Agaricaceae FH: 00481150 Amanita muscaria (Linnaeus) Lamarck USA: Colorado Silverton: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-8-31
FH: 00490567 Clitopilus prunulus (Scopoli) P. Kummer: Fries USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-7-10
FH: 00490808 Collybia velutipes (Curtis: Fries) P. Kummer USA: Kansas Stockton: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-5-2
FH: 00543370 Gomphidius superiorensis C. H. Kauffman & A. H. Smith USA: Michigan [data not captured] [data not captured] 92 1929-9-14
FH: 00599137 Leucocoprinus luteus (Bolton) Locquin USA: Missouri Saint Louis (Missouri): [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-12-14
FH: 00608439 Phyllotopsis nidulans (Persoon) Singer USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] 171 1929-11-11
FH: 00527733 Volvariella volvacea (Bulliard) Singer USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-8-29
Anacardiaceae A: 01873542 Spondias dulcis Parkinson Myanmar: [data not captured] [data not captured] 19 1929
Apocynaceae GH: 02379497 Mandevilla immaculata Woodson Brazil: Paraná Serra de Automina [data not captured] 15107 1929-12-14
A: 02381105 Ochrosia elliptica Labillardiere Vanuatu: Aneityum Island: Anelgauhat Bay [data not captured] 693 1929
A: 02372165 Tabernaemontana corymbosa Roxburgh ex Wallich China: Hainan Hung Mo Shan, and vicinity, (Lai (Loi) area) [data not captured] 335 1929-6-19
Araceae GH: 01655270 Arum maculatum Linnaeus Bulgaria: Vitoša [data not captured] 1929-5-30
Asteraceae GH: 02172070 Arctium lappa Linnaeus USA: New York [data not captured] [data not captured] 11,285 1929-8-11
GH: 02172357 Centaurea iberica Treviranus ex Sprengel USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] 19 1929-8-21
GH: 02172847 Cirsium altissimum (Linnaeus) Sprengel USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-8-27
GH: 02020661 Cirsium discolor (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Sprengel USA: Tennessee [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-10-4
GH: 02020667 Cirsium discolor (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Sprengel USA: Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 11,340 1929-9-11
GH: 02020678 Cirsium discolor albiflorum (Britton) House USA: Indiana [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-9-1
GH: 02021689 Cirsium pumilum (Nuttall) Sprengel USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-8-20
GH: 02204983 Doellingeria sericocarpoides Small USA: New Jersey [data not captured] [data not captured] 8046 1929-9-5
GH: 02205225 Doellingeria umbellata pubens (Miller) Nees USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] [data not captured] 14736 1929-8-20
GH: 02352751 Erigeron philadelphicus Linnaeus USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-4-27
GH: 02351037 Erigeron pulchellus Michaux USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-4-27
GH: 01830874 Taraxacum lapponicum Kihlman ex Handel-Mazzetti Canada: Newfoundland & Labrador Bay of Islands: Middle Arm; Cod Cove [data not captured] 2169 1929-7-16
Boraginaceae GH: 01995711 Lithospermum canescens (Michaux) Lehmann USA: West Virginia Huntington [data not captured] 154 1929-5-11
Brassicaceae GH: 01538660 Erysimum cheiranthoides Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] [data not captured] 14963 1929-9-19
Bromeliaceae GH: 02547933 Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz & Pavon Argentina: San Luis entre Merlo y Rincón [data not captured] 1929-3
GH: 02548877 Tillandsia firmula Mez Brazil: São Paulo Atibaia [data not captured] 24162 1929-8-15
GH: 02548877 Tillandsia pulchella saxicola L. B. Smith Brazil: São Paulo Atibaia [data not captured] 24162 1929-8-15
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02321060 Pomaria burchellii (DC.) B.B.Simpson & G.P.Lewis South Africa: Limpopo Province Waterberg, Tvl. near Nylstroom [data not captured] 1929-10
Capparaceae GH: 01872186 Peritoma lutea (Hooker) Rafinesque USA: Utah Clark's Fork River, Veyo [data not captured] 1929-6-16
Cladoniaceae FH: 00426089 Cladonia pyxidata pocillum (Acharius) Flotow USA: South Carolina [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-4-3
FH: 00440893 Cladonia pyxidata lophyra (Acharius) Nylander USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929
