A: 00449854 indica (Lamarck) E. Small & Cronquist Bhutan: Tsalimape F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19635 1949-8-23
GH: 00429203 indica (Lamarck) E. Small & Cronquist Bhutan: Tongsa district: Tintibi Bridge, Mangde Chu. A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1982-5-31
A: 00047927 bhutanica C. E. C. Fischer Bhutan: Chang-Na Na to Paso, alt. 7750-9600 feet B. J. Gould 128 1938-5-22
GH: 00097541 stelligera I. M. Johnston Bhutan: Tang Chen, Ritang, cliff ledges and steep op... F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 3234 1937
ECON: 01005506 kafiristanica (Vavilov) E. Small & Cronquist Bhutan: Thimpu T. S. Negi 1971
A: 00007039 longicalcarata D. G. Long Bhutan: Valley above Barshong, Thimbu Chu, 13000 fee... F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16350 1949-5-25
GH: 00244225 rosaefolius (Hooker f.) Hara Bhutan: 28 km S of the confluence of Paro Chu and Wo... B. M. Bartholomew 1734 1984-5-21
A: 00244166 niveus (Wallich ex G. Don) H. Hara Bhutan: Forest slopes above Sengor, below Thrumse La A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1916 1979-6-14
A: 00248812 himalaicus Y. P. Zhu Bhutan: Tongsa Tongsa district: 2 km S[south] of Shamgong A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4194 1982-4-1
A: 00057633 mucronata Spjut Bhutan: Ha F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & G. Taylor 16035 1949
A: 00217762 polycephalum Hara Bhutan: Bhotokha-Rinchu H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi, Ta... 14522 1967-5-8
A: 00075850 griffithii C. B. Clarke Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 3743
A: 00267164 gracilis Bhutan: Gyasa Dzong, Mo Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16528 1949-6-12
GH: 00303914 davidiana (Dode) C. Schneider Bhutan: East Himalaya [about Panga and towards Chupe... W. Griffith 4495
GH: 00359567 minor Hooker Bhutan: Bhotan W. Griffith
GH: 00359567 assamica Hooker Bhutan: Bhotan W. Griffith
GH: 01005661 vestita Wallich ex Milde Bhutan: 4 km N of Tama La on the road from Gaylegphu... B. M. Bartholomew 1633 1984-5-10
A: 00969476 layaensis Rae & D. G. Long Bhutan: Laya. Upper Mo Chu F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 16465 1949-6-9
GH: 00962482 nepalensis (Wallich ex Lindley) Herbert Bhutan: 6-10 km E of Sintoka Dzong on the road from ... B. Bartholomew & T. Y. Tse 1679 1984-5-16
A: 00269856 Bhutan: Tonga District: near Banjormani, lower Mangd... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4324 1982-4-4
AMES: 02126082 acervata Lindley Bhutan: Near Trongsa. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 17026 1949
A: 00244162 acuminatus Smith Bhutan: Mangde Chu valley S. of Tongsa A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2634 1979-7-9
A: 00244159 alexeterius Focke Bhutan: Sengor, NW of Mongar A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1898 1979-6-14
A: 01974418 alpina Linnaeus Bhutan: N. E. Bhutan: Shingbe, Me La. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20654 1949-5-21
A: 01945803 alpina (Handel-Mazzetti) Renz Bhutan: Narimtang. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21345 1949-7-25
AMES: 02156358 aphyllum (Roxburgh) C. E. C. Fischer Bhutan: Sarbhang district: near Sarbhang Khola A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3880 1982-3-20
A: 01946569 arietina Hooker f. Bhutan: Ungar. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20942 1949-7-24
A: 02174014 articulata Lindley Bhutan: Gaylegphug Nr Mao River Bridge A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1408 1979-5-28
A: 01936076 attenuatum Buchanan-Hamilton ex Miquel Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Singi Khola 10 km SW of S... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3621 1982-3-9
A: 00006932 aurantiaca Ludlow Bhutan: Sagaha, Upper Mangde Chu, 15500 feet F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16830 1949-7-14
A: 01977017 australis R. Brown Bhutan: Byakar; near bridge over Bumtang chu. A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1768 1979-6-9
A: 01936087 betle Linnaeus Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Burborte Khola near Phips... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3822 1982-3-18
A: 00097504 bhutanica I. M. Johnston Bhutan: Chungkar, cliff-ledges, 7000 feet F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & H. H. Ell... 12598 1947-6-6
A: 00063718 bhutanica H. Ohashi Bhutan: Between Rinchu and Mishichen, 1300-1400 m. H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 14059 1967-5-9
A: 00022439 bhutanica Grierson, D. G. Long & C. N. Page Bhutan: 4 km north of Tschilingor, north of Samdrup ... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2282 1979-6-26
A: 00244148 biflorus Buchanan-Hamilton ex Smith Bhutan: Thimphu district: Jujo, Dobchu valley near P... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4702 1982-4-26
