Brassicaceae GH: 00944650 Brassica nigra (Linnaeus) W. D. J. Koch USA: New York Mohawk flats. Flog 8 J. V. Haberer 2878 1907-10-21
GH: 00999815 Cardamine pratensis Linnaeus USA: New York border of Head[?] Lake J. V. Haberer 77a 1907-6-16
GH: 00999822 Cardamine pratensis Linnaeus USA: New York Utica: on the Mohawk flats J. V. Haberer 77 1907-5-30
GH: 01716259 Sisymbrium officinale (Linnaeus) Scopoli USA: New York summit of the Cliffs of Fall Hill, S. of Moh... J. V. Haberer 94 1907-10-16
GH: 01716313 Sisymbrium officinale leiocarpum de Candolle USA: New York Mohawk flats. North of river. town of Floyd J. V. Haberer 94a 1907-10-21
Cornaceae GH: 02018518 Cornus rugosa Lamarck USA: New York Deerfield J. V. Haberer 1791 1907-6-14
Cyperaceae GH: 01772764 Carex grayi Carey USA: New York Utica: [data not captured] J. V. Haberer 1050 1907-6-25
GH: 01772654 Carex intumescens Rudge USA: New York [data not captured] J. V. Haberer 1057a 1907-6-21
Lamiaceae GH: 01596102 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader USA: New York just south of Utica J. V. Haberer 1519 1907-9-22
Lycopodiaceae GH: 02163473 Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: New York Whitestown J. V. Haberer 1956 1907-10-26
GH: 02163467 Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: New York along Mud Creek between New Hartford & Cliin... J. V. Haberer 3021a 1907-10-24
GH: 02163480 Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub USA: New York Kirkland and New Handford, 7 miles south of ... J. V. Haberer 3021a 1907-10-24
GH: 02163471 Diphasiastrum habereri (House) Holub USA: New York Town of Kirkland J. V. Haberer 3022 1907-10-24
GH: 00969751 Diphasiastrum habereri (House) Holub USA: New York Town line of New Hartford & Kirkland J. V. Haberer 3022 1907-10-24
GH: 00969751 Lycopodium habereri House USA: New York Town line of New Hartford & Kirkland J. V. Haberer 3022 1907-10-24
Rosaceae A: 01757460 Crataegus brainerdii Sargent USA: New York between the Erie Canal & Mohawk river. Littl... J. V. Haberer 2415 1907-6-5
A: 01757462 Crataegus brainerdii Sargent USA: New York Moss Island. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2415a 1907-10-1
A: 01757500 Crataegus brainerdii Sargent USA: New York South side of the Mohawk. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2491 1907-10-1
A: 01757509 Crataegus brainerdii Sargent USA: New York summit of the cliffs (Fall Hill). South of t... J. V. Haberer 2464 1907-10-16
GH: 01759246 Crataegus coccinioides Ashe USA: New York on the hills south of & the outskirts of Uti... J. V. Haberer 2410 1907-6-4
GH: 01759247 Crataegus coccinioides Ashe USA: New York on the hills south of & on the outskirts of ... J. V. Haberer 2410 1907-10-6
GH: 01759248 Crataegus coccinioides Ashe USA: New York on the hills south of & on the outskirts of ... J. V. Haberer 2410 1907-5-28
A: 01759853 Crataegus compta Sargent USA: New York just East of Utica J. V. Haberer 2528 1907-6-8
A: 01759854 Crataegus compta Sargent USA: New York Just east of Utica. 1/2 mile E. of County li... J. V. Haberer 2528 1907-9-21
GH: 01613012 Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch USA: New York New Hartford. Just south of Utica J. V. Haberer 2408 1907-10-6
GH: 01613013 Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch USA: New York New Hartford. Just South of Utica J. V. Haberer 2408 1907-9-22
GH: 01613014 Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch USA: New York New Hartford. Just South of Utica J. V. Haberer 2408 1907-6-4
A: 01613016 Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch USA: New York banks of the Mohawk river, Utica J. V. Haberer 2463 1907-6-2
A: 00017707 Crataegus gilbertiana Sargent USA: New York W. border of Mud Lake J. V. Haberer 2414 1907-10
A: 00017708 Crataegus gilbertiana Sargent USA: New York Mud Lake J. V. Haberer 2414 1907-10-9
A: 01613480 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York north of Mohawk river. 2 miles West of Littl... J. V. Haberer 2411J 1907-10-2
A: 01613481 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York on the hills south of Utica J. V. Haberer 2411.E 1907-6-4
A: 01613482 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York on the hills south of Utica J. V. Haberer 2411.E 1907-10-6
A: 01613483 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York Just South of Utica J. V. Haberer 2411d 1907-9-22
A: 01613484 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York hilltops south of Utica J. V. Haberer 2411d 1907-6-4
A: 01613485 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York on hill tops south of Utica J. V. Haberer 2411c 1907-9-22