FH: 00426063 Cladonia pyxidata pachyphyllina (Wallroth) Vainio USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929
FH: 00426098 Cladonia pyxioides (Wallroth) Britzelmayr USA: New Hampshire Jackson: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929
FH: 00426268 Cladonia rangiferina (Linnaeus) Weber ex F. H. Wiggers Canada: New Brunswick [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-8-17
FH: 00392814 Cladonia stellaris (Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda USA: New Hampshire [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-10
FH: 00407315 Cladonia uncialis biuncialis (Hoffmann) Schaerer USA: New Hampshire Crawford Notch (Carroll County): [data not c... [data not captured] 1929-10
FH: 00407316 Cladonia uncialis biuncialis (Hoffmann) Schaerer USA: New Hampshire Crawford Notch (Carroll County): [data not c... [data not captured] 1929-10
Cyperaceae GH: 02370658 Carex cephalophora Muhlenberg USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1436 1929-6-12
Dryopteridaceae GH: 00634319 Dryopteris sp. USA: Vermont Bridgewater: North Bridgewater (M. A. Strong... [data not captured] 1929-7-26
Ericaceae GH: 01536052 Arctostaphylos tomentosa Lindley USA: Washington Hood Canal, near Silverdale [data not captured] 1929-5-19
Fabaceae GH: 02342077 Trifolium arvense Linnaeus USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-7-20
GH: 02344257 Trifolium repens Linnaeus USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-6-12
GH: 02344255 Trifolium repens Linnaeus USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-6-26
GH: 02345711 Vicia caroliniana Walter USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-4-27
GH: 02345858 Vicia cracca Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-6-19
Fissidentaceae FH: 00779177 Fissidens bryoides Hedwig USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 9 1929-4-15
Gelidiaceae FH: 00907169 Gelidium pusillum (Stackhouse) Le Jolis Uruguay: Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay [data not captured] 1929-4
Helotiaceae FH: 00374874 Atropellis pinicola Zeller & Goodding USA: Oregon [data not captured] [data not captured] 7574 1929-7-9
Hyaloscyphaceae FH: 00434849 Lachnum sp. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro [data not captured] [data not captured] 1092 1929-1-9
Hydnaceae FH: 00548036 Echinodontium tinctorium (Ellis & Everhart) Ellis & Everhart USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-10-15
FH: 00603820 Steccherinum rawakense (Persoon) Banker USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-2-25
Iridaceae GH: 00962584 Iris flavissima Pallas Russia: Kurgan Oblast [see label] [data not captured] 1929-6-8
GH: 00962232 Iris tigridia Bunge Mongolia: Montes Kentei ad fontes fluv. Tola, mensa et... [data not captured] 1929-6-10
Juncaceae GH: 02397263 Juncus tenuis anthelatus Wiegand USA: New Jersey [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-6-28
Lecanoraceae FH: 00451231 Lecanora flotowiana Sprengel USA: South Dakota [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-8-31
Melampsoraceae FH: 00877576 Coleosporium delicatulum Hedgcock & Long USA: Maine South Bristol: South Bristol and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-9-4
FH: 00877941 Coleosporium solidaginis (Schweinitz) Thümen USA: Maine South Bristol: South Bristol and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-8-30
FH: 00806109 Coleosporium solidaginis (Schweinitz) Thümen USA: Maine South Bristol: South Bristol and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-8-31
FH: 00806289 Coleosporium solidaginis (Schweinitz) Thümen USA: Maine South Bristol: South Bristol and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-9-3
FH: 00806319 Coleosporium solidaginis (Schweinitz) Thümen USA: Maine South Bristol: South Bristol and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-8-30
FH: 00806645 Cronartium coleosporioides Arthur USA: South Dakota Sylvan Lake [data not captured] 300 1929-8-8
FH: 00806955 Cronartium ribicola A. Dietrich USA: Maine South Bristol: South Bristol and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-8-30
FH: 00990040 Hyalopsora aspidiotus (Peck) Magnus Canada: Ontario near Cemetery Point, Bear Is., L. Temagami, ... [data not captured] 1062 1929-6-14
FH: 00989470 Melampsora albertensis Arthur Canada: British Columbia Goatfell [data not captured] 1929-8-6