A: 01936115 boehmeriifolium Wallich Bhutan: Rinchu(1300) -= Mishichen(1400) H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 8259 1967-5-9
GH: 00041886 bootanica C. F. W. Meissner Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 4265
A: 01977037 brachiata Oliver Bhutan: Lao, TrashiYangsi Chu, E. Bhutan. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20828 1949-7-5
A: 00959650 brunonii Lindley Bhutan: Tinlegang H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi, Ta... 11363 1967-5-4
A: 00959649 brunonii Lindley Bhutan: Tinlegang(1750) -= Gon Chungnang(1600) H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi, Ta... 1967-5-5
GH: 00959668 brunonii Lindley Bhutan: Paro Valley 6.4 km NW of the confluence of t... B. M. Bartholomew 1676 1984-5-15
A: 00959666 brunonii Lindley Bhutan: Thimphu(2250) -- Nimchling (2150) -=Tanalum ... H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 328 1967-6-1
A: 01246777 bryoides Burkill Bhutan: Mem La, Paro valley F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16241 1949-5-15
A: 00312158 calliantha Andres Bhutan: Monyul, Trimo F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & G. Taylor 6425 1938-10-31
GH: 00244177 calycinus Wallich ex D. Don Bhutan: 8.2 km E of Dochula on the road between Thim... B. M. Bartholomew 1541 1984-5-3
GH: 00219534 calycinus Wallich ex D. Don Bhutan: 26 km W of Tongsa between Tongsa and Pele La... B. M. Bartholomew 3882 1986-3-31
A: 01246799 capitata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Bhutan: Tongsa (2000)-Tratang (2500)-Uto La Road (27... H. Kanai & T. Yamazaki 1967-4-17
GH: 01246793 capitata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Bhutan: 8.2 km E of Dochula on the road between Thim... B. M. Bartholomew 1549 1984-5-3
A: 01246791 capitata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Bhutan: 1 km E of Tinlegang between Thimphu and Wang... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3771 1986-3-26
GH: 00099667 caudatus Geiseler Bhutan: Bhootan Mountains, Murichoam, Buxa doar W. Griffith 1166
AMES: 02389831 chloroleuca Lindley Bhutan: Punakha 3 km above Menchunang A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4604 1982-4-22
AMES: 00090796 chlorosantha Garay Bhutan: Bhutan
A: 01944156 ciliatum Lindley Bhutan: Denshung, Khom Chu, E. Bhutan. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21405 1949-8-6
A: 00962460 clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Bhutan: Sengor, NW of Mongar A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1925 1979-6-15
A: 00962458 clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Bhutan: Bumthang Dhur Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19496 1949-7-22
A: 00962457 clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Bhutan: Ju La. Dhur Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19471 1949-7-21
A: 00962454 clarkei Baker ex Hooker f. Bhutan: Ju La. Mangde Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16898 1949-7-19
AMES: 01946591 clavigera (Lindley) Dandy Bhutan: Bumthang. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16955 1949-7-26
GH: 01005661 claytoniana Linnaeus Bhutan: 4 km N of Tama La on the road from Gaylegphu... B. M. Bartholomew 1633 1984-5-10
GH: 01005661 claytoniana (Linnaeus) Metzgar & Rouhan Bhutan: 4 km N of Tama La on the road from Gaylegphu... B. M. Bartholomew 1633 1984-5-10
A: 00043133 clivorum Harry Smith Bhutan: Dungshinggong (Black Mountain), alt. 13000-1... F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 3259 1937-6-16
A: 00269856 cordifolia (Blume) Cogniaux Bhutan: Tonga District: near Banjormani, lower Mangd... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4324 1982-4-4
AMES: 02094889 corymbosa Lindley Bhutan: Below Barshong, Thimbu Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16357 1949-5-26
A: 01989676 crenulata (Hooker f. & Thomson) H. Ohba Bhutan: Shinji La, Upper Mo Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16429 1949-6-5
A: 01989676 crenulatum Hooker f. & Thomson Bhutan: Shinji La, Upper Mo Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16429 1949-6-5
A: 01989683 cretinii (Raymond-Hamet) H. Ohba Bhutan: Laya, Upper Mo Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16466 1949-6-9
A: 01989683 cretinii Raymond-Hamet Bhutan: Laya, Upper Mo Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16466 1949-6-9
A: 00963709 cubeba Persoon Bhutan: Gaylephug district: above Sher Camp, 19 km a... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4002 1982-3-25
A: 02261306 cyperoides (Linnaeus) Kuntze Bhutan: [data not captured] A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4385 1982-4-9
GH: 00936120 densiflorum (Duthie) I. M. Johnston Bhutan: Gafoola. Upper Pho Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16747 1949-7-6
A: 01985535 distichus (Lindley) Kuntze Bhutan: Donga La (west side), E. Bhutan F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20512 1949-4-23