A: 01613486 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York South of Forest Hill Cemetery J. V. Haberer 2411c 1907-6-4
A: 01613491 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York Mohawk River bank J. V. Haberer 2562 1907-9-26
A: 01613492 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York Mohawk river at Utica J. V. Haberer 2462 1907-5-30
A: 01613503 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York about Cascade Glen. Utica J. V. Haberer C. H. Peck 2432 1907-6-4
A: 01613504 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York Oriskany J. V. Haberer 24110 1907-9-21
A: 01613506 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York Moss Island. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2411m 1907-10-1
GH: 01613507 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York 1 m South of Utica J. V. Haberer 2411d 1907-6-4
GH: 01613508 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York 1 m South of Utica J. V. Haberer 2411d 1907-9-22
GH: 01613541 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York 1 m. west of Whitesboro J. V. Haberer 2522 1907-5-17
GH: 01613543 Crataegus holmesiana Ashe USA: New York 1 m. west of Whitesboro J. V. Haberer 2522 1907-10-4
A: 00017628 Crataegus huntiana Sargent USA: New York Between Jordanville and Mud Lake J. V. Haberer 2400 1907-10-9
A: 00017629 Crataegus huntiana Sargent USA: New York Near Mud Lake J. V. Haberer 2400 1907-10-9
A: 01614386 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York North of Mohawk River. 2 miles E. of Herkime... J. V. Haberer 2471 1907-9-27
A: 01614447 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York Mohawk river at Utica J. V. Haberer 2458 1907-5-21
A: 01614448 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York Mohawk river at Utica J. V. Haberer 2458 1907-5-30
A: 01614449 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York Mohawk river at Utica J. V. Haberer 2458 1907-6-2
A: 01614450 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York Mohawk river at Utica J. V. Haberer 2458 1907-9-26
A: 01614456 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York north of Mohawk river. 2 miles E of Herkimer J. V. Haberer 2471 1907-6-8
A: 01614457 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York 2 miles E of Herkimer (Stope 36 on the N. & ... J. V. Haberer 2471a 1907-9-27
A: 01614458 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York East end of Dutch Hill - 7 miles Eat of Utic... J. V. Haberer 2447 1907-5-20
A: 01614459 Crataegus iracunda Beadle USA: New York East end of Dutch Hill. West Frankfort. 7-8 ... J. V. Haberer 2447 1907-9-21
A: 01614867 Crataegus laneyi Sargent USA: New York West Canada Creek 2 m. [?] of East Herkimer J. V. Haberer 2431 1907-10-5
A: 01615467 Crataegus macracantha Loddiges ex Loudon USA: New York Near Utica. Along Morris Creek 3 miles East ... J. V. Haberer 2421 1907-9-21
A: 01615468 Crataegus macracantha Loddiges ex Loudon USA: New York Morris Creek. 3 m E of Utica J. V. Haberer 2421 1907-6-15
A: 01615475 Crataegus macracantha Loddiges ex Loudon USA: New York north side Mohawk river. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2403 1907-6-2
A: 01615502 Crataegus macracantha Loddiges ex Loudon USA: New York Little Falls J. V. Haberer 3 1907-9-13
A: 01666278 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Morris Creek, Frankfort J. V. Haberer 2478 1907-9-21
A: 01666333 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York East end of Dutch Hill. E of Utica - Frankf... J. V. Haberer 2446 1907-6-12
A: 01666360 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Utica[?] J. V. Haberer 2408 1907-9-22
A: 01666361 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York just South of Utica J. V. Haberer 2408 1907-6-4
A: 01666417 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York 1 m West of Whitesboro. South of Mohawk Rive... J. V. Haberer 2522 1907-10-4
A: 01666440 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Beaver brook E of Herkimer J. V. Haberer 40=2500 1907-6-10
A: 01666442 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Beaver brook 2 to 3 miles E. of Herkimer. N.... J. V. Haberer 2500 1907-9-30
A: 01666462 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Little Falls - South of Central N. Y. railro... J. V. Haberer 23=2423 1907-9-13
A: 01666463 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York between the N.Y. C. R.R. & Mohawk river at L... J. V. Haberer 2423 1907-6-2