FH: 00990264 Melampsora bigelowii Thümen Canada: Alberta St. Paul [data not captured] 2361 1929-8-24
Mimosaceae A: 02321343 Amblygonocarpus schweinfurthii Harms Ghana: Grube, N. T. [data not captured] 1668 1929-3-25
Oleaceae A: 02458818 Olea brachiata (Loureiro) Merrill Singapore: Arboretum, Botanic Garden, Singapore [data not captured] 1929-2-28
Orchidaceae AMES: 02340250 Appendicula sp. Blume Indonesia: Sumatera: Poebock[?] Solasit[?], Podang high... [data not captured] 1175 1929-10-30
AMES: 02384558 Bulbophyllum vulcanicum Kraenzlin Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Nyamloagira [Nyamuragira] [data not captured] 1717 1929
AMES: 02337007 Dendrobium sp. Philippines: Luzon: Benguet Subprovince, Baguio. [data not captured] 4 1929-8-27
AMES: 02337007 Dendrobium victoriae-reginae Loher Philippines: Luzon: Benguet Subprovince, Baguio. [data not captured] 4 1929-8-27
AMES: 01946671 Habenaria intermedia D. Don : India: Landour, Mussoorie [data not captured] 1929-8
AMES: 01948793 Herminium lanceum (Thunberg ex Swartz) Vuijk : India: Mussoorie [data not captured] 1929-8-6
GH: 01950020 Orchis morio Linnaeus Bulgaria: [illegible] [data not captured] 1929-6-8
GH: 01948609 Platanthera bifolia (Linnaeus) Richard Bulgaria: [illegible] [data not captured] 1929-6-8
AMES: 01948332 Platanthera mandarinorum H. G. Reichenbach China: Soochow [Suzhou], Kiangsu [Jiangsu] [data not captured] 71 1929-4
AMES: 01951168 Serapias lingua Linnaeus France: [illegible] [data not captured] 1929-5-3
Plantaginaceae GH: 01998125 Chelone glabra Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin [data not captured] [data not captured] 281 1929-8-17
GH: 01998113 Chelone glabra Linnaeus USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-8-23
GH: 01998112 Chelone glabra Linnaeus USA: West Virginia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-8-23
GH: 02120133 Penstemon grinnellii Eastwood USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-6-25
GH: 02122588 Penstemon speciosus Douglas USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929-7-13
Poaceae GH: 02433651 Phalaris angusta Nees ex Trinius South Africa: Eastern Cape Province Middelburg, Ivl. Wonderfontein [data not captured] 8223 1929-9
Polyporaceae FH: 00548111 Fomitopsis annosa (Fries) P. Karsten: Fries USA: Massachusetts Wellesley: [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-5
FH: 00548854 Fomitopsis pinicola (Swartz: Fries) P. Karsten USA: Washington [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-7-29
FH: 00616601 Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis: Fries) P. Karsten Canada: Ontario [data not captured] [data not captured] 68 1929-8
FH: 00559044 Ganoderma megaloma (Léveillé) Bresàdola USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-11-25
FH: 00559868 Hirschioporus abietinus (Dickson) Donk: Fries Canada: Ontario [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-11-20
FH: 00605845 Phellinus gilvus (Schweinitz) Patouillard USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] 161 1929-10
FH: 00605884 Phellinus igniarius (Linnaeus) Quélet USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-11-28
FH: 00603807 Spongipellis unicolor (Fries) Murrill: Fries USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-10-6
Primulaceae GH: 01926418 Primula veris Linnaeus USA: New York Colgate University - Hamilton [data not captured] 1929-5-6
Pucciniaceae FH: 00990146 Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur USA: Maine South Bristol: and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-8-26
FH: 00990150 Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur USA: Maine South Bristol: and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-8-23
FH: 00990168 Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur USA: Maine South Bristol: and vicinity [data not captured] 1929-8-24
FH: 00945320 Phragmidium ivesiae Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp. [data not captured] 221 1929-8-1
FH: 00945321 Phragmidium ivesiae Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp. [data not captured] 208 1929-8-1
FH: 00976538 Phragmidium montivagum Arthur USA: South Dakota Wind Cave [data not captured] 274 1929-8-7
FH: 00950842 Puccinia extensicola hieraciata (Schweinitz) Arthur USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 261-II 1929-8-1
