FH: 00981886 Lichen Linnaeus USA: Wisconsin Madison: Lake Mendota [data not captured] 1967-10-13
Agaricaceae FH: 00599372 Marasmius scorodonius (Fries) Fries: Fries USA: Massachusetts Marblehead: Marblehead Neck [data not captured] s.n. 1967-8-6
Ahnfeltiaceae FH: 00989911 Ahnfeltia plicata (Hudson) Fries USA: Massachusetts Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Alariaceae FH: 00989914 Alaria esculenta (Linnaeus) Greville USA: Massachusetts Nahant: Nahant East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-11
Annonaceae A: 02420557 [None] Malaysia: Kelantan Sg. Brok, Ulu Kelantan. [data not captured] FRI 5339 1967
A: [None] Malaysia: Kelantan Sg. Brok, Ulu Kelantan. [data not captured] FRI 5339 1967
Apocynaceae A: 02378708 Leuconotis eugeniifolia (Wallich ex G. Don) A. de Candolle Malaysia: Selangor F. R. I. Kepong, Selangor. [data not captured] KEP 99466 1967-8-2
Araceae A: 01655235 Arum elongatum Steven Russia: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1967-6-3
A: 01655957 Epipremnum sp. Solomon Islands: San Cristobal [data not captured] 2330 1967-7
Asteraceae GH: 02214995 Bigelowia nudata australis L. C. Anderson USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured] 31177 1967-10-21
Bangiaceae FH: 00976067 Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-13
Betulaceae GH: 02194044 Betula nigra Linnaeus USA: South Carolina 2.6 miles N of Green, S. C., along Margin of... [data not captured] 1014 1967-4-22
Brassicaceae GH: 00983298 Cardamine diphylla (Michaux) Alph. Wood USA: Alabama Bankhead National Forest. [data not captured] 1967-4-8
GH: 00986967 Descurainia pinnata glabra (Wooton & Standley) Detling USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 690 1967-3-18
GH: 01540648 Hirschfeldia incana (Linnaeus) Lagreze-Fossat USA: California [data not captured] [data not captured] 2206 1967-7-10
A: 01548520 Lepidium didymum Linnaeus USA: Louisiana [data not captured] [data not captured] 1611 1967-2-19
Bryaceae FH: 01091497 Pohlia nutans (Hedwig) Lindberg Canada: Nova Scotia Cape Breton, Ingonish [data not captured] 1967-8-1
Cactaceae A: 01677520 Opuntia tardospina Griffiths South Africa: From the Campbell's farm [data not captured] 1967-7-25
A: 01677521 Opuntia tardospina Griffiths South Africa: From the Campbell's farm [data not captured] 1967-7-25
Caesalpiniaceae A: 02504475 Adenolobus garipensis (E. Meyer) Torre & Hillcoat Namibia: Regio: Namibrand Karibib Otjosondu [data not captured] 4471 1967
A: 02504517 Afzelia quanzensis Welwitsch South Africa: Degree Square Ref. 2930; Prov. Natal; Gradev... [data not captured] 1967-9-13
Caloplacaceae FH: 01146808 Caloplaca marina Weddell Greece: Delos Island, Temple of poseidon [data not captured] 1967-6-7
Cephaloziaceae FH: 01091618 Odontoschisma sp. USA: Louisiana Hodges Gardens State Park, Foray stop [data not captured] LAGH04 1967-8
Ceramieae FH: 00989939 Ceramium rubrum C. Agardh USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-15
FH: 00989937 Ceramium sp. USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
Champiaceae FH: 00989954 Champia parvula (C. Agardh) Harvey USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth Jetty [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Chordaceae FH: 00989965 Chorda filum (Linnaeus) Stackhouse USA: Massachusetts Cape Cod: Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Chordariaceae FH: 00989967 Chordaria flagelliformis (O. F. Müller) C. Agardh USA: Massachusetts Cape Cod: Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
FH: 00989968 Chordaria flagelliformis (O. F. Müller) C. Agardh USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-11
FH: 00989989 Elachista fucicola (Velley) Areschoug USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-18
Codiaceae FH: 00989949 Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot USA: Massachusetts Cape Cod: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-2
Conocephalaceae FH: 00981886 Hepatica Adanson USA: Wisconsin Madison: Lake Mendota [data not captured] 1967-10-13