GH: 00055238 doniana Mettenius ex Hieronymus Bhutan: [In regno Bothan] W. Griffith
GH: 00099667 drupaceus Roxburgh Bhutan: Bhootan Mountains, Murichoam, Buxa doar W. Griffith 1166
A: 01820577 edgeworthii Hooker f. Bhutan: Near Changkha, SW of Tongsa A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1263 1979-5-23
A: 01952363 elegans H. G. Reichenbach Bhutan: Dotena, Thimbu Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16386 1949-5-28
GH: 00549129 elegantula Hooker f. & Thomson Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 1360
A: 00244184 ellipticus Smith Bhutan: 7 km E of Tinlegang between Thimphu and Wang... B. M. Bartholomew 3780 1986-3-26
A: 00244185 ellipticus Smith Bhutan: Phuntsholing district: Suntolakha above Kamj... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3035 1982-2-19
A: 01246835 emodi C.Marquand ex Sealy Bhutan: Tolegang. Tsampa. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19721 1949-9-10
A: 02156508 falconeri Hooker Bhutan: 7 km S of Shamgong A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1666 1979-6-5
AMES: 02094927 flaccida Lindley Bhutan: Gaylegphug Rang Khola 4 km NE of Surey. A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4122 1982-3-29
A: 00043136 flavida Harry Smith Bhutan: Tang Chu, Ritang, Centrel Bhutan, alt. 14500... F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 3212 1937-6-7
A: 00244196 fragarioides Bertoloni Bhutan: N. E. Bhutan: Shingbe (Me La) 12,000 ft. F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 20288 1949-5-26
AMES: 02174291 fuscus Lindley Bhutan: Phuntsholing district; above Rinchending Phu... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2961 1982-2-16
A: 00015987 gaultheriifolia Griffith Bhutan: W. Griffith 3468/1
GH: 00098556 giganteum Wallich Bhutan: W. Griffith
A: 00962484 goniocarpa Baker Bhutan: Me La, Cho La Valley F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20442 1949-7-1
AMES: 02389381 gracile Lindley Bhutan: Yuto La, between Bumthang and Trongsa. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 17022 1949
A: 00267164 gracilis (Smith) Dandy Bhutan: Gyasa Dzong, Mo Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16528 1949-6-12
AMES: 02017590 grandiflorum Swartz Bhutan: Valley of the Nyamyang Chu, S pf Trashiyang F. Kingdon-Ward 6424 1925-2-15
GH: 00038828 griffithiana C. K. Schneider Bhutan: W. Griffith 125 1838
GH: 00014988 griffithiana Wight Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 3483
AMES: 00090797 griffithii Garay ex Lindley Bhutan: Bhutan
GH: 00217457 griffithii Hooker f. Bhutan: W. Griffith 3882
A: 01126455 griffithii Hooker f. & Thomson ex Dyer Bhutan: Ghunkara: Trashigong Chu. E. Bhutan F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 12576 1947-5-30
A: 00073358 hemisphaerica Ludlow Bhutan: Marlung, Tsampa, sandy scree, 15500 feet F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19404 1949
A: 01978229 heyneana Miquel Bhutan: 7 km SW of Gedu between Phuntsholing and Ged... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3935 1986-4-6
GH: 00359567 himalaica K. U. Kramer Bhutan: Bhotan W. Griffith
AMES: 01952366 himalaicum Rolfe ex Hemsley Bhutan: Shingbe, Me La, N. E. Bhutan F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20754 1949-6-22
A: 01952369 himalaicum Rolfe ex Hemsley Bhutan: Pangotang, Tsampa. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19123 1949-6-14
A: 00248812 himalaicus Hooker f. & Thomson ex Bentham Bhutan: Tongsa Tongsa district: 2 km S[south] of Shamgong A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4194 1982-4-1
A: 01989583 himalense D. Don Bhutan: Donga La F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21234 1949-9-28
A: 01989583 himalensis (D. Don) S. H. Fu Bhutan: Donga La F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21234 1949-9-28
AMES: 02093742 hookeriana (Lindley) Rollison Bhutan: Shimitang, Bumthang Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 18934 1949-5-23
A: 02093741 hookeriana (Lindley) Rollison Bhutan: Below Barshong, Thimbu Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16362 1949-5-26
A: 00969476 hypochlora Airy Shaw Bhutan: Laya. Upper Mo Chu F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 16465 1949-6-9
A: 02174052 imbricata Lindley Bhutan: Ungar, east if Rudo La. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 18873 1949-5-16
A: 01989830 indica (Decaisne) A. Berger Bhutan: Tsalimape F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19633 1949-8-23
A: 01988809 indica (Decaisne) A. Berger Bhutan: Thimphu district: Dotena, Thimphu Chu A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4442 1982-4-15
A: 01989830 indicum Raymond-Hamet Bhutan: Tsalimape F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19633 1949-8-23
A: 00244163 indotibetanus Koidzumi Bhutan: Top of ridge between Rani Camp and Surey, N ... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1366 1979-5-26
