifera subundulata Schiffner Croatia: Adria, Istrien, bei Isola, ausgeworfen [data not captured] 1928-5
Urticaceae GH: 02171185 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] [data not captured] 31 272 1928-7-30
Verbenaceae GH: 01953724 Phyla lanceolata (Michaux) Greene USA: Virginia 1/4 mi. east of Village. Chincoteague Island [data not captured] 38 1928-6-27