Corallinaceae FH: 00989947 Corallina officinalis Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Cape Cod: Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Cornaceae GH: 02019513 Cornus stricta Lamarck USA: Alabama Hwy. 14, a few miles NW of Eutaw. [data not captured] 1967-4-25
Cunoniaceae A: 02460894 Weinmannia fraxinea (D. Don) Smith ex Miquel Solomon Islands: E. of Mt. Mambulu, N.W. Guadalcanal [data not captured] BSIP 8122 1967-11-14
Cyperaceae GH: 02371358 Carex gravida L. H. Bailey USA: Minnesota [data not captured] [data not captured] 27161 1967-6-15
Cystocloniaceae FH: 00989971 Cystoclonium purpureum (Hudson) Batters USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00989972 Cystoclonium purpureum (Hudson) Batters USA: Massachusetts Cape Cod: Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Dasyoideae FH: 00989977 Dasya pedicellata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh USA: Massachusetts Cape Cod: Sippiwisset [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Desmarestiaceae FH: 00989981 Desmarestia aculeata (Linnaeus) J. V. Lamouroux USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00989982 Desmarestia aculeata (Linnaeus) J. V. Lamouroux USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-11
Elaeocarpaceae A: 01830456 Elaeocarpus mastersii King Singapore: Sg. Buloh FR. [data not captured] FRI 2263 1967-3-31
Ericaceae GH: 01762533 Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michaux) Torrey USA: Georgia [data not captured] [data not captured] 1967-4-23
A: 02544069 Vaccinium bracteatum Thunberg Malaysia: Terengganu Ecotone, Jambu Bongkok. [data not captured] 4054 1967
Fabaceae GH: 01935562 Amorpha herbacea crenulata (Rydberg) Isely USA: Florida Corner of Red Road and S. W. 8th Street, Mia... [data not captured] 241 1967-5-21
A: 01126268 Astragalus laxmannii Jacquin Russia: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1967-8-1
GH: 02133594 Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydberg Canada: Saskatchewan [data not captured] [data not captured] 1967-9-10
Fucaceae FH: 00989920 Ascophyllum nodosum (Linnaeus) Le Jolis USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00989921 Ascophyllum nodosum (Linnaeus) Le Jolis USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-6-29
FH: 00989922 Ascophyllum sp. USA: Massachusetts Scituate: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-11-23
FH: 00976110 Ascophyllum sp. USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 37004 1967-4-29
FH: 00976017 Fucus filiformis S. G. Gmelin USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-6
FH: 00976013 Fucus sp. USA: Massachusetts Scituate: [no additional data] [data not captured] 48 1967-11-23
FH: 00976109 Fucus sp. USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 37462 1967-11-4
FH: 00976011 Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-6-29
Gigartinaceae FH: 00989957 Chondrus crispus Stackhouse USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-15
FH: 00989958 Chondrus crispus Stackhouse USA: Massachusetts Nahant: Nahant Beach [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00976025 Gigartina stellata (Stackhouse) Batters USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-15
Griffithsieae FH: 00976023 Griffithsia globulifera Harvey ex Kützing USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth Jetty [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Grimmiaceae FH: 00964230 Racomitrium canescens (Hedwig) Bridel USA: Wyoming Yellowstone National Park, by geyser in Yell... [data not captured] 1967-8
Grinnellieae FH: 00976022 Grinnellia americana (C. Agardh) Harvey USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth Jetty [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Helvellaceae FH: 00464463 Morchella pragensis Smotlacha : Europe: [data not captured] [data not captured] s.n. 1967-5-5
Hypogymniaceae FH: 00450846 Hypogymnia physodes (Linnaeus) Nylander Canada: Manitoba Northern Region: [data not captured] [data not captured] 1967-6-20
Kallymeniaceae FH: 00976002 Euthora cristata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-20