A: 00244164 indotibetanus Koidzumi Bhutan: Near top of forested ridge above Sham Khara,... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1599 1979-6-3
A: 00244165 indotibetanus Koidzumi Bhutan: Punakha district: 1 km below Menchunang A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4684 1982-4-24
AMES: 02387348 ixioides (D. Don) Lindley Bhutan: Dhur Chu, Bumthang Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19497 1949-7-22
A: 00987441 jatamansii Jones Bhutan: Punakha Lobesa A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4500 1982-4-19
AMES: 01948778 josephi H. G. Reichenbach Bhutan: Laya, Upper Mo Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16437 1949-6-6
AMES: 01946675 josephi H. G. Reichenbach Bhutan: Gafoola, Upper Pho Chu, Eastern Branch. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16725 1949-7-4
AMES: 01946674 josephi H. G. Reichenbach Bhutan: Marlung, Tsampa. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19397 1949-7-11
GH: 00052884 jujubifolia Griffith Bhutan: W. Griffith 549/1 1838
A: 00962451 kemaonensis Wallich ex D. Don Bhutan: Kuma Thang. foot of Pang Te La. Paro Chu Val... F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16271 1949-5-17
A: 00962497 kemaonensis Wallich ex D. Don Bhutan: Valley above Barshong. Thimbu Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16354 1949-5-25
A: 01977105 kumaonensis Oliver Bhutan: Bumthang Shabjetang, Bumthang Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19508 1949-7-23
A: 01977104 kumaonensis Oliver Bhutan: Narim Thang. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21381 1949-8-1
GH: 00022247 latifrons Bosch Bhutan: W. Griffith
GH: 00261203 lepiniana (Naudin) Cogniaux Bhutan: 22.5 km S of Tongsa on the road to Shamgong B. M. Bartholomew 1594
GH: 00006975 leptocarpa Hooker f. & Thomson Bhutan: W. Griffith 150
A: 01246853 leucantha Harry Sm. Bhutan: Ju La, Mangde Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16886 1949-7-19
A: 01246852 leucantha Harry Sm. Bhutan: Me La (south side) F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21104 1949-8-26
A: 00244167 lineatus Reinwardt Bhutan: Near Namning, NW of Mongar A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1950 1979-6-15
A: 00244168 lineatus Reinwardt Bhutan: Gaylegphug district: W bank of Chabley Khola... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4055 1982-3-28
A: 00354850 ludlowiana A. K. Skvortsov Bhutan: Jü La, Dhur Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19470 1949-7-20
GH: 00936120 ludlowii R. R. Mill Bhutan: Gafoola. Upper Pho Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16747 1949-7-6
A: 00075850 macrostachya Bentham Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 3743
GH: 00099667 malvefolius Griffith Bhutan: Bhootan Mountains, Murichoam, Buxa doar W. Griffith 1166
A: 01946728 marginana Colebrooke Bhutan: Trashiyangsi Dzong, E. Bhutan F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21026 1949-8-14
GH: 01105659 melanopus (Hooker) T. Moore Bhutan: F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20604 1949-5-9
GH: 01105659 melanopus Hooker Bhutan: F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20604 1949-5-9
A: 00251247 melo Linnaeus Bhutan: Samdrup Jonkhar in town A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2102b 1979-6-21
A: 00969476 minuta Merrill Bhutan: Laya. Upper Mo Chu F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 16465 1949-6-9
A: 02156629 monticola P. F. Hunt & Summerh. Bhutan: Tongsa Dzong F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19660 1949-8-30
A: 02558510 moschata Herrmann Bhutan: Near top of forested ridge above Sham Khara,... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1591 1979-6-3
A: 01936186 mullesua Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don Bhutan: 5 km SE of Shamgong. A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1648 1979-6-5
A: 01936185 mullesua Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don Bhutan: Chukka district: E facing slopes above Chukk... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3222 1982-2-24
A: 01936184 mullesua Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don Bhutan: Samchi Tamangdhanra Forest, Samchi A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3305 1982-2-28
A: 01936182 mullesua Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don Bhutan: 9 km S of Tongsa A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1189 1979-5-20
A: 01989856 multicaule Wallich ex Lindley Bhutan: Takila, (Kuru Chu) F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20934 1949-7-23
A: 02175221 muscifera (Lindley) Kuntze Bhutan: Forested valley above Chenkaphug E. of Thimp... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2816 1979-7-20
A: 01944156 nepalense D. Don Bhutan: Denshung, Khom Chu, E. Bhutan. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21405 1949-8-6