A: 01666495 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Dutch Hill, 5 miles E. of Utica. Stop Utica ... J. V. Haberer 2579 1907-10-12
A: 01666496 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Mud Lake. Warren J. V. Haberer 2480 1907-10-9
A: 01666497 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York South of the Mohawk. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2417 1907-9-13
A: 01666498 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York south of the Mohawk at Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2417 1907-6-5
A: 01666536 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York bordering Mud Lake. Warren J. V. Haberer 2456 1907-10-9
A: 01666537 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York bordering Mud Lake. Warren J. V. Haberer 2456 1907-6-16
A: 01666538 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Warren J. V. Haberer 2456 1907-6-15
A: 01666540 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York Frankfort, 3 miles E. of Utica J. V. Haberer 2424 1907-5-21
A: 01666551 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York 3 miles E of Utica J. V. Haberer 2467 1907-9-21
A: 01666552 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York W. Frankfort. 3 mi. E. of Utica J. V. Haberer 2467 1907-6-2
A: 01666553 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York W. Frankfort. 3 mi. E. of Utica J. V. Haberer 2467 1907-5-30
A: 01666590 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York North of Mohawk River, 2 miles west of Littl... J. V. Haberer 2486 1907-10-2
A: 01666592 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York about 2 miles East of Herkimer. Stop 36 - Ut... J. V. Haberer 2457 1907-9-27
A: 01666593 Crataegus macrosperma Ashe USA: New York about 2 miles East of Herkimer J. V. Haberer 2457 1907-6-8
A: 01668619 Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele USA: New York Mohawk river at Little Falls. North site J. V. Haberer 2452 1907-6-2
A: 01668621 Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele USA: New York just south of Utica J. V. Haberer 2424 1907-6-4
GH: 01668624 Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele USA: New York Morris Creek, W. Frankfort. 3 mi E of Utica J. V. Haberer 2429 1907-5-21
GH: 01668627 Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele USA: New York S of Bowen's Road. S of Utica J. V. Haberer 2424 1907-6-5
A: 01668633 Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele USA: New York Mohawk river at Little Falls, North Side J. V. Haberer 2452 1907-9-13
A: 01669137 Crataegus opulens Sargent USA: New York along Beaver Brook. 2 to 3 miles E of Herkim... J. V. Haberer 1907-6-10
A: 01669152 Crataegus opulens Sargent USA: New York Beaver Brook. 2 or 3 miles E. of Herkimer. N... J. V. Haberer 2514 1907-9-30
A: 01669153 Crataegus opulens Sargent USA: New York Beaver Brook. 2 or 3 miles E. of Herkimer. N... J. V. Haberer 2514 1907-6-10
A: 00017080 Crataegus paineana Sargent USA: New York 2 to 3 miles east of Herkimer, north of Moha... J. V. Haberer 2518 1907-9-30
A: 00017079 Crataegus paineana Sargent USA: New York 2 to 3 miles east of Herkimer, north of Moha... J. V. Haberer 2518 1907-6-10
A: 01669407 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York north of river at Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2439 1907-6-5
A: 01669413 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York west end Moss Island. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2487 1907-10-4
A: 01669421 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York south of the Mohawk river. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2420 1907-9-13
A: 01669447 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York New Hartford J. V. Haberer [data not captured] 2410 1907-6-4
A: 01669471 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York along Morris Creek, 3 miles east of Utica J. V. Haberer 2479 1907-9-21
A: 01669482 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York hills just south of Utica J. V. Haberer 2410 1907-10-6
GH: 01669517 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York Utica: Utica J. V. Haberer 2404 1907-5-18
GH: 01669518 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York Utica: Utica J. V. Haberer 2404 1907-6-30
A: 01669544 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2420 1907-10-16
A: 01669545 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2420 1907-9-13
A: 01669546 Crataegus pedicellata Sargent USA: New York Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2420 1907-6-5