Lamiaceae GH: 01554912 Glechoma hederacea Linnaeus USA: South Carolina 2.6 miles N of Greer, S. C. along margin of ... [data not captured] 1028 1967-4-22
Laminariaceae FH: 00976035 Laminaria sp. USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 37452 1967-11-4
FH: 00976036 Laminaria sp. USA: Massachusetts Scituate: [no additional data] [data not captured] 49 1967-11-23
Lauraceae A: 02535499 Beilschmiedia lucidula (Miquel) Kostermans Malaysia: Sabah Lahad Datu: Silam, mile 10 block 29 [data not captured] SAN 59074 1967-3-13
A: 02538876 Dehaasia caesia Blume Malaysia: Sabah Sepilok Forest Res.Jalan Kabili [data not captured] Pitty & Patrick 61631 1967-8-21
Leucodontaceae FH: 01091379 Pterogonium gracile (Hedwig) Smith Canada: British Columbia Mayne Island, Park Mt., on side of cliff [data not captured] 1967-8-21
Lomentariaceae FH: 00976038 Lomentaria baileyana (Harvey) Farlow USA: Massachusetts Falmouth: Falmouth Jetty [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Melampsoraceae FH: 01022881 Chrysomyxa empetri (Persoon) J. Schröter Canada: Northwest Territories Dew Line Site: Fox 2, (Lonstaff Bluff), Baff... [data not captured] 4143 1967-8-10
Moraceae A: 02406993 Ficus drupacea Thunberg Malaysia: Pahang nr. Kuala Lompat Krau Game Reserve, Central ... [data not captured] FRI 3548 1967-4-16
A: 02406993 Ficus sp. Malaysia: Pahang nr. Kuala Lompat Krau Game Reserve, Central ... [data not captured] FRI 3548 1967-4-16
Myrsinaceae A: 02439011 Ardisia fortis Mez Malaysia: Sarawak Bukit Bugoh. Ulu Sg. Kapulu, Lawas District,... [data not captured] S 25266 1967-3-17
Orchidaceae AMES: 01944004 Disa stolzii Schlechter Zambia: Misamfu. 5 miles N of Nasama. [data not captured] 181,832 1967-1-7
AMES: 02123051 Encyclia guatemalensis (Klotzsch) Dressler & Pollard El Salvador: Perquín, Cerro Cruzitas Norte. [data not captured] 144 1967-3-23
ECON: 02341883 Eulophia sp. Botswana: Dube Area. [data not captured] 4588-523 1967-10
A: 01949788 Gymnadenia conopsea (Linnaeus) R. Brown Russia: Khakassia [data not captured] 1967-7-6
AMES: 02152881 Pleurothallis acuminata (Kunth) Lindley Peru: Cusco Machupijchu [data not captured] 18850 1967-2-4
AMES: 01944237 Satyrium chlorocorys Rolfe Zimbabwe: Melsotter. Chimanimani Mountains. On the Sec... [data not captured] 378 1967-4-11
Pallaviciniaceae FH: 01091619 Pallavicinia sp. USA: Louisiana Hodges Gardens State Park, Foray stop [data not captured] LAGH06 1967-8-26
Palmariaceae FH: 00989931 Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) Weber & Mohr USA: Massachusetts Scituate: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-11-23
Pezizaceae FH: 00823513 Peziza atrovinosa Cooke USA: Massachusetts Conway: [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 4968 1967-7-10
FH: 00823572 Peziza atrovinosa Cooke USA: Massachusetts Conway: [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 4984 1967-7-18
FH: 00823542 Peziza michelii (Boudier) Dennis USA: Massachusetts [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 5037 1967-8-24
FH: 00823582 Peziza succosella (Le Gal & Romagnesi) M. M. Moser ex Avizohar-Hershenzan & Nemlich USA: Massachusetts Bardwell Ferry: [no additional data] [data not captured] Barr 5026 1967-8-17
FH: 00823513 Rugosporella atrovinosa (Cooke) Pfister, Healy & LoBuglio USA: Massachusetts Conway: [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 4968 1967-7-10
FH: 00823572 Rugosporella atrovinosa (Cooke) Pfister, Healy & LoBuglio USA: Massachusetts Conway: [data not captured] [data not captured] Barr 4984 1967-7-18
Phycodryeae FH: 00976047 Phycodrys rubens (Linnaeus) Batters USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00976048 Phycodrys rubens (Linnaeus) Batters USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-20
Phytolaccaceae GH: 01681201 Petiveria alliacea Linnaeus USA: Florida [data not captured] [data not captured] 2543 1967-2-11
Plagiochilaceae FH: 00964118 Plagiochila hypnoides Willdenow ex Lindenberg Barbados: Welchmans Gully [data not captured] 1967-3-15
Polygonaceae GH: 01618912 Eriogonum correllii Reveal USA: Texas On the upper breaks of the Cap Rock area nea... [data not captured] 881 1967-8-24