A: 01936199 nepalense Miquel Bhutan: Chukka district: E facing slopes above Chukk... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3224 1982-2-24
AMES: 02094965 nitida (Wallich ex D. Don) Lindley Bhutan: Sarbhang district: between Tori Bari and Lor... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3669 1982-3-11
GH: 00244225 niveus Thunberg Bhutan: 28 km S of the confluence of Paro Chu and Wo... B. M. Bartholomew 1734 1984-5-21
A: 01246889 obconica T. N. Ho Bhutan: Cho La F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21429 1949-8-23
A: 00006979 oligantha Ludlow Bhutan: Lao (Lao Chu), 9500 feet F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20266 1949-5-12
A: 01989872 oreades Raymond-Hamet Bhutan: Tang Chu, Central Bhutan. F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff 3542 1937-8-7
A: 02404716 ornata (Wallich ex Beddome) Ching Bhutan: 14 km S of Shamgong between Shamgong and Man... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3816 1986-3-29
A: 02404720 ornata (Wallich ex Beddome) Ching Bhutan: 14 km S of Shamgong between Shamgong and Man... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3816 1986-3-29
A: 02404719 ornata (Wallich ex Beddome) Ching Bhutan: 14 km S of Shamgong between Shamgong and Man... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3816 1986-3-29
A: 02404718 ornata (Wallich ex Beddome) Ching Bhutan: 14 km S of Shamgong between Shamgong and Man... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3816 1986-3-29
A: 02174074 pallida Lindley Bhutan: Sarbhang-Chirang road, 19 km above Sarbhang A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1550 1979-6-1
A: 01949756 pauciflora (Lind) P. F. Hunt Bhutan: Hillside SE of Pajoding, Thimphu. A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2750 1979-7-19
A: 01985535 pearcei Ormerod & C.S.Kumar Bhutan: Donga La (west side), E. Bhutan F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20512 1949-4-23
A: 00085715 pearcei Ormerod & C.S.Kumar Bhutan: Donga La (west side), E. Bhutan F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20512 1949-4-23
A: 01246910 pedicellata (Wallich & D. Don) Grisebach Bhutan: Samtengang (1900) G. Murata, H. Ohashi, & T. Yamazaki 1967-4-26
A: 01936236 pedicellatum C. de Candolle Bhutan: 7 km NE of Phuntsholing between Phuntsoling ... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3959 1986-4-6
A: 01936235 pedicellatum C. de Candolle Bhutan: 13 km NE of Phuntsholing between Phuntsoling... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3950 1986-4-6
GH: 01936234 pedicellatum C. de Candolle Bhutan: 11.6 km S of Shamgong on the road to Gaylegp... B. M. Bartholomew 1617 1984-5-9
GH: 01936233 pedicellatum C. de Candolle Bhutan: 49.2 km S of Tongsa on the road to Shamgong. B. M. Bartholomew 1607 1984-5-8
AMES: 02093757 praecox (Smith) D. Don Bhutan: Khinay Lhakang, Ungar Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21250 1949
A: 00244205 preptanthus Focke Bhutan: Above Khaling, S of Tashigang A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2311 1979-6-27
A: 01246934 prolata I. B. Balfour Bhutan: Shingbe, Me La F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21203 1949-9-20
A: 01246933 prolata I. B. Balfour Bhutan: Tolegang, Tsampa F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19718 1949-9-10
A: 00303834 punctatum Royle ex Kunth Bhutan: Dengchung, Khoma Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 18774 1949-4-27
A: 00244204 pungens Cambessedes Bhutan: Thimphu district: Dotena, Thimphu Chu A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4439 1982-4-15
A: 02176254 pycnorhizus Wallich ex Bentham Bhutan: Dhur Chu, Bumthang Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19492 1949-7-22
A: 02176255 pycnorhizus Wallich ex Bentham Bhutan: between Me La and Cho La (NE Bhutan) F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21411 1949-8-21
A: 02176256 pycnorhizus Wallich ex Bentham Bhutan: NE Bhutan: between Me La and Cho La valley F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20459 1949-7-2
A: 02176257 pycnorhizus Wallich ex Bentham Bhutan: Eastern Himalaya [?Bhutan], Pempupkung L. Rhomoo & Ribu 5135 1911-9-6
AMES: 02095509 resupinata Ridley Bhutan: Chukka district: forested ridge 5 km N of Ju... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3081 1982-2-20
A: 02095508 resupinata Ridley Bhutan: Sangura S. K. Mukerjee 6102 1966-11-16
A: 02467788 rosthornii Diels Bhutan: Mishichen (1400) -- Khosa(1600) H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi, Ta... 173 1967-5-10
A: 00312158 rotundifolia Linnaeus Bhutan: Monyul, Trimo F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & G. Taylor 6425 1938-10-31
GH: 00303914 rotundifolia Griffith Bhutan: East Himalaya [about Panga and towards Chupe... W. Griffith 4495