FH: 00950843 Puccinia extensicola hieraciata (Schweinitz) Arthur USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 259 1929-8-1
FH: 00950847 Puccinia extensicola hieraciata (Schweinitz) Arthur USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 261-II 1929-8-1
FH: 00955682 Puccinia helianthi-mollis H. S. Jackson USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 265 1929-8-5
FH: 00955685 Puccinia helianthi-mollis H. S. Jackson USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 265 1929-8-5
FH: 01001136 Puccinia heucherae (Schweinitz) Dietel USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 256 1929-8-1
FH: 01001141 Puccinia heucherae (Schweinitz) Dietel USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 256 1929-8-1
FH: 00950842 Puccinia hieraciata (Schweinitz) H. S. Jackson USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 261-II 1929-8-1
FH: 00950843 Puccinia hieraciata (Schweinitz) H. S. Jackson USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 259 1929-8-1
FH: 00950847 Puccinia hieraciata (Schweinitz) H. S. Jackson USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 261-II 1929-8-1
FH: 00951669 Puccinia treleasiana Pazschke USA: Wyoming Univ of Wyoming Camp. [data not captured] 240 1929-8-1
FH: 00951670 Puccinia treleasiana Pazschke USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp. [data not captured] 240 1929-8-1
FH: 01125664 Uromyces heterodermus Sydow & P. Sydow USA: Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming Camp [data not captured] 217 1929-8-1
Ranunculaceae GH: 01710551 Cimicifuga racemosa (Linnaeus) Nuttall USA: West Virginia [no additional data] [data not captured] 1929-7-6
GH: 01661458 Hepatica americana (de Candolle) Ker Gawler USA: West Virginia Near Pruntytown [data not captured] 1929-4-25
GH: 01662208 Ranunculus abortivus Linnaeus USA: West Virginia Evansville [data not captured] 1929-5-12
GH: 01665265 Ranunculus hispidus nitidus (Elliot) Duncan USA: West Virginia The Sinks, Oscola [data not captured] 1929-5-11
Resedaceae GH: 02315337 Reseda undata leucantha (Hegelmaier ex Lange) Aranega ex Valdes Bermejo Spain: Murcia [data not captured] [data not captured] 7103 1929-6
Rosaceae A: 01760366 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Illinois Lawrenceville [data not captured] 10 1929-5
A: 01760367 Crataegus crus-galli Linnaeus USA: Illinois [no additional data] [data not captured] 10 1929-5
A: 00620212 Rosa davurica Pallas China: Nei Mongol Hingan st [station] [data not captured] 1929-6-20
A: 01586320 Spiraea sp. Linnaeus USA: Alaska Lower Karluk RIver; Kodiak Id [data not captured] 1929-7-28
Sarcoscyphaceae FH: 00445053 Sarcoscypha coccinea (Jacquin: Fries) Lambotte USA: Michigan Ann Arbor: [no additional data] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-5-5
Sarcosomataceae FH: 00445108 Sarcosoma globosum (Schmidel) Caspary Canada: Ontario [data not captured] [data not captured] 9372 1929-6-5
Saxifragaceae GH: 01616067 Mitella diphylla Linnaeus USA: West Virginia West Union [data not captured] 1929-4-25
GH: 01631717 Tiarella cordifolia Linnaeus USA: West Virginia Near Pruntytown [data not captured] 1929-4-25
Sclerodermataceae FH: 00431563 Scleroderma tuberoideum Spegazzini USA: Missouri Allenton: [no additional data] [data not captured] s. n. 1929-9-29
Sclerotiniaceae FH: 00432384 Ciboria caucus (Rebentisch) Fuckel USA: New York [data not captured] [data not captured] Whetzel S658 1929-4-2
Sematophyllaceae FH: 00965910 Sematophyllum caespitosum Mitten India: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1929
Thelephoraceae FH: 00490920 Confertobasidium olivaceoalbum (Bourdot & Galzin) Julich USA: Pennsylvania [data not captured] [data not captured] 1169 1929-5-22
FH: 00599514 Meruliopsis corium (Persoon) Ginns: Fries USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] 178 1929-10-16
FH: 00546388 Thelephora sp. USA: Maine [data not captured] [data not captured] 9178 1929-5-2
Thelypteridaceae GH: 00634319 Thelypteris sp. USA: Vermont Bridgewater: North Bridgewater (M. A. Strong... [data not captured] 1929-7-26
Tremellaceae FH: 00486466 Guepinia spathularia (Schweinitz) Fries USA: Kansas [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1929-11-11
Urticaceae GH: 02171181 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander Canada: Quebec Province [data not captured] [data not captured] 32250 1929-7-29