Pottiaceae FH: 00964229 Desmatodon sp. USA: Wyoming Yellowstone National Park, by geyser in Yell... [data not captured] 1967-12-8
FH: 00964228 Gymnostomum sp. USA: Wisconsin Lake Mendota [data not captured] 1967-8
FH: 00981886 Gymnostomum sp. USA: Wisconsin Madison: Lake Mendota [data not captured] 1967-10-13
FH: 01091171 Tortula vectensis E. F. Warburg & Crundwell USA: Louisiana Lafayette: Abbeville [data not captured] 119 1967-5-31
Pucciniaceae FH: 00998143 Gymnosporangium ellisii Berkeley USA: New Jersey 1 mile eastnortheast of Wading River [data not captured] 1967-5-5
Rhodomelaceae FH: 00976054 Melanothamnus harveyi (Bailey) Díaz-Tapia & Maggs USA: Massachusetts Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
FH: 00976054 Polysiphonia harveyi olneyi (Harvey) Collins USA: Massachusetts Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
FH: 00976055 Polysiphonia lanosa (Linnaeus) Tandy USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-18
FH: 00976056 Polysiphonia lanosa (Linnaeus) Tandy USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00976058 Polysiphonia stricta (Dillwyn) Greville USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00976058 Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightfoot ex Dillwyn) Greville USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00976072 Rhodomela confervoides (Hudson) P. C. Silva USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00976055 Vertebrata lanosa (Linnaeus) T. A. Christensen USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-18
FH: 00976056 Vertebrata lanosa (Linnaeus) T. A. Christensen USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
Rhodymeniaceae FH: 00976081 Rhodymenia palmata (Linnaeus) Greville USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00976082 Rhodymenia palmata (Linnaeus) Greville USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-7-15
Rosaceae GH: 01602994 Rubus argutus Link USA: Alabama Tuscaloosa: Holt, Lock & Dam [data not captured] 1967-3-28
Sargassaceae FH: 00976074 Sargassum filipendula C. Agardh USA: Massachusetts Cape Cod: Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Solieriaceae FH: 00989906 Agardhiella tenera (J. Agardh) F. Schmitz USA: Massachusetts Falmouth Jetty, Cape Cod [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Spermothamnieae FH: 00976079 Spermothamnion turneri (Mertens ex Roth) Areschoug USA: Massachusetts Cape Cod: Nobska Point [data not captured] 1967-7-22
Sphacelariaceae FH: 00989160 Sphacelaria fusca (Hudson) Gray USA: Virginia York River at Gloucester Point [data not captured] 1967-8-4
Symplocaceae A: 02601711 Symplocos sp. Malaysia: Kelantan Sg. Brok [data not captured] FRI 5376 1967-6-11
Theliaceae FH: 01091333 Thelia hirtella (Hedwig) Sullivant & Lesquereux USA: South Carolina Charleston: Yeaman's Hall [data not captured] 1967-1
Thuidiaceae FH: 01091333 Anomodon minor (Hedwig) Lindberg USA: South Carolina Charleston: Yeaman's Hall [data not captured] 1967-1
Ulvaceae FH: 00989994 Enteromorpha intestinalis (Linnaeus) Nees USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-6-24
FH: 00989996 Enteromorpha linza (Linnaeus) J. Agardh USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-6-27
FH: 00989998 Enteromorpha plumosa Kützing USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00989999 Enteromorpha plumosa Kützing USA: Massachusetts Nahant: [no additional data] [data not captured] 1967-7-20
FH: 00976000 Enteromorpha plumosa Kützing USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-6-26
FH: 00976089 Ulva lactuca Linnaeus USA: Massachusetts Nahant: East Point [data not captured] 1967-6-24
Urticaceae GH: 02170247 Boehmeria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Swartz USA: South Carolina [data not captured] [data not captured] 1967-9-8
GH: 02171316 Urtica dioica gracilis (Aiton) Selander USA: Alaska [data not captured] [data not captured] 1967-7-21
Verbenaceae A: 02324998 Phyla nodiflora (Linnaeus) Greene Papua New Guinea: New Ireland Kavieng [data not captured] NGF 29585 1967-1-22