A: 00244152 rugosus Smith Bhutan: Chukka district: hillside S of Tala A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3196 1982-2-23
ECON: 01005506 sativa Linnaeus Bhutan: Thimpu T. S. Negi 1971
A: 01977144 scandens Benjamin Bhutan: Shabjetang, Bumthang Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19675 1949-9-5
A: 01977143 scandens Benjamin Bhutan: East Bhutan: Trashiyangse Dzong. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21023 1949-8-13
A: 01977142 scandens Benjamin Bhutan: Bumthang. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16954 1949-7-26
FH: 00079003 semitortipilum M. Fleischer Bhutan: W. Griffith 389
A: 00244151 sengorensis Grierson & D. G. Long Bhutan: Forest slopes below Sengor A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2524 1979-7-6
A: 00959849 sericea Lindley Bhutan: 22 km N of Chimakothi near the village of Ch... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3969 1986-4-7
A: 00959879 sericea Lindley Bhutan: Tzatogang(3200)--Dotanang(2500) H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 1967-5-27
A: 00959876 sericea Lindley Bhutan: Chima Khothi (2150) -- Bunakha (2100) -- Tan... H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 1967-4-5
A: 00959875 sericea Lindley Bhutan: Tashiling(2100)-=Neylong(2200)==Charikhachor... H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi, Ta... 1967-4-20
GH: 00959872 sericea Lindley Bhutan: W side of the Bumthang Valley in the vicinit... B. M. Bartholomew 1571 1984-5-6
A: 00043147 sherriffii Harry Smith Bhutan: Pangotang, Bumthang Chu, alt. 12500 feet F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 18972 1949-5-26
A: 01989901 sherriffii H. Ohba Bhutan: Chesha La, Upper Pho Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16641 1949-6-27
A: 01989901 sherriffii (H. Ohba) Kozhevnikov Bhutan: Chesha La, Upper Pho Chu. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16641 1949-6-27
A: 00061387 sikkimensis Krisa Bhutan: Tobrang (Trashiyangse Chu), open hillside, 7... F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20901 1949-7-7
A: 00244150 sikkimensis Hooker f. Bhutan: Shingbe, Me La alt. 12,000 ft. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20770 1949-6-27
A: 00244166 sikkimensis Hooker f. Bhutan: Forest slopes above Sengor, below Thrumse La A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1916 1979-6-14
A: 01989963 sp. Bhutan: Me La - Cho La Valley F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20462 1949-7-2
A: 00047927 sp. Bhutan: Chang-Na Na to Paso, alt. 7750-9600 feet B. J. Gould 128 1938-5-22
A: 01245049 sp. Bhutan: Phage La, Mangde Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 17212 1949-8-31
A: 01245048 sp. Bhutan: Pangotang, Tsampa F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19711 1949-9-9
A: 01245030 sp. Bhutan: Dochu La between Thimphu and Wangdu Phodgran... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3891 1986-4-1
A: 01245012 sp. Bhutan: Thimphu ridge below Pajoding A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4454 1982-4-16
A: 01936409 sp. Bhutan: Gaylegphug Lodrai Khola near Gaylegphug A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3881 1982-3-21
A: 01936408 sp. Bhutan: Tongsa near Pertimi A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4279 1982-4-3
A: 01936402 sp. Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Burborte Khola near Phips... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3841 1982-3-18
A: 01936394 sp. Bhutan: Samchi Tamangdhanra Forest, Samchi A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3300 1982-2-28
A: 01936473 sp. Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Singi Khola 10 km SW of S... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3599 1982-3-9
A: 00244148 sp. Linnaeus Bhutan: Thimphu district: Jujo, Dobchu valley near P... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4702 1982-4-26
A: 00244151 sp. Linnaeus Bhutan: Forest slopes below Sengor A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2524 1979-7-6
A: 00244152 sp. Linnaeus Bhutan: Chukka district: hillside S of Tala A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3196 1982-2-23
A: 00057633 sp. Bhutan: Ha F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & G. Taylor 16035 1949
A: 01944136 stenopetalum Lindley Bhutan: Me La-Cho La Valley, N. E. Bhutan. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 21416 1949-8-21
GH: 00067477 stipulata T. Anderson Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 860
A: 00466342 stipulata T. Anderson Bhutan: Tongsa district A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4276 1983-4-3
GH: 02093014 stricta (D. Don) Schlechter Bhutan: Gaylegphug Rang Khola 4 km NE of Surey. A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4120 1982-3-29
A: 00801933 suaveolens (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Sweet Bhutan: Samchi Chepuwa Khola SE of Samchi A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3463 1982-3-4