A: 01670096 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York between Herkimer & Little Falls, N. of Mohaw... J. V. Haberer 2474 1907-9-27
A: 01670097 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York N. of Mohawk River. 2 miles E of Herkimer. S... J. V. Haberer 2474 1907-6-8
A: 01670099 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York near Friends Lake J. V. Haberer 2419 1907-10-9
A: 01670100 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York near Mud Lake, Warren J. V. Haberer 2419 1907-6-16
GH: 01670107 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York North of the Mohawk. 2 miles E of Herkimer J. V. Haberer 2474 1907-9-27
A: 01670113 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York east of Oriskany J. V. Haberer 241 1907-9-21
A: 01670114 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York near Oriskany J. V. Haberer 241 1907-6-3
GH: 01670119 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York north of the Mohawk, Marcy J. V. Haberer 2425 1907-6-7
GH: 01670120 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York North of Mohawk. Marcy J. V. Haberer 2425 1907-10-4
A: 01863365 Crataegus pringlei Sargent USA: New York north of Mohawk River. Marcy. opposite Orisk... J. V. Haberer 2425 1907-6-7
A: 01647883 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York north of Mohawk river. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2402 1907-6-5
A: 01647885 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York north of river. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2402 1907-10-1
A: 01647886 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York North of Mohawk River. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2402 1907-9-13
A: 01647887 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York North of Mohawk river. Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2402 1907-9-13
A: 01647923 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York brows of Cascade Glen. S. of Utica J. V. Haberer 2442 1907-6-5
A: 01647924 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York along brows of Cascade Glen. S. of Utica J. V. Haberer 2527 1907-6-6
A: 01647925 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York Along West Canada Creek. E. Herkimer J. V. Haberer 2524 1907-10-5
A: 01647927 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York banks of Mohawk river, Mohawk J. V. Haberer 2489b 1907-10-5
A: 01647928 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York banks of the Mohawk river at Mohawk J. V. Haberer 2489a 1907-10-5
A: 01647929 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York banks of the Mohawk river at Mohawk J. V. Haberer 2489 1907-10-5
A: 01647932 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York 2 to 3 miles west of Little Falls. near Stop... J. V. Haberer 2444b 1907-10-2
A: 01647933 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York west of Little Falls J. V. Haberer 2444a 1907-10-2
A: 01647934 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York 2-3 mi. West of Little Falls. w. of Stop 44.... J. V. Haberer 2444 1907-10-2
A: 01647937 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York near Utica J. V. Haberer 2428 1907-5-30
A: 01647939 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York At Cascade & Golden's[?] Glen, Utica J. V. Haberer 2407 1907-9-14
A: 01647940 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York At Cascade & Golden's[?] Glen, Utica J. V. Haberer 2407 1907-6-4
A: 01647941 Crataegus scabrida Sargent USA: New York At Cascade & Golden's[?] Glen, Utica J. V. Haberer 2407 1907-5-20
A: 01865237 Crataegus sp. USA: New York 2 to 3 miles W of Little Falls. North of Moh... J. V. Haberer 2476 1907-10-2
GH: 01649015 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Morris Creek. Franfort. 3 mi East of Utica J. V. Haberer 2421 1907-6-15
GH: 01649016 Crataegus succulenta Link USA: New York Morris Creek. Frankfort. 3 mi East of Utica J. V. Haberer 2421 1907-9-21
A: 01649145 Crataegus succulenta Schrader ex Link USA: New York Mohawk river at Utica J. V. Haberer 238 1907-6-14
A: 01649146 Crataegus succulenta Schrader ex Link USA: New York Mohawk river at Utica J. V. Haberer 238 1907-5-30
A: 01649147 Crataegus succulenta Schrader ex Link USA: New York banks of the Mohawk river Utica & Deerfield J. V. Haberer 238 1907
A: 01649168 Crataegus succulenta Schrader ex Link USA: New York [no additional data] J. V. Haberer 238 1907-9-26
A: 00016573 Crataegus uticaensis Sargent USA: New York Utica: J. V. Haberer 2441 1907-10-6