A: 01936310 suipigua Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don Bhutan: 13 km SW of Gedu between Phuntsholing and Ge... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3936 1986-4-6
A: 01936310 sylvaticum Roxburgh Bhutan: 13 km SW of Gedu between Phuntsholing and Ge... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3936 1986-4-6
A: 01978249 tetraphylla (G. Forster) Hooker & Arnott Bhutan: Punakha 2 km below Chuzomsa, Tang Chu A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4518 1982-4-20
A: 01978254 tetraphylla (G. Forster) Hooker & Arnott Bhutan: 45 km S of Tongsa on road to Shamgong along ... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3838 1986-3-30
A: 01978280 tetraphylla (G. Forster) Hooker & Arnott Bhutan: Chaisilaka G. V. Subba Rao 278 1963-12-21
A: 01246970 tibetica King ex Hook.fil. Bhutan: Laya (3650) - Laum Thang (3900m) H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 1967-5-18
A: 01989927 triactina A. Berger Bhutan: Forested valley above Chenkaphug, E. of Thim... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2806 1979-7-20
GH: 00936120 trichocarpum (Handel-Mazzetti) I. M. Johnston Bhutan: Gafoola. Upper Pho Chu F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16747 1949-7-6
AMES: 01946822 trichosantha Lindley Bhutan: Menjibi [(Kuem Chu)] F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 20990 1949-8-7
AMES: 02386479 umbellatum Lindley Bhutan: Punakha 2 km below Thinleygang A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 4675 1982-4-24
A: 00043149 vacillans Harry Smith Bhutan: Valley above Barshong, Thimbu Chu, alt. 1350... F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16352 1949-5-25
A: 00285970 verticillata Merrill Bhutan: Guni Sa. 8 miles upstream of Drugye Dzong F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & H. H. Ell... 16230 1949-5-14
A: 02095534 viridiflora (Blume) Lindley Bhutan: Diwangiri F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & G. Taylor 6793 1938-11-25
A: 00057633 wallichiana Zuccarini Bhutan: Ha F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & G. Taylor 16035 1949
GH: 00095706 wallichii (Hooker f.) Tirvengadum & Sastre Bhutan: East Bengal W. Griffith 2786/2
GH: 00095705 wallichii (Hooker f.) Tirvengadum & Sastre Bhutan: East Bengal W. Griffith 2786/2
GH: 00095706 wallichii Hooker f. Bhutan: East Bengal W. Griffith 2786/2
GH: 00095705 wallichii Hooker f. Bhutan: East Bengal W. Griffith 2786/2
GH: 00052884 zizyphifolia Griffith Bhutan: W. Griffith 549/1 1838
GH: 00052884 zizyphifolium (Griffith) D. G. Long & A. G. Miller Bhutan: W. Griffith 549/1 1838
Acanthaceae A: 00977667 Justicia adhatoda Linnaeus Bhutan: Wangdu Phodrang (1250) H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 1967-4-9
Anacardiaceae A: 01873438 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand Bhutan: [data not captured] A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3672
A: 01873439 Drimycarpus racemosus (Roxburgh) Hooker f. ex Marchand Bhutan: [data not captured] A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3512
A: 00987058 Mangifera indica Linnaeus Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Sarbhang A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3632 1982-3-10
Apocynaceae A: 02182297 Alstonia sebusi (Van Heurck & Müller Argoviensis) Monachino Bhutan: Samtengang(1900) -- Tashi Choling (1900) == ... G. Murata, H. Ohashi, & T. Yamazaki 10004 1967-4-26
A: 02182296 Alstonia sebusi (Van Heurck & Müller Argoviensis) Monachino Bhutan: Wangdu Phodrang(1250) -- Water Fall (1300) =... H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 3788 1967-4-10
A: 02178871 Beaumontia grandiflora Wallich Bhutan: Sarbhang district: near Lao Pani, 12 km E of... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3546 1982-3-7
A: 02178870 Beaumontia grandiflora Wallich Bhutan: Samchi W bank of Torsa River, Phuntsholing A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2993 1982-2-17
A: 02178869 Beaumontia grandiflora Wallich Bhutan: 45 km S of Tongsa on road to Shamgong along ... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3835 1986-3-30
A: 02114373 Catharanthus roseus Linnaeus & G. Don Bhutan: Gaylegphug A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 1430 1979-5-29
A: 02116305 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich ex A. de Candolle Bhutan: Sankosh district: Balu Khola 7 km W of Phips... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3857 1982-3-19
A: 02372212 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes Bhutan: Chima Khoti - Phuntsholing H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. O... 1967-7-2
A: 02372362 Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex Roemer & Schultes Bhutan: Sankosh district: W bank of river at Pinkhua A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3747 1982-3-16
GH: 02372356 Tabernaemontana macrocarpa Jack Bhutan: Along the Mangde Chu river on the road betwe... B. M. Bartholomew 1636 1984-5-10
A: 02372365 Tabernaemontana sp. Bhutan: 7 km NE of Phuntsholing between Phuntsoling ... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3956 1986-4-6
Aquifoliaceae A: 01154717 Ilex crenata thomsonii (Hooker f.) Loesener Bhutan: [at Tongse] W. Griffith 520
A: 01154717 Ilex thomsonii Hooker f. Bhutan: [at Tongse] W. Griffith 520
Araceae GH: 01654978 Arisaema concinnum Schott Bhutan: 25.7 km W of Yuto La on the road between Bum... B. M. Bartholomew 1580 1984-5-7
A: 01654986 Arisaema consanguineum Schott Bhutan: Bumtang Chu 2 km N of Byakar Dzong A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2594 1979-7-8
A: 01655000 Arisaema elephas Buchet Bhutan: Thimbu Chu, above Naha, near 1st bridge F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 16332 1949-5-23
GH: 01655066 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius Bhutan: 8.2 km E of Dochula on the road between Thim... B. M. Bartholomew 1550 1984-5-3
A: 01655074 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius Bhutan: 14 km W of Pele La on the road from Wangdu P... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3867 1986-3-31
A: 01655075 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius Bhutan: 13 km SW of Gedu between Phuntsholing and Ge... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3937 1986-4-6
A: 01655076 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius Bhutan: 13 km SW of Gedu between Phuntsholing and Ge... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3937 1986-4-6
A: 01655078 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius Bhutan: Chukka district: between Jumudag and Tala A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3129 1982-2-22
A: 01655079 Arisaema nepenthoides (Wallich) Martius Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Dara Chu, Chirang Road A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3700 1982-3-12
A: 01627008 Gonatanthus pumilus (D. Don) Engler & K. Krause Bhutan: Between Morong and Narfong, N of Samdrup Jon... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 2215 1979-6-24
A: 01627320 Lasia spinosa (Linnaeus) Thwaites Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Burborte Khola near Phips... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3842 1982-3-18
A: 01627321 Lasia spinosa (Linnaeus) Thwaites Bhutan: Sarbhang district: Burborte Khola near Phips... A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3842 1982-3-18
A: 01629783 Pothos chinensis (Rafinesque) Merrill Bhutan: Samchi Tamangdhanra Forest, Samchi A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3299 1982-2-28
A: 01630175 Rhaphidophora glauca (Wallich) Schott Bhutan: Chukka district: between Jumudag and Tala A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3126 1982-2-22
A: 01630182 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott Bhutan: 13 km S of Shamgong between Shamgong and the... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3819 1986-3-29
A: 01630183 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott Bhutan: 13 km S of Shamgong between Shamgong and the... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3819 1986-3-29
A: 01630184 Rhaphidophora hookeri Schott Bhutan: Samchi ravine at Buduni W of Samchi A. J. C. Grierson & D. G. Long 3357 1982-3-1
A: 01630200 Rhaphidophora peepla (Roxburgh) Schott Bhutan: 13 km S of Shamgong between Shamgong and the... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3823 1986-3-29
Araliaceae A: 00072106 Aralia foliolosa Seemann ex C. B. Clarke Bhutan: W. Griffith 2074
GH: 00072531 Paratropia Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 2692/1
GH: 00072531 Schefflera bengalensis Gamble Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 2692/1
GH: 00072531 Schefflera pubigera (Brongniart ex Planchon) Frodin Bhutan: East Himalaya W. Griffith 2692/1
Asteraceae A: 01238932 Artemisia vexans Pampanini Bhutan: Pangotang, Tsampa F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 19738 1949-9-13
A: 00006249 Cremanthodium bhutanicum Ludlow Bhutan: Near Thampe La. F. Ludlow, G. Sherriff & J. H. Hic... 17177 1949-8-22
Athyriaceae A: 00969868 Diplazium bouffordii Fraser-Jenk. & Pariyar Bhutan: 4 km W of Tinlegang between Thimpu and Wangd... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3768 1986-3-26
A: 00969869 Diplazium bouffordii Fraser-Jenk. & Pariyar Bhutan: 4 km W of Tinlegang between Thimpu and Wangd... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3768 1986-3-26
A: 00969869 Diplazium polypodioides Blume Bhutan: 4 km W of Tinlegang between Thimpu and Wangd... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3768 1986-3-26
A: 00969868 Diplazium polypodioides Blume Bhutan: 4 km W of Tinlegang between Thimpu and Wangd... B. Bartholomew & D. E. Boufford 3768 1986